T - Voice For The Defense Online

T - Voice For The Defense Online

T - Voice For The Defense Online

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I CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAWYERS PROJEClPURPOSEANDSCOPEBar Card #~%rrat or New MemberO NOI-MemberO hlyregistration ends Sep~mber 2ht, alier lliat date, please addMwnhembip fewB.&tejowr mmbersh orpin and@ the sarni$rnr at tb ntemberpice!NewMembm (See Be ? ow) -O Renm your MembershipCEIM'tAttsnd?Bny tlxc Book. . . . . . . .~~~~As a current mrnlkr olTCDI,\ I believe this applir;mt to be a pelaoll of profrssiondcanlpetency, intvgrily, ootlRood n~olnl clla~tclc~: 'fllu applicant is lirencrd to claice hr.ill Texas and is rl~gw?d - - in the delcnse of crhinal C~SVS, IIIII~SS a stllll('nt or ;hiate :lppliant.Sipnawc of MemberiUember.s NamePlease callllrmrly nt 512/#78-2514 or check out ww1Peb site - rmuur.t~.mnz fir lnformnNonlA Pday seminar presented by tthe Cnmid Dsfense LawyersProiecf h s seminar uses o nod approoch to oddress o COWmon chalbn e for mosl atiwneyr. With infeoclive prewlations focuA siudies, and o cmprehenswe monual, ahornn/swill [earn ~QW to devehp the theory 06 four common cnrninolc-5 <strong>The</strong> twrsdoy seminar ~ncludes educot~on on dwg caseschiid abuse cases, cases wfh wtness d@h~olion isms, andc- wtth dfdefeefense imes <strong>The</strong> semmor ts offered in fcurlocatmns ocross TexasDenton, Oti 4-5, 2001 Longview, Jonuory 2002El Paw, hFay 23.20m CororpusChrisfi,Juh/ 11-12.2002FEATURED SPEAKERS INCLUDL*John Convery* Claudia Montani* Rusfy Gyer* Mike Heiskell* Greg Westfall* Gerry Morris*Jeff Keotney" Ron Goranson* @a Cla Jackson* Reagan ynnX" Richard Schmill* Bill Harris* Michael Grass* Dan Hagood"Jim lavine* Rick HogenTOPICS INCLUDE:* Trying the E Wrtness Identification Case<strong>The</strong>ones for Wtnning theSelf-<strong>Defense</strong> Case* Recent Significant Decisions* Ehics: Re resenting the Wienf andKeeping $" our Fee* <strong>The</strong>mes and <strong>The</strong>on'es In DefendingChild Abuse Cases* Develo ing the Defens~ve <strong>The</strong>ory* <strong>The</strong>mes an cT.Throug R Expert Witnesses* Ethics: Dilemmas and Solutions* Develo ing Strategies and <strong>The</strong>ories~~rou~R Invesiigation and PreTrioi Motions

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