T - Voice For The Defense Online

T - Voice For The Defense Online

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SiGlWWAh DECISIONSINEFFECTIVE ASSISTANCE OF COUNSEL: 2'11rwe1' u. State, No. 2-99-410-CR, 5/17/01It is ueU established that the fahe to co~umunicate a plea offer is IdCand eslablishes both prongs of Sfricklmd CO,\ holds that the failure tonotify the defendant of a deadline for acceptance of that plea offer is l oIl\C.NOTICE OF APPEAL IN PLEA BARGAIN: fifflllinez u. State, No. 2-00-237-CR., 5/17/01Eollowing a plea bargain, the defendant filed a notice of appeal thathiled to cornplywvitl~ Rule 25.2. Tl~e an~ended notice of appeal was not fileduntil dter the deadline. Tl~e COi\, ~IIIIS, has no jurisdiction to hear appeal.EXPECTATION OF P N C Y IN INTERROGATION ROOM: State u.Schei~terrrarar, No. 04-00-00581-CR, 5/16/01nvo defendants, under arrest, ask to spmk to one a~~olher alone.1 Unknown to either, the police record ll~e co~~versation. Thougb ordinarilydefendants in custody h:ive no expectation of privacy in an interrogationroom, here, the defendan6 by their request to speak alone, n~destetl adesire for prim): one wlucl~ the COA h~ds to be objectively reasonable.Confession suppressed.IMPROPER JURY ARGUMEW Harris arrd Walker u. Strrte, No.14-99-00722-CR, 5/10/01This is a strange case. Defendant wa cos\icted of felou in possession ofa fiream. 1l1e evidence was found to be legally sufficient because of coatndicto~y-statenlents given police at arrest sce~~c by dekndmt and codefendantand because of fin?i\,e gestures by defeodant in the car prior to atmt.E~idence factually it~suficient \\here COA hds tllat the slatenlents vere notthat conl~adicto~y.EXCLUSION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL EVIDENCE ERRONEOUS:dlrrhn~~rrrrad e. State, Ko. 08-98-00399-CR, 5/24/01COA h~ds that exclusion of psycl~ological evidence at pulushn~ent phasewas erroneous baed on two tl~eories. Noting that admissibility of evidenceat the punislment phase is less a matter of relevance tha~~ policy becausethere are no elen~ental facts to prove, COAholds that \\hett the State ar~~edthat Defendant sl~owed no remow and was a cold blooded killer thatDefendant um entitled to rebut dlegation wit11 expel? testinmy. COA alsoreviews estensh~ely . the prior . case law about probation suitabilily and concludrs111:~ cy~ur~ ttvin~n~~y is :~dn~i.isihlc 011 III;I~ i.w :LS well. I'IIIIIICI; (:I).\i1111ds lint he ps)t'Ili:~l~.id ;:illsfit 11 TKli 7111 \\llr~e Ilia 0llmi011 \\;bil~l!d 011well cstablisl~ed psychological testing.FACTUALLY INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE WHEN EYEWITNESS ID'DSOhlEONE ELSE: Ward u. State, No. 10-99-252-CR, 5/23/01).one else and because the defendant produced volu~uinous elridence of alibi,hcludu~g co\vorkeken, supervisor, and vrork records, evidence \vas deemedto be factudly insificient.nvo defendants 011 trial for aggnwted robbe~y wlwe the presidiugjudge o\rr the wial is avisitu~g judge. State argues to the jn~y tk~t the usualelected judge \vould not want these two defendanb on probalion. Tlus vasoutside the record and Barnhl. COA dso addressed the state's cross examinationof one defendant wl~ere the prosecutor asked the defendant orargued to the defendant that it would not l~ave been wise to plead g~~iltydireclly to the judge without an agreed reconm~endation for a sentence.Because tl~e defendant could only Lave learned this informtion from hiscounsel, the Cot\ holds that tllis h e of questioning vioalted tl~e attorneyclient privilege. Error, 11on.cvel; was l~arn~less.INl'eRPRETER'S STATBMENIS ADMISSIBLE: Gonrez u. State, No.OI-00-00421-CR, 5/1/7101Defendant, arrested for D\M, spoke only Spanish. He tells an inte~preterwho tells the police he vas driving on a public street. <strong>The</strong> officer testifies incourt as to rrl~alhe inter~reter told 11it11. COA holds that state~~~enls of interpreterare skltenlenfs of the defendant on 2 theo~y of agency and tlms,adnussible as stateaests by a party opponent.DWI ENIIANCEMEW 1Villianrso11 u. State, No. 05-98-00968-CR,5/15/01With a prior D\W alleged to elevate a subsequent D\VI to a felon): theprior judgment need not retlecl a co~~riction. Since 1984, IIO final conviction112s been required and tl~us, only a finding tl~at guilt has been adjudicated.EVIDENCE HELD FACTUALLY INSUFFICIENT Ngrrjwr s. State, No.06-000-00148-CR, 5/24/01DEFECTIIT JURY CHARGE - NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE: Plol'es U.State, No. 10-99-361-CR, 5/23/01A ju~y clmrge for criminally negligent ho~nicide was found defectivewhere it stated th:it the defendant acting with criminal negligence causedbodily inju~y to the con~phi~ant. R omitted the allegation that those actscaused the victiiu's deatl~. No objectio~~ to j111-f charge but error \vas egregiousbmd on Apprwdi u I\'~III JerSeJ', 530 US. 466 (2000). COA corncluded that an error wlmx a ju~y \\'as pcm~itted to co~~vict on less thm dlelements required for conviction violated due process md tlms, was egregiouslyharn~ful. Look for a PDR on this one.&I'u~J~DEPECTnT JURY CHARGE -VIOLATING PRO'IECTI\'B ORDER:I< Sfflfe, NO. 03-99-00819-CR, 5/31/01A joy charge for the offense of violating a protective order was deemeddefective <strong>For</strong> failing to require that the juy fi~l tllat the defe~~dant knew aprotective order had bee11 issued, that he \vas mare of its contents, and ll~atl~ei~~teutionaUyvioI;~tedit. COAfound egregious harm, absent objection,based on weak evide~~ce on those elements. Decent discussion on when anoffense requires a culpable mental slate.INSUFPICIEiVI EVIDENCE TO PROVE DEADLY WEAPON: Lee u.State, No. 03-00-00079-CR, 5/31/01<strong>The</strong> defendant is charged \\it11 aggravated robbe~y No weapon was everfound but one witness rlescribed it as a11 air pistol. <strong>The</strong> defendant put it tothe l~eatl of the victin but never tl~reatened her with it nor alten~pted to useit as a bludgeon. COA holds that there is no1 enougl~ evide~~ce to prove it wasa deadly~veapon, based on tl~c defendant's intent.SEPTEMBER 2001 VJVJVJ.TCDU\.COM VOICE FOR THE DEFENSE 45

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