USE OF DISPERSANTS - U.S. National Response Team (NRT)

USE OF DISPERSANTS - U.S. National Response Team (NRT)

USE OF DISPERSANTS - U.S. National Response Team (NRT)

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SECTION IIIProtocolsTHE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS APPLY TO THE APPLICATION <strong>OF</strong> ALL <strong>DISPERSANTS</strong>UNDER THE PROVISIONS SET FORTH IN THIS POLICY.1. Dispersants will only be used to mitigate the effects of spilled oil and to protect public health andwelfare and the environment.2. The USCG-OSC will immediately notify EPA, DOC, DOI, and the affected State(s) of thedecision to use dispersants under the provisions of this agreement. This initial notification willinclude, but not necessarily limited to, the following information:a) Date, time, and location of the incident;b) Type and amount of oil discharged;c) Area affected;d) The projected area of impact if the oil is not dispersed;e) Reasons why dispersants or chemical agents have been selected;f) Dispersant to be used; andg) On-scene weather and forecast.3. The USCG will make every effort to continuously evaluate the decision to use dispersant byconsidering the advice of the EPA, DOI, DOC and the affected State(s). The use of dispersantswill be discontinued if so requested by the EPA, DOI, DOC or the affected State(s). Such requestmay be verbal followed by written documentation.4. The USCG-OSC shall comply will all occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)regulations.5. The USCG-OSC shall make every reasonable effort to provide EPA, DOI, DOC and the affectedState(s) the opportunity to observe dispersant application operations. The inability to have ortake advantage of the opportunity will not be cause for cessation of application operations.6. Monitoring will be conducted to evaluate the decision to continue dispersant application and todocument results. Recommended monitoring procedures are included in Appendix III.7. Prior to commencing application operations, an on-site survey will be conducted, in consultationwith natural resource specialists, to determine if any threatened or endangered species are presentin the projected application area or otherwise at risk from dispersant operations. Measures will betaken to prevent impacts to wildlife, especially threatened and endangered species. Survey flightsin the area of application will be conducted during dispersant operations.8. When dispersant application is proposed in a Green Zone area that is adjacent to or near an arealess than 60 feet in depth, due consideration shall be given to the trajectory of the dispersed oil. Ifresources in adjacent shallow areas are at risk, consultation with the trustees must be conducted.The zone maps contained in Appendix I showing the 60 foot depth contour should be used forgeneral reference only. Nautical or bathometric charts should be consulted for more detail.9. A dispersant use post-incident report shall be completed by the OSC within 45 days of dispersant

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