Name : Dr Anjum Farooqui Qualification : M Sc. Ph.D (Botany), Date ...

Name : Dr Anjum Farooqui Qualification : M Sc. Ph.D (Botany), Date ... Name : Dr Anjum Farooqui Qualification : M Sc. Ph.D (Botany), Date ...

21. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A . 2009. Fresh water thecamoebians: Indicators of seasonally induced hydrologicalchanges in lakes ISSN 1726-1112. Екологія та ноосферологія. Т. 20, № 3–4: 117-12322. Prasad V., <strong>Farooqui</strong> A., Tripathi, S.K.M. Garg R and Thakur, B, 2009. Evidence of LatePalaeocene‐Early Eocene equatorial rain forest Refugia in southern western Ghats, India. J.Biosciences 34 (5) 777‐797.23. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A., Karuna Karudu, D. Rajasekhar Reddy and Ravi Mishra. 2009. Organic matterdepositional microenvironment in deltaic channel deposits of Mahanadi river. Jour. Appliedand Natural <strong>Sc</strong>iences 1 (2): 180‐190.24. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A. 2008. The Evolution of Pichavaram Mangrove and its Environment since MiddleHolocene. J.Geol.Soc. India­ IGCP­ 464. Spl. Vol. 96: 40‐54.25. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A, 2008. Venkateshwara M., Rajashekhar Reddy D and Chakraborty S. ClimaticOscillations and Sea level fluctuations since Middle Holocene in Bay of Bengal, India:Implications of Palyno‐successsion at century to millennial scale. Int. J. Oceans andOceanogra. 2 (1): 11‐21.26. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A. 2007. Precipitation of biogenic mineral cement on oxidation of deltaic peatsediment: Potential carriers of trace metals. Indian Journal of Geochemistry 22(1) 33‐34.27. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A and A.S. Gaur 2007. Arcellaceans and pollen/spores of a late Harappansettlement near Porbander, West Coast of India: Implications for palaeoecology andenvironmental monitoring. Current <strong>Sc</strong>ience 92(7) 992‐997.28. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A and Hema Achyuthan. Evidence of Middle to Late Holocene vegetation in AdyarEstuary, Chennai.2006. J. Geological Society of India. 68. 230‐238.29. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A. 2005 Palynological Evidences and palaeoenvironment in Bet Dwarka island. In:Excavation Report of Bet Dwarka Island (2001‐2002) Eds. A.S. Gaur and Sundaresh. Publs.Aryans Books International, New Delhi. Pages 91‐97.30. Seetharamaiah, J, <strong>Anjum</strong> <strong>Farooqui</strong>, K. Nageshwara Rao and K.V.S. Bhagwan. 2005. LateHolocene Development of Iskapalli lagoon, east coast, India. Indian Journal of Marine <strong>Sc</strong>iencesVol.34 (3) pp. 267-273.31. <strong>Farooqui</strong> <strong>Anjum</strong> 2005. Mangrove diversity along the South‐East coast of India sinceHolocene: A palynostratigraphical record VII: Improvement, protection and utilization ofplants in relation to environment 423 –434. Pubs. Inter.Book Distr. Co.32. <strong>Farooqui</strong>, A and U. Bajpai, 2003. Biogenic Arsenopyrite in Holocene Peat Sediment, India.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. Academic Press, U.S.A. 55 :157- 16133. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A, <strong>Farooqui</strong> S.A and B. Sekar., 2003. Veg. Pattern since 4000 yrs. BP in Lalitpur, India:

Mansarovar Lake. In PAGES Workshop Feb. 2003. Pondicherry. Late Quaternary EnvironmentChange: Emerging issues. 247-249.34. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A. 2002. Micromorphology and Adaptation of leaf Epidermal traits inRhizophoraceae to coastal wetland Ecosystem. Palaeobotanist 50:295‐309.35. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A and B. Sekhar. 2002. Holocene sea level/climatic changes evidenced bypalynostratigraphical and Geochemical studies. Memoir Geological Soc. of India, Vol.49. 41‐50.36. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A. 2002. Arsenic contamination in Adyar Estuary. Asian J. of Microbiol. Biotech. andEnvironmental <strong>Sc</strong>i. Vol. 4 (4): 489‐493.37. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A and U. Bajpai.2002 Biogenic Mineral Precipitation in Peat Sediment. Proc. EMSI-IIT, Bombay.: 85-87.38. <strong>Farooqui</strong>, A 2001. Trace metal and Mangroves in Tamil Nadu Coastal Region, India- A CaseStudy. Proc. 6 th Int Conf. Biogeochem. Trace Elements, Univ. of Guelph, Ontario, Canada: 513.39. <strong>Farooqui</strong>, A and Rai. V. 2001. Heavy Minerals and coastal vegetation during Late Holocene inPichavaram, Tamil Nadu, India. In: A handbook of Placer Mineral Deposits, G.V. Rajamanickam(ed.): 211-218. New Academic Publishers, New Delhi.40. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A and Vaz G G. 2000. Holocene sea‐level and climate fluctuations: Pulicat lagoon –A case study. Curr. <strong>Sc</strong>i. 79(10) 1484‐1488.41. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A. 2000. Leaf cuticular and Epidermal Traits and elemental status in Rhizophoraspecies in a coastal wetland ecosystem. <strong>Ph</strong>ytomorphology. 50(3&4): 317‐325.42. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A 1999. Biostratigraphic studies of Pichavaram mangrove swamps andenvironmental changes during Holocene, Gond. Geol. Magz. (Spl. Vol.) 4: 293‐300.43. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A and Bajpai U. 1999. Stomatal modifications for salt exudation in Rhizophoraapiculata Bl. Proc. Nat. Conf. On Electron Microscopy, 1‐3, Dec. DMSRDE, Kanpur. 121‐124.44. Bera S K and <strong>Farooqui</strong> A. 2000. Mid-Holocene vegetation and climate of South Indian Montane.J. Palaeontological Soc. of India. Vol. 45: 49-56.45. Bera S.K and <strong>Farooqui</strong> A and Gupta H.P.1997. Late Pleistocene/ Holocene vegetation andenvironment in and around Marian shola, Palni Hills, Tamil Nadu. Palaeobotanist. 46 (1,2): 191-195.46. Bera S.K, Gupta H.P and <strong>Farooqui</strong> <strong>Anjum</strong>.1996. Berijam Lake: 20,000 yrs. Sequence ofpalaeofloristics and palaeoenvironment in Palni Hills, South India. Geophytology. 26 (1): 99-104.47. Kulshreshtha K, <strong>Farooqui</strong> A Srivastava K Singh S N Ahmad KJ and Behl HM. 1994. Effect ofdiesel exhaust pollution on cuticular and epidermal features of Lantana camara L. and Syzigiumcuminii L. (Skeels.) J. Environ. Health. A 29 (2), 301-308.(Marcel &Decker, NY)

48. Srivastava K, <strong>Farooqui</strong> <strong>Anjum</strong>, Kulshrshetha K and Ahmad J. 1995. Effect of fly-ash amendedsoil on growth of Lactuca sativa L. Jour. of Environ. Biology 16 (1) 93-96.49. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A, <strong>Farooqui</strong> S A, Kulshrehtha K, Srivastava K and Ahmad K J Yunus M and Singh S.N. 1996. Accumulation/translocation of Fe by weeds in iron rich soil. Indian J. Agric. Res. 30:157-163.50. <strong>Farooqui</strong>, A Kulshreshtha K Singh S. N., <strong>Farooqui</strong> S.A., Yunus M and Ahmad K.J. 1997. Foliarcontent and changes in epidermal traits of lagerstroemia parviflora (L.) Roxb. EnvironmentalMonitoring and Assessment 48: 107-115. Kluwer Pbl.51. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A Kulshreshtha K., <strong>Farooqui</strong> S A., Srivastava K, Singh SN, Pandey V and Ahmad K J.1995. <strong>Ph</strong>otosynthesis , stomatal response and metal accumulation in Cineraria maritima L. andCentauria moschata L. grown in metal rich soil . The <strong>Sc</strong>i. of the total environment (STOTEN) 164:203-207. Elsevier Publs.52. <strong>Farooqui</strong>, A. 2000. National Seminar on coastal evolution, Processes and Products: XVIIAnnual Convention of Indian Association of Sedimentologists. 17‐20 Oct. 2000,Palaeobotanist Vol. 49 (3): 544‐545.53. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A and <strong>Farooqui</strong> S.A. 2000. Plant indicators of Nickel and Chromium in the Southernpart of Lalitpur District. Chap. 54.: 385-381. In: Advances of Environmental Biopollution (ed)Shukla AC. Publs. Vedams Books (P) Ltd.54. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A. 1994. Effect of tannery effluent on growth, morphology and yield of Lens culinarisMedic. Madras Agriculture Journal 81 (1) 26-28.55. Singh S N, <strong>Farooqui</strong> <strong>Anjum</strong>, Pandey V, Mishra J, Kulshreshtha K, srivastava K, Singh S N,Yunus M and Ahmad K J. 1993. Heavy metal pollutants and plants. Review article. Applied<strong>Botany</strong> Abstracts, NBRI, 13 (1) 41-56.56. <strong>Farooqui</strong> <strong>Anjum</strong> 1993. Response of Lemna paucicostata L. to Composit Tannery Effluent . In:Environments management in developing countries Vol II water and its Management (eds.) A KSinha, K N Srivastava, B K Sinha, S K Pandey and N K Agarwal: 9-12.57. <strong>Farooqui</strong> <strong>Anjum</strong>. Plants growing in mineral bearing areas of Lalitpur, CSIR. News Bulletin. 43(19) 287-289.58. Shukla A C and <strong>Anjum</strong> 1993. Biological fabric of Ganga Ecosysytem: A glimpse. In :Environments management in Developing countries. Vol. II Water and its Management (eds.) AK Sinha, K N Srivastava, B K Sinha, S K Pandey and N K Agarwal:21- 27.59. <strong>Farooqui</strong> <strong>Anjum</strong>. 1993. Heavy metal toxicity in plants of mineral exploration area. NationalBotanical Research Institute. Newsletter, Lucknow, India. 2-3.

60. <strong>Farooqui</strong> <strong>Anjum</strong> 1992. A Vegetational survey of some mineral exploration areas in Lalitpur,Uttar Pradesh, India, Geophytology. 21: 113-118.61. <strong>Anjum</strong> 1992. Tannery effluent induced changes in growth, yield and protein contents of Vignaradiate (L. Wilczek). Jour. Industrial Poll. Control. 6 (2): 101-105.62. Shukla A C and <strong>Anjum</strong> 1991. Aerobiological significance of Keratinophilic fungi in Kanpur.Aerobiologia 7. 28-30.63. Shukla A C and <strong>Anjum</strong>. 1990. Respiratory response of rice seedlings to phycohormones in<strong>Ph</strong>ormidium frigidum extracts. Res. J. Pl. Environ. 6 (2): 1-2.64. Shukla A C and <strong>Anjum</strong>. 1990. Utilization of lemnoids in crop productivity . Res. J. Pl. Environ.6(1) 1-5.65. <strong>Anjum</strong> 1989. Tannery sludge induced changes in growth, yield and protein contents of Vignaradiate (L. Wilckzek) Res. J. Pl. Environ. 5 (2) 5-9.66. <strong>Anjum</strong> and Shukla A C. 1989. Studies in co-relative pyruvic acid protein interweb inChlorophyceae and Cyanophyceae. In: Advances in Applied <strong>Ph</strong>ycology-II (eds.) Shukla AC,Shukla P Pandey, S N, and <strong>Anjum</strong>. Today and Tomorrow’s Publ. New-Delhi. 73-76.67. <strong>Anjum</strong> and Reuben D E. 1988. Effect of tannery effluent on seed germination in Vigna radiata.Res. J. Pl. Environ. 3(20) 89-92.68. <strong>Anjum</strong>. 1988. Response of Chlorophylls in mung leaves to Composite Tannery Effluent. Res.Jour. Plant Environment (1): 25-28.Articles/ Reports69. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A. 1997. Past climatic changes and greenhouse effect. The Times of India. Ascent,Monday, June 2 :370. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A. 1997. Environment and Population . The Times of India. Ascent Monday 22 :3.71. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A. 2001. Arsenic in Groundwater: World’s Worst Calamity. The Indian ExpressThurs.2nd Nov. :4.72. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A. 2002. Impact of global warming and sea level rise on coastal wetlands. The IndianExpress, Thurs. 23rd Feb.:4.73. <strong>Farooqui</strong>. A. 2007. Can climate change in the past serve as basis for future indications?.EnviroNews 13(3) 9-10.74. <strong>Farooqui</strong> A. 2012. Earth's Dynamic History of CO2 - A Fascinating and Surprising Tale. EnviroNews. V. 18 (1): 5-6.Research Projects carried out: DST Sponsored Project (Completed)

<strong>Ph</strong> D Guidance (Submitted): One studentSupervised B.Tech/M.<strong>Sc</strong>. Dissertation and Palynological training: 13 Students<strong>Name</strong> University Marks%) /YearTitle1. Rahila Ahmad Univ. of Lucknow,Lucknow89%2000Stratigraphical analysis of coastalpollutants and its concentration in somecore‐mangrove taxa.2. ShwetaAgrahari” 87%2000An Assessment of pollutants,anthropogenic activity and back mangrovevegetation in coastal wetlandEcosystem,Tamil Nadu3. Rajani Verma ” 90%2002Organic matter in coastal wetlands:Apotent residing place forTrace Elements4. PoornimaRaizada” 86%2002Arsenic conmtamination in south‐eastcoast, India:A case study5. Toshita Joshi " 80%2004Heavy Metal Pollution abatement by Plantsin Lucknow6.Reema PandeyD.G.CollegeKanpur92%2006Microbial degradation of organic matter insedimentsUniversity7. Alice D. Prasad B.Tech (IV SemesterO.N.G.C Geosciences,Univ. of Petroleum andEnergy Studies, Bidholicampus, Dehradun8. Prateek Saxena B.Tech (IV SemesterO.N.G.C Geosciences,Univ. of Petroleum andEnergy Studies, Bidholicampus, Dehradun9. Alice D. Prasad B.Tech (VI Semester)O.N.G.C Geosciences,Univ. of Petroleum and2009 Palynology in Hydrocarbon Exploration2009 Application of Palynology in HydrocarbonExploration2010 Palynofacies and Palynological studies incore sediment from Machlipatnam coast,

Energy Studies, Bidholicampus, Dehradun10. Saumya Jain B.Tech. FourthSemester.East coast India2010 <strong>Ph</strong>ytolith study‐nanotechnology11.GreeshmaGirishAmity University,LucknowJRF‐ Delta StudiesInstitute,Visakhapatnam2011 Palynology in coastal sediments12. Paramita Saha JRF‐ <strong>Sc</strong>hool ofOceanography,Jadavpur Unniversity,Kolkata2012 Palynology13. DolaChakrabortyJRF‐ <strong>Sc</strong>hool ofOceanography, JadavpurUnniversity, Kolkata2012 PalynologyOngoing <strong>Ph</strong> D Work: BSRS- Palynological study In coastal sediments (A.P)

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