The Ever-Present Origin - Michael Goodnight - Editor

The Ever-Present Origin - Michael Goodnight - Editor

The Ever-Present Origin - Michael Goodnight - Editor

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chapters 5, 6, and 7, we would like to include them in severalcomplementary cross-sectional tables. We begin with those cross-sectionswhich complement the ones already given earlier for the forms ofrealization and thought in cross-section 11.a) and b). This results in thefollowing additional summary:ms of Realization and Thoughtessd) Expression e) Formulation f) Limits g) Valenceaic <strong>Present</strong>iment <strong>Present</strong>iment World-origin — —icicaltalralassociative,analogizing,sympatheticinterweavingvitalexperienceinternalized recollection,contemplation — undergoneexternalized utterance, experienceexpressionWorld-knowled ge, theconditioned“recognized” worldWorld-image orWeltanschauun g: the temporallycontemplated and boundinterpreted worldprojective speculation:Representatio World conception: theoceanic, paradoxical,n Conception, thought and conceptualized limitedthe perspectivalIdeation worldthinkingintegrating, renderingVeritiondiaphanousWorld-Verition: the worldperceived and imparted in open, freetruthunivalentambivaletrivalentmultivaleIn this connection let it be noted that the attributions for the integralstructure in these and subsequent cross-sections present only suggestiveindications and not perspectival postulations or positings. As we havesummarized these cross-sections on the preceding pages, we believe theirreiteration here to be unnecessary. Cross-sections 15,16, and 17 bycontrast will be treated differently:Structure15. Location of the16. Forms of Bond or Tie 17. MottoSoulArchaic (Universe) — (All)MagicMythicalMentalSemen and bloodProligio (prolegere) emotivePars pro totoand point-likeRelegio (relegere)Diaphragm and observing, internalizing Soul is identical toheart(recollecting) and life (and death)externalizing (expressing)Spinal cord andbrainReligion (religare): believing,Thinking is beingknowing and deducing58

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