violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN

violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN

violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN

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3171 Committee on the Rights of the Child (2006). GeneralComment No. 8. The Right of the Child to Protectionfrom Corporal Punishment and Other Cruel or DegradingForms of Punishment (articles 19, 28(2) and 37, interalia), CRC/C/GC/8.172 Committee on the Rights of the Child (2006). GeneralComment No. 8. The Right of the Child to Protectionfrom Corporal Punishment and Other Cruel or DegradingForms of Punishment (articles 19, 28(2) and 37, interalia), CRC/C/GC/8, para 38.173 Committee on the Rights of the Child (2006). GeneralComment No. 8. The Right of the Child to Protectionfrom Corporal Punishment and Other Cruel or DegradingForms of Punishment (articles 19, 28(2) and 37, interalia), CRC/C/GC/8.174 International Save the Children Alliance (2005). EndingPhysical and Humiliating Punishment of Children.Making It Happen, Part 1. Global Submission to the UNStudy on Violence <strong>against</strong> Children. Stockholm, Savethe Children Sweden.175 Heise L, Garcia-Moreno C (2002). Violence byintimate partners. In: Krug EG et al. (Eds). WorldReport on Violence and Health. Geneva, World HealthOrganization.176 UNICEF (2001). Early Marriage, Child Spouses.Innocenti Digest, No. 7. Florence, UNICEF InnocentiResearch Centre.177 Olds DL et al. (1999). Prenatal and Infancy HomeVisitation by Nurses: Recent Findings. Future ofChildren, 9(1): 44–65.178 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2003).First Reports Evaluating the Effectiveness of Strategiesfor Preventing Violence: Early Childhood HomeVisitation. Findings from the Task Force on CommunityPreventive Services. MMWR, 52: 1–9.179 Holzer PJ et al. (2006). The Effectiveness of ParentEducation and Home Visitation Child MaltreatmentPrevention Programmes. Child Abuse Prevention Issues,No. 24. Australian Institute of Family Studies.180 Saunders BEL et al. (Eds) (2004). Child Physical andSexual Abuse: Guidelines for Treatment. Revised Report:April 26, 2004. Charleston, SC, USA. National CrimeVictims Research and Treatment Center.181 UNICEF (2003). Meeting Basic Learning Needs. NewYork, Consultative Group on ECCD, UNICEF. Citedin: Black M (1996). Children First: The Story of UNICEFPast and Present. New York, New York and OxfordUniversity Press.182 UNICEF (2004). Moldova Annual Report 2004.UNICEF Moldova. Cited in: United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence <strong>against</strong> Children (2005).Violence in the Home and Family. Regional DeskReview: Europe and Central Asia. Available at: www.<strong>violence</strong>study.org/r27.183 Butchart A, Hendricks G (2000). The Parent Centre.In: Butchart A (Ed). Behind the Mask: Getting to Gripswith Crime and Violence in South Africa. Pretoria, HSRCPublishers.184 CDC (2006). Child Maltreatment: CDC Activities.Atlanta, National Center for Injury Prevention andControl. Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/factsheets/cmactivities.htm.185 Hoath F, Sanders M (2002). A Feasibility Studyof Enhanced Group Triple P – Positive ParentingProgramme for Parents of Children with AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Behaviour Change,19(4): 191–206.186 Karlsson L, Karkara R (2006). How to End Violence.<strong>CRIN</strong> Newsletter, No. 19. Child Rights InformationNetwork.187 Zoritch B et al. (2000). Day Care for Pre-schoolChildren. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 3:CD000564.188 United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence<strong>against</strong> Children (2005). Summary Report of theThematic Meeting on Violence <strong>against</strong> Children withDisabilities, 28 July 2005, New York. Available at:www.<strong>violence</strong>study.org/r180.105Violence <strong>against</strong> <strong>children</strong> in the home and family

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