violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN

violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN


7268 Save the Children Alliance (2005). 10 Essential LearningPoints: Listen and Speak Out against Sexual Abuse of Girlsand Boys. Global Submission by the International Savethe Children Alliance to the UN Secretary-General’sStudy on Violence against children. Oslo, Save theChildren Norway.269 Titley G (2004). Young People and Violence Prevention- Youth Policy Recommendations. Budapest, Directorateof Youth and Sport, European Youth Centre.270 Black M (2004). Opening Minds, Ppening UpOpportunities, Children’s Participation in Action forWorking Children and Associated Case Studies. London,Save the Children Alliance.271 UNICEF (2005). Young People’s Participation in theCEE/CIS and the Baltics. Geneva, UNICEF RegionalOffice for CEE/CIS and the Baltics.272 All responses are available at: study.htm. As of 20 September2006, 135 Member States and one observer hadsubmitted responses.273 Black M (2004). Somali Children and Youth: Challengingthe Past and Building the Future. UNICEF Somalia.274 UNICEF (2006). Submission to the United NationsSecretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children.UNICEF, Regional Office for Latin America and theCaribbean.275 Council of Europe (2006). Building a Europe for andwith children. Council of Europe. Available at: Mercy J et al. (2002). Youth Violence. In: Krug EG etal. (Eds). World Report on Violence and Health. Geneva,World Health Organization, pp 25–56.277 Tolan P (2001). Youth Violence and its Prevention inthe United States: An Overview of Current Knowledge.Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 8(1): 1–12.QuotesIIIIIIIVVVIHall J (2003). Inyandza Leyo! Testimonies from AbuseSurvivors. Swaziland. Cited in: United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children (2005).Regional Desk Review: Eastern and Southern Africa, p 26.Available at: (2003). Africa’s orphaned generations.New York, UNICEF, p 31.UNHCR (2005). Refugee and returnee children inSouthern Africa: Perceptions and experiences of violence– A qualitative study of refugees and returnee children inUNHCR operations in Angola, South Africa and Zambia.Pretoria, UNHCR, p 6.Anti-Slavery International (2001). Golam and Roushan– Trafficked Children. Speeches from the ASI Awardceremony. Available at: Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violenceagainst Children (2005). Regional Desk Review: SouthAsia, p 59. Available at: the Children Alliance (2005). 10 Essential LearningPoints: Listen and Speak out against Sexual Abuse of Girlsand Boys, Global Submission by the International Savethe Children Alliance to the UN Secretary-General’sStudy on Violence against Children, p 27.VII Africa Child Policy Forum (2006). The AfricanDeclaration on Violence against Girls. SecondInternational Policy conference on the African Child.Addis Ababa, 11 and 12 May 2006, p 1.VIII WorldVision (2005). Strongim pikinini, strongimlaef b’ long famili: enabling children to reach their fullpotential. A contribution to the UN Secretary-General’sStudy on Violence against Children. Milton Keynes,World Vision International, p 7.IXXUnited Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violenceagainst Children (2005). Regional Desk Review: NorthAmerica, p 1. Available at: Child Policy Forum (2006). The AfricanDeclaration on Violence against Girls. SecondInternational Policy conference on the African Child.Addis Ababa, 11 and 12 May 2006, p 2.351Violence against children in the community

Sueraya Shaheen- Cité du TempsEL SALVADOR, 1996, A group of children in a refugee camp in El Salvador

Sueraya Shaheen- Cité du TempsEL SALVADOR, 1996, A group of <strong>children</strong> in a refugee camp in El Salvador

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