violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN

violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN


210 Committee on the Rights of the Child (2001).General Comment No. 1. The Aims of Education,CRC/GC/2001/1.11 Committee on the Rights of the Child (2006). GeneralComment No. 8. The Right of the Child to Protectionfrom Corporal Punishment and Other Cruel or DegradingForms of Punishment (articles 19, 28(2) and 37, interalia), CRC/C/GC/8.12 Fiji Court of Appeal (2002). Naushad Ali v. State.Cited in: Committee on the Rights of the Child (2006).General Comment No. 8. The Right of the Child toProtection from Corporal Punishment and Other Cruel orDegrading Forms of Punishment (articles 19, 28(2) and37, inter alia), CRC/C/GC/8.13 UNICEF (2005). UN Human Rights Standards andMechanisms to Combat Violence against Children:A Contribution to the UN Secretary-General’s Study onViolence against Children. Florence, UNICEF InnocentiResearch Centre.14 UNICEF (2005). UN Human Rights Standards andMechanisms to Combat Violence against Children:A Contribution to the UN Secretary-General’s Study onViolence against Children. Florence, UNICEF InnocentiResearch Centre.15 European Committee of Social Rights (2001).Conclusions XV-2, Volume 1. General Introduction:General observations regarding Articles 7 para. 10 and17, pp 27 et seq.16 European Committee of Social Rights (2001).Conclusions XV-2, Volume 1, General Introduction:General observations regarding Articles 7 paras 10 and17, p 27.17 Inter-American Court of Human Rights (2002).Advisory Opinion OC-17/2002, Legal Status and HumanRights of the Child. 28 August 2002, paras 87 and 91.18 African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights(2003). Curtis Francis Doebbler v. Sudan. AfricanCommission on Human and Peoples’ Rights,Communication No. 236/2000.19 African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights(2003). Curtis Francis Doebbler v. Sudan. AfricanCommission on Human and Peoples’ Rights,Communication No. 236/2000, para. 42.20 Krug EG et al. (Eds) (2002). World Report on Violenceand Health. Geneva, World Health Organization.QuotesIIIIIICouncil of Europe (2006). Monaco launchingconference for ‘Building a Europe for and withChildren’, 4-5 April 2006. Available at: Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violenceagainst Children (2005). Regional Consultation OutcomeReport: the Caribbean, p 22. Available at: of Europe (2006). Monaco launchingconference for ‘Building a Europe for and withChildren’, 4-5 April 2006. Available at: against children and international human rights law and standards

UNICEF/HQ01-0432. Claudio VersianiBrazil, 2001, Maria (name changed), 6, hides her face in a pillow, in a room at CEDECA, the Centre for the Defense of Children andAdolescents, in a major city in Brazil. Maria was the victim of child abuse. Behind her is a six-year-old boy who is also being treated atthe centre, to help him recover from abuse of his older sister.

UNICEF/HQ01-0432. Claudio VersianiBrazil, 2001, Maria (name changed), 6, hides her face in a pillow, in a room at CEDECA, the Centre for the Defense of Children andAdolescents, in a major city in Brazil. Maria was the victim of child abuse. Behind her is a six-year-old boy who is also being treated atthe centre, to help him recover from abuse of his older sister.

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