violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN

violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN


7226 Mehrotra A (2000). A Life Free of Violence: It’s OurRight. New York, United Nations Development Fund forWomen.227 Health Resources and Services Administration (2004).Take a Stand. Lend a Hand. Stop Bullying Now!Washington DC, US Department of Health and HumanServices. Available at: Hoefnagels C, Baartman H (1997). On the Thresholdof Disclosure: The Effects of a Mass Media FieldExperiment. Child Abuse & Neglect, 21: 557–573.229 Naker D (2005). Violence against Children: The Voices ofUgandan Children and Adults. Raising Voices and Savethe Children Uganda.230 Ennew J (1994). Street and Working Children: A Guide toPlanning. London, Save the Children. Cited in: BartlettS et al (1999). Cities for Children: Children’s Rights,Poverty and Urban Management. Earthscan /UNICEF.231 Wernham M et al. (2005). Police Training on ChildRights and Protection: Lessons Learned and Manual.Consortium for Street Children, p 31.232 Heise L, Garcia- Moreno C (2002). Violence byIntimate Partners. In: Krug EG et al. (Eds) (2002).World Report on Violence and Health. Geneva, WorldHealth Organization, pp 89–121.233 Friedman LS et al. (1992). Inquiry about VictimisationExperiences: A Survey of Patient Preferences andPhysician Practices. Archives of InternalMedicine, 152:1186–1190.234 Fawcett G et al. (1998). Deteccion y Manejo de MujeresVictimas de Violencia Domestica: Desarrollo y Evaluacionde un Programa Dirigido al Personal de Salud (Detectingand Dealing with Women Victims of Domestic Violence:The Development and Evaluation of a Programme forHealth Workers). Mexico City, Population Council.235 Sugg NK et al. (1999). Domestic Violence and PrimaryCare: Attitudes, Practices, and Beliefs. Archives of FamilyMedicine, 8: 301–306.236 Sanders AB (1992). Care of the Elderly in EmergencyDepartments: Conclusions and Recommendations.Annals of Emergency Medicine, 21: 79–83.237 UNICEF (2002). La traite d’enfants en Afrique de l’Ouest: réponses politiques. Florence, Innocenti Research Centre.238 UNICEF (2005). Trafficking for Sexual Exploitationand Other Exploitative Purposes. Florence, InnocentiResearch Centre.239 Boonpala P, Kane J (2002). Unbearable to the HumanHeart: Child Trafficking and Action to Eliminate It.Geneva, International Programme on the Elimination ofChild Labour, International Labour Organization.240 Bartlett S et al. (1999). Cities for Children, Children’sRights, Poverty and Urban Management. UNICEF/Earthscan.241 Adapted from UNICEF (2006). Thuthuzela CareCentres. UNICEF South Africa. Available at: United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violenceagainst Children (2005). Regional Consultation OutcomeReport: Eastern and Southern Africa. Available at: Boothby N et al. (2006). Mozambique Child SoldierLife Outcome Study: Lessons Learned in Rehabilitationand Reintegration Efforts. Global Public Health, 1(1):87–107.244 Stamenkova-Trajkova S (2005). Results of an InstitutionalAssessment of the Responsiveness of Service Providers toViolence against Children in Macedonia. Skopje, theInstitute for Social Work and Social Policy with supportfrom UNICEF, Skopje Country Office and UNICEFRegional Office for CEE/CIS & the Baltics.245 ChildHelpLine International (2005). Submissionto the United Nations Secretary-General’s Study onViolence against Children. Amsterdam, ChildHelpLineInternational.246 CRIN (2005). WSIS and Children’s Rights. Availableat: ChildHelpLine International (2005). Submissionto the United Nations Secretary-General’s Study onViolence against Children. Amsterdam, ChildHelpLineInternational.349Violence against children in the community

350Violence against children in the community248 Jordan S (2001). Violence and Adolescence in UrbanSettings: A Public Health Approach. PublicationsSeries, Research Unit, Public Health Policy. Berlin,Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung.249 Narayan D et al. (2000). Voices of the Poor: Can AnyoneHear Us? Published for the World Bank. New York,Oxford University Press.250 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2002).Community Interventions to Promote Healthy SocialEnvironments: Early Childhood Development andFamily Housing. MMWR 51: RR-1.251 Ludwig J, Duncan GJ, Hirschfield P. (2001). UrbanPoverty and Juvenile Crime: Evidence from aRandomized Housing-mobility Experiment. QuarterlyJournal of Economics (16): 655–680.252 Butchart A, Engstrom K (2002). Sex- and Age-specificEffects of Economic Development and Inequality onHomicide Rates in 0- to 24-Year-Olds: A Cross-sectionalAnalysis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 80:797–805.253 Institute for Research and Evaluation (2004). ThePrevention of Murders in Diadema, Brazil: The Influenceof New Alcohol Policies. Calverton, MD, Pacific.Available at: Wagenaar AC et al. (2000). Communities Mobilisingfor Change on Alcohol (CMCA): Effects of aRandomised Trial on Arrests and Traffic Crashed.Addiction, 95: 209–217.255 WHO (2006). Global Estimates of Health ConsequencesDue to Violence against Children. Background paper tothe UN Secretary-General’s Study on Violence againstChildren. Geneva, World Health Organization.256 Ryan M (1995). Russian Report: Alcoholism and RisingMortality in the Russian Federation. British MedicalJournal, 310: 648–650.257 Mattern JL, Neighbors C (2004). Social NormsCampaigns: Examining the Relationship BetweenChanges in Perceived Norms and Changes in DrinkingLevels. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 65: 489–493.258 Graham K et al. (2004). The Effect of the Safer BarsProgramme on Physical Aggression in Bars: Results of aRandomised Controlled Trial. Drug and Alcohol Review,23: 31–41.259 Homel R et al. (2004). Making Licensed Venues Saferfor Patrons: What Environmental Factors Should Be theFocus of Interventions? Drug and Alcohol Review, 23:19–29.260 Bellis MA et al. (2004). Violence in General Places ofEntertainment. In: Pompidou Group (Ed). Violenceand Insecurity Related to the Consumption of PsychoactiveSubstances. Strasbourg, Council of Europe.261 Bellis MA et al. (2004). Violence in General Places ofEntertainment. In: Pompidou Group (Ed) Violence andInsecurity Related to the Consumption of PsychoactiveSubstances. Strasbourg, Council of Europe.262 Room R et al. (2003). Alcohol in Developing Societies: APublic Health Approach. Helsinki, Finnish Foundationfor Alcohol Studies and Geneva, World HealthOrganization.263 Hahn RA et al. (2003). First Reports Evaluatingthe Effectiveness of Strategies for PreventingViolence: Firearm Laws. Findings from the TaskForce on Community Preventive Services. MMWRRecommendations and Reports, 52(RR14): 11–20.264 Loftin C et al. (1991). Effects of Restrictive Licensingof Handguns on Homicide and Suicide in the Districtof Columbia. New England Journal of Medicine, 325:1615–1620.265 Villaveces A et al (2000). Effect of a Ban on CarryingFirearms on Homicide Rates in Two Colombian Cities.Journal of the American Medical Association, 283: 1205–1209.266 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1995).Patterns of Homicide – Cali, Colombia, 1993–1994.MMWR, 44(39): 734–736.267 Stanley J (2001). Child Abuse and the Internet. ChildAbuse Prevention Issues, No. 15, Summer 2001. Availableat:

350Violence <strong>against</strong> <strong>children</strong> in the community248 Jordan S (2001). Violence and Adolescence in UrbanSettings: A Public Health Approach. PublicationsSeries, Research Unit, Public Health Policy. Berlin,Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung.249 Narayan D et al. (2000). Voices of the Poor: Can AnyoneHear Us? Published for the World Bank. New York,Oxford University Press.250 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2002).Community Interventions to Promote Healthy SocialEnvironments: Early Childhood Development andFamily Housing. MMWR 51: RR-1.251 Ludwig J, Duncan GJ, Hirschfield P. (2001). UrbanPoverty and Juvenile Crime: Evidence from aRandomized Housing-mobility Experiment. QuarterlyJournal of Economics (16): 655–680.252 Butchart A, Engstrom K (2002). Sex- and Age-specificEffects of Economic Development and Inequality onHomicide Rates in 0- to 24-Year-Olds: A Cross-sectionalAnalysis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 80:797–805.253 Institute for Research and Evaluation (2004). ThePrevention of Murders in Diadema, Brazil: The Influenceof New Alcohol Policies. Calverton, MD, Pacific.Available at: Wagenaar AC et al. (2000). Communities Mobilisingfor Change on Alcohol (CMCA): Effects of aRandomised Trial on Arrests and Traffic Crashed.Addiction, 95: 209–217.255 WHO (2006). Global Estimates of Health ConsequencesDue to Violence <strong>against</strong> Children. Background paper tothe UN Secretary-General’s Study on Violence <strong>against</strong>Children. Geneva, World Health Organization.256 Ryan M (1995). Russian Report: Alcoholism and RisingMortality in the Russian Federation. British MedicalJournal, 310: 648–650.257 Mattern JL, Neighbors C (2004). Social NormsCampaigns: Examining the Relationship BetweenChanges in Perceived Norms and Changes in DrinkingLevels. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 65: 489–493.258 Graham K et al. (2004). The Effect of the Safer BarsProgramme on Physical Aggression in Bars: Results of aRandomised Controlled Trial. Drug and Alcohol Review,23: 31–41.259 Homel R et al. (2004). Making Licensed Venues Saferfor Patrons: What Environmental Factors Should Be theFocus of Interventions? Drug and Alcohol Review, 23:19–29.260 Bellis MA et al. (2004). Violence in General Places ofEntertainment. In: Pompidou Group (Ed). Violenceand Insecurity Related to the Consumption of PsychoactiveSubstances. Strasbourg, Council of Europe.261 Bellis MA et al. (2004). Violence in General Places ofEntertainment. In: Pompidou Group (Ed) Violence andInsecurity Related to the Consumption of PsychoactiveSubstances. Strasbourg, Council of Europe.262 Room R et al. (2003). Alcohol in Developing Societies: APublic Health Approach. Helsinki, Finnish Foundationfor Alcohol Studies and Geneva, World HealthOrganization.263 Hahn RA et al. (2003). First Reports Evaluatingthe Effectiveness of Strategies for PreventingViolence: Firearm Laws. Findings from the TaskForce on Community Preventive Services. MMWRRecommendations and Reports, 52(RR14): 11–20.264 Loftin C et al. (1991). Effects of Restrictive Licensingof Handguns on Homicide and Suicide in the Districtof Columbia. New England Journal of Medicine, 325:1615–1620.265 Villaveces A et al (2000). Effect of a Ban on CarryingFirearms on Homicide Rates in Two Colombian Cities.Journal of the American Medical Association, 283: 1205–1209.266 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1995).Patterns of Homicide – Cali, Colombia, 1993–1994.MMWR, 44(39): 734–736.267 Stanley J (2001). Child Abuse and the Internet. ChildAbuse Prevention Issues, No. 15, Summer 2001. Availableat:

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