1 - Wescor Inc.

1 - Wescor Inc.

1 - Wescor Inc.

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S E C T I O N 1INTRODUCTION1.3 System DescriptionHoldersTwo plastic holders are attached to the patientwith comfortable but secure non-latex elasticstraps. These holders accept the electrodes andlater the sensor, holding them securely against thepatient’s skin. Holders are color-coded, one red toaccept the (positive) anode and subsequently thered sensor; the other black to accept the (negative)cathode. Strap retainers are pushed throughthe holes in the strap to maintain the correct tension.Iontophoretic ElectrodesTwo color-coded electrodes, one red for the anode(positive) and the other black for the cathode(negative), are otherwise identical, both having asmall stainless-steel disc as the electrode plate.These electrodes are part of the electrode cableassembly (see below) that also includes the sensorcell connector to attach the separate sensorcell. Both electrodes have projecting flanges, forsecuring the electrodes in the holder rings.Electrodes provide current from the modulethrough Pilogel discs during iontophoresis. Theblack cathode electrode also serves as an electricalreference to detect sweat flow to the sensorcell during the analysis phase.Electrode Cable AssemblyThis dual purpose cable assembly includes thered anode and black cathode iontophoretic electrodesand also the red sensor cell connector. Thecable connects to the Induction/Analysis Moduleat the electrode connection socket.7

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