violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN

violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN violence against children WORLD REPORT ON - CRIN


310 Asis MMB et al. (2004). When the Light of the Homeis Abroad: Female Migration and the Filipino Family.Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 25(2): 198–215.11 National Research Council (1993). Understanding ChildAbuse and Neglect. Washington DC, National Academyof Sciences Press.12 Straus MA et al. (1998). Identification of ChildMaltreatment with the Parent–Child Conflict TacticsScales: Development and Psychometric Data for aNational Sample of American Parents. Child Abuse &Neglect, 22: 249–270.13 Zununegui MV et al. (1997). Child Abuse: SocioeconomicFactors and Health Status. Anales Españoles dePediatria, 47: 33–41.14 Kelly MJ (2005). The Power of Early Childhood as aHealing Force in the AIDS Crisis. Paper for Presentationto the World Forum on Early Care and Education,Montreal, 19 May 2005.15 UNICEF (2003). Africa’s Orphaned Generations. NewYork, UNICEF..16 United Nations (2000). The World’s Women: Trends andStatistics. New York, United Nations.17 Boudreaux MC, Lord WD (2005). Combating ChildHomicide: Preventive Policing for the New Millennium.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 20(4): 380–387.18 Finkelhor D, Berliner L (1995). Research on theTreatment of Sexually Abused Children: A Reviewand Recommendations. Journal of the Academy of ChildAdolescent Psychiatry, 34: 1408–1423.19 Boudreaux MC, Lord WD (2005). Combating ChildHomicide: Preventive Policing for the New Millennium.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 20(4): 380–387.20 UNICEF (2003). Innocenti Report Card No. 5: A LeagueTable of Child Maltreatment Deaths in Rich Nations.UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florence.21 Dean PJ (2004). Child Homicide and Infanticide in NewZealand. Int J Law Psychiatry, 27(4): 339–348; RomainN et al. (2003). Childhood Homicide: A 1990–2000Retrospective Study at the Institute of Legal Medicinein Lausanne, Switzerland. Medicine, Science and the Law,43(3): 203–206; Collins KA, Nichols CA (1999).A Decade of Pediatric Homicide: A Retrospective Studyat the Medical University of South Carolina. AmericanJournal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 20(2):169–172.22 WHO (2006). Global Estimates of Health ConsequencesDue to Violence against Children. Background Paper tothe UN Secretary-General’s Study on Violence againstChildren. Geneva, World Health Organization.23 Runyan D et al. (2002). Child Abuse and Neglect byParents and Other Caregivers. In: Krug EG et al. (Eds).World Report on Violence and Health. Geneva, WorldHealth Organization, pp 59–86.24 Collins KA, Nichols CA (1999). A Decade of PediatricHomicide: A Retrospective Study at the MedicalUniversity of South Carolina. American Journal ofForensic Medicine and Pathology, 20(2): 169–172.25 Lyman JM et al. (2003). Epidemiology of ChildHomicide in Jefferson County, Alabama. Child Abuse &Neglect, 27(9): 1063–1073.26 Romain NK et al. (2003). Childhood Homicide:A 1990–2000 Retrospective Study at the Institute ofLegal Medicine in Lausanne, Switzerland. Medicine,Science and the Law, 43(3): 203–206.27 Moskowitz HD et al. (2005). Relationships of US YouthHomicide Victims and Their Offenders, 1976–1999.Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 159(4):356–361.28 Dean PJ (2004). Child Homicide and Infanticidein New Zealand. International Journal of Law andPsychiatry, 27(4): 339–348.29 Moskowitz HD et al. (2005). Relationships of US YouthHomicide Victims and Their Offenders, 1976–1999.Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 159(4):356–361.97Violence against children in the home and family

98Violence against children in the home and family30 George S (1995). Female Infanticide in Tamil-Nadu,India: From Recognition Back to Denial? ReproductiveHealth Matters, 10: 124–132. Cited in: Naved RT (2003).A Situation Analysis of Violence against Women in SouthAsia. In: Violence against Women in South Asia: A RegionalAnalysis. Bangkok, Asian Forum of Parliamentarians onPopulation and Development/Kathmandu, UNFPA.31 Stephenson R et al. (2006). Child Maltreatment amongSchool Children in Kurdistan Province, Iran. ChildAbuse & Neglect, 30: 231–245.32 Hahm HC, Guterman NB (2001). The EmergingProblem of Physical Child Abuse in South Korea. ChildMaltreatment, 6(2): 169–179.33 May-Chalal C, Cawson P (2005). Measuring ChildMaltreatment in the United Kingdom: A Study of thePrevalence of Child Abuse and Neglect. Child Abuse &Neglect, 29: 969–984.34 Committee on the Rights of the Child (2006). GeneralComment No. 8. The Right of the Child to Protectionfrom Corporal Punishment and Other Cruel or DegradingForms of Punishment (articles 19, 28(2) and 37, interalia), CRC/C/GC/8, para 11.35 Committee on the Rights of the Child (2006). GeneralComment No. 8. The Right of the Child to Protectionfrom Corporal Punishment and Other Cruel or DegradingForms of Punishment (articles 19, 28(2) and 37, interalia), CRC/C/GC/8.36 Durrant JE (2003). Maternal Beliefs about physicalpunishment in Sweden and Canada. Journal ofComparative Family Studies, 34:586-604. Cited in:Durrant JE (2005). Corporal Punishment: Prevalence,Predictors and Implications for Child Behaviour andDevelopment. In: Hart SN (Ed) (2005). EliminatingCorporal Punishment. Paris, UNESCO.37 Lehman BA (1989). Making a Case against Spanking.The Washington Post, 23 March 1989. Cited in: StrausMA, Mathur AK (1996). Social Change and Trends inApproval of Corporal Punishment by Parents from 1968 to1994. In: Frehsee D et al. (Eds). Violence against Children.Berlin and New York, Walter de Gruyter, pp 91–105.38 Durrant JE (2005). Corporal Punishment: Prevalence,Predictors and Implications for Child Behaviour andDevelopment. In: Hart SN (Ed) (2005). EliminatingCorporal Punishment. Paris, UNESCO.39 Kim D-H (2000). Children’s Experience of Violence inChina and Korea: A Transcultural Study. Child Abuse& Neglect, 18: 155–166. Cited in: Durrant JE (2005).Corporal Punishment: Prevalence, Predictors andImplications for Child Behaviour and Development. In:Hart SN (Ed) (2005). Eliminating Corporal Punishment.Paris, UNESCO.40 Habasch R (2005). Physical and Humiliating Punishmentof Children in Yemen. Save the Children Sweden. Citedin: International Save the Children Alliance (2005).Ending Physical and Humiliating Punishment of Children.Making It Happen, Part 2. Global Submission to the UNSecretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children.Stockholm, Save the Children Sweden.41 International Save the Children Alliance (2005). EndingPhysical and Humiliating Punishment of Children.Making It Happen, Part 2. Global Submission to the UNSecretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children.Stockholm, Save the Children Sweden.42 UNICEF (2001). Young Voices Opinion Survey ofChildren and Young People in Europe and Central Asia.Geneva, UNICEF.43 Dong M et al. (2004). The Interrelatedness of MultipleForms of Childhood Abuse, Neglect, and HouseholdDysfunction. Child Abuse & Neglect, 28(7): 771–784.44 Government of India (2005). India Country Report onViolence against Children. New Delhi, Department ofWomen and Child Development, Ministry of HumanResource Development, Government of India.45 Klasen S, Wink C (2003). Missing Women: Revisitingthe Debate. Feminist Economics, 9(2–3): 263–299.46 Helander E (1999). Prejudice and Dignity: An Introductionto Community-based Rehabilitation, 2nd Edition. NewYork, United Nations Development Programme. Citedin: United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violenceagainst Children (2005). Summary Report of the ThematicMeeting on Violence against Children with Disabilities.28 July 2005, New York.

310 Asis MMB et al. (2004). When the Light of the Homeis Abroad: Female Migration and the Filipino Family.Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 25(2): 198–215.11 National Research Council (1993). Understanding ChildAbuse and Neglect. Washington DC, National Academyof Sciences Press.12 Straus MA et al. (1998). Identification of ChildMaltreatment with the Parent–Child Conflict TacticsScales: Development and Psychometric Data for aNational Sample of American Parents. Child Abuse &Neglect, 22: 249–270.13 Zununegui MV et al. (1997). Child Abuse: SocioeconomicFactors and Health Status. Anales Españoles dePediatria, 47: 33–41.14 Kelly MJ (2005). The Power of Early Childhood as aHealing Force in the AIDS Crisis. Paper for Presentationto the World Forum on Early Care and Education,Montreal, 19 May 2005.15 UNICEF (2003). Africa’s Orphaned Generations. NewYork, UNICEF..16 United Nations (2000). The World’s Women: Trends andStatistics. New York, United Nations.17 Boudreaux MC, Lord WD (2005). Combating ChildHomicide: Preventive Policing for the New Millennium.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 20(4): 380–387.18 Finkelhor D, Berliner L (1995). Research on theTreatment of Sexually Abused Children: A Reviewand Recommendations. Journal of the Academy of ChildAdolescent Psychiatry, 34: 1408–1423.19 Boudreaux MC, Lord WD (2005). Combating ChildHomicide: Preventive Policing for the New Millennium.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 20(4): 380–387.20 UNICEF (2003). Innocenti Report Card No. 5: A LeagueTable of Child Maltreatment Deaths in Rich Nations.UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florence.21 Dean PJ (2004). Child Homicide and Infanticide in NewZealand. Int J Law Psychiatry, 27(4): 339–348; RomainN et al. (2003). Childhood Homicide: A 1990–2000Retrospective Study at the Institute of Legal Medicinein Lausanne, Switzerland. Medicine, Science and the Law,43(3): 203–206; Collins KA, Nichols CA (1999).A Decade of Pediatric Homicide: A Retrospective Studyat the Medical University of South Carolina. AmericanJournal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 20(2):169–172.22 WHO (2006). Global Estimates of Health ConsequencesDue to Violence <strong>against</strong> Children. Background Paper tothe UN Secretary-General’s Study on Violence <strong>against</strong>Children. Geneva, World Health Organization.23 Runyan D et al. (2002). Child Abuse and Neglect byParents and Other Caregivers. In: Krug EG et al. (Eds).World Report on Violence and Health. Geneva, WorldHealth Organization, pp 59–86.24 Collins KA, Nichols CA (1999). A Decade of PediatricHomicide: A Retrospective Study at the MedicalUniversity of South Carolina. American Journal ofForensic Medicine and Pathology, 20(2): 169–172.25 Lyman JM et al. (2003). Epidemiology of ChildHomicide in Jefferson County, Alabama. Child Abuse &Neglect, 27(9): 1063–1073.26 Romain NK et al. (2003). Childhood Homicide:A 1990–2000 Retrospective Study at the Institute ofLegal Medicine in Lausanne, Switzerland. Medicine,Science and the Law, 43(3): 203–206.27 Moskowitz HD et al. (2005). Relationships of US YouthHomicide Victims and Their Offenders, 1976–1999.Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 159(4):356–361.28 Dean PJ (2004). Child Homicide and Infanticidein New Zealand. International Journal of Law andPsychiatry, 27(4): 339–348.29 Moskowitz HD et al. (2005). Relationships of US YouthHomicide Victims and Their Offenders, 1976–1999.Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 159(4):356–361.97Violence <strong>against</strong> <strong>children</strong> in the home and family

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