Instructions BFS400 - Breville

Instructions BFS400 - Breville

Instructions BFS400 - Breville

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<strong>Breville</strong> recommends safety firstcontinuedImportant safeguards for all electrical appliances• Fully unwind the power cord before use.• Do not let the power cord hang over the edgeof a table or counter, touch hot surfaces orbecome knotted• To protect against electric shock, do notimmerse the power cord, power plug or foodsteamer base in water or any other liquid.• This appliance is not intended for use bypersons (including children) with reducedphysical, sensory or mental capabilities,or lack of experience and knowledge,unless they have been given supervision orinstruction concerning use of the applianceby a person responsible for their safety.• Children should be supervised to ensure thatthey do not play with the appliance.• This appliance is intended for householduse only. Do not use this appliance foranything other than its intended use. Do notuse in moving vehicles or boats. Do not useoutdoors.• It is recommended to regularly inspectthe appliance. Do not use the appliance ifpower supply cord, power plug or appliancebecomes damaged in any way. Return theentire appliance to the nearest authorised<strong>Breville</strong> Service Centre for examinationand/or repair.• Any maintenance other than cleaning shouldbe performed at an authorised <strong>Breville</strong>Service Centre.• The installation of a residual current device(safety switch) is recommended to provideadditional safety protection when usingelectrical appliances. It is advisable that asafety switch with a rated residual operatingcurrent not exceeding 30mA be installed inthe electrical circuit supplying the appliance.See your electrician for professional advice.Do not operate the food steamer on an inclined surface. Do not move the foodsteamer while it is operating.

Know your <strong>Breville</strong> HealthSmart ® Food Steamer3 stackable steamer basketsCook the entire meal using one appliance - steammeat or fish in the lower basket, vegetables in theupper steam baskets for fast even cooking.Steamer baskets are numbered 1 , 2 , 3 foreasy stackingSteamer LidRice/sauce cooking bowlCapacity 1½ cups uncooked white rice, 4½ cupscooked white rice.Egg holdersIntegrated into the base of the steamer baskets.32Removable drip tray with side handlesEasy to collect juices and fats during steaming.1Removable steam diffuser for water reservoirEasy to fill water spout with water level indicatorPower On/Off indicator lightSteamer base with water reservoir1 litre MAX, 350ml MIN60 minute timer with auto offTimer dial can be set for up to 60 minutes and willautomatically turn off once timing is complete.Non-slip feetRemovable filter plug forwater reservoir (not shown)Ensure the steamer baskets, drip tray and lid arecorrectly assembled before steaming commences

Operating your <strong>Breville</strong> HealthSmart ® Food SteamercontinuedBefore first useRemove and safely discard any packagingmaterial and promotional labels from the foodsteamer.Wash the lid, steamer baskets, rice/saucecooking bowl, drip tray, steam diffuser andfilter plug in warm soapy water, rinse and drythoroughly, also wipe the inside of the waterreservoir, before using the food steamer for thefirst time.Do not immerse the power cord orsteamer base in water or any otherliquid.Operation of yourHealthSmart® Food SteamerStep 1Remove the lid, steamer baskets and driptray from the steamer base and ensure thefilter plug and steam diffuser are correctlypositioned in the water reservoir. Ensure thesteam diffuser is firmly attached to the steamspout in the centre of the water reservoir.Step 2Pour sufficient clean, tap water, up to 1 litre,into the water reservoir of the steamer baseand ensure the maximum MAX level on thewater level indicator is not exceeded. If cookingfor long periods of time ensure the water leveldoes not fall below the minimum MIN level.During operation, extra water can be pouredinto the water reservoir through the easy to fillwater spout at the front of the water reservoir.Step 3Place the drip tray into position on top of thesteamer base.Only use clean tap water in your HealthSmart®Food Steamer water reservoir. Do not use wine,stock or other liquids.Step 4Steamer baskets are numbered 1, 2, 3 for easystacking. Prepare the food steamer and food asfollows:One layer cooking:• Insert steamer basket (1) into position on topof the drip tray• Place the food into steamer basket (1)• Cover with lid.Two layer cooking:• Insert steamer basket (1) into position on topof the drip tray• Place the food into steamer basket (1)• Insert steamer basket (2) into position on topof steamer basket (1)• Place second layer of food into steamerbasket (2)• Cover with lidThree layer cooking:• Insert steamer basket (1) into position on topof the drip tray• Place the food into steamer basket (1)• Insert steamer basket (2) into position on topof steamer basket (1)• Place second layer of food into steamerbasket (2)• Insert steamer basket (3) into position on topof steamer basket (2)• Place third layer of food steamer basket (3)• Cover with lidIf steaming food with sauce or liquid, use therice/sauce cooking bowl provided and insert intothe top steaming basket then cover with lid.

Operating your <strong>Breville</strong> HealthSmart ® Food SteamercontinuedStep 5Insert power plug into a 230/240V power outletand switch on.Step 6Turn the timer dial clockwise to the desiredcooking time - this will activate the steamerbase and the Power light will illuminate.Steaming will start within 1-2 minutes.Most vegetables can be cooked within the 20minute steaming range marked on the timer dial.This will retain essential vitamins and minerals inthe food (refer to vegetable steaming guide page11 and 12).Step 7When cooking time has elapsed and the timerdial has turned anti-clockwise to the OFFposition, the food steamer will switch off, thePower light will go out and a bell will sound.Step 8Allow steamer a few seconds to stop producingsteam, then dismantle the steamer basketsto remove the cooked food, taking care as lid,steamer baskets, rice/sauce cooking bowl,steam and water condensation will be very hot.Allow the steamer base and drip tray to coolbefore dismantling and discarding liquid.Always take care when lifting the lid,steamer baskets, rice/sauce cookingbowl and drip tray as the steamand water condensation can causescalding. Use dry oven mitts to protecthands. Always allow the steamerbase and DRIP TRAY to cool beforedismantling and discarding liquid.Denser foods or foods that take longer to cookshould be placed in the lower steamer basket asthis gets a higher concentration of steam. However,foods such as meat or chicken should be placed inthe lower steamer basket to avoid juices drippingonto foods below. Place lighter foods, such as leafyvegetables, in the upper steaming baskets.Step 9Switch off at the power outlet and unplug thepower cord from the power outlet. Allow theHealthSmart ® Food Steamer to cool beforedismantling the steamer base and drip tray forcleaning.Avoid unnecessary removal of the lid and steamerbaskets during cooking, as steam surrounding thefood will escape.Tips For Using YourHealthSmart ® Food SteamerSteamer BasketsThe HealthSmart ® Food Steamer comes withthree steamer baskets, that can be stacked ontop of each other (See Figure 1), or used with twobaskets or with just one basket (See Figure 2).When using the three steamer baskets at thesame time, the smaller basket marked withnumber ‘1’ on the handle must be placed onthe bottom. The steamer basket marked withnumber ‘2’ is to be placed in the middle andthe larger steamer basket marked with number‘3’ on the top.Steamer basket number 3 is deeper than theother two baskets and can be used alone tosteam larger sized items.The three steamer baskets can be used asegg cooking trays. The base of each steamerbasket has eight indents for standing eggsupright for cooking.321

Operating your <strong>Breville</strong> HealthSmart ® Food SteamercontinuedTIPSRice/Sauce Cooking BowlUse the rice/sauce cooking bowl to cook riceor sauces by following the steaming charts andrecipes provided in this book. The rice/saucecooking bowl should be inserted into the topsteaming basket then covered with the lid.Do not insert the rice/sauce cooking bowl intoa lower steamer basket (when stacking two orthree steamer baskets) as this partially blocksthe effective movement of steam around thesteamer baskets.For good results, follow these suggestions:• Cooking times provided in this instructionbook are a guide only. Specific foods mayrequire varied steaming times depending onsize, quality and temperature of food.• Avoid unnecessary removal of the lid andsteamer baskets during cooking, as steamsurrounding the food will escape.• Food should be evenly spread in all threesteamer baskets. A single layer of food ineach basket steams fast than multi layers inone basket.• Steaming time for food in the upper basketis slightly longer, so allow an extra fewminutes.• If foods with varying cooking times are to besteamed, place the food requiring the longestcooking time in the lower basket. When thatfood has partially cooked, carefully removethe lid using a dry oven mitt or cloth and addthe upper steaming baskets. Replace lid andcontinue steaming until all layers are cooked.• For food requiring longer cooking times, refillthe water reservoir to ensure it does not fallbelow the MIN marking. The reservoir can berefilled by pouring water through the easyto-fillspout.• Foods such as meat or chicken should beplaced in the lower steamer basket to avoidjuices dripping onto foods below.• Remove food once the steaming time haselapsed, otherwise food will continue tocook in the accumulated steam of the foodsteamer.

Care and CleaningCleaningAlways turn the timer dial to “Off”, switch thepower off at the power outlet and unplug thepower cord of the food steamer and allow thesteamer base and drip tray to cool completelybefore disassembling and cleaning.Wash the lid, steamer baskets and rice/saucecooking bowl in warm soapy water, rinse anddry thoroughly.Discard the remaining water in the drip trayand water reservoir. Remove the steam diffuserand filter plug, wash together with drip tray inwarm, soapy water, rinse and dry thoroughly.Wipe the interior of the water reservoir with adamp cloth then dry thoroughly. Reassemblethe steam diffuser and filter plug in the waterreservoir.Do not use abrasive cleaners, steel woolor scouring pads as these can damage thesurface.Clean the food steamer after each use.The lid, steamer baskets, rice/sauce cookingbowl and drip tray can be placed in thedishwasher.To clean the exteriorThe steamer base can be wiped with a dampcloth then dried thoroughly.Do not use abrasive cleaners, steel woolor scouring pads as these can damage thesurface of the food steamer.Do not immerse steamer base, powercord or power plug in water orany other liquid as this may causeelectrocutionTo prevent damage to the appliance, do not usealkaline cleaning agents when cleaning, use asoft cloth and a mild detergent.Removal of mineral depositsMineral deposits may accumulate in thesteamer base and attachments. It isrecommended to de-scale regularly to prolongthe life of your food steamer.Prepare a de-scaling solution by mixing 2 cupsof water and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice orwhite vinegar.Pour the de-scaling solution into the waterreservoir, insert the drip tray then a steamerbasket with lid on top. Turn the timer dial toapproximately 15 minutes and allow steam tocirculate. Allow the food steamer and liquid tocool before dismantling for cleaning. If excessscale build-up still remains, repeat the process.If food with strong odour, such as fish has beensteamed, the above procedure can be followedwith steamer baskets, rice/sauce cooking bowland drip tray in position to ensure the odour is nottransferred to the next steaming.StorageEnsure the HealthSmart ® Food Steamer isswitched off at the power outlet, power plugremoved from the power outlet and all partscleaned, dried and assembled before storing.Ensure the steam diffuser and filter plug havebeen re-inserted into the water reservoirthen insert the drip tray onto the steamerbase followed by the steamer baskets. Whenstacking, basket ‘3’ should be on the bottom,followed by the basket marked ‘2’ and then ‘1’.Insert the rice/sauce cooking bowl and coverwith lid.Wrap the power cord around the steamer baseand stand the appliance upright. Do not storeanything on top.10

Steaming GuidesAll recipes assume that the preceeding assembly instructions have been followed.VEGETABLESFollow these suggestions for steaming vegetables:1...4..Wash the vegetables thoroughly. Cut off stems, trim, chop and peel if required.Smaller, even-sized pieces of vegetables will steam faster than larger pieces. When steamingdifferent size vegetables at the same time, place the largest and firmest in the lower steamerbasket and the other lighter or leafy vegetables in the top steamer baskets.Steaming time will decrease slightly if steaming smaller portions.When steaming vegetables that have been frozen, always separate and stir once duringsteaming.Estimated steaming times are listed in chart below, however freshness, quality and size of thefood as well as personal preference will effect how quickly ingredients will take to steam. Adjustwater amounts and cooking times as desired.Use the timer dial within the 20-minute steaming range for vitamin advantageVEGETABLE TYPE WEIGHT/MEASUREMENT TIME TO COOKAPPROXIMATELYAsparagus spears 2 bunches 10 –12 minutesArtichokes whole 3 25-30 minutesBeans, cut or whole 250g – 500g 10 minutesBeetroot, cleaned, trimmed 1 bunch (approx 4) 30-35 minutesBroccoli, florets 500g 10 minutesBok Choy 350g 5 minutesBrussels Sprouts 500g 12-14 minutesCabbage, cut into wedges 500g 10 minutesCapsicums, trimmed, sliced 3 or 4 8-9 minutesCarrots, sliced 500g 12-14 minutesCauliflower, florets 500g 10-12 minutesCelery, thickly sliced 250g-500g 9-10 minutesChoko, peeled, cut into wedges 2-3 12-14 minutesCorn, whole 3 9-10 minutesEggplant, thickly sliced 500g 10-12 minutesMushrooms, whole button 500g 7-8 minutes11

Steaming Guides continuedMEAT & POULTRYFollow these suggestions for cooking meat and poultry:1...4..6.Steaming guidelines in the chart below are for fresh and fully thawed meat and poultry.Frozen meat and poultry should be completely thawed before steaming.Always clean and prepare fresh meat and poultry before steaming. It is recommended to removeany fat and skin from the poultry and fat and gristle from meat before steaming.Whole chickens and roasts can be steamed but for smaller cuts choose even-size pieces formore even cooking.Arrange the smaller pieces of meat or poultry in a single layer.Steam until the meat or poultry is well done. Check by piercing the thickest part of the poultry orroast with a meat thermometer or with a knife or skewer to check that the centre is cooked andjuices run clear.VARIETY WEIGHT/SIZE APPROX COOKING TIMEBeef, hamburgers 500g 15-16 minutesBeef, meatballs 500g 11-12 minutesChicken, whole 1.6kg 60-65 minutesChicken, pieces 500g 35 minutesChicken, breast fillets, 500g 20-25 minutesHot dogs 500g 6-7 minutesSausages, thin 500g 12 minutesOTHER FOODSFollow these suggestions for cooking variety foods:1...Steaming guidelines in the chart below are for prepackaged variety foods.Always remove variety foods from packaging and arrange in a single layer in a steamer basket.Steam variety foods for recommended times in chart below, as recommended on the packagingor until well cooked.VARIETY WEIGHT/SIZE PIECES APPROX COOKING TIMEAsian Dumplings/Gow Gees, frozen 250-500g 18-20 minutesAsian Pork Buns, frozen 4 20 minutesMini Dim Sims, frozen 250g 18-20 minutesTofu, whole piece, very firm 300g 8-10 minutesWhen heating softer style tofu use the rice/sauce cooking bowl.14

Steaming Guides continuedEGGSThe following are some handy guidelines when cooking eggs. The steamer is ideal for poaching,scrambling and cooking eggs in the shell.For cooking eggs in the shell:1. Eggs must be pierced with a clean pin or fine skewer through the top or base of the egg shellbefore cooking.. Place eggs into egg indents in steamer baskets, pierced side up.. Cover with lid.4. Turn the timer dial to preferred cooking time.Do not boil eggs in the water reservoir.For poached eggs:1. Place a tablespoon of water into individual-sized heatproof dishes, cups or ramekins (smallenough for 1 egg) then crack an egg into each. Insert 4 prepared ramekins into each steamerbasket, then cover with lid. Turn the timer dial to preferred cooking time and monitor firmness of poached eggs duringsteaming.For scrambled eggs:1. Prepare eggs, milk and seasonings for scrambled eggs by lightly beating in the rice/saucecooking bowl then cover with lid.. Turn the timer dial to preferred cooking time. Remove lid during steaming time and stir the eggs.TYPE QUANTITY APPROX COOKING TIMESteamed in shell, SoftMediumHardPoached SoftMediumHardScrambled1-8 (x 60g) 8-9 minutes11-12 minutes15-16 minutes4 (x 60g) 5-6 minutes7-8 minutes10-12 minutes6 (x 60g) eggs with 1 ⁄3 cup milk 9-10 minutesor cream and seasoningLarger eggs will require slightly longer cooking times.15


RecipesBok choy with chilli and ginger sauceServes 2 to 41 bunch bok choy or Chinese broccoliSauce:1 tablespoon peanut oil3 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh ginger1 small red chilli, finely chopped2 tablespoons Chinese cooking wine (Shao hsing)2 tablespoons oyster sauce1 teaspoon sesame oil, for serving1...4..6.7.Wash bok choy well and separate leaves. Ifusing Chinese broccoli slice into 5cm lengths.Fill water reservoir to MAX level, insert the driptray then place steamer basket (1) on top.Place bok choy into steamer basket, and coverwith lid.Turn timer dial to 5 minutes. Adjust for shorteror longer cooking time as required.While bok choy is cooking, heat a wok or fryingpan, add oil then garlic, ginger and chilli, stirfry for 1 minute or until garlic is just beginningto turn golden in colour.Add wine and simmer 20 seconds. Stir inoyster sauce, bring to boil and remove fromheat.Remove bok choy when cooked and place ontoa serving plate, drizzle with sesame oil andginger and chilli sauce. Serve hot.Spring vegetables with lemon dressingServes 4 to 63 carrots, peeled and thinly sliced250g cauliflower florets2 cobs corn, husks removed250g broccoli florets1 bunch asparagus, trimmed100g snow peas, topped and tailedDressing:1 tablespoon lemon juice2 teaspoons Dijon mustard1 teaspoon honey2 tablespoons light olive oilSalt and pepper, optional1...4..6.7..Fill water reservoir to MAX level, insert the driptray then place steamer basket (1) on top.Place carrots and cauliflower into steamerbasket and cover with lid.Turn timer dial to 4 minutes. Steam untilpartially cooked.Place corn into steamer basket (2), removelid and place on top of steamer basket (1) onsteamer cover with lid. Turn timer dial to 3minutes. Steam until partially cookedPlace broccoli, asparagus and snow peas intosteamer basket (3), remove lid and place ontop of steamer basket (2) on steamer. Coverwith lid.Turn timer dial to 7 minutes (14 minutes totalsteaming time). Adjust for shorter or longercooking time as required.Combine dressing ingredients together in aclean, screw top jar and shake well.Remove vegetables when cooked andplace into a serving bowl. Pour dressingover vegetables and toss to coat. Serveimmediately.RNOTE: All recipes use Australian Standard Measuring Cups and Spoons.

Recipes continuedPotato salad with creamy pestodressingServes 4 to 61kg Desiree potatoes, peeled, halvedand cut into 1cm slices2 tablespoons white wine vinegar250g button mushrooms50g pine nuts150g pancetta, choppedCreamy Pesto Dressing:1 cup sour cream1⁄3 cup prepared pestoSalt and pepper, optional1...4..6.7..Fill water reservoir to MAX level and insert thedrip tray.Divide potatoes equally into steamer baskets(1) and (2). Place steamer baskets ontosteamer and cover with lid.Turn timer dial to 15–17 minutes or untilpotatoes are just cooked. Adjust for shorter orlonger cooking time as required.Remove potatoes when cooked, place into aserving bowl and sprinkle with the vinegar.Allow to coolPlace mushrooms into steamer basket, placeonto steamer and cover with lid.Turn timer dial to 4 minutes. Adjust for shorteror longer cooking time as required.Remove mushrooms when cooked, drain well.Add mushrooms, pine nuts and pancetta topotatoes.Combine dressing ingredients and mix in asmall bowl. Add dressing to potato salad, tosslightly to coat. Serve warm or chilled.Potato salad with mint and dilldressingServes 4 to 61 kg Desiree potatoes, peeled, halvedand cut into 1cm slices2 tablespoons white wine vinegar2 cobs corn, husks removed1 cup thinly sliced green shallotsMint and Dill Dressing:½ cup light sour cream½ cup whole egg mayonnaise½ cup mint leaves½ cup chopped dill2 teaspoons finely grated lemon rindSalt and pepper, optional1...4..6.7..Fill water reservoir to MAX level and insert thedrip tray.Divide potatoes equally into steamer baskets(1) and (2). Place steamer baskets ontosteamer and cover with lid.Turn timer dial to 15–17 minutes or untilpotatoes are just cooked. Adjust for shorter orlonger cooking time as required.Remove potatoes when cooked, place into aserving bowl and sprinkle with the vinegar.Allow to cool.Place corn into steamer basket, place ontosteamer and cover with lid.Turn timer dial to 7 minutes. Adjust for shorteror longer cooking time as required.Remove corn when cooked, drain well and coolslightly. Cut corn kernels from the cobs andadd to potatoes with shallots.Combine dressing ingredients and mix in asmall bowl. Add to potato salad, mix lightly andserve warm or chilled.NOTE: All recipes use Australian Standard Measuring Cups and Spoons.R

Recipes continuedRice and spinach saladServes 61 cup brown rice½ cup wild rice2½ cups/625ml water1 small red onion, peeled and finely chopped125g roasted red capsicum, diced¼ cup currants½ cup chopped continental parsley40g baby spinach leaves, washed and dried50g toasted pine nuts125g feta cheese, crumbled, for servingDressing:1⁄3 cup olive oil2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar2 teaspoons whole grain mustard2 cloves garlic, peeled and finely choppedSalt and pepper, optional1...4..6.Fill water reservoir to MAX level, insert thedrip tray then place steamer basket (1) ontop.Place brown rice, wild rice and water into therice/sauce cooking bowl and stir. Insert intosteamer basket and cover with lid.Turn timer dial to 55 - 60 minutes or untilboth rices are almost cooked, but still a littlefirm. Remove rice from steamer and standcovered for 5 minutes. Rinse rice under coldrunning water, drain well.Place cooled rice into a large serving bowlwith onion, capsicum, currants, parsley,spinach leaves and pine nuts. Toss tocombine.Combine dressing ingredients in a clean,screw top jar and shake well.Drizzle dressing over rice mixture and topwith crumbled feta. Serve immediately.Prawn and rice ballsMakes approx. 32½ cup long grain white rice1¼ cups/312ml water15g sliced dried Chinese mushrooms250g pork mince175g green prawn meat, finely chopped or minced½ bunch coriander leaves, finely chopped¾ cup finely chopped green shallots½ cup sliced bamboo shoots, finely chopped1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh ginger2 tablespoons fish sauce1 x 60g egg, lightly beatenSoy sauce or sweet chilli sauce, for serving1...4..6.7...Fill water reservoir to MAX level, insert the driptray then place a steamer basket on topWash rice and drain well. Place rice and waterinto rice/sauce cooking bowl and stir. Insertinto steamer basket (1), cover with lid.Turn timer dial to 25 - 30 minutes or until riceis cooked. Remove from steamer, drain andallow to cool.Soak mushrooms in boiling water for 30minutes. Drain well and chop finely.Place mushrooms in a bowl with pork mince,prawn meat, coriander leaves, shallots,bamboo shoots, ginger, fish sauce and egg,mix well.Roll mixture into balls, about 3 cm in diameter,then roll in rice until well coated.Divide prepared rice balls equally in singlelayers into steamer baskets (1) and (2) . Placeonto steamer and cover with lid.Turn timer dial to 12 minutes. Adjust forshorter or longer cooking time as required.Remove prawn and rice balls when cookedand place onto a serving platter.Serve with a small bowl of soy sauce or sweetchilli sauce for dipping.RNOTE: All recipes use Australian Standard Measuring Cups and Spoons.

Recipes continuedGreen curry fish with asparagusServes 42 tablespoons prepared green curry paste1⁄3 cup coconut cream1 tablespoon fish sauce2 teaspoons brown sugar4 snapper fillets or boneless white fish fillets8 sprigs fresh coriander leaves1 bunch fresh asparagus, trimmed and cut into halvesSteamed rice and lemon wedges, for serving1...4..6.7.Combine curry paste, coconut cream, fishsauce and brown sugar.Place fish fillets into a shallow dish and coatwith curry paste mixture, cover and refrigeratefor up to 8 hours.Place 1 piece of fish onto a large piece ofbaking paper. Spoon a little of the marinadeover fish, top with 2 sprigs of coriander anda few pieces of asparagus. Wrap fish in thebaking paper to form a well sealed parcel.Repeat with remaining fish fillets.Place 2 fish parcels into steamer basket (1)and 2 fish parcels into steamer basket (2).Fill water reservoir to MAX level, insert driptray then place steamer baskets (1) and (2) ontop. Cover with lid.Turn timer dial to 10 to 14 minutes or until fishis cooked. Adjust for shorter or longer cookingtime as required.Carefully remove parcels from steamer,unwrap parcels and serve fish with steamedrice and wedge of lemon.Prawns and snow pea saladServes 41kg green prawns, peeled and deveined200g shelled peas200g snow peas, topped and tailed6 green shallots, sliced into 3cm lengths½ bunch mint leaves, washed and dried½ bunch coriander leaves, washed and driedSalt, optionalDressing:2 tablespoons lemon juice3 tablespoons light olive oil2 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped2 fresh kaffir leaves, finely chopped½ teaspoon finely chopped red chilli1...4..6.Fill water reservoir to MAX level, insert the driptray then place steamer basket (1) on topPlace prawns into steamer basket and coverwith lid.Turn timer dial to 5 minutes or until prawnsare just cooked. Do not overcook. Adjust forshorter or longer cooking time as required.Combine dressing ingredients in a clean, screwtop jar and shake well.Remove prawns when cooked and place into aserving bowl. Pour dressing over prawns, mixwell, cover and refrigerate until well chilled.Add shelled peas, snow peas, shallots, mintand coriander, toss well. Season to taste andserve immediately.NOTE: All recipes use Australian Standard Measuring Cups and Spoons.R

Recipes continuedMoroccan style chicken with spicedlentilsServes 4500g chicken breast fillets2 tablespoons olive oil1 teaspoon mild paprika1 teaspoon finely chopped red chilli1 teaspoon sea salt, optional1 cup green lentils1½ cups/375ml water1 lemon, sliced and deseeded1 cup chopped parsley½ cup chopped mint leaves2 tomatoes, finely diced3 shallots, finely choppedDressing:2 tablespoons olive oil2 tablespoons lemon juice2 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped1 teaspoon mild paprika½ teaspoon ground cumin1 teaspoon honeySalt and freshly ground pepper, optional1...4..6.RPlace chicken fillets into a bowl. Add oil,paprika, chilli and sea salt, mix well. Coverwith plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready tocook.Fill water reservoir to MAX level, insert the driptray then place steamer (1) basket on topWash lentils and drain well. Place lentils andwater into the rice /sauce cooking bowl andstir. Insert into steamer basket, cover with lid.Turn timer dial to 45-50 minutes or until lentilsare cooked but still slightly firm. Adjust forshorter or longer cooking time as required.Remove lentils from steamer, drain, set asideand keep warm.Place chicken into steamer basket (1), placeonto steamer base, arrange slices of lemonover chicken and cover with lid.7. Turn timer dial to 20 -25 minutes. Adjust forshorter or longer cooking time as required.. Remove chicken when cooked, set aside andkeep warm.. Combine dressing ingredients together in aclean, screw top jar and shake well.10. Combine lentils, parsley, mint, tomatoes andshallots. Add dressing, mix lightly and spoononto serving plates.11. Slice chicken, place over lentils and serve.Scallops with herb lime butterServes 28 scallops, on half shell1 tablespoon finely chopped dill1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley1 tablespoon finely chopped green shallotsSalt and freshly ground pepper, optional30g butter2 slices lime, cut into quarters1. Clean scallops and return to half shell.. Mix together dill, parsley and green shallots,sprinkle over scallops, season to taste.. Place a dot of butter and lime quarter onto thescallops.4. Fill water reservoir to MAX level and insert thedrip tray.. Divide prepared scallops equally into steamerbaskets (1) and (2). Place steamer basketsonto steamer and cover with lid. ,6. Turn timer dial to 4 minutes or until scallopsare cooked. Do not overcook as scallops willtoughen.7. Remove scallops when cooked and serveimmediately.NOTE: All recipes use Australian Standard Measuring Cups and Spoons.

Recipes continuedBbq pork with garlic soy riceServes 4½ cup dried sliced shitake mushrooms2 cups/500ml boiling water1 cup medium grain rice2 cups/500ml water2 tablespoons soy sauce1 teaspoon sesame oil1 tablespoon peanut oil2 teaspoons finely chopped ginger3 teaspoons finely chopped garlic300g Chinese style cooked barbequed pork, thinlysliced½ cup thinly sliced green shallots¼ cup Char Siu sauce2 tablespoons water1...4..6.7..Soak mushrooms in the boiling water for 30minutes. Drain mushrooms and reserve ½ cupof liquid. Slice mushrooms, set aside.Fill water reservoir to MAX level, insert the driptray then place steamer basket (1) on top.Wash rice and drain well. Place rice, water, soysauce and sesame oil into rice/sauce cookingbowl and stir. Insert into steamer basket, coverwith lid.Turn timer dial to 25 - 30 minutes. Adjust forshorter or longer cooking time as required.Meanwhile heat peanut oil in a frying pan,add ginger and garlic, fry 1–2 minutes or untilgarlic begins to turn golden. Remove fromheat.When rice is cooked, carefully remove lid andstir ginger and garlic mixture, together withpork, shallots and mushrooms into rice, mixwell. Cover with lid.Turn timer dial to 5-10 minutes or until riceis cooked and ingredients are heated throughAdjust for shorter or longer cooking time asrequired.Heat Char Siu sauce and water in a smallsaucepan, bring to the boil.Serve BBQ Pork with Garlic Soy Rice drizzledwith hot Char Siu sauce.Char Siu sauce (Chinese Barbeque Sauce) is availableat Asian food stores and some supermarketsLaksa with rice noodles and tofuServes 2 – 4¼ cup prepared laksa paste2 cups/500ml coconut milk½ cup/125ml water1 tablespoon fish sauce2 teaspoons brown sugar200g firm tofu, cubed100g dried rice noodles1 cup fresh bean shoots, for serving½ cup fresh mint leaves, for serving½ cup fresh coriander leaves, for serving1...4..6.Fill water reservoir to MAX level, insert the driptray then place steamer basket (1) on top.Place laksa paste, coconut milk and water intorice /sauce cooking bowl and stir.Carefully insert the rice/sauce cooking bowlinto the steamer basket, cover with lid.Turn timer dial to 15 minutes or until liquidis hot. Add tofu pieces, cover with lid, turntimer dial to 12 minutes or until tofu is heatedthrough.Meanwhile, place rice noodles into a heatproofbowl and pour in sufficient boiling water tocover the noodles, stand 5 minutes, and drainwell.Divide noodles into 2–4 bowls. Remove laksaand tofu from steamer and spoon over noodles.Serve hot laksa, topped with bean shoots,mint andcoriander.NOTE: All recipes use Australian Standard Measuring Cups and Spoons.R

Recipes continuedMarinated salmon with coconut riceServes 2¼ cup soy sauce¼ cup mirin1-2 tablespoons finely chopped ginger1 teaspoon brown sugar2 Atlantic salmon cutletsCoconut Rice:1 cup jasmine rice1 cup/250ml coconut milk¾ cup/190ml water1 teaspoon sea saltFresh coriander leaves, for servingFinely sliced red chilli, for servingLime wedges, for serving1...4..6.7..Place soy sauce, mirin, ginger and brownsugar into a shallow container. Add salmonand coat well with soy sauce mixture. Coverand refrigerate 1-2 hours.Fill water reservoir to MAX level, insert the driptray then place steamer basket (1) on top.Wash rice and drain well. Place rice, coconutmilk, water and salt into the rice/saucecooking bowl and stir. Insert into the steamerbasket, cover with lid.Turn timer dial to 35-40 minutes or until riceis cooked and liquid is absorbed. Adjust forshorter or longer cooking time as required.Remove rice/sauce cooking bowl from steamerwhen rice is cooked, set aside and keep warmuntil ready to serve.Remove salmon from marinade, place intosteamer basket (1) and cover with lid.Turn timer dial to 10–12 minutes. Adjust forshorter or longer cooking time as required.Remove salmon when cooked, place ontoserving plates.Whole snapper with salsa verdeServes 2500g whole snapper, cleaned and scaled1 lemon, quarteredSalsa Verde:2 tablespoons finely chopped green shallots2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley1 tablespoon chopped capers2 teaspoons finely grated lemon rind2 tablespoons lemon juice2 tablespoon light olive oilSalt and freshly ground pepper, optional1...4..Fill water reservoir to MAX level, insert the driptray then place steamer basket (1) on top.Place lemon quarters inside fish. Place fishinto steamer basket and cover with lid.Turn timer dial to 14 minutes. Adjust forshorter or longer cooking time as required.For the Salsa Verde, combine all ingredients ina small bowl, mix well.Remove the fish when cooked and place ontoa serving platter.Serve fish immediately, drizzled with Salsa Verde.Serve salmon with coconut rice, fresh corianderleaves, sliced chilli and wedges of lime.RNOTE: All recipes use Australian Standard Measuring Cups and Spoons.

Recipes continuedMediterranean chicken saladServes 4 to 61.6kg whole chicken1 lemon, quartered and deseeded1 tablespoon olive oilFreshly ground black pepper, optional400g pasta spirals1 cup semi-dried tomatoes, drained and chopped¼ cup salted capers, rinsed and drained1 cup chopped parsley60g rocket leaves, washed and dried1 cup grated or shaved Parmesan cheese, for servingDressing:¼ cup/60ml white wine vinegar¼ cup/60ml balsamic vinegar½ cup/125ml lemon infused olive oilSea salt and freshly ground pepper, optional1...4..6.7...Fill water reservoir to MAX level, insert the driptray then place steamer basket (3) on top.Place lemon quarters into cavity of chickenand rub outside of chicken with olive oil.Sprinkle with pepper.Place chicken into steamer basket and coverwith lid.Turn timer dial to 60 minutes. Adjust forshorter or longer cooking time as required.Remove chicken from steamer when cooked,allow to cool slightly, cover and refrigerate.Meanwhile cook pasta in a large saucepan ofboiling, salted water until just cooked. Drain,rinse under cold running water, drain well.Allow to cool.Remove flesh from chicken and slice thinly,place into a large bowl, add cooked pasta,tomatoes, capers and parsley.Combine dressing ingredients in a clean, screwtop jar and shake well.Pour dressing over chicken salad. Toss to coatand lightly stir in the rocket leaves.Spoon into a serving bowl, top with Parmesancheese and serve.NOTE: All recipes use Australian Standard Measuring Cups and Spoons.R

Recipes continuedGreek style meatballs with tomatosauceMakes approx 32Tomato Sauce:2 tablespoons olive oil1 large onion, peeled and finely chopped½ green capsicum, finely chopped5 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped2 x 400g cans peeled, diced tomatoes2 teaspoons brown sugar, firmly packed1 teaspoon sea salt, optional6.7..Divide meatballs equally into steamer baskets(1) and (2). Place steamer baskets ontosteamer and cover with lid.Turn timer dial to 15 minutes. Adjust forshorter or longer cooking time as required.Remove meatballs when cooked and servehot, drizzled with tomato sauce.Meatballs:3 slices white bread, crusts removed1 cup/250ml milk500g minced lamb1 medium onion, peeled and finely chopped2 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped2 teaspoons dried oregano leaves¼ cup chopped parsley1 tablespoon lemon juice1 teaspoon sea saltFreshly ground black pepper, optional1...4..R10For the tomato sauce, heat oil in a saucepan,add onion, capsicum and garlic, sauté gentlyfor 12-15 minutes or until onion is soft. Addtomatoes, sugar and salt, cover with a lid,bring to the boil, lower heat and simmer for 30minutes, stirring occasionally.For the meatballs, place bread and milktogether in a bowl and soak until bread is verysoft and milk has been absorbed, about 20minutes.Remove bread from milk, place into a colanderand press bread until most of the liquid isremoved. Discard liquid and place bread into alarge bowl.Add remaining meatball ingredients to bread,mix well. Roll into balls, about 3–4cm indiameter.Fill water reservoir to MAX level and insert thedrip tray.NOTE: All recipes use Australian Standard Measuring Cups and Spoons.

DessertsDate and walnut puddings withcaramel sauceServes 6125g pitted dates, chopped1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda75g butter, cubed1¼ cups/312ml boiling waterSoftened butter, for greasingWhite sugar, for coating3⁄4 cup brown sugar, firmly packed2 x 60g eggs, lightly beaten1 teaspoon vanilla essence1 cup/150g self-raising flour½ cup roughly chopped walnutsCaramel Sauce:45g butter, cubed and softened1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed½ cup/125ml cream1...4..Place dates, bicarbonate of soda and butterinto a heatproof bowl and pour boiling waterover. Allow to stand for 20 -30 minutes, stirringoccasionally.Meanwhile, grease 6 small (1-cup) heatproofpudding basins with butter, sprinkle a littlesugar into each basin and shake gently toevenly coat the insides. Set aside.Cut a piece of baking paper to fit the top shapeof each basin. Cut a piece of foil to fit the topshape of each basin and extend 3cm over theedges. Set aside.Add brown sugar to date mixture, mix well.Add beaten eggs and vanilla, mix well. Addflour and walnuts, stirring until all ingredientsare well combined.Spoon sufficient mixture into each puddingbasin until three quarters full. Cover each basinwith a piece of baking paper, then with a pieceof foil. Gather the edge of the foil and presstowards the outer edge of the basin to form aseal.6. Fill water reservoir to MAX level and insert thedrip tray.7. Divide pudding basins equally into steamerbaskets (1) and (2). Place steamer basketsonto steamer and cover with lid.. Turn timer dial to 25 minutes. Adjust forshorter or longer cooking time as required.. Meanwhile, place caramel sauce ingredientsinto rice/sauce cooking bowl and stir.10. When cooking time for puddings has elapsed,carefully remove lid and insert steamer basket(3) onto steamer basket (2). Insert rice/saucecooking bowl into steamer basket (3) andcover with lid.11. Turn timer dial to 15–20 minutes. Removelid and stir sauce during cooking. Adjust forshorter or longer cooking time as requiredfor puddings to be cooked and sauce meltedand smooth. Carefully remove the rice/saucecooking bowl and puddings when cooked.Serve puddings in basins or turned out ontoserving plates and drizzled with caramel sauceNOTE: All recipes use Australian Standard Measuring Cups and Spoons.R11

Desserts continuedBerry lemon puddingsServes 6Softened butter, for greasingWhite sugar, for coating125g butter, softened3⁄4 cup brown sugar, firmly packedFinely grated rind of 1 lemon3 x 60g eggs1½ cups/225g self-raising flour¼ cup/60ml milk125g frozen mixed berries¼ cup caster sugar, extra1. Grease 6 small (1-cup) heatproof puddingbasins with softened butter, sprinkle a littlesugar into each basin and shake gently toevenly coat the insides. Set aside.. Cut a piece of baking paper to fit the top shapeof each basin. Cut a piece of foil to fit the topshape of each basin and extend 3cm over theedges. Set aside.. Cream butter, sugar and lemon rind until lightand creamy. Add eggs one at a time beatingwell after each addition.4. Add flour and milk alternately and mix to asmooth batter. Set aside.. Combine berries and extra caster sugar anddivide equally into prepared basins6. Spoon sufficient batter into each pudding basinuntil three quarters full. Cover each basin witha piece of baking paper, then with a pieceof foil. Gather the edge of the foil and presstowards the outer edge of the basin to form aseal.7. Fill water reservoir to MAX level and insert thedrip tray.. Divide pudding basins equally into steamerbaskets (1) and (2). Place steamer basketsonto steamer and cover with lid.. Turn the timer dial to 40 minutes. Adjust forshorter or longer cooking time as required.10. Carefully remove puddings when cooked.Serve puddings in basins or turned out ontoserving plates and accompanied with custard orice cream.Vanilla risottoServes 41 cup Arborio rice2½ cups/625ml milk¼ cup sugar1 teaspoon vanilla extract½ cup/125ml cream1...4.Fill water reservoir to MAX level, insert the dripcontainer and place steamer basket (1) on top.Place rice, milk and sugar into rice/saucecooking bowl. Carefully insert rice/saucecooking bowl into steamer basket. Cover withlid.Turn timer dial to 60 minutes or until riceis cooked and liquid is absorbed. Adjust forshorter or longer cooking time as required.Remove lid and add vanilla extract and cream,stirring gently until incorporated. Cover with lidand steam a further 5-8 minutes or until thickand creamy.Serve hot with poached or fresh fruit.R12NOTE: All recipes use Australian Standard Measuring Cups and Spoons.

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