Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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:183[Exhibit No. 11(c)]Dr. DuPont's NumbersOf 1,060 patients in NTA on May 15, 1970, 450 were randomly selected forfoUowup.Of these 450, 56 percent remained in the program for 6 months, and 40 percentremained for 11 months.Of those on methadone maintenance, 86 percent remained 6 months as comparedto 15 percent who received no methadone (or were abstinent).After 11 months, 22 percent of the 450 were rearrested. Of the people who remainedin the program, 13 percent were rearrested. Of those who dropped out,28 percent were rearrested in 11 months.In the last 8 months, 23 people have died of overdoses with methadone. Onlyfive of these got their methadone from NTA.[Exhibit No. 11(d)]Administration Order1. purposeThe purpose of this administration order is to provide medical and programguidelines for methadone treatment in Narcotics Treatment Administration programsand cooperating programs.2. DEFINITIONSNew admissions are persons who have no previous record in InformationCentral.Readmissions have l)een previously known by NTA central information buttheir cases have been deactivated.Reportable patients are defined as patients who have been seen at least fourtimes in the preceeding 14 consecutive calendar days.Reportable patients will be considered to be in one of the following fourcategories1. Abstinence2. Methadone maintenance3. Methadone detoxification.4. Methadone hold.Nonreportahle patients are seen at least once in the preceding 28 days but donot qualify as reportable.Transfers are any patients known to Information Central who undergo anapproved change in treatment centers.Inactive patients are defined as those who have no face-to-face contact duringthe preceding 28 days.Abstinence is defined as any continuing treatment contact with the NarcoticsTreatment Administration program or cooperating program in which the individualpatient does not receive methadone.Methadone maintenance is a treatment classification to be used for all patientswho receive regular doses of methadone when the dose of methadone isnot consistently reduced. That is, any patient who receives a regular dose ofmethadone at the same dose level or increasing dose level is to be considereda methadone maintenance patient.* All patients in the methadone maintenancecategory should be urged to stay on methadone maintenance until their lifesituations have been stabilized for a period of 6 months to 1 year or longer. Anypatient who comes off methadone maintenance should be strongly urged to stayin the treatment program while he is being detoxified and after he is abstinentfor a period of not less than 2 months. During this time, urine testing and counselingshould continue while the patient is considered an "abstinence patient."If there are signs of renewed drug hunger and the patient feels he cannot controlthis urge, or if there are signs of renewed drug use, the patient should be* The only exceptions to this definition are the special youth detoxification scheduleswhich have a period of Increasing doses, a plateau, and a programed detoxification within6 months of the first dose.

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