Qualifications & Rules 2008 Mark Hughes Bonus Award - Herbalife

Qualifications & Rules 2008 Mark Hughes Bonus Award - Herbalife

Qualifications & Rules 2008 Mark Hughes Bonus Award - Herbalife

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<strong>2008</strong> <strong>Mark</strong> <strong>Hughes</strong><strong>Bonus</strong> <strong>Award</strong><strong>Qualifications</strong> & <strong>Rules</strong><strong>Bonus</strong> Qualification PeriodThe qualification period is twelve (12) months, beginning January <strong>2008</strong> through December <strong>2008</strong> volume months.<strong>Bonus</strong> Amount<strong>Herbalife</strong> sets aside up to 1% of total worldwide companyproduct sales to be paid as a <strong>Mark</strong> <strong>Hughes</strong> <strong>Bonus</strong> <strong>Award</strong>(hereafter referred to as “MH <strong>Bonus</strong>”) to President’s Teammembers who meet certain requirements.• The total “MH <strong>Bonus</strong> Pool” amount will be established oncecompany sales results are final.• The MH <strong>Bonus</strong> is paid based on production andperformance.• This is in addition to the established monthly marketing plancompensation.• All President’s Team members are reviewed to determinethe final group of President’s Team members who have metall requirements for eligibility to earn the MH <strong>Bonus</strong>.<strong>Qualifications</strong>There are two qualifications for the MH <strong>Bonus</strong>: the qualificationto “Earn” the <strong>Mark</strong> <strong>Hughes</strong> <strong>Bonus</strong> <strong>Award</strong> and the qualification to“Contribute” to the upline President’s Team member todetermine his/her eligibility to “Earn.” Note: hereafter RoyaltyOverrides points are referred to as R/O points.<strong>Qualifications</strong> to EarnEligibility to participate in earning the MH <strong>Bonus</strong> is determined bymeeting all the following qualifications:• Be a Fully Qualified President’s Team member.• Have at least one (1) first downline President’s Teammember who meets the qualifications to contribute.• Achieve 10,000 or more R/O points in at least nine (9)months during the qualification period, of which three (3)months must be consecutive.President’s Team with only one contributing downlinePresident’s Team memberThere is an additional requirement for MH <strong>Bonus</strong> qualifiers whomeet all the requirements to “Earn” but have only one (1)qualified contributing downline President’s Team member.In addition to all other requirements, they must also achieve aminimum of 48,000 accumulated R/O points during the MH<strong>Bonus</strong> qualification period on all supervisor organizations otherthan the organization of the contributing downline President'sTeam member. MH <strong>Bonus</strong> earners who do not achieve this willbe eligible to participate in the <strong>Bonus</strong> but will earn a maximum<strong>Bonus</strong> of U.S. $10,000.<strong>Qualifications</strong> to ContributeTo qualify as “contributing” to the first “Earning” uplinePresident’s Team member for the MH <strong>Bonus</strong> period, a Distributormust achieve one of the following qualifications, whichever isapplicable.Fully Qualified President’s Team members• Achieve 10,000 or more R/O points in at least six (6)months during the qualification period, of which three (3)months must be consecutive.Newly Qualified President’s Team members in <strong>2008</strong>• Newly qualified President’s Team members who becomefully qualified in <strong>2008</strong>, with an effective qualification dateof February 1, <strong>2008</strong>, through January 1, 2009, will qualifyto “contribute” to their “Earning” upline President’s Teammember.New President’s Team members qualified in <strong>2008</strong>President’s Team members who become fully qualified in <strong>2008</strong>,with an effective qualification date of February 1, <strong>2008</strong>, throughApril 1, <strong>2008</strong>, must achieve nine (9) months of 10,000 R/Opoints, in addition to the three (3) months used to complete theirPresident’s Team qualification.

President’s Team members who did not qualify tocontribute upline in the 2007 MH <strong>Bonus</strong> periodPresident’s Team members who became fully qualified byJanuary 1, 2007 (ending December 2006 volume month) butdid not qualify to contribute to the upline in the 2007 <strong>Bonus</strong>period, must achieve the following during the <strong>2008</strong> <strong>Bonus</strong>period to qualify to “contribute” to their upline President's Teammember:• Three (3) consecutive months of 10,000 R/O points.Determination of Final <strong>Bonus</strong>Amounts & <strong>Bonus</strong> PoolsEach <strong>Bonus</strong> participant eligible to “Earn” competes in the TotalMH <strong>Bonus</strong> Pool.• Separate <strong>Bonus</strong> Pools are established based on thenumber of qualified, contributing downline President’s Teammembers. Pools with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and more contributors areestablished.• Within each Pool, several factors are considered.• Each participant in each pool receives a percentage of theirshare of each factor in comparison to all other participantsin their Pool.• The primary factors for each Pool are:ooTotal Royalty Override points for the <strong>Bonus</strong>period.The number of months each qualified President’sTeam member was blocked on their monthly 6%Production <strong>Bonus</strong> by the contributing President’sTeam member. For example, a new President’sTeam member, who qualifies to contribute butdoes not block the upline on the 6% in any monthduring the qualification period, will only qualify theupline for a minimum MH <strong>Bonus</strong> amount on thatline compared to President’s Team members whowere blocked for all twelve (12) months.These primary factors determine the Base <strong>Bonus</strong>Amount for each <strong>Bonus</strong> participant within their PoolEach MH <strong>Bonus</strong> participant is then reviewed for his or herpersonal production (above the minimum requirement) in thecategories listed. MH <strong>Bonus</strong> finalists may earn an extra <strong>Bonus</strong>amount for personal production above the minimumrequirement.The production factors, which are reviewed to determineadditional MH <strong>Bonus</strong> amounts, are listed below in order ofimportance to determine final MH <strong>Bonus</strong>:• An increase or decrease in R/O points for the year <strong>2008</strong> over2007. A decrease over the prior year may cause the base<strong>Bonus</strong> amount to be reduced. An increase may earn anextra <strong>Bonus</strong> amount compared to increases of otherparticipants. Since R/O points are one of the primary factorsfor determining the base MH <strong>Bonus</strong> amount, a Royaltyincrease will generally move a qualifier higher in the MH<strong>Bonus</strong> Pool, which increases the base MH <strong>Bonus</strong> amount,plus the potential to qualify to earn an extra MH <strong>Bonus</strong>amount.• The number of months the <strong>Bonus</strong> participant personallyachieved 10,000 Royalty Override points during the year.• Total personal sales production (Personal + Group Volume)above 30,000 Total Volume Points for the qualificationperiod.• Total downline organizational production (Production <strong>Bonus</strong>(P/B) Points) compared to other <strong>Bonus</strong> Pool participants.Discretionary <strong>Bonus</strong>The final MH <strong>Bonus</strong> consideration is discretionary and mayinclude the following:• Demonstrate leadership and company spirit – This is areflection of the way each President’s Team member conductshis business, the integrity of his business practices, the spiritof support and sharing with his colleagues and the company,other organizations as well as his own, his dedication toCompany programs and his efforts to enhance the image,reputation and overall business of the Company.• Support, promotion and participation in Company efforts,including Company meetings and other efforts such asconference calls, HBN, video/audiotapes, promotions,marketing and sales projects, suggestions and working withthe company to develop strategic plans and leading the effortto enhance the Company’s overall business.

<strong>Rules</strong>, Terms and ConditionsAs well as all other rules and conditions the companypublishes from time to time, the following apply to allPresident’s Team members for eligibility to earn orcontribute to the <strong>Mark</strong> <strong>Hughes</strong> <strong>Bonus</strong> <strong>Award</strong>.1. Contributing <strong>Rules</strong>• Anyone with 9 months or more at 10,000 Royalty Points isconsidered a ‘Contributing Earner.’• Anyone with 6 – 8 months at 10,000 Royalty Points isconsidered a ‘Contributor.’• Anyone with 3 – 5 months of 10,000 Royalty Points isconsidered a ‘Partial Contributor.’• A Contributor who also earns will always contribute to anupline Earner.• Within a line, the Earner will count the contributor with themost months blocking.• When Earner has an Inactive downline (0 – 2 months @10,000 royalties) or Partial Contributor (3 – 5 months @10,000 royalties) the downline below the inactive / partialContributor will count as the contributing legs.2. Divorced/Separated PartnersThe following rules will apply to divorced/separated partners whoare President’s Team members, in order to qualify to earn in theMH <strong>Bonus</strong>. Both parties are able to count the Royalty Points onthe original Distributorship. In addition, each individual maycount the Royalty Points in their own, separate Distributorship,which has been approved by the Company, but may not countthe Royalty Points in their former spouse/partner's own separateDistributorship. Any President’s Team members that qualify tocontribute in the original joint distributorship will count for bothparties. Any President’s Team members that qualify tocontribute in one individual's separate Distributorship will onlycount for that individual.3. Qualification of Spouse/PartnerA President's Team member, who is the spouse or partner of anupline President's Team member, will not qualify to contribute tothat upline President's Team member as a qualifying leg in theMH <strong>Bonus</strong>.4. Compliance with <strong>Rules</strong> & RegulationsAll qualifying President’s Team members, both earning andcontributing, must be in full compliance with all rules andregulations of the company, as published in the <strong>Herbalife</strong> CareerBook and other company literature, and as determined at thesole discretion of <strong>Herbalife</strong>.Distributors may not provide payment for product orders inanother Distributor’s name, unless a Supervisor is ordering for anon-Supervisor, which is considered the Supervisor’s ownPersonal Volume. Attempts to purchase products in anotherDistributor’s name could be interpreted as attempts to improperlyadvance in the <strong>Mark</strong>eting Plan. If <strong>Herbalife</strong> determines such aviolation has occurred, <strong>Herbalife</strong> will have sole discretion on theapplication of penalty; of which the minimum would bedisqualification from participating in the MH <strong>Bonus</strong> either tocontribute or to earn.5. Royalty Override AdjustmentsAdjustments to Royalty Overrides after the regular scheduledprocess, including but not limited to, matching volume orders,may not necessarily be applied to the R/O point requirements forqualifying to earn or contribute to the MH <strong>Bonus</strong>, the monthlyTab Team <strong>Bonus</strong> or other qualifications of the company.6. Audit of Business Activity<strong>Herbalife</strong> reserves the right to audit all business activity in theDistributor’s organization prior to final approval for President'sTeam qualification and for MH <strong>Bonus</strong> qualification. Distributorsmust fully cooperate with the company on any inquiries into thebusiness activity of themselves or their downline. Failure to doso will result in disqualification from the participation in the MH<strong>Bonus</strong>.7. Requirements for TAB Team Production <strong>Bonus</strong>President’s Team members must be qualified, eligible and meetall requirements to participate in the monthly TAB TeamProduction <strong>Bonus</strong> in order to participate in the <strong>2008</strong> <strong>Mark</strong><strong>Hughes</strong> <strong>Bonus</strong> <strong>Award</strong>, and have a signed, accepted the TABTeam Production <strong>Bonus</strong> Agreement on file with the company.8. Right to Alter, Change or Suspend <strong>Bonus</strong><strong>Herbalife</strong> maintains the right to change, alter, modify, suspend ordiscontinue the MH <strong>Bonus</strong> program at any time, without priornotice.9. Distribution of Funds<strong>Herbalife</strong> has sole discretion in the distribution of funds, indetermining the amount of the total MH <strong>Bonus</strong> Pool, indetermining eligibility of participants, both contributors andearners and in determining each distributors bonus amount.10. Disqualification from the <strong>Bonus</strong><strong>Herbalife</strong> reserves the right to disqualify any distributor fromparticipation in the MH <strong>Bonus</strong> if the company deems that thedistributor has violated any of the company rules and regulationsor has in any way caused harm to the business of thecorporation or to business of distributors of the company.11. Buybacks<strong>Herbalife</strong> reserves the right to analyze all buyback transactionsin your downline organization and may apply a penaltydeduction in the final MH <strong>Bonus</strong> payout.12. Non-AttendanceThe presence of your Distributorship at major events is afactor which is taken into consideration during the calculationof the <strong>Mark</strong> <strong>Hughes</strong> bonus. If your <strong>Mark</strong> <strong>Hughes</strong> <strong>Bonus</strong>earning status is above $10,000, non-attendance at theannual bonus awards payout may result in a reduction toyour final bonus amount. Discretionary elements taken intoconsideration are medical, bereavement or Visa issues.Supporting documentation may be requested.

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