violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN

violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN

violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN

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121 Global Initiative to End all Corporal Punishment ofChildren (2006). Global Summary of the Legal Status ofCorporal Punishment of Children. 28 June 2006.22 WHO (2006). Global Estimates of Health ConsequencesDue to Violence <strong>against</strong> Children. Background Paper tothe UN Secretary-General’s Study on Violence <strong>against</strong>Children. Geneva, World Health Organization.23 Runyan D et al. (2002). Child Abuse and Neglect byParents and Other Caregivers. In: Krug EG et al. (Eds).World Report on Violence and Health. Geneva,World Health Organization, pp 59–86.24 Perry BD (2001). The Neurodevelopmental Impactof Violence in Childhood. In: Schetky D, BenedekEP (Eds). Textbook of Child and Adolescent ForensicPsychiatry. Washington DC, American Psychiatric Press,pp 221–238.25 Felitti VJ et al. (1998). Relationship of ChildhoodAbuse and Household Dysfunction to Many of theLeading Causes of Death in Adults. The AdverseChildhood Experiences (ACE) Study. American Journalof Preventive Medicine 14: 245–258.26 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2006).Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. Atlanta, GA,National Centers for Injury Prevention and Control,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/NCCDPHP/ACE.27 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2006).Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. Atlanta, GA,National Centers for Injury Prevention and Control,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/NCCDPHP/ACE.28 Panel on Research on Child Abuse and Neglect,Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciencesand Education, National Research Council (1999).Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect. WashingtonDC, National Academy Press.29 Fromm S (2001). Total Estimates of the Cost of ChildAbuse and Neglect in the United States – StatisticalEvidence. Chicago (IL), Prevent Child Abuse America(PCAA). Cited on: August 14 2006. Available at:http://www.preventchildabuse.org/learn_more/research_docs/cost_analysis.pdf.30 WHO (2003). Implementing the Recommendations ofthe World Report on Violence and Health. Report on theWorld Health Assembly, WHA56.24, Fifty-sixth WorldHealth Assembly. Geneva, World Health Organization.31 United Nations (1993). Principles Relating to the Statusand Functioning of National Institutions for Protectionand Promotion of Human Rights. Available at:http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu6/2/fs19.htm#annex.These recommendations were endorsed by the GeneralAssembly in its resolutionA/RES/48/134 of 20 December 1993.QuotesIIIIIIIVVVIUnited Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence<strong>against</strong> Children (2005). Regional Consultation OutcomeReport: South Asia, p 3. Available at:http://www.<strong>violence</strong>study.org/r27.Commissioner for Human Rights (2006). Childrenand corporal punishment: The right not to be hit, alsoa <strong>children</strong>’s right. Issue paper 2006/1. 6 June 2006.Strasbourg, Council of Europe.United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence<strong>against</strong> Children (2005). Regional Desk Review: SouthAsia, p 23. Available at: http://www.<strong>violence</strong>study.org/r27.United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence<strong>against</strong> Children (2005). Regional Consultation OutcomeReport: Eastern and Southern Africa, p 18. Available at:http:/www.<strong>violence</strong>study.org/r27.Council of Europe (2006). Monaco launchingconference for ‘Building a Europe for and withChildren’, 4-5 April 2006. Available at:http://www.coe.int/t/transversalprojects/<strong>children</strong>/events/monacoLaunch_en.aspCouncil of Europe (2006). Monaco launchingconference for ‘Building a Europe for and withChildren’, 4-5 April 2006. Available at: http://www.coe.int/t/transversalprojects/<strong>children</strong>/events/monacoLaunch_en.asp27An end to <strong>violence</strong> <strong>against</strong> <strong>children</strong>

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