2006-07 deer Report - Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

2006-07 deer Report - Arkansas Game and Fish Commission 2006-07 deer Report - Arkansas Game and Fish Commission


Section Three: Biological Data ReportsBiological DataCollectionEach deer season wildlifemanagement employees, alongwith participating deer clubs,collect a variety of data from harvesteddeer.The data collected includes age, body weight,antler measurements and lactation rates. Theseindices make it possible to analyze differences inthe biological characteristics of Arkansas’s deer overtime and among DMUs.Age Structure: Average age structure is directlyrelated to harvest. Buck age structure depends onharvest criteria such as the three-point rule. Beforethe three-point rule was implemented, yearlingswere 80 percent of total buck harvest. In does, theaverage age harvested provides information on theage structure and potential recruitment rates.Dressed Body Weight: Average dressed bodyweights vary with environmental conditions such assoil fertility, weather conditions and available mast.Bucks can experience extreme wieght loss duringbreeding season because they focus less on eatingand more on establishing territories and monitoringreceptive does. Body weights in does also fluctuatefrom breeding requirements, lactation and availablefood nutrition. The target for average buck dressedweight is 110 pounds, except in the MississippiAlluvial Valley where it is 130 pounds. The targetdressed weight in does is 80 pounds statewide and90 pounds in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley.Antler Index: Antler index is the sum of totalpoints, inside spread, left beam length and leftbeam circumference. Antler indices vary by regiondepending on environmental conditions, such asnutrition. Other factors include age and genetics.Elaine R. TaylorLactation: Lactation is an indicator of asuccessfully bred doe. Lactation rates tend to be muchhigher in adult deer (2.5+ years old) than in yearlings(1.5 years old). Lactation data is collected onlyduring October and November to ensure accuratedeterminations. Target lactation is 80 percent wet foradults and 25 percent wet for yearlings.22

Section Three: Biological Data Reports2006-07 Deer Biological Data:Age Structure by Sex and DMUAverage Adult Buck AgeAverage Adult Doe Age3. Statewide Age Structure40%35%30%Percentage of Total25%20%15%BucksDoes10%5%0%Fawn 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5+Age (Years)23

Section Three: Biological Data <strong>Report</strong>s<strong>2006</strong>-<strong>07</strong> Deer Biological Data:Age Structure by Sex <strong>and</strong> DMUAverage Adult Buck AgeAverage Adult Doe Age3.<strong>2006</strong>-<strong>07</strong> Statewide Age Structure40%35%30%Percentage of Total25%20%15%BucksDoes10%5%0%Fawn 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5+Age (Years)23

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