Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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5692D CONGKES.S1st J>kssionH. RES. 1 1IN TIIKIIOISK OF llKriiKSFXTATLVKS.I.\.\i m;v -J-I. 1!)71.Me. I'l rrii; ( I'of liiiiist'lf iind .Mr. A\'i(;(:in>) siil)inittc(l tin- r()ll()\vin. I'.'T!]>r|)()ilc(l uilli ;iiii(Mi(liiiciits, ivI'eiTi'd to tlic House Ciilciidar, ami ofdorcd to1)0 i)rir>t('d.Mmmii !). 11)71( 'oiisidiTi'il, ;nii(Midi'd, and ajifced loRESOLUTION;i liesolred, That, effective Jamiarv o, 1971, there is2 hereby created a select coiimiittee to he composed of eleven3 Memher.s of the House of Kcpreseiitative.s to ))e appointed4 \>\ \\\(' S])eaker, one of \\ii(nii he shall desijiiiate as chainnaii.5 Any vacancy occnrrinji' in the niciuliersliip of the selectG coiiiniitlee shall he liHed in the same manner in wjiich the7 oriuinal ai)pointment was. made.8 )Six\ 2. The select connnittee is authorized and directed toconduct a full and complete investigation ;uid study of all10 aspects of crime affecting- the United States, including, but11 not limited to, (1) its elements, causes, and extent ; (2) the12 preparation, collection, and dissemination of statistics and

1 (lata; (->) the sliariiis" oF iiiloniiatioii. staiti^itics, and data2 amoiio' law enforcement awncies, Federal. State, and local.3 inchuling' the excliange of infoi-niation. .statistics, and data,4 with foreign nations; (4) the adeqna(-y i»l' law enforcement^ and the administration of justice, inchuling' constitutional is-^ sues and prohlems pertaining thereto: (.")) the effect of crime'^and distnrhanccs in the metro]iolifan nrhan areas: ((>) the^ effect, directly or indirectly, of crime on the connnerce of^ the Nation: (7) the treatment and rchahilitation of ])ersons^^ conxicted of crimes; (8) mcasni-es relating to the reduction..^^ control, or prevention of crime: (11) measures relating to the^-injpi'oxement of (A) investigation and detection of crime,^'^(B) law enforcement techniques, including, hut not limited•^to.increased cooperation among the law enforcement agen--^^'cies, and (C) the efTcctive adnnnistration of justice: and^^(10) ineasures and progi'ams h>r increased respect for the']n\y and constituted authoi'ity.•"^Si'.C. .'5. I'or till', pui'posc of making such in\estigations21 •and studies, the. conmiillee or any suhcoimnittee thereof isa,uthori/ed to sit and act. suljject to clause 31 of rule XI of• •the Rules of tlie House of Kepresentativcs. during the pres-00 . ...ent Congress at such times and places within the United1States,• •includmg any Commonwealth or possession thereof,2324 wliether the House is meeting, has recessed, or has ad-95journed, and to hold such hearings and reipure, h\' suhpena

5692D CONGKES.S1st J>kssionH. RES. 1 1IN TIIKIIOISK OF llKriiKSFXTATLVKS.I.\.\i m;v -J-I. 1!)71.Me. I'l rrii; ( I'of liiiiist'lf iind .Mr. A\'i(;(:in>) siil)inittc(l tin- r()ll()\vin. I'.'T!]>r|)()ilc(l uilli ;iiii(Mi(liiiciits, ivI'eiTi'd to tlic House Ciilciidar, ami ofdorcd to1)0 i)rir>t('d.Mmmii !). 11)71( 'oiisidiTi'il, ;nii(Midi'd, <strong>and</strong> ajifced loRESOLUTION;i liesolred, That, effective Jamiarv o, 1971, there is2 hereby created a select coiimiittee to he composed of eleven3 Memher.s of the House of Kcpreseiitative.s to ))e appointed4 \>\ \\\(' S])eaker, one of \\ii(nii he shall desijiiiate as chainnaii.5 Any vacancy occnrrinji' in the niciuliersliip of the selectG coiiiniitlee shall he liHed in the same manner in wjiich the7 oriuinal ai)pointment was. made.8 )Six\ 2. The select connnittee is authorized <strong>and</strong> directed toconduct a full <strong>and</strong> complete investigation ;uid study of all10 aspects of crime affecting- the United States, including, but11 not limited to, (1) its elements, causes, <strong>and</strong> extent ; (2) the12 preparation, collection, <strong>and</strong> dissemination of statistics <strong>and</strong>

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