POCKET BOOK_Final_Turned - Pall Corporation

POCKET BOOK_Final_Turned - Pall Corporation POCKET BOOK_Final_Turned - Pall Corporation

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Operating Principle of Pall Fluid Conditioning PurifiersPrinciple: Mass transfer by evaporation under vacuumInletcontaminatedfluidVerythinfilmof oilDryairOutletexhaust airVacuum:Expansionof air causesthe RelativeHumidity todecreaseOutletPvacuum-0.7 barInletambient airdry fluidFreeWaterDissolvedWaterPall HNP006 Oil PurifierPall Fluid ConditioningPurifiers remove 100% offree water and entrainedgases, and up to 90% ofdissolved water and gasesTypical Applications• Hydraulic oils• Lubrication oils• Dielectric fluids• Phosphate-esters• Quenching fluids12

Water Content Analysis MethodsMethod Units Benefits LimitationsCrackle Test None Quick indicator of Does not permitpresence of free detection belowwatersaturationChemical Percentage or PPM A simple Not very accurate(Calcium hydride) measurement of on disolved waterwater contentDistillation Percentage Relatively unaffected Limited accuracyby oil additives on dry oilsFTIR Percentage or PPM Quick and Accuracy does notinexpensivepermit detectionbelow 0.1% or1,000 PPMKarl Fischer Percentage or PPM Accurate at Not suitable for highdetecting low levels of water.levels of water Can be affected(10 - 1,000 PPM) by additivesCapacitive Sensors Percentage of Very accurate at Cannot measure(Water Sensors) saturation or PPM detecting dissolved water levels abovewater, 0 - 100% of saturation (100%)saturation.WS04 Portable Water SensorWS08 In-line Water Sensor13

Water Content Analysis MethodsMethod Units Benefits LimitationsCrackle Test None Quick indicator of Does not permitpresence of free detection belowwatersaturationChemical Percentage or PPM A simple Not very accurate(Calcium hydride) measurement of on disolved waterwater contentDistillation Percentage Relatively unaffected Limited accuracyby oil additives on dry oilsFTIR Percentage or PPM Quick and Accuracy does notinexpensivepermit detectionbelow 0.1% or1,000 PPMKarl Fischer Percentage or PPM Accurate at Not suitable for highdetecting low levels of water.levels of water Can be affected(10 - 1,000 PPM) by additivesCapacitive Sensors Percentage of Very accurate at Cannot measure(Water Sensors) saturation or PPM detecting dissolved water levels abovewater, 0 - 100% of saturation (100%)saturation.WS04 Portable Water SensorWS08 In-line Water Sensor13

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