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in Christ Jesus? What if we would expect to maintain<br />

the unity of the Spirit (unity already given to us by<br />

God) in the bond of peace?<br />

If we treat each other as beloved family, would you<br />

bring out the best in me and I bring out the best in<br />

you as a teacher does when she brings out the best in<br />

her students? What if we saw each other as one<br />

human family even when we can’t see eye to eye?—as<br />

part of the beautiful swirling colors on the one<br />

planet earth—diverse! but not divided?<br />

Of course it’s ultimately much more complicated.<br />

At this conference we’ve delved into how complex<br />

this business of unity can be. But doesn’t it all begin<br />

by receiving God’s gift? It is certainly true that in<br />

our one human family, in our churches even, layers<br />

of division have accumulated year after year,<br />

surrounding God’s gift of unity. We have much to<br />

repair and much to forgive. But can’t we just<br />

begin? . . .<br />

Some years back, workers began to remove years’<br />

worth of dust and grime on the paintings of the<br />

Sistine Chapel. As those layers of grit came off, vivid<br />

colors of the painting were revealed like nothing<br />

that modern viewers had ever imagined. Like with<br />

the colors of the Sistine Chapel . . .<br />

Or like when the buildup of grime on the windows<br />

of an abandoned house, so thick that the transparency<br />

of the glass has become completely opaque,<br />

when that grime is finally cleaned and we can see<br />

within, our day-to-day reality of division is there<br />

because we have Not Yet looked into a deeper reality<br />

of unity Already given to us from the very hand of<br />

God.<br />

51<br />

Church! Let’s keep on peeling those layers back and<br />

see what we’ve got!<br />

Let’s treat our neighbor as beloved family. Let’s<br />

approach each other as bright and beautiful and full<br />

of potential and bring out the best in each other!<br />

Let’s set tables of welcome, Christ’s table, where we<br />

gather from all our broken places and in the mystery<br />

of the risen Christ become whole again, one Body<br />

of Christ for the world.<br />

At this conference we’ve delved into how<br />

complex this business of unity can be. But<br />

doesn’t it all begin by receiving God’s gift?<br />

Let’s be that movement for wholeness that God has<br />

seen in us from the day we were born children of<br />

God, diverse but not divided.<br />

Let’s keep at it, layer by layer, peeling back all the<br />

dust and division that surrounds us until eventually<br />

we reveal the pure sweet core inside—diverse but not<br />

divided—on each one of us the image of God!—One<br />

God who makes us One ALREADY! Let’s start in<br />

the church. Let’s start at the Table, and see if it is<br />

catching!<br />

Church, God has given us a gift. Let’s receive it. And<br />

open it! And enjoy.<br />

Glory be to God, our Creator, our Redeemer, our<br />

Friend. As it was in the beginning is now and ever<br />

shall be, world without end. Amen.<br />

Watkins • Already...Not Yet: God’s Gift of Unity

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