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ECOLOGY, THREATS AND MANAGEMENT OPTIONS FOR SMALL ESTUARIES AND ICOLLS Kearney, R.E. (2002). ‘Co-management: the resolution of conflict between commercial and recreational fishers in Victoria, Australia’. Ocean and Coastal Management, 45: 201-214. Kearney, R.E., Andrew, N.L. & West, R.J. (1996). ‘Some issues in the management of Australia's marine and coastal fisheries resources’. Ocean and Coastal Management, 33: 133-146. Kemp, J.O.G. & Froneman, P.W. (2004). ‘Recruitment of ichthyoplankton and macrozooplankton during overtopping events into a temporarily open/closed southern African estuary’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 61: 529-537. Kimmerer, W.J. (2002). ‘Physical, biological and management response to variable freshwater flow into the San Francisco estuary’. Estuaries, 25: 1275-1290. Kitting, C.L., Fry, B. & Morgan, M.D. (1984). ‘Detection of inconspicuous epiphytic algae supporting food webs in seagrass meadows’. Oecologia, 62: 145-149. Kjerfve, B., Schettini, C.A.F., Knoppers, B., Lessa, G. & Ferreira, H.O. (1996). ‘Hydrology and salt balance in a large, hypersaline coastal lagoon: Lagoa de Araruama, Brazil’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 42: 701-725. Kosatsky, T., Przybysz, R., Shatenstein, B., Weber, J.-P. & Armstrong, B. (1999). ‘Fish consumption and contaminant exposure among Montreal-area sportsfishers: Pilot study’. Environmental Research Section A, 80: S150-S158. Kriwoken, L.K. & Hedge, P. (2000). ‘Exotic species and estuaries: managing Spartina anglica in Tasmania, Australia’. Ocean and Coastal Management, 43: 573-584. Kullenberg, G. (2001). ‘Contributions of marine and coastal area research and observations towards sustainable development of large coastal cities’. Ocean and Coastal Management, 44: 283-291. Kutiel, P., Zhevelev, H. & Harrison, R. (1999). ‘The effect of recreational impacts on soil and vegetation of stabilised coastal dunes in the Sharon Park, Israel’. Ocean and Coastal Management, 42: 1041-1060. Lauenstein, G.G., Cantillo, A.Y. & O'Connor, T.P. (2002). ‘The status and trends of trace element and organic contaminants in oysters, Crassostrea virginica, in the waters of the Carolinas, USA’. The Science of the Total Environment, 285: 79- 87. Laws, E.A., Ziemann, D. & Schulman, D. (1999). ‘Coastal water quality in Hawaii: the importance of buffer zones and dilution’. Marine Environmental Research, 48: 1-21. Leeming, R. & Nichols, P.D. (1998). ‘Determination of the sources and distribution of sewage and pulp-fibre-derived pollution in the Derwent Estuary, Tasmania, using sterol biomarkers’. Marine and Freshwater Research, 49: 7-17. Leggett, M.F., Servos, M.R., Hesslein, R., Johannsson, O., Millard, E.S. & Dixon, D.G. (1999). ‘Biogeochemical influences on the carbon isotope signatures of Lake Ontario biota’. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 56: 2211- 2218. Lenanton, R.C.J., Loneragan, N.R. & Potter, I.C. (1985). ‘Blue-green algal blooms and the commercial fishery of a large Australian estuary’. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 16: 477-482. Lercari, D., Defeo, O. & Celentano, E. (2002). ‘Consequences of a freshwater canal discharge on the benthic community and its habitat on an exposed sandy beach’. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 44: 1397-1404. Lewis, M.A., Moore, J.C., Goodman, L.R., Patrick, J.M., Stanley, R.S., Roush, T.H. & Quarles, R.L. (2001). ‘The effects of urbanization on the chemical quality of three tidal bayous in the Gulf of Mexico’. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 127: 65- 91. Linke, T.E., Platell, M.E. & Potter, I.C. (2001). ‘Factors influencing the partitioning of food resources among six fish species in a large embayment with juxtaposing bare sand and seagrass habitats’. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 266: 193-217. Loneragan, N.R., Potter, I.C. & Lenanton, R.C.J. (1989). ‘Influence of site, season and year on contributions made by marine, estuarine, diadromous and freshwater species to the fish fauna of a temperate Australian estuary’. Marine Biology, 103:461-479. Loneragan, N.R., Bunn S.E. & Kellaway D.M. (1997). ‘Are mangroves and seagrasses sources of organic carbon for penaeid prawns in a tropical Australian estuary? A multiple stable isotope study’. Marine Biology, 130: 289-300. Loneragan, N.R. & Bunn, S.E. (1999). ‘River flows and estuarine ecosystems: implications for coastal fisheries from a review and a case study of the Logan River, southeast Queensland’. Australian Journal of Ecology, 24(4), 431-440. Lovejoy, T.E. (1992). ‘Looking to the next millennium: challenges facing world parks’. National Parks, 66: 41-45. Lugg, A., Williams, R., Fairfull, S & Grey, D. (1998). The Management of Intermittently Closed/Open Lakes and Lagoons – A Fisheries Perspective. Fisheries Research Institute, Cronulla, New South Wales. Lytle, D.H. & Poff, N.L. (2004). ‘Adaptation to natural flow regimes’. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 19:94 -100. Mackay, C.F. & Cyrus, D.P. (2001). ‘Is freshwater quality adequately defined by physico-chemical components? Results from two drought-affected estuaries on the east coast of South Africa’. Marine and Freshwater Research, 52: 267-281. Mariani, S. (2001). ‘Can spatial distribution of icthyofauna describe marine influence on coastal lagoons? A central Mediterranean case study’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 52: 261-267. Marta, P., Bochechas, J. & Collares-Pereira, M.J. (2001). ‘Importance of recreational fisheries in the Guadiana River Basin in Portugal’. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 8: 345-354. 70

ECOLOGY, THREATS AND MANAGEMENT OPTIONS FOR SMALL ESTUARIES AND ICOLLS Martins, I., Pardal, M.A., Lillebo, A.I., Flindt, M.R. & Marques, J.C. (2001). ‘Hydrodynamics as a major factor controlling the occurrence of green macroalgal blooms in a eutrophic estuary: A case study on the influence of precipitation and river management’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 52: 165-177. McAlister, T., Richardson, D., Agnew, L., Rowlands, L. & Longmore, A. (2000). Tallow and Belongil Creek Ecological Studies - Final Report. WBM Oceanics Australia, Spring Hill, Brisbane. McAuliffe, T.F., Lukatelich, R.J., McComb, A.J. & Qiu, S. (1998). ‘Nitrate applications to control phosphorus release from sediments of a shallow eutrophic estuary: an experimental evaluation’. Marine and Freshwater Research, 49: 463-473. McComb, A.J. & Humphries, R. (1992). ‘Loss of nutrients from catchments and their ecological impacts in the Peel-Harvey estuarine system, Western Australia’. Estuaries, 15: 529-37. McCutchan, J.H.J., Lewis, W.M.J., Kendall, C. & McGrath, C.C. (2003). ‘Variation in trophic shift for stable isotope ratios of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur’. Oikos, 102: 378-390. McKercher, B. (1992). ‘Tourism as a conflicting land use’. Annals of Tourism Research, 19: 467-481. McKinney, R.A., Lake, J.L., Charpentier, M.A. & Ryba, S.A. (2002). ‘Using mussel isotope ratios to assess anthropogenic nitrogen inputs to freshwater ecosystems’. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 74: 167-192. Middelburg, J.J., Barranguet, C., Boschker, H.T.S., Herman, P.M.J., Moens, T. & Heip, C.H.R. (2000). ‘The fate of intertidal microphytobenthos carbon: An in situ 13 C-labelling study’. Limnology and Oceanography, 45: 1224-1234. Mihuc, T. & Toetz, D. (1994). ‘Determination of diets of alpine aquatic insects using stable isotopes and gut analysis’. American Midland Naturalist, 131: 146-155. Miller, D.C., Geider, R.J. & MacIntyre, H.L. (1996). ‘Microphytobenthos: The ecological role of the "secret garden" of unvegetated, shallow-water marine habitats. II. Role in sediment stability and shallow-water food webs’. Estuaries, 19: 202-212. Minshall, G.W., Cummins, K.W., Peterson, R.J., Cushing, C.E., Bruns, D.A., Seddell, J.R. & Vannote, R.L. (1985). ‘Developments in stream ecosystem theory’. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 42: 1045-1055. Montagna, P.A., Alber, M., Doering, P. & Connor, M.S. (2002). ‘Freshwater inflow: Science, Policy, Management’. Estuaries, 25: 1243-1245. Morison, A.K., Coutin, P.C. & Robertson, S.G. (1998). ‘Age determination of black bream, Acanthopagrus butcheri (Sparidae), from the Gippsland Lakes of south-eastern Australia indicates slow growth and episodic recruitment’. Marine and Freshwater Research, 49: 491-498. Morris, A.W., Allen, J.I., Howland, R.J.M. & Wood, R.G. (1995). ‘The estuary plume zone: Source or sink for land-derived nutrient discharges?’ Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 40: 387-402. Morrisey, D.J., Turner, S.J., Mills, G.N., Williamson, R.B. & Wise, B.E. (2003). ‘Factors affecting the distribution of benthic macrofauna in estuaries contaminated by urban runoff’. Marine Environmental Research, 55: 113-136. Mosisch, T.D. & Arthington, A.H. (2004). ‘Impacts of recreational power boating on freshwater ecosystems. Chapter 8’. In: Buckley, R. (Ed). Environmental Impacts of Ecotourism. CABI Publishing Wallingford, Oxfordshire, pp.127-156. Mulkins, L.M., Jelinski, D.E., Karagatzides, J.D. & Carr, A. (2002). ‘Carbon isotope composition of Mysids at a terrestrialmarine ecotone, Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia, Canada’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 54: 669-675. Murias, T., Cabral, J.A., Marques, J.C. & Goss-Custard, J.D. (1996). ‘Short-term effects of intertidal macroalgal blooms on the macrohabitat selection and feeding behaviour of wading birds in the Mondego Estuary (West Portugal)’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 43: 677-688. Nakamura, F., Swanson, F.J. & Wondzell, S.M. (2000). ‘Disturbance regimes of stream and riparian systems - a disturbancecascade perspective’. Hydrological Processes, 14: 2849-2860. Nakamura, Y. & Kerciku, F. (2000). ‘Effects of filter-feeding bivalves on the distribution of water quality and nutrient cycling in a eutrophic coastal lagoon’. Journal of Marine Systems, 26: 209-221. Nedwell, D.B., Sage, A.S. & Underwood, G.J.C. (2002). ‘Rapid assessment of macro algal cover on intertidal sediments in a nutrified estuary’. The Science of the Total Environment, 285: 97-105. Neira, F.J. & Potter, I.C. (1992). ‘Movement of larval fishes through the entrance channel of a seasonally open estuary in Western Australia’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 35: 213-224. Newton, A. & Mudge, S.M. (2003). ‘Temperature and salinity regimes in a shallow, mesotidal lagoon, the Ria Formosa, Portugal’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 57: 73-85. NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation (2000). Estuaries of New South Wales. Viewed 29 January 2004, www.dlwc.nsw.gov.au. Nikolova Eddins, S.G. (2001). ‘Calculation of terrestrial inputs to particulate organic carbon in an anthropogenically impacted estuary in the southeastern United States’. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 127: 227-241. Nilsson, C. & Svedmark, M. (2002). ‘Basic principles and ecological consequences of changing water regimes: Riparian plant communities’. Environmental Management, 30: 468-480. Northcote, T.G. (1988). ‘Fish in the structure and function of freshwater ecosystems: A top-down view’. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 45: 361-379. Otero, E., Culp, R., Noakes, J.E. & Hodson, R.E. 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Kearney, R.E. (2002). ‘Co-management: the resolution of conflict between commercial and recreational fishers in Victoria,<br />

Australia’. Ocean and Coastal Management, 45: 201-214.<br />

Kearney, R.E., Andrew, N.L. & West, R.J. (1996). ‘Some issues in the management of Australia's marine and coastal<br />

fisheries resources’. Ocean and Coastal Management, 33: 133-146.<br />

Kemp, J.O.G. & Froneman, P.W. (2004). ‘Recruitment of ichthyoplankton and macrozooplankton during overtopping events<br />

into a temporarily open/closed southern African estuary’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 61: 529-537.<br />

Kimmerer, W.J. (2002). ‘Physical, biological and management response to variable freshwater flow into the San Francisco<br />

estuary’. Estuaries, 25: 1275-1290.<br />

Kitting, C.L., Fry, B. & Morgan, M.D. (1984). ‘Detection of inconspicuous epiphytic algae supporting food webs in seagrass<br />

meadows’. Oecologia, 62: 145-149.<br />

Kjerfve, B., Schettini, C.A.F., Knoppers, B., Lessa, G. & Ferreira, H.O. (1996). ‘Hydrology and salt balance in a large,<br />

hypersaline coastal lagoon: Lagoa de Araruama, Brazil’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 42: 701-725.<br />

Kosatsky, T., Przybysz, R., Shatenstein, B., Weber, J.-P. & Armstrong, B. (1999). ‘Fish consumption and contaminant<br />

exposure among Montreal-area sportsfishers: Pilot study’. Environmental Research Section A, 80: S150-S158.<br />

Kriwoken, L.K. & Hedge, P. (2000). ‘Exotic species and estuaries: managing Spartina anglica in Tasmania, Australia’.<br />

Ocean and Coastal Management, 43: 573-584.<br />

Kullenberg, G. (2001). ‘Contributions of marine and coastal area research and observations towards sustainable development<br />

of large coastal cities’. Ocean and Coastal Management, 44: 283-291.<br />

Kutiel, P., Zhevelev, H. & Harrison, R. (1999). ‘The effect of recreational impacts on soil and vegetation of stabilised coastal<br />

dunes in the Sharon Park, Israel’. Ocean and Coastal Management, 42: 1041-1060.<br />

Lauenstein, G.G., Cantillo, A.Y. & O'Connor, T.P. (2002). ‘The status and trends of trace element and organic contaminants<br />

in oysters, Crassostrea virginica, in the waters of the Carolinas, USA’. The Science of the Total Environment, 285: 79-<br />

87.<br />

Laws, E.A., Ziemann, D. & Schulman, D. (1999). ‘Coastal water quality in Hawaii: the importance of buffer zones and<br />

dilution’. Marine Environmental Research, 48: 1-21.<br />

Leeming, R. & Nichols, P.D. (1998). ‘Determination of the sources and distribution of sewage and pulp-fibre-derived<br />

pollution in the Derwent Estuary, Tasmania, using sterol biomarkers’. Marine and Freshwater Research, 49: 7-17.<br />

Leggett, M.F., Servos, M.R., Hesslein, R., Johannsson, O., Millard, E.S. & Dixon, D.G. (1999). ‘Biogeochemical influences<br />

on the carbon isotope signatures of Lake Ontario biota’. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 56: 2211-<br />

2218.<br />

Lenanton, R.C.J., Loneragan, N.R. & Potter, I.C. (1985). ‘Blue-green algal blooms and the commercial fishery of a large<br />

Australian estuary’. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 16: 477-482.<br />

Lercari, D., Defeo, O. & Celentano, E. (2002). ‘Consequences of a freshwater canal discharge on the benthic community and<br />

its habitat on an exposed sandy beach’. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 44: 1397-1404.<br />

Lewis, M.A., Moore, J.C., Goodman, L.R., Patrick, J.M., Stanley, R.S., Roush, T.H. & Quarles, R.L. (2001). ‘The effects of<br />

urbanization on the chemical quality of three tidal bayous in the Gulf of Mexico’. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 127: 65-<br />

91.<br />

Linke, T.E., Platell, M.E. & Potter, I.C. (2001). ‘Factors influencing the partitioning of food resources among six fish species<br />

in a large embayment with juxtaposing bare sand and seagrass habitats’. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and<br />

Ecology, 266: 193-217.<br />

Loneragan, N.R., Potter, I.C. & Lenanton, R.C.J. (1989). ‘Influence of site, season and year on contributions made by marine,<br />

estuarine, diadromous and freshwater species to the fish fauna of a temperate Australian estuary’. Marine Biology,<br />

103:461-479.<br />

Loneragan, N.R., Bunn S.E. & Kellaway D.M. (1997). ‘Are mangroves and seagrasses sources of organic carbon for penaeid<br />

prawns in a tropical Australian estuary? A multiple stable isotope study’. Marine Biology, 130: 289-300.<br />

Loneragan, N.R. & Bunn, S.E. (1999). ‘River flows and estuarine ecosystems: implications for coastal fisheries from a<br />

review and a case study of the Logan River, southeast Queensland’. Australian Journal of Ecology, 24(4), 431-440.<br />

Lovejoy, T.E. (1992). ‘Looking to the next millennium: challenges facing world parks’. National Parks, 66: 41-45.<br />

Lugg, A., Williams, R., Fairfull, S & Grey, D. (1998). The Management of Intermittently Closed/Open Lakes and Lagoons –<br />

A Fisheries Perspective. Fisheries Research Institute, Cronulla, New South Wales.<br />

Lytle, D.H. & Poff, N.L. (2004). ‘Adaptation to natural flow regimes’. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 19:94 -100.<br />

Mackay, C.F. & Cyrus, D.P. (2001). ‘Is freshwater quality adequately defined by physico-chemical components? Results<br />

from two drought-affected estuaries on the east coast of South Africa’. Marine and Freshwater Research, 52: 267-281.<br />

Mariani, S. (2001). ‘Can spatial distribution of icthyofauna describe marine influence on coastal lagoons? A central<br />

Mediterranean case study’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 52: 261-267.<br />

Marta, P., Bochechas, J. & Collares-Pereira, M.J. (2001). ‘Importance of recreational fisheries in the Guadiana River Basin in<br />

Portugal’. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 8: 345-354.<br />


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