violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN

violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN

violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN

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“All of our proposals are achievable with political will and the commitment of civil society.”Young person, Europe and Central Asia, 2006 V24An end to <strong>violence</strong> <strong>against</strong> <strong>children</strong>All Forms of Discrimination <strong>against</strong>Women and its Optional Protocol; ILOConventions No. 138 on the MinimumAge for Admission to Employment andNo. 182 on the Worst Forms of ChildLabour; and the United Nations Convention<strong>against</strong> Transnational OrganizedCrime and the Protocol to Prevent,Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons,Especially Women and Children,supplementing the United Nations Convention<strong>against</strong> Transnational OrganizedCrime. States should implementall their international legal obligationsand strengthen their cooperation withthe treaty bodies.I recommend that States act in conformitywith their commitments on theprevention of <strong>violence</strong> made at the UNGeneral Assembly Special Session onChildren, and in the context of the WHOHealth Assembly resolution on implementingthe recommendations of theWorld Report on Violence and Health, 30and other regional public health resolutionsthat reinforce this resolution.Implementation andfollow-upThe Study Report submitted to the GeneralAssembly emphasised that the primary responsibilityfor implementing the recommendationsrests with Governments. However, theparticipation of other actors at national,regional and international level is critical toassist Governments to carry out their commitments.These include UN entities, civilsociety organisations including nationalhuman rights institutions, professional bodiessuch as doctors’ and nurses’ associations, communityassociations, educators, parents and<strong>children</strong>. The key strategies for implementationare set out below.National and regional levelAbove all, the Study has focused on improvingimplementation at the country level, for thebenefit of all girls and boys. To this end, theReport to the UN General Assembly emphasisesthe urgency of country-level action andsets targets for Governments:• The integration in national planningprocesses of measures to prevent andrespond to <strong>violence</strong> <strong>against</strong> <strong>children</strong>should take place by 2007 and shouldinclude the identification of a focalpoint, preferably at ministerial level.• Prohibiting all <strong>violence</strong> <strong>against</strong> <strong>children</strong>by law and initiating a process todevelop reliable national data collectionsystems should be achieved by 2009.The report also urges Governments to provideinformation on implementation of the Study’srecommendations in their periodic reports tothe Committee on the Rights of the Child.International organisations should encourageand support Governments in the implementationof these recommendations. Internationalfinancial institutions should review their policiesand activities to take account of the impactthey may have on <strong>children</strong>. UN country teams

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