The Ever-Present Origin - Michael Goodnight - Editor

The Ever-Present Origin - Michael Goodnight - Editor

The Ever-Present Origin - Michael Goodnight - Editor

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temporal forms which co-constitute man can dissociate him from theexclusive validity of the mental time-form, establish a certain detachment,and enable him to integrate them.<strong>The</strong> courage to accept along with the mental time concept the efficacy ofpre-rational, magic timelessness and irrational, mythical temporicitymakes possible the leap into arational time freedom. This is not a freedomfrom previous time forms, since they are co-constituents of everyone ofus; it is to begin with a freedom for all time forms. Only this form offreedom which proceeds from the concretion and integration of all timeforms, and which can be achieved only by a consciousness which is free tostand "above" the previous time forms, can bring about a consciousadvance or approximation to origin.It is from origin, which is not bound to time, that all time formsconstituting us have mutated. <strong>Origin</strong> lies "before" all timelessness;temporicity, and time. Wherever man becomes conscious of the pre-given,pre-conscious, originary pre-timelessness, he is in time-freedom,consciously recovering its presence. Where this is accomplished, originand the present are integrated by the intensified consciousness. <strong>The</strong>irruption of time into our consciousness is the first indication, the initialmotif of the consciousness mutation that is today acute. This mutation willbear its fruits of transforming the world if we succeed in superseding theirruption of time; but that is tantamount to what we have called thepresentiation of origin, which can be achieved only by the successfulfulfillment of the main task posed by the new mutation: the coming toconsciousness of time-freedom, of the achronon.2. <strong>The</strong> Awakening Consciousness of Integrity or the Whole.<strong>The</strong> coming to awareness of "time" in its full complexity is a preconditionfor the awakening consciousness of time-freedom. <strong>The</strong> freedom from timein turn is the precondition for the realization of the integral consciousnessstructure that enables us to perceive the aperspectival world. <strong>The</strong> wholecan be perceived only aperspectivally; when we view things in aperspectival way we see only segments. In conceptual terms, however, wecan only approach the whole by way of "integrals" or "totalities."But what are "integrals"? This frequently used concept must be defined inmore specific terms because of its destructive effects, right down to the"totalitarian" conceptions where it was linked with the vitalist principle andrepresented only the vital aspect of time. An integral is not a fusion ofdiscrete material parts; if it were, it would be only an amassment or sum.Nor is an integral the fusion of material parts with one of the possibletemporal aspects as in totalitarianism. True integrals are constituted onlywhere we assist spatial and temporal components in their own way toform a mutual, enduring efficacy. A true integral in this sense is "man asthe integrality of his mutations" (see above p. 152 f., Part I, chapter 4,section 5). Integrals,therefore, are not summations of parts but occurwhere parts—which are always spatially bound—are consciously perceived70

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