AADvance Safety Manual - Tuv-fs.com

AADvance Safety Manual - Tuv-fs.com AADvance Safety Manual - Tuv-fs.com


AADvance Safety ManualTwo function blocks are provided that make the overall status of the bindingscommunication subsystem available to the application — one indicates consumerstatus, the other producer status. In addition to these, each binding link can beconfigured with a variable to make the status of the individual links available to theapplication.Where a binding link is configured over redundant networks, the status of individualphysical networks is also made available to the application.Application Program DevelopmentThe application program development shall follow a structured approach as defined inthe AADvance Workbench documentation. The stages defined in the following subsectionsshall additionally be applied for safety related applications.AADvance Workbench ConfigurationThe AADvance Workbench supports four levels of password access, level 0 being thehighest access level. Each workbench function (for example, viewing, editing, compiling,downloading) may be identified for use only by users with an access level above acertain level.Language SelectionUser access passwords shall be implemented, the recommended access levelsare: Password protection and read-only mode for a complete project Password protection and read-only mode for individual resources Password protection for individual POUs Password protection for a targetThe Workbench offers many programming tools to develop algorithms to meet theneeds of virtually any real-time control application. The configuration and programminglanguages approved for use in SIL3 safety related application are shown in the table.Table 12:Safety and Non-safety LanguagesSafety RelatedFunction Block (FB)Instruction List (IL)Structured Text (ST)Ladder Diagrams (LD)5-26 Document number 553630 Issue 7: February 2010

Chapter 5 AADvance Functional Safety SystemImplementationSequential Function Chart (SFC) Safety Related Languages. The AADvance controller supports acomprehensive set of certified functions. The certified functions set includes themost commonly used function. These tested functions may be used freely in thedevelopment of an application. Further functions may be used subject tocompletion of testing commensurate with the level used for the commonly usedfunctionIL and ST include program flow control functions; these functions shall be usedwith caution to ensure that infinite loop or omitted logic conditions do not result.Where these constructs are used, it is recommended that full branch and datacoverage tests be performed on these sections of program. It is recommended thatonly Boolean conditions be used for these constructs to ensure that a feasible set oftests can be applied.Application programmer generated function blocks may be created either on aproject specific or library basis. Where these functions are to be used for safetyrelatedapplications, they shall be subject to exhaustive testing, commensurate withthat used for the commonly used functions. Once the function block has been subjectto this level of testing it may be used as for commonly used functions.There is provision for the AADvance system to support multiple programs within aproject. A complete project may be classified as safety or non-safety related. A safetyrelatedproject may use only the safety programming languages; non-safetyprogramming languages shall not be used. A project classified as non-safety may use anyof the programming languages and the full instruction set but shall not be used toimplement safety related functions.Testing of New or Previously Untested FunctionsThe AADvance Workbench comprises a number of function blocks that can becombined together to form a project application.The use of these function blocks in a safety certified system is only permittedonce they have been tested for correct operation.The new or previously untested function may be: a generic function block, which forms part of the Workbench, but has notpreviously been subject to the level of testing defined herein, or a project-specific function block, which is written to meet the needs of a particularfeature within an application program, and may comprise a number of genericfunction blocks or other program functions.Document number 553630 Issue 7: February 2010 5-27

<strong>AADvance</strong> <strong>Safety</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>Two function blocks are provided that make the overall status of the bindings<strong>com</strong>munication subsystem available to the application — one indicates consumerstatus, the other producer status. In addition to these, each binding link can beconfigured with a variable to make the status of the individual links available to theapplication.Where a binding link is configured over redundant networks, the status of individualphysical networks is also made available to the application.Application Program DevelopmentThe application program development shall follow a structured approach as defined inthe <strong>AADvance</strong> Workbench documentation. The stages defined in the following subsectionsshall additionally be applied for safety related applications.<strong>AADvance</strong> Workbench ConfigurationThe <strong>AADvance</strong> Workbench supports four levels of password access, level 0 being thehighest access level. Each workbench function (for example, viewing, editing, <strong>com</strong>piling,downloading) may be identified for use only by users with an access level above acertain level.Language SelectionUser access passwords shall be implemented, the re<strong>com</strong>mended access levelsare: Password protection and read-only mode for a <strong>com</strong>plete project Password protection and read-only mode for individual resources Password protection for individual POUs Password protection for a targetThe Workbench offers many programming tools to develop algorithms to meet theneeds of virtually any real-time control application. The configuration and programminglanguages approved for use in SIL3 safety related application are shown in the table.Table 12:<strong>Safety</strong> and Non-safety Languages<strong>Safety</strong> RelatedFunction Block (FB)Instruction List (IL)Structured Text (ST)Ladder Diagrams (LD)5-26 Document number 553630 Issue 7: February 2010

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