2006-07 deer Report - Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

2006-07 deer Report - Arkansas Game and Fish Commission 2006-07 deer Report - Arkansas Game and Fish Commission


Section Two: Herd Health ReportsHerd Health Data CollectionHerd health data providesinformation on herd healthconditions, timing of the rutand fawn production.Arkansas Game and Fish Commission personnelhave collected several hundred deer samples duringthe last six years in late winter and early spring togauge herd health. Samples were collected from all sixDMUs in the state. All usable meat was donated toFarmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry or needyfamilies within the community.Kidney Fat Index: Kidney Fat Index (KFI) canbe used to evaluate physical conditions of deercoming out of winter stress, and entering springgreen-up. KFI is the weight of the fat depositssurrounding the kidneys divided by the weightof the kidneys, and isexpressed as a percentage.The higher the KFIvalue, the healthier thedeer. Targets for KFI aretime sensitive, but forthe sampling period ofFebruary through April thetarget is 35 percent.Conception Date:Fetuses are extracted andthen measured using aJIM-GEM fetus scaleto determine days fromconception and days untilbirth. Conception dataprovides “peak rut” dates,which assist biologistsin making managementdecisions such as settingdeer season. Conceptiondates will vary from year to year and are dependenton population density. Ideally, adult does shouldbreed during their first estrus cycle (November)which results in fawns born during early summer(June). Fawns born during hot summer months(July and August) have decreased survival ratesbecause of poor habitat conditions and extremeheat.Fetal Counts: The number of fetuses per doe is ameasure of breeding success and health of the animal.The number of fetuses per yearling doe is slightlylower than adults, but this is common because oftheir developmental stage. There is little regionalvariation for this among DMUs, indicating breedingsuccess is uniform across the state. The target for fetalcounts is 1.7 per doe.Fred Hicks18

Section Two: Herd Health Reports2002-07 Deer Herd Health:Average Kidney Fat Index by DMUSix-year Averagefor Adults (2.5+ years)Six-year Averagefor Yearlings (1.5 years)93%85%89%61%108%111%96%84%59%55%78%55%2007 Adult Kidney Fat Indices Compared to Five-year Average by DMU140120100Percent KFI80602002-2006200740Target35%200Ozarks Ouachitas ARV WGCP MAV CRDMU19

Section Two: Herd Health <strong>Report</strong>sHerd Health Data CollectionHerd health data providesinformation on herd healthconditions, timing of the rut<strong>and</strong> fawn production.<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Game</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Fish</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> personnelhave collected several hundred <strong>deer</strong> samples duringthe last six years in late winter <strong>and</strong> early spring togauge herd health. Samples were collected from all sixDMUs in the state. All usable meat was donated toFarmers <strong>and</strong> Hunters Feeding the Hungry or needyfamilies within the community.Kidney Fat Index: Kidney Fat Index (KFI) canbe used to evaluate physical conditions of <strong>deer</strong>coming out of winter stress, <strong>and</strong> entering springgreen-up. KFI is the weight of the fat depositssurrounding the kidneys divided by the weightof the kidneys, <strong>and</strong> isexpressed as a percentage.The higher the KFIvalue, the healthier the<strong>deer</strong>. Targets for KFI aretime sensitive, but forthe sampling period ofFebruary through April thetarget is 35 percent.Conception Date:Fetuses are extracted <strong>and</strong>then measured using aJIM-GEM fetus scaleto determine days fromconception <strong>and</strong> days untilbirth. Conception dataprovides “peak rut” dates,which assist biologistsin making managementdecisions such as setting<strong>deer</strong> season. Conceptiondates will vary from year to year <strong>and</strong> are dependenton population density. Ideally, adult does shouldbreed during their first estrus cycle (November)which results in fawns born during early summer(June). Fawns born during hot summer months(July <strong>and</strong> August) have decreased survival ratesbecause of poor habitat conditions <strong>and</strong> extremeheat.Fetal Counts: The number of fetuses per doe is ameasure of breeding success <strong>and</strong> health of the animal.The number of fetuses per yearling doe is slightlylower than adults, but this is common because oftheir developmental stage. There is little regionalvariation for this among DMUs, indicating breedingsuccess is uniform across the state. The target for fetalcounts is 1.7 per doe.Fred Hicks18

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