The Ever-Present Origin - Michael Goodnight - Editor

The Ever-Present Origin - Michael Goodnight - Editor

The Ever-Present Origin - Michael Goodnight - Editor

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apparent in the development of aperspectivity.If we fail to recognize this still potent past legacy, it may at any timebecome critical and threaten to overwhelm us; and this would prevent usfrom perceiving the new with the requisite vigilance and detachment.Because of this, we will examine in the following chapter those incisiveoccurrences that have manifest themselves (to use our term) as mutationsof the consciousness of mankind. <strong>The</strong> results of these mutations are latentin each and every one of us in the form of the various consciousnessstructures and continue to be effective in us. It is our hope that this briefoutline of the nature of the unperspectival and theperspectival worlds hasclarified one point: the degree to which the aperspectival world must bebuilt on the foundations of the perspectival world if it is to surpass it. Andas we expand and extend the temporal breadth and depth of itstemporality, the bases for the aperspectival world will become broaderand increasingly supportive.Chapter 4Mutations as an Integral Phenomenon:An Intermediate Summary1. Cross-sections through the StructuresHaving attempted to present the various consciousness structures in theirtemporal sequence, in "longitudinal section" as it were, we should now,before addressing the most important attendant problems, turn to asummary that presents them in "cross-section" from a different vantagepoint. Besides ensuring an orderly survey, this will also demonstrate that,when speaking of the structures which constitute us, we are dealing withan integral phenomenon. Each and every one of us is not just the sum or"result" of the mutations described, but their embodiment as a whole - awhole that also contains latently the possible further mutation toaperspectivity (which we will describe in Part II below).Two considerations are fundamental to this provisional summary, one withrespect to its manner of presentation, the other to its main organizingprinciple. We must bear in mind that the cross-section in its entirety whichis to organize the material we have discussed so far will necessarilyconsist of various thematically ordered sections. Our task, then, is tosummarize the various mutually interdependent characteristics of theindividual structures in their respective unfolding throughout the course ofthe mutational sequence. This will provide the main point of departure forour summation: we shall have to inquire into the unfolding of theindividual characteristics, forms of manifestation, and interrelationships ofthe respective structures.32

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