Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...

Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ... Narcotics research, rehabilitation, and treatment. Hearings, Ninety ...
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154done. Where is the evidence ? Nobody in Fairfax County has died becauseof our methadone. What is the problem we are addressing?Mr. Blommer. Mr. Horan, I think, will address himself to thatproblem. I don't feel I should speak for him.That is all the questions I have.Chairman Pepper. Mr. Mann.Mr. Mann. Your methadone in the program is administered in awav to bring about stabilization, which means they don't get high offof it?Dr. DuPoNT. Eight.Mr. Mann. That w^ould make it different from the street addict ofeven methadone ?Dr. DuPoNT. Right.Mr. Mann. You mentioned there were a wide variety of choices ofprograms under yours. I don't see but two, the methadone maintenanceand abstinence programs. What else is there ?Dr. DuPoNT. To give you an example of the diversity of the programs,we have halfway houses in which people can live in where theycan in some cases take methadone and others remain abstinent.We have 65 beds in a hospital unit for detoxification, primarily foryoung people. They have programs entirely abstinent and these areused a good deal. We have people taking it in decreased dosages, leadingto abstinence and others maintained on it.For example, in the city we cooperate with Colonel Hassan and theBlack Man's Development Center. In the Black Man's DevelopmentCenter patients go through a different experience entirely and areeducated in citizenship training, residential treatment, and decreasingdoses of methadone. That is a very different kind of treatment experiencethan goes on in most of the rest of our programs.Another program, Step-One, run by ex-offenders known as Bonabond.Inc., is a halfway house and outpatient clinic that uses nomethadone.A person can move freely between any of these options.Another program. Guide, D.C., uses psychologists and social workers,in family and individual therapy of patients, and for those whofind that useful, they can go to the program.So there is quite a variety of treatment programs, perhaps not complete,but quite a variety.Mr. Mann. Getting back to the chairman's reaction to your state-I was interested in your state-ment of crimes of personal violence.ment that these crimes of personal violence were not motivated by thedrug effect, but were still motivated by the acquisition of property,of funds to sustain their habits.Dr. DuPont. Right.Mr. Mann. Have you made any effort to distinguish those propertyrelatedcrimes, even though they result in personal violence, fromcrimes of passion resulting in personal violence ?If you were to take homicides and divide them in half you wouldfind that half passion and half property ?Dr. DuPoNT. Right. I haven't looked at that, but that is a goodquestion. I will look into that and maybe I can supply something forthe record on those crimes committed in our previous study.Mr. Mann. Very good.Thank you, Mr. Chairman.(The information referred to above follows:)



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