The Arts in Schools - Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

The Arts in Schools - Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation The Arts in Schools - Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
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The arts insecondaryschools7 The arts should be accorded equal status with othermajor areas of the curriculum and this should be reflectedin the allocation of resources.8 Head teachers and those responsible for the timetableshould recognise the different requirements of the variousarts and take these into account in tackling matters ofprovision.9 The need should be recognised for a policy for all of thearts in schools and arts teachers in the same school shouldtherefore discuss and co-ordinate policies wherever possible,and especially in relation to the allocation of time andfacilities.10 The need should be recognised for work in the arts todevelop into the 4th, 5th and 6th forms of secondaryschools and opportunities for this to happen shouldbe made available outside examination courses.11 Patterns of assessment should take account of the princi-pies and objectives of arts education and of the nature ofaesthetic experience and development.Assessmentandevaluation12 Since we believe that in their practice and assessment thearts should be seen as providing experience of positiveachievement in schools:a the use of profile reporting in the arts should be fullyinvestigatedb the appropriateness and usefulness of criterion-referencedtests in the arts should be fully investigated.13 Examinations should not be seen as the means of legitimisingthe arts in schools.14 Discussions on more effective and responsive forms ofassessment and evaluation should involve employers andother interested groups, including parents.15 Local Education Authorities should give special consider-ation to the needs of the gifted, the disabled and ofethnic minority groups.Specialneeds16 To this end, Local Education Authorities should:a make available extra help and tuition to those withspecial gifts and talents in the arts and143

wherever possible, co-ordinate the use of staff andresources between schoolse be prepared to provide awards to individual childrenbelow the age of 16 for special tuition in dance andmusicd be prepared to provide those above the age of 16 withgrants and awards to undertake vocational training inthe artse provide for expert advice to assist in the identificationof those with special needs in the artsf identify and respond to special needs in the arts by theprovision of in-service courses for teachers and administratorsg keep careers teachers fully informed of opportunitiesfor vocational training in the arts.17 Special provision should be made by arts funding organis-ations and Local Education Authorities together to helpprepare professional artists to work in schools.Artists andeducation18 Schools should recognise the mutual benefits of workingcontacts between children, teachers and artists and shouldencourage visits and joint projects.19 Schools and artists should be matched with care, anddetailed preparation and follow-up should be seen asessential elements in such projects.20 The importance of quality rather than quantity of contactshould be recognised and in recognition of this closeattention should be given to the evaluation of currentschemes involving artists in education.21 Arts funding organisations should be prepared to helpLocal Education Authorities to meet the costs of professionalperformances by artists where these are part ofan educational course.22 Closer working contacts should be developed betweenLocal Education Authorities and Regional Arts Associations,specifically through the appointment to the latterof Education Liaison Officers.Beyond theschool23 Schools should consider ways of making specialist facilitiesand resources for the arts available for broader use by thecommunity.24 Opportunities should be available for students in Further144

<strong>The</strong> arts <strong>in</strong>secondaryschools7 <strong>The</strong> arts should be accorded equal status with othermajor areas of the curriculum and this should be reflected<strong>in</strong> the allocation of resources.8 Head teachers and those responsible for the timetableshould recognise the different requirements of the variousarts and take these <strong>in</strong>to account <strong>in</strong> tackl<strong>in</strong>g matters ofprovision.9 <strong>The</strong> need should be recognised for a policy for all of thearts <strong>in</strong> schools and arts teachers <strong>in</strong> the same school shouldtherefore discuss and co-ord<strong>in</strong>ate policies wherever possible,and especially <strong>in</strong> relation to the allocation of time andfacilities.10 <strong>The</strong> need should be recognised for work <strong>in</strong> the arts todevelop <strong>in</strong>to the 4th, 5th and 6th forms of secondaryschools and opportunities for this to happen shouldbe made available outside exam<strong>in</strong>ation courses.11 Patterns of assessment should take account of the pr<strong>in</strong>ci-pies and objectives of arts education and of the nature ofaesthetic experience and development.Assessmentandevaluation12 S<strong>in</strong>ce we believe that <strong>in</strong> their practice and assessment thearts should be seen as provid<strong>in</strong>g experience of positiveachievement <strong>in</strong> schools:a the use of profile report<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the arts should be fully<strong>in</strong>vestigatedb the appropriateness and usefulness of criterion-referencedtests <strong>in</strong> the arts should be fully <strong>in</strong>vestigated.13 Exam<strong>in</strong>ations should not be seen as the means of legitimis<strong>in</strong>gthe arts <strong>in</strong> schools.14 Discussions on more effective and responsive forms ofassessment and evaluation should <strong>in</strong>volve employers andother <strong>in</strong>terested groups, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g parents.15 Local Education Authorities should give special consider-ation to the needs of the gifted, the disabled and ofethnic m<strong>in</strong>ority groups.Specialneeds16 To this end, Local Education Authorities should:a make available extra help and tuition to those withspecial gifts and talents <strong>in</strong> the arts and143

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