violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN

violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN


4155 Human Rights Watch (2004). Letting Them Fail:Government Neglect and the Right to Education for ChildrenAffected by AIDS. New York, Human Rights Watch.156 Boler T, Jellema A (2005). Deadly Inertia: A CrosscountryStudy of Educational Responses to HIV. GlobalCampaign for Education, ActionAid International withsupport from CIDA, IIEP, UNESCO et al.157 World Education (2001). Menarche and Its Implicationsfor Educational Policy in Peru. Girls’ and Women’sEducation Policy Research Activity (GWE-PRA) PolicyBrief. Available at: Bruns B et al. (2003). Achieving Universal PrimaryEducation by 2015: A Chance for Every Child.Washington DC, The World Bank.159 UNICEF (2004). The State of the World’s Children. NewYork, UNICEF.160 Human Rights Watch (2001). Scared at School: SexualViolence against Girls in South African Schools. New York,Human Rights Watch.161 Shepard B (2000). Youth Programmes in the SADCCountries: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.Paper presented at the 1st Youth Conference of theSouthern Africa Development Community Region,13–16 June 2000, Maputo, Mozambique.162 UNESCO (2005). Education For All Global MonitoringReport 2005. Paris, UNESCO.163 UNESCO (2005). Education For All Global MonitoringReport 2005. Paris, UNESCO.164 United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violenceagainst Children (2005). Regional Consultation OutcomeReports. Available at: National Center for Mental Health Promotion andViolence Prevention (2004). Prevention Brief. Newton,MA, National Center for Mental Health Promotion andViolence Prevention.166 Adapted from UNICEF, UNESCO and Save theChildren (2002). Quality Education for All: From a Girl’sPoint of View. New York, UNICEF; and UNESCO(2004). Inclusive, Learner-Friendly Environment Toolkit.Bangkok, UNESCO.167 UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) onEducation (2006). Quality Education and HIV & AIDS.Available at: Kirk J, Garrow S (2003). Girls in Policy: Challenges forthe Education Sector, Agenda No. 56. Durban, Girls’Education Movement.169 Country reports available from the Global Initiative toEnd All Corporal Punishment of Children at Committee on the Rights of the Child (2006). GeneralComment No. 8. The Right of the Child to Protectionfrom Corporal Punishment and Other Cruel or DegradingForms of Punishment (articles 19, 28(2) and 37, interalia), CRC/C/GC/8.171 United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violenceagainst Children (2005). Regional Desk Review:Eastern and Southern Africa. Available at: Jewkes R (2000). The HIV/AIDS Emergency: Departmentof Education Guidelines for Educators. Pretoria,Department of Education.173 All responses are available at: study.htm. As of 20 September2006, 135 Member States and one observer hadsubmitted responses.174 All responses are available at: study.htm. As of 20 September2006, 135 Member States and one observer hadsubmitted responses.175 UNESCO (1996). Examples of School-based ProgramsInvolving Peaceful Conflict Resolution and MediationOriented to Overcome Community Violence. New York,Ying Ying Lim and Morton Deutsch, InternationalCenter for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution,Teachers College, Columbia University.176 Wilson SJ, Lipsey MW (2005). The Effectiveness ofSchool-Based Violence Prevention Programs for ReducingDisruptive and Aggressive Behavior. Nashville, Centerfor Evaluation Research and Methodology, Institute forPublic Policy Studies, Vanderbilt University.165Violence against children in schools and educational settings

166Violence against children in schools and educational settings177 Greene M (2005). Reducing Violence and Aggression inSchools. Trauma, Violence and Abuse, 6(3): 236–253.178 UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) onEducation (2006).Quality Education and HIV & AIDS.Available at: Greene M (2005). Reducing Violence and Aggression inSchools. Trauma, Violence and Abuse, 6(3): 236–253.180 Dunne M et al. (2005). Gendered School Experiences:The Impact on Retention and Achievement in Botswanaand Ghana. London, United Kingdom Department forInternational Development.181 Moser C, van Bronkhorst B (1999). Youth Violence inLatin America and the Caribbean: Costs, Causes, andInterventions. LCR Sustainable Development WorkingPaper No. 3, Urban Peace Program Series. WashingtonDC, World Bank.182 Galloway D, Roland E ( 2004). Is the Direct Approachto Bullying Always the Best? In: Smith PK et al. (Eds).Bullying in Schools: How Successful Can Interventions Be?Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp 37–54.183 UNESCO (2004). Making the Case for ViolencePrevention Through Schools. FRESH Tools for EffectiveSchool Health, 1st Edition. Geneva, UNESCO.184 All responses are available at: study.htm. As of 20 September2006, 135 Member States and one observer hadsubmitted responses.185 Marušić I et al. (2005). Evaluation of the Programme“For Safe and Enabling Environment in Schools– Campaign for Prevention and Combatting Violence inSchools.” Zagreb, Institute for Social Research in Zagreband Centre for Educational Research and Development.186 Save the Children Alliance (2005). 10 Essential LearningPoints: Listen and Speak Out against Sexual Abuse of Girlsand Boys. Global Submission by the International Savethe Children Alliance to the UN Secretary-General’sStudy on Violence against Children. Oslo, Save theChildren Norway.187 Gittins C (2006) Violence Reduction in Schools – How toMake a Difference. A Handbook. Strasbourg, Council ofEurope.188 Boyle S (2002). Reaching the Poor: The ‘Costs’ ofSending Children to School. London, United KingdomDepartment for International Development.189 Cow M (2001). A World Safe for Children – EndingAbuse, Violence and Exploitation. Milton Keynes,WorldVision International.190 Save the Children (2005). Children’s Actions to EndViolence against Girls and Boys. A contribution to theUN Secretary-General’s Study of Violence againstChildren. Save the Children Sweden.191 Greene M (2005). Reducing Violence and Aggression inSchools. Trauma, Violence and Abuse, 6(3): 236–253.192 United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violenceagainst Children (2005). Regional Desk Reviews.Available at: Seshadri SP (2005). Children and Violence: ParticipatoryRapid Assessment Tool. Bangalore, Kolkata and Lucknow,UNICEF India.194 Save the Children Alliance (2005). 10 Essential LearningPoints: Listen and Speak Out against Sexual Abuse of Girlsand Boys. Global Submission by the International Savethe Children Alliance to the UN Secretary-General’sStudy on Violence against Children. Oslo, Save theChildren Norway.195 Chigunta F (2005). Report on the Evaluation of the ChildRights Clubs Project in Zambia. Lusaka, Save the Swedenand UNICEF. Available at: Safe Schools Coalition of Washington. Informationavailable at: L’Observatoire des droits de l’enfant de la région océanindien (2006). La violence contre les enfants dans la régionde l’océan indien. Annual Report of the Observatoire desdroits de l’enfant de la région océan indien. Mauritius,l’Observatoire des droits de l’enfant de la région océanindien.198 UNICEF (2005). Combatting Violence: Education forPeace – For Me, You and the Entire World, BackgroundNote. Mexico, UNICEF Mexico.

4155 Human Rights Watch (2004). Letting Them Fail:Government Neglect and the Right to Education for ChildrenAffected by AIDS. New York, Human Rights Watch.156 Boler T, Jellema A (2005). Deadly Inertia: A CrosscountryStudy of Educational Responses to HIV. GlobalCampaign for Education, ActionAid International withsupport from CIDA, IIEP, UNESCO et al.157 World Education (2001). Menarche and Its Implicationsfor Educational Policy in Peru. Girls’ and Women’sEducation Policy Research Activity (GWE-PRA) PolicyBrief. Available at: Bruns B et al. (2003). Achieving Universal PrimaryEducation by 2015: A Chance for Every Child.Washington DC, The World Bank.159 UNICEF (2004). The State of the World’s Children. NewYork, UNICEF.160 Human Rights Watch (2001). Scared at School: SexualViolence <strong>against</strong> Girls in South African Schools. New York,Human Rights Watch.161 Shepard B (2000). Youth Programmes in the SADCCountries: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.Paper presented at the 1st Youth Conference of theSouthern Africa Development Community Region,13–16 June 2000, Maputo, Mozambique.162 UNESCO (2005). Education For All Global MonitoringReport 2005. Paris, UNESCO.163 UNESCO (2005). Education For All Global MonitoringReport 2005. Paris, UNESCO.164 United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence<strong>against</strong> Children (2005). Regional Consultation OutcomeReports. Available at: http://www.<strong>violence</strong> National Center for Mental Health Promotion andViolence Prevention (2004). Prevention Brief. Newton,MA, National Center for Mental Health Promotion andViolence Prevention.166 Adapted from UNICEF, UNESCO and Save theChildren (2002). Quality Education for All: From a Girl’sPoint of View. New York, UNICEF; and UNESCO(2004). Inclusive, Learner-Friendly Environment Toolkit.Bangkok, UNESCO.167 UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) onEducation (2006). Quality Education and HIV & AIDS.Available at: Kirk J, Garrow S (2003). Girls in Policy: Challenges forthe Education Sector, Agenda No. 56. Durban, Girls’Education Movement.169 Country reports available from the Global Initiative toEnd All Corporal Punishment of Children at Committee on the Rights of the Child (2006). GeneralComment No. 8. The Right of the Child to Protectionfrom Corporal Punishment and Other Cruel or DegradingForms of Punishment (articles 19, 28(2) and 37, interalia), CRC/C/GC/8.171 United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence<strong>against</strong> Children (2005). Regional Desk Review:Eastern and Southern Africa. Available at: http://www.<strong>violence</strong> Jewkes R (2000). The HIV/AIDS Emergency: Departmentof Education Guidelines for Educators. Pretoria,Department of Education.173 All responses are available at: study.htm. As of 20 September2006, 135 Member States and one observer hadsubmitted responses.174 All responses are available at: study.htm. As of 20 September2006, 135 Member States and one observer hadsubmitted responses.175 UNESCO (1996). Examples of School-based ProgramsInvolving Peaceful Conflict Resolution and MediationOriented to Overcome Community Violence. New York,Ying Ying Lim and Morton Deutsch, InternationalCenter for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution,Teachers College, Columbia University.176 Wilson SJ, Lipsey MW (2005). The Effectiveness ofSchool-Based Violence Prevention Programs for ReducingDisruptive and Aggressive Behavior. Nashville, Centerfor Evaluation Research and Methodology, Institute forPublic Policy Studies, Vanderbilt University.165Violence <strong>against</strong> <strong>children</strong> in schools and educational settings

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