violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN

violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN


390 International Save the Children Alliance (2005). EndingPhysical and Humiliating Punishment of Children.Making It Happen, Part 1. Global Submission to the UNSecretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children.Stockholm, Save the Children Sweden.91 Runyan D et al. (2002). Child Abuse and Neglect byParents and Other Caregivers. In: Krug EG et al. (Eds).World Report on Violence and Health. Geneva, WorldHealth Organization, pp 59–86.92 International Save the Children Alliance (2005).Ending Physical and Humiliating Punishment of Children.Making It Happen, Part 2. Global Submission to the UNSecretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children.Stockholm, Save the Children Sweden.93 Crockenburg S (1987). Predictors and Correlates ofAnger towards and Punitive Control of Toddlers byAdolescent Mothers. Child Development, 58: 964–975.Cited in: Durrant JE (2005). Corporal Punishment:Prevalence, Predictors and Implications for ChildBehaviour and Development. In: Hart SN (Ed) (2005).Eliminating Corporal Punishment. Paris, UNESCO.94 Perry BD (2001). The Neurodevelopmental Impactof Violence in Childhood. In: Schetky D, BenedekEP (Eds). Textbook of Child and Adolescent ForensicPsychiatry. Washington DC, American Psychiatric Press,pp 221–238.95 Evans E et al. (2005). Suicidal Phenomena and Abuse inAdolescents: A Review of Epidemiological Studies. ChildAbuse & Neglect, 29(1): 45–58.96 Thompson R et al. (2005). Suicidal Ideation among8-Year-olds Who Are Maltreated and At Risk: Findingsfrom the LONGSCAN Studies. Child Maltreatment,10(1): 26–36.97 Hamilton CE, Browne KD (1998). The RepeatVictimization of Children. Aggression and ViolentBehavior, 3: 47–60.98 Analysis provided to the Study by the WHO MulticountryStudy on Women’s Health and DomesticViolence against Women (2006). Geneva, World HealthOrganization.99 Felitti VJ et al. (1998). The Relationship of AdultHealth Status to Childhood Abuse and HouseholdDysfunction. American Journal of Preventive Medicine,14: 245–258.100 Dube SR et al. (2005). Long-term Consequences ofChildhood Sexual Abuse by Gender of Victim. AmericanJournal of Preventive Medicine, 28(5): 430–438.101 Dong MRF et al. (2004). The Interrelatedness ofMultiple Forms of Childhood Abuse, Neglect, andHousehold Dysfunction. Child Abuse & Neglect, 28(7):771–784.102 Turner HA et al. (2006). The Effect of LifetimeVictimisation on the Mental Health of Children andAdolescents. Social Science and Medicine, 62(1): 13–27.103 Andrews G et al. (2004). Child Sexual Abuse. In: EzzatiM et al. (2004). Comparative Quantification of HealthRisks: Global and Regional Burden of Disease Attributableto Selected Major Risk Factors, Vol. 2. Geneva, WorldHealth Organization, pp 1851–1940.104 Turner HA, Finkelhor D (1996). Corporal Punishmentas a Stressor Among Youth. Journal of Marriage andthe Family, 58: 155–166. Cited in: Durrant JE (2005).Corporal Punishment: Prevalence, Predictors andImplications for Child Behaviour and Development. In:Hart SN (Ed) (2005). Eliminating Corporal Punishment.Paris, UNESCO.105 Thompson R et al. (2005). Suicidal Ideation among8-Year-olds Who Are Maltreated and At Risk: Findingsfrom the LONGSCAN Studies. Child Maltreatment,10(1): 26–36.106 Evans E et al. (2005). Suicidal Phenomena and Abuse inAdolescents: A Review of Epidemiological Studies. ChildAbuse & Neglect, 29(1): 45–58.107 Csorba J et al. (2001). Family and School-relatedStresses in Depressed Hungarian Children. EuropeanPsychiatry, 16: 18–26.101Violence against children in the home and family

102Violence against children in the home and family108 Lau JTF et al (1999). Prevalence and Correlates ofPhysical Abuse in Hong Kong Chinese Adolescents:A Population-based Approach. Child Abuse & Neglect,23: 549–57. Cited in: Durrant JE (2005). CorporalPunishment: Prevalence, Predictors and Implicationsfor Child Behaviour and Development. In: Hart SN(Ed) (2005). Eliminating Corporal Punishment. Paris,UNESCO.109 MacMillan HL et al. (1999). Slapping and Spanking inChildhood and Its Association with Lifetime Prevalenceof Psychiatric Disorders in a General Population Sample.Canadian Medical Association Journal, 16: 805–809.Cited in: Durrant JE (2005). Corporal Punishment:Prevalence, Predictors and Implications for ChildBehaviour and Development. In: Hart SN (Ed) (2005).Eliminating Corporal Punishment. Paris, UNESCO.110 Classen CC et al. (2005). Sexual Revictimisation: AReview of the Empirical Literature. Trauma Violence andAbuse, 6(2): 103–129.111 Fryer G, Miyoshi T (1994). A Survival Analysis of theRevictimization of Children: The Case of Colorado.Child Abuse & Neglect, 18(12): 1063–1071.112 Creighton SJ (1992). Child Abuse Trends in England andWales 1988–1990: And an Overview from 1973–1990.London, NSPCC.113 Hamilton CE, Browne KD (1999). RecurrentMaltreatment During Childhood: A Survey of Referralsto Police Child Protection Units in England. ChildMaltreatment, 4(4): 275–286.114 Bradshaw J, Mayhew E (Eds). The Well-being of Childrenin the UK, 2nd Edition. London, The University ofYork/Save the Children UK.115 Baldry A (2003). Bullying in Schools and Exposureto Domestic Violence. Child Abuse & Neglect, 27(7):713–732.116 International Save the Children Alliance (2005). 10Essential Learning Points: Listen and Speak Out againstSexual Abuse of Girls and Boys. Global Submission tothe UN Secretary-General’s Study on Violence againstChildren. Oslo, Save the Children.117 Ertem IO et al. (2000). Intergenerational Continuityof Child Physical Abuse: How Good is the Evidence?Lancet, 356 (9232): 814–819.118 Johnson H et al. (forthcoming). Violence against Women:An International Perspective. New York, Springer.119 Williams LM (2003). Understanding Child Abuse andViolence against Women: A Life Course Perspective.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18(4): 441–451.120 UNICEF (2005). Changing a Harmful SocialConvention: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting.Innocenti Digest, No. 12. Florence, UNICEF InnocentiResearch Centre.121 Stanley YP et al. (2004). Female Genital Cutting inthe Demographic and Health Surveys: A Critical andComparative Analysis. DHS Comparative Reports, No.7. Calverton, ORC Macro. Cited in: UNICEF (2005).Changing a Harmful Social Convention: Female GenitalMutilation/Cutting. Innocenti Digest, No. 12. Florence,UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre.122 Waters H et al. (2004). The Economic Dimensionsof Interpersonal Violence. Geneva, World HealthOrganization.123 Fromm S (2001). Total Estimates of Cost of Child Abuseand Neglect in the United States – Statistical Evidence.Chicago, Prevent Child Abuse America.124 National Commission of Inquiry into the Prevention ofChild Abuse (1996). Childhood Matters: The Report ofthe National Commission of Inquiry into the Prevention ofChild Abuse, Vol. 1. London, Her Majesty’s StationeryOffice. Cited in: Runyan D et al. (2002). Child Abuseand Neglect by Parents and Other Caregivers. In: KrugEG et al. (Eds). World Report on Violence and Health.Geneva, World Health Organization, pp 59–86.125 United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violenceagainst Children (2005). Summary Report of theThematic Meeting on Violence against Children withDisabilities, 28 July 2005, New York. Available at: American Academy of Pediatrics (2001). Assessment ofMaltreatment of Children with Disabilities. Pediatrics,108(2): 508–552.

102Violence <strong>against</strong> <strong>children</strong> in the home and family108 Lau JTF et al (1999). Prevalence and Correlates ofPhysical Abuse in Hong Kong Chinese Adolescents:A Population-based Approach. Child Abuse & Neglect,23: 549–57. Cited in: Durrant JE (2005). CorporalPunishment: Prevalence, Predictors and Implicationsfor Child Behaviour and Development. In: Hart SN(Ed) (2005). Eliminating Corporal Punishment. Paris,UNESCO.109 MacMillan HL et al. (1999). Slapping and Spanking inChildhood and Its Association with Lifetime Prevalenceof Psychiatric Disorders in a General Population Sample.Canadian Medical Association Journal, 16: 805–809.Cited in: Durrant JE (2005). Corporal Punishment:Prevalence, Predictors and Implications for ChildBehaviour and Development. In: Hart SN (Ed) (2005).Eliminating Corporal Punishment. Paris, UNESCO.110 Classen CC et al. (2005). Sexual Revictimisation: AReview of the Empirical Literature. Trauma Violence andAbuse, 6(2): 103–129.111 Fryer G, Miyoshi T (1994). A Survival Analysis of theRevictimization of Children: The Case of Colorado.Child Abuse & Neglect, 18(12): 1063–1071.112 Creighton SJ (1992). Child Abuse Trends in England andWales 1988–1990: And an Overview from 1973–1990.London, NSPCC.113 Hamilton CE, Browne KD (1999). RecurrentMaltreatment During Childhood: A Survey of Referralsto Police Child Protection Units in England. ChildMaltreatment, 4(4): 275–286.114 Bradshaw J, Mayhew E (Eds). The Well-being of Childrenin the UK, 2nd Edition. London, The University ofYork/Save the Children UK.115 Baldry A (2003). Bullying in Schools and Exposureto Domestic Violence. Child Abuse & Neglect, 27(7):713–732.116 International Save the Children Alliance (2005). 10Essential Learning Points: Listen and Speak Out <strong>against</strong>Sexual Abuse of Girls and Boys. Global Submission tothe UN Secretary-General’s Study on Violence <strong>against</strong>Children. Oslo, Save the Children.117 Ertem IO et al. (2000). Intergenerational Continuityof Child Physical Abuse: How Good is the Evidence?Lancet, 356 (9232): 814–819.118 Johnson H et al. (forthcoming). Violence <strong>against</strong> Women:An International Perspective. New York, Springer.119 Williams LM (2003). Understanding Child Abuse andViolence <strong>against</strong> Women: A Life Course Perspective.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18(4): 441–451.120 UNICEF (2005). Changing a Harmful SocialConvention: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting.Innocenti Digest, No. 12. Florence, UNICEF InnocentiResearch Centre.121 Stanley YP et al. (2004). Female Genital Cutting inthe Demographic and Health Surveys: A Critical andComparative Analysis. DHS Comparative Reports, No.7. Calverton, ORC Macro. Cited in: UNICEF (2005).Changing a Harmful Social Convention: Female GenitalMutilation/Cutting. Innocenti Digest, No. 12. Florence,UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre.122 Waters H et al. (2004). The Economic Dimensionsof Interpersonal Violence. Geneva, World HealthOrganization.123 Fromm S (2001). Total Estimates of Cost of Child Abuseand Neglect in the United States – Statistical Evidence.Chicago, Prevent Child Abuse America.124 National Commission of Inquiry into the Prevention ofChild Abuse (1996). Childhood Matters: The Report ofthe National Commission of Inquiry into the Prevention ofChild Abuse, Vol. 1. London, Her Majesty’s StationeryOffice. Cited in: Runyan D et al. (2002). Child Abuseand Neglect by Parents and Other Caregivers. In: KrugEG et al. (Eds). World Report on Violence and Health.Geneva, World Health Organization, pp 59–86.125 United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence<strong>against</strong> Children (2005). Summary Report of theThematic Meeting on Violence <strong>against</strong> Children withDisabilities, 28 July 2005, New York. Available at:http://www.<strong>violence</strong> American Academy of Pediatrics (2001). Assessment ofMaltreatment of Children with Disabilities. Pediatrics,108(2): 508–552.

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