The Ever-Present Origin - Michael Goodnight - Editor

The Ever-Present Origin - Michael Goodnight - Editor

The Ever-Present Origin - Michael Goodnight - Editor

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IntegralCreed)Method(Divinity)(Eteologeme)(Synairesis):(Diaphany)(Verition: <strong>Present</strong>)Commensurate with the fragmentation into separate sectors that takesplace in the mental structure, dogma has currency and validity only withina single sector, the religious-theological. Other fragmented andintellectualized sectors, in the instance of the symbol, are recognizable inallegory as a rationalized form of conceptuality already dissociated to agreat extent from the psyche. As such, allegory forms an antithetical andintellectualized expression of the imagistic-didactic rather than religioussphere. <strong>The</strong> fragmentation is also evident in the formula and theformalistic tendency which are constitutive for the rationalistic stamp ofthe natural sciences and the sciences of the mind.This process of consolidation of consciousness, finally, is mirrored in thetransposition that takes place from ritual through mysteries to ceremonyand method; each is preceded by its earlier pre-form, which is in everyinstance of lesser consciousness intensity and dimensions. Whenunderstood in this way, the interrelationship between these variousinstances should prove instructive with respect to various phenomena andtheir examination.Since we have ventured to make several partial attributions for theintegral structure we must hasten to add that the term "divinity"appearing under the rubric of forms of expression must not be taken to bea reference to the religious sphere. We will see later the degree to which"the divinitary" is not a religious term in a strict sense but is rather basedan what we described as the "preligious." And we would also mention thatpraeligio represents neither a form of religious antipathy, nor a type ofsubstitute religion. <strong>The</strong> preligious aperspectival world can no moredispense with the religious than the religious can do without relegio or itsmagic preform, proligio.Preligion is merely an expression of the aperspectival form of "religion"which integrates the archaic presence, and its presentiation is neithetrforward- (or future-) directed, nor backward- (or past-) oriented; butreligion forms an irrevocable constituent of its foundations. And when werecall in this connection our discussion of both presentiation, which is arealization or effectuation of presence, and the diaphainon or diaphaneity,this reference to the preligious character of the divinitary will come as nosurprise. (We shall return to this question in our discussion of crosssection16 in chapter 7 of Part I below.) Nor will the material in cross-section 13which is discussed above in the second section of the present chapterevoke any astonishment.<strong>The</strong> material contained in the fourth and concluding grouping has also46

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