violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN

violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN


748 Erulkar A (2004). The Experiences of Sexual Coercionamong Young People in Kenya. International FamilyPlanning Perspectives, 30(4): 182–189.49 Allen DR et al. (2003). Sexual Health Risks among YoungThai Women: Implications for HIV/STD Prevention andContraception. AIDS and Behavior, 7(1): 9–21.50 de Visser RO et al. (2003). Sex in Australia: Experiencesof Sexual Coercion Among a Representative Sampleof Adults. Australian & New Zealand Journal of PublicHealth, 27(2): 198–203.51 Wong WC et al. (2004). Correlates of Sexual Behaviourswith Health Status and Health Perception in ChineseAdolescents: A Cross-sectional Survey in Schools. AIDSPatient Care and STDs, 18(8):470–480.52 Erulkar A (2004). The Experiences of Sexual Coercionamong Young People in Kenya. International FamilyPlanning Perspectives, 30(4): 182–189.53 Slap GB et al. (2003). Sexual Behaviour of Adolescentsin Nigeria: Cross-sectional Survey of Secondary SchoolStudents. British Medical Journal, 326(7379): 15.54 Allen DR et al. (2003). Sexual Health Risks among YoungThai Women: Implications for HIV/STD Prevention andContraception. AIDS and Behavior, 7(1): 9–21.55 Eaton DK (2005). Youth risk behavior surveillance– United States, 2005. MMWR Surveill Summ. 55(5):1–108.56 Save the Children Alliance (2005). 10 Essential LearningPoints: Listen and Speak Out against Sexual Abuse of Girlsand Boys. Global Submission by the International Savethe Children Alliance to the UN Secretary-General’sStudy on Violence against Children. Oslo, Save theChildren Norway.57 Jewkes R et al. (2002). Rape of Girls in South Africa.Lancet, 359: 319–320.58 Tang CS (2002). Childhood Experience of Sexual Abuseamong Hong Kong Chinese College Students. ChildAbuse & Neglect, 26(1): 23–37.59 Csorba R et al. (2005). Characteristics of Female ChildSexual Abuse in Hungary Between 1986 and 2001: ALongitudinal, Prospective Study. Eur J Obstet GynecolReprod Biol, 120(2): 217–221.60 Ennew J (1994). Street and Working Children: A Guide toPlanning. London, Save the Children.61 UNICEF (1997). State of the World’s Children. NewYork, Oxford University Press.62 Human Rights Watch (1997). Juvenile Injustice – PoliceAbuse and Detention of Street Children in Kenya. NewYork, Human Rights Watch.63 United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violenceagainst Children (2005). Regional Desk Review: East Asiaand the Pacific. Available at: Irwanto P et al. (1999). Situation of Street Children in12 Cities in Indonesia. Monograph Report for the AsianDevelopment Bank, TA No. 3043 INO.65 ILO/IPEC (2006). Children Working in the Streets,Factsheet. International Programme on the Eliminationof Child Labour, International Labour Organization.Available at: Wernham M (2004). An Outside Chance: Street Childrenand Juvenile Justice – An International Perspective.London, Consortium for Street Children.67 Presentation by Bernardo Mondragon, Kabataan, DavaoCity. Cited in: United Nations Secretary-General’sStudy on Violence against Children (2005). RegionalConsultation Outcome Report: East Asia and the Pacific.Available at: Amnesty International (2005). Haiti DisarmamentDelayed, Justice Denied. AI Index: AMR 36/005/2005.London, Amnesty International.69 OMCT (2004). Colombia: Murders and CriminalOrganisation of Children and Girls, Teenagers and YoungMen and Women in Sector of Bogota. Caso COL271004.CC, Derechos del Niño. Geneva, World Organisationagainst Torture.70 Jabeen et al. (2002). Children Working as NewspapersHawkers: A Study of Lost/Kidnapped/Runaway Children.The Situation Analysis of Street Children in Lahore.Department of Social Work–University of Punjab.Submission to the United Nations Secretary-General’sStudy on Violence against Children.341Violence against children in the community

342Violence against children in the community71 Save the Children Alliance (2005). 10 Essential LearningPoints: Listen and Speak Out against Sexual Abuse of Girlsand Boys. Global Submission by the International Savethe Children Alliance to the UN Secretary-General’sStudy on Violence against children. Oslo, Save theChildren Norway.72 UNICEF (2003). Africa’s Orphaned Generations.New York, UNICEF.73 Moletsane R (2003). Another Lost Generation?The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Schooling in SouthAfrica. The International Journal on School Disaffection,Trentham Books.74 UNICEF (2005). Violence against Children in West andCentral Africa. A Concise Appraisal. UNICEF West andCentral Africa Regional Office.75 Human Rights Watch (1995). Violence against ChildrenAccused of Witchcraft in the Democratic Republic ofCongo. New York, Human Rights Watch.76 All responses are available at: study.htm. As of 20 September2006, 135 Member States and one observer hadsubmitted responses.77 United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violenceagainst Children (2005). Violence in the Community.Regional Desk Review: Europe and Central Asia. Availableat: Human Rights Watch (2001). Easy Targets: Violenceagainst Children Worldwide. New York, Human RightsWatch.79 All responses are available at: study.htm. As of 20 September 2006,135 Member States and one observer had submittedresponses.80 59 Youths Murdered in Honduran Jails During MaduroAdministration, 7 April 2004. Available at: Cited in: Dowdney LT (2005). Neither WarNor Peace. Rio de Janeiro, Viva Rio / ISER, 7 Letras.81 Victims of Police Violence in Brazil Tend to be Afro-Brazilian Males Between 15 and 19, Says Asma Jahangir,21 April 2004. Available at: Cited in:Dowdney LT (2005). Neither War Nor Peace. Rio deJaneiro, Viva Rio / ISER, 7 Letras.82 David P (2005). Human Rights in Youth Sport: A CriticalReview of Children’s Rights in Competitive Sport. London,Routledge.83 See e.g. Amnesty International (2001). Crimes of Hate,Conspiracy of Silence. London, Amnesty International.84 Human Rights Watch (2002). Human Rights WatchWorld Report. New York, Human Rights Watch85 Human Rights Watch (2001). Hatred in the Hallways– Violence and Discrimination against Lesbian, Gay,Bisexuals and Transgender Students in US Schools. NewYork, Human Rights Watch.86 See e.g. Human Rights Watch (2005). Darfur: WomenRaped Even After Seeking Refuge; Donors Must IncreaseSupport to Victims of Sexual Violence. Human RightsWatch, Press Release. Available at: Amnesty International (2004). Lives Blown Apart:Crimes against Women in Times of Conflict. London,Amnesty International Publications.88 Okot AC et al. (2005). Suffering in Silence: A Studyof Sexual and Gender-based Violence (SGBV ) In PabboCamp, Gulu District, Northern Uganda. UNICEF,District Sub-Working Group on SGBV.89 Gardner J, El Bushra J (2004). Somalia, the UntoldStory: The War Through the Eyes of Somali Women.London, CIIR/Pluto Press.90 Ward J (2002). If Not Now, When? Addressing GenderbasedViolence in Refugee, Internally Displaced, and Post-Conflict Settings. The Reproductive Health for RefugeesConsortium.91 Mabuwa R (2000). Seeking Protection: Addressing Sexualand Domestic Violence in Tanzania’s Refugee Camps. NewYork, Human Rights Watch.92 da Costa R (2006). The Administration of Justice inRefugee Camps: A Study of Practice. UNHCR Legaland Protection Policy Research Series, Department ofInternational Protection.93 da Costa R (2006). The Administration of Justice inRefugee Camps: A Study of Practice. UNHCR Legaland Protection Policy Research Series, Department ofInternational Protection.

748 Erulkar A (2004). The Experiences of Sexual Coercionamong Young People in Kenya. International FamilyPlanning Perspectives, 30(4): 182–189.49 Allen DR et al. (2003). Sexual Health Risks among YoungThai Women: Implications for HIV/STD Prevention andContraception. AIDS and Behavior, 7(1): 9–21.50 de Visser RO et al. (2003). Sex in Australia: Experiencesof Sexual Coercion Among a Representative Sampleof Adults. Australian & New Zealand Journal of PublicHealth, 27(2): 198–203.51 Wong WC et al. (2004). Correlates of Sexual Behaviourswith Health Status and Health Perception in ChineseAdolescents: A Cross-sectional Survey in Schools. AIDSPatient Care and STDs, 18(8):470–480.52 Erulkar A (2004). The Experiences of Sexual Coercionamong Young People in Kenya. International FamilyPlanning Perspectives, 30(4): 182–189.53 Slap GB et al. (2003). Sexual Behaviour of Adolescentsin Nigeria: Cross-sectional Survey of Secondary SchoolStudents. British Medical Journal, 326(7379): 15.54 Allen DR et al. (2003). Sexual Health Risks among YoungThai Women: Implications for HIV/STD Prevention andContraception. AIDS and Behavior, 7(1): 9–21.55 Eaton DK (2005). Youth risk behavior surveillance– United States, 2005. MMWR Surveill Summ. 55(5):1–108.56 Save the Children Alliance (2005). 10 Essential LearningPoints: Listen and Speak Out <strong>against</strong> Sexual Abuse of Girlsand Boys. Global Submission by the International Savethe Children Alliance to the UN Secretary-General’sStudy on Violence <strong>against</strong> Children. Oslo, Save theChildren Norway.57 Jewkes R et al. (2002). Rape of Girls in South Africa.Lancet, 359: 319–320.58 Tang CS (2002). Childhood Experience of Sexual Abuseamong Hong Kong Chinese College Students. ChildAbuse & Neglect, 26(1): 23–37.59 Csorba R et al. (2005). Characteristics of Female ChildSexual Abuse in Hungary Between 1986 and 2001: ALongitudinal, Prospective Study. Eur J Obstet GynecolReprod Biol, 120(2): 217–221.60 Ennew J (1994). Street and Working Children: A Guide toPlanning. London, Save the Children.61 UNICEF (1997). State of the World’s Children. NewYork, Oxford University Press.62 Human Rights Watch (1997). Juvenile Injustice – PoliceAbuse and Detention of Street Children in Kenya. NewYork, Human Rights Watch.63 United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence<strong>against</strong> Children (2005). Regional Desk Review: East Asiaand the Pacific. Available at: http://www.<strong>violence</strong> Irwanto P et al. (1999). Situation of Street Children in12 Cities in Indonesia. Monograph Report for the AsianDevelopment Bank, TA No. 3043 INO.65 ILO/IPEC (2006). Children Working in the Streets,Factsheet. International Programme on the Eliminationof Child Labour, International Labour Organization.Available at:<strong>children</strong>_0303.pdf.66 Wernham M (2004). An Outside Chance: Street Childrenand Juvenile Justice – An International Perspective.London, Consortium for Street Children.67 Presentation by Bernardo Mondragon, Kabataan, DavaoCity. Cited in: United Nations Secretary-General’sStudy on Violence <strong>against</strong> Children (2005). RegionalConsultation Outcome Report: East Asia and the Pacific.Available at: http://www.<strong>violence</strong> Amnesty International (2005). Haiti DisarmamentDelayed, Justice Denied. AI Index: AMR 36/005/2005.London, Amnesty International.69 OMCT (2004). Colombia: Murders and CriminalOrganisation of Children and Girls, Teenagers and YoungMen and Women in Sector of Bogota. Caso COL271004.CC, Derechos del Niño. Geneva, World Organisation<strong>against</strong> Torture.70 Jabeen et al. (2002). Children Working as NewspapersHawkers: A Study of Lost/Kidnapped/Runaway Children.The Situation Analysis of Street Children in Lahore.Department of Social Work–University of Punjab.Submission to the United Nations Secretary-General’sStudy on Violence <strong>against</strong> Children.341Violence <strong>against</strong> <strong>children</strong> in the community

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