USE OF DISPERSANTS - U.S. National Response Team (NRT)

USE OF DISPERSANTS - U.S. National Response Team (NRT)

USE OF DISPERSANTS - U.S. National Response Team (NRT)

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DISPERSANT OPERATION GROUP SUPERVISORA. The Dispersant Operation Group Supervisor is in charge of a functional group under the OperationsSection of the ICS organization. This position manages the planning and execution for the dispersantoperation. This position relieves the burden on the Operations Section Chief and the Air OperationsBranch, and in smaller cases may alleviate the need for the Air Operations Branch. In the event of alarge spill, air operations could easily be overwhelmed with vessel skimming and overflight support,which might delay the actual dispersant application.B. The Dispersant Operation Group Supervisor is ground-based and reports to the Operations SectionChief in the ICS organization:• Submits the dispersant application to CRRT• Insures the overall safety of the dispersant operation• Develops dispersant operations portion of the Incident Action Plan or IAP (Dispersant OperationPlan)• Requests restricted airspace if needed for the dispersant operation• Determines what aircraft and vessels will be operating on scene to carry out the dispersantoperation• Requests resources needed to implement the Dispersant Operation Plan• Arranges logistical support including such things as obtaining or storing adequate supplies ofdispersants, aircraft maintenance and fuel, airport arrangements, and additional aircrews, ifneeded• Supervises the execution of the Dispersant Operation Plan, monitors progress, and makesadditional application requests as needed• Coordinates any aircraft support through the Air Operations Branch Director• Conducts a safety briefing and debriefing of dispersant operations group personnel• Obtains video/still photography of the dispersant operation• Coordinates the disposal of residual dispersant from drums and/or tanks• Coordinate closely with Scientific Support Coordinator (SSC) and other technical specialists toensure input/recommendations are shared with the Unified Command• Obtain samples and oil information (e.g. MSDS, API, Viscosity, etc.) as soon as possible forboth spills and potential spills. Can use NOAA's Oil Information Data Sheet from ADIOS tocollect information. Determine dispersability potential of the oil. May require lab analysis andtesting. SSC can provide this service.• Obtain dispersant capability as soon as potential need is identified. DRAT can assist.• Obtain short and long term weather forecasts.

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