AADvance Safety Manual - Tuv-fs.com

AADvance Safety Manual - Tuv-fs.com AADvance Safety Manual - Tuv-fs.com


AADvance Safety ManualmoduleA plastic housing containing a processor or acollation of I/O devices with a self-containedand standardized physical form factor. Oneof the fundamental building blocks of theAADvance controller. Processor modulesplug into the processor base unit, I/Omodules plug into a termination assemblyfitted to an I/O base unit.module clamp screwThe AADvance latch mechanism seen on thefront panel of each module and operated bya broad, flat-blade screwdriver. Uses a camaction to lock to the processor base unit orI/O base unit.NNFPA 85The Boiler and Combustion SystemsHazards Code. Applies to certain boilers,stokers, fuel systems, and steam generators.The purpose of this code is to contribute tooperating safety and to prevent uncontrolledfires, explosions and implosions.NFPA 86A standard for Ovens and Furnaces.Provides the requirements for theprevention of fire and explosion hazards inassociated with heat processing of materialsin ovens, furnaces and related equipment.Oon-lineThe state of a controller that is executingthe application software.OPCA series of standards specifications whichsupport open connectivity in industrialautomation.output (Workbench variable)In the context of an AADvance Workbenchvariable, this term describes a quantitypassed from the Workbench to a controller.PpingingIn Modbus communications, sending thediagnostic Query Data command over a linkand by receiving a reply ensuring that thelink is healthy and the controller is able tocommunicate with the master. No processdata is transferred or modified. In the caseof slave devices that will not support pingingthen the Standby command will default toInactive state, but no error will be returned.portable equipmentEnclosed equipment that is moved while inoperation or which can easily be movedfrom one place to another while connectedto the supply. Examples are programmingand debugging tools and test equipment.precisionSee 'accuracy'.process safety timeThe maximum delay that can elapse betweensuccessive executions before the applicationsoftware is stopped. For equipment undercontrol this represents the period of time adangerous condition can exist without theprotection of a safety instrumented systembefore a hazardous event occurs. It can be afraction of a second or more than an hour,depending on the application.processor base unitA backplane assembly which holds all of theprocessor modules in an AADvancecontroller. Part number 9100. See also'processor module'.processor moduleThe application execution engine of theAADvance controller, housed in a selfcontainedand standardized physical formfactor.producerIn CIP over Ethernet/IP communications, aproducing controller — a controllerproducing a tag to one or more consumers,at the request of the consumers.7-6 Document number 553630 Issue 7: February 2010

Chapter 6 Glossary of Termsprogram enable keyA security device that protects theapplication from unauthorized access andchange, in the form factor of a 9-way 'D'type plug. Part number 9906. Supplied withthe processor base unit. See also 'keyconnector'.projectA collection of configurations and thedefinition of the linking between them. See'configuration'.protocolA set of rules that is used by devices (suchas AADvance controllers, serial devices andengineering workstations) to communicatewith each other. The rules encompasselectrical parameters, data representation,signalling, authentication, and errordetection. Examples include Modbus, TCPand IP.RrealA class of analogue variable stored in afloating, single-precision 32-bit format.redundancyThe use of two or more devices, eachcarrying out the same function, to improvereliability or availability.resolutionThe smallest interval measurable by aninstrument; the level of detail which may berepresented. For example, 12 bits candistinguish between 4096 values.RS-232-C, RS-422, RS-485Standard interfaces introduced by theElectronic Industries Alliance covering theelectrical connection between datacommunication equipment. RS-232-C is themost commonly used interface; RS-422 andRS-485 allow for higher transmission ratesover increased distances.RTCReal-time clock.RTURemote terminal unit. The Modbus protocolsupported by the AADvance controller forModbus communications over serial links,with the ability to multi-drop to multipleslave devices.Ssafe stateA state which enables the execution of aprocess demand. Usually entered after thedetection of a fault condition; it makes surethe effect of the fault is to enable rather thandisable a process demand.safety accuracyThe accuracy of an analogue signal withinwhich the signal is guaranteed to be free ofdangerous faults. If the signal drifts outsideof this range, it is declared faulty.safety-critical stateA faulted state which prevents the executionof a process demand.sensorA device or combination of devices thatmeasure a process condition. Examples aretransmitters, transducers, process switchesand position switches.sequential function chartAn IEC 61131 language that divides theprocess cycle into a number of well-definedsteps separated by transitions. See 'limitedvariability language'.SFFSafe Failure Fraction. Given by (the sum ofthe rate of safe failures plus the rate ofdetected dangerous failures) divided by (thesum of the rate of safe failures plus the rateof detected and undetected dangerousfailures).Document number 553630 Issue 7: February 2010 7-7

<strong>AADvance</strong> <strong>Safety</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>moduleA plastic housing containing a processor or acollation of I/O devices with a self-containedand standardized physical form factor. Oneof the fundamental building blocks of the<strong>AADvance</strong> controller. Processor modulesplug into the processor base unit, I/Omodules plug into a termination assemblyfitted to an I/O base unit.module clamp screwThe <strong>AADvance</strong> latch mechanism seen on thefront panel of each module and operated bya broad, flat-blade screwdriver. Uses a camaction to lock to the processor base unit orI/O base unit.NNFPA 85The Boiler and Combustion SystemsHazards Code. Applies to certain boilers,stokers, fuel systems, and steam generators.The purpose of this code is to contribute tooperating safety and to prevent uncontrolledfires, explosions and implosions.NFPA 86A standard for Ovens and Furnaces.Provides the requirements for theprevention of fire and explosion hazards inassociated with heat processing of materialsin ovens, furnaces and related equipment.Oon-lineThe state of a controller that is executingthe application software.OPCA series of standards specifications whichsupport open connectivity in industrialautomation.output (Workbench variable)In the context of an <strong>AADvance</strong> Workbenchvariable, this term describes a quantitypassed from the Workbench to a controller.PpingingIn Modbus <strong>com</strong>munications, sending thediagnostic Query Data <strong>com</strong>mand over a linkand by receiving a reply ensuring that thelink is healthy and the controller is able to<strong>com</strong>municate with the master. No processdata is transferred or modified. In the caseof slave devices that will not support pingingthen the Standby <strong>com</strong>mand will default toInactive state, but no error will be returned.portable equipmentEnclosed equipment that is moved while inoperation or which can easily be movedfrom one place to another while connectedto the supply. Examples are programmingand debugging tools and test equipment.precisionSee 'accuracy'.process safety timeThe maximum delay that can elapse betweensuccessive executions before the applicationsoftware is stopped. For equipment undercontrol this represents the period of time adangerous condition can exist without theprotection of a safety instrumented systembefore a hazardous event occurs. It can be afraction of a second or more than an hour,depending on the application.processor base unitA backplane assembly which holds all of theprocessor modules in an <strong>AADvance</strong>controller. Part number 9100. See also'processor module'.processor moduleThe application execution engine of the<strong>AADvance</strong> controller, housed in a selfcontainedand standardized physical formfactor.producerIn CIP over Ethernet/IP <strong>com</strong>munications, aproducing controller — a controllerproducing a tag to one or more consumers,at the request of the consumers.7-6 Document number 553630 Issue 7: February 2010

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