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ECOLOGY, THREATS AND MANAGEMENT OPTIONS FOR SMALL ESTUARIES AND ICOLLS Benoit, H.P., Johannsson, O.E., Warner, D.M., Sprules, G.W. & Rudstam, L.G. (2002). ‘Assessing the impact of a recent predatory invader: The population dynamics, vertical distribution, and potential prey of Cercopagis pengoi in Lake Ontario’. Limnology and Oceanography, 47: 626-635. Berelson, W.M., Heggie, D., Longmore, A., Kilgore, T., Nicholson, G. & Skyring, G. (1998). ‘Benthic nutrient recycling in Port Phillip Bay, Australia’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 46: 917-934. Bilton, D.T., Paula, J. & Bishop, J.D.D. (2002). ‘Dispersal, genetic differentiation and speciation in estuarine organisms’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 55: 937-952. Blaber, S.J.M., Cyrus, D.P., Albaret, J.-J., Ching, C.V., Day, J.W., Elliott, M., Fonseca, M.S., Hoss, D.E., Orensanz, J., Potter, I.C. & Silvert, W. (2000). ‘Effects of fishing on the structure and functioning of estuarine and nearshore ecosystems’. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57: 590-602. Bohn, B.A. & Kershner, J.L. (2002). ‘Establishing aquatic restoration priorities using a watershed approach’. Journal of Environmental Management, 64: 355-363. Bouillon, S., Raman, A.V., Dauby, P. & Dehairs, F. (2002). ‘Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of subtidal benthic invertebrates in an estuarine mangrove ecosystem (Andhra Pradesh, India)’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 54: 901-913. Bowen, J.L. & Valiela, I. (2001). ‘The ecological effects of urbanization of coastal watersheds: historical increases in nitrogen loads and eutrophication of Waqoit Bay estuaries’. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 58: 1489-1500. Braga, E.S., Bonetti, C.V.D.H., Burone, L. & Bonetti Filho, J. (2000). ‘Eutrophication and bacterial pollution caused by industrial and domestic wastes at the Baixada Santista Estuarine System – Brazil’. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 40: 165- 173. Brizga, S.O. (2000). Burnett Basin Water Allocation and Management Plan: Proposed Environmental Flow Performance Measures. Department of Natural Resources, Brisbane, 2 volumes. Broadfoot, C.D., Berghuis, A.P & Heidenreich, M.J. (2000). Assessment of the Kolan River Barrage vertical slotway. Queensland Department of Primary Industries Report for the Department of Natural Resources State Water Projects, Brisbane. Buck, G.M., Mendola, P., Vena, J.E., Sever, L.E., Kostyniak, P., Greizerstein, H., Olson, J. & Stephen, F.D. (1999). ‘Paternal Lake Ontario fish consumption and risk of conception delay, New York State angler cohort’. Environmental Research Section A, 80: S13-S18. Bunn, S.E. & Boon, P.I. (1993). ‘What sources of organic carbon drive food webs in billabongs? A study based on stable isotope analysis’. Oecologia, 96: 85-94. Bunn, S.E., Loneragan, N.R. & Kempster, M.A. (1995). ‘Effects of acid washing on stable isotope ratios of C and N in penaeid shrimp and seagrass: Implications for food-web studies using multiple stable isotopes’. Limnology and Oceanography, 40: 622-625. Bunn, S.E. & Arthington, A.H. (2002). ‘Basic principles and ecological consequences of altered flow regimes for aquatic biodiversity’. Environmental Management, 30: 492-507. Bunn, S.E., Loneragan, N.R. & Yeates, M. (1998). ‘The influence of river flows on coastal fisheries’. In: Arthington A.H. and Zalucki J.M. (Eds). Comparative Evaluation of Environmental Flow Assessment Techniques: Review of Methods. Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation Occasional Paper 27/98, pp. 106-14. Bunn, S.E., Davies, P.M. & Winning, M.A. (2003). ‘Sources of organic carbon supporting the food web of an arid zone floodplain river’. Freshwater Biology, 48: 619-635. Burford, M.A. & Longmore, A. (2001). ‘High ammonium production from sediments in hypereutrophic shrimp ponds’. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 224: 187-195. Burger, J. & Waishwell, L. (2001). ‘Are we reaching the target audience? Evaluation of a fish fact sheet’. The Science of the Total Environment, 277: 77-86. Butler, B., Birtles, A., Pearson, R. & Jones, K. (1996). Ecotourism, water quality and wet tropics streams. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research, James Cook University, Townsville, p.79. Caddy, J.F. & Garibaldi, L. (2000). ‘Apparent changes in the trophic composition of world marine harvests: the perspective from the FAO capture database’. Ocean and Coastal Management, 43: 615-655. Cappo, M., Alongi, D.M., Williams, D.McB. & Duke, D.N. (1998). A review and synthesis of Australian fisheries habitat research. Volume 1. Report for the Fisheries, Research and Development Corporation, FRDC 95/055. Australian Institute of Marine Sciences, Townsville. Carpenter, S.R., Kitchell, J.F. & Hodgson, J.R. (1985). ‘Cascading trophic interactions and lake productivity: Fish predation and herbivory can regulate lake ecosystems’. BioScience, 35: 634-639. Chanton, J. & Lewis, F.G. (2002). ‘Examination of coupling between primary and secondary production in a river-dominated estuary: Apalachicola Bay, Florida, U.S.A’. Limnology and Oceanography, 47: 683-697. Cole, J.J., Carpenter, S.R., Kitchell, J.F. & Pace, M.L. (2002). ‘Pathways of organic carbon utilization in small lakes: Results from a whole-lake 13 C addition and coupled model’. Limnology and Oceanography, 47: 1664-1675. 66

ECOLOGY, THREATS AND MANAGEMENT OPTIONS FOR SMALL ESTUARIES AND ICOLLS Connolly, R.M. (1997). ‘Differences in composition of small, motile invertebrate assemblages from seagrass and unvegetated habitats in a southern Australian estuary’. Hydrobiologia, 346: 137-148. Connolly, R.M. (2003). ‘Differences in trophodynamics of commercially important fish between artificial waterways and natural coastal wetlands’. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science, 58:929-936. Costanza, R., d'Arge, R., de Groot, R., Farber, S., Grasso, M., Hannon, B., Limburg, K., Naeem, S., O'Neill, R.V., Paruelo, J., Raskin, R.G., Sutton, P. & van den Belt, M. (1997). ‘The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital’. Nature, 387: 253-260. Costanzo, S.D., O'Donohue, M.J. & Dennison W.C. (2000). ‘Gracilaria edulis (Rhodophyta) as a biological indicator of pulsed nutrients in oligotrophic waters’. Journal of Phycology, 36: 680-685. Costanzo, S.D., O'Donohue, M.J. & Dennison, W.C. (2003). ‘Assessing the seasonal influence of sewage and agricultural nutrient inputs in a subtropical river estuary’. Estuaries, 26: 857-865. Couch, C.A. (1989). ‘Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of meiobenthos and their food resources’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 28: 433-441. Courval, J.M., DeHoog, J.V., Stein, A.D., Tay, E.M., He, J., Humphrey, H.E.B. & Paneth, N. (1999). ‘Sport-caught fish consumption and conception delay in licensed Michigan anglers’. Environmental Research Section A, 80: S183-S188. Cowley, P.D. & Whitfield, A.K. (2001). ‘Fish population size estimates from a small intermittently open estuary in South Africa, based on mark-recapture techniques’. Marine and Freshwater Research, 52: 283-290. Cowley, P.D., Whitfield, A.K. & Bell, K.N.I. (2001). ‘The surf zone icthyoplankton adjacent to an intermittently open estuary, with evidence of recruitment during marine overwash events’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 52: 339- 348. Cromey, C.J., Black, K.D., Edwards, A. & Jack, I.A. (1998). ‘Modelling the deposition and biological effects of organic carbon from marine sewage discharges’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 47: 295-308. Cunjak, R.A., Roussel, J.-M., Dietrich, J.P., Cartwright, D.F., Munkittrick, K.R. & Jardine, T.D. (2005). ‘Using stable isotope analysis with telemetry or mark-recapture data to identify fish movement and foraging’. Oecologia, 144: 636- 646. Day, J.H. (1981). Estuarine Ecology with Particular Reference to Southern Africa. A.A. Balkema, Cape Town. de Brito, A.P.X., Bruning, I.M.R.d.A. & Moreira, I. (2002). ‘Chlorinated pesticides in mussels from Guanabara Bay, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil’. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 44: 79-81. deBruyn, A.M.H. & Rasmussen, J.B. (2002). ‘Quantifying assimilation of sewage-derived organic matter by riverine benthos’. Ecological Applications, 12: 511-520. deBruyn, A.M.H., Marcogliese, D.J. & Rasmussen, J.B. (2003). ‘The role of sewage in a large river food web’. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 60: 1332-1344. Deegan, L.A., Wright, A., Ayvazian, S.G., Finn, J.T., Golden, H., Rand Merson, R. & Harrison, J. (2002). ‘Nitrogen loading alters seagrass ecosystem structure and support of higher trophic levels’. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 12: 193-212. Deegan, L.A. (2002). ‘Lessons Learned: The effects of nutrient enrichment on the support of nekton by seagrass and salt marsh ecosystems’. Estuaries, 25: 727-742. De Leo, G.A. & Levin, S. (1997). ‘The multifaceted aspects of ecosystem integrity’. Conservation Ecology, 1: 23. Dennison, W.C., Orth, R.J., Moore, K.A., Stevenson, J.C., Carter, V., Kollar, S., Bergstrom, P.W. & Batiuk, R.A (1993). ‘Assessing water quality with submersed aquatic vegetation: habitat requirements as barometers of Chesapeake Bay health’. Bioscience, 43: 86–94. Dittmar, T. & Lara, R.J. (2001). ‘Driving forces behind nutrient and organic matter dynamics in a mangrove tidal creek in North Brazil’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 52: 249-259. Ducrotoy, J.-P. & Pullen, S. (1999). ‘Integrated coastal zone management: commitments and developments from an International, European and United Kingdom perspective’. Ocean and Coastal Management, 42: 1-18. Dye, A.H. & Barros, F. (2005a). ‘Spatial patterns in meiobenthic assemblages in intermittently open/closed coastal lakes in New South Wales, Australia’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 62: 575-593. Dye, A.H. & Barros F. (2005). ‘Spatial patterns of macrofaunal assemblages in intermittently closed/open coastal lakes in New South Wales, Australia’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 64: 357-371. Dyson, M., Berkamp, G. & Scanlon, J. (Eds) (2003). Flow: The Essentials of Environmental Flows. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, United Kingdom. Edgar, G.J. & Shaw, C. 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Benoit, H.P., Johannsson, O.E., Warner, D.M., Sprules, G.W. & Rudstam, L.G. (2002). ‘Assessing the impact of a recent<br />

predatory invader: The population dynamics, vertical distribution, and potential prey of Cercopagis pengoi in Lake<br />

Ontario’. Limnology and Oceanography, 47: 626-635.<br />

Berelson, W.M., Heggie, D., Longmore, A., Kilgore, T., Nicholson, G. & Skyring, G. (1998). ‘Benthic nutrient recycling in<br />

Port Phillip Bay, Australia’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 46: 917-934.<br />

Bilton, D.T., Paula, J. & Bishop, J.D.D. (2002). ‘Dispersal, genetic differentiation and speciation in estuarine organisms’.<br />

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 55: 937-952.<br />

Blaber, S.J.M., Cyrus, D.P., Albaret, J.-J., Ching, C.V., Day, J.W., Elliott, M., Fonseca, M.S., Hoss, D.E., Orensanz, J.,<br />

Potter, I.C. & Silvert, W. (2000). ‘Effects of fishing on the structure and functioning of estuarine and nearshore<br />

ecosystems’. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57: 590-602.<br />

Bohn, B.A. & Kershner, J.L. (2002). ‘Establishing aquatic restoration priorities using a watershed approach’. Journal of<br />

Environmental Management, 64: 355-363.<br />

Bouillon, S., Raman, A.V., Dauby, P. & Dehairs, F. (2002). ‘Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of subtidal benthic<br />

invertebrates in an estuarine mangrove ecosystem (Andhra Pradesh, India)’. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 54:<br />

901-913.<br />

Bowen, J.L. & Valiela, I. (2001). ‘The ecological effects of urbanization of coastal watersheds: historical increases in<br />

nitrogen loads and eutrophication of Waqoit Bay estuaries’. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 58:<br />

1489-1500.<br />

Braga, E.S., Bonetti, C.V.D.H., Burone, L. & Bonetti Filho, J. (2000). ‘Eutrophication and bacterial pollution caused by<br />

industrial and domestic wastes at the Baixada Santista Estuarine System – Brazil’. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 40: 165-<br />

173.<br />

Brizga, S.O. (2000). Burnett Basin Water Allocation and Management Plan: Proposed Environmental Flow Performance<br />

Measures. Department of Natural Resources, Brisbane, 2 volumes.<br />

Broadfoot, C.D., Berghuis, A.P & Heidenreich, M.J. (2000). Assessment of the Kolan River Barrage vertical slotway.<br />

Queensland Department of Primary Industries Report for the Department of Natural Resources State Water Projects,<br />

Brisbane.<br />

Buck, G.M., Mendola, P., Vena, J.E., Sever, L.E., Kostyniak, P., Greizerstein, H., Olson, J. & Stephen, F.D. (1999). ‘Paternal<br />

Lake Ontario fish consumption and risk of conception delay, New York State angler cohort’. Environmental Research<br />

Section A, 80: S13-S18.<br />

Bunn, S.E. & Boon, P.I. (1993). ‘What sources of organic carbon drive food webs in billabongs? A study based on stable<br />

isotope analysis’. Oecologia, 96: 85-94.<br />

Bunn, S.E., Loneragan, N.R. & Kempster, M.A. (1995). ‘Effects of acid washing on stable isotope ratios of C and N in<br />

penaeid shrimp and seagrass: Implications for food-web studies using multiple stable isotopes’. Limnology and<br />

Oceanography, 40: 622-625.<br />

Bunn, S.E. & Arthington, A.H. (2002). ‘Basic principles and ecological consequences of altered flow regimes for aquatic<br />

biodiversity’. Environmental Management, 30: 492-507.<br />

Bunn, S.E., Loneragan, N.R. & Yeates, M. (1998). ‘The influence of river flows on coastal fisheries’. In: Arthington A.H.<br />

and Zalucki J.M. (Eds). Comparative Evaluation of Environmental Flow Assessment Techniques: Review of Methods.<br />

Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation Occasional Paper 27/98, pp. 106-14.<br />

Bunn, S.E., Davies, P.M. & Winning, M.A. (2003). ‘Sources of organic carbon supporting the food web of an arid zone<br />

floodplain river’. Freshwater Biology, 48: 619-635.<br />

Burford, M.A. & Longmore, A. (2001). ‘High ammonium production from sediments in hypereutrophic shrimp ponds’.<br />

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 224: 187-195.<br />

Burger, J. & Waishwell, L. (2001). ‘Are we reaching the target audience? Evaluation of a fish fact sheet’. The Science of the<br />

Total Environment, 277: 77-86.<br />

Butler, B., Birtles, A., Pearson, R. & Jones, K. (1996). Ecotourism, water quality and wet tropics streams. Australian Centre<br />

for Tropical Freshwater Research, James Cook University, Townsville, p.79.<br />

Caddy, J.F. & Garibaldi, L. (2000). ‘Apparent changes in the trophic composition of world marine harvests: the perspective<br />

from the FAO capture database’. Ocean and Coastal Management, 43: 615-655.<br />

Cappo, M., Alongi, D.M., Williams, D.McB. & Duke, D.N. (1998). A review and synthesis of Australian fisheries habitat<br />

research. Volume 1. Report for the Fisheries, Research and Development Corporation, FRDC 95/055. Australian Institute<br />

of Marine Sciences, Townsville.<br />

Carpenter, S.R., Kitchell, J.F. & Hodgson, J.R. (1985). ‘Cascading trophic interactions and lake productivity: Fish predation<br />

and herbivory can regulate lake ecosystems’. BioScience, 35: 634-639.<br />

Chanton, J. & Lewis, F.G. (2002). ‘Examination of coupling between primary and secondary production in a river-dominated<br />

estuary: Apalachicola Bay, Florida, U.S.A’. Limnology and Oceanography, 47: 683-697.<br />

Cole, J.J., Carpenter, S.R., Kitchell, J.F. & Pace, M.L. (2002). ‘Pathways of organic carbon utilization in small lakes: Results<br />

from a whole-lake 13 C addition and coupled model’. Limnology and Oceanography, 47: 1664-1675.<br />


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