The Ever-Present Origin - Michael Goodnight - Editor

The Ever-Present Origin - Michael Goodnight - Editor

The Ever-Present Origin - Michael Goodnight - Editor

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presupposes in any event the mental consciousness structure. In the samesense we cannot speak of mere "religion" with respect to the integralstructure. <strong>Present</strong>iation is "more" than a tie to the past; it is also anincorporation of the future.Inasmuch as presentiation integrates the presence of the past as well asthe presence of the future, the ties of the integral structure are ties topraeligio. This praeligio excludes all delusions and prepossessions; it iswithout expectation, without hope of something, since everything to behoped for is latent in us and is realized through praeligio. <strong>The</strong> same is trueof recollection and of the interchange between the conditioned above andbelow, between the temporally limited left and right, as well as the boundbefore and alter. Praeligio is thus a commitment to the emergenttransparency of the presence of origin,which, as soon as man becomesconscious of it, enables him to perceive as well as to impart the truth ofintegrity or the whole. <strong>The</strong> praeligio does not exclude any of the otherforms of tie or commitment; rather it integrates them "into" the whole.Finally, with regard to cross-section 17, we have repeatedly referred to themagic pars pro toto. We also remind the reader of the characteristicambivalence of the Greek term psyche which signifies not only "soul" butalso "life" within the mythical context. That life, symbolized by mythicpsychicimages, always contains its complementary death pole. <strong>The</strong> first"motto" expresses the unifying moment; the second, the polar. In the thirdwe find Parmenides' sentence, the positing "is"; and in the fourth theintimation that verition is neither a unification, a polarization, apostulation, nor a synthesis, but rather an integration by means of whichorigin - which places its imprint on the whole - becomes the perceivedpresent.2. Summation and ProspectHere we conclude our attempt to exposit the foundations of a newmutation. To the extent that we have been successful in making thismutation evident it will be apparent that the four structures whichconstitute man must be perceived in their entirety as a whole. <strong>The</strong>mutations are an awakening of consciousness, and their "history" as wehave presented it is a contribution toward the understanding of thisawakening of consciousness. This history makes us aware of the vitalityand plenitude with which these structures function.To live these structures together, commensurate with their respectivedegrees of conscious awareness, is to approach an integrated, integral life.And there can be no doubt that our knowledge of the particular structurefrom which a specific event, reaction, attitude, or judgement originates willbe of aid in clarifying our lives. But it must be a clarity aware of theobscure, and a wakefulness that knows of somnolence, for these areprerequisites demanded by the transparency of the integral structure.60

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