Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition

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It-Tlieta, 18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Tuesday, 18th October, 2011Nru./No. 18,818Prezz/Price€6.30<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>The <strong>Malta</strong> Government GazettePubblikata b’AwtoritàPublished by AuthoritySOMMARJU — SUMMARYNotifikazzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.............................................................................................. 11,685 - 11,689Government Notices......................................................................................................... 11,685 - 11,689Opportunitajiet ta’ Impieg................................................................................................ 11,690 - 11,724Employment Opportunities............................................................................................... 11,690 - 11,724Avviżi <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>............................................................................................................... 11,725 - 11,758Notices.............................................................................................................................. 11,725 - 11,758Offerti............................................................................................................................... 11,759 - 11,805Tenders.............................................................................................................................. 11,759 - 11,805Avviżi <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti................................................................................................................. 11,805 - 11,820Court Notices.................................................................................................................... 11,805 - 11,820

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,685NOTIFIKAZZJONIJIET TAL-GVERNNru. 933PUBBLIKAZZJONI TA’ ATTFIS-SUPPLIMENTHUWA avżat għall-informazzjoni ġenerali illi l-Att li ġejhuwa ppubblikat fis-Suppliment li jinsab ma’ din il-<strong>Gazzetta</strong>:Att Nru. XVIII <strong>tal</strong>-2011 imsejjaħ l-Att <strong>tal</strong>-2011 li jemendal-Att dwar Parteċipazzjoni u Garanziji taħt il-Faċilità għall-Istabbiltà Finanzjarja Ewropea u li jemenda l-Att dwar Self<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> u l-Għoti ta’ Self lir-Repubblika Ellenika.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Nru. 934AVVIŻI LEGALI PPUBBLIKATIFIS-SUPPLIMENT MAL-GAZZETTATAL-GVERNNGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi l-AvviżiLegali li ġejjin ġew ippubblikati fis-Suppliment mal-<strong>Gazzetta</strong><strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> Nri. 18,816 u 18,817 <strong>tal</strong>-11 u <strong>tal</strong>-14 ta’ Ottubru2011, rispettivament.A.L. Nru. 407 <strong>tal</strong>-2011: Att <strong>tal</strong>-2010 li Jimplimenta Miżuri<strong>tal</strong>-Estimi (Att Nru. I <strong>tal</strong>-2010); Avviż ta’ bidu fis-seħħ.A.L. Nru. 408 <strong>tal</strong>-2011: <strong>Malta</strong> Financial Services AuthorityAct (Cap. 330); Financial Conglomerates (Amendment)Regulations, 2011.A.L. Nru. 409 <strong>tal</strong>-2011: Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali (Kap.363); Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2011 li jemendaw it-Tieni Skeda litinsab mal-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Nru. 935ATT DWAR L-AFFARIJIET TAL-KONSUMATUR(KAP. 378)Ħatra ta’ Arbitru fit-Tribunal għalTalbiet ta’ KonsumaturiNgħarrfu għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi bis-saħħatas-setgħat mogħtija bis-subartikolu (2) <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 17 <strong>tal</strong>-Attdwar l-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Konsumatur, il-Prim Ministru ħatar lil Dott.Gabrielle Zammit, Adv. Trib. Eccl. Melit,. B.A., LL.D. bħalaArbitru tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet ta’ Konsumaturi għal perjoduta’ tliet snin b’seħħ mit-3 ta’ Ottubru 2011.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011GOVERNMENT NOTICESNo. 933PUBLICATION OF ACTIN SUPPLEMENTIT is notified for general information that the following Actis published in the Supplement to this Gazette:Act No. XVIII of 2011 entitled the Participation andGuarantees under the European Financial Stability Facilityand the Government Borrowing and the Granting of Loansto the Hellenic Republic (Amendment) Act, 2011.18th October, 2011No. 934LEGAL NOTICESPUBLISHED IN THE SUPPLEMENTTO THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTEIT is notified for general information that the followingLegal Notices were published in the Supplement to theGovernment Gazette Nos. 18,816 and 18,817 of the 11th andthe 14th October 2011, respectively.L.N. No. 407 of 2011: Budget Measures ImplementationAct, 2010 (Act No. I of 2010); Commencement Notice.L.N. No. 408 of 2011: <strong>Malta</strong> Financial Services AuthorityAct (Cap. 330); Financial Conglomerates (Amendment)Regulations, 2011.L.N. No. 409 of 2011: Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali (Kap. 363);Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2011 li jemendaw it-Tieni Skeda li tinsabmal-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali.18th October, 2011No. 935CONSUMER AFFAIRS ACT(CAP. 378)Appointment of Arbiter of theConsumer Claims TribunalIT is hereby notified that in exercise of the powers conferredby sub-article (2) of Article 17 of the ConsumerAffairs Act,the Prime Minister has appointed Dr Gabrielle Zammit, Adv.Trib. Eccl. Melit,. B.A., LL.D., as Arbiter of the ConsumerClaims Tribunal for a period of three years with effect fromthe 3rd October, 2011.18th October, 2011

11,686 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Nru. 936ĦATRA TA’ AĠENT DIRETTURĠENERALI (DIPARTIMENTTAT-TAXXI INTERNI)Is-Segretarju Permanenti fil-Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi,l-Ekonomija u Investiment approva l-ħatra temporanja liġejja:–No. 936APPOINTMENT OF ACTINGDIRECTOR GENERAL(INLAND REVENUE)THE Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, theEconomy and Investment has approved the following actingappointment:–ISEM POŻIZZJONI DIPARTIMENT DATANAME POSITION DEPARTMENT DATEMr Mario Borg Direttur Ġenerali Taxxi Interni 03 – 13.11.2011Director General Inland RevenueIt-18 ta’ Ottubru, 201118th October, 2011Nru. 937KODIĊI ĊIVILI (Kap. 16)Artikolu 6(2) tat-Tieni SkedaAvviż mir-Reġistratur għal Persuni ĠuridiċiLil FUNDATURI u AMMINISTRATURI kollha ta’fondazzjonijiet li eżistew fl-1 ta’April tas-sena 2008 u lin-NUTARA li ppubblikaw l-atti relattivi ta’ kostituzzjoni <strong>tal</strong>imsemmijafondazzjonijiet.Għal-finijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 6(2) tat-Tieni Skeda <strong>tal</strong>-KodiċiĊivili, Kap.16 <strong>tal</strong>-Liġijiet ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, qed jiġi hawn notifikatli kull fondazzjoni li kienet teżisti fid-data fuq imsemmijagħandha tapplika biex tirreġistra mar-Reġistratur għal PersuniĠuridiċi sal-1 ta’April tas-sena 2012 skont it-Tieni Skedamsemmija <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi Ċivili u skont l-Avviż Legali numru 32<strong>tal</strong>-2011 rigward ir-Regolamenti dwar OrganizzazzjonijietEżistenti Taħt it-Tieni Skeda <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi Ċivili.Il-formola <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni (Formola A) skont ir-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2010 dwar Notifiki u Formuli taħt it-TieniSkeda <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi Ċivili (Avviż Legali 440/2010) trid tiġisottomessa mad-dokumenti kollha relattivi fl-Uffiċċju tar-Reġistratur li jinsab fir-Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet f’numru 116,“Casa Bolino”, Triq il-Punent, Il-Belt Valletta mit-8.00 a.m.sal-5.00 p.m. (In-numri tat-telefon huma: 2123 9777/ 22209700/2220 9739.)Il-leġiżlazzjoni relatata mat-Tieni Skeda <strong>tal</strong>-KodiċiĊivili, l-Avviż Legali Numru 32/2011, l-Avviż LegaliNumru 440/2010 u l-Avviż Legali Numru 439/ 2010 rigwardir-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2010 dwar Drittijiet li jitħallsu taħt it-Tieni Skeda <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi Ċivili huma aċċessibbli mis-sit:(http://www.justiceservices.gov.mt/).Dott. Stephanie Pappalardo LL.D.Reġistratur għal Persuni ĠuridiċiIt-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011No. 937Civil Code (Cap. 16)Article 6(2) of the Second ScheduleNotice by the Registrar for Legal PersonsTo ALL FOUNDERS and ADMINISTRATORS offoundations which existed on the 1st of April 2008 andto ALL NOTARIES who published the relative deeds ofconstitution of said foundations.FOR the purposes of Article 6(2) of the SecondSchedule to the Civil Code, Cap. 16 of the Laws of <strong>Malta</strong>,it is hereby being notified that all foundations existing onthe aforementioned date are obliged to register with theRegistrar for Legal Persons by the 1st of April 2012 in termsof the said Second Schedule to the Civil Code and in terms ofLegal Notice 32 of 2011 relative to the Civil Code (SecondSchedule) (Existing Organisations) Regulations, 2011.The application form (Form A) as per Legal Notice440/2010 relative to the Civil Code (Second Schedule)(Notifications and Forms) Regulations, 2010 must beaccompanied by all the relative documents and submittedin the Office of the Registrar within the Land Registry atnumber 116, “Casa Bolino” Triq il-Punent, Valletta duringdepartmen<strong>tal</strong> working hours from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.(Telephone numbers: 2123 9777/2220 9700/2220 9739.)The pertinent legislation regarding the aforementionedSecond Schedule to the Civil Code, Legal Notice 32/2011,Legal Notice 440/2010 and Legal Notice 439/2010 relativeto the Civil Code (Second Schedule) (Fees) Regulations,2010 can be accessed from: (http://www.justiceservices.gov.mt/).Dr Stephanie Pappalardo LL.D.Registrar for Legal Persons18th October, 2011

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,687Nru. 938KUMITAT XJENTIFIKU DWARIL-PROTEZZJONI ĊIVILI(Kap. 411)Ngħarrfu għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi l-Kumitat Xjentifiku dwar il-Protezzjoni Ċivili maħtur skontsubartikolu (2) <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 6 <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar il-ProtezzjoniĊivili hu kostitwit kif ġej sat-30 ta’ Novembru, 2012.ChairpersonIs-Sur Patrick Murgo, Direttur <strong>tal</strong>-Protezzjoni ĊiviliMembriDott. Alex Torpiano, BE&A, M.Sc., Ph.D., DIC, EurIng,MIStructE, A&CE (Arch & Civil Eng), Fakultà ta’ l-Arkitettura, Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Prof. Joe Agius, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc. (Tech) C.Eng FIEE,FIIE, Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Inġinerija Mekkanika, Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Dott. Ray Ellul, B.Sc., M.Sc., Dr.Rer.Nat.(Essen),Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Fiżika, Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Prof. Victor Ferrito, B.Sc., Ph.D. (Wales), FIFST. FRSH,Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Farmaċija, Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Prof. Alfred Vella, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.(Col.Sch.Mines),C.Chem, FRSC, Dipartment <strong>tal</strong>-Kimika, Università ta’<strong>Malta</strong>Rappreżentant mil-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Prim MinistruDott. Denis Vella Baldacchino, M.D., Dipartiment tas-SaħħaDott. Pauline Galea, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.(Wellington),Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Fiżika, Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Is-Sur Aldo Drago, B.Sc., M.Sc.(Physical Oceanography),M.Phil. (Soton), Kunsill Malti għax-Xjenza u TeknoloġijaIs-Sur Peter Gatt, B.A.(Hons) Lond., M.Sc(R’dg), FGS,MIQ, Dipartiment tax-XogħlijietDott. Charles Galdies, Ph.D., Manager, MeteorologicalServices, Met OfficesRappreżentant mil-MEPAIng. Vince Attard, Awtorità dwar is-Saħħa u Siġurtà fuqil-Post tax-XogħolSegretarjaMs Gillian Carbone, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Protezzjoni ĊiviliIt-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011No. 938CIVIL PROTECTION SCIENTIFICCOMMITTEE(cap. 411)IT is notified for general information that the CivilProtection Scientific Committee appointed in terms ofsubsection (2) of Article 6 of the Civil Protection Act, isconstituted as follows until 30th November, 2012.ChairpersonMr Patrick Murgo, Director Civil AviationMembersDr Alex Torpiano, BE&A, M.Sc., Ph.D., DIC, EurIng,MIStructE, A&CE (Arch & Civil Eng), Faculty ofArchitecture, University of <strong>Malta</strong>Prof. Joe Agius, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc. (Tech) C.Eng FIEE,FIIE, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of <strong>Malta</strong>Dr Ray Ellul, B.Sc., M.Sc., Dr.Rer.Nat. (Essen),Department of Physics, University of <strong>Malta</strong>Prof. Victor Ferrito, B.Sc., Ph.D. (Wales), FIFST. FRSH,Department of Pharmacy, University of <strong>Malta</strong>Prof. Alfred Vella, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.(Col.Sch.Mines),C.Chem, FRSC, Department of Chemistry, University of<strong>Malta</strong>Representative from the Office of the Prime MinisterDr Denis Vella Baldacchino, M.D., Department ofHealthDr Pauline Galea, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.(Wellington),Department of Physics, University of <strong>Malta</strong>Mr Aldo Drago, B.Sc., M.Sc.(Physical Oceanography),M.Phil. (Soton), <strong>Malta</strong> Council for Science and TechnologyMr Peter Gatt, B.A.(Hons) Lond., M.Sc(R’dg), FGS,MIQ, Works DepartmentDr Charles Galdies, Ph.D., Manager, MeteorologicalServices, Met OfficesMEPA RepresentativeEng. Vince Attard, Occupational Health and SafetyAuthoritySecretaryMs Gillian Carbone, Department of Civil Protection18th October, 2011Nru. 939AVVIŻ GĦALL-GĦANIJIET TAL-ATT TAL-1996DWAR GWARDJANI PRIVATI U LOKALI(ATT NRU. XIII <strong>tal</strong>-1996)IL-KUMMISSARJU <strong>tal</strong>-Pulizija, skont l-artikoli 7 u 8 <strong>tal</strong>-Att <strong>tal</strong>-1996 dwar Gwardjani Privati u Lokali, b’din jgħarraf lirċieva dawn l-applikazzjonijiet kif imsemmija hawn taħt:No. 939NOTICE IN TERMS OF THE PRIVATE GUARDSAND LOCAL WARDENS ACT, 1996(ACT nO. XIII OF 1996)THE Commissioner of Police, in terms of sections 7and 8 of the Private Guards and Local Wardens Act, 1996,hereby notifies that the following applications as mentionedhereunder have been received:

11,688 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Applikazzjoni għal-liċenza bħala Gwardjani LokaliApplication for licence of a Local WardenIsem u kunjom Nru. <strong>tal</strong>-Karta Indirizz<strong>tal</strong>-IdentitàName and Surname Identity Card No. AddressMaria Mifsud 256590 (M) 35, “Josephine”, Flat 4, Triq il-Ħġejjeġ, San Pawl il-BaħarApplikazzjoni għal-liċenza bħala Gwardjani PrivatiApplication for licence of a Private GuardIsem u kunjom Nru. <strong>tal</strong>-Karta Indirizz<strong>tal</strong>-IdentitàName and Surname Identity Card No. AddressChristopher Francica 499292 (M) “Unicorn Court”, Flat 1, Triq il-Għabex,San Pawl il-BaħarChristian Farrugia 131291 (M) 98, “Cardor”, Triq Wistin Levanzin, FguraVincent Vella 672059 (M) 173, “Seaspray”, Flat 3, Triq Sir Luigi Preziosi,San Pawl il-BaħarMary Grace Vella 485084 (M) 56, Triq San Lazzru, BormlaPaul Cachia 585061 (M) 9, Ta’ L-Ispanjol, Triq San Pawl, SafiAnthony Borg 529761 (M) 16, “Aldebaran”, Triq Pietru Pawl Caruana, MellieħaHorace Bianco 7483 (M) “St. Joseph”, Triq id-Dwieli, Burmarrad, San Pawl il-BaħarMalcolm Licari 152781 (M) 40, Villa Thistle”, Triq l-Insolja, AttardJonathan Sciberras 212490 (M) 21, Triq Għar il-Ġobon, BirkirkaraDominic Cachia 94677 (M) 26, Triq Ebona, ŻebbuġJean-Claude Rizzo 516292 (M) 14, “Casa Josmarizz”, Triq il-Ħabb il-Qamħ, GħaxaqIryna Gatt 50981 (A) 21, Triq il-Forn, LijaSusanna Galea 398487 (M) 43, “Mary”, Triq Santu Wistin, TarxienStephanie Camilleri 37490 (M) 171, Triq is-Sorijiet, TarxienRaymond Bellizzi 378061 (M) 47, “Japonica”, Triq l-Għadajjar, MostaMaria Ceci 618357 (M) Blokk A, Unit Numru 3, Flat 2, Triq it-Tempji Neolitiċi,PaolaJohn Ciantar 239365 (M) 108, “La Riviera”, Blokk A, Flat 4, Triq Sant Albert, GżiraMatthew Alfino 510292 (M) 1, “Massabielle”, Triq Alexandra, QormiJustin Joseph Borg 448994 (M) “Talisman”, Triq is-Sajf ta’ San Martin, RabatChristian Mallia 411893 (M) 36, “Emmgrace”, Triq it-Turretta, KalkaraRosario Marmara 365361 (M) 11, “Redeemer”, Triq Patri A. Tonna Barthet, PembrokeSilvana Spiteri 198581 (M) 12, “Leeanne”, Triq il-Munxar, Marsaskala

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,689Emanuel Azzopardi 292149 (M) 51B, Triq Sant’Antnin, MarsaskalaAntoine Hili 230286 (M) 11A, “Sonio D’Ore”, Flat 2, Triq Dun Ġużepp Aquilina,SiġġiewiStefan-Liviu Manciu 64448 (A) “Schtag”, Flat 4, Triq Ball, San ĠiljanJoseph Sapiano 388941 (M) 28, “Casa Sapiano”, Triq iż-Żinżel, QormiJason Cucciardi 162689 (M) 11D, Triq Mikiel Anton Vassalli, VallettaKull persuna tista’, fi żmien xahar mill-pubblikazzjoni ta’ danl-avviż, toġġezzjona bil-miktub lill-Kummissarju dwar il-ħruġta’ dawn il-liċenzi għal xi waħda mir-raġunijiet imsemmija flartikolu10 <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar Gwardjani Privati u Lokali, li huma:(a) meta l-applikant jew xi uffiċjali <strong>tal</strong>-applikant jewpersuna oħra li jkollha kontroll effettiv tas-servizzi li jkunuse jiġu pprovduti mill-applikant.(i) tkun instabet ħatja f’<strong>Malta</strong> jew x’imkien ieħor ta’ xidelitt kontra s-sigurtà <strong>tal</strong>-istat, jew ta’ xi offiża volontarja fuqil-persuna jew ta’ xi delitt kontra proprjetà jew kontra l-fiduċjapubblika jew ta’ xi delitt gravi ieħor; jew(ii) tkun iddikjarata falluta jew meta l-qagħda finanzjarjatagħha tkun prekarja jew xort’oħra tagħmel lill-applikantmhux adattat; jew(iii) tkun tkeċċiet mill-pulizija jew mill-forzi armati jewmis-servizz <strong>tal</strong>-ħabs minħabba xi reat jew xi nuqqas ieħorfl-imġiba; jew(iv) tkun uffiċjal pubbliku jew membru <strong>tal</strong>-Pulizija jew<strong>tal</strong>-forzi armati jew tas-servizz <strong>tal</strong>-ħabs; jew(b) dwar xi tagħrif li jkun ta’ interess pubbliku; jew(ċ) meta l-applikant ma jkollux il-kwalifiki meħtieġa kifjista’ jkun preskritt bl-Att jew taħtu.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Nru. 940ATT DWAR IL-ĦADDIEMAD-DEHEB U L-ĦADDIEMA L-FIDDA(ARĠENTIERA)(KAP. 46)IL-KUMMISSARJU tat-Taxxi Interni jgħarraf illi fidda<strong>tal</strong>i tidher hawn taħt, il-prezz tad-deheb u l-fidda li fuquhuma bbażati l-valutazzjonijiet magħmulin mill-Konslugħall-Ħaddiema d-Deheb u l-Ħaddiema l-Fidda ġie ffissatgħall-finijiet <strong>tal</strong>-artikolu 14 <strong>tal</strong>-imsemmi Att kif ġej:–Any person may, within one month from the publication ofthis notice, object in writing to the Commissioner about the issueof the above licences on any of the grounds listed in section 10of the Private Guards and Local Wardens Act, which are:(a) where the applicant or any officer of the applicant orany person who has an effective control of the services to beprovided by the applicant.(i) has been convicted in <strong>Malta</strong> or elsewhere of any crimeagainst the safety of the state, or of any crime of voluntaryharm or injury to any person or any crime against propertyor public trust or any other serious crime; or(ii) has been declared bankrupt or his financial position isprecarious or otherwise renders the applicant unsuitable; or(iii) has been discharged from the police or armed forcesor the prison services because of any offence or othermisbehaviour; or(iv) is a public officer or a member of the police or armedforces or the prison services; or(b) when information is available which is in the publicinterest; or(c) where the applicant does not possess the necessaryqualifications as may be prescribed by or under the Act.18th October, 2011No. 940GOLDSMITHS AND SILVERSMITHSACT(CAP. 46)THE Commissioner of Inland Revenue notifies that onthe date shown hereunder, the price of gold and silver onwhich valuations made by the Consuls for Goldsmiths andSilversmiths are based has been fixed for the purposes ofarticle 14 of the said Act as follows:–Data Deheb Pur Fidda PuraGrammaGrammaDate Pure Gold Pure SilverGramsGrams18. 10. 2011 €39.367 €0.768It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 201118th October, 2011

11,690 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818KUMMISSJONI DWAR IS-SERVIZZ PUBBLIKUPożizzjoni ta’ Project Manager for the Informationand Communications Campaign for the Proper Useand Management of Nitrates in Agricultureand Livestock Breeding, fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-IżviluppRurali u Akkwakultura fil-Ministerugħar-Riżorsi u l-Affarijiet RuraliSkont klawżola 3.1 <strong>tal</strong>-Ftehim Kollettiv kurrenti,nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll ilfemminil.Il-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku tilqa’applikazzjonijiet għall-pożizzjoni ta’ Project Manager forthe Information and Communications Campaign for theProper Use and Management of Nitrates in Agricultureand Livestock Breeding, fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp Ruraliu Akkwakultura fil-Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u l-AffarijietRurali.2.1 Il-persuna magħżula tidħol f’assignment ta’tmienja u għoxrin xahar (28) bħala Project Manager forthe Information and Communications Campaign for theProper Use and Management of Nitrates in Agricultureand Livestock Breeding, fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp Ruraliu Akkwakultura fil-Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u l-AffarijietRurali li jista’ jiġi mġedded għal perjodi oħra. Persuna lima tkunx tat sehem sodisfaċenti bħala Project Managerfor the Information and Communications Campaign for theProper Use and Management of Nitrates in Agriculture andLivestock Breeding matul il-perjodu <strong>tal</strong>-assignment ikollha l-assignment tagħha tterminat. Din il-pożizzjoni hija marbutama’ terminu ta’ żmien fiss jew tkomplija ta’ biċċa xogħolspeċifika, u għaldaqstant dan jikkostitwixxi raġuni oġġettivaskont Regolament 7(4)(c) <strong>tal</strong>-Avviż Legali 51/2007 kifsostitwit b’Regolament 3(b)(4) <strong>tal</strong>-Avviż Legali 239/2008.2.2. Jekk persuna magħżula tkun Uffiċjal Pubbliku ligħandha grad sostantiv/indefinite status fis-Servizz Pubblikuta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, hija żżomm il-grad sostantiv/indefinite status waqtil-perjodu <strong>tal</strong>-assignment u terġa’ lura għall-grad sostantiv/indefinite status meta jintemm l-assignment. Fil-każ ta’persuna li ma tkunx Uffiċjal Pubbliku li għandha gradsostantiv/indefinite status fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>,l-impieg tagħha mal-Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u l- AffarijietRurali kif ukoll mal-<strong>Gvern</strong> Malti jintemm fil-każ li jiġitterminat l-assignment.2.3. Jekk persuna magħżula tkun Uffiċjal Pubbliku ligħandha grad sostantiv/indefinite status fis-Servizz Pubblikuta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, u waqt il-perjodu <strong>tal</strong>-assignment, tinħatar fi gradbi skala ta’ salarju ogħla minn Skala 7, hija tkun meħtieġali tħalli d-doveri ta’ Project Manager for the InformationPUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONPosition of Project Manager for the Informationand Communications Campaign for the Proper Use andManagement of Nitrates in Agriculture and LivestockBreeding, in the Rural Development and AquacultureDepartment within the Ministry forResources and Rural AffairsIn accordance with clause 3.1 of the current CollectiveAgreement, nomenclatures denoting the male gender includealso the female gender.The Public Service Commission invites applicationsfor the position of Project Manager for the Informationand Communications Campaign for the Proper Use andManagement of Nitrates in Agriculture and LivestockBreeding, in the Rural Development and AquacultureDepartment within the Ministry for Resources and RuralAffairs.2.1 The selected candidate will enter into a twentyeight (28) month assignment as Project Manager forthe Information and Communications Campaign for theProper Use and Management of Nitrates in Agricultureand Livestock Breeding, in the Rural Development andAquaculture Department within the Ministry for Resourcesand Rural Affairs which may be renewed for furtherperiods. Unsatisfactory performance as Project Managerfor the Information and Communications Campaign forthe Proper Use and Management of Nitrates in Agricultureand Livestock Breeding during the assignment period willlead to termination of assignment. Since this position istime-barred or linked to the completion of a specific task,such constitutes an objective reason in terms of Regulation7(4)(c) of Legal Notice 51/2007 as substituted by Regulation3(b)(4) of Legal Notice 239/2008.2.2. If a selected candidate is a Public Officer holdinga substantive grade/indefinite status in the <strong>Malta</strong> PublicService, he/she will retain his/her substantive grade/indefinite status during the assignment period and will revertto his/her substantive grade/indefinite status on terminationof assignment. In the case of a selected candidate who isnot a Public Officer holding a substantive grade/indefinitestatus in the <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service, his/her employment withthe Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs as well as withthe Maltese Government will be discontinued in case oftermination of assignment.2.3. If a selected candidate is a Public Officer holdinga substantive grade/indefinite status in the <strong>Malta</strong> PublicService and during the period of assignment is appointedto a grade with a Salary Scale higher than Scale 7, he/shewill be expected to relinquish the duties of Project Manager

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,691and Communications Campaign for the Proper Use andManagement of Nitrates in Agriculture and LivestockBreeding u tkun trasferita għal doveri li jikkorrispondu malgradil-ġdid tagħha. Iżda, jekk is-salarju sostantiv <strong>tal</strong>-persunamagħżula jitla’ għal aktar mill-massimu ta’ Skala 7 permezzta’ progression, il-persuna titħalla tkompli l-perjodu <strong>tal</strong>ingaġġtagħha kif provdut bl-assignment fis-seħħ.3.1 Is-salarju għal din il-pożizzjoni jkun ekwivalentigħall-massimu ta’ Skala ta’ Salarju 7 (€22,272 fis-sena fl-2011). Għall-fini <strong>tal</strong>-Ordinanza dwar il-Pensjonijiet (Kap.93), (kif u fejn applikabbli), id-differenza bejn is-salarjudovut għall-grad sostantiv <strong>tal</strong>-persuna u s-salarju dovutgħall-pożizzjoni, titħallas bħala non-pensionable allowance,f’każ li persuna magħżula tkun Uffiċjal Pubbliku bi gradsostantiv fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.3.2 Il-persuna magħżula tkun intitolata wkoll għalperformance bonus sa 10% tas-salarju bażiku.3.3 Il-pożizzjoni tista’ tkun ko-finanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea permezz <strong>tal</strong>-LIFE+ Information andCommunications Campaign for the Proper Use andManagement of Nitrates in Agriculture and LivestockBreeding.4. Id-dmirijiet ta’ persuna fil-pożizzjoni ta’ ProjectManager for the Information and CommunicationsCampaign for the Proper Use and Management of Nitratesin Agriculture and Livestock Breeding jinkludu, inter alia, li:(a) taħt id-direzzjoni tad-Direttur Ġeneral, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp Rurali u Akkwakultura, tiżviluppa pjanijiet ta’ħidma li jinkludu tqassim ta’ ħidmiet, tara li dawn il-ħidmietjintlaħqu fi żmien stipulat, kif ukoll tissorvelja u tagħmelsommarju <strong>tal</strong>-progress <strong>tal</strong>-proġett;(b) tipprepara rapporti <strong>tal</strong>-progress kif ukoll rapporti oħrarelatati ma’ dan il-programm skont il-ħtieġa;(c) tmexxi l-implimentazzjoni effettiva <strong>tal</strong>-proġetti u <strong>tal</strong>ħidmietassenjati;(d) tikkordina mad-Direttur Ġenerali, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp Rurali u Akkwakultura u mal-impjegati tas-ServizzPubbliku magħżula biex jaħdmu fuq dan il-proġett rigwardil-proċessi ta’ għażla fejn meħtieġ;(e) tikkordina x-xogħol amministrattiv neċessarjurigward il-proġett;(f) tikkordina l-programm u tikkonsulta lill-partijietinvoluti kollha;(g) tikkordina attivitajiet promozzjonali u tipproduċimaterjal ta’ informazzjoni skedata f’dan il-proġett;(h) torganizza laqgħat bħal laqgħat dwar l-istat <strong>tal</strong>proġett,laqgħat fi gruppi u laqgħat <strong>tal</strong>-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-LIFE+ kifukoll networking ma’ proġetti oħra <strong>tal</strong>-LIFE+;for the Information and Communications Campaign for theProper Use and Management of Nitrates in Agriculture andLivestock Breeding and be transferred to duties pertinentto his/her new grade. However, if the substantive salaryof a selected candidate becomes higher than the maximumof Scale 7 through progression, he/she will be allowed tocomplete his/her term of engagement as provided by theassignment in force.3.1 The salary attached to this position is equivalent tothe maximum point of Salary Scale 7 (€22,272 per annum in2011). For the purpose of the Pensions Ordinance (Cap.93),(if and where applicable), the difference between the salaryto which the selected candidate is entitled by virtue of thesubstantive grade and the salary of the position will be paidas a non-pensionable allowance, in case a selected applicantis a Public Officer holding a substantive grade in the <strong>Malta</strong>Public Service.3.2 The selected candidate will also be entitled to aperformance bonus of up to 10% of the basic salary.3.3 Position may be co-financed by the EuropeanUnion through the LIFE+ Information and CommunicationsCampaign for the Proper use and Management of Nitrates inAgriculture and Livestock Breeding.4. Duties for the position of Project Manager for theInformation and Communications Campaign for theProper Use and Management of Nitrates in Agriculture andLivestock Breeding will, inter alia, include:(a) under the direction of the Director General, RuralDevelopment and Aquaculture, develop work plans includingsetting tasks, deadlines, and monitoring and summarizingprogress of the project;(b) prepare progress reports and any other programmerelated reports as required;(c) manage the effective implementation of the projectsand tasks assigned;(d) coordinate with the Director General, RuralDevelopment and Aquaculture and the selected PublicService employees working on this project with regards tothe selection processes where required;(e) coordinate the necessary administrative work inrelation to the project;(f) coordinate the programme and liaise between all thestakeholders;(g) coordinate promotional activities and produceinformation materials scheduled in this project;(h) organize meetings such as project status meetings,team meetings and LIFE+ board meetings as well asnetworking with other LIFE+ projects;

11,692 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818(i) iżżomm id-dokumentazzjoni kollha meħtieġa, litinkludi d-dokumenti tax-xiri u fatturi (invoices); iddaħħaldawn id-dokumenti fid-database, u taġġorna l-files <strong>tal</strong>proġett;(j) tissorvelja l-ispejjeż, l-iskeda <strong>tal</strong>-ħin u l-kwalità taxxogħolli jkun qed isir;(k) tivverifika x-xogħol li jkun sar dwar l-invoicesppreżentati u tawtorizza l-pagamenti;(l) tkun disponibbli għal-laqgħat, għall-awditjar <strong>tal</strong>-LIFE+ u għall-verifiki fuq il-post matul il-perijodu <strong>tal</strong>kuntrattspeċifiku;(m) taħdem id f’id mal-korpi kkonċernati;(n) timmaniġġa ta’ kuljum l-aspetti operazzjonali <strong>tal</strong>-Programm skont il-Programm Operattiv <strong>tal</strong>-LIFE;(o) twettaq kull xogħol ieħor, li d-Direttur Ġenerali,Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp Rurali u Akkwakultura jista’jiddelega kif jista’ jkun meħtieġ għat-tmexxija effettiva <strong>tal</strong>-Programm;(p) tirrapporta lil u tesegwixxi dak kollu li għandux’jaqsam mal-Programm kif mitlub mid-Direttur Ġenerali,Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp Rurali u Akkwakultura u millpartijietikkonċertati;(q) Dmirijiet oħra skont l-esiġenzi tas-Servizz Pubbliku,skont struzzjonijiet mogħtija mis-Segretarju PermanentiEwlieni.5. Sal-ħin u d-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għallapplikazzjonijiet,l-applikanti għandhom ikunu:-(i) maintain all the necessary documentation, includingpurchase documents and invoices; the inputting of thesedocuments in the Database, and the upkeep of the ProjectFiles;(j) monitor the costs, time schedule and quality of thework being carried out;(k) verify work carried out against invoices submittedand authorise payments;(l) be available for meetings, LIFE+ audits, and on-thespotchecks during the specified contract period;(m) to work in liaison with all the concerned bodies;(n) manage the day-to-day operational aspects of theProgramme as per the LIFE+ Operational Programme;(o) undertake any other tasks, which the DirectorGeneral, Rural Development and Aquaculture may delegateto him/her, as may be required for the effective running ofthe programme;(p) report to and execute all deliverables of thisProgramme as requested by the Director General, RuralDevelopment and Aquaculture and other stakeholders;(q) any other duties according to the exigencies of thePublic Service, as directed by the Principal PermanentSecretary.5. By the closing time and date of this call for applications,applicants must be:(a)(i) ċittadini ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>; jew(a)(i) citizens of <strong>Malta</strong>; or(ii) ċittadini ta’ Stati Membri oħra <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropea ligħandhom jedd għal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltinfi kwistjonijiet ta’ impieg bis-saħħa ta’ leġiżlazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-UEu dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċ-ċaqlieq ħieles <strong>tal</strong>ħaddiema;jew(iii) ċittadini ta’ kwalunkwe pajjiż ieħor li għandhom jeddgħal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijietta’ impieg minħabba li jkunu japplikaw għal dak il-pajjiżleġiżlazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċċaqliqħieles <strong>tal</strong>-ħaddiema; jew(iv) kwalunkwe persuni oħra li għandhom jedd għaltrattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet ta’impieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari tagħhom ma persunimsemmija f’(i), (ii) jew (iii), skont kif hemm fil-liġi jew filleġiżlazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati msemmijahawn fuq; jew(v) ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunu ngħataw statusta’ residenti li joqogħdu għal żmien twil f’<strong>Malta</strong> taħt irregolament4 tar-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2006 dwar “Status ta’Residenti li joqogħdu għal Żmien Twil (Ċittadini ta’ PajjiżiTerzi)”, jew li jkunu ngħataw permess ta’ residenza taħt(ii) citizens of other Member States of the EuropeanUnion who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizensin matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation andtreaty provisions dealing with the free movement of workers;or(iii) citizens of any other country who are entitled toequal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related toemployment by virtue of the application to that country ofEU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the freemovement of workers; or(iv) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatmentto Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in termsof the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and treatyprovisions, on account of their family relationship withpersons mentioned in paragraph (i), (ii) or (iii); or(v) third country nationals who have been grantedlong-term resident status in <strong>Malta</strong> under regulation 4 of the“Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)Regulations, 2006” or who have been granted a residencepermit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,693ir-regolament 18 (3) <strong>tal</strong>-istess regolamenti, flimkien malmembri<strong>tal</strong>-familja ta’ ċittadini ta’ pajjiż terzi li jkunungħataw permess ta’ residenza taħt ir-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2007dwar ir-Rijunifikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Familji.Il-parir tad-Dipartiment taċ-Ċittadinanza u Expatriatesgħandu jiġi mfittex skont il-ħtieġa fl-interpretazzjoni taddispożizzjonijietimsemmija hawn fuq.Il-ħatra ta’ kandidati msemmija f’(ii), (iii), (iv) u (v)hawn fuq teħtieġ il-ħruġ ta’ liċenzja tax-xogħol f’dawk ilkażijietfejn hija meħtieġa skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoniu leġiżlazzjoni sussidjarja. Il-Korporazzjoni għax-Xogħol ut-Taħriġ għandha tiġi kkonsultata skont il-ħtieġa dwar dinil-materja.(b) ikunu kapaċi jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija u dikIngliża;(c) (i) ikollhom, jew ikunu ġew approvati biexjingħataw, post-graduate degree (Masters) rikonoxxutajew ogħla, f’livell 7 <strong>tal</strong>-MQF jew ogħla, preferibbilmentjew f’Management Studies, jew Business Studies, jewAccountancy, jew Public Policy, jew Liġi jew Studji Legalijew dixxiplina oħra relatata, jew kwalifika rikonoxxuta ukomparabbli, u sena (1) esperjenza ta’ xogħol rilevanti; jew(ii) ikollhom, jew ikunu ġew approvati biex jingħataw, firstdegree rikonoxxuta f’livell 6 <strong>tal</strong>-MQF, preferibbilment jewf’Management Studies, jew Business Studies, jew Accountancy,jew Public Policy, jew Liġi jew Studji Legali jew dixxiplinaoħra relatata, jew kwalifika rikonoxxuta u kumparabbli, u tliet(3) snin esperjenza ta’ xogħol rilevanti; jew(iii) Uffiċjali Pubbliċi fi skala ta’ salarju mhux inqas minnskala 10, b’sitt’ (6) snin esperjenza ta’ xogħol rilevanti;(e) ikunu ta’ karattru morali tajjeb (applikanti li huma diġàimpjegati fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għandhom jippreżentawil-formola (GP47) Service and Leave Record Form; filwaqtli dawk li japplikaw minn barra s-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>jridu jippreżentaw ċertifikat <strong>tal</strong>-kondotta maħruġ mill-Pulizijajew minn awtorità oħra kompetenti mhux aktar tard minn sitt(6) xhur mid-data ta’ din is-sejħa, u jindikaw jekk qatt kinuximpjegati <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> u jagħtu det<strong>tal</strong>ji);6.1 Persuni rreġistrati mal-Kummissjoni Nazzjonali għall-Persuni b’Diżabilità (KNPD) jistgħu jgawdu minn ‘bdil raġonevoli’skont l-Artikolu 7 <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar Opportunitajiet Indaqs (Persunib’Diżabilità), (Kap. 413), anke jekk ma jkunux jissodisfaw għalkollox il-parametri <strong>tal</strong>-eliġibbiltà għall-pożizzjoni. Dan bastajkunu jistgħu jwettqu d-dmirijiet relatati mal-pożizzjoni fl-essenzatagħhom, u sakemm ikun hemm qbil min-naħa <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju tar-Riżorsi Umani fl-Amministrazzjoni Pubblika u approvazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku.members of such third country nationals who have beengranted a residence permit under the “Family ReunificationRegulations, 2007”.The advice of the Citizenship and Expatriates Departmentshould be sought as necessary in the interpretation of theabove provisions.The appointment of candidates referred to at (ii), (iii), (iv)and (v) above would necessitate the issue of an employmentlicence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Actand subsidiary legislation. The Employment and TrainingCorporation should be consulted as necessary on this issue.(b) able to communicate in the Maltese and Englishlanguages.(c) (i) in possession, or have been approved for the awardof, a recognized post-graduate degree (Masters) or higher, atMQF level 7 or higher, preferably in Management Studies,or Business Studies, or Accountancy or Public Policy or Lawor Legal Studies or another related discipline, or anotherrecognized and comparable qualification, with one (1) yearrelevant work experience; or(ii) in possession, or have been approved for the award of, arecognized first degree at MQF level 6, preferably in ManagementStudies, or Business Studies, or Accountancy or Public Policy orLaw or Legal Studies or another related discipline, or anotherrecognized and comparable qualification, with three (3) yearsrelevant work experience; or(ii) Public Officers in a salary scale not below Scale 10,with six (6) years relevant work experience;(e) of good moral character; (applicants who are alreadyin the <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service must produce a Service andLeave Record Form (GP 47); those applying from outsidethe <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service must produce a Certificate ofConduct issued by the Police or another competent authoritynot earlier than six (6) months prior to the date of this callfor applications and state whether they have ever been in the<strong>Malta</strong> Government Service, giving details).6.1 Persons registered with the National Commissionfor Persons with a Disability (NCPD) may be givenreasonable accommodation in terms of Article 7 of the EqualOpportunities (Persons with Disability) Act, (Cap. 413), evenif they do not satisfy in full the eligibility requirements forthis position provided that they can carry out, in essence, theduties related to the position and subject to the concurrenceof the Public Administration HR Office and approval of thePublic Service Commission.

11,694 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,8186.2 Is-sottomissjonijiet skont din il-klawżola għandhomjintbagħtu mal-formola <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni u għandhom ikunumsaħħa b’dokumenti rilevanti li jinkludu evidenza dokumentatatar-reġistrazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-applikant/a mal-KNPD. Għandhomjingħataw ġustifikazzjonijiet raġonevoli mill-applikant/agħaliex ma jissodisfax/tissodisfax il-parametri kollha <strong>tal</strong>eliġibbiltàu għaliex huma mistħoqqa kunsiderazzjonijietspeċjali. Il-korrispondenza kollha għandha tiġi indirizzata lid-Direttorat riċeventi u tkun ikkupjata lill-KNPD.7.1 Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollhagħandhom jintwerew b’ċertifikati u/jew dokumenti, illifotokopji tagħhom iridu jintbagħtu mal-formola <strong>tal</strong>applikazzjonijew jintbagħtu separatament lid-Dipartimentikkonċernat mhux aktar tard minn għaxart (10) ijiem ta’xogħol mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq. Kopji mgħoddija bl-iscannerhuma aċċettabbli.7.2 Iċ-ċertifikati u/jew dokumenti oriġinali għandhom,mingħajr eċċezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista.7.3 (a) Fejn jikkonċerna kwalifiki sottomessi b’rispons għaldin is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti huma meħtieġajuru dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent maħruġa miċ-Ċentru Maltigħal Rikonoxximent ta’ Kwalifiki u ta’ Informazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-KunsillMalti għall-Kwalifiki, jew Awtorità pertinenti oħra, skont il-każ.Din id-dikjarazzjoni għandha tinthemeż mal-applikazzjoni, bloriġinalitintwera waqt l-intervista.(b) Dawk il-kandidati li għad m’għandhomx din iddikjarazzjonijkunu jistgħu japplikaw, iżda jridu jibagħtukopja tad-dikjarazzjoni lid-dipartiment/direttorat riċeventikif tkun għad-dispożizzjoni tagħhom u, f’ebda ċirkustanza,mhux aktar tard minn xahar mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq tas-sejħagħall-applikazzjonijiet. Applikanti li ma jilħqux jippreżentawdin id-dikjarazzjoni fi żmien xahar għal raġunijiet mhux filkontrolltagħhom, jistgħu jitolbu għal estensjoni b’xaharieħor lid-dipartiment/direttorat fejn qed jintlaqgħu l-applikazzjonijiet, u jindikaw b’mod ċar ir-raġunijiet għaddewmien.Talbiet għal estensjonijiet itwal minn dan ilperjodugħandhom jiġu sottomessi għall-kunsiderazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku.(ċ) L-applikanti huma eżentati milli jippreżentaw iddikjarazzjoniimsemmija hawn fuq jekk ikollhom kwalifikimiksuba minn Universitajiet akkreditati jew istituzzjonijietakkreditati oħra li huma mniżżla u jistgħu jinkisbu millpaġna<strong>tal</strong>-MQRIC fis-sit <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill Malti għall-Kwalifiki(www.mqc.gov.mt/mqric). F’każ ta’ dubju, madankollu, il-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Għażla jista’ jwarrab din l-eżenzjoni u jitlob lil minjapplika biex jippreżenta dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximentmaħruġa mill-MQRIC. F’dan il-każ, min japplika jingħataxahar ċans sabiex jippreżenta d-dikjarazzjoni, bil-possibbiltàta’ estensjoni kif imsemmi f’sub-paragrafu (b) hawn fuq.6.2 Representations in terms of this clause should beattached to the application forms and supported with relevantdocuments which must also include documentary evidenceof registration with the NCPD. Reasoned justificationsshould be given by the applicant to substantiate the lack offull eligibility requirements and why reasoned considerationsare merited. All correspondence is to be addressed to thereceiving Directorate and copied to the NCPD.7.1 Qualifications and experience claimed must besupported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies ofwhich should either be attached to the application or sentseparately to the receiving Department by not later than ten(10) working days from the closing date. Scanned copiessent electronically are acceptable.7.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to beinvariably produced for verification at the interview.7.3 (a) With respect to qualifications produced in responseto this call for applications, applicants are required toproduce a recognition statement by the <strong>Malta</strong> QualificationsRecognition Information Centre (MQRIC) based within the<strong>Malta</strong> Qualifications Council, or by any other designatedauthority, as applicable. Such statement should be attached tothe application and the original presented at the interview.(b) Applicants who are not in possession of such astatement may still apply, provided that they submit a copy ofthe statement to the receiving department/directorate as soonas it is available and, in any case, by not later than one monthfrom the closing date of the call for applications. Applicantswho fail to present the required statement within the onemonthperiod for reasons beyond their control may requestan extension of this time limit, up to a further one month,from the department/directorate receiving the applications,indicating clearly the reasons for the delay. Requests forextensions beyond this period are to be submitted for theconsideration of the Public Service Commission.(c) Applicants are exempt from the above requirementsin respect of qualifications obtained from accrediteduniversities or other accredited institutions that are listedand available for download from the MQRIC page of the<strong>Malta</strong> Qualifications Council website (www.mqc.gov.mt/mqric). In cases of doubt, however, the Selection Board mayset aside this exemption and direct an applicant to procurea recognition statement from MQRIC. In such a case theapplicant shall be given one month to procure the statement,subject to the possibility of extension as provided for in subparagraph(b) above.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,6958.1 L-applikanti eliġibbli jkunu jridu joqogħdu għalintervista minn Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Għażla biex jiġi aċċertat li humaadatti għal din il-pożizzjoni.8.2 Avviż dwar il-ħruġ tar-riżultati jiġi ppubblikatfil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> u jitniżżel ukoll mill-website <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku fuq (http://www.psc.gov.mt). Joħroġ ukoll avviż fil-media lokali kollha.8.3 Ir-riżultat <strong>tal</strong>-intervisti jiġi ppubblikat mill-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku u jiġi esebit fuq innotice-board<strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-ServizzPubbliku u dik tad-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-People Management andSupport Services fil-Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u l-AffarijietRurali.8.4 Oġġezzjonijiet għar-riżultat skont Sezzjoni 1.1.17<strong>tal</strong>-Public Service Management Code għandhom jiġusottomessi lis-Segretarju Eżekuttiv, Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku, Il-Palazz, Il-Belt Valletta, u kkupjati lill-Kap tad-Dipartiment fejn teżisti l-vakanza. L-oġġezzjonijietgħandhom jaslu għand il-Kummissjoni dwar is-ServizzPubbliku kif ukoll għand il-Kap tad-Dipartiment fi żmiengħaxart ijiem ta’ xogħol mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-pubblikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>avviżfil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.9. Il-persuna magħżula tkun trid toqgħod għal eżamimediku biex jiġi assigurat li hija adatta għal din ilpożizzjoni.10.1 Il-persuna magħżula tista’ tkun meħtieġa litivvjaġġa barra minn <strong>Malta</strong> (għal taħriġ kif ukoll fuq xogħol)skont kif meħtieġ mid-Direttur Ġenerali (Żvilupp Rurali uAkkwakultura) jew rappreżentant tiegħu/tagħha.10.2 Il-persuna magħżula biex issiefer, tintrabat bilkundizzjonijietrilevanti skont il-Public Service ManagementCode.11. L-applikazzjonijiet flimkien ma’ curriculum vitaeli juru l-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza, jintlaqgħu primarjamentmid-Direttur, (People Management and Support Services),Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u l-Affarijiet Rurali, Blokk ‘A’,Sezzjoni tar-Riżorsi Umani, Triq Francesco Buonamici,Floriana sa mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar (Ħin ĊentraliEwropew) ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, 11 ta’ Novembru, 2011.12. Skont ir-Retention Policy ta’ dokumenti li għandhomx’jaqsmu mar-riżorsi umani fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, l-applikazzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-persuna li tinħatar fil-pożizzjoni marbutama’ din is-sejħa jibqgħu jinżammu sakemm hija tagħlaq 75 sena.Il-bqija <strong>tal</strong>-aplikazzjonijiet jibqgħu jinżammu għall-perjodumitlub mir-regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-programm/i <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropea ligħalihom qiegħda tinħareġ din is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet.8.1 Eligible applicants will be interviewed by aSelection Board to assess their suitability for the position.8.2 A notification of the result will be duly published inthe Government Gazette and will also appear on the websiteof the Public Service Commission where it may be accessedat (http://www.psc.gov.mt). A press notice will also be issuedto all local media organizations.8.3 The result of the interviews will be published bythe Public Service Commission and exhibited on the noticeboardof the Office of the Public Service Commissionand that of the People Management and Support ServicesDirectorate of the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs.8.4 Petitions objecting to the result in terms of Section1.1.17 of the Public Service Management Code are tobe submitted to the Executive Secretary, Public ServiceCommission, The Palace, Valletta, copying to the Head of theDepartment wherein the vacancy to be filled lies. Petitionsare to reach the Commission and the Head of Departmentwithin 10 working days from the date of publication in theGovernment Gazette of the notice of the issue of the result.9. The selected applicant will be medically examined toascertain that s/he is fit for the position.10.1 The selected applicant may be required to travelabroad (for training and also for work) as determined by theDirector (Rural Development and Aquaculture) or his/herrepresentative.10.2 The selected applicant proceeding abroad will bebound by the relevant conditions laid down in the PublicService Management Code.11. Applications together with a curriculum vitaeindicating qualifications and experience will be received inthe first instance by the Director (People Management andSupport Services), Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs,Human Resources Section, Block ‘A’, Triq FrancescoBuonamici, Floriana, by not later than noon (CentralEuropean Time) of Friday, 11th November, 2011.12. In accordance with the Retention Policy of HRDocuments in the <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service, applications forthis position shall be retained until age 75 in the case of theappointed person. All other applications will be retained forthe period stipulated in the regulations governing the EUprogramme/s for which this call is issued.

11,696 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,81813. Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni jistgħu jitniżżlu minndawn il-websites:http://www.<strong>doi</strong>.gov.mt/EN/employment_opp/recruitmalti.pdfhttp://www.mpo.gov.mt/downloads/recruitmalti.pdfjew jinkisbu mit-Taqsima tar-Riżorsi Umani, Direttorat<strong>tal</strong>-People Management and Support Services, Ministerugħar-Riżorsi u l-Affarijiet Rurali, Blokk ‘A’, Triq FrancescoBuonamici, Floriana.14. Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu minn barra minn <strong>Malta</strong> permezz<strong>tal</strong>-fax jew xi messaġġ ieħor simili sa nofsinhar (Ħin ĊentraliEwropew) ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-11 ta’ Novembru, 2011 jistgħujiġu kkunsidrati basta jkollhom id-det<strong>tal</strong>ji kollha meħtieġa. L-applikazzjoni formali ffirmata mill-applikant/a trid tasal għandid-Direttur, (People Management and Support Services),Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u l-Affarijiet Rurali, mhux aktar tardminn ġimgħa wara d-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjonijiet ugħandha tingħata spjegazzjoni għad-dewmien. In-numru <strong>tal</strong>-faxtas-Sezzjoni riċeventi huwa +356 2299 7878.15. (a) Tingħata riċevuta minnufih għal kull applikazzjonili titwassal bl-idejn għand id-Direttur (People Managementand Support Services), Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u l-AffarijietRurali.(b) Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu bil-posta għandhom ikunurreġistrati u jintbagħtu kmieni biżżejjed biex jaslu fl-indirizzimsemmi qabel id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq. Id-Direttur (PeopleManagement and Support Services), Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu l-Affarijiet Rurali jibgħat irċevuta bil-posta fi żmien sebat(7) ijiem għal dawn l-applikazzjonijiet.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 201113. Application forms may be downloaded from thefollowing websites:-http://www.<strong>doi</strong>.gov.mt/EN/employment_opp/recruitenglish.pdfhttp://www.mpo.gov.mt/downloads/recruitenglish.pdfor obtained from the Human Resource Section, PeopleManagement and Support Services Directorate, Ministryfor Resources and Rural Affairs, Block ‘A’, Triq FrancescoBuonamici, Floriana.14. Applications received from abroad through fax orother similar message by noon (Central European Time) ofFriday, 11th November, 2011, may be considered providedthat all requisite details are given. The formal applicationduly signed by the applicant must reach the Director (PeopleManagement and Support Services), Ministry for Resourcesand Rural Affairs by not later than one week after the closingdate together with an explanation for the delay. The faxnumber of the receiving Section is +356 2299 7878.15. (a) Applications delivered by hand will be acknowledgedin writing by the Director (People Management and SupportServices), Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs, and areceipt will be given in hand at the time of delivery.(b) Applications by post should be sent by registeredmail in sufficient time to ensure delivery by the abovedeadline. The applications will be acknowledged in writingby the Director People Management and Support Services,Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs, within seven (7)days.18th October, 2011LIFE+: Information and communicationscampaign for the proper use and management ofnitrates in agriculture and livestock breeding01/09/2011 – 31/12/2013Pożizzjoni ta’ Project ManagerRata ta’ Kofinanzjar: 50% Fondi <strong>tal</strong>-UE; 50% Fondi NazzjonaliPro LIFE+: Information and communicationscampaign for the proper use and management ofnitrates in agriculture and livestock breeding01/09/2011 – 31/12/2013Position of Project ManagerCo-financing rate: 50% EU Funds; 50% National Funds

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,697KUMMISSJONI DWAR IS-SERVIZZ PUBBLIKUPożizzjoni ta’ Project Administratorgħall-Proġett I<strong>tal</strong>ja-<strong>Malta</strong> ‘Respira’fil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjaniu Kura fil-KomunitàSkont klawsola 3.1 <strong>tal</strong>-Ftehim Kollettiv kurrenti,nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll ilfemminil.Il-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku tilqa’applikazzjonijiet għall-pożizzjoni ta’ Project Administratorgħall-proġett I<strong>tal</strong>ja-<strong>Malta</strong> ‘Respira’ fil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità.2.1. Il-persuna magħżula tkun mistennija li tidħolf’assignment ta’ tmintax (18)-il xahar bħala ProjectAdministrator għall-proġett I<strong>tal</strong>ja-<strong>Malta</strong> ‘Respira’ fil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità, liemaassignment jista’ jiġi mġedded sa erbgħa u għoxrin (24) xahar.Persuna li ma tkunx tat sehem sodisfaċenti bħala ProjectAdministrator għall-proġett I<strong>tal</strong>ja-<strong>Malta</strong> ‘Respira’ matul ilperjodu<strong>tal</strong>-assignment ikollha l-assignment tagħha tterminat.2.2. Il-proġett huwa parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-UnjoniEwropea taħt l-I<strong>tal</strong>ia – <strong>Malta</strong> Programme (2007 – 2013).Din il-pożizzjoni hija marbuta ma’ terminu ta’ żmien fissjew tkomplija ta’ biċċa xogħol speċifika, u għaldaqstant danjikkostitwixxi raġuni oġġettiva skont ir-Regolament 7 (4) (ċ)<strong>tal</strong>-Avviż Legali 51/2007 kif sostitwit bir-Regolament 3 (b)(4) <strong>tal</strong>-Avviż Legali 239/2008.2.3. Jekk persuna magħżula tkun Uffiċjal Pubbliku ligħandha grad sostantiv/indefinite status fis-Servizz Pubblikuta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, hija żżomm il-grad sostantiv/indefinite statustagħha waqt il-perjodu <strong>tal</strong>-assignment u terġa’ lura għall-gradsostantiv/indefinite status tagħha meta l-assignment jintemm.Fil-każ li l-persuna magħżula ma tkunx Uffiċjal Pubbliku ligħandha grad sostantiv/indefinite status fis-Servizz Pubblikuta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, l-impieg tagħha fil-proġett I<strong>tal</strong>ja-<strong>Malta</strong> ‘Respira’fil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità,kif ukoll mal-<strong>Gvern</strong> Malti jintemm fil-każ li jiġi tterminatl-assignment.2.4. Jekk il-persuna magħżula tkun Uffiċjal Pubbliku ligħandha grad sostantiv/indefinite status fis-Servizz Pubblikuta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, u waqt il-perjodu <strong>tal</strong>-assignment tinħatar fi gradbi Skala ta’ Salarju ogħla minn skala 7, hija tkun mistennijali tħalli d-dmirijiet ta’ Project Administrator għall-proġettI<strong>tal</strong>ja-<strong>Malta</strong> ‘Respira’, u tkun trasferita għal dmirijiet lijikkorrespondu mal-grad il-ġdid tagħha. Iżda, jekk issalarjusostantiv <strong>tal</strong>-persuna magħżula jitla’ għal aktar millmassimuta’ Skala ta’ Salarju Nru. 7 permezz ta’ progression,il-persuna titħalla tkompli l-perjodu ta’ ingaġġ tagħha kifipprovdut bl-assignment fis-seħħ.PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONPosition of Project Administrator for theProject I<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> ‘Respira’ in theMinistry for Health, the Elderlyand Community CareIn accordance with clause 3.1 of the current CollectiveAgreement, nomenclatures denoting the male gender includealso the female gender.The Public Service Commission invites applications forthe position of Project Administrator for the project I<strong>tal</strong>ia– <strong>Malta</strong> “Respira” under the I<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> Programme in theMinistry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care.2.1. The selected candidate will be expected initiallyto enter into an eighteen (18) month assignment as ProjectAdministrator for the project I<strong>tal</strong>ia – <strong>Malta</strong> “Respira” in theMinistry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care,whichassignement is extendable to twenty four (24) months.Unsatisfactory performance as Project Administrator forthe project I<strong>tal</strong>ia – <strong>Malta</strong> “Respira” during the assignmentperiod will lead to termination of the assignment.2.2. This project is part-financed by the European Unionunder the I<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> Programme (2007-2013). Since thisPosition is time-barred or linked to the completion of aspecific task, such constitutes an objective reason in terms ofRegulation 7 (4) (c) of Legal Notice 51/2007 as substitutedby Regulation 3 (b) (4) of Legal Notice 239/2008.2.3. If the selected candidate is a Public Officer holdinga substantive grade/indefinite status in the <strong>Malta</strong> PublicService, he/she will retain his/her substantive grade/indefinitestatus in the <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service during the assignmentperiod and will revert to his/her substantive grade/indefinitestatus on the termination of the assignment. In the case of anappointee who is not a Public Officer holding a substantivegrade/indefinite status in the <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service, his/herservice with the I<strong>tal</strong>ia – <strong>Malta</strong> “Respira” Project in theMinistry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care aswell as with the Maltese Government will be discontinuedin case of termination of assignment.2.4. If the selected candidate is a Public Officer and,during the assignment period, is appointed to a grade with aSalary Scale higher than Scale 7, he/she will be expected torelinquish the duties of Project Administrator for the projectI<strong>tal</strong>ia – <strong>Malta</strong> “Respira” and be transferred to duties pertinentto his/her new grade. However, if the substantive salary ofa selected officer becomes higher than the maximum SalaryScale 7 through progression, he/she will be allowed tocomplete his/her term of stipulated term of assignment.

11,698 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,8183. Is-salarju għall-pożizzjoni ta’ Project Administratorgħall-proġett I<strong>tal</strong>ja-<strong>Malta</strong> ‘Respira’ fil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa,l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità, huwa ekwivalenti għallmassimuta’ Skala ta’ salarju 7 (li fl-2011 huwa ta’ €22,272fis-sena). Għall-fini <strong>tal</strong>-Ordinanza dwar il-Pensjonijiet(Kap. 93) (fejn applikabbli), id-differenza bejn is-salarjudovut għall-grad sostantiv <strong>tal</strong>-persuna u s-salarju dovutgħall-pożizzjoni, titħallas bħala non-pensionable allowance,f’każ li tkun Uffiċjal Pubbliku bi grad sostantiv fis-ServizzPubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.4. Il- Project Administrator ikun jaqa’ taħt il-ProjectLeader a skop ta’ maniġġar, kontroll u kordinament tar-riżorsiu x-xogħol meħtieġ fil-proġett li tiegħu jkun responsabbli,u li jiżgura li l-miri u r-riżultati mistennija għal dawn ilproġettijintlaħqu fiż-żmien stipulat.5. Id-dmirijiet <strong>tal</strong>-persuna fil-pożizzjoni ta’ ProjectAdministrator għall-proġett I<strong>tal</strong>ja-<strong>Malta</strong> ‘Respira’ fil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità,jinkludu li:a) Tieħu ħsieb l-immaniġġar u l-amministrazzjoni ta’kuljum <strong>tal</strong>-Proġett RESPIRA skont ir-rekwiżiti <strong>tal</strong>-I<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> Programme;b) Tipprepara dokumenti ta’ offerti u attivitajiet oħrarelatati mat-tendering process fil-kuntest <strong>tal</strong>-proġettRESPIRA;ċ) Tikkoordina riċerka f’dan il-qasam u tħejji kampanjita’ reklamar u riċerka oħra, relatata ma’ dan il-qasam biexjinkisbu r-riżultati kif ipproġettati;d) Tidentifika dawk l-elementi ta’ riskju, u tagħmelevalwazzjonijiet kemm kwantitattivi kif ukoll kwalitattivita’ dawn l-elementi biex b’hekk tistabbilixxi soluzzjonijiettajbin u rilevanti u tieħu azzjoni immedjata biex b’hekk l-implimentazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-proċess <strong>tal</strong>-proġett tibqa’ għaddejjaskont kif kien ippjanat, u tinforma lill-Project Leader b’modimmedjat jekk ikun hemm xi fatturi straordinarji li jistgħujaffettwaw l-implimentazzjoni ta’ dan il-proġett;e) Tassigura li l-fondi allokati għal dan il-proġett jiġuutilizzati kollha kif ippjanat;f) Tiżgura li r-rekwiziti kollha <strong>tal</strong>-proċeduri u r-regolifinanzjarji qed jiġu osservati fl-eżekuzzjoni ta’ dan ilprogett;g) Tinforma b’mod regolari lil dawk kollha involuti skontiċ-ċirkostanzi;h) Tagħmel moniteraġġ tar-riżultat aħħari ta’ dan ilproġettu li l-għanijiet li ġew stabbiliti jkunu ġew milħuqa;3. The salary attached to the position of ProjectAdministrator for the project I<strong>tal</strong>ia – <strong>Malta</strong> “Respira” inthe Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care,is equivalent to the maximum point of salary Scale 7(which in 2011 is €22,272 per annum). For the purpose ofthe Pensions Ordinance (Cap. 93) (where applicable), thedifference between the salary to which the selected candidateis entitled by virtue of the substantive grade and the salary ofthe position will be paid as a non-pensionable allowance, incase he/she is a Public Officer holding a substantive grade inthe <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service.4. The Project Administrator is accountable to the ProjectLeader for the purpose of managing, controlling and cocoordinatingthe resources and work entailed by the projectassigned to his responsibility, ensuring that the objectivesand outcomes set for these projects are attained in the timeframes established.5. The duties of a Project Administrator in the I<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> project “Respira” within the Ministry for Health, theElderly and Community Care include:a) Day-to-day management and administration of theRESPIRA project within the framework of the I<strong>tal</strong>ia – <strong>Malta</strong>Programme 2007-2013;b) Preparation of tender documents and other tenderprocess related activities in connection with I<strong>tal</strong>ia <strong>Malta</strong>Project ”Respira”;c) Coordination of market research and publicitycampaigns and the necessary related research in order toachieve the projected results;d) Identifying risk elements, and carrying out thequantitative and qualitative assessment of these elements inorder to establish reliable and relevant solutions and takingimmediate corrective action so that the project’s actualimplementation process remains in line with the projectplan and informing the Project Leader immediately of anyextraordinary factors affecting the implementation of thisproject;e) Ensuring that the allocated funds for this project arefully utilised as planned;f) Ensure that all financial requirements and proceduresas established by the competent bodies are expected in theexecution of the Project and by Project beneficiaries.g) Reporting regularly to all the relevant stakeholders asrequired;h) Monitoring the outcome of this project and theattainment of the targeted results;

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,699i) Iżżomm lista aġġornata regolarment <strong>tal</strong>-benefiċċjariprospettivi;j) Tkun konformi mar-regoli kemm dawk fil-Komunitàkif ukoll dawk nazzjonali, mal-Manual of Procedurejew xi dokumentazzjoni oħra li għandha x’taqsam malimplimentazzjonita’ xi proġett li jkun eliġibbli għal FondiStrutturali;k) Iżżomm lilha nnifisha aġġornata mat-tibdiliet u l-iżviluppi li jistgħu jseħħu, tattendi laqgħat u taġixxi b’modinfurmat dwar żviluppi fuq obbligazzjonijiet li jaqgħu taħtir-regoli u r-regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-Komunità;l) Tistabbilixxi relazzjonijiet tajba ma’ dawk l-aġenziji,l-istituzzjonijiet u l-entitajiet li għandhom sehem f’dan ilqasambiex dan il-proġett jiġi implimentat b’suċċess;m) Iżżomm id-dokumentazzjoni li għandha x’taqsammal-iskema;n) Iżżomm u tipprovdi l-informazzjoni mitluba mill-Monitoring Bodies rispettivi;o) Tieħu inizjattivi u tagħmel eżerċizzji ta’ RelazzjonijietPubbliċi relatati mal-iskema;p) Taqdi kwalunkwe dmir neċessarju ieħor ħalli dan ilproġettikun wieħed ta’ suċċess jew skont kif indikat mill-Project Leader;q) Tkun preparata li ttejjeb il-ħiliet tagħha billi tieħutaħrig kemm internament kif ukoll b’mod estern u tkunkapaċi tadatta ruħha għad-dmirijiet varji relatati ma dan ixxogħol;r) Tagħmel risk analysis u żżomm aġġornat il-ProjectLeader b’mod regolari dwar xi diffikultajiet li ltaqgħetmagħhom jew li taħseb li tiltaqa’ magħhom u l-progress lijkun għaddej biex jintlaħqu r-riżultati kif ipproġettati;s) Tispezzjona l-andament <strong>tal</strong>-proġett;t) Taqdi dmirijiet oħra skont l-esiġenzi tas-ServizzPubbliku skont struzzjonijiet mogħtija mis-SegretarjuPermanenti Ewlieni.6. Sal-ħin u d-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għallapplikazzjonijiet,l-applikanti għandhom ikunu:-a) (i) ċittadini ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>;JEW(ii) ċittadini ta’ Stati Membri oħra <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropea ligħandhom jedd għal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltini) Maintaining a regularly updated list of potentialbeneficiaries;j) Ensuring compliance with Community and nationalrules, Manual of Procedures and other documentation relatedto the implementation of a project eligible under the I<strong>tal</strong>ia– <strong>Malta</strong> Programme;k) Keeping abreast of changes and developments,attending meetings and acting to be well informed withregards to developments about obligations arising under theCommunity rules and regulations;l) Liaising with all the necessary agencies, institutionsand bodies involved for the successful implementation ofthis project;m) Maintain and keep proper documentation related tothe scheme;n) Record, store and provide information to monitoringbodies;o) Undertake public relations initiatives and exercisesconnected to the project.p) Performing any other duties necessary for thesuccessful implementation of this project and as may beassigned by the Project Leader;q) Be prepared to improve skills through internaland external training, and able to adapt to the variety ofcommitments related to the job.r) Do risk analysis and keep the Project Leader informedabout any difficulties encountered or due to be encounteredand the progress being made towards the completion of theProject according to the specified timeframe;s) Review the progress of the Projectt) Any other duties according to the exigencies of thePublic Service as directed by the Principal PermanentSecretary.6. By the closing time and date of this call for applications,applicants must:-a) (i) be citizens of <strong>Malta</strong>; orOR(ii) citizens of other Member States of the European Unionwho are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in

11,700 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818fi kwistjonijiet ta’ impieg bis-saħħa ta’ leġiżlazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċ-ċaqliq ħieles <strong>tal</strong>ħaddiema;JEW(iii) ċittadini ta’ kwalunkwe pajjiż ieħor li għandhom jeddgħal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijietta’ impieg minħabba li jkunu japplikaw għal dak il-pajjiżleġislazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar ilmovimentħieles <strong>tal</strong>-ħaddiema;JEW(iv) kwalunkwe persuni oħra li għandhom jedd għaltrattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijietta’ impieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari tagħhom mapersuni msemmija f’(i), (ii) jew (iii), skont kif hemm filliġijew filleġislazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattatimsemmija hawn fuq;JEW(v) ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunu ngħataw statusta’ residenti li joqogħdu għal żmien twil f’<strong>Malta</strong> taħt irregolament4 tar-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2006 dwar “Statusta’ Residenti li joqogħdu għal Żmien Twil (Ċittadini ta’Pajjiżi Terzi)”, jew li jkunu ngħataw permess ta’ residenzataħt ir-regolament 18 (3) <strong>tal</strong>-istess regolamenti, flimkienmal-membri <strong>tal</strong>-familja ta’ ċittadini ta’ pajjiż terz li jkunungħataw permess ta’ residenza taħt ir-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2007dwar ir-Rijunifikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Familji.Għandu jin<strong>tal</strong>ab il-parir tad-Dipartiment taċ-Ċittadinanzau Expatriates għandu skont il-ħtieġa fl-interpretazzjoni taddispożizzjonijietimsemmija hawn fuq.Il-ħatra ta’ kandidati msemmija f’(ii), (iii), (iv) u (v)hawn fuq teħtieġ il-ħruġ ta’ liċenza tax-xogħol f’dawk ilkażijietfejn hija meħtieġa skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoniu leġiżlazzjoni sussidjarja. Il-Korporazzjoni għax-Xogħol ut-Taħriġ għandha tiġi kkonsultata skont il-ħtieġa dwar dinil-materja.b) ikunu kapaċi jikkomunikaw bil-Lingwa Maltija u bil-Lingwa Ingliża.ċ) i) ikollhom, jew ikunu ġew approvati biex jingħataw,post-graduate degree pertinenti rikonoxxuta (Masters)jew ogħla, f’livell 7 <strong>tal</strong>-MQF jew ogħla, jew kwalifikarikonoxxuta, xierqa u komparabbli, kif ukoll sena esperjenzaprattika fl-Amministrazzjoni Pubblika u/jew ProjectManagement wara l-kisba <strong>tal</strong>-imsemmija degree/kwalifika;JEWmatters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and treatyprovisions dealing with the free movement of workers;OR(iii) citizens of any other country who are entitled toequal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related toemployment by virtue of the application to that country ofEU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the freemovement of workers;OR(iv) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatmentto Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in termsof the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and treatyprovisions, on account of their family relationship withpersons mentioned in paragraph (i), (ii) or (iii);OR(v) third country nationals who have been granted longtermresident status in <strong>Malta</strong> under regulation 4 of the“Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)Regulations, 2006” or who have been granted a residencepermit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with familymembers of such third country nationals who have beengranted a residence permit under the “Family ReunificationRegulations, 2007”.The advice of the Citizenship and Expatriates Departmentshould be sought as necessary in the interpretation of theabove provisions.The appointment of candidates referred to at (ii), (iii), (iv)and (v) above would necessitate the issue of an employmentlicence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Actand subsidiary legislation. The Employment and TrainingCorporation should be consulted as necessary on this issue.b) able to communicate in the Maltese and EnglishLanguages;c) i) be in possession, or have been approved for theaward, of a pertinent post-graduate degree (Masters’) orhigher, at MQF Level 7 or higher, or a recognized appropriatecomparable qualification, and one year practical experiencein Public Administration and/or Project Management afterthe attainment of said degree/qualification.Or

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,701ii) ikollhom, jew ikunu ġew approvati biex jingħataw,first degree pertinenti f’Livell 6 <strong>tal</strong>-MQF jew kwalifikarikonoxxuta komparabbli u xierqa, u jkollhom mill-inqas tliet(3) snin esperjenza prattika fl-Amministrazzjoni Pubblikau/jew Project Management wara l-kisba <strong>tal</strong>-imsemmijadegree/kwalifika;JEW(iii) ikunu Uffiċjali Pubbliċi fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’<strong>Malta</strong> fi skala mhux inqas minn Skala 10 u jkollhom millinqassitt (6) snin esperjenza prattika fl-AmministrazzjoniPubblika u/jew Project Management;d) ikunu ta’ karattru morali tajjeb (applikanti li diġàqegħdin jaħdmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> jridujippreżentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form(GP 47),filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra s-Servizz Pubblikuta’ <strong>Malta</strong> jridu jippreżentaw ċertifikat riċenti <strong>tal</strong>-kondottamaħruġ mill-Pulizija jew Awtorità kompetenti oħra mhuxaktar minn sitt (6) xhur qabel id-data ta’ din is-sejħa, ujindikaw jekk qatt kinux impjegati mal-<strong>Gvern</strong> Malti, ujagħtu d-det<strong>tal</strong>ji).7. Kunsiderazzjoni xierqa tingħata lil dawk l-applikantili, minbarra dak mitlub f’paragrafu 6, għandhom trackrecord tajjeb fil-management, li jipprovdu evidenza li kienuf’pożizzjonijiet preċedenti li kienu achievement – oriented uli għandhom esperjenza kif imexxu proġetti ffinanzjati minnFondi Strutturali <strong>tal</strong>-UE. Għalkemm it-tagħrif fil-lingwaTaljana mhux rekwiżit neċessarju, applikanti li, apparti r-rekwiżiti ta’ paragrafu 6, jafu l-lingwa Taljana jingħatawkonsiderazzjoni xierqa.8.1. Persuni rreġistrati mal-Kummissjoni Nazzjonaligħall-Persuni b’Diżabilità (KNPD) jistgħu jgawdu minn ‘bdilraġonevoli’ skont Artikolu 7 <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar OpportunitajietIndaqs (Persuni b’Diżabilità), (Kap. 413), anke jekk majkunux jissodisfaw għal kollox il-parametri <strong>tal</strong>-eliġibbiltàgħall-pożizzjoni. Dan basta jkunu jistgħu jwettqu d-dmirijiet relatati mal-pożizzjoni fl-essenza tagħhom, usakemm ikun hemm qbil min-naħa <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju tar-RiżorsiUmani fl-Amministrazzjoni Pubblika u approvazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku.8.2. Is-sottomissjonijiet skont din il-klawsola għandhomjintbagħtu mal-formola <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni u għandhom ikunumsaħħa b’dokumenti rilevanti li jinkludu evidenza dokumentatatar-reġistrazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-applikant/a mal-KNPD. Għandhomjingħataw ġustifikazzjonijiet raġunati mill-applikant/a għaliexma jissodisfax/tissodisfax il-parametri kollha <strong>tal</strong>-eliġibbiltàu għaliex huma mistħoqqa kunsiderazzjonijiet speċjali. Ilkorrispondenzakollha għandha tiġi indirizzata lill-Ministerugħas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità u tkun ikkupja<strong>tal</strong>ill-KNPD.ii) be in possession, or have been approved for the award,of a pertinent first degree at MQF Level 6, or a recognizedappropriate comparable qualification, and at least 3 yearspractical experience in Public Administration and/orProject Management after the attainment of said degree/qualification.Oriii) Public Officers in a Scale not below Scale 10 with 6years practical experience in Public Administration and/orProject Management.d) be of good moral character (applicants who are alreadyin the <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service must produce a Service andLeave Record Form (GP47); Those applying from outsidethe <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service must produce a recent certificate ofconduct issued by the Police or other competent Authoritynot earlier than six (6) months from the date of this call forapplications and state whether they have ever been in theMaltese Government Service giving details).7. Due consideration will be given to candidates who,besides the requisites of paragraph 6, have a good trackrecord in management, and who provide evidence fromprevious positions, of having been achievement-oriented andwho have experience in managing projects financed by EUstructural funds. Although knowledge of the I<strong>tal</strong>ian languageis not a necessary requirement, due consideration will alsobe given to applicants who, in addition to the requisites ofparagraph 6, know the I<strong>tal</strong>ian language.8.1. Persons registered with the National Commissionfor Persons with a Disability (NCPD) may be givenreasonable accommodation in terms of Article 7 of the EqualOpportunities (Persons with Disability) Act, (Cap. 413),even if they do not satisfy in full the eligibility requirementsfor this position provided they can carry out, in essence, theduties related to the position and subject to the concurrenceof the Public Administration HR Office and approval of thePublic Service Commission.8.2. Representations in terms of this clause should beattached to the application forms and supported with relevantdocuments which must also include documentary evidenceof registration with the NCPD. Reasoned justificationsshould be given by the applicant to substantiate the lack offull eligibility requirements and why reasoned considerationsare merited. All correspondence is to be addressed to thereceiving Department and copied to the NCPD.

11,702 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,8189.1. Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollhagħandhom jintwerew b’ċertifikati u/jew dokumenti, illi kopjatagħhom għandha tkun jew mehmuża mal-applikazzjoni jewjintbagħtu separatament lill-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjaniu Kura fil-Komunità, mhux aktar tard minn għaxart ijiem ta’xogħol mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq. Kopji mgħoddija bl-iscannerhuma aċċettabbli.9.2. Id-dokumenti oriġinali għandhom, mingħajreċċezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista.9.3. (a) Fejn jikkonċerna kwalifiki sottomessi b’risponsgħal din is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti humameħtieġa juru dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent maħruġamiċ-Ċentru Malti għal Rikonoxximent ta’ Kwalifiki uta’ Informazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill Malti għall-Kwalifiki, jewAwtorità pertinenti oħra, skont il-każ. Din id-dikjarazzjonigħandha tinthemeż mal-applikazzjoni, bl-oriġinali tintwerawaqt l-intervista.(b) Dawk il-kandidati li għad m’għandhomx din iddikjarazzjonijkunu jistgħu japplikaw, iżda jridu jibagħtukopja tad-dikjarazzjoni lid-dipartiment/direttorat riċeventikif tkun għad-dispożizzjoni tagħhom u, f’ebda ċirkustanza,mhux aktar tard minn xahar mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq tas-sejħagħall-applikazzjonijiet. Applikanti li ma jilħqux jippreżentawdin id-dikjarazzjoni fi żmien xahar għal raġunijiet mhux filkontrolltagħhom, jistgħu jitolbu għal estensjoni b’xaharieħor lid-dipartiment/direttorat fejn qed jintlaqgħu l-applikazzjonijiet, u jindikaw b’mod ċar ir-raġunijiet għaddewmien.Talbiet għal estensjonijiet itwal minn dan ilperjodugħandhom jiġu sottomessi għall-kunsiderazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku.(ċ) L-applikanti huma eżentati milli jippreżentaw iddikjarazzjonimsemmija hawn fuq jekk ikollhom kwalifikimiksuba minn Universitajiet akkreditati jew istituzzjonijietakkreditati oħra li huma mniżżla u jistgħu jinkisbu millpaġna<strong>tal</strong>-MQRIC fis-sit <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill Malti għall-Kwalifiki(www.mqc.gov.mt/mqric). F’każ ta’ dubju, madankollu, il-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Għażla jista’ jwarrab din l-eżenzjoni u jitlob lil minjapplika biex jippreżenta dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximentmaħruġa mill-MQRIC. F’dan il-każ, min japplika jingħataxahar ċans sabiex jippreżenta d-dikjarazzjoni, bil-possibbiltàta’ estensjoni kif imsemmi f’sub-paragrafu (b) hawn fuq.10.1. Bord ta’ Għażla jintervista l-applikanti li jkunueliġibbli biex jitqies min ikun adatt għall-pożizzjoni.10.2 Avviż dwar il-ħruġ tar-riżultat jiġi ppubblikatfil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> u jitniżżel ukoll mill-website <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku fuq (http://www.psc.gov.mt). Joħroġ ukoll avviż fil-media lokali.10.3 Ir-riżultat <strong>tal</strong>-intervisti jiġi ppubblikat mill-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku u jiġi esebit fuq in-9.1. Qualifications and experience claimed must besupported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of whichshould either be attached to the application or sent separatelyto the Human Resources Directorate of the Ministry forHealth, the Elderly and Community Care by not later thanten (10) working days from the closing date. Scanned copiessent electronically are acceptable.9.2. Original certificates and/or testimonials are to beinvariably produced for verification at the interview.9.3. (a) With respect to qualifications produced in responseto this call for applications, applicants are required toproduce a recognition statement by the <strong>Malta</strong> QualificationsRecognition Information Centre (MQRIC) based within the<strong>Malta</strong> Qualifications Council, or by any other designatedauthority, as applicable. Such statement should be attached tothe application and the original presented at the interview.(b) Applicants who are not in possession of such astatement may still apply, provided that they submit a copy ofthe statement to the receiving department/directorate as soonas it is available and, in any case, by not later than one monthfrom the closing date of the call for applications. Applicantswho fail to present the required statement within the onemonthperiod for reasons beyond their control may requestan extension of this time limit, up to a further one month,from the department/directorate receiving the applications,indicating clearly the reasons for the delay. Requests forextensions beyond this period are to be submitted for theconsideration of the Public Service Commission.(c) Applicants are exempt from the above requirementsin respect of qualifications obtained from accrediteduniversities or other accredited institutions that are listedand available for download from the MQRIC page of the<strong>Malta</strong> Qualifications Council website (www.mqc.gov.mt/mqric). In cases of doubt, however, the Selection Board mayset aside this exemption and direct an applicant to procurea recognition statement from MQRIC. In such a case theapplicant shall be given one month to procure the statement,subject to the possibility of extension as provided for in subparagraph(b) above.10.1. Eligible applicants will be interviewed by aSelection Board to assess their suitability for the position.10.2. A notification of the issue of the result will be dulypublished in the Government Gazette and will also appearon the website of the Public Service Commission where itmay be accessed at (http://www.psc.gov.mt). A press noticewill also be issued to all local media organisations.10.3. The result of the interviews will be published bythe Public Service Commission and exhibited on the notice-

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,703notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-ServizzPubbliku u dik <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kurafil-Komunità.10.4. Oġġezzjonijiet għar-riżultat skont Sezzjoni 1.1.17<strong>tal</strong>-Public Service Management Code għandhom jiġusottomessi lis-Segretarju Eżekuttiv, Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku, Il-Palazz, Il-Belt Valletta, u kkupjati lill-Kap tad-Dipartiment fejn teżisti l-vakanza. L-oġġezzjonijietgħandhom jaslu għand il-Kummissjoni dwar is-ServizzPubbliku kif ukoll għand il-Kap tad-Dipartiment fi żmiengħaxart ijiem ta’ xogħol mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-pubblikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>avviżfil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.11. Il-persuna magħżula tkun trid toqgħod għalleżamimediku biex jiġi assigurat li hija adatta għal din ilpożizzjoni.12. Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni jistgħu jitniżżlu minndawn il-websites:http://www.<strong>doi</strong>.gov.mt/EN/employment_opp/recruitmalti.pdfhttp://www.mpo.gov.mt/downloads/recruitmalti.pdfhttp://www.health.gov.mt/forms/forms.htm#employmentjew jinkisbu mit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Impjegati, Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità, 6, Sqaq Harper,Floriana.13. L-applikazzjonijiet flimkien ma’ curriculum vitaeli għandha tinkludi kwalifiki u esperjenza jintlaqgħuprimarjament mill-Assistent Direttur, Riżorsi Umani(Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità), 6,Sqaq Harper, Floriana, mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar (ĦinĊentrali Ewropew) ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, 11 ta’ Novembru,2011.14. Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu minn barra minn <strong>Malta</strong>permezz ta’ fax jew ta’ xi messaġġ ieħor simili sa nofsinhar(Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew) ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, 11 ta’ Novembru2011 jistgħu jiġu kkunsidrati basta jkollhom id-det<strong>tal</strong>ji kollhameħtieġa. L-applikazzjoni formali ffirmata mill-applikant/a trid tasal għand l-Assistent Direttur, Riżorsi Umani,Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità, 6Sqaq Harper, Floriana mhux aktar tard minn ġimgħa warad-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjonijiet u għandha tingħataspjegazzjoni għad-dewmien. In-numri <strong>tal</strong>-fax tad-Direttorattar-Riżorsi Umani, Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kurafil-Komunità huma +356-2122 6285 u +356 - 2123 5890.15.1 Tingħata rċevuta minnufih għal kull applikazzjonili titwassal sad-Direttorat tar-Riżorsi Umani (Ministerugħas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità) 6, Sqaq HarperFloriana.board of the Office of the Public Service Commission andthat of the Ministry for Health, the Elderly and CommunityCare.10.4. Petitions objecting to the result in terms of Section1.1.17 of the Public Service Management Code are tobe submitted to the Executive Secretary, Public ServiceCommission, The Palace, Valletta, copying to the Head of theDepartment wherein the vacancy to be filled lies. Petitionsare to reach the Commission and the Head of Departmentwithin ten (10) working days from the date of publicationin the Government Gazette of the notice of the issue of theresult.11. Selected applicants will be medically examined toascertain that they are fit for the position.12. Application forms may either be downloaded fromthe following websites:http://www.<strong>doi</strong>.gov.mt/EN/employment_opp/recruitenglish.pdfhttp://www.mpo.gov.mt/downloads/recruitenglish.pdfhttp://www.health.gov.mt/forms/forms.htm#employmentor obtained from the Personnel Section, Ministry forHealth, the Elderly and Community Care, 6, Harper Lane,Floriana.13. Applications together with a curriculum vitaeindicating qualifications and experience, will be receivedin the first instance by the Assistant Director, HumanResources, Ministry for Health, the Elderly and CommunityCare, 6, Harper Lane, Floriana by not later than noon (CentralEuropean Time) of Friday, 11th November, 2011.14. Applications received from abroad through a fax orother similar message by noon (Central European Time) ofFriday, 11th November 2011 may be considered provided tha<strong>tal</strong>l requisite details are given. The formal application dulysigned by the applicant must reach the Assistant Director,Human Resources, Ministry for Health, the Elderly andCommunity Care, 6 Harper Lane, Floriana by not later thanone week after the closing date together with an explanationfor the delay. The fax numbers of the Directorate of HumanResources, Ministry for Health, the Elderly and CommunityCare are +356 – 2122 6285 and +356 - 2123 5890.15.1 Applications delivered by hand will be acknowledgedin writing by the Directorate of Human Resources (Ministryfor Health, the Elderly and Community Care) 6, HarperLane, Floriana and a receipt will be given in hand at the timeof delivery.

11,704 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,81815.2 Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu bil-posta għandhomikunu rreġistrati u jintbagħtu kmieni biżżejjed biex jaslufl-indirizz imsemmi qabel id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq. Id-Direttorattar-Riżorsi Umani (Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kurafil-Komunità) 6, Sqaq Harper, Floriana jibgħat irċevuta bilpostafi żmien sebat (7) ijiem għal dawn l-applikazzjonijiet.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 201115.2 Applications by post should be sent by registeredmail in sufficient time to ensure delivery by the abovedeadline. The applications will be acknowledged in writingby the Directorate of Human Resources (Ministry for Health,the Elderly and Community Care) 6, Harper Lane, Florianawithin seven (7) days.18th October, 2011Programm I<strong>tal</strong>ja - <strong>Malta</strong> - Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007 – 2013Bosta Opportunitajiet għall-FuturDin il-pożizzjoni hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni EwropeaFond Ewropew għal Żvilupp Reġjonali (FEŻR)Rata ta’ ko-finanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi NazzjonaliNinvestu fil-futur tiegħekI<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> Programme - Cohesion Policy 2007 – 2013A Sea of Opportunities for the FutureThis position is part-financed by the European UnionEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF)Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National FundsInvesting in your futureKUMMISSJONI DWAR IS-SERVIZZ PUBBLIKUPożizzjoni ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong> Surgery Assistantfil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani uKura fil-KomunitàSkont klawsola 3.1 <strong>tal</strong>-Ftehim Kollettiv kurrenti,nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll ilfemminil.Il-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku tilqa’applikazzjonijiet għall-pożizzjoni ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong> SurgeryAssistant fil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità.2.1. Il-persuna magħżula tidħol f’assignment ta’ sitta utletin (36) xahar bħala Den<strong>tal</strong> Surgery Assistant fil-Ministerugħas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità. Persuna li matkunx tat sehem sodisfaċenti bħala Den<strong>tal</strong> Surgery Assistantmatul il-perjodu <strong>tal</strong>-assignment ikollha l-assignment tagħhatterminat.2.2. Jekk il-persuna magħżula tkun Uffiċjal Pubblikuli għandha ħatra sostantiva/indefinite status fis-ServizzPubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, hija żżomm il-grad sostantiv tagħha waqtil-perjodu <strong>tal</strong>-assignment u terġa’ lura għall-grad sostantiv/indefinite status tagħha meta jintemm l-assignment. Fil-każta’ persuna li ma tkunx Uffiċjal Pubbliku li għandha ħatrasostantiva/indefinite status fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, l-impieg tagħha mal-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u KuraPUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONPosition of Den<strong>tal</strong> Surgery Assistantin the Ministry for Health, the Elderlyand Community CareIn accordance with clause 3.1 of the current CollectiveAgreement, nomenclatures denoting the male gender includealso the female gender.The Public Service Commission invites applications forthe assignment in the position of Den<strong>tal</strong> Surgery Assistant, inthe Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care.2.1. The selected candidate will be expected to enterinto a thirty-six (36) month assignment as a Den<strong>tal</strong> SurgeryAssistant, in the Ministry for Health, the Elderly andCommunity Care. Unsatisfactory performance as Den<strong>tal</strong>Surgery Assistant during the assignment period will lead totermination of the assignment.2.2. If the selected candidate is a Public Officer, he/shewill retain his/her substantive grade/indefinite status in the<strong>Malta</strong> Public Service during the assignment period and willrevert to his/her substantive grade/indefinite status on thetermination of the assignment. In the case of an appointeewho is not a Public Officer holding a substantive grade/indefinite status in the <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service, his/her servicewith the Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,705fil-Komunità, kif ukoll mal-<strong>Gvern</strong> Malti jintemm fil-każ lijiġi terminat l-assignment.2.3. Jekk il-persuna magħżula tkun Uffiċjal Pubblikuli għandha ħatra sostantiva/indefinite status fis-ServizzPubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, u waqt il-perjodu <strong>tal</strong>-assignment tinħatarfi grad bi Skala ta’ Salarju ogħla minn Skala 13, hija tkunmistennija li tħalli d-doveri ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong> Surgery Assistant utkun trasferita għal doveri li jikkorrespondu mal-grad il-ġdidtagħha. Iżda, jekk is-salarju sostantiv <strong>tal</strong>-persuna magħżulajitla’ għal aktar mill-massimu ta’ Skala ta’ Salarju Nru.13 permezz ta’ progression, il-persuna titħalla tkompli l-assignment stipulat.2.4. Il-persuna magħżula hi soġġetta għal ġimgħa ta’ 40siegħa. Il-ħinijiet tax-xogħol <strong>tal</strong>-persuna appuntata mhuxneċessarjament ikunu limitati għall-ħinijiet ta’ filgħodu jewgħall-ħinijiet <strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju, imma skont l-esiġenzi tas-Servizz.Xogħol wara nofsinhar u/jew fil-għaxija jista’ jiġi mitlubskont arranġamenti approvati mill-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità. Ikun meħtieġ li tidħol xogħolfil-Ħdud u festi pubbliċi fuq bażi ta’ roster biex tħaddem isservizzta’ emerġenza fid-Dentistrija.2.5. Il-persuna magħżula tkun taqa’ taħt il-ClinicalChairperson, Den<strong>tal</strong> Department.3. Is-salarju għal din il-pożizzjoni huwa ta’ Skala ta’Salarju 13 (€13,010 fis-sena li jitla b’€335.50 fis-sena samassimu ta’ €15,023). Għall-fini <strong>tal</strong>-Ordinanza dwar il-Pensjonijiet (Kap. 93) fil-każ li l-persuna magħżula tkunuffiċjal pubbliku id-differenza bejn is-salarju dovut għallgradsostantiv <strong>tal</strong>-persuna magħżula u s-salarju dovut għallpożizzjoni,titħallas bħala non-pensionable allowance.4. Id-dmirijiet <strong>tal</strong>-persuna fil-pożizzjoni ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong>Surgery Assistant fil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani uKura fil-Komunità, jinkludu:(a) tassisti lid-den<strong>tal</strong> surgeon u d-den<strong>tal</strong> hygienist waqtil-proċeduri ta’ trattament fl-oqsma kollha tad-dentistrija,tnewwil ta’ strumenti, taħlit u preparazzjoni ta’ materjalgħall-mili ta’ snien, iwassal impression materials u tgħabbiimpression trays;(b) manutenzjoni regolari u żamma fi stat tajjeb <strong>tal</strong>apparatden<strong>tal</strong>i u den<strong>tal</strong> units kollha. Tkun responsabbli litirrapporta ħsarat fl-apparat lill-management;(c) preparazzjoni ta’ oral surgical set-ups, ippakkjar usterilizzazzjoni ta’ strumenti tad-dentistrija;(d) prevenzjoni ta’ infezzjonijiet, preparazzjoni usterilizzar ta’ apparat tad-dentistrija u l-qasam operattiv;Care as well as with the Maltese Government will bediscontinued in case of termination of assignment.2.3. If the selected candidate is a Public Officerholding a substantive grade/indefinite status and, during theassignment period, is appointed to a grade with a Salary Scalehigher than Scale 13, he/she will be expected to relinquishthe duties of Den<strong>tal</strong> Surgery Assistant and be transferredto duties pertinent to his/her new grade. Moreover, if thesubstantive salary of a selected officer becomes higher thanthe maximum Salary Scale 13 through progression, he/shewill be allowed to complete his/her stipulated assignment.2.4. The appointee will be conditioned to a 40-hourworking week. The working hours of the appointee shall notnecessarily be limited to morning duties or office hours, butin accordance with the exigencies of the service, afternoonand/or evening sessions may have to be carried out asper arrangements approved by the Ministry for Health,the Elderly and Community Care. They would be also berequired to work on Sundays and Public Holidays on a rosterbasis to man the Den<strong>tal</strong> Emergency Service.2.5. The appointee will be accountable to the ClinicalChairperson, Den<strong>tal</strong> Department.3. The salary attached to this position is that of salaryscale 13 (€13,010 per annum rising by annual incrementsof €335.50 up to a maximum of €15,023). For the purposeof the Pensions Ordinance (Cap. 93), in case the selectedapplicant is a Public Officer, the difference between thesalary to which the selected officer is entitled by virtue ofhis/her substantive grade and the salary of the position willbe paid as a non-pensionable allowance.4. The duties of Den<strong>tal</strong> Surgery Assistant in the Ministryfor Health, the Elderly and Community Care include:(a) Assisting the den<strong>tal</strong> surgeon and den<strong>tal</strong> hygienistduring a variety of treatment procedures in all fields ofdentistry, handling instruments, mixing and preparing den<strong>tal</strong>filling materials, handling impression materials and loadingimpression trays;(b) Regular maintenance and up-keeping of all den<strong>tal</strong>equipment and den<strong>tal</strong> units. Be responsible to report anyfaulty equipment to the management;(c) preparation of oral surgical set-ups, packing andsterilizing of den<strong>tal</strong> instruments;(d) prevention of cross-infection, preparing and sterilizingden<strong>tal</strong> instruments, equipment, and the operative area;

11,706 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818(e) għajnuna ta’ konfort lill-pazjenti, qabel, matul u waratrattament tas-snien;(f) jipprovdi lill-pazjenti struzzjonijiet għall-kura aħjarwara proċeduri ta’ qlugħ ta’ snien, kirurġija, restawr u iġjeneorali;(g) tagħti appuntamenti, twieġeb t-telefon u tordnasupplies and materials;(h) dmirijiet oħra skont l-esigenzi tas-Servizz skontstruzzjonijiet mogħtija mis-Segretarju Permanenti Ewlieni;(i) tagħmel użu mis-sistemi tat-Teknoloġija <strong>tal</strong>-Informatika li jkunu qed jintużaw fil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa,l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità.Aktar det<strong>tal</strong>ji dwar il-job description <strong>tal</strong>-pożizzjonijistgħu jinkisbu mit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Impjegati, (Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità), 6, Sqaq Harper,Floriana.5. Sal-ħin u d-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għallapplikazzjonijiet,l-applikanti għandhom ikunu:a (i) ċittadini ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>; jew(ii) ċittadini ta’ Stati Membri oħra <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropeali għandhom jedd, għal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadiniMaltin fi kwistjonijiet ta’ impieg bis-saħħa ta’ leġiżlazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċ-ċaqliq ħieles<strong>tal</strong>-ħaddiema; jew(iii) ċittadini ta’ kwalunkwe pajjiż li għandhom jeddgħal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijietta’ impieg minħabba li jkunu japplikaw għal dak il-pajjiżleġiżlazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċċaqliqħieles <strong>tal</strong>-ħaddiema; jew(iv) kwalunkwe persuni oħrali għandhom jedd għaltrattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet ta’impieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari tagħhom ma’ persunimsemmija f’(i), (ii) jew (iii), skont kif hemm fil-liġi jew filleġiżlazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati msemmijahawn fuq; jew(v) ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunu ngħataw statusta’ residenti li joqogħdu għal żmien twil f’<strong>Malta</strong> taħt irregolament4 tar-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2006 dwar “Status ta’Residenti li joqogħdu għal Żmien Twil (Ċittadini ta’ PajjiżiTerzi)”, jew li jkunu ngħataw permess ta’ residenza taħtir-regolament 18 (3) <strong>tal</strong>-istess regolamenti, flimkien malmembri<strong>tal</strong>-familja ta’ ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunungħataw permess ta’ residenza taħt ir-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2007dwar ir- Rijunifikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Familji.(e) help patients feel comfortable before, during and afterden<strong>tal</strong> treatment;(f) providing patients with instructions for oral carefollowing extractions, surgery, restorations and oral hygieneprocedures;(g) scheduling appointments, answering telephone callsand ordering supplies and materials;(h) any other duties according to the exigencies of theService as directed by the Principal Permanent Secretary;(i) making use of the Information Technology systemswhich may be in operation within the Ministry for Health,the Elderly and Community Care.Further details of the job description of the post may beobtained from the Personnel Section (Ministry for Health, theElderly and Community Care), 6, Harper Lane, Floriana.5. By the closing time and date of this call for applications,applicants must be:a (i) citizens of <strong>Malta</strong>; or(ii) citizens of other Member States of the EuropeanUnion who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizensin matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation andtreaty provisions dealing with the free movement of workers;or(iii) citizens of any other country who are entitled toequal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related toemployment by virtue of the application to that country ofEU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the freemovement of workers; or(iv) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatmentto Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in termsof the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and treatyprovisions, on account of their family relationship withpersons mentioned in paragraph (i), (ii) or (iii); or(v) third country nationals who have been granted longtermresident status in <strong>Malta</strong> under regulation 4 of the“Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)Regulations, 2006” or who have been granted a residencepermit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with familymembers of such third country nationals who have beengranted a residence permit under the “Family ReunificationRegulations, 2007”.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,707Għandu jin<strong>tal</strong>ab il-parir tad-Dipartiment taċ-Ċittadinanzau Expatriates għandu jkun imfittex skont il-ħtieġa flinterpretazzjonitad-dispożizzjonijiet imsemmija hawn fuq.Il-ħatra ta’ kandidati msemmija f (ii), (iii), (iv) jew (v)hawn fuq teħtieġ il-ħruġ ta’ liċenza tax-xogħol f’dawk ilkażijietfejn hija meħtieġa skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoniu leġiżlazzjoni sussidjarja. Il-Korporazzjoni għax-Xogħol ut-Taħriġ għandha tiġi konsultata skont il-ħtieġa dwar din ilmaterja.b) ikunu kapaċi jikkomunikaw bil-Lingwa Maltija u bil-Lingwa Ingliża.ċ) ikollhom Diploma (jew ogħla) għal Den<strong>tal</strong> SurgeryAssistant (NQF f’livell 4 jew ogħla) jew kwalifika oħrarikonoxxuta, xierqa u komparabbli.d) ikunu ta’ karattru morali tajjeb (applikanti li diġàqegħdin jaħdmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> jridujippreżentaw is- ‘Service and Leave Record Form’ (GP 47),filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra s-Servizz Pubbliku ta’<strong>Malta</strong> jridu jippreżentaw ċertifikat riċenti <strong>tal</strong>-kondotta maħruġmill-Pulizija jew Awtorità kompetenti oħra mhux aktar minnsitt (6) xhur qabel id-data ta’ din is-sejħa, u jindikaw jekk qattkinux impjegati mal-<strong>Gvern</strong> Malti, u jagħtu d-det<strong>tal</strong>ji).6.1. Persuni rreġistrati mal-Kummissjoni Nazzjonaligħall-Persuni b’Diżabilità (KNPD) jistgħu jgawdu minn ‘bdilraġonevoli’ skont l-Artikolu 7 <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar OpportunitajietIndaqs (Persuni b’Diżabilità), (Kap. 413), anke jekk majkunux jissodisfaw għal kollox il-parametri <strong>tal</strong>-eliġibbiltàgħall-pożizzjoni. Dan basta jkunu jistgħu jwettqu d-dmirijietrelatati mal-pożizzjoni fl-essenza tagħhom, u sakemm ikunhemm qbil min-naħa <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju tar-Riżorsi Umani fl-Amministrazzjoni Pubblika u approvazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjonidwar is-Servizz Pubbliku.6.2. Is-sottomissjonijiet skont din il-klawsola għandhomjintbagħtu mal-formola <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni u għandhom ikunumsaħħa b’dokumenti rilevanti li jinkludu evidenza dokumentatatar-reġistrazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-applikant/a mal-KNPD. Għandhomjingħataw ġustifikazzjonijiet raġunati mill-applikant/a għaliexma jissodisfax/tissodisfax il-parametri kollha <strong>tal</strong>-eliġibbiltàu għaliex huma mistħoqqa kunsiderazzjonijiet speċjali. Ilkorrispondenzakollha għandha tiġi indirizzata lill-Ministerugħas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità u tkun ikkupja<strong>tal</strong>ill-KNPD.7.1. Bord ta’ Għażla jintervista l-applikanti li jkunueliġibbli biex jitqies min ikun adatt għall-pożizzjoni.7.2. Avviż dwar il-ħruġ tar-riżultat jiġi ppubblikatfil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> u jitniżżel ukoll mill-website <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku fuq (http://www.psc.gov.mt). Joħroġ ukoll avviż fil-media lokali.The advice of the Citizenship and Expatriates Departmentshould be sought as necessary in the interpretation of theabove provisions.The appointment of candidates referred to at paragraphs(ii), (iii), (iv) or (v) above, would necessitate the issue ofan employment licence in so far as this is required by theImmigration Act and subsidiary legislation. The Employmentand Training Corporation should be consulted as necessaryon this issue.b) have the ability to communicate in the Maltese andEnglish Languages;c) be in possession of a Diploma (or above) for Den<strong>tal</strong>Surgery Assistant (at MQF level 4 or above) or otherrecognised, appropriate, comparable qualification;d) be of good moral character (applicants who are alreadyin the <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service must produce a Service andLeave Record Form (GP47); Those applying from outsidethe <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service must produce a recent certificate ofconduct issued by the Police or other competent Authoritynot earlier than six (6) months from the date of this call forapplications and state whether they have ever been in theMaltese Government Service giving details).6.1. Persons registered with the National Commissionfor Persons with a Disability (NCPD) may be givenreasonable accommodation in terms of Section 7 of the EqualOpportunities (Persons with Disability) Act, (Cap. 413),even if they do not satisfy in full the eligibility requirementsfor this position provided they can carry out, in essence, theduties related to the position and subject to the concurrenceof the Public Administration HR Office and approval of thePublic Service Commission.6.2. Representations in terms of this clause should beattached to the application forms and supported with relevantdocuments which must also include documentary evidenceof registration with the NCPD. Reasoned justificationsshould be given by the applicant to substantiate the lack offull eligibility requirements and why reasoned considerationsare merited. All correspondence is to be addressed to theMinistry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care andcopied to the NCPD.7.1. Eligible applicants will be interviewed by a SelectionBoard to assess their suitability for the position.7.2 A notification of the issue of the result will be dulypublished in the Government Gazette and will also appearon the website of the Public Service Commission where itmay be accessed at http://www.psc.gov.mt). A press noticewill also be issued to all local media organizations.

11,708 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,8187.3. Ir-riżultat <strong>tal</strong>-intervisti jiġi ppubblikat mill-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku u jiġi esebit fuq innotice-board<strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-ServizzPubbliku u dik <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kurafil-Komunità.7.4. Oġġezzjonijiet għar-riżultat skont Sezzjoni 1.1.17<strong>tal</strong>-Public Service Management Code għandhom jiġusottomessi lis-Segretarju Eżekuttiv, Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku, Il-Palazz, Il-Belt Valletta, u kkuppjati lill-Kap tad-Dipartiment fejn teżisti l-vakanza. L-oġġezzjonijietgħandhom jaslu għand il-Kummissjoni dwar is-ServizzPubbliku kif ukoll għand il-Kap tad-Dipartiment fi żmiengħaxart ijiem ta’ xogħol mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-pubblikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>avviżfil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.8.1. Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha għandhomjintwerew b’ċertifikati u/jew dokumenti, illi kopja tagħhomgħandha tkun jew mehmuża mal-applikazzjoni jew jintbagħtuseparatament lill-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità, mhux aktar tard minn għaxart ijiem ta’ xogħol middata<strong>tal</strong>-għeluq. Kopji mgħoddija bl-iscanner huma aċċettabbli.8.2. Id-dokumenti oriġinali għandhom, mingħajreċċezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista.8.3. (a) Fejn jikkonċerna kwalifiki sottomessi b’rispons għaldin is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti huma meħtieġajuru dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent maħruġa miċ-Ċentru Maltigħal Rikonoxximent ta’ Kwalifiki u ta’ Informazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-KunsillMalti għall-Kwalifiki, jew Awtorità pertinenti oħra, skont il-każ.Din id-dikjarazzjoni għandha tinthemeż mal-applikazzjoni, bloriġinalitintwera waqt l-intervista.(b) Dawk il-kandidati li għad m’għandhomx din iddikjarazzjonijistgħu japplikaw, iżda jridu jibagħtu kopja taddikjarazzjonilid-dipartiment/direttorat riċeventi kif tkun għaddispożizzjonitagħhom u, f’ebda ċirkustanza, mhux aktar tardminn xahar mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq tas-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet.Applikanti li ma jilħqux jippreżentaw din id-dikjarazzjoni fiżmien xahar għal raġunijiet mhux fil-kontroll tagħhom, jistgħujitolbu għal estensjoni b’xahar ieħor lid-dipartiment/direttoratfejn qed jintlaqgħu l-applikazzjonijiet, u jindikaw b’mod ċar irraġunijietgħad-dewmien. Talbiet għal estensjonijiet itwal minndan il-perjodu għandhom jiġu sottomessi għall-kunsiderazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku.(ċ) L-applikanti huma eżenti milli jippreżentaw iddikjarazzjonimsemmija hawn fuq jekk ikollhom kwalifikimiksuba minn Universitajiet akkreditati jew istituzzjonijietakkreditati oħra li huma mniżżla u jistgħu jinkisbu millpaġna<strong>tal</strong>-MQRIC fis-sit <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill Malti għall-Kwalifiki(www.mqc.gov.mt/mqric). F’każ ta’ dubju, madankollu, il-7.3. The result of the interviews will be published bythe Public Service Commission and exhibited on the noticeboardof the Office of the Public Service Commission andthat of the Ministry for Health, the Elderly and CommunityCare.7.4. Petitions objecting to the result in terms of Section1.1.17 of the Public Service Management Code are tobe submitted to the Executive Secretary, Public ServiceCommission, The Palace, Valletta, copying to the Head of theDepartment wherein the vacancy to be filled lies. Petitionsare to reach the Commission and the Head of Departmentwithin 10 working days from the date of publication in theGovernment Gazette of the notice of the issue of the result8.1. Qualifications and experience claimed must besupported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of whichshould either be attached to the application or sent separatelyto the Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Careby not later than ten (10) working days from the closing date.Scanned copies sent electronically are acceptable.8.2. Original certificates and/or testimonials are to beinvariably produced for verification at the interview.8.3. (a) With respect to qualifications produced inresponse to this call for applications, applicants are requiredto produce a recognition statement by the <strong>Malta</strong> QualificationsRecognition Information Centre (MQRIC) based within the<strong>Malta</strong> Qualifications Council, or by any other designatedauthority, as applicable. Such statement should be attached tothe application and the original presented at the interview.(b) Applicants who are not in possession of such astatement may still apply, provided that they submit a copy ofthe statement to the receiving department/directorate as soonas it is available and, in any case, by not later than one monthfrom the closing date of the call for applications. Applicantswho fail to present the required statement within the onemonthperiod for reasons beyond their control may requestan extension of this time limit, up to a further one month,from the department/directorate receiving the applications,indicating clearly the reasons for the delay. Requests forextensions beyond this period are to be submitted for theconsideration of the Public Service Commission.(c) Applicants are exempt from the above requirementsin respect of qualifications obtained from accrediteduniversities or other accredited institutions that are listedand available for download from the MQRIC page of the<strong>Malta</strong> Qualifications Council website (www.mqc.gov.mt/mqric). In cases of doubt, however, the Selection Board may

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,709Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Għażla jista’ jwarrab din l-eżenzjoni u jitlob lil minjapplika biex jippreżenta dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximentmaħruġa mill-MQRIC. F’dan il-każ, min japplika jingħataxahar ċans sabiex jippreżenta d-dikjarazzjoni, bil-possibbiltàta’ estensjoni kif imsemmi f’sub-paragrafu (b) hawn fuq.9. Il-persuna magħżula jsirilha eżami mediku biex jiġiaċċertat li hija adatta għal din il-pożizzjoni.10. Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni jistgħu jitniżżlu minndawn il-websites:http://www.<strong>doi</strong>.gov.mt/EN/employment_opp/recruitmalti.pdfhttp://www.mpo.gov.mt/downloads/recruitmalti.pdfhttp://www.health.gov.mt/forms/forms.htm#employmentjew jinkisbu mit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Impjegati, Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità, 6, Sqaq Harper,Floriana.11. L-applikazzjonijiet flimkien ma’ curriculum vitaeli għandha tinkludi kwalifiki u esperjenza jintlaqgħuprimarjament mill-Assistent Direttur, Riżorsi Umani(Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità), 6,Sqaq Harper, Floriana, mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar (ĦinĊentrali Ewropew) ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-1 ta’ Novembru, 2011.12. Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu minn barra minn <strong>Malta</strong>permezz ta’ fax jew ta’ xi messaġġ ieħor simili sa nofsinhar(Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew) ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-1 ta’ Novembru2011 jistgħu jiġu kkunsidrati basta jkollhom id-det<strong>tal</strong>ji kollhameħtieġa. L-applikazzjoni formali ffirmata mill-applikant/a trid tasal għand l-Assistent Direttur, Riżorsi Umani(Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità) 6Sqaq Harper, Floriana mhux aktar tard minn ġimgħa warad-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjonijiet u għandha tingħataspjegazzjoni għad-dewmien. In-numri <strong>tal</strong>-fax tad- Direttorattar-Riżorsi Umani (Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kurafil-Komunità) huma +356-2122 6285 u +356 - 2123 5890.13. Tingħata rċevuta minnufih għal kull applikazzjonili titwassal sad-Direttorat tar- Riżorsi Umani (Ministerugħas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità) 6 Sqaq Harper,Floriana. Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu bil-posta għandhomikunu rreġistrati u jintbagħtu kmieni biżżejjed biex jaslufl-indirizz imsemmi qabel id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq. Id-Direttorattar-Riżorsi Umani (Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani uKura fil-Komunità), 6 Sqaq Harper, Floriana jibgħatirċevuta bil-posta fi żmien sebat (7) ijiem għal dawn l-applikazzjonijiet.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011set aside this exemption and direct an applicant to procurea recognition statement from MQRIC. In such a case theapplicant shall be given one month to procure the statement,subject to the possibility of extension as provided for in subparagraph(b) above.9. Applicants selected for appointment will be medicallyexamined to ascertain that they are fit for the position.10. Application forms may either be downloaded fromthe following websites:http://www.<strong>doi</strong>.gov.mt/EN/employment_opp/recruitenglish.pdfhttp://www.mpo.gov.mt/downloads/recruitenglish.pdfhttp://www.health.gov.mt/forms/forms.htm#employmentor obtained from the Personnel Section, Ministry forHealth, the Elderly and Community Care, 6, Harper Lane,Floriana.11. Applications together with a curriculum vitaeindicating qualifications and experience, will be received inthe first instance by the Assistant Director, Human Resources(Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care)6, Harper Lane, Floriana by not later than noon (CentralEuropean Time) of Tuesday, 1st November, 2011.12. Applications received from abroad through afax or other similar message by noon (Central EuropeanTime) of Tuesday, 1st November 2011 may be consideredprovided that all requisite details are given. The formalapplication duly signed by the applicant must reach theAssistant Director, Human Resources (Ministry for Health,the Elderly and Community Care) 6 Harper Lane, Florianaby not later than one week after the closing date togetherwith an explanation for the delay. The fax numbers of theDirectorate of Human Resources (Ministry for Health, theElderly and Community Care) are +356 – 2122 6285 and+356 - 2123 5890.13. Applications delivered by hand will be acknowledgedin writing by the Directorate of Human Resources (Ministryfor Health, the Elderly and Community Care) 6 Harper Lane,Floriana and a receipt will be given in hand at the time ofdelivery. Applications by post should be sent by registeredmail in sufficient time to ensure delivery by the abovedeadline. The applications will be acknowledged in writingby the Directorate of Human Resources (Ministry for Health,the Elderly and Community Care) 6 Harper Lane, Florianawithin seven (7) days.18th October, 2011

11,710 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818KUMMISSJONI DWAR IS-SERVIZZ PUBBLIKUPost ta’ Technician (Audiology Laboratory)fil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjaniu Kura fil-KomunitàSkont klawsola 3.1 <strong>tal</strong>-Ftehim Kollettiv kurrenti,nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll ilfemminil.Il-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku tilqa’applikazzjonijiet għall-post ta’ Technician (AudiologyLaboratory) fil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità.2.1 Il-post ta’ Technician (Audiology Laboratory) għandusalarju ta’ €11,434 fis-sena li jiżdied b’ €298.00 fis-sena samassimu ta’ €13,222 (Skala ta’ Salarju 15).2.2. Persuna fil-ħatra ta’ Technician (AudiologyLaboratory) tilħaq Senior Technician (Audiology Laboratory)fi Skala 14 b’salarju ta’ €12,193 li jiżdied b’ €316.83 fissenasa massimu ta’ €14,094, jekk tkun qdiet dmirha b’modsodisfaċenti, wara seba’ (7) snin servizz fil-grad; u jekk ilpersunajkollha l-Higher Technician Diploma jew kwalifikateknika oħra rikonoxxuta, xierqa u komparabbli jew ogħla,il-perjodu ta’ servizz jitnaqqas jiqsar għal ħames (5) snin.2.3. Il-Higher Technician Diploma hija meqjusabħala kwalifika MQF f’Livell 5 fil-<strong>Malta</strong> QualificationsFramework. Persuna li jkollha kwalifika xierqa f’MQFLivell 4 segwita b’sentejn esperjenza xierqa u ppruvata,titqies bħala li tissodisfa l-klawsola ‘Higher TechnicanDiploma jew kwalifika teknika oħra rikonoxxuta, xierqa ukomparabbli jew ogħla li tinstab f’sub-paragrafu 2.2 hawnfuq.3. Il-ħatra, li tkun bi prova għal sena, hija full-time u taqa’taħt ir-regolamenti li jkunu fis-seħħ minn żmien għal żmienfis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> u l-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità. Il-persuna nominata tista’ tiġitrasferita skont l-esiġenzi tas-Serviżż Pubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.4. Id-dmirijiet ta’ persuna fil-grad ta’ Technician(Audiology Laboratory) jinkludu:4.1. Tiddentifika mudelli/tipi differenti ta’ strumenti ta’smigħ u l-komponenti elettroniċi tagħhom;4.2. Issib il-kawża <strong>tal</strong>-ħsarat f’apparat ta’ smigħ;4.3. Issewwi Hearing Aides (analoġiċi u diġi<strong>tal</strong>i);4.4. Trouble shooting bażiku ta’ Cochlear Implants;PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONPost of Technician (Audiology Laboratory)in the Ministry for Health, the Elderlyand Community CareIn accordance with clause 3.1 of the current CollectiveAgreement, nomenclatures denoting the male gender includealso the female gender.The Public Service Commission invites applicationsfor the post of Technician (Audiology Laboratory) in theMinistry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care.2.1. The post of Technician (Audiology Laboratory)carries a salary of €11,434 per annum rising by annualincrements of €298.00 up to a maximum of €13,222 (SalaryScale 15).2.2. A Technician (Audiology Laboratory) shall beappointed Senior Technician (Audiology Laboratory) inSalary Scale 14 with a Salary of € 12,193 rising by annualincrements of €316.83 up to a maximum of €14,094, subjectto satisfactory performance, on completion of seven (7) yearsservice in the grade, provided that in the case of persons inpossession of a Higher Technician Diploma or a recognized,appropriate, comparable or higher technical qualification, theperiod of service shall be reduced to five (5) years.2.3. The Higher Technician Diploma is rated at MQFLevel 5 within the <strong>Malta</strong> Qualifications Framework. A personin possession of MQF Level 4 appropriate qualificationfollowed by two (2) years proven appropriate experienceshall be deemed to satisfy the clause ‘Higher TechnicianDiploma or a recognized, appropriate, comparable or highertechnical qualification’ found under sub-paragraph 2.2above.3. The appointment, which is subject to a probationaryperiod of one year, is on a full time basis and is subject to therules governing from time to time the <strong>Malta</strong> Public Serviceand the Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care.It involves liability to transfer according to the exigencies ofthe <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service.4. The duties of a Technician (Audiology Laboratory)include:4.1. Identifying different models/types of hearinginstruments and their electronic components;4.2. Fault diagnosing of Hearing Instruments;4.3. Repair of Hearing aids (analogue and digi<strong>tal</strong> hearingaids);4.4. Basic trouble shooting of Cochlear Implants;

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,7114.5. Tuża l-Hearing Aid Text Box;4.6. Tibdel l-earmould tubing u xogħol relatat ieħor;4.7. Iddaħħal informazzjoni rilevanti fis-sistemi ta’computer;4.8. Kalibrar u manutenzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-apparat awdjoloġikuinkluż dawk relatati mal-Vestibulometry;4.9. Tivverifika kuljum l-apparat awdjoloġiku għassigurtà,sigurtà u kalibrar;4.10. Torganizza u tamministra t-tiswija <strong>tal</strong>-HearingAides kif ukoll <strong>tal</strong>-Laboratorju <strong>tal</strong>-earmoulds;4.11. Dmirijiet oħra skont l-esiġenzi tas-Servizz skontstruzzjonijiet mogħtija mis-Segretarju Permanenti Ewlieni.Aktar det<strong>tal</strong>ji dwar il-job description <strong>tal</strong>-post jistgħujinkisbu mit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Impjegati, (Ministeru għas-Saħħa,l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità), 6, Sqaq Harper, Floriana.5. Sal-ħin u d-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għallapplikazzjonijiet,l-applikanti għandhom ikunu:-a) (i) ċittadini ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>;JEW(ii) ċittadini ta’ Stati Membri oħra <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropea ligħandhom jedd għal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltinfi kwistjonijiet ta’ impieg bis-saħħa ta’ leġiżlazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-UEu dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar il-moviment ħieles <strong>tal</strong>ħaddiema;JEW(iii) ċittadini ta’ kwalunkwe pajjiż ieħor li għandhom jeddgħal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijietta’ impieg minħabba li jkunu japplikaw għal dak il-pajjiżleġislazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar ilmovimentħieles <strong>tal</strong>-ħaddiema;JEW(iv) kwalunkwe persuni oħra li għandhom jedd għaltrattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijietta’ impieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari tagħhom ma’persuni msemmija f’(i), (ii) jew (iii), skont kif hemm fil-liġijew fil-leġiżlazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-UE u d-dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattatimsemmija hawn fuq;JEW(v) ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunu ngħataw statusta’ residenti li joqogħdu għal żmien twil f’<strong>Malta</strong> taħt irregolament4 tar-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2006 dwar “Status ta’4.5. Use of Hearing Aid Test Box;4.6. Replace earmould tubing and other related tasks;4.7. Imputing of relevant data in computer system;4.8. Calibration and maintenance of audiologicalequipment including those related to Vestibulometry;4.9. Daily checking of audiological equipment regardingsafety, reliability and calibration;4.10. Organize and administer a hearing aid repair andear mould laboratory;4.11. Any other duties according to the exigencies of theService as directed by the Principal Permanent Secretary.Further details of the job description of the post may beobtained from the Personnel Section (Ministry for Health, theElderly and Community Care), 6, Harper Lane, Floriana.5. By the closing time and date of this call for applications,applicants must:a) (i) be citizens of <strong>Malta</strong>; orOR(ii) citizens of other Member States of the European Unionwho are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens inmatters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and treatyprovisions dealing with the free movement of workers;OR(iii) citizens of any other country who are entitled toequal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related toemployment by virtue of the application to that country ofEU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the freemovement of workers;OR(iv) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatmentto Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in termsof the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and treatyprovisions, on account of their family relationship withpersons mentioned in paragraph (i), (ii) or (iii);OR(v) third country nationals who have been grantedlongterm resident status in <strong>Malta</strong> under regulation 4 of the“Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)

11,712 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Residenti li joqogħdu għal Żmien Twil (Ċittadini ta’ PajjiżiTerzi)”, jew li jkunu ngħataw permess ta’ residenza taħtir-regolament 18 (3) <strong>tal</strong>-istess regolamenti, flimkien malmembri<strong>tal</strong>-familja ta’ ċittadini ta’ pajjiż terzi li jkunungħataw permess ta’ residenza taħt ir-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2007dwar ir-Rijunifikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Familji.Il-parir tad-Dipartiment taċ-Ċittadinanza u Expatriatesgħandu jiġi mfittex skont il-ħtieġa fl-interpretazzjoni taddispożizzjonijietimsemmija hawn fuq.Il-ħatra ta’ kandidati msemmija f’(ii), (iii), (iv) u (v)hawn fuq teħtieġ il-ħruġ ta’ liċenza tax-xogħol f’dawk ilkażijietfejn hija meħtieġa skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoniu leġiżlazzjoni sussidjarja. Il-Korporazzjoni għax-Xogħol ut-Taħriġ għandha tiġi kkonsultata skont il-ħtieġa dwar dinil-materja.b) kapaċi jikkomunikaw bil-Lingwa Maltija u bil-LingwaIngliża;ċ) (i) temmew b’suċċess kors ta’ studju taħt l-iskema ta’Technician Apprenticeship Scheme (TAS) jew kwalifika oħrarikonoxxuta, xierqa u komparabbli;JEW(ii) Uffiċjali Pubbliċi fis-Servizz li mill-inqas għandhoml-Ordinary Technician Diploma (OTD) jew kwalifika oħrarikonoxxuta, xierqa u komparabbli;d) ikunu ta’ karattru morali tajjeb (applikanti li diġàqegħdin jaħdmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> jridujippreżentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47),filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra s-Servizz Pubbliku ta’<strong>Malta</strong> jridu jippreżentaw ċertifikat riċenti <strong>tal</strong>-kondotta maħruġmill-Pulizija jew Awtorità kompetenti oħra mhux aktar minnsitt (6) xhur qabel id-data ta’ din is-sejħa, u jindikaw jekk qattkinux impjegati mal-<strong>Gvern</strong> Malti u jagħtu d-det<strong>tal</strong>ji).6. Kunsiderazzjoni xierqa tingħata lil dawk il-kandidati lijkunu fil-pussess <strong>tal</strong>-Higher National Diploma fl-Electricaljew Electronic Engineering (MQF Livell 5) jew kwalifikaoħra rikonoxxuta, xierqa u komparabbli.7.1. Persuni rreġistrati mal-Kummissjoni Nazzjonaligħall-Persuni b’Diżabilità (KNPD) jistgħu jgawduminn ‘bdil raġonevoli’ skont l-Artikolu 7 <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwarOpportunitajiet Indaqs (Persuni b’Diżabilità), (Kap. 413),anke jekk ma jkunux jissodisfaw għal kollox il-parametri<strong>tal</strong>-eliġibbiltà għall-post. Dan basta jkunu jistgħu jwettqud-dmirijiet relatati mal-post fl-essenza tagħhom, u sakemmikun hemm qbil min-naħa <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju tar-Riżorsi Umani fl-Amministrazzjoni Pubblika u approvazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjonidwar is-Servizz Pubbliku.7.2. Is-sottomissjonijiet skont din il-klawsola għandhomjintbagħtu mal-formola <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni u għandhom ikunuRegulations, 2006” or who have been granted a residencepermit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with familymembers of such third country nationals who have beengranted a residence permit under the “Family ReunificationRegulations, 2007”.The advice of the Citizenship and Expatriates Departmentshould be sought as necessary in the interpretation of theabove provisions.The appointment of candidates referred to at (ii), (iii), (iv)and (v) above would necessitate the issue of an employmentlicence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Actand subsidiary legislation. The Employment and TrainingCorporation should be consulted as necessary on this issue.b) have the ability to communicate in the Maltese andEnglish Languages;c) (i) have successfully completed a course of studyunder the Technician Apprenticeship Scheme (TAS), orother recognized, appropriate, comparable qualification;OR(ii) be Public Officers in possession of at least theOrdinary Technician Diploma (OTD) or other recognized,appropriate, comparable qualification;d) be of good moral character (applicants who are alreadyin the <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service must produce a Service andLeave Record Form (GP47); Those applying from outsidethe <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service must produce a recent certificate ofconduct issued by the Police or other competent Authoritynot earlier than six (6) months from the date of this call forapplications and state whether they have ever been in theMaltese Government Service giving details).6. Due consideration will be given to candidates whoare in possession of a Higher National Diploma in Electricalor Electronic Engineering (MQF Level 5) or any otherrecognized appropriate comparable qualification.7.1. Persons registered with the National Commissionfor Persons with a Disability (NCPD) may be givenreasonable accommodation in terms of Article 7 of the EqualOpportunities (Persons with Disability) Act, (Cap. 413),even if they do not satisfy in full the eligibility requirementsfor this post provided they can carry out, in essence, theduties related to the post and subject to the concurrence ofthe Public Administration HR Office and approval of thePublic Service Commission.7.2. Representations in terms of this clause should beattached to the application forms and supported with relevant

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,713msaħħa b’dokumenti relevanti li jinkludu evidenza dokumentatatar-reġistrazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-applikant/a mal-KNPD. Għandhomjingħataw ġustifikazzjonijiet raġunati mill-applikant/a għaliexma jissodisfax/tissodisfax il-parametri kollha <strong>tal</strong>-eliġibbiltàu għaliex huma mistħoqqa kunsiderazzjonijiet speċjali. Ilkorrispondenzakollha għandha tiġi indirizzata lill-Ministerugħas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità u tkun ikkupja<strong>tal</strong>ill-KNPD.8.1. Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollhagħandhom jintwerew b’ċertifikati u/jew dokumenti, illi kopjatagħhom għandha tkun jew mehmuża mal-applikazzjoni jewjintbagħtu separatament lill-Ministeru tas-Saħħa, l-Anzjaniu Kura fil-Komunità, mhux aktar tard minn għaxart ijiemta’ xogħol mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq. Kopji mgħoddija bl-iscannerhuma aċċettabbli.8.2. Id-dokumenti oriġinali għandhom, mingħajreċċezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista.8.3. a) Fejn jikkonċerna kwalifiki sottomessi b’risponsgħal din is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti humameħtieġa juru dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent maħruġamiċ-Ċentru Malti għal Rikonoxximent ta’ Kwalifiki uta’ Informazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill Malti għall-Kwalifiki, jewAwtorità pertinenti oħra, skont il-każ. Din id-dikjarazzjonigħandha tinthemeż mal-applikazzjoni, bl-oriġinali tintwerawaqt l-intervista.(b) Dawk il-kandidati li għad m’għandhomx din iddikjarazzjonijkunu jistgħu japplikaw, iżda jridu jibagħtukopja tad-dikjarazzjoni lid-dipartiment/direttorat riċeventikif tkun għad-dispożizzjoni tagħhom u, f’ebda ċirkustanza,mhux aktar tard minn xahar mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq tas-sejħagħall-applikazzjonijiet. Applikanti li ma jilħqux jippreżentawdin id-dikjarazzjoni fi żmien xahar għal raġunijiet mhux filkontrolltagħhom, jistgħu jitolbu għal estensjoni b’xaharieħor lid-dipartiment/direttorat fejn qed jintlaqgħu l-applikazzjonijiet, u jindikaw b’mod ċar ir-raġunijiet għaddewmien.Talbiet għal estensjonijiet itwal minn dan ilperjodugħandhom jiġu sottomessi għall-kunsiderazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku.(ċ) L-applikanti huma eżenti milli jippreżentaw iddikjarazzjonimsemmija hawn fuq jekk ikollhom kwalifikimiksuba minn Universitajiet akkreditati jew istituzzjonijietakkreditati oħra li huma mniżżla u jistgħu jinkisbu millpaġna<strong>tal</strong>-MQRIC fis-sit <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill Malti għall-Kwalifiki(www.mqc.gov.mt/mqric). F’każ ta’ dubju, madankollu, il-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Għażla jista’ jwarrab din l-eżenzjoni u jitlob lil minjapplika biex jippreżenta dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximentmaħruġa mill-MQRIC. F’dan il-każ, l-applikant/a jingħata/tingħata xahar ċans sabiex jippreżenta d-dikjarazzjoni, bilpossibbiltàta’ estensjoni kif imsemmi f’sub-paragrafu (b)hawn fuq.9.1. Bord ta’ Għażla jintervista l-applikanti li jkunueliġibbli biex jitqies min ikun adatt għall-post.documents which must also include documentary evidenceof registration with the NCPD. Reasoned justificationsshould be given by the applicant to substantiate the lack offull eligibility requirements and why reasoned considerationsare merited. All correspondence is to be addressed to theMinistry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care andcopied to the NCPD.8.1. Qualifications and experience claimed must besupported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of whichshould either be attached to the application or sent separatelyto the Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Careby not later than ten (10) working days from the closing date.Scanned copies sent electronically are acceptable.8.2. Original certificates and/or testimonials are to beinvariably produced for verification at the interview.8.3. a) With respect to qualifications produced in responseto this call for applications, applicants are required toproduce a recognition statement by the <strong>Malta</strong> QualificationsRecognition Information Centre (MQRIC) based within the<strong>Malta</strong> Qualifications Council, or by any other designatedauthority, as applicable. Such statement should be attached tothe application and the original presented at the interview.(b) Applicants who are not in possession of such astatement may still apply, provided that they submit a copy ofthe statement to the receiving department/directorate as soonas it is available and, in any case, by not later than one monthfrom the closing date of the call for applications. Applicantswho fail to present the required statement within the onemonthperiod for reasons beyond their control may requestan extension of this time limit, up to a further one month,from the department/directorate receiving the applications,indicating clearly the reasons for the delay. Requests forextensions beyond this period are to be submitted for theconsideration of the Public Service Commission.(c) Applicants are exempt from the above requirementsin respect of qualifications obtained from accrediteduniversities or other accredited institutions that are listedand available for download from the MQRIC page of the<strong>Malta</strong> Qualifications Council website (www.mqc.gov.mt/mqric). In cases of doubt, however, the Selection Board mayset aside this exemption and direct an applicant to procurea recognition statement from MQRIC. In such a case theapplicant shall be given one month to procure the statement,subject to the possibility of extension as provided for in subparagraph(b) above.9.1. Eligible applicants will be interviewed by a SelectionBoard to assess their suitability for the post.

11,714 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,8189.2. Avviż dwar il-ħruġ tar-riżultat jiġi ppubblikatfil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> u jitniżżel ukoll mill-website <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku fuq: (http://www.psc.gov.mt). Joħroġ ukoll avviż fil-media lokali.9.3. Ir-riżultat <strong>tal</strong>-intervisti jiġi ppubblikat mill-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku u jiġi esebit fuq innotice-board<strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-ServizzPubbliku u dik <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kurafil-Komunità.8.4. Oġġezzjonijiet għar-riżultat skont Sezzjoni 1.1.17<strong>tal</strong>-Public Service Management Code għandhom jiġusottomessi lis-Segretarju Eżekuttiv, Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku, Il-Palazz, Il-Belt Valletta, u kkupjati lill-Kap tad-Dipartiment fejn teżisti l-vakanza. L-oġġezzjonijietgħandhom jaslu għand il-Kummissjoni dwar is-ServizzPubbliku kif ukoll għand il-Kap tad-Dipartiment fi żmiengħaxart ijiem ta’ xogħol mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-pubblikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>avviżfil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.10. Il-persuni magħżula jkunu jridu joqogħdu għalleżamimediku biex jiġi aċċertat li huma adatti għal dan ilpost.11. Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni jistgħu jitniżżlu minndawn il-websites:http://www.<strong>doi</strong>.gov.mt/EN/employment_opp/recruitmalti.pdfhttp://www.mpo.gov.mt/downloads/recruitmalti.pdfhttp://www.health.gov.mt/forms/forms.htm#employmentjew jinkisbu mit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Impjegati, Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità, 6, Sqaq Harper,Floriana.12. L-applikazzjonijiet flimkien ma’ curriculum vitaeli għandha tinkludi kwalifiki u esperjenza jintlaqgħuprimarjament mill-Assistent Direttur, Riżorsi Umani(Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità), 6,Sqaq Harper, Floriana, mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar (ĦinĊentrali Ewropew) ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-1 ta’ Novembru, 2011.13. Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu minn barra minn <strong>Malta</strong>permezz ta’ fax jew ta’ xi messaġġ ieħor simili sa nofsinhar(Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew) ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-1 ta’ Novembru2011 jistgħu jiġu kkunsidrati basta jkollhom id-det<strong>tal</strong>ji kollhameħtieġa. L-applikazzjoni formali ffirmata mill-applikant/atrid tasal għand l-Assistent Direttur, Riżorsi Umani (Ministerugħas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità) mhux aktar tardminn ġimgħa wara d-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjonijiet ugħandha tingħata spjegazzjoni għad-dewmien. In-numri <strong>tal</strong>faxtad-Direttorat tar-Riżorsi Umani (Ministeru għas-Saħħa,l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità) huma +356-2122 6285 u+356 - 2123 5890.9.2. A notification of the issue of the result will be dulypublished in the Government Gazette and will also appearon the website of the Public Servie Commission where itmay be accessed at: (http://www.psc.gov.mt). A press noticewill also be issued to all local media organizations.9.3. The result of the interviews will be published bythe Public Service Commission and exhibited on the noticeboardof the Office of the Public Service Commission andthat of the Ministry for Health, the Elderly and CommunityCare.9.4. Petitions objecting to the result in terms of Section1.1.17 of the Public Service Management Code are tobe submitted to the Executive Secretary, Public ServiceCommission, The Palace, Valletta, copying to the Head of theDepartment wherein the vacancy to be filled lies. Petitionsare to reach the Commission and the Head of Departmentwithin 10 working days from the date of publication in theGovernment Gazette of the notice of the issue of the result.10. The selected candidates will be medically examinedto ascertain that they are fit for the post.11. Application forms may either be downloaded fromthe following websites:http://www.<strong>doi</strong>.gov.mt/EN/employment_opp/recruitenglish.pdfhttp://www.mpo.gov.mt/downloads/recruitenglish.pdfhttp://www.health.gov.mt/forms/forms.htm#employmentor obtained from the Personnel Section, Ministry forHealth, the Elderly and Community Care, 6, Harper Lane,Floriana.12. Applications together with a curriculum vitaeindicating qualifications and experience, will be received inthe first instance by the Assistant Director, Human Resources(Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care)6, Harper Lane, Floriana by not later than noon (CentralEuropean Time) of Tuesday, 1st November, 2011.13. Applications received from abroad through a fax orother similar message by noon (Central European Time) ofTuesday, 1st November 2011 may be considered providedthat all requisite details are given. The formal applicationduly signed by the applicant must reach the AssistantDirector, Human Resources (Ministry for Health, the Elderlyand Community Care) by not later than one week after theclosing date together with an explanation for the delay.The fax numbers of the Directorate of Human Resources(Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care) are+356 – 2122 6285 and +356 - 2123 5890.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,71514.1 Tingħata rċevuta minnufih għal kull applikazzjonili titwassal sad-Direttorat tar-Riżorsi Umani (Ministerugħas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità) 6, Sqaq Harper,Floriana.14.2 Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu bil-posta għandhomikunu rreġistrati u jintbagħtu kmieni biżżejjed biex jaslufl-indirizz imsemmi qabel id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq. Id-Direttorattar-Riżorsi Umani (Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kurafil-Komunità) 6, Sqaq Harper, Floriana jibgħat irċevuta bilpostafi żmien sebat (7) ijiem għal dawn l-applikazzjonijiet.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011KUMMISSJONI DWAR IS-SERVIZZ PUBBLIKUPost ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologist fil-Ministerugħas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-KomunitàSkont klawsola 3.1 <strong>tal</strong>-Ftehim Kollettiv kurrenti,nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll ilfemminil.Il-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku tilqa’applikazzjonijiet biex jimtela l-post ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologistfil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità.2.1 Il-post ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologist għandu salarju ta’€13,870 fis-sena, li jiżdied b’€354.00 fis-sena sa massimuta’ €15,994 (Skala ta’ Salarju 12). Persuna fil-grad ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong>Technologist tiġi promossa fil-grad ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong> TechnologistAnzjan fi Skala 10 (€15,729 x €407.67 - €18,175) waraħames snin servizz fil-grad jekk tkun qdiet dmirha b’modsodisfaċenti.2.2. Persuna fil-grad ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologist li għandhaxi degree rikonoxxuta fid-Den<strong>tal</strong> Technology titqiegħedfi Skala 10 b’seħħ mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-ħatra tagħha jew mid-datata’ meta tingħata d-degree, skont liema data tiġi l-aħħar.Persuna fil-grad ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologist gradwata tiżdiedfis-salarju għal Skala 9 (€16,751 x €447.33 – €19,435)meta tagħlaq sentejn servizz fil-grad ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologistgradwata. Persuna fil-grad ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologist gradwatatiġi promossa għall-grad ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologist Anzjanwara sentejn servizz fil-grad ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologist jekktkun qdiet dmirha b’mod sodisfaċenti.2.3. Il-persuna nominata tkun intitolata għall-benefiċċji usoġġetta għall-kundizzjonijiet li jkunu stipolati fi kwalunkweftehim bejn il-<strong>Gvern</strong> u l-Union kompetenti.3. Il-ħatra, li tkun bi prova għal sena, hija full-time u taqa’taħt ir-regolamenti li jkunu fis-seħħ minn żmien għal żmienfis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> u fil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità. Il-persuna nominata tista’ tiġitrasferita skont l-esiġenzi tas-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.14.1 Applications delivered by hand will be acknowledgedin writing by the Directorate Human Resources (Ministry forHealth, the Elderly and Community Care) 6, Harper Lane,Floriana and a receipt will be given in hand at the time ofdelivery.14.2 Applications by post should be sent by registeredmail in sufficient time to ensure delivery by the abovedeadline. The applications will be acknowledged in writingby Directorate Human Resources (Ministry for Health, theElderly and Community Care) 6, Harper Lane, Florianawithin seven (7) days.18th October, 2011PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONPost of Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologist in the Ministryfor Health, the Elderly and Community CareIn accordance with clause 3.1 of the current CollectiveAgreement, nomenclatures denoting the male gender includealso the female gender.The Public Service Commission invites applications forthe filling of post of Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologist in the Ministry forHealth, the Elderly and Community Care.2.1 The post of Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologist carries a salaryof €13,870 per annum, rising by annual increments of€354.00 up to a maximum of €15,994 (Salary Scale 12). ADen<strong>tal</strong> Technologist will be promoted to the grade of SeniorDen<strong>tal</strong> Technologist in Salary Scale 10 (€15,729 x €407.67- €18,175) on completion of five years service in the grade,subject to satisfactory performance.2.2. A Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologist in possession of a recogniseddegree in Den<strong>tal</strong> Technology will be placed in Salary Scale10 with effect from his/her date of appointment or theconferment of his/her degree, whichever is the later. Agraduate Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologist will progress to Salary Scale 9(€16,751 x €447.33 - €19,435) on completion of two yearsservice as graduate Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologist. A graduate Den<strong>tal</strong>Technologist will be promoted to Senior Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologiston completion of two years service in the grade of Den<strong>tal</strong>Technologist, subject to satisfactory performance.2.3. The appointee will be entitled to such other benefitsand subject to such other conditions as may be stipulated inany pertinent agreement between the Government and thecompetent Union.3. The appointment, which is subject to a probationaryperiod of one year is on a full-time basis and is subject to therules governing from time to time the <strong>Malta</strong> Public Serviceand the Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care.It involves liability to transfer according to the exigencies ofthe <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service.

11,716 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,8184. Id-dmirijiet ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologist jinkludu:a) xogħol regolari ta’ rutina ta’ protheses fil-laboratorju;b) provvediment ta’ xogħol ta’ livell għoli u żviluppta’ koordinazzjoni tajba u ftehim mal-impjegati kliniċi(dentisti);ċ) żamma ta’ records eżatti skont il-proċeduri taddipartiment;d) twaqqif ta’ relazzjonijiet tajba ta’ xogħol ma’ sħabhafid-Den<strong>tal</strong> Technology u ma membri oħra <strong>tal</strong>-impjegati flisptar.e) żvilupp ta’ tagħrif kliniku tagħha billi tattendiattivitajiet edukattivi u kliniċi relevanti;f) tkun familjari mal-proċeduri kollha rilevanti għassigurtàfix-xogħol ta’ Den<strong>tal</strong> Technology;g) kull xogħol ieħor li jista jin<strong>tal</strong>ab mill-Principal,Assistant Principal jew Senior Technologist skont l-eżiġenzitas-servizz;h) dmirijiet oħra skont l-esiġenzi tas-Servizz skontstruzzjonijiet mogħtija mis-Segretarju Permanenti Ewlieni.i) tkun trid tagħmel użu mis-sistemi tat-Teknoloġija <strong>tal</strong>-Informatika li jkunu qed jintużaw fil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa,l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità;Aktar det<strong>tal</strong>ji dwar il-job description <strong>tal</strong>-post jistgħujinkisbu mit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Impjegati, Ministeru għas-Saħħa,l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità, 6, Sqaq Harper, Floriana.5. Sal-ħin u d-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għallapplikazzjonijiet,l-applikanti għandhom ikunu:(a) (i) ċittadini ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>; jew(ii) ċittadini ta’ Stati Membri oħra <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropeali għandhom jedd, għal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadiniMaltin fi kwistjonijiet ta’ impieg bis-saħħa ta’ leġiżlazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċ-ċaqliq ħieles<strong>tal</strong>-ħaddiema; jew(iii) ċittadini ta’ kwalunkwe pajjiż li għandhom jeddgħal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijietta’ impieg minħabba li jkunu japplikaw għal dak il-pajjiżleġiżlazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċċaqlieqħieles <strong>tal</strong>-ħaddiema; jew(iv) kwalunkwe persuni oħrali għandhom jedd għaltrattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet ta’impieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari tagħhom ma persunimsemmija f’(i), (ii) jew (iii), skont kif hemm fil-liġi jew filleġiżlazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati msemmijahawn fuq; jew4. The duties of a Den<strong>tal</strong> Technologist include:a) carrying out regular routine prosthetic work in thelaboratory;b) provision of a high standard of work and developmentof good coordination and understanding with clinical staff(Dentists);c) keeping accurate records in accordance withdepartmen<strong>tal</strong> procedures;d) establishment of good working relationships withDen<strong>tal</strong> Technology colleagues and other members of thehospi<strong>tal</strong> staff;e) development of his/her clinical knowledge by attendingrelevant educational and clinical activities;f) be familiar with all procedures relevant to safety in theservice of Den<strong>tal</strong> Technology;g) performance of any other duties which may berequested by the Principal, Assistant Principal or SeniorTechnologists in response to the exigencies of the Service;h) any other duties according to the exigencies of theService as directed by the Principal Permanent Secretary;i) making use of the Information Technology systemswhich may be in operation within the Ministry for Health,the Elderly and Community Care.Further details of the job description of the post may beobtained from the Personnel Section, Ministry for Health,the Elderly and Community Care, 6, Harper Lane, Floriana.5. By the closing time and date of this call for applications,applicants must be:(a) (i) citizens of <strong>Malta</strong>; or(ii) citizens of other Member States of the EuropeanUnion who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizensin matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation andtreaty provisions dealing with the free movement of workers;or(iii) citizens of any other country who are entitled toequal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related toemployment by virtue of the application to that country ofEU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the freemovement of workers; or(iv) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatmentto Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in termsof the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and treatyprovisions, on account of their family relationship withpersons mentioned in paragraph (i), (ii) or (iii); or

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,717(v) ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunu ngħataw statusta’ residenti li joqogħdu għal żmien twil f’<strong>Malta</strong> taħt irregolament4 tar-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2006 dwar “Status ta’Residenti li joqogħdu għal Żmien Twil (Ċittadini ta’ PajjiżiTerzi)”, jew li jkunu ngħataw permess ta’ residenza taħtir-regolament 18 (3) <strong>tal</strong>-istess regolamenti, flimkien malmembri<strong>tal</strong>-familja ta’ ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunungħataw permess ta’ residenza taħt ir-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2007dwar ir-Rijunifikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Familji.Għandu jin<strong>tal</strong>ab il-parir tad-Dipartiment taċ-Ċittadinanzau Expatriates skont il-ħtieġa fl-interpretazzjoni taddispożizzjonijietimsemmija hawn fuq.Il-ħatra ta’ kandidati msemmija f (ii), (iii), (iv) jew (v)hawn fuq teħtieġ il-ħruġ ta’ liċenza tax-xogħol f’dawk ilkażijietfejn hija meħtieġa skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoniu leġiżlazzjoni sussidjarja. Il-Korporazzjoni għax-Xogħol ut-Taħriġ għandha tiġi konsultata skont il-ħtieġa dwar din ilmaterja.b) ikunu kapaċi jikkomunikaw bil-Lingwa Maltija u bil-Lingwa Ingliża;ċ) ikollhom ċertifikat li juri li huma rreġistrati bħalaDen<strong>tal</strong> Technologist mal-Kunsill għall-ProfessjonijietKomplimentari għall-Mediċina (<strong>Malta</strong>);d) ikunu ta’ karattru morali tajjeb (applikanti li diġàqegħdin jaħdmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> jridujippreżentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47),filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra s-Servizz Pubbliku ta’<strong>Malta</strong> jridu jippreżentaw ċertifikat riċenti <strong>tal</strong>-kondotta maħruġmill-Pulizija jew Awtorità kompetenti oħra mhux aktar minnsitt (6) xhur qabel id-data ta’ din is-sejħa, u jindikaw jekk qattkinux impjegati mal-<strong>Gvern</strong> Malti u jagħtu d-det<strong>tal</strong>ji).6.1. Persuni rreġistrati mal-Kummissjoni Nazzjonaligħall-Persuni b’Diżabilità (KNPD) jistgħu jgawdu minn ‘bdilraġonevoli’ skont l-Artikolu 7 <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar OpportunitajietIndaqs (Persuni b’Diżabilità), (Kap. 413), anke jekk ma jkunuxjissodisfaw għal kollox il-parametri <strong>tal</strong>-eliġibbiltà għall-post.Dan basta jkunu jistgħu jwettqu d-dmirijiet relatati mal-postfl-essenza tagħhom, u sakemm ikun hemm qbil min-naħa <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju tar-Riżorsi Umani fl-Amministrazzjoni Pubblika uapprovazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku.6.2. Is-sottomissjonijiet skont din il-klawsola għandhomjintbagħtu mal-formola <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni u għandhomikunu msaħħa b’dokumenti relevanti li jinkludu evidenzadokumentata tar-reġistrazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-applikant/a mal-KNPD. Għandhom jingħataw ġustifikazzjonijiet raġunatimill-applikant/a għaliex ma jissodisfax/tissodisfax ilparametrikollha <strong>tal</strong>-eliġibbiltà u għaliex huma mistħoqqakunsiderazzjonijiet speċjali. Il-korrispondenza kollhagħandha tiġi indirizzata lill-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjaniu Kura fil-Komunità u tkun ikkupjata lill-KNPD.(v) third country nationals who have been granted longtermresident status in <strong>Malta</strong> under regulation 4 of the“Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)Regulations, 2006” or who have been granted a residencepermit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with familymembers of such third country nationals who have beengranted a residence permit under the “Family ReunificationRegulations, 2007”.The advice of the Citizenship and Expatriates Departmentshould be sought as necessary in the interpretation of theabove provisions.The appointment of candidates referred to at paragraphs(ii), (iii), (iv) or (v) above, would necessitate the issueof an employment licence in so far as this is required bythe Immigration Act and subsidiary legislation. TheEmployment and Training Corporation should be consultedas necessary on this issue.b) have the ability to communicate in the Maltese andEnglish Languages;c) be in possession of a certificate of registration asDen<strong>tal</strong> Technologist with the Council for the ProfessionsComplementary to Medicine (<strong>Malta</strong>);d) be of good moral character (applicants who are alreadyin the <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service must produce a Service andLeave Record Form (GP47); Those applying from outsidethe <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service must produce a recent certificate ofconduct issued by the Police or other competent Authoritynot earlier than six (6) months from the date of this call forapplications and state whether they have ever been in theMaltese Government Service giving details).6.1. Persons registered with the National Commissionfor Persons with a Disability (NCPD) may be givenreasonable accommodation in terms of Article 7 of the EqualOpportunities (Persons with Disability) Act, (Cap. 413),even if they do not satisfy in full the eligibility requirementsfor this post provided they can carry out, in essence, theduties related to the post and subject to the concurrence ofthe Public Administration HR Office and approval of thePublic Service Commission.6.2. Representations in terms of this clause should beattached to the application forms and supported with relevantdocuments which must also include documentary evidenceof registration with the NCPD. Reasoned justificationsshould be given by the applicant to substantiate the lack offull eligibility requirements and why reasoned considerationsare merited. All correspondence is to be addressed to theMinistry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care andcopied to the NCPD.

11,718 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,8187.1. Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollhagħandhom jintwerew b’ċertifikati u/jew dokumenti, illi kopjatagħhom għandha tkun jew mehmuża ma’ l-applikazzjonijew jintbagħtu separatament lill-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità, mhux aktar tard minn għaxartijiem ta’ xogħol mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq. Kopji mgħoddija bliscannerhuma aċċettabbli.7.2. Id-dokumenti oriġinali għandhom, mingħajreċċezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista.7.3. (a) Fejn jikkonċerna kwalifiki sottomessi b’risponsgħal din is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti humameħtieġa juru dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent maħruġamiċ-Ċentru Malti għal Rikonoxximent ta’ Kwalifiki u ta’Informazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill Malti għall-Kwalifiki, jew Awtoritàpertinenti oħra, skont il-każ. Din id-dikjarazzjoni għandhatiġi mehmuża mal-applikazzjoni, bl-oriġinali tintwera waqtl-intervista.(b) Dawk il-kandidati li għad m’għandhomx din iddikjarazzjonijkunu jistgħu japplikaw, iżda jridu jibagħtukopja tad-dikjarazzjoni lid-dipartiment/direttorat riċeventikif tkun għad-dispożizzjoni tagħhom u, f’ebda ċirkustanza,mhux aktar tard minn xahar mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq tas-sejħagħall-applikazzjonijiet. Applikanti li ma jilħqux jippreżentawdin id-dikjarazzjoni fi żmien xahar għal raġunijiet mhux filkontrolltagħhom, jistgħu jitolbu għal estensjoni b’xaharieħor lid-dipartiment/direttorat fejn qed jintlaqgħu l-applikazzjonijiet, u jindikaw b’mod ċar ir-raġunijiet għaddewmien.Talbiet għal estensjonijiet itwal minn dan ilperjodugħandhom jiġu sottomessi għall-kunsiderazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku.(ċ) L-applikanti huma eżentati milli jippreżentaw iddikjarazzjonimsemmija hawn fuq jekk ikollhom kwalifikimiksuba minn Universitajiet akkreditati jew istituzzjonijietakkreditati oħra li huma mniżżla u jistgħu jinkisbu millpaġna<strong>tal</strong>-MQRIC fis-sit <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill Malti għall-Kwalifiki(www.mqc.gov.mt/mqric). F’każ ta’ dubju, madankollu, il-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Għażla jista’ jwarrab din l-eżenzjoni u jitlob lillapplikant/abiex jippreżenta dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximentmaħruġa mill-MQRIC. F’dan il-każ, min japplika jingħataxahar ċans sabiex jippreżenta d-dikjarazzjoni, bil-possibbiltàta’ estensjoni kif imsemmi f’ sub-paragrafu (b) hawn fuq.8.1. Bord ta’ Għażla jintervista l-applikanti li jkunueliġibbli biex jitqies min ikun adatt għall-post.8.2 Avviż dwar il-ħruġ tar-riżultat jiġi ppubblikatfil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> u jitniżżel ukoll mill-website <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku fuq (http://www.psc.gov.mt). Joħroġ ukoll avviż fil-media lokali.8.3 Ir-riżultat <strong>tal</strong>-intervisti jiġi ppubblikat mill-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku u jiġi esebit fuq in-7.1. Qualifications and experience claimed must besupported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of whichshould either be attached to the application or sent separatelyto the Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Careby not later than ten (10) working days from the closing date.Scanned copies sent electronically are acceptable.7.2. Original certificates and/or testimonials are to beinvariably produced for verification at the interview.7.3. (a) With respect to qualifications produced in responseto this call for applications, applicants are required toproduce a recognition statement by the <strong>Malta</strong> QualificationsRecognition Information Centre (MQRIC) based within the<strong>Malta</strong> Qualifications Council, or by any other designatedauthority, as applicable. Such statement should be attached tothe application and the original presented at the interview.(b) Applicants who are not in possession of such astatement may still apply, provided that they submit a copy ofthe statement to the receiving department/directorate as soonas it is available and, in any case, by not later than one monthfrom the closing date of the call for applications. Applicantswho fail to present the required statement within the onemonthperiod for reasons beyond their control may requestan extension of this time limit, up to a further one month,from the department/directorate receiving the applications,indicating clearly the reasons for the delay. Requests forextensions beyond this period are to be submitted for theconsideration of the Public Service Commission.(c) Applicants are exempt from the above requirementsin respect of qualifications obtained from accrediteduniversities or other accredited institutions that are listedand available for download from the MQRIC page of the<strong>Malta</strong> Qualifications Council website (www.mqc.gov.mt/mqric). In cases of doubt, however, the Selection Board mayset aside this exemption and direct an applicant to procurea recognition statement from MQRIC. In such a case theapplicant shall be given one month to procure the statement,subject to the possibility of extension as provided for in subparagraph(b) above.8.1. Eligible applicants will be interviewed by a SelectionBoard to assess their suitability for the post.8.2. A notification of the issue of the result will be dulypublished in the Government Gazette and will also appearon the website of the Public Servie Commission where itmay be accessed at: (http://www.psc.gov.mt). A press-noticewill also be issued to all local media organizations.8.3 The result of the interviews will be published bythe Public Service Commission and exhibited on the notice

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,719notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-ServizzPubbliku u dik <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kurafil-Komunità.8.4. Oġġezzjonijiet għar-riżultat skont Sezzjoni 1.1.17<strong>tal</strong>-Public Service Management Code għandhom jiġusottomessi lis-Segretarju Eżekuttiv, Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku, Il-Palazz, Valletta, u kkupjati lill-Kaptad-Dipartiment fejn teżisti l-vakanza. L-oġġezzjonijietgħandhom jaslu għand il-Kummissjoni dwar is-ServizzPubbliku kif ukoll għand il-Kap tad-Dipartiment fi żmiengħaxart (10) ijiem ta’ xogħol mid-data <strong>tal</strong>-pubblikazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-avviż fil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.9. Applikanti magħżula jkunu jridu joqgħodu għal eżamimediku biex jiġi aċċertat li huma adatti għal dan il-post.10. Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni jistgħu jitniżżlu minndawn il-websites:http://www.<strong>doi</strong>.gov.mt/EN/employment_opp/recruitmalti.pdfhttp://www.mpo.gov.mt/downloads/recruitmalti.pdfhttp://www.health.gov.mt/forms/forms.htm#employmentjew jinkisbu mit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Impjegati, Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità, 6, Sqaq Harper,Floriana.11. L-applikazzjonijiet flimkien ma’ curriculum vitaeli għandha tinkludi kwalifiki u esperjenza jintlaqgħuprimarjament mill-Assistent Direttur, Riżorsi Umani(Ministru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità),6, Sqaq Harper, Floriana, mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar(Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew) ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-1 ta’ Novembru,2011.12. Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu minn barra minn <strong>Malta</strong>permezz ta’ fax jew ta’ xi messaġġ ieħor simili sa nofsinhar(Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew) ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-1 ta’ Novembru2011 jistgħu jiġu kkunsidrati basta jkollhom id-det<strong>tal</strong>ji kollhameħtieġa. L-applikazzjoni formali ffirmata mill-applikant/atrid tasal għand l-Assistent Direttur, Riżorsi Umani (Ministerugħas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità) mhux aktar tardminn ġimgħa wara d-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjonijiet ugħandha tingħata spjegazzjoni għad-dewmien. In-numri <strong>tal</strong>faxtad-Direttorat tar-Riżorsi Umani (Ministeru għas-Saħħa,l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità) huma +356-2122 6285 u+356 - 2123 5890.13.1 Tingħata rċevuta minnufih għal kull applikazzjonili titwassal sad-Direttorat tar-Riżorsi Umani (Ministerugħas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità) 6, Sqaq Harper,Floriana.board of the Office of the Public Service Commission andthat of the Ministry for Health, the Elderly and CommunityCare.8.4. Petitions objecting to the result in terms of Section1.1.17 of the Public Service Management Code are tobe submitted to the Executive Secretary, Public ServiceCommission, The Palace, Valletta, copying to the Head of theDepartment wherein the vacancy to be filled lies. Petitionsare to reach the Commission and the Head of Departmentwithin ten (10) working days from the date of publicationin the Government Gazette of the notice of the issue of theresult.9. The selected applicants will be medically examined toascertain that they are fit for the post.10. Application forms may either be downloaded fromthe following websites:http://www.<strong>doi</strong>.gov.mt/EN/employment_opp/recruitenglish.pdfhttp://www.mpo.gov.mt/downloads/recruitenglish.pdfhttp://www.health.gov.mt/forms/forms.htm#employmentor obtained from the Personnel Section, Ministry forHealth, the Elderly and Community Care, 6, Harper Lane,Floriana.11. Applications together with a curriculum vitaeindicating qualifications and experience, will be received inthe first instance by the Assistant Director, Human Resources(Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care)6, Harper Lane, Floriana by not later than noon (CentralEuropean Time) of Tuesday, 1st November, 2011.12. Applications received from abroad through a fax orother similar message by noon (Central European Time) ofTuesday, 1st November 2011 may be considered providedthat all requisite details are given. The formal application dulysigned by the applicant must reach the Assistant Director,Human Resources (Ministry for Health, the Elderly andCommunity Care) 6 Harper Lane, Floriana by not later thanone week after the closing date together with an explanationfor the delay. The fax numbers of the Directorate of HumanResources (Ministry for Health, the Elderly and CommunityCare) are +356 – 2122 6285 and +356 - 2123 5890.13.1 Applications delivered by hand will be acknowledgedin writing by the Directorate of Human Resources (Ministryfor Health, the Elderly and Community Care) 6, HarperLane, Floriana and a receipt will be given in hand at the timeof delivery.

11,720 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,81813.2 Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu bil-posta għandhomikunu rreġistrati u jintbagħtu kmieni biżżejjed biex jaslufl-indirizz imsemmi qabel id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq. Id-Direttorattar-Riżorsi Umani (Ministeru għas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kurafil-Komunità) 6, Sqaq Harper, Floriana jibgħat irċevuta bilpostafi żmien sebat (7) ijiem għal dawn l-applikazzjonijiet.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011l-Awtorità dwar il-mediĊiniOpportunitajiet ta’ Karrieramal-Awtorità dwar il-MediċiniL-Awtorità dwar il-Mediċini tilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għaldan li ġej:Pożizzjoni ta’ Quality Manager għal kuntratt definit ta’tliet snin fuq bażi full-time. (Permess <strong>tal</strong>-ETC: 165/2011;MPO/48/2006/05)Aktar tagħrif jinsab fuq il-website: (www.medicinesauthority.gov.mt).L-applikanti għandhom jibagħtu l-applikazzjoni tagħhomflimkien ma’ curriculum vitae det<strong>tal</strong>jat sal-Ġimgħa, il-21 ta’Ottubru, 2011 fuq l-indirizz: (marika.sciberras@gov.mt)(Tel. 2343 9141)It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011L-UNIVERSITÀ TA’ MALTASejħa għall-ApplikazzjonijietPost Part-Time ta’ Manager fuq il-ProġettiSparklet/Proġett <strong>tal</strong>-ERFSupporting open and closed reception systems in <strong>Malta</strong>,by Profiling, Action Research and Knowledge Transfer -proġett iffinanzjat mill-Fond Ewropew għar-RefuġjatiApplikanti huma meħtieġa jaħdmu fuq bażi part-timebħala Manager fuq il-Proġett fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-SocialPolicy u Social Work fil-Fakultà <strong>tal</strong>-Ekonomija, Mangementu Accountancy, biex jaħdmu fuq il-Proġett SPARKLET/ERF.L-applikanti jrid ikollhom ħiliet fl-immaniġġar fir-riċerka ufil-komunikazzjoni, motivati u kapaċi li jaħdmu waħedhomu jużaw l-inizjattiva tagħhom stess, preferibbilmentb’esperjenza rilevanti. Dan il-post se jkun offrut għallmassimuta’ 15-il siegħa fil-ġimgħa sa nofs Mejju 2012.2. Deskrizzjoni sħiħa <strong>tal</strong>-impieg, inklużi kondizzjonijietta’ eliġibbiltà li jinsabu fil-Folja ta’ Aktar Informazzjoniulterjuri.13.2 Applications by post should be sent by registeredmail in sufficient time to ensure delivery by the abovedeadline. The applications will be acknowledged in writingby the Directorate of Human Resources (Ministry for Health,the Elderly and Community Care) 6, Harper Lane, Florianawithin seven (7) days.18th October, 2011MEDICINES AUTHORITYCareer Opportunities withthe Medicines AuthorityThe Medicines Authority receives applications for thefollowing:Position of Quality Manager for a three year definitecontract on a full-time basis. (ETC Permit: 165/2011;MPO/48/2006/05).Further information may be viewed on the website:(www.medicinesauthority.gov.mt).Applicants are to submit their application together witha detailed curriculum vitae by not later than Friday, 21stOctober, 2011 addressed to: (marika.sciberras@gov.mt)(Tel. 2343 9141)18th October, 2011UNIVERSITY OF MALTACall for ApplicationsPart-time Post of Project ManagerSPARKLET/ ERF Project:Supporting open and closed reception systems in <strong>Malta</strong>by Profiling, Action Research and Knowledge Transfer– a project funded by the European Refugee FundApplications are invited for the part-time post of ProjectManager with the Department of Social Policy & SocialWork of the Faculty of Economics, Management andAccountancy, to work on the SPARKLET/ ERF Project.Applicants must be skilled in the management of researchand communication, motivated, capable of working on theirown and using their own initiative, preferably with priorrelevant work experience. This post will be offered for amaximum 15 hours per week until mid-May 2012.2. Fuller job description, including conditions foreligibility is contained in the Further Information Sheet.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,7213. L-applikanti għandu jkollhom:Grad rilevanti mill-Università preferibbilment fil-livell<strong>tal</strong>-Masters;Jafu tajjeb u jkollhom esperjenza fir-riċerka soċjali;Esperjenza preferibbilment fil-helping profession ukapaċità soċjalment orjentati u esperjenza ta’ xogħol ta’proġetti proattivi;Ikunu miftuħa għall-ħiliet u s-sistemi meħtieġa biexisostnu u jagħtu appoġġ lill-persuni vulnerabbli.4. Il-post għandu salarju ta’ €18.00 fis-siegħa.5. Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu l-ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda ta’ ċertifikati uisimijiet u indirizzi (jew emails) ta’ tliet referees. L-applikantijistgħu jibagħtu email lil: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.mt).Jew:Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda taċ-ċertifikatilid-Direttur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupptar-Riżorsi UmaniKamru 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu mhux aktar tard minnnofsinhar<strong>tal</strong>-Erbgħa. 26 ta’Ottubru 2011.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.6. Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214,Uffiċċji Amministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies).It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011L-Awtorità Maltija għall-Kompetizzjoni ugħall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-KonsumaturIngaġġ ta’ Economics Officer fuq Bażi ‘Back-to-Back’fl-Awtorità Maltija għall-Kompetizzjoni ugħall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-KonsumaturL-Awtorità Maltija għall-Kompetizzjoni u għall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Konsumatur tilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għall-postta’ Economics Officer fl-Uffiċċju għal-Kompetizzjoni.Il-ħatra, tkun fuq bażi full-time back-to-back għal żmienta’ sena. Is-salarju għal din il-ħatra hu ta’ €15,729 x €407.67- €18,175.02.3. Applicants should have in their possessions:A relevant university degree preferably at Master’slevel;Good knowledge and experience of social research;Preferably experience in a helping profession or sociallyorientedcapacity and experience of proactive project work;Openness to the skills and systems needed in empoweringand supporting vulnerable people.4. The post carries a salary of €18.00 per hour worked.5. Candidates should submit their letter of application,six copies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates and names and addresses (or emails) of threereferees. Applications may be sent by email to: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.mt).Or:Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one copy of the certificatesto:Director for Human ResourcesManagement and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>Msida, MSD 2080Applications should be received by not later than noon ofWednesday, 26th October 2011.Late applications will not be considered.6. Further information may be obtained from the Officefor Human Resources Management and Development,Administration Building, Room 214, or from the website:(http://www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies).18th October, 2011The <strong>Malta</strong> Competition andConsumer Affairs AuthorityPost of Economics Officer on a Back-to-BackBasis with the <strong>Malta</strong> Competition andConsumer Affairs AuthorityThe <strong>Malta</strong> Competition and Consumer Affairs Authorityinvites applications for the post of Economics Officer in theOffice for Competition.The appointment is on a full-time back-to-back basis fora period of one year. The salary attached to this appointmentis of €15,729 x €407.67 - €18,175.02

11,722 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,8181. Kriterji għall-EliġibbilitàSal-ħin u d-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għallapplikazzjonijiet,l-applikanti għandhom ikunu:-(a) (i) Ċittadini ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>; jew(ii) ċittadini ta’ Stat Membru ieħor <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropeali għandu jkollhom trattament ugwali għal ċittadini Maltinf’dak li jirrigwarda xogħol skont il-Liġi <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropeau trattati oħra li jirrigwardaw dwar moviment ħieles <strong>tal</strong>persuni;jew(iii) ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi oħra li huma intitolati għal istesstrattament bħal cittadini Maltin f’dak li huwa xogħol bissaħħa<strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni ta’ dak il-pajjiż u l-Liġi <strong>tal</strong>-UnjoniEwropea u trattati oħra li jirrigwardjaw il-moviment ħieles<strong>tal</strong>-ħaddiema; jew(iv) kull persuna oħra li hi intitolata għal trattament bħalaċittadin Malti f’materja li għandha x’taqsam ma’ impiegf’termini ta’ liġi jew liġijiet oħra msemmija hawn fuq bażita’ relazzjonijiet ta’ familja skont kif imsemmi dwar dawkil-persuni msemmija f’(a) (i), (ii) u (iii);(v) ċittadini ta ‘pajjiżi terzi li ngħataw status ta’ residentfit-tul f’<strong>Malta</strong> skont ir-regolament 4 <strong>tal</strong>-“Status ta ‘residentifit-tul (Ċittadini ta’ Pajjiżi Terzi), 2006” jew li jkunu ngħatawpermess ta ‘residenza skond ir-regolament 18 (3), flimkienmal-membri <strong>tal</strong>-familja ta ‘dawn iċ-ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzili ngħataw permess ta ‘residenza taħt ir-“Regolamenti tar-Rijunifikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Familja, 2007”;(b) ikunu kapaċi jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija u dikIngliża;(c) ikollhom, jew ikunu ġew approvati biex jingħataw,mill-anqas first degree rikonoxxuta, jew kwalifikarikonoxxuta, xierqa u komparabbli, fl-Ekonomija, fl-Istatistika, fl-Accountancy, fil-Kummerċ, fil-Finanzi jew fil-Banking, jew degree oħra rikonoxxuta, jew kwalifika oħrarikonoxxuta, xierqa u komparabbli, f’waħda minn dawn iddixxiplinibħala s-suġġett prinċipali. Iżda kandidat b’degreejew kwalifika rikonoxxuta xierqa komparabbli fl-Istatistika,Accountancy, fil-Kummerċ, fil-Finanzi jew fil-Banking iridjkun temm b’suċċess il-credits fl-Ekonomija.(d) ikunu ta’ karattru morali tajjeb (applikanti li humaimpjegati <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għandhom jippreżentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47); dawk il-persunili japplikaw minn barra s-Servizz Pubbliku Malti għandhomjippreżentaw ċertifikat <strong>tal</strong>-kondotta maħruġ mill-Pulizijajew awtorita’ kompetenti oħra mhux aktar kmieni minn sitt(6) xhur qabel id-data ta’ din is-sejħa, kif ukoll jgħidu jekkqatt kinux jaħdmu mal-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, u jagħtu d-det<strong>tal</strong>ji.1. Eligibility CriteriaBy the closing time and date of this call for applications,applicants must be: -(a) (i) citizens of <strong>Malta</strong>; or(ii) citizens of Member States of the EU who areentitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matter ofemployment by virtue of EU Legislation and treaty provisiondealing with the free movement of workers; or(iii) citizens of other country who are entitled toequal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related toemployment by virtue of the application to that country ofEU Legislation and treaty provision dealing with the freemovement of workers; or(iv) any other persons who are entitled to treatment ofMaltese citizens in matters related to employment in termsof the law or the above-mentioned EU Legislation and treatyprovisions, on account of their family relationship withpersons mentioned in paragraph (a) (i),(ii) or (iii);(v) third country nationals who have been granted longtermresident status in <strong>Malta</strong> under regulation 4 of the‘Status of Long-term Residents (Third Country Nationals)Regulations, 2006’ or who have been granted a residencepermit under regulation 18 (3) thereof, together with familymembers of such third country nationals who have beengranted a residence permit under the ‘Family ReunificationRegulations, 2007’;(b) able to communicate in the oral and written Malteseand English;(c) in possession, or have been approved for the award,of at least a recognized first degree, or a recognized,appropriate, comparable qualification, in Economics,Statistics, Accountancy, Commerce, Finance or Banking, orother recognised degrees, or other recognised, appropriate,comparable qualifications with any of these disciplines as amajor area of study. Provided that candidates with a degree orrecognized appropriate comparable qualification in Statistics,Accountancy, Commerce, Finance or Banking must havesuccessfully obtained course credits in Economics.(d) of good moral character (applicants who are alreadyin the <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service must produce a Service andLeave Record Form (GP47); those applying from outsidethe <strong>Malta</strong> Public Service must produce a recent certificateof conduct issued by the Police or other competent authoritynot earlier than six (6) months from the date of this call forapplications and state whether they have ever been in the<strong>Malta</strong> Government Service, giving details.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,7232. Dmirijiet PrinċipaliId-dmirijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Economics Officer għandhom, fostoħrajn, jinkludu s-segwenti:-(a) Tagħmel valutazzjonijiet tas-suq kif ikun meħtieġfl-investigazzjonijiet dwar l-antitrust u fil-valutazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>konċentrazzjonijiet;(b) Twettaq analiżi ekonomika meħtieġa flinvestigazzjonijietdwar l-antitrust u fil-valutazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>konċentrazzjonijiet;(c) Twettaq studji dwar is-swieq;(d) Tfassal rapporti ekonomiċi kif meħtieġ;(e) Tassisti fl-investigazzjonijiet;(f) Tiġbor u tanalizza data;(g) Tipprovdi parir ekonomiku skont il-ħtieġa.Sottomissjonijiet f’envelop issiġillat u mmarkat b’modċar “Post ta’ Ekonomista fuq bażi ‘back-to-back’, fl-Uffiċċjugħall-Kompetizzjoni” flimkien ma’ curriculum vitae u ċ-ċertifikati rilevanti għandhom ikunu indirizzati kif ġej:Iċ-ChairmanAwtorità Maltija għall-Kompetizzjoniu għall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-KonsumaturUffiċċju AmministrattivUffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kompetizzjoni ĠustaTriq il-Kanun, Sta Venerau għandhom jaslu f’dan l-indirizz sa mhux aktar tardminn nofsinhar tat-Tlieta 1 ta’ Novembru, 2011 jew bl-emaillil: (fair.trading@gov.mt).Permess <strong>tal</strong>-ETC: 208/2011MPO/98/2011/02It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011L-Awtorità Maltija għall-KompetiZZjoniu għall-Affarijiet <strong>tal</strong>-KonsumaturIngaġġ ta’ Konsulent Legali fuq bażi Part-Timemal-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-KompetizzjoniL-Awtorità Maltija għall-Kompetizzjoni u għall-Affarijiet<strong>tal</strong>-Konsumatur tinħtieġ tingaġġa Konsulent Legali fuqbażi part-time għal sena mal-Uffiċċju għall-Kompetizzjoni(minn hawn ’il quddiem imsejjaħ ‘l-Uffiċċju’) li d-dmirijietgħandhom jinkludu:(i) xogħol ta’ riċerka partikolarment dwar il-liġi u l-politika <strong>tal</strong>-kompetizzjoni fl-UE u Stati Membri oħra;2. Main DutiesThe duties of an Economics Officer, shall inter alia,include the following:(a) Conduct market assessments required in antitrustinvestigations and in the assessment of concentrations;(b) Perform economic analysis required in antitrustinvestigations and in the assessment of concentrations;(c) Conduct market studies;(d) Draw up economic reports as required;(e) Assist in investigations;(f) Compile and analyse data;(g) Provide economic advice as may be required.Submissions in a sealed envelope and clearly marked‘Post of Economics Officer on a back-to-back basis’, Officefor Competition’ together with a Curriculum Vitae andrelevant certificates are to be addressed as follows:The Chairman<strong>Malta</strong> Competition and Consumer Affairs AuthorityAdministration Support Services OfficeOffice for Fair TradingCannon Road, St Veneraand are to reach this address by not later than noon ofTuesday, 1st November 2011 or by email to: (fair.trading@gov.mt).Permess <strong>tal</strong>-ETC: 208/2011MPO/98/2011/0218th October, 2011<strong>Malta</strong> Competition and ConsumerAffairs AuthorityEngagement of a Legal Consultant on part-time basiswith the Office for CompetitionThe <strong>Malta</strong> Competition and Consumer Affairs Authorityis seeking to engage a Legal Consultant on a part-time basisfor one year with the Office for Competition (henceforth‘Office’) whose duties shall include:(i) to undertake research work particularly on EU andother Member States’ <strong>competition</strong> law and policy;

11,724 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818(ii) monitoraġġ u rapportar lid-Direttur Ġeneralidwar żviluppi internazzjonali fil-liġi u l-politika <strong>tal</strong>kompetizzjoni;(ii) to monitor and report to Director General oninternational developments in <strong>competition</strong> law and policy;(iii) assistenza fl-abbozzar ta’politika u proċeduri;leġiżlazzjoni, regoli,(iii) to assist in the drafting of legislation, rules, policiesand procedures;(iv) tħejjija ta’ rapporti, papers u dokumenti oħra dwaril-liġi u l-politika <strong>tal</strong>-kompetizzjoni;(v) assistenza fl-investigazzjoni u l-analiżi <strong>tal</strong>-każi;(vi) għajnuna fit-tfassil ta’ deċiżjonijiet;(vii) assistenza lill-Uffiċċju biex jipparteċipa fi programmiu inizjattivi nazzjonali u <strong>tal</strong>-UE;(viii) attendenza u parteċipazzjoni fl-laqgħat, konferenziu seminars; u(ix) ġeneralment biex jagħti pariri lid-Direttur Ġeneralifil-materja li tikkonċerna l-eżerċizzju <strong>tal</strong>-funzjonijiet tiegħu.Il-Konsulent Legali jimpenja ruħu li jwettaq id-dmirijietfedelment u b’diliġenza u li jaġixxi fl-aspetti kollha skont l-istruzzjonijiet jew direttivi mogħtija mid-Direttur Ġenerali,Uffiċċju għall-Kompetizzjoni.Is-salarju pagabbli lill-Konsulent Legali għandu jkunbir-rata ta’ €12,857.50 fis-sena u għandu jaħdem skont l-esiġenzi <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju.KwalifikiL-applikanti għandu jkollhom warrant biex jipprattikawil-professjoni ta’ Avukat f’<strong>Malta</strong>. Preferenza tingħata lillapplikantieliġibbli li jkollhom postgraduate degree jewpostgraduate diploma; jew degree komparabbli fil-Liġi<strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropea li tkopri l-liġi <strong>tal</strong>-kompetizzjoni fost l-oħrajn u li jkollhom esperjenza fl-applikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-liġi <strong>tal</strong>kompetizzjoni.Sottomissjonijiet f’envelop issiġillat u mmarkatb’mod ċar “Konsulent Legali Part-Time, Uffiċċju għall-Kompetizzjoni” flimkien ma’ curriculum vitae u ċertifikatirilevanti għandhom ikunu indirizzati kif ġej:Iċ-ChairmanAwtorità Maltija għall-Kompetizzjoni u għall-Affarijiet<strong>tal</strong>-KonsumaturUffiċċju AmministrattivUffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kompetizzjoni ĠustaTriq il-KanunSta Venerasa mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar <strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħa, 28 ta’Ottubru, 2011 jew bl-email lil (fair.trading@ gov.mt).It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011(iv) to draw up reports, papers and other documents on<strong>competition</strong> law and policy;(v) to assist in the investigation and analysis of cases;(vi) to assist in the drafting of decisions;(vii) to assist the Office in participating in EU andnational programmes and initiatives;(viii) to attend and participate in meetings, conferencesand seminars; and(ix) generally to give advice to the Director General inmatters concerning the exercise of his functions.The Legal Consultant undertakes to perform his/herduties faithfully and diligently and to act in all respectsaccording to the instructions or directives given to him/herby the Director General, Office for Competition.The salary payable to the Legal Consultant shall be at therate of €12,857.50 per annum and shall be expected to workaccording to the exigencies of the Office.QualificationsApplicants must be in possession of the warrant topractise the profession of Advocate in <strong>Malta</strong>. Preferencewill be given to eligible applicants who are in possessionof a postgraduate degree or postgraduate diploma or acomparable degree in European Union law, covering interalia <strong>competition</strong> law and who have previous experience inthe application of <strong>competition</strong> law.Submissions in a sealed envelope and clearly marked‘Part-Time Legal Consultant, Office for Competition’together with a Curriculum Vitae and relevant certificatesare to be addressed as follows:Chairman<strong>Malta</strong> Competition and ConsumerAffairs AuthorityAdministration Support Services OfficeOffice for Fair TradingTriq il-KanunSt Veneraby not later than noon on Friday, 28th October 2011 or byemail to (fair.trading@gov.mt).18th October, 2011

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,725MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIRiżultat ta’ Intervisti għall-Postta’ Senior Agricultural Officerfil-Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u l-Affarijiet RuraliIs-Segretarju Permanenti, Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u l-Affarijiet Rurali, jgħarraf illi r-riżultat <strong>tal</strong>-intervisti għallpostimsemmi hawn fuq ġie ppubblikat u wieħed jista’ jarahfuq in-notice-board prinċipali fid-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-PeopleManagement and Support Services, Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu l-Affarijiet Rurali, Blokk ‘A’, Triq Francesco Buonamici,Floriana, u fuq in-notice board <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjonidwar is-Servizz Pubbliku, Il-Palazz, Il-Belt Valletta.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011MINISTRY FOR RESOURCESAND RURAL AFFAIRSResult of Interviews for the Postof Senior Agricultural Officerin the Ministry for Resources and Rural AffairsThe Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Resources andRural Affairs, notifies that the result of the interviews forthe above-mentioned post has been published and can beviewed on the main notice-board at the People Managementand Support Services Directorate, Ministry for Resourcesand Rural Affairs, Block ‘A’, Triq Francesco Buonamici,Floriana, and on the notice-board of the Office of the PublicService Commission, The Palace, Valletta.18th October, 2011MINISTERU GĦAS-SAĦĦA, L-ANZJANIU KURA FIL-KOMUNITÀRiżultat <strong>tal</strong>-Intervista għall-post ta’Junior Legal Officer fil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa,l-Anzjani u Kura fil-KomunitàIs-Segretarju Permanenti jgħarraf illi wieħed jista’ jarar-riżultat għall-intervista għall-postijiet imsemmija hawnfuq fin-notice-board prinċipali fil-Ministeru għas-Saħħa,l-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità, 15, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-BeltValletta, u fuq in-notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjonidwar is-Servizz Pubbliku, Il-Palazz, Il-Belt Valletta.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011MINISTRY FOR HEALTH, THE ELDERLYAND COMMUNITY CAREResult of Interview for Post ofJunior Legal Officer in the Ministry for Health,the Elderly and Community CareThe Permanent Secretary notifies that the result of theinterview for the abovementioned posts may be viewed on themain notice-board in the Ministry for Health, the Elderly andCommunity Care, 15, Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta, and on thenotice-board of the Office of the Public Service Commission,The Palace, Valletta.18th October, 2011Direttorat għal ServizziEdukattivi (DSE)Riżultati <strong>tal</strong>-Intervisti għall-Postijietfid-Direttorat għal Servizzi Edukattivi (DSE)Id-Direttorat għal Servizzi Edukattivi (DSE) jgħarraf illiwieħed jista’ jara r-riżultati għall-intervisti għall-postijietimsemmija hawn taħt fin-notice-board tad-Direttorat għalServizzi Edukattivi (DSE), Floriana, fuq in-notice-board<strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni għas-Servizz Pubbliku, Il-Palazz, Il-BeltValletta u fuq in-notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Assistent Direttur <strong>tal</strong>-Edukazzjoni, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex.Il-postijiet huma li ġejjin:Supply Kindergarten AssistantsSupply Teachers (Suġġetti Varji)Supply Learning Support AssistantsIt-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Directorate for EducationalServices (DES)Results of Interview for Posts in the Directoratefor Educational Services (DES)The Directorate for Educational Services (DES) notifiesthat the results of the interviews for the undermentioned postsmay be viewed on the notice-board of the Directorate forEducational Services (DES), Floriana, on the notice-boardof the Public Service Commission, The Palace, Valletta andon the notice-board of the Assistant Director of Education,Victoria, Gozo.The posts are the following:Supply Kindergarten AssistantsSupply Teachers (Various Subjects)Supply Learning Support Assistants18th October, 2011

11,726 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818ATT TAL-1993 DWAR KUNSILLI LOKALI(A.L. 54 <strong>tal</strong>-2010)Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2010 dwar KumitatiAmministrattivi għal KomunitajietBis-saħħa tar-regolament 88 tat-Tielet Skeda <strong>tal</strong>-Att <strong>tal</strong>-1993 dwar Kunsilli Lokali, u kif stabbilit bir-regolament 4 <strong>tal</strong>-Avviż Legali Nru. 54 <strong>tal</strong>-2010, il-Kummissjonarji Elettoralib’dan javżaw illi se ssir elezzjoni każwali biex jimtela l-postta’ Membru <strong>tal</strong>-Kumitat Amministrattiv għall-Komunità ta’Kappara (San Ġwann).LOCAL COUNCILS’ ACT, 1993(L.N. 54 of 2010)Administrative Committees for CommunitiesRegulations, 2010By virtue of regulation 88 of the Third Schedule of theLocal Councils’ Act, 1993, and as established by regulation 4of Legal Notice No. 54 of 2010, the Electoral Commissionershereby notify that a casual election is being held to fill thevacancy of a Member of the Administrative Committee forthe Community of Kappara (San Ġwann).SALV. GaUCIKummissjonarju Elettorali PrinċipaliSALV. GaUCIChief Electoral CommissionerUffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni Elettorali,Evans Building,Misraħ Sant’Jiermu,Il-Belt Valletta.It-18 ta’ Ottubru 2011Office of the Electoral Commission,Evans Building,St Elmo Square,Il-Belt Valletta.18th October, 2011ATT TAL-1993 DWAR KUNSILLI LOKALI(A.L. 54 <strong>tal</strong>-2010)Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2010 dwar KumitatiAmministrattivi għal KomunitajietSkont id-dispożizzjonijiet tar-regolament 89 tat-TieletSkeda <strong>tal</strong>-Att <strong>tal</strong>-1993 dwar Kunsilli Lokali, il-KummissjonarjiElettorali javżaw illi huma se jkunu fl-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni Elettorali, Evans Building, Misraħ Sant’Jiermu,Il-Belt Valletta, nhar il-Erbgħa 19, il-Ħamis 20 u l-Ġimgħa,21 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 mill-10.00 a.m. sa nofsinhar biex jirċievunominazzjonijiet ta’ kandidati għall-elezzjoni każwali ta’Membru <strong>tal</strong>-Kumitat Amministrattiv għall-Komunità ta’Kappara (San Ġwann).LOCAL COUNCILS’ ACT, 1993(L.N. 54 of 2010)Administrative Committees for CommunitiesRegulations, 2010In accordance with the provisions of regulation 89 of theThird Schedule of the Local Councils’ Act, 1993, the ElectoralCommissioners notify that they will be in attendance at theOffice of the Electoral Commission, Evans Building, St ElmoSquare, Il-Belt Valletta on Wednesday 19th, Thursday 20thand Friday 21st October, 2011 from 10.00 a.m. to noon toreceive nominations of candidates for the casual election of aMember of the Administrative Committee for the Communityof Kappara (San Ġwann).SALV. GaUCIKummissjonarju Elettorali PrinċipaliSALV. GaUCIChief Electoral CommissionerUffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni Elettorali,Evans Building,Misraħ Sant’Jiermu,Il-Belt Valletta.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Office of the Electoral Commission,Evans Building,St Elmo Square,Il-Belt Valletta.18th October, 2011

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11,730 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Att dwar il-LiĊenzi <strong>tal</strong>-KummerĊ (Kap. 441)Trading Licences Act (Cap. 441)Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2006 li jemendaw il-Liċenzi <strong>tal</strong>-KummerċTrading Licences (Amendment) Regulations 2006Skont id-dispożizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-artikolu 10 tar-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2006 li jemendawil-Liċenzi <strong>tal</strong>-Kummerċ, id-Diviżjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Kummerċ (Sezzjoni għal Liċenzar <strong>tal</strong>-Kummerċ) qiegħda hawnhekk tippubblika lista ta’ liċenzi maħruġa:In terms of section 10 of the Trading Licences (Amendment) Regulations 2006,the Commerce Division (Trade Licensing Unit) is hereby publishing a list of issuedlicences:It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 201118th October, 2011Detentur <strong>tal</strong>-Liċenza I. D. Nru. Isem Tal-Ħanut Indirizz Lokalità Attività Kummerċjali LiċenzaMaħruġaLicence Holder I. D. No. Name of Shop Address Locality Commercial Activity LicenceIssuedTipTypeSalvu Schembri oboSeaview & Sons LtdMaria (MariaAssunta) Attard0938744M Pitstop PetrolStation0390472M A1, Hal Warda Complex,Triq Hal WardaTriq l-Imdina Attard Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailAttard Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesEmanuel Busuttil 0117667M Tal-Paradise Triq il-Pitkali Attard Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesLara Martin 0222591M Lara’s Nail& BeautyKevin Paul Spiteriobo Business WorksLtdDavid Grima oboMediterranean CraftsLtdTriq il-Linja Attard Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal services0480590M Mensworks Triq Haz-Zebbug Attard Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0307860M MediterraneanCeramicsTa’ Qali Attard Kategorija II - Attivitajiet <strong>tal</strong>-manifatturaCategory II - Manufacturing activitiesPhilip Azzopardi 0399858M Roots 54, Triq Kananea Attard Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailMichael Portelli 0242468M Michael Portelli& Anna PortelliATD020, QasamIndustrijali AttardStephen Debono 0047373M Indistrea A1, Hal WardaComplex, Triq HalWardaAttard Kategorija II - Attivitajiet <strong>tal</strong>-manifatturaCategory II - Manufacturing activitiesAttard Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business services14.12.07 New Application26.10.09 New Application03.08.11 New Application08.08.11 New Application12.07.11 New Application11.08.11 New Application12.08.11 New Application29.08.11 New Application19.09.11 New Application

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,731Anthony Micallef 0226669M Verre De Mic 46, Ta’ Qali Attard Kategorija II - Attivitajiet <strong>tal</strong>-manifatturaCategory II - Manufacturing activitiesJesmond Bondin obo<strong>Malta</strong> Fairs &Conventions Centre19.09.11 Transfer byInheritance0402963M MFCC, Ta’ Qali Attard 05.07.11 Commercial FairJoseph Camilleri 0325479M Sacha’s Textiles Wied Hal Balzan Balzan Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailCarmelo Muscat 0430467M Filomena Garage 177, Triq IgnazioSaverio MifsudBirkirkara Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailPaul Darmanin 0384767M Emmaus Triq S. Sommier Birkirkara Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailChristine Bezzina 0369886M Estee Beauty Salon 68, Triq il-Karmnu Birkirkara Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesWilliam Gauci oboStereo Vision LtdCarmel Farrugia oboJarrow Co Ltd0520973M Stereo Vision Triq Wignacourt Birkirkara Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0174955M Centerpoint Building,Triq Dun KarmLee Said 0140382M <strong>Malta</strong> Nutrition- ManyuMelanie Cutajar 0416183M Mane’s HairdressingBirkirkara Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business services33, Triq Ganu Birkirkara Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesTriq Ignazio SaverioMifsudMiriam Briffa 0025756M St. Julian Garage Triq l-Ewwel ta’MejjuBirkirkara Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesBirkirkara Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesJoseph Debono 0484658M Casa In Triq it-Torri Birkirkara Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailWilliam Rizzo 0010754M Rizzo ServiceStationMario-Lino Gusman 0351069M Horsepower HandlingSolutionsTriq Dun GejtanuMannarino3, Triq San Gwakkin(Zona Industrijali,Mriehel)Birkirkara Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailBirkirkara Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailPhilbert Borg 0306583M 71, Triq L. Casolani Birkirkara Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and businessservicesTarcisju Borg 0704546M Winter AutoDealerTriq l-Imsida Birkirkara Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail06.10.09 Reactivation22.12.10 New Application19.12.07 New Application23.08.11 New Application03.11.08 New Application01.06.09 New Application07.07.11 New Application04.07.11 New Application01.09.11 New Application10.08.11 New Application18.07.11 New Application04.08.11 New Application26.08.11 New Application27.07.11 New Application

11,732 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Tancred Tabone oboOnline Trading Ltd0793652M Online Trading Ltd 1, Triq il-Birrerija(Zona Industrijali,Mriehel)Jesmond Micallef 0196368M J. Micallef MeatMarketBirkirkara Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailTriq Notabile Birkirkara Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesAnna Aquilina 0399859M 350, Triq in-Naxxar Birkirkara Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailGordon Deguara 0314374M V & J Self Service 194, Triq il-Bwieraq Birkirkara Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesGeorge Mifsud 0312253M Infusioni, Saporedel Mondo70, Triq in-Naxxar Birkirkara Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesRose Marie Camilleri 0456589M Mgarr Fruit & Veg Triq il-Passju Birkirkara Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesMaria Elanie Borg 0378586M 8, Triq DomenicoCachiaBirkirkara Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailEdwin Micallef 0506577M 9, Triq l-Imsida Birkirkara Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesEugenio Bartolo 0596661M Coach & Horses Triq il-Wied ta’l-ImsidaAnthony Sammut oboIdea Casa Co LtdMario Gauci oboCarmelo Delia & SonsSergio Gauci obo IdeaCasa Co Ltd0017274M Idea Casa Triq il-Wied ta’l-ImsidaBirkirkara Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesBirkirkara Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0704159M Carmelo Delia Triq il-Wied Birkirkara Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0297280M Idea Casa Triq il-Wied ta’l-ImsidaBirkirkara Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailTeresa Micallef 0107039M 87, Triq San Patrizju Birzebbuga Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailMariella Debono 0060674M Eastern MiniMarketTriq Santa Katarina Birzebbuga Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beverages06.09.11 New Application09.09.11 Change/Additionin Category14.09.11 Change/Additionin Category27.07.11 Transfer27.07.11 Transfer14.09.11 Transfer17.08.11 Transfer20.09.11 Transfer14.09.11 Extension ofTime06.07.11 Commercial Fair31.08.11 Commercial Fair20.09.11 Commercial Fair05.11.08 New Application14.07.11 New Application

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,733Joseph Carabott 0054362M St Anthony 59, Il-Bajja s-Sabiha Birzebbuga Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSalvatore Camilleri 0273367M Koupeus HairDesignAnthony Micallef oboThe Cathedral GroupLtd0484651M Cathedral Optical 28/30, Triq SantaKatarina1, Triq Sant’Anglu Birzebbuga Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesBirzebbuga Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailRaymond Vella 0085067M 83, Triq Zarenu Dalli Birzebbuga Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesJosmar Agius 0151570M Headline Boutique 48, Triq San Frangisk Bormla Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailDeborah Debono 0479770M Rags and Riches 45, Triq San Frangisk Bormla Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailCarmel Seychell 0014774M The Butcher Shop Triq Hompesch Fgura Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesChristopher Cutajar 0356470M 280, Triq Hompesch Fgura Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailCharmaine Delia 0036779M Magic PenStationeryTriq il-Karmnu Fgura Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailWilliam Wait 0253668M Holistika 71, Triq il-Karmelitani Fgura Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesGiuseppe Ferranti 0064816A Ferranti ModaMotori247/14, TriqHaz-ZabbarFgura Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailMaris Young 0733862M 28, Triq is-Suq Floriana Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and businessservicesJoseph Sultana 0026368G The Colour Centre Triq l-Imrejzbiet GhajnsielemFrancis Pullicino oboTransient Light &Sound LtdKategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0309950M 1, Triq Stiefnu Zerafa Gharghur Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and businessservicesRuth Micallef 0179073M La Riva 39-41, Triq it-Terha Ghaxaq Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail06.07.11 New Application09.09.11 New Application09.09.11 Transfer26.10.09 Reactivation31.08.11 Transfer17.08.11 Transfer27.07.09 New Application24.04.09 New Application06.07.11 Change/Additionin Category15.09.11 Transfer25.08.11 Reactivation12.08.11 New Application12.09.11 Transfer byInheritance27.07.11 New Application24.03.09 New Application

11,734 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Carren Grech 0144679M Straights & Waves Triq l-Ewwel ta’Jannar 1626Ghaxaq Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesMark Micallef 0398984M Tony’s Dawret Hal Ghaxaq Ghaxaq Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailJosephine Abela 0768361M X-Treme Hair Care 1, Triq it-Terha Ghaxaq Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesGeorge Barbara 0393269M It-Turretta SelfService1, Triq ic-Combini Ghaxaq Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesTerry Grech 0283585M 4, Dawret Hal Ghaxaq Ghaxaq Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailMarouska Farrugia 0361683M Beautelle Health& BeautyRuth Gatt 0258272M It-Turretta SelfServiceChristoph Doll oboLidl <strong>Malta</strong> LtdChristoph Doll oboLidl <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd6, Triq San GorgPrecaGhaxaq Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal services2, Triq it-Tilliera Ghaxaq Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail258409723 Lidl Triq Tal-Barrani Ghaxaq Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beverages258409723 Lidl Triq Tal-Barrani Ghaxaq Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesZarin Barbara 0378186M Brush & CombSalonAdrian Stivala oboOk LtdShop 2, Triq HalTarxienGudja Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal services0849453M Ok Home 6, Triq Tas-Sliema Gzira Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailJoseph Camilleri 0551153M Beauty & Style 145, Triq ir-Rebha Gzira Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesJoseph Baldacchino 0256956M K Mart Triq Nazju Ellul Gzira Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesClaudio Sciberras 0132680M Moto World 45, Triq Tas-Sliema Gzira Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailHarold John Wallsobo C & H Investments Co Ltd0284058M Spice 40, Triq Dun NerikCordina PerezHamrun Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail03.09.10 New Application19.07.11 New Application01.09.11 New Application09.08.11 Change/Additionin Category24.11.10 Transfer14.07.11 Transfer14.09.11 Transfer19.07.11 Commercial Fair07.09.11 Commercial Fair12.07.11 Transfer03.11.08 New Application23.08.11 New Application30.12.08 Change/Additionin Category28.07.11 Transfer05.11.08 New Application

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,735Giovanni Saliba oboGO Plc0755559M GO Retail Outlet 132, Triq il-Kbira SanGuzeppKevin Baldacchino 0136472M Manuel’s Garage 3, Misrah is-Sebghata’ Gunju 1919Daren Fenech oboMaxi Trade LtdHamrun Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailHamrun Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0473172M Taps & More 296, Triq Mountbatten Hamrun Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailEmanuel Attard 0472244M Ksnjana 743, Triq il-Kbira SanGuzeppJoseph Francis Scerri 0214062M David Car Imports 56, Triq ManuelMagriJonathan Vella 0257688M William Transport& RemovalServicesLee Satariano oboGaba Co Ltd13, Triq Dun NerikCordina PerezHamrun Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailHamrun Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailHamrun Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and businessservices0233474M Gaba Triq in-Naxxar Iklin Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailJoseph Gauci 0052968M So Galerie Floor 2,3, TriqGeronimo AbosIklin Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesVictoria Bezzina 0503563M 263, Triq in-Naxxar Iklin Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailJosephine Vella 0395561M 1, Triq l-Iklin Iklin Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesRodney Ellul 0503282M 145, Triq il-Vitorja Isla Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailJohn Cutajar 0146780M 5, Misrah l-Erbgha ta’Settembru, Blokk 6Susanna Aquilina 0561655M Bighis Triq il-MissjoniTaljanaDomenic Brignone 0375171M Jeffrey’sDetergents ShopAndrew Cohen 0247781M Troy DVD Rent &StationerySalvu Ellul obo ElbrosConstruction LtdMarco Camilleri oboGeneral MaintenanceLtd39, Triq GanniRaimondo4A, Misrah ArcisqofGonziIsla Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKalkara Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesKalkara Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKalkara Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0524860M Elbros Triq l-Industrija Kirkop Kategorija IV – Servizzi ta’ kostruzzjoniCategory IV - Construction services0160362M General MaintenanceLtdTriq l-Industrija Kirkop Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business services21.07.09 New Application19.07.11 New Application29.07.11 Transfer30.08.11 Transfer20.09.11 Transfer09.09.11 Transfer byInheritance30.06.11 New Application16.08.11 New Application12.07.11 Change/Additionin Category28.07.11 Transfer14.09.11 Transfer24.08.11 Reactivation07.09.11 New Application09.01.09 Change/Additionin Category24.08.11 Reactivation07.07.11 New Application07.07.11 New Application

11,736 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Rokku Camilleri 0121041M Fashion Trends Triq Salvu Sacco Kirkop Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesNorbert Bellia 0372081M Bellia Car Hire Osibisa, Triq TumasGaleaCarmel Farrugia oboFarrug Co LtdLuqa Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business services0174955M Centrepoint Triq Valletta Luqa Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailNoel Vella 0104070M Allwinds Triq il-Kunsill ta’l-EwropaLuqa Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailBernard Cascun 0165388M 21, Misrah Tal-Knisja Luqa Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesGodwin Vella 0434669M Midas Stationery 55, Triq Dun Pawl Luqa Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailChristoph Doll oboLidl <strong>Malta</strong> LtdChristoph Doll oboLidl <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd258409723 Lidl Triq il-Karmnu Luqa Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beverages258409723 Lidl Triq il-Karmnu Luqa Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesBrandon Sam Brincat 0133694M 116, Triq Isouard Marsa Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesGodwin HermannNavarro obo GreenCompounding Co LtdMario Gauci oboBurmarrad CommercialsLtdWesley Daniel Daviesobo Davies DesignGroup Ltd0535944M GreenCompoundingCo LtdMRA009, QasamIndustrijaliMarsa Kategorija II - Attivitajiet <strong>tal</strong>-manifatturaCategory II - Manufacturing activities0205857M 49/50, Triq it-Tigrija Marsa Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0274100L E-MotionSignworks104, Triq PrinceAlbertMarsa Kategorija II - Attivitajiet <strong>tal</strong>-manifatturaCategory II - Manufacturing activitiesPacifica Richards 0124062M Ambika Triq Tal-Gardiel Marsaskala Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beverages09.08.11 Change/Additionin Category01.12.08 New Application21.07.11 New Application12.09.11 New Application27.07.11 Transfer19.07.11 Reactivation14.07.11 Commercial Fair07.09.11 Commercial Fair04.07.11 New Application06.07.11 New Application18.07.11 Transfer16.08.11 Transfer04.11.08 New Application

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,737Redent Briffa 0506264M Hasta La Vista Triq Sant’Antnin Marsaskala Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesRita Masters 0031555M Candy Corner Triq Salvu Buhagiar Marsaskala Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesNathan Farrugia 0472973M Inspire Triq iz-Zinzell Marsaskala Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailNathan Farrugia 0472973M Inspire Triq iz-Zinzell Marsaskala Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailNathan Farrugia 0472973M Inspire Triq iz-Zinzell Marsaskala Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailNathan Farrugia 0472973M Inspire Triq iz-Zinzell Marsaskala Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailJoseph Debono 0296549M 7A, Triq San Pietru Mdina Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailJoseph Zahra 0545075M Ex-Belmar L-Armier, Limiti <strong>tal</strong>- Mellieha Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesEdwin Muscat 0585763M 14B, Triq Sant’Elena Mellieha Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesJoseph Borg 0902348M 130, Triq Gorg BorgOlivierMelchisedechCamilleriLeo Grech obo AILLtdMellieha Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0358375M Paperweight 116, Triq il-Kbira Mellieha Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0163950M ParamountCoachesGarage 7, Triq il-FortizzaMosta Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailJosephine Galea 0251767M Frott Artna 4, Triq il-Pizatur Mosta Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesBrian Borg oboJabrico LtdAlexander Hilton obo<strong>Malta</strong> Bikes Ltd0368072M CentreConvenience StoreTriq il-Kostituzzjoni Mosta Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0052571A <strong>Malta</strong> Bikes Ltd 46A, Triq Anglu Gatt Mosta Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailNazzareno Calleja 0978944M St Joseph 19, Wesghet MarcoMontebelloMosta Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailEmanuele Borg 0028360M Big Palm Triq Guzeppi Callus Mosta Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail16.08.11 New Application23.06.11 Transfer21.07.11 Car Boot Sale21.07.11 Car Boot Sale18.08.11 Car Boot Sale18.08.11 Car Boot Sale08.07.11 Change/Additionin Category01.09.11 New Application04.07.11 Transfer21.07.11 Transfer19.09.11 Transfer23.03.09 New Application20.07.11 New Application26.07.11 New Application03.08.11 New Application14.07.11 Change/Additionin Category23.06.11 Change/Additionin Category

11,738 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Alexander Agius 0111971M Systems 82, Triq il-Kbira Mosta Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSaviour Chetcuti oboSavhil Co Ltd0825551M Bag It ShoeBoutique & Accessorize177, Triq il-KostituzzjoniMosta Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailMandy Kitcher 0565488M Kitch Triq is-Sghajtar Mosta Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesJean Paul Paris 0169283M Adanac Vjal l-Indipendenza Mosta Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesKevin (John-Kevin)Farrugia obo GeorgeFarrugia & Sons0033969M Farrugia Retail 2, Triq il-Kbira Mosta Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailAndre’ Zahra 0385180M Sejba CrushingPlantJoseph Zahra 0164456M Bitmac MixingPlantFrederick Gatt 0001776M Tech AdvanceSecurity SystemBoris Noel Xerri oboCorman Services Ltd0420868M Corman ServicesLtdTriq Tas-Sejba Mqabba Kategorija II - Attivitajiet <strong>tal</strong>-manifatturaCategory II - Manufacturing activitiesTriq is-Siggiewi Mqabba Kategorija IV – Servizzi ta’ kostruzzjoniCategory IV - Construction servicesTriq Tal-Hriereb Msida Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail22, Suite 2, Triqit-TorriMsida Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesChristopher Bonello 0133477M Toyco 31/32, Triq il-Bacir Msida Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKevin Portelli 0505372M 149, Triq D’Argens Msida Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesVictor Chircop 0193873M PC Serv Triq l-Imhallef PaoloDebonoEmanuel Galea 0021951M Unisex Hair Salon 39, Triq AntonioBosioMsida Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailMsida Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesAngelica Pisani 0224189M 4, Triq Frans Galea Mtarfa Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesMary Gaerty obo G.S.Rec Ltd0655752M G.S. Rec Ltd Unit 1, Triq ir-Ramla Naxxar Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business services22.07.10 Transfer28.07.11 Transfer12.07.11 Transfer04.07.11 Transfer08.07.11 Reactivation01.09.11 New Application19.09.11 Change/Additionin Category13.06.11 New Application08.08.11 New Application21.07.11 New Application28.06.11 Change/Additionin Category12.07.11 Transfer07.09.11 Reactivation09.09.11 New Application04.02.09 New Application

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,739Silvia Sciberras 0099571M All for Pets Kent Crt, No 1, TriqSan PawlNaxxar Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailPaul Caruana 0138068M Mr. Maxims Junior Triq San Pawl Naxxar Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesCharmaine Galea 0040484M Hairology Shop 1, Triq LeliFalzonNaxxar Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesDominic Bonnici 0626159M 18, Triq il-Mosta Naxxar Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailChristiane Ramsay 0055712A 29, Palazzo Parisio,Pjazza VittorjaPriscilla AinhoaGrisctiNaxxar Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal services0058786M Exodus Triq l-Imnara Naxxar Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailRoberta Grech 0387289M Beauty Secrets byRobertaChristiane Ramsay 0055712A 29, Palazzo Parisio,Pjazza VittorjaPaul Camilleri 0378452M VictoryConfectionery92, Triq il-Qoton Naxxar Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesNaxxar Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesTriq il-Bjad Naxxar Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesJosette Leonardi 0081554M 39, Triq Lampuka Paola Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesJoseph Muscat obo4JM Solutions00993364M 4JM Solutions Unit 2110, QasamIndustrijali KordinPaola Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and businessservicesJade Grech 0481790M Hair Dazzle Triq l-Ibjar Paola Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesRaymond Camilleriobo Camray MarbleWorks Ltd0166162M Camray MarbleWorks LtdKW4, QasamIndustrijali KordinJohn Bonello 0350558M 56-58, Triq Haz-ZabbarYunwei Dai oboTenda Ltd0019879A Tenda Pjazza AntoineDe PaulePaola Kategorija II - Attivitajiet <strong>tal</strong>-manifatturaCategory II - Manufacturing activitiesPaola Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailPaola Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail03.11.08 New Application09.04.09 New Application04.07.11 New Application07.07.11 New Application22.07.11 New Application20.09.11 Transfer23.08.11 Transfer22.07.11 Transfer byInheritance09.03.09 Reactivation18.03.10 New Application26.02.09 New Application30.06.11 New Application12.07.11 New Application08.07.11 New Application16.08.11 New Application

11,740 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Lawrence Cachia 0841638M 70, Triq Sammat Paola Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSandro (Alexander)Lauri0091069M 234, Triq Haz-Zabbar Paola Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKenneth Cassar 0421076M Crossroads 32, Triq Hal Saflieni Paola Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailJohn Manche oboUnpaused Co Ltd0012271M Sunlab 101, Pjazza AntoineDe PaulePaola Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailConsiglia Spiteri 0039059M 145, Triq Bormla Paola Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailVeronica Busuttil 0035138M Berkit 148, Triq Haz-Zabbar Paola Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailMaria Farrugia 0494024M Joe’s Fruit& Vegetables56, Triq Lampuka Paola Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailDarren Frendo 0016583M Price Right 97, Triq Sammat Paola Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailAlexander Xuereb 0539073M Club Sin 87, Triq Hal Luqa Paola Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailPaul Bonnici 0344875M 99, Triq Bormla Paola Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailRaymond Azzopardi 0003865M Il Macellaio Triq Adelaide Cini Pembroke Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesElaine Mangion 0222277M El’s Hair Crib Triq Ferdinand Gregh Pembroke Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesLucien Mario Stafraceobo The DanceWorkshop Ltd0133865M The DanceWorkshopMichael Buhagiar 0080779M MB Woodworks Triq John MichaelTesta (Zona Industrijali,Tal-Handaq)1, Triq San Lawrenz Pieta’ Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesQormi Kategorija II - Attivitajiet <strong>tal</strong>-manifatturaCategory II - Manufacturing activitiesMaria Cini 0297082M Glamour Nails 124, Triq San Bastjan Qormi Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesPhilip Cachia 0360865M 78, Triq Gorg Zammit Qormi Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beverages28.07.11 Change/Additionin Category08.07.11 Change/Additionin Category31.08.11 Change/Additionin Category25.08.11 Transfer19.11.10 Transfer01.09.11 Transfer05.07.11 Transfer25.08.11 Transfer15.09.11 Transfer19.02.09 Reactivation08.08.11 New Application03.08.11 Transfer12.07.11 New Application11.05.07 New Application27.06.11 New Application03.11.08 New Application

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,741Alexander Borg 0484771M 10, Triq Marco MontebelloRenald Curmi oboRCV Handling MachineryLtdVincent Attard oboPetnutrition HouseLtdVittorino Ciurcinaobo I<strong>tal</strong>vifa Ltd0459679M Plot 31, Triq MastruGorg Cachia (ZonaIndustrijali,Tal-Handaq)0101648M Petnutrition HouseLtdAN4741604 Oasis Ice ScreamCentreStephen Caruana 0261262M 6, Triq Indri Psaila(Zona Industrijali, Tal-Handaq)Gerald Cutajar 0326778M Rusty 29, Triq John MichaelTesta (ZonaIndustrijali,Tal-Handaq)George Gatt obo LexcorpInternational Ltd0541063M Lexcorp InternationalLtdQormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailQormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSofit, Triq is-Sebh Qormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailTriq il-Wied Qormi Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesQormi Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesQormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail2, Triq il-Mastrudaxxa Qormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailAlfred Sammut 0020777M Fredu Auto Parts Triq in-Nassab Qormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailMark Bajada oboBajada New EnergyLtdMark Tabone oboTabone Enterprises(<strong>Malta</strong>) LtdMatthew Fenech oboCars International LtdChristian Vassallo oboCater Essence Ltd0188571M Bajada NewEnergy0112070M Tabone Direct Triq San Gwakkin,Triq Gdida fi0517483M Cars InternationalLtd (Easysell)80, Triq il-Kaccatur Qormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailQormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailTriq l-Imdina Qormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0196681M The Landmark Triq l-Iljun Qormi Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesJoann Galea 0252176M Wild StrengthDancersUnit 1, Triq MarcoMontebelloQormi Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesJoseph Cachia 0833654M Tac-Cawsli Triq l-Imdina Qormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail03.11.08 New Application27.01.09 New Application07.08.09 New Application24.05.10 New Application11.08.11 New Application26.07.11 New Application13.07.11 New Application27.06.11 New Application12.07.11 New Application01.08.11 New Application21.07.11 New Application23.08.11 New Application09.09.11 New Application23.09.11 New Application

11,742 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Ruth Sciberras 0432779M D-Valley Triq l-Gharghar 1979 Qormi Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesNorbert Bellia 0372081M Bellia Auto Dealer 314, Triq l-Imdina Qormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailGiorgio Bileci 0346885M The Artist 14, Triq il-Vitorja Qormi Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesRosina Abela 0381728M St George’s 404, Triq il-Kbira Qormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailCarmelo Cuschieri 0754532M 329, Triq l-Imdina Qormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailRandolph BaldacchinoMark Bajada obo BajadaNew Energy LtdFrancis Gollcher oboBaci LtdPaul Gauci obo Castellana(<strong>Malta</strong>) Ltd0485178M British Garage Triq Tumas Fenech Qormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0188571M Bajada NewEnergy80, Triq il-Kaccatur Qormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0452257M BDI Triq Pietru Felici Qormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0174454M Pavi Supermarket Triq Manwel Dimech Qormi Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesLuciano Mule Stagno 0145566M The Museum Shop Hagar Qim/MnajdraTemplesKevin Spiteri 0534982M Little Station Plot 1A, Triq il-Fiera(Il-Bahrija)Qrendi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailRabat Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailMary-Anne Debono 0715862M Corner Perfumery Triq il-Kbira Rabat Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailJohn Micallef 0224872M J. Micallef ServiceStationMaria-Grazia Calleja 0521565M 4, Triq Anton MuscatAzzopardiAlfred Vella 0220963M Garden Centre- Ta’ XmunFarmhouseTriq Buqana Rabat Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailMisrah Suffara,Limiti tar-Adrian Said 0019081G 4, Triq Sir PawluBoffaBernardette-LourdesBorgRabat Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailRabat Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailRabat Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0085873M Alexander’s 34, Triq Santu Wistin Rabat Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail11.08.11 Transfer27.10.10 Transfer14.09.11 Transfer18.07.11 Transfer27.07.11 Transfer06.04.09 Reactivation20.07.11 Commercial Fair12.09.11 Commercial Fair22.09.11 Commercial Fair26.06.09 New Application03.11.08 New Application12.02.09 New Application01.09.11 New Application08.07.11 New Application12.09.11 Change/Additionin Category09.03.09 Reactivation06.07.11 Reactivation

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,743Pauline Stellini 0007471G Pauline’s ButcherShopGarage 1, Triq PatriAnton Debono, S.J.Rabat(Ghawdex)Josianne Attard 0008773G Ringtones 16, Triq Enrico Mizzi Rabat(Ghawdex)Philip Grima 0373956M Villa Arcis Triq Tal-Hammiet Rabat(Ghawdex)Freddy Edmond HenriC. Vandecasteele oboFred’s Sweets Ltd0031464A Fred’s Sweets Triq l-Universitas Rabat(Ghawdex)Raymond Bajada 0016168G 37, Triq ir-Repubblika Rabat(Ghawdex)Filomena Attard 0062751G 15, Pjazza San Gorg Rabat(Ghawdex)Joseph Muscat oboGozo Bowling &Leisure Co Ltd0012662G Gozo BowlingCentreTriq l-Ewropa Rabat(Ghawdex)Joseph Spiteri 0357572M Mirage Snack Bar Pjazza President J.F.KennedyVincent Galea 0069953G Ritz Snack Bar 2A, Triq Dun KarlBondiEsther Fenech 0027379A Frans Stationery& ConfectioneryRabat(Ghawdex)Rabat(Ghawdex)Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesKategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesKategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesKategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and businessservicesKategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesKategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesKategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesTriq il-Kuccard Safi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailRomeo Cilia 0044979M 54A, Triq San Pawl Safi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailChristoph Doll oboLidl <strong>Malta</strong> LtdChristoph Doll oboLidl <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd258409723 Lidl Triq San Gwann Safi Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beverages258409723 Lidl Triq San Gwann Safi Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beverages12.03.09 New Application19.12.07 New Application11.02.09 New Application15.07.11 Transfer30.08.11 Transfer24.08.11 Transfer16.08.11 Transfer22.08.11 Extension ofTime19.08.11 Extension ofTime12.12.07 New Application02.04.09 Reactivation14.07.11 Commercial Fair07.09.11 Commercial Fair

11,744 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Winston Zahra oboIsland Caterers LtdStefan Jones obo Dr.Fish LtdFrank Salt obo FrankSalt Investments Ltd0095370M Island Caterers Ltd Ix-Xatt ta’ San Gorg San Giljan Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beverages0361404L Bubbles Fish FootSpaL1/2, Triq Gorg BorgOlivier0986444M The Westin DragonaraHotelSan Giljan Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesSan Giljan Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailClaire Borg 0531781M Venica 110, Triq Tal-Mensija San Gwann Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailRoberto Gauci 0435473M Pasta Royale SUB006E, QasamIndustrijaliAdrian Mallia oboAdi AssociatesEnvironmen<strong>tal</strong>Consultants Ltd0002069M 113, KapparaBusiness Centre, TriqBirkirkaraSan Gwann Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesSan Gwann Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and businessservicesIan Camilleri 0580559M Silver Line Triq in-Naxxar San Gwann Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailAnthony Bonello 0253055M Bonello GeneralMerchantsMauro Kitcher 0180387M Style & Shine byMauroChristoph Doll oboLidl <strong>Malta</strong> LtdChristoph Doll oboLidl <strong>Malta</strong> LtdJimmy Vella oboVella Jimmy Fruit &Veg Co Ltd14, Triq il-Kappella San Gwann Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business services96, Triq il-Fuxa San Gwann Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal services258409723 Lidl Triq ic-Ciklamini San Gwann Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beverages258409723 Lidl Triq ic-Ciklamini San Gwann Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beverages0472452M Fruit.com Manox Crt, Triq il-MerluzzFrancois Magri 0160881M Five StarPastizzeriaPlot E, Triq il-PortRumanSan Pawlil-BaharSan Pawlil-BaharKategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesKategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beverages06.03.09 New Application14.07.11 New Application31.08.11 Commercial Fair04.11.08 New Application17.08.11 New Application11.08.11 New Application19.09.11 Change/Additionin Category08.04.09 Transfer30.06.11 Transfer14.07.11 Commercial Fair05.09.11 Commercial Fair29.07.11 New Application03.11.08 New Application

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,745David Azzopardi 0277576M Shop 2 551, Triq San Pawl San Pawlil-BaharKirsty Bugeja 0484791M The Cutting Cabin 66, Triq il-Kahli San Pawlil-BaharGuizhi Gao oboSimple Life Ltd0033644A Simple Life Ltd Reno, Triq il-GandoffliVanessa Zerafa 0424480M Body Sense Headto ToeMark Muscat 0110084M Muscat Option EyeCare CentreSan Pawlil-BaharTriq il-Maskli San Pawlil-BaharShop 1, Triq San Pawl San Pawlil-BaharVere Farrugia 0021455A 147, Triq it-Turisti San Pawlil-BaharCarmel Buttigieg 0074463M Yam Yam 7, Dawret il-Gzejjer San Pawlil-BaharIoana Sanda Pura 0036630A M.I. DrivingSchoolBonemm, Fl 2, TriqPatri Wistin MagroSan Pawlil-BaharIvan Azzopardi 0481575M The Three Ant’s Triq id-Dolmen San Pawlil-BaharCatherine GrechMalliaAmr Ali MohammedAl-Baidhani0129578M At Hair Majesty byKleral System9, Triq Paderborn San Pawlil-Bahar0057332A Amro Triq il-Hgejjeg San Pawlil-BaharJoseph Sant obo Tal-Lira Ltd0291957M Tal-Lira Triq il-Qawra San Pawlil-BaharPaul Leasley 0059016A This n That Triq Sant’Antnin San Pawlil-BaharMary Briffa 0217056M Mirob Triq il-Hgejjeg San Pawlil-BaharAnnabelle Vella 0191975M MilleniumShowroomReno Baldacchinoobo MLR Imports LtdTriq Burmarrad San Pawlil-Bahar0607258M MLR Imports Ltd Triq il-Qoton SantaLucijaJoseph Falzon 0786253M 124, Triq il-KappillanMifsudSantaVeneraKategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesKategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesKategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesKategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesKategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesKategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesKategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesKategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesKategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesKategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail06.02.08 New Application05.11.08 New Application03.03.09 New Application09.03.09 New Application06.02.09 New Application07.07.11 New Application09.08.11 New Application10.08.11 New Application06.07.11 New Application06.07.11 Transfer29.08.11 Transfer17.08.11 Transfer11.08.11 Transfer12.09.11 Transfer09.09.11 Transfer06.09.11 New Application28.05.09 New Application

11,746 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Josianne Sultana 0024977M 53, Triq Hal Qormi(Torretta)Christoph Doll oboLidl <strong>Malta</strong> LtdChristoph Doll oboLidl <strong>Malta</strong> LtdWalter Montebelloobo PWA Co Ltd258409723 Lidl Triq il-KappillanMifsud258409723 Lidl Triq il-KappillanMifsud0335553M Puer Boutique Tigne Place, Shop 14,Triq TignèSantaVeneraSantaVeneraSantaVeneraKategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesKategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesKategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailRamon Zahra 0327979M Bagsworld 128, Triq Rodolfu Sliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailJoan Camenzuli 0242261M Joanies 29, Triq Gafar Sliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailPhilippe-JeanMartinet obo EstateWines LtdEmily Jane Vassalloobo Golddigger CoLtdJosephine Casha oboSea Pebbles Ltd0010451A Philippe MartinetFine Wines0478683M Celebrity Brands The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0272454M Fairy<strong>tal</strong>e BeautySalonGeorge Spiteri 0124649M Mercury, Fl 4, TriqParisioRaymond Bartolo oboShanelty LtdCarl Peralta obo 77LimitedGeorge Zammit oboAJN Co Ltd0562260M Candy Bon 1 293, Triq ManwelDimech0349677M 77 Limited 213, Triq Gorg BorgOlivier239B/B, Triq it-Torri Sliema Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail90, Ix-Xatt Sliema Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesSliema Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesSliema Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesSliema Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and businessservices0094266M Memory Lane 30, Ix-Xatt Sliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailDaniela Borg 0575279M Ace Nails &Beauty79, Triq San GwannBattistaSliema Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal services04.07.11 New Application14.07.11 Commercial Fair07.09.11 Commercial Fair11.05.07 New Application17.11.08 New Application03.11.08 New Application20.07.11 New Application22.03.10 New Application07.07.11 New Application19.08.11 New Application13.07.11 New Application18.08.11 New Application14.07.11 Transfer12.07.11 Transfer

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,747Giuseppe Rapisardaobo Outlet T3 LtdPaul Fenech oboClassic Group LtdAnthony Magri oboGranati Nardi LtdAJ2443198 Outlet T3 60, Triq it-Torri Sliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0922547M Classic Jewellers Triq Bisazza Sliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0447548M 18, Triq it-Torri Sliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailJoseph Grech 0147844M Tally Weijl (BIStores)Martin Ciappara oboSMG Mode LtdKarl Izzo obo DizzLtdDianne Izzo obo DKFashion Co LtdLawrence Gatt oboPharmaserv LtdSharon Cachia oboZaira LtdCarmen Piccinino oboJ. Piccinino LtdRomina Grech Fenechobo A & A FenechCo LtdMario Gauci oboCarant Stradi LtdMario Gauci oboCarant Ysh LtdMario Gauci oboCarant MD LtdBernard Gauci oboCarant Trading LtdJonathan Shaw oboTrilogy Co LtdGeorge Amato oboTime InternationalSport LtdNoel Magri oboFuture Fashion Ltd375, Triq ManwelDimech0413173M Guess The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0097669M Terranova The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0407077M Liu-Jo The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0626051M Thirty-Six The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0085973M Primo Emporio The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0708545M J. Piccinino The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0011946M Prena<strong>tal</strong> The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0704159M Stradivarius The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0704159M Oysmo The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0704159M Massimo Dutti The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0186073M Pull & Bear The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0190293M Hilfiger Denim The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0084760M Nike Store The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0035957M Springfield The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’TignèSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail13.07.11 Transfer13.09.11 Transfer20.09.11 Transfer28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair

11,748 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Luke Satariano oboJust Fashion LtdAndrew MichaelCalascione obo NamLtdAntoine Portelli oboArkadia MarketingLtdSimon GattBaldacchino oboUnited DepartmentStores LtdVictoria Peresso oboMichele PeressoFashion LtdDavid Lauri oboFashion Retailers EntLtdArmand Grech obo J.Grech Ltd.Paul Gauci oboAlhambra Trading LtdAndrew MichaelCalascione obo PRMLtdPaul Stoner oboNotos <strong>Malta</strong> LtdKevin Grech oboHudson InternationalLtdStefan Mifsud oboL8 LtdMichael Peresso oboEurosport LtdMichael Peresso oboMichele PeressoFashion LtdKarl Anastasi oboTime InternationalSports Ltd0588378M Esprit The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0558385M Aldo The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’TignèSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0076474M Piazza I<strong>tal</strong>ia The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’TignèSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0399771M Debenhams The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’TignèSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0430185M Bata The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’TignèSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0164777M Benetton Sisley The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’TignèSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0187173M Square Deal 2, Triq ManwelDimechSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0174454M Zara 1, Triq it-Torri Sliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0558385M Punto Roma The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’TignèSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0023666A Lacoste/GantBoutiqueThe Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0217468M New Look The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’TignèSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0350771M Lotto The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0068182M Adidas The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’Tignè0068182M Fergi/Sketchers The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’TignèSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0490380M Urban Culture The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’TignèSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair22.09.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair28.06.11 Commercial Fair

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,749Alexander Mizzi oboLeisure Stores Ltd0406969M Juniors The Point, Ix-Xatt Ta’TignèSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailBaigalmaa Cassar 0029263A Dream Nails Triq il-Wizna Swieqi Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesMaria Rita Cassano 0335672M Beauty & Co 228, Triq is-Swieqi Swieqi Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesAnthony Muscat 0426143M Pets Paradise Triq Testaferrata Ta’ Xbiex Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailDario Farrugia 0087779M SphinxConfectioneryIvan Briffa Farrugia 0049771M 33A, Triq tat-Teatrul-AntikDr Claire Cassar oboVodafone <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd12, Misrah Tas-Suq Tarxien Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesValletta Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail0128477M Vodafone 35, Triq ir-Repubblika Valletta Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailTatiana Camenzuli 0060856A Teatro Triq ir-Repubblika Valletta Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailAndrew MichaelCalascione obo NAMLtd0558385M Aldo 35A, Triq SanZakkarijaValletta Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailJesmond Micallef 0196368M 30, Triq il-Mediterran Valletta Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailFrancis Bonello 0024268G Calypso Antiques Triq l-Imgarr Xewkija Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailJohn Saliba 0045357G <strong>Malta</strong>post Triq Sant’Elizabetta Xewkija Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesMark Camilleri 0235770M D.Xquisite 79, Triq il-Qaqocc Zabbar Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesChristopher Vella 0513275M El Karima 14, Sqaq Berqi Zabbar Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesCharles Magro 0411282M Dolce MicaConfectioneryTriq Wied il-Ghajn Zabbar Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beverages28.06.11 Commercial Fair03.08.11 New Application20.09.11 Transfer14.07.11 Transfer08.07.11 New Application11.07.11 Change/Additionin Category11.12.08 Transfer27.07.11 Transfer13.07.11 Transfer09.09.11 Transfer05.12.08 New Application05.06.09 New Application06.07.11 New Application25.07.11 New Application17.08.11 Change/Additionin Category

11,750 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Josmar Agius 0151570M Headline Boutique 50, Triq il-Kbira Zabbar Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailMadalena Vassallo 0432158M Cutajar 228, Triq il-Kbira Zabbar Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailAlexandra Zammitobo To<strong>tal</strong>lyfresh Ltd0645163M To<strong>tal</strong>lyfresh Ltd 1 & 2, Triq il-Kataniz Zebbug Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesSilvio Sciberras 0390489M S. Sciberras Cash& CarryTriq MikielangSapianoZebbug Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesPaul Demicoli 0488157M Andrea Triq l-Imdina Zebbug Kategorija II - Attivitajiet <strong>tal</strong>-manifatturaCategory II - Manufacturing activitiesDaniel Zerafa 0574279M DMD Auto Parts 6, Triq l-Imdina Zebbug Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailBrian Cardona oboElectro Waste <strong>Malta</strong>Ltd0068577M Electro Waste<strong>Malta</strong> LtdLorenzo Zammit 0689232M Protectol-SunlockWindow Blinds8, Triq Tal-Hlas Zebbug Kategorija II - Attivitajiet <strong>tal</strong>-manifatturaCategory II - Manufacturing activitiesTriq l-Imdina Zebbug Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailGlen Fenech 0493279M 49, Triq Luret Cutajar Zebbug Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailDorian Darmanin 0134289M D K Hair Salon Triq Lazzru Pisani Zebbug Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesGlenton Caruana 0449488M Glenn’s CarImports207, Triq l-Imdina Zebbug Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailAmy Bonett 0363488M Vany’s by Amy’sCollection2, Triq Paris Zebbug Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailGeoffrey Debono oboMichael Debono Ltd0349584M Michael DebonoLtdTriq l-Imdina Zebbug Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailMaria DoloresCaruana0155566M Fragola 54, Triq il-Qadi Zejtun Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beverages31.08.11 Transfer25.08.11 Transfer byInheritance05.11.08 New Application30.06.11 New Application09.08.11 New Application01.09.11 New Application05.09.11 New Application29.07.11 Change/Additionin Category19.09.11 Transfer29.07.11 Transfer30.08.11 Transfer20.09.11 Transfer19.09.11 Commercial Fair19.12.07 New Application

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,751Carmel Schembri 0213146M 1, Triq il-Qalbta’ Gesu’Joseph Carabott 0054362M Self Drive Cars Triq il-Vittmi<strong>tal</strong>-GwerraAlexander Attard 0300372M Natura Hobbies 56, Triq SantaKatarinaZejtun Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesZejtun Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and businessservicesZejtun Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailDennis Farrugia 0009378M Printbox 6, Triq Santa Monika Zejtun Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and businessservicesRuben Aquilina 0010475M Arte 6, Triq Santa Monika Zejtun Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and businessservicesMario Grima 0102259M Grimon Printers Vjal il-Hamsa uGhoxrin ta’ NovembruZejtun Kategorija II - Attivitajiet <strong>tal</strong>-manifatturaCategory II - Manufacturing activitiesIsabelle Azzopardi 0027089M Isabelle BeautySalon107, Vjal il-BlueGrottoZurrieq Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesSempronia Saliba 0397378M Glamorama BeautyClinicPlot 14, Vjall-IndipendenzaZurrieq Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesCarmen Magro 0119272M CNMS 13, Triq il-Kbira Zurrieq Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesCarmelo Mizzi 0508660M C & M Triq Congreve Zurrieq Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesEdward Cassar 0391280M Fruit Wave Triq San Pawl Zurrieq Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing andsale of food products and beveragesKarmenu Schembri 1046548M RC Garage 58, Triq Napuljun Zurrieq Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail06.04.09 New Application06.07.11 New Application01.08.11 New Application28.07.11 New Application28.07.11 New Application12.09.11 Transfer19.07.10 New Application01.10.09 New Application06.11.08 New Application07.09.11 New Application16.08.11 Transfer14.09.11 Transfer

11,752 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Att dwar il-LiĊenzi <strong>tal</strong>-KummerĊ (Kap. 441)Trading Licences Act (Cap. 441)Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2006 li jemendaw il-Liċenzi <strong>tal</strong>-KummerċTrading Licences (Amendment) Regulations 2006Skont id-dispożizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-artikolu 10 tar-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2006 li jemendawil-Liċenzi <strong>tal</strong>-Kummerċ, id-Diviżjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Kummerċ (Sezzjoni għal Liċenzar <strong>tal</strong>-Kummerċ) qiegħda hawnhekk tippubblika lista ta’ liċenzi maħruġa lill-bejjiegħa<strong>tal</strong>-Monti:In terms of section 10 of the Trading Licences (Amendment) Regulations 2006,the Commerce Division (Trade Licensing Unit) is hereby publishing a list of issuedHawkers licences:It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 201118th October, 2011Detentur <strong>tal</strong>-Liċenza I. D. Nru. Indirizz Lokalità Attività Kummerċjali Liċenza Maħruġa TipLicence Holder I. D. No. Address Locality Commercial Activity Licence Issued TypeJoseph Camilleri 0217158M Holm Oaks, Triq il-Pitkali Attard Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesJoseph Camilleri 0217158M Holm Oaks, Triq il-Pitkali Attard Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailCarmel Zammit 0497358M Redentur, Sqaq Rajzi Birkirkara Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesNadia Mary Brincat 0200172M Malchan, Triq Dun Karm Birkirkara Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesNadia Mary Brincat 0200172M Malchan, Triq Dun Karm Birkirkara Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesLudvic Formosa 0176573M 18, Triq l-Immakulata Bormla Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesRaymond Camilleri 0435365M 55, Fl 1, Triq il-Konservatorju Floriana Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesJason Gauci 0015980G Rising Sun, Triq Ta’ Cordina Ghajnsielem Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business services28.06.11 Registration20.06.11 Street Hawker24.06.11 Street Hawker03.06.11 Street Hawker03.06.11 Market Hawker20.11.09 Registration17.06.11 Street Hawker30.06.11 Registration

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,753Joseph Borg 0314472M Gawhra tar-Ruzarju, Triq il-LewzDominica Minnaard 0060125A Savoy Gardens Blk E, Fl 14, Triqil-FreresMasoud Farshian P17041977 8, Pace House, Triq Gerry ZammitSarolta Parlagi BA0627986 28, Fairview, Fl 2, Triq SirCharles CameronBeata Czudor 512343HA 28, Fairview, Fl 2, Triq SirCharles CameronBernadett Hugli BC0186404 28, Fairview, Fl 2, Triq SirCharles CameronGudja Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailGzira Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailGzira Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailGzira Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesGzira Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesGzira Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesLarkin Pisani 0090883M 15, Triq il-Kanonku Bonnici Hamrun Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailStephen Gatt 0067170M Fireview, Triq San Mikiel Iklin Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesAlexander Attard 0283968M Redeemer, Triq Daniel Sammut Lija Kategorija IV – Servizzi ta’ kostruzzjoniCategory IV - Construction servicesJoeline Grima 0155085M 16, Triq il-Marsa Marsa Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesJoeline Grima 0155085M 16, Triq il-Marsa Marsa Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesJoseph Carabott 0054362M Site No. 15, Xatt is-Sajjieda Marsaxlokk Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesLudwig Calleja 0433173M 30, Sun Flower, Triq il-Harruba Mgarr Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesMark Camilleri 0225680M Valley View, Fl 2, Triq Sir ArthurBortonMosta Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesMichaelina Sant 0144968M 16, Ithaca, Triq Karlu Darmanin Mosta Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail19.07.11 Street Hawker24.08.11 Registration08.07.11 Street Hawker14.06.11 Busker14.06.11 Busker14.06.11 Busker22.04.09 Registration18.03.09 Registration11.08.11 Registration22.07.10 Street Hawker22.07.10 Market Hawker16.09.11 Market HawkerTransfer18.03.09 Registration24.08.11 Registration30.08.11 Registration

11,754 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Frankie (Francis)Cachia0415770M Fl 1, Tas-Swatar, Blk B, Ent. 2 Msida Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesReggie Vella 0018370G Sunset, Fl 1, Triq San Xmun Munxar Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailIasser Mustafa AwadKuhnIasser Mustafa AwadKuhnCharmaine(Charmaine-Maria-Victoria) AttardA77926577 Pace Haber, Fl 3, Triq l-ArciprietSaver CassarA77926577 Pace Haber, Fl 3, Triq l-ArciprietSaver CassarNadur Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailNadur Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal services0160170M 70, Cactus, Triq il-Qoton Naxxar Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesMaria Joana Theuma 0463188M 5, Perlina, Triq il-Berquq Naxxar Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesDylan Bezzina 0159991M Fl 24, Triq il-Hamrija, BinjaHamrija, Flats IndipendenzaNorbert Falzon 0184381M 17, April Love in Patnor, Triql-EmigrantiNaxxar Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesNaxxar Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailGaetana k/a TaniaDalli0453266M Jante, Fl 2, Triq it-Tuffieh Naxxar Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailDaniela Radacu 0063355A Bellagio, Blk C, Triq SanGuzeppPieta’ Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesRenald Curmi 0459679M 71, Fl 2, Triq Gorg Borg Qormi Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailJohn Cortis 0392178M 15, Triq il-Belt Valletta Qormi Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesJohn Cortis 0392178M 15, Triq il-Belt Valletta Qormi Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesVittorio Ciurcina oboI<strong>tal</strong>vifa LtdAN4741604 Oasis Ice Cream Centre, Triqil-WiedQormi Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beverages26.04.10 Registration05.07.11 Street Hawker30.06.11 Market Hawker30.06.11 Busker20.11.07 Registration20.11.09 Registration16.08.11 Registration09.08.11 Street Hawker01.09.11 Market Hawker19.08.11 Busker15.01.09 Registration10.06.11 Street Hawker10.06.11 Market Hawker14.06.10 Marketing Agent

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,755Vittorio Ciurcina oboI<strong>tal</strong>vifa LtdAN4741604 Oasis Ice Cream Centre, Triqil-WiedRoderick Cilia 0294891M 18, Ritphil, Triq KarmenaMicallefRoderick Cilia 0294891M 18, Ritphil, Triq KarmenaMicallefRita Ann Ellul 0174576M Sunflower, Fl 2, Triq Patri G.A.BonelliSaviour Grech 0020957G Blk H, Bieb A, Fl 6,Triq Tac-CawlaFederico Chini 0300303L Clamar, Triq Patri AntonDebono, S.J.Joseph Agius 0017172G St Joseph, Triq il-Wiehed uTletin ta’ Marzu 1979Joseph Borg 0025163G 67, Pjazza l-Assedju ta’GhawdexJohnnie Cassar 0013976G Box No. 11, Pjazzal-IndipendenzaJohn Paul Cassar 0004889G Box No. 10, Pjazza l-IndipendenzaMario Cauchi 0032957G 43, Romantica Crt, Blk B, Fl 3,Triq il-Qalb ImqaddsaQormi Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesRabat Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesRabat Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesRabat Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesRabat(Ghawdex)Rabat(Ghawdex)Rabat(Ghawdex)Rabat(Ghawdex)Rabat(Ghawdex)Rabat (Ghawdex)Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and businessservicesKategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesKategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSan Giljan Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesAlfred Xuereb 0138379M Yvonne, Triq il-Knisja San Giljan Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailNicholas Pillow oboLulu Ltd0024360M 31, Lulu Restaurant,Triq il-KnisjaKarin Heller-Dani 0060456A Samson and Delilah,Triq il-HgejjegSan Giljan Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesSan Gwann Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal services14.06.10 Marketing Agent08.06.11 Street Hawker08.06.11 Street Hawker12.07.11 Busker20.11.09 Registration29.08.11 Registration03.06.11 Street Hawker22.08.11 Street Hawker20.09.11 Market HawkerTransfer20.09.11 Market HawkerTransfer20.07.11 Registration06.08.10 Market Hawker06.07.11 Marketing Agent07.07.11 Registration

11,756 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Balazs Heller 0060377A Samson and Delilah,Triq il-HgejjegSan Gwann Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesMatthew Sant 0180881M 48, Sandalwood, Triq il-Pluviera San Gwann Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and businessservicesPiotr KrzysztofBonarskiHristo YordanovAsenov0054505A Crusoe Crt, Fl 6, Triq AndrewCunningham0053775A 137, Blue Seas, Fl 3, Triq SanXmunJoseph Taliana 0511385M Summerfield Blk C, Fl 12,Triq San Massimiljanu KolbeSan Pawlil-BaharSan Pawlil-BaharSan Pawlil-BaharIbrahim Kirkac 0027584A St George’s, Fl 1, Triq it-Turisti San Pawlil-BaharPeter Hill 208079628 Anici Crt, Fl 12, Triq il-Kavetta San Pawlil-BaharKategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and businessservicesKategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and businessservicesKategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesKategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesKategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesCharles Cini 0042587G Sea Breeze, Fl 1, Triq il-Pinnur Sannat Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesPauline Buhagiar 1099145M 77, Riverside Mansions,Triq il-FerrovijaSanta Venera Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailEmanuel Buhagiar 0375741M 77, Triq il-Ferrovija Santa Venera Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailKarl Azzopardi 0121393M 18, Voyage, Triq is-Salib Siggiewi Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesKateryna Lavreniuk 0045812A Caravaggio Crt, T5B12,Il-Ponta ta’ TignèMichael EdwardGeorge400824419 Magyar, Fl 10,Triq Ghar il-LembiSliema Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSliema Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesTetyana Chaban 0040005A 113, Triq il-Ghajn Swieqi Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal services07.07.11 Registration19.07.11 Registration06.07.11 Registration17.08.11 Registration08.08.11 Street Hawker15.07.11 Busker30.08.11 Busker07.07.11 Street Hawker01.09.11 Market Hawker06.08.10 Market Hawker01.08.11 Street Hawker20.03.09 Registration30.08.11 Registration30.06.11 Registration

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,757Rachel Sammut 0460485M 167, Lourdes, Triq is-Swieqi Swieqi Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesMary Doris Borg 0077161M 5, Tarxien Doughnuts, Triq SantaTerezaTarxien Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesCarmel Caruana 0636158M 151, Triq San Kristofru Valletta Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesDaniele Fantechi 0036959A Sardinella, Triq it-Tigrija Xaghra Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesSammy Attard 0426591M Il Terrazzo, Triq Ta’ Mannar Xaghra Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesJohn Agius 0031377G Mattew Crt, Fl 4, Triq PatriMattew SultanaXaghra Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesChristof Bigeni 0033791G 84, Triq Sant’Anton Xaghra Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesMario Vella 0021282G 13, Vella, Triq Tal-Kanal Xewkija Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesAnthony Azzopardi 0000368G 50, Triq in-Naggara Xewkija Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesCarmelo Scicluna 0295967M Warda Mistika, Triq il-Bahrija Zabbar Kategorija V - Servizzi professjonali uKummercjaliCategory V - Professional and business servicesStephen Buhagiar 0496474M 17, Triq San Leonardu Zabbar Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail12.07.11 Busker14.07.11 Marketing Agent11.07.11 Street Hawker08.06.11 Registration26.08.11 Registration02.08.11 Street Hawker26.08.11 Street Hawker10.06.11 Street Hawker04.08.11 Street Hawker24.02.09 Registration04.08.11 Street Hawker

11,758 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Anthony Scerri 0479255M 44, M.M. Grazzja, Triq ir-Rihan Zabbar Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesJason Gatt 0351089M 4A, Triq Spadaro Zabbar Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailMario Magro 0751855M Bien Venue, Triq A. Caligari Zabbar Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailJoseph Spiteri 0385859M 5, Sarasin, Triq il-Penit Zebbug Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesGerald Attard 0116080M Nid d’Amour, Triq San Martin Zebbug Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailSvetlana Agius 0066178A Secret Song, Triq Philip Gatt Zebbug Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesJosef Pfeiffer 0064646A Cini, Fl 1, Triq il-Lifurna Zebbug(Ghawdex)Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retailAmor Ben Tanfous 0020253A Penthouse 3, San Girgor Apts,Misrah Karmenu GrimaZejtun Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesRonald Spiteri 0500387M 22, Garden of Eden, Triq il-GhadamZejtun Kategorija VI - Servizzi Socjali u personaliCategory VI - Social and personal servicesJoseph Axiaq 0531291M 63, Triq il-Haddiema Zurrieq Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesCarmel Schembri 0294466M 3, November Rain,Vjal il-Blue GrottoZurrieq Kategorija I - Processar, manifattura u bejgħ ta’prodotti ta’ ikel u xorbCategory I - Processing, manufacturing and saleof food products and beveragesPaolo Rametta AN5061613 Kategorija III - Bejgħ bl-ingrossa u bl-imnutCategory III - Wholesale and retail12.07.11 Street Hawker08.04.09 Market Hawker03.06.11 Market Hawker11.07.11 Street Hawker15.07.11 Street Hawker25.08.11 Busker19.07.11 Street Hawker20.11.09 Registration20.11.09 Registration30.06.11 Street Hawker14.06.11 Street Hawker27.07.10 Registration

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,759DIPARTIMENT TAL-KUNTRATTIId-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) jgħarraf illi, b’riferenzagħall-Avviżi li ġejjin, jistgħu jintbagħtu offerti magħluqinfil-ġranet u d-dati indikati hawn taħt. L-offerti għandhomjintefgħu fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti,Notre Dame Ravelin, Floriana:Sal-10.00 a.m. it-TLIETA, il-25 ta’ Ottubru 2011,għal:CT 175/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2105/2011.Espressjoni ta’ interess għall-bini, operat u trasferimentlura lill-Kunsill Malti għall-iSport <strong>tal</strong>-Marsa Sports Village– Kunsill Malti għall-iSport. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €250.00għal kull kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fis-26 <strong>tal</strong>-ulju, 2011.CT 190/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3025/2011.Miżuri ta’ mitigazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-għargħar fil-kanal <strong>tal</strong>-ilma ta’Wied il-Għasel limiti ta’ Burmarrad bħala parti mill-Proġettgħar-Rijabilitazzjoni tas-Salini – Ministeru għar-Riżorsi uAffarijiet Rurali. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €60.00 għal kull kopjata’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Works Contract Notice taħt il-Local OpenTender Procedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjatamill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali 2007-2013 – L-Ewropa tinvesti f’ŻoniRurali.CT 191/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3027/2011.Restawr tas- swar <strong>tal</strong>-Belt Valletta li jħarsu lejn l-art - VLT 14– Ministeru għar- Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali. Irid jitħallas drittta’ €135.00 għal kull kopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Works Notice taħt il-Local Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjatamill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Ewropew għall-IżviluppReġjonali 2007-2013 – Ninvestu fil-futur tieghek.CT 192/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2041/2011.Provvista ta’ standard performance surgical gowns – Ministerutas-Saħħa, Anzjani u Kura <strong>tal</strong>-Komunità. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’€35.00 għal kull kopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fil-31 ta’ Awwissu,2011.CT 193/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2042/2011.Provvista ta’ high performance surgical gowns – Ministerutas-Saħħa, Anzjani u Kura <strong>tal</strong>-Komunità. Irid jitħallas drittta’ €40.00 għal kull kopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fil-31 ta’ Awwissu,2011.Sal-10.00 a.m. it-TLIETA, l-1 ta’ Novembru 2011,għal:CT 194/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2145/2011.Provvista ta’ respiratory viruses RT PCR kits b’tagħmir b’selfDEPARTMENT OF CONTRACTSThe Director General (Contracts) notifies that sealedtenders in respect of the following advertisements will bereceived on the days and dates indicated below. Tenders are tobe dropped in the Tender Box of the Department of Contracts,Notre Dame Ravelin, Floriana:Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 25th October, 2011, for:CT 175/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2105/2011.Expression of interest for the building, operation and transferback to the <strong>Malta</strong> Sports Council of the Marsa Sports Village– <strong>Malta</strong> Sports Council. A fee of €250.00 will be chargedfor each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 26th July, 2011.CT 190/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 3025/2011.Stormwater mitigation measures in the water course at Wiedil-Għasel limits of Burmarrad in connection with the SaliniRehabilitation Project – Ministry for Resources and RuralAffairs. A fee of €60.00 will be charged for each copy oftender document.This is a Works Contract Notice under the Local OpenTender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by theEuropean Union under the European Agricultural Fund forRural Development 2007-2013 – Europe Investing in RuralAreas.CT 191/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 3027/2011. Restorationworks to Valletta Landfront Fortifications - VLT 14 – Ministryfor Resources and Rural Affairs. A fee of €135.00 will becharged for each copy of the tender document.This is a Works Notice under the Local Open TenderProcedure. This tender is part-financed by the EuropeanUnion under the European Regional Development Fund2007-2013 – Investing in your future.CT 192/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2041/2011. Supplyof standard performance surgical gowns – Ministry of Health,the Elderly and Community Care. A fee of €35.00 will becharged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 31st August,2011.CT 193/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2042/2011. Supplyof high performance surgical gowns – Ministry of Health,the Elderly and Community Care. A fee of €40.00 will becharged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 31st August,2011.Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 1st November, 2011,for:CT 194/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2145/2011. Supplyof respiratory viruses RT PCR kits with equipment on loan

11,760 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818– Taqsima tas-Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €70.00 għal kullkopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fit-2 ta’ Settembru,2011.CT/A/037/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti CT 3071/2011.Provvista ta’ RHIBs u handheld thermal imagers – ForziArmati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>. Kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta tista’titniżżel mill-website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Dan huwa Works Notice taħt il-Local Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Programm <strong>tal</strong>-Fruntieri Esterni <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropea 2011; ir-rata ta’ kofinanzjament hija 75%Fondi Ewropej, u 25% fondi ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.CT/A/038/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3077/2011.Provvediment ta’ servizzi għad-disinn, preparazzjoni, ġestjoni,implimentazzjoni u evalwazzjoni ta’ programmi ta’ taħriġ fit-Tmexxija ta’ Proġetti u Evalwazzjoni – Ċentru għall-Politika,Taħriġ u Riċerka. Kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta tista’titniżżel mill-website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Dan huwa Service Notice taħt l-International Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Soċjali Ewropew 2007-2013– Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħtet fit-30 ta’ Awwissu,2010.Sal-10.00 a.m. it-TLIETA, it-8 ta’ Novembru 2011,għal:CT/A/039/2011 Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3080/2011.Provvediment ta’ servizzi għad-disinn, preparazzjoni, ġestjoni,implimentazzjoni u evalwazzjoni ta’ programmi ta’ taħriġ fl-Amministrazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Informazzjoni - Ċentru għall-Politika,Taħriġ u Riċerka. Kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta tista’titniżżel mill-website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Dan huwa Services Notice taħt l-International Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Soċjali Ewropew 2007-2013– Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fl-20 ta’ Settembru2011.CT/A/040/2011 Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3081/2011.Provvediment ta’ servizzi għad-disinn, preparazzjoni, ġestjoni,implimentazzjoni u evalwazzjoni ta’ programmi ta’ taħriġ fir-Riżorsi Umani u Tmexxija Ġenerali - Ċentru għall-Politika,Taħriġ u Riċerka. Kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta tista’titniżżel mill-website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Dan huwa Services Notice taħt l-International Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Soċjali Ewropew 2007-2013– Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.– Health Division. A fee of €70.00 will be charged for eachcopy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 2nd September,2011.CT/A/037/2011 – Contracts Ref No. CT 3071/2011 Tenderfor the supply of RHIBs and handheld thermal imagers – ArmedForces of <strong>Malta</strong>. A copy of the tender document may bedownloaded from the website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).This is a Works Notice under the Local Open TenderProcedure. This tender is part-financed by the European Unionunder the External Borders Fund 2011; the co-financing rateis 75% EBF and 25% <strong>Malta</strong> funds.CT/A/038/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 3077/2011.Provision of services for the design, preparation, management,implementation and evaluation of training programmesin Project Management and Evaluation – Centre forDevelopment, Research and Training. A copy of the tenderdocument may be downloaded from the website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).This is a Service Notice under the International OpenTender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by theEuropean Union under the European Social Fund 2007-2013– Investing in your future.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 30th August,2010.Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 8th November, 2011,for:CT/A/039/2011 Contracts Ref No, CT 3080/2011.Provision of services for the design, preparation, management,implementation and evaluation of training programmes inInformation Management – Centre for Development, Researchand Training. A copy of the tender document may be downloadedfrom the website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).This is a Services Notice under the International OpenTender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by theEuropean Union under the European Social Fund 2007-2013– Investing in your future.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 20th September2011.CT/A/040/2011 Contracts Ref No, CT 3081/2011.Provision of services for the design, preparation, management,implementation and evaluation of training programmes inHuman Resources and General Management – Centre forDevelopment, Research and Training. A copy of the tenderdocument may be downloaded from the website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).This is a Services Notice under the International OpenTender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by theEuropean Union under the European Social Fund 2007-2013– Investing in your future.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,761Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fl-20 ta’ Settembru2011.CT/A/041/2011 Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3082/2011.Provvediment ta’ servizzi għad-disinn, preparazzjoni, ġestjoni,implimentazzjoni u evalwazzjoni ta’ programmi ta’ taħriġfl-Amministrazzjoni Finanzjarja u Bbaġitjar - Ċentru għall-Politika, Taħriġ u Riċerka. Kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offertatista’ titniżżel mill-website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Dan huwa Services Notice taħt l-International Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Soċjali Ewropew 2007-2013– Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fl-20 ta’ Settembru2011.CT/A/042/2011 Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3083/2011.Provvediment ta’ servizzi għad-disinn, preparazzjoni, ġestjoni,implimentazzjoni u evalwazzjoni ta’ programmi ta’ taħriġ fl-Iżvilupp Personali Kontinwu - Ċentru għall-Politika, Taħriġu Riċerka. Kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta tista’ titniżżelmill-website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Dan huwa Services Notice taħt l-International Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Soċjali Ewropew 2007-2013– Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fl-20 ta’ Settembru2011.CT/A/043/2011 Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3084/2011.Provvediment ta’ servizzi għad-disinn, preparazzjoni, ġestjoni,implimentazzjoni u evalwazzjoni ta’ programmi ta’ taħriġ fl-Istrutturi u Proċeduri <strong>tal</strong>-UE. - Ċentru għall-Politika, Taħriġu Riċerka. Kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta tista’ titniżżelmill-website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Dan huwa Services Notice taħt l-International Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Soċjali Ewropew 2007-2013– Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fl-20 ta’ Settembru2011.Sal-10.00 a.m. it-TLIETA, il-15 ta’ Novembru 2011,għal:CT 195/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2184/2011.Provvista ta’ cochlear implants – Taqsima tas-Saħħa. Iridjitħallas dritt ta’ €270.00 għal kull kopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fis-16 ta’ Settembru,2011.CT 196/2011 - Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2186/2011.Provvediment ta’ internal security guards lid-Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €20.00 għal kull kopja ta’dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 20th September2011.CT/A/041/2011 Contracts Ref No, CT 3082/2011.Provision of services for the design, preparation, management,implementation and evaluation of training programmesin Financial Management and Budgeting – Centre forDevelopment, Research and Training. A copy of the tenderdocument may be downloaded from the website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).This is a Services Notice under the International OpenTender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by theEuropean Union under the European Social Fund 2007-2013– Investing in your future.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 20th September2011.CT/A/042/2011 Contracts Ref No, CT 3083/2011. Provision ofservices for the design, preparation, management, implementationand evaluation of training programmes in Continuous PersonalDevelopment. – Centre for Development, Research and Training.A copy of the tender document may be downloaded from thewebsite: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).This is a Services Notice under the International OpenTender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by theEuropean Union under the European Social Fund 2007-2013– Investing in your future.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 20th September2011.CT/A/043/2011 Contracts Ref No, CT 3084/2011.Provision of services for the design, preparation, management,implementation and evaluation of training programmes in EUStructures and Processes – Centre for Development, Researchand Training. A copy of the tender document may be downloadedfrom the website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).This is a Services Notice under the International OpenTender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by theEuropean Union under the European Social Fund 2007-2013– Investing in your future.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 20th September2011.Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 15th November, 2011,for:CT 195/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2184/2011. Supplyof cochlear implants – Health Division. A fee of €270.00 willbe charged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 16thSeptember, 2011.CT 196/2011 - Contracts Ref No, CT 2186/2011. Provisionof internal security guards to the Contracts Department.A fee of €20.00 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.

11,762 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Sal-10.00 a.m. il-ĦAMIS, is-17 ta’ Novembru 2011,għal:CT/A/044/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3085/2011.Provvista ta’ servizzi għad-disinn, preparazzjoni, ġestjoni,implimentazzjoni u evalwazzjoni ta’ programmi ta’ taħriġ fl-Analiżi u l-Użu <strong>tal</strong>-Evidenza – Ċentru għall-Politika, Taħriġu Riċerka. Kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta tista’ titniżżelmill-website (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Dan huwa Services Notice taħt l-International Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Soċjali Ewropew 2007-2013– Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fl-4 ta’ Ottubru,2011.CT/A/ 045/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3086/2011.Provvediment ta’ servizzi għad-disinn, preparazzjoni, ġestjoni,implimentazzjoni u evalwazzjoni ta’ programmi ta’ taħriġ fil-Governanza, l-Istrateġija u Żvilupp ta’ Politika – Ċentru għall-Politika, Taħriġ u Riċerka. Kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offertajista’ jitniżżel mill-website (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Dan huwa Services Notice taħt l-International Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Soċjali Ewropew 2007-2013– Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.CT/A/046/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3087/2011.Provvista ta’ servizzi għad-disinn, preparazzjoni, ġestjoni,implimentazzjoni u evalwazzjoni ta’ programmi ta’ taħriġ fl-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli u l-Ugwaljanza – Ċentru għall-Politika,Taħriġ u Riċerka. Kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jista’jitniżżel mill-website (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Dan huwa Services Notice taħt l-International Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Soċjali Ewropew 2007-2013– Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.Sal-10.00 a.m. it-TLIETA, it-22 ta’ Novembru 2011,għal:CT/A/047/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3040/2011.Rijabilitazzjoni u restawr ta’ landfill magħluqa f’Marsaskala– Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali.Din hija Works Contract Notice taħt il-Local OpenTender Procedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjatamill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali 2007-2013 – L-Ewropa tinvesti f’ŻoniRurali.Sal-10.00 a.m. il-ĦAMIS, l-24 ta’ Novembru 2011,għal:CT/A/048/2011Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3046/2011.Xogħlijiet ta’ tisbiħ fil-Maqluba, limiti <strong>tal</strong>-Qrendi – AwtoritàUp to 10.00 a.m. on THURSDAY, 17th November,2011, for:CT/A/044/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 3085/2011.Provision of services for the design, preparation, management,implementation and evaluation of training programmes inAnalysis and Use of Evidence. – Centre for Development,Research and Training. A copy of the tender document may bedownloaded from the website (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).This is a Services Notice under the International OpenTender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by theEuropean Union under the European Social Fund 2007-2013– Investing in your future.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 4th October,2011.CT/A/045/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 3086/2011.Provision of services for the design, preparation, management,implementation and evaluation of training programmes inGovernance, Strategy and Policy Development – Centre forDevelopment, Research and Training. A copy of the tenderdocument may be downloaded from the website (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).This is a Services Notice under the International OpenTender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by theEuropean Union under the European Social Fund 2007-2013– Investing in your future.CT/A/046/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 3087/2011.Provision of services for the design, preparation, management,implementation and evaluation of training programmes inSustainable Development and Equality – Centre for Development,Research and Training. A copy of the tender document may bedownloaded from the website (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).This is a Services Notice under the International OpenTender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by theEuropean Union under the European Social Fund 2007-2013– Investing in your future.Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 22nd November, 2011,for:CT/A/047/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 3040/2011.Rehabilitation and restoration of a closed landfill at Marsaskala– Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs..This is a Works Contract Notice under the Local OpenTender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by theEuropean Union under the European Agricultural Fund forRural Development 2007-2013 – Europe Investing in RuralAreas.Up to 10.00 a.m. on THURSDAY, 24th November,2011, for:CT/A/048/2011 Contracts Ref No, CT 3046/2011.Execution of embellishment works at Tal-Maqluba, limits

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,763Maltija dwar it-Turiżmu. Kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta tista’titniżżel mill-website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Dan huwa avviż taħt il-Local Open Tender Procedure. Dinl-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropeataħt il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali: L-Ewropa tinvesti f’Żoni Rurali.Sal-10.00 a.m. it-TLIETA, id-29 ta’ Novembru 2011,għal:CT 197/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2085/2011.Provvista, ins<strong>tal</strong>lazjoni u kkummissjonar ta’ verticaltransportation system għall-Università Valletta Campus – L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €100.00 għal kullkopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.CT 198/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2101/2011.Kostruzzjoni ta’ helicopter pad u kmamar inkluż servizzi ta’inġinerija fil-livell tas-saqaf eżistenti fl-Isptar Mater Dei – Ministerugħas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u l-Kura fil-Komunità. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’€200.00 għal kull kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.CT 199/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2168/2011.Provvista ta’ Etanercept 50mg pre-filled syringes – Ministerutas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura <strong>tal</strong>-Komunità. Irid jitħallas drittta’ €220.00 għal kull kopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fl-4 ta’ Ottubru,2011.CT 200/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2183/2011.Provvista ta’ sets for Ivac volumetric pumps – Ministeru tas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura <strong>tal</strong>-Komunità. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’€70.00 għal kull kopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fl-4 ta’ Ottubru,2011.CT 201/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2238/2011. Xirita’ karozzi ġodda – Awtorità ta’ Turiżmu ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>. Irid jitħallasdritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull kopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fl-4 ta’ Ottubru,2011.Sal-10.00 a.m. it-TLIETA, is-6 ta’ Diċembru 2011,għal:CT 202/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2141/2011.Estensjoni <strong>tal</strong>-MATS technical area – xogħlijiet ta’ tlestija– <strong>Malta</strong> Air Traffic Service. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €60.00 għalkull kopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.CT 203/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2162/2011.Provvista ta’ servizzi ta’ sigurtà fil-Units <strong>tal</strong>-AWAS – Ministerugħall-Ġustizzja u l-Intern. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €110.00 għalkull kopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Services Notice taħt l-International Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta tista’ tkun parzjalment iffinanzjataof Qrendi – <strong>Malta</strong> Tourism Authority. A copy of the tenderdocument may be downloaded from the website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).This is a Works Notice under the Local Open TenderProcedure. This tender is part-financed by the European Unionunder the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development:Europe Investing in Rural Areas.Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 29th November, 2011,for:CT 197/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2085/2011. Supply,ins<strong>tal</strong>lation and commissioning of a vertical transportationsystem for the University Valletta Campus – University of<strong>Malta</strong>. A fee of €100.00 will be charged for each copy oftender document.CT 198/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2101/2011. Constructionof a helicopter pad and rooms including engineering servicesat roof level at the existing Mater Dei Hospi<strong>tal</strong> - Ministry forHealth, the Elderly and Community Care. A fee of €200.00 willbe charged for each copy of tender document.CT 199/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2168/2011. Supplyof Etanercept 50mg pre-filled syringes – Ministry of Health,the Elderly and Community Care. A fee of €220.00 will becharged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 4th October,2011.CT 200/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2183/2011. Supplyof sets for Ivac volumetric pumps – Ministry of Health, theElderly and Community Care. A fee of €70.00 will be chargedfor each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 4th October,2011.CT 201/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2238/2011. Purchaseof new fleet cars – <strong>Malta</strong> Tourism Authority. A fee of €50.00will be charged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 4th October,2011.Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 6th December, 2011,for:CT 202/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2141/2011. Extensionto MATS technical area – finishing works – <strong>Malta</strong> Air TrafficService. A fee of €60.00 will be charged for each copy ofthe tender document.CT 203/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2162/2011. Provisionof security services at AWAS Units – Ministry for Justice andHome Affairs. A fee of €110.00 will be charged for each copyof tender document.This is a Services Notice under the International OpenTender Procedure. This tender may be part-financed by the

11,764 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Ewropew għar-Refuġjati(Programm Generali Solidarjetà u Ġestjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Flussi ta’Migrazzjoni 2007-2013) .Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fis-7 ta’ Ottubru,2011.CT 204/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2165/2011.Provvista ta’ stvali lid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Pulizija ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>– Ministeru għall-Ġustizzja u l-Intern. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’€50.00 għal kull kopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fis-7 ta’ Ottubru,2011.CT 205/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3061/2011.Xogħlijiet ta’ tlestija fix-Ximenes Redoubt, Triq is-Salini, SanPawl il-Baħar – Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €20.00 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Works Contract Notice taħt l-International OpenTender Procedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjatamill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt Il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali 2007-2013 – L-Ewropa tinvesti f’ŻoniRurali.CT 206/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3072/2011.Kostruzzjoni u xogħlijiet ta’ tlestija għall-mina taħt l-art fiTriq is-Salini, San Pawl il-Baħar – Ministeru għar-Riżorsi uAffarijiet Rurali. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €25.00 għal kull kopjatad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Works Contract Notice taħt il-Local OpenTender Procedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjatamill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt Il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali 2007-2013 – L-Ewropa tinvesti f’ŻoniRurali.CT 207/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3047/2011.Restawr tas-Swar <strong>tal</strong>-Belt Valletta – VLT 15 – Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €360.00 għalkull kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Works Notice taħt il-Local Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Ewropew għall-IżviluppReġjonali 2007-2013 – Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.Id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu biss min fuq issittad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti (http://www.contracts.gov.mt). L-offerenti huma avżati li mill-istess sit, jistgħu jniżżlupreview tad-dokumenti, bla ħlas. Tinħtieġ reġistrazzjonisabiex isir użu tas-servizzi eletroniċi tad-Dipartiment:iktar informazzjoni tinsab fuq (http://www.contracts.gov.mt/help?l=2). Is-sit jipprovdi wkoll informazzjoni dwarsejħiet ta’ offerti u rakkomandazzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-KumitatĠenerali <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti.Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u r-reġistrazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-offerti fil-ħin u d-data msemmija aktar ’il fuq.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011European Union under the European Refugee Fund (GeneralProgramme Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows2007 – 2013).The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 7th October,2011.CT 204/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2165/2011. Supplyof ankle boots to the <strong>Malta</strong> Police Department – Ministry forJustice and Home Affairs. A fee of €50.00 will be chargedfor each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 7th October,2011.CT 205/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 3061/2011. Finishingworks at Ximenes Redoubt, Triq is-Salini, St Paul’s Bay– Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs. A fee of €20.00will be charged for each copy of tender document.This is a Works Contract Notice under the InternationalOpen Tender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by theEuropean Union under the European Agricultural Fund forRural Development 2007-2013 – Europe Investing in RuralAreas.CT 206/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 3072/2011.Construction and finishing works of an underpass tunnel atTriq is-Salini, St Paul’s Bay – Ministry for Resources andRural Affairs. A fee of €25.00 will be charged for each copyof tender document.This is a Works Contract Notice under the InternationalOpen Tender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by theEuropean Union under the European Agricultural Fund forRural Development 2007-2013 – Europe Investing in RuralAreas.CT 207/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 3047/2011.Restoration works to Valletta Landfront Fortifications– VLT 15 – Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs. Afee of €360.00 will be charged for each copy of the tenderdocument.This is a Works Notice under the Local Open TenderProcedure. This tender is part-financed by the European Unionunder the European Regional Development Fund 2007-2013– Investing in your future.Tender documents are only obtainable from the websiteof the Department of Contracts (http://www.contracts.gov.mt). Tenderers are reminded that from this website, theycan download preview documents for free. Registrationis required in order to make use of the electronic servicesof the Department: more information is available from(http://www.contracts.gov.mt/help). The website alsoprovides updated information concerning calls for tendersand General Contracts Committee recommendations.The public may attend during the opening and schedulingof tenders at the time and dates specified above.18th October, 2011

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,765Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) jgħaraf lill-offerentikollha illi skont l-AL 296 <strong>tal</strong>-2010 tar-Regolamenti dwar il-Kuntratti Pubbliċi 2010, ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet magħmulamill-Kumitat Ġenerali <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti għar-rigward <strong>tal</strong>-għotita’ kuntratti pubbliċi se jkunu ppubblikati fuq in-noticeboardtad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti nhar ta’ Erbgħa u nharta’ Ġimgħa wara nofsinhar. L-offerenti jistgħu jiksbudin l-informazzjoni billi jużaw il-website uffiċjali tad-Dipartiment: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Kull offerent li jkollu xi oġġezzjoni għal xi rakkomandazzjonijrid iressaq l-ilment uffiċjali tiegħu lid-Direttur Ġenerali(Kuntratti) skont parti XIII <strong>tal</strong>-imsemmija Regolamenti litistabbilixxi fid-det<strong>tal</strong>l il-proċedura li trid tkun segwita f’każbħal dan. Huwa fl-interess ta’ kull offerent li jkun jaf sewwad-det<strong>tal</strong>ji ta’ din il-parti tar-Regolamenti.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011AVVIŻ TAD-DIPARTIMENT TAL-KUNTRATTICT 175/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2105/2011.Espressjoni ta’ interess għall-bini, operat u trasferimentlura lill-Kunsill Malti għall-iSport <strong>tal</strong>-Marsa Sports Village– Kunsill Malti għall-iSport. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €250.00għal kull kopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fis-26 <strong>tal</strong>-ulju, 2011Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) javża għall-informazzjonita’ kulħadd illi d-data u l-ħin biex jintbagħtu l-offerti għallavviżimsemmi qed jiġu mtawla sal-10.00 a.m. tat-TLIETA,il-25 ta’ Ottubru, 2011.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011The Director General (Contracts) notifies all tenderers thatin terms of LN 296 of 2010 of the Public Contracts Regulations2010 recommendations made by the General ContractsCommittee for the award of public contracts will be givenpublicity in the Department of Contracts’ notice board everyWednesday and Friday after 12.00 noon. Tenderers mayalso obtain this information by utilizing the Department’sofficial website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Any tenderer who may feel aggrieved by any suchrecommendation must submit his official complaint to theDirector General (Contracts) in accordance with part XIII ofthe said Regulations which lays down in detail the procedureto be followed in such a case. All tenderers should, therefore,familiarise themselves with the provisions of this part of theRegulations.18th October, 2011DEPARTMENT OF CONTRACTS NOTICECT 175/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2105/2011.Expression of interest for the building, operation and transferback to the <strong>Malta</strong> Sports Council of the Marsa Sports Village– <strong>Malta</strong> Sports Council. A fee of €250.00 will be chargedfor each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 26th July, 2011.The Director General (Contracts) notifies for generalinformation that the date and time for the presentation ofoffers for the above mentioned advert is being extended upto 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 25th October, 2011.18th October, 2011DIPARTIMENT TAL-KUNTRATTIId-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) javża illi offerti elettroniċib’rispett ta’ dawn l-avviżi jintlaqgħu sal-ġranet u l-ħinijietindikati hawn taħt. L-offerti għandhom jiġu sottomessionline BISS fuq: (http://www.etenders.gov.mt).Sad-9.30 a.m. il-ĦAMIS, is-17 ta’ Novembru 2011,għal:CT 2501/2011. Qafas ta’ ftehim għall-provvista ta’recycled toilet paper lit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Procurement tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti. Id-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta hu blaħlas.CT 2502/2011. Qafas ta’ ftehim għall-provvista ta’kalzetti u tights lit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Procurement tad-Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti. Id-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta hu bla ħlas.DEPARTMENT OF CONTRACTSThe Director General (Contracts) notifies that electronictenders in respect of the following notices will be receivedon the days and dates indicated below. Tenders are to besubmitted online ONLY on: (http://www.etenders.gov.mt).Up to 9.30 a.m. on THURSDAY, 17th November, 2011,for:CT 2501/2011. Framework contract for the supply ofrecycled toilet paper to the Procurement Section of theContracts Department. Tender document is free of charge.CT 2502/2011. Framework contract for the supply ofsocks and tights to the Procurement Section of the ContractsDepartment. Tender document is free of charge.

11,766 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818CT 2503/2011. Qafas ta’ ftehim għall-provvista ta’Departmen<strong>tal</strong> Accounting System forms lit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Procurement tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti. Id-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta hu bla ħlas.Id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu biss minnfuq l-Electronic Public Procurement System (http://www.etenders.gov.mt). Trid issir reġistrazzjoni sabiex isirużu min dan is-sit: operaturi ekonomiċi Maltin jeħtieġikollhom l-Organisation e-ID sabiex ikunu jistgħujaċċesjaw dan is-sit. Iktar informazzjoni tista’ tinkisebmis-Sezzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-FAQ <strong>tal</strong>-istess sit.Operaturi ekonomiċi interessati sabiex jipparteċipawf’dawn is-sejħiet għal offerti huma mħeġġa jieħdu nota<strong>tal</strong>-workshops organizzati mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti.F’dawn il-workshops, se jsiru simulazzjonijiet sabiex operaturiekonomiċi jiffamiljarizzaw ruħhom bil-kompilazzjoni usottomissjoni ta’ tender online. Iktar informazzjoni tinsab fiddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Dawn il-workshops huma intenzjonatiBISS għal dawk l-operaturi ekonomiċi li beħsiebhomjissottomettu offerta għal dawn l-offerti: operaturi prospettivioħrajn huma mistiedna jattendu waħda mis-sensiela ta’sessjonijiet ta’ informazzjoni organizzati mid-Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti sabiex tingħata ħarsa ġenerali <strong>tal</strong>-proċeduriġodda <strong>tal</strong>-electronic procurement.Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u reġistrazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>--offerti fil-ħin u d-data memmija aktar il-fuq.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) javża lill-offerenti kollhailli skont l-AL296 <strong>tal</strong>-2010 tar-Regolamenti dwar il-KuntrattiPubbliċi 2010 ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet magħmula mill-KumitatĠenerali <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti għar-rigward <strong>tal</strong>-għoti ta’ kuntratti publiċise jkunu ppubblikati fuq in-notice-board tad-Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti nhar ta’ Erbgħa u nhar ta’ Ġimgħa wara 12.00(nofsinhar). L-Offerenti jistgħu jiksbu din l-informazzjonibilli jużaw il-website uffiċċjali tad-Dipartiment: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Kull offerent li jkollu xi oġġezzjoni għal xirakkomandazzjoni jrid iressaq l-ilment uffiċjali tiegħulid-Direttur Ġeneral (Kuntratti) skont Partijiet II jew XIII<strong>tal</strong>-imsemmija Regolamenti li tistabbilixxi fid-det<strong>tal</strong>l ilproċedurali trid tkun segwita f’każ bħal dan. Huwa flinteressta’ kull offerent li jkun jaf sewwa d-det<strong>tal</strong>ji ta’ dinil-Parti tar-Regolamenti.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011CT 2503/2011 – Framework contract for the supply ofDepartmen<strong>tal</strong> Accounting System forms to the ProcurementSection of the Contracts Department. Tender document isfree of charge.Tender documents are only obtainable from theElectronic Public Procurement System (http://www.etenders.gov.mt). Registration is required in order tomake use of this website: Maltese economic operators needto be in possession of their Organisation e-ID in order toaccess this website. More information is available fromthe FAQ Section of the same website.Economic operators interested in participating inthese current calls for tender are urged to take note ofthe workhops being organised by the Department ofContracts. During these workshops, simulations willbe carried out so that economic operators familiarisethemselves with compiling and submitting their tenderonline. More information is available in the tenderdocument. These workshops are ONLY intended toeconomic operators that intend to submit an offer for thesetenders: other prospective operators are invited to attendone of the information sessions currently being organisedby the Department of Contracts that give an overview ofthe new electronic procurement procedures.The public may attend during the opening and schedulingof tenders at the time and dates specified above.18th October, 2011The Director General (Contracts) notifies all tenderers thatin terms of LN296 of 2010 of the Public Contracts Regulations2010 recommendations made by the General ContractsCommittee for the award of public contracts will be givenpublicity in the Department of Contracts’ notice board everyWednesday and Friday after 12.00 (noon). Tenderers may alsoobtain this information by utilizing the Department’s officialwebsite: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Any tenderer who may feel aggrieved by any suchrecommendation must submit his official complaint to theDirector General (Contracts) in accordance with Parts II orXIII of the said Regulations which lays down in detail theprocedure to be followed in such a case. All tenderers should,therefore, familiarise themselves with the provisions of thisPart of the Regulations.18th October, 2011

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,767DIPARTIMENT TAL-ARTIJIETIl-Kummissarju <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet jgħarraf li:Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhomjintefgħu fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet, Berġa <strong>tal</strong>-Baviera, Valletta, sal-10.00 a.m. <strong>tal</strong>-Ħamis, l-20 ta’ Ottubru, 2011.Avviż Nru. 95. Bejgħ ta’ sit fi Triq l-Etna, Il-Mellieħa, muribl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.2011_608. Dan is-sit hu soġġett għalservitujiet eżistenti a favur <strong>tal</strong>-proprjetà adjaċenti. L-offertigħandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’€500 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Offerti anqasmill-ammont ta’ sebat’elef Ewro (€7,000) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 96. Bejgħ ta’ sit fi Triq il-Ħabb il-Qamħ,Il-Manikata, limiti <strong>tal</strong>-Mellieħa, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjantaP.D.2010_249_A. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjatib’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €2,000 skont kif stipulat filkundizzjonijiet<strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’sitta u ħamsin elf Ewro (€56,000) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offertaOfferti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhomjintefgħu fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet, Berġa <strong>tal</strong>-Baviera, Il-Belt Valletta, sal-10.00 ta’filgħodu <strong>tal</strong>-Ħamis, 27 ta’ Ottubru, 2011.Avviż Nru. 97. Bejgħ ta’ sit fi Triq il-Fortizza <strong>tal</strong>-Mosta,In-Naxxar, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.293_2004_A. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għallammontta’ €50,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ tmien mija u għoxrinelf Ewro (€820,000) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €100 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 98. Bejgħ ta’ sit fi Triq Ivo Muscat Azzopardi,San Ġiljan, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.2011_319. L-offertigħandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammontta’ €50,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ mitt elf Ewro (€100,000) majiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 99. Bejgħ ta’ sit fi Triq il-Ġifen, Marsaxlokk,muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat Nru. 1 fuq pjanta P.D.241_81_4.LAND DEPARTMENTThe Commissioner of Land notifies that:Sealed tenders in respect of the following advertisementshave to be dropped in the Tender Box at the LandDepartment, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta by 10.00 a.m.on Thursday, 20th October, 2011.Advt. No. 95. Sale of a site in Triq l-Etna, Mellieħa, shownedged in red on plan P.D.2011_608. This site is subject toexisting servitudes in favour of adjacent property. Tenders areto be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €500 asstipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amountof seven thousand Euro (€7,000) will not be considered.A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 96. Sale of a site in Triq il-Ħabb il-Qamħ,Manikata, limits of Mellieħa, shown edged in red on planP.D.2010_249_A. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bidbondfor an amount of €2,000 as stipulated in the tenderconditions. Offers below the amount of fifty six thousandEuro (€56,000) will not be considered.A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocumentSealed tenders in respect of the following advertisementshave to be dropped in the Tender Box at the LandDepartment, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta by 10.00 a.m.on Thursday, 27th October, 2011.Advt. No. 97. Sale of a site in Triq il-Fortizza <strong>tal</strong>-Mosta,Naxxar, shown edged in red on plan P.D.293_2004_A.Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amountof €50,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offersbelow the amount of eight hundred and twenty thousand Euro(€820,000) will not be considered.A fee of €100 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 98. Sale of a site in Triq Ivo Muscat Azzopardi,Saint Julians, shown edged in red on plan P.D.2011_319.Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amountof €50,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers belowthe amount of one hundred thousand Euro (€100,000) willnot be considered.A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 99. Sale of a site in Triq il-Ġifen, Marsaxlokk,shown edged in red and marked No. 1 on plan P.D.241_81_4.

11,768 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għallammontta’ €1,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ ħamest elef u disa’mitt Ewro (€5,900) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 100. Bejgħ ta’ Garaxx Nru. 9 taħt BlokkAppartamenti Indipendenza, Triq id-Dawl, Santa Luċija,muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.11_82_116. Din l-offerta hijasoġġetta għad-dritt <strong>tal</strong>-ewwel rifjut. L-offerti għandhom ikunuakkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €5,000 skont kifstipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammontta’ għoxrin elf Ewro (€20,000) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 101. Bejgħ ta’ spazju taħt l-art, li jiġi taħtil-bankina quddiem il-Fond Nru. 90/92 Triq Santa Rita, Ir-Rabat, <strong>Malta</strong>, kif muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.2011_557.L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għallammontta’ €250 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ tmien mitt Ewro(€800) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 102. Kiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ħanut vojt Nru.3, Blokk III,Misraħ Awrekarja, San Ġwann, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjantaL.D.135/81/34. Din l-offerta hu soġġett għad-dritt <strong>tal</strong>-ewwelrifjut. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ elf u seba’ mitt Ewro(€1,700) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhomjintefgħu fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet, Berġa <strong>tal</strong>-Baviera, Valletta, sal-10.00 a.m. <strong>tal</strong>-Ħamis, 3 ta’ Novembru, 2011.Avviż Nru. 103. Bejgħ ta’ sit fi Triq Binġemma, In-Nadur, Għawdex, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.2009_703.L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għallammontta’ €10,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ mitejn u tmenin elfewro (€280,000) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €100 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amountof €1,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers belowthe amount of five thousand nine hundred Euro (€5,900) willnot be considered.A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 100. Sale of Garage No. 9, underlying BlockAppartamenti Indipendenza, Triq id-Dawl, Santa Lucija shownedged in red on plan P.D.11_82_116. This tender is subjectto a right of first refusal. Tenders are to be accompanied by abid-bond for an amount of €5,000 as stipulated in the tenderconditions. Offers below the amount of twenty thousand Euro(€20,000) will not be considered.A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 101. Sale of an underground space, underlyingpavement in front of Premises No. 90/92 Saint Rita Street,Rabat, <strong>Malta</strong>, as shown edged in red on plan P.D.2011_557.Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amountof €250 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offersbelow the amount of eight hundred Euro (€800) will not beconsidered.A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 102. Lease of the bare Shop No.3, Block III,Misraħ Awrekarja, San Ġwann, shown edged in red on planL.D.135/81/34. This tender is subject to a right of first refusal.Offers below the amount of one thousand seven hundred Euro(€1,700) per annum will not be considered.A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Sealed tenders in respect of the following advertisementshave to be dropped in the Tender Box at the LandDepartment, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta by 10.00 a.m.on Thursday, 3rd November, 2011.Advt. No. 103. Sale of a site in Triq Binġemma, Nadur,Gozo, shown edged in red on plan P.D.2009_703. Tenders areto be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €10,000 asstipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amountof two hundred and eighty thousand Euro (€280,000) willnot be considered.A fee of €100 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,769Avviż Nru. 104. Kiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ħanut vojt Nru. 28, Triq l-Inġinieri kantuniera ma’ Triq l-Imtieħen, il-Belt Valletta,muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.2011_621. Din l-offerta hisoġġetta għad-dritt <strong>tal</strong>-ewwel rifjut. Offerti anqas millammontta’ elf u seba’ mitt ewro (€1,700) fis-sena ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 105. Kiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ħanut vojt Nru. 1, Triq GuliermoLorenzi, Ħaż-Żebbuġ, <strong>Malta</strong>, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjantaP.D.85_81_7_A. Din l-offerta hi soġġetta għad-dritt <strong>tal</strong>ewwelrifjut. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ elf u erba’ mittewro (€1,400) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 106. Kiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ħanut vojt Nru. 145, Triq ManoelDe Vilhena, Il-Gżira, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.2010_1011. Din l-offerta hi soġġetta għad-dritt <strong>tal</strong>-ewwel rifjut.Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ elf ewro (€1,000) fis-sena majiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 107. Kiri, minn sena għal sena, għal skop ta’agrikultura, ta’ sit fi Vjal il-Blue Grotto fil-limiti taż-Żurrieq,muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat Nru. 2 fuq pjanta P.D.2010_325.Bdiewa full-time jingħataw preferenza. Ċertifikat mill-Korporazzjoni għax-Xogħol u t-Taħriġ (E.T.C.) kif ukollċertifikat mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Agrikultura, li jikkonfermawli għall-anqas f’dawn l-aħħar tliet (3) snin kien/et bidwifull-time, iridu jiġu annessi ma kull offerta. F’każ li l-ebdabidwi full-time ma’ jagħmel offerta, il-<strong>Gvern</strong> iżomm id-drittli jagħti l-offerta lil kwalunkwe offerent ieħor. Offerti anqasmill-ammont ta’ mija u tmenin ewro (€180) fis-sena majiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.L-offerti għandhom isiru biss fuq il-formola preskritta,li flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet rilevanti u dokumenti oħrajistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet, Berġa <strong>tal</strong>-Baviera, Il-Belt Valletta, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u 11.45 a.m.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Advt. No. 104. Lease of the bare Shop No. 28, SappersStreet corner with Windmill Street, Valletta, shown edged inred on plan P.D.2011_621. This tender is subject to a right offirst refusal. Offers below the amount of one thousand sevenhundred Euro (€1,700) per annum will not be considered.A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 105. Lease of the bare Shop No. 1, GuliermoLorenzi Street, Ħaż-Żebbuġ, <strong>Malta</strong>, shown edged in red onplan P.D.85_81_7_A. This tender is subject to a right of firstrefusal. Offers below the amount of one thousand four hundredEuro (€1,400) per annum will not be considered.A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 106. Lease of the bare Shop No. 145, TriqManoel De Vilhena, Gżira, shown edged in red on planP.D.2010_1011. This tender is subject to a right of first refusal.Offers below the amount of one thousand Euro (€1,000) perannum will not be considered.A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 107. Lease, on a year to year basis, foragricultural purposes, of a site in Blue Grotto Avenue, inthe limits of Żurrieq, shown edged in red and marked No. 2on plan P.D.2010_325. Preference will be given to full-timefarmers, who are to submit with the tender a certificate fromthe Employment and Training Corporation (E.T.C.) and acertificate from the Department of Agriculture, confirming thathe/she has been a full time farmer for at least the last three (3)years. Government reserves the right to award tender to anyother bidder if no full time farmer submits an offer. Offersbelow the amount of one hundred and eighty Euro (€180)per annum will not be considered.A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocumentTenders should be made only on the prescribed form which,together with the relevant conditions and other documents areobtainable from the Land Department, Auberge de Baviere,Valletta on any working day between 8.30 a.m. and 11.45a.m.18th October, 2011

11,770 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIId-Direttur Ġenerali, Taqsima tad-Disinn ta’ Proġetti uInġinerija, jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-21 ta’ Ottubru,2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 115/2011. Xogħlijiet ta’ ċċangar fir-Recreational Area ta’ Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, il-25 ta’ Ottubru,2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħukwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:-Kwot. Nru. 72/2011. Provvista u tqegħid ta’ madum gresfil-livell ta’ taħt l-art, Project House, Floriana.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €5 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjoni.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-28 ta’ Ottubru,2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 113/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-provvistau konsenja ta’ njam <strong>tal</strong>-abjad u <strong>tal</strong>-aħmar, iroku u marineu meranti plywood lill-Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u AffarijietRurali.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €25 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 114/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għat-tgħabbijau ġarr ta’ ċangaturi kbar <strong>tal</strong>-franka u vażi mill-Barriera Tar-Robba għal diversi postijiet f’<strong>Malta</strong>.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €40 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 120/2011. Xogħlijiet ta’ titjib fir-Roundabout<strong>tal</strong>-Monument <strong>tal</strong>-Gwerra, Floriana.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Kwot. Nru. 74/2011. Bejgħ ta’ oġġetti mhux użati <strong>tal</strong>imħażenmid-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Manifattura u Servizzi, Kordin.Ministry for Resourcesand Rural AffairsThe Director General, Project Design and EngineeringDivision, notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 21stOctober, 2011, for:-Advt. No. 115/2011. Paving works at Baħar iċ-ĊagħaqRecreational Area.A fee of €50 is to be charged for the procurement of eachset relevant document.Sealed quotations will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 25thOctober, 2011 for:-Quot. No. 72/2011. Supply and laying of gres tiles atbasement level, Project House, Floriana.A fee of €5 is to be charged for the procurement of eachquotation document.Sealed tenders/quotations would be received at theContracts and Procurement Section, Department ofFinancial Management, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. onFriday, 28th October, 2011, for:-Advt. No. 113/2011. Period contract for the supplyand delivery of white and red deal timber, iroko timber andmarine and meranti plywood to Ministry for Resources andRural Affairs.A fee of €25 is to be charged for the procurement ofeach set relevant document.Advt. No. 114/2011. Period contract for the loading andtransporting of large franka stone blocks and ‘vażi’ from Tar-Robba Quarry to various sites in <strong>Malta</strong>.A fee of €40 is to be charged for the procurement of eachset relevant document.Advt. No. 120/2011. Upgrading works at the WarMemorial Roundabout, Floriana.A fee of €50 is to be charged for the procurement of eachset relevant document.Quot. No. 74/2011. Sale of unused store items from theManufacturing and Services Directorate, Kordin.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,771Dan id-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjoni jista’ jinkiseb mingħajrħlas.Kwot. Nru. 75/2011. Provvista u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’ fireretardant door with pin and card lock fid-Data Centre Room,Project House, Floriana.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €15 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjoni.Kwot. Nru. 76/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-provvista ta’air, oil u fuel filters lid-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Manifattura u Servizzitad-Dipartiment tat-Tindif u l-Manutenzjoni.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €25 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjoni.Kwot. Nru. 77/2011. Provvista u konsenja ta’ ċangaturi<strong>tal</strong>-lava bil-wiċċ immartellat għaz-Zuntier <strong>tal</strong>-Knisja ta’ SanFilippu, Ħaż-Żebbuġ.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €5 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjoni.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-1 ta’ Novembru,2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 117/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-provvistau konsenja ta’ fittings għall-pajpijiet <strong>tal</strong>-azzar għall-Ministerugħar-Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, l-4 ta’ Novembru,2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 119/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-provvistau konsenja ta’ basktijiet Degradable LDPE Polythene.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €40 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, it-8 ta’ Novembru,2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-*Avviż Nru. 121/2011. Provvista u tqegħid ta’ hot asphaltbil-kulur f’mogħdija pedonali f’parti minn Triq Marina,Tall-Pietà.This quotation document can be obtained free of charge.Quot. No. 75/2011. Supply and ins<strong>tal</strong>lation of a fireretardant door with pin and card lock at the Data CentreRoom, Project House, Floriana.A fee of €15 is to be charged for the procurement of eachquotation document.Quot. No. 76/2011. Period contract for the provision ofair, oil and fuel filters to the Manufacturing and ServicesDirectorate of the Cleansing and Maintenance Department.A fee of €25 is to be charged for the procurement of eachquotation document.Quot. No. 77/2011. Provision and delivery of hammeredsurface lava tiles for St Philip Church Parvis, Ħaż-Żebbuġ.A fee of €5 is to be charged for the procurement of eachquotation document.Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 1stNovember, 2011, for:-Advt. No. 117/2011. Period contract for the supply anddelivery of steel pipe fittings to Ministry for Resources andRural Affairs.A fee of €50 is to be charged for the procurement ofeach set relevant document.Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 4thNovember, 2011, for:-Advt. No. 119/2011. Period contract for the supply anddelivery of Degradable LDPE Polythene bags.A fee of €40 is to be charged for the procurement ofeach set relevant document.Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 8thNovember, 2011, for:-*Advt. No. 121/2011. Supply and laying of coloured hotasphalt in footpath at part of Triq Marina, Tal-Pietà.

11,772 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.*Avviż li qed jidher għall-ewwel darbaDokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettivtagħhom mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-FinancialManagement, Blokk ‘A’, Floriana, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħolbejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkisebmit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u x-Xiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-Telefon Cash Office: 22997455).Wieħed jista’ jara sample tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta/kwotazzjonifil-website <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru: (http://www.mrra.gov.mt).It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011A fee of €50 is to be charged for the procurement of eachset relevant document.*Advertisement appearing for the first timeRelevant documents may be obtained, against paymentof the indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department ofFinancial Management, Block ‘A’, Floriana, on any workingday between 8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further informationmay be obtained from the Contracts and Procurement Sectionof the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs (Cash OfficeTel. No. 2299 7455).Sample tender/quotation document may be viewed onthe Ministry’s website: (http://www.mrra.gov.mt).18th October, 2011MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIId-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp Rurali u Akwakultura jgħarrafilli:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-1 ta’ Novembru,2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 116/2011. Provvediment ta’ servizzita’ manutenzjoni ta’ żubruni fl-Aquaculture Zone tan-Nofsinhar.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €25 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettivtagħhom mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-FinancialManagement, Blokk ‘A’, Floriana, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħolbejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkisebmit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u x-Xiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-Telefon Cash Office: 22997567).Wieħed jista’ jara sample tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta fil-website<strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru: (http://www.mrra.gov.mt).It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Ministry for Resourcesand Rural AffairsThe Rural Development and Aquaculture Department,notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 1stNovember, 2011 for:-Advt. No. 116/2011. Provision of maintenance servicesto marker buoys at the South Aquaculture Zone.A fee of €25 is to be charged for the procurement of eachset relevant document.Relevant documents may be obtained, against paymentof the indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department ofFinancial Management, Block ‘A’, Floriana, on any workingday between 8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further informationmay be obtained from the Contracts and Procurement Sectionof the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs (Cash OfficeTel. No. 2299 7567).Sample tender document may be viewed on the Ministry’swebsite: (http://www.mrra.gov.mt).18th October, 2011MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIId-Direttur Ġenerali, Dipartiment tad-Disinn ta’ Proġettiu Implimentazzjoni, jgħarraf illi:-Ministry for Resourcesand Rural AffairsThe Director General, Project Design and ImplimentationDepartment, notifies that:-

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,773Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, l-4 ta’ Novembru,2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 118/2011. Xogħlijiet ta’ modernizzar fil-Valletta Border Inspection Post, Zammit Dock, Il-Marsa.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettivtagħhom mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-FinancialManagement, Blokk ‘A’, Floriana, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħolbejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkisebmit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u x-Xiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-Telefon Cash Office: 22997567).Wieħed jista’ jara sample tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta fil-website<strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru: (http://www.mrra.gov.mt).It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 4thNovember, 2011 for:-Advt. No. 118/2011. Refurbishment works at VallettaBorder Inspection Post, Zammit Dock, Marsa.A fee of €10 is to be charged for the procurement ofeach set of relevant document.Relevant documents may be obtained, against paymentof the indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department ofFinancial Management, Block ‘A’, Floriana, on any workingday between 8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further informationmay be obtained from the Contracts and Procurement Sectionof the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs (Cash OfficeTel. No. 2299 7567).Sample tender document may be viewed on the Ministry’swebsite: (http://www.mrra.gov.mt).18th October, 2011KORPORAZZJONI ENEMALTAIċ-Chief Executive Officer jgħarraf illi:–Kategorija A - Stmati bejn€6,001 - €12,000- Jagħlqu Il-MarsaSal-11.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, is-16 ta’ Novembru,2011, fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti <strong>tal</strong>-Enemalta Il-Marsa jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għal:–ENEMALTA CorporationThe Chief Executive Officer notifies that:–Category A - Estimated between€6,001 - €12,000- Closing at MarsaSealed tenders will be received at Enemalta’s Marsatender box up to 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 16th November,2011, for:–TD/T/3047/2011.Ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’ kisja biextaqta’ s-sħana ta’ bejt għad-Distrett ta’ BirkirkaraTD/T/3047/2011.Ins<strong>tal</strong>lation of roof thermalinsulation for BirkirkaraDistrict.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.Kategorija B - Stmati bejn€12,001 - €120,000- Jagħlqu Il-MarsaSal-11.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, id-19 ta’ Ottubru,2011, fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti <strong>tal</strong>-Enemalta Il-Marsa jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għal:–A fee of €10 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.Category B - Estimated between€12,001 - €120,000- Closing at MarsaSealed tenders will be received at Enemalta’s Marsatender box up to 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 19th October,2011, for:–TD/T/3013/2011.Provvista ta’ PVC insulatedcopper cable.TD/T/3013/2011.Supply of PVC insulatedcopper cable.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.A fee of €10 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.

11,774 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Sal-11.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, it-2 ta’ Novembru,2011, fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti <strong>tal</strong>-Enemalta Il-Marsa jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għal:–Sealed tenders will be received at Enemalta’s Marsatender box up to 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 2nd November,2011, for:–TD/T/3002/2011.Provvista u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjonita’ permanent buoyancy oilcontainment booms għall-Power Station <strong>tal</strong>-Marsa.TD/T/3002/2011.Supply and ins<strong>tal</strong>lationof permanent buoyancyoil containment booms forMarsa Power Station.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.A fee of €10 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.GN/MPS/T/28/2010.Provvista ta’ Oxygen scavengerchemical additive for boilerfeedwater treatment.GN/MPS/T/28/2010.Supply of Oxygen scavengerchemical additive for boilerfeedwater treatment.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.A fee of €20 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.GN/MPS/T/95/2010.Provvista ta’ MagnesiumOxide fuel oil additive.GN/MPS/T/95/2010.Supply of Magnesium Oxidefuel oil additive.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.Sal-11.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, is-16 ta’ Novembru,2011, fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti <strong>tal</strong>-Enemalta Il-Marsa jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għal:–A fee of €20 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at Enemalta’s Marsatender box up to 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 16th November,2011, for:–TD/T/3003/2011.Provvista ta’ String GlassInsulators.TD/T/3003/2011.Supply of String GlassInsulators.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.A fee of €10 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.HO/T/3011/2011.Offerta għall-verifika ta’EU ETS Green House GasEmissions Data ta’ CombustionIns<strong>tal</strong>lation <strong>tal</strong>-Marsa uDelimara.HO/T/3011/2011.Tender for the verificationof the EU ETS Green HouseGas Emissions Data of Marsaand Delimara CombustionIns<strong>tal</strong>lations.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.A fee of €10 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.TD/T/3027/2011.Provvista ta’ O u t d o o rTransformers 250kVA.TD/T/3027/2011.S u p p l y o f O u t d o o rTransformers 250kVA.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.Kategorija Ċ - Stmati bejn€120,001 - €412,000 (Mingħajr VAT)- Jagħlqu d-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti - FlorianaSal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, il-25 ta’ Ottubru, 2011,fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:–A fee of €10 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.Category C - Estimated between€120,001 - €412,000 (VAT Exclusive)- Closing at Contracts Department - FlorianaSealed tenders will be received at the Department ofContracts, Floriana, up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 25thOctober, 2011, for:–TD/T/4004/PC3/2011.Kuntratt perjodiku għallprovvistata’ bar coded syntheticsecurity seals għal meters <strong>tal</strong>elettriku,enclosures u panels.TD/T/4004/PC3/2011.Period contract for the supplyof bar coded synthetic securityseals for electrical meters,enclosures and panels.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,775Id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq <strong>tal</strong>-offerta TD/T/4004/PC3/2011 ġietestiża minn nhar it-Tlieta, l-20 ta’ Settembru, 2011.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-1 ta’ Novembru, 2011,fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:–The closing date of tender TD/T/4004/PC3/2011 has beenextended from Tuesday, 20th September, 2011.Sealed tenders will be received at the Departmentof Contracts, Floriana, up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 1stNovember, 2011, for:–TD/T/3045/2011.Offerta għall-parteċipazzjonibħala Kuntratturi għallins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjonita’ SMARTMeters f’isem il-KorporazzjoniEnemalta.TD/T/3045/2011.Tender to participate asContractors for the ins<strong>tal</strong>lationof SMART Meters on behalfof Enemalta Corporation.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, it-8 ta’ Novembru,2011, fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, Floriana, jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għal:–A fee of €50 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the Department ofContracts, Floriana, up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 8thNovember, 2011, for:–E/P/T/03/2010.Trasport fuq l-art ta’ prodotti <strong>tal</strong>petroleumfi kwantitajiet kbar.E/P/T/03/2010.Transportation of PetroleumProducts in bulk by road.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.A fee of €50 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.E/P/T/04/2011.Trasport bil-baħar ta’ prodotti<strong>tal</strong>-petroleum fi kwantitajietkbar.E/P/T/04/2011.Transportation of PetroleumProducts in bulk by sea.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.Kategorija D - Stmati bejn it-Treshhold <strong>tal</strong>-UE€412,001 - €1,999,999Jagħlqu d-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti - FlorianaSal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, il-15 ta’ Novembru,2011, fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, Floriana, jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għal:–A fee of €50 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.Category D - Estimated between EU Treshhold€412,001 - €1,999,999Closing at the Department of Contracts - FlorianaSealed tenders will be received at the Department ofContracts, Floriana, up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 15thNovember, 2011, for:–HO/T/PC3/73/2010.Provvediment ta’ Skema ta’Assigurazzjoni tas-Saħħa għallimpjegati<strong>tal</strong>-KorporazzjoniEnemalta u d-dipendenti direttitagħhom 2012 - 2014.HO/T/PC3/73/2010.Provision of a HealthInsurance Scheme to EnemaltaCorporation employees andtheir direct dependents 2012- 2014.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.Id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq <strong>tal</strong>-offerta HO/T/PC3/73/2010 ġietestiża minn nhar it-Tlieta, l-1 ta’ Novembru, 2011.A fee of €20 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.The closing date of tender HO/T/PC3/73/2010. has beenextended from Tuesday, 1st November, 2011.

11,776 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Kategorija E - Stmati ’l fuq minn€2,000,000 - Jagħlqu d-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti- Floriana - 3 Envelope ProcedureSal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, it-8 ta’ Novembru,2011, fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, Floriana, jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għal:–Category E - Estimated above€2,000,000 - Closing at the Department of Contracts- Floriana - 3 Envelope ProcedureSealed tenders will be received at the Department ofContracts, Floriana, up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 8thNovember, 2011, for:–TD/T/3041/2011Provvista, ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ukummissjunar ta’ żewġ 132Kv XLPE cable circuits mill-Kappara DC (Fażi 2a).TD/T/3041/2011Supply, ins<strong>tal</strong>lation andcommissioning of two 132Kv XLPE cable circuits fromKappara DC (Phase 2a).Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €100 għal kull dokument ta’din l-offerta.Għandu jitħallas bid-bond ta’ €60,000 ma’ kull offertagħall-offerta msemmija hawn fuq.Id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ta’ Avviż TD/T/3041/2011 ġiet estiżaminn nhar it-Tlieta, il-25 ta’ Ottubru, 2011.L-offerti li ma jkollhomx magħhom il-ktejjeb teknikurilevanti u/jew kampjuni, meta jkunu mitlubin flispeċifikazzjoni,jistgħu ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti u d-dokumenti relatati kollha jistgħujinkisbu mill-Korporazzjoni Enemalta, Bini Ċentrali <strong>tal</strong>-Amministrazzjoni Ġenerali, ix-Xatt <strong>tal</strong>-Knisja, Il-Marsa,f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar. Aktartagħrif jista’ jinkiseb billi wieħed jikkuntattja t-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Procurement fuq in-Numru tat-Telefon 2298 0736 jew bl-email:(tenderenquiries.emc@enemalta.com.mt).Min jibgħat offerta għandu jiftakar li l-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offertajistgħu jitniżżlu mill-Website <strong>tal</strong>-Enemalta (www.enemalta.com.mt) wara li jitħallas dritt on-line <strong>tal</strong>-ammont relattiv.Tagħrif rigward id-deċiżjonijiet meħuda mis-Sotto Kumitat<strong>tal</strong>-Offerti <strong>tal</strong>-Kategorija B jista’ jinkiseb minn fuq 2298 0660għal tlett ijiem konsekuttivi wara l-ewwel pubblikazzjonitagħhom fuq in-notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Bini <strong>tal</strong>-Amministrazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-Enemalta, Il-Marsa.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011A fee of €100 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.A bid-bond of €60,000 is to be submitted with each offerfor the above tender.The closing date of Advt. TD/T/3041/2011 has beenextended from Tuesday, 25th October, 2011.Offers unaccompanied by the relevant technical literatureand/or sample, when so required in the specification may notbe considered.All forms of tenders and all related documents may beobtained from Enemalta Corporation, Central AdministrationBuilding, Church Wharf, Marsa, on any working day between8.30 a.m. and noon. Further information may be obtained bycontacting the Procurement Section on Telephone No. 22980736 or on email address: (tenderenquiries.emc@enemalta.com.mt).Tenderers are to note that tenders/quotation forms may alsobe downloaded from Enemalta Website (www.enemalta.com.mt) against payment on-line of the relative fee.Information regarding decisions taken by Enemalta TenderSub Committee regarding awards of Category B tenders canbe polled on 2298 0660 for three consecutive working daysafter their first publication on the notice-board at EnemaltaAdministration Building, Marsa.18th October, 2011KORPORAZZJONI GĦAL SERVIZZI TAL-ILMAIċ-Chief Executive, Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma,jgħarraf illi:–Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-21 ta’ Ottubru, 2011,fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma,Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqingħal:-Avviż Nru. WSC/T/49/2011. Provvista, konsenja ukummissjunar ta’ pannelli <strong>tal</strong>-elettriku u variable frequencydrives.WATER SERVICES CORPORATIONThe Chief Executive, Water Services Corporation, notifiesthat:–Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, by notlater than 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 21st October, 2011 for:-Advt. No. WSC/T/49/2011. Supply, delivery andcommissioning of electrical panels and variable frequencydrives.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,777Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €24.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ta’ din l-offerta reġgħet ġiet estiża minn nharil-Ġimgħa, l-14 ta’ Ottubru 2011.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, is-26 ta’ Ottubru, 2011, fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma, TriqĦal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. WSC/T/63/2011. Provvista u konsenja ta’ ġir(magħrbul fin) lil Impjanti tar-Reverse Osmosis.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, is-7 ta’ Novembru, 2011, fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma, TriqĦal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. WSC/T/64/2011. Plastic fittings għall-pajpijiet<strong>tal</strong>-polyethylene.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €30.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, l-14 ta’ Novembru, 2011, fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma, TriqĦal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-*Avviż Nru. WSC/T/65/2011. Provvista ta’ Autocad 2012software.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.A fee of €24.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.The closing date of this tender has again been extendedfrom Friday, 14th October 2011.Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, bynot later than 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 26th October, 2011for:-Advt. No. WSC/T/63/2011. Supply and delivery ofhydrated lime (fine powder) to Reverse Osmosis Plants.A fee of €50.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, by notlater than 10.00 a.m. on Monday, 7th November, 2011 for:-Advt. No. WSC/T/64/2011. Plastic fittings for polyethylenepipes.A fee of €30.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, by notlater than 10.00 a.m. on Monday, 14th November, 2011 for:-*Advt. No. WSC/T/65/2011. Supply of Autocad 2012software.A fee of €20.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.*Avviż li qed jidher għall-ewwel darba*Advertisememnt appearing for the first timeIl-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu biss mill-websitekorporattiv fuq http://www.wsc.com.mt minn fejn wieħedjista’ jixtri online id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerti, jara t-tenderstatus, iniżżel preview documents u jikseb tagħrif dwar irrakkomandazzjonijiet<strong>tal</strong>-Kumitat <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti biex jingħatawkuntratti pubbliċi. Dawn ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet jinsabuwkoll fuq in-notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Korporazzjoni fl-UffiċċjuPrinċipali f’Ħal Luqa.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Tender forms may only be procured from the corporatewebsite at http://www.wsc.com.mt where one can purchasetender documents online, view tender status, downloadpreview documents and obtain information on ContractsCommittee recommendations for the award of publiccontracts. These recommendations are also given publicityin the WSC’s notice-board at Luqa Head Office.18th October, 2011

11,778 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Automated Revenue ManagementServices (ARMS) LtdIċ-Chairman, Automated Revenue Management Services(ARMS) Ltd jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, is-26 ta’ Ottubru,2011, fl-ARMS Ltd, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, LQA 9043,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-ARMS/T/62/2011. Provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’ scanningu physical storage ta’ dokumenti għall-ARMS Ltd.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ta’ din l-offerta ġiet estiża minn nharl-Erbgħa, id-19 ta’ Ottubru 2011.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu biss mill-websitekorporattiv fuq http://www.wsc.com.mt minn fejn wieħedjista’ jixtri online id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerti, jara t-tenderstatus, iniżżel preview documents u jikseb tagħrif dwar irrakkomandazzjonijiet<strong>tal</strong>-Kumitat <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti biex jingħatawkuntratti pubbliċi. Dawn ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet jinsabuwkoll fuq in-notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Korporazzjoni fl-UffiċċjuPrinċipali f’Ħal Luqa.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Automated Revenue ManagementServices (ARMS) LtdThe Chairman, Automated Revenue ManagementServices (ARMS) Ltd notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received at the ARMS Ltd, TriqĦal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, LQA 9043, by not later than 10.00a.m. on Wednesday, 26th October 2011, for:-ARMS/T/62/2011. Provision of scanning and physicalstorage services of documents for ARMS Ltd.A fee of €20.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.The closing date of this tender has been extended fromWednesday, 19th October 2011.Tender forms may only be procured from the corporatewebsite at http://www.wsc.com.mt where one can purchasetender documents online, view tender status, downloadpreview documents and obtain information on ContractsCommittee recommendations for the award of publiccontracts. These recommendations are also given publicityin the WSC’s notice-board at Luqa Head Office.18th October, 2011FORZI ARMATI TA’ MALTAIl-Kmandant, Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, jgħarraf illi:–Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, it-3 ta’ Novembru,2011, fl-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi, Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, LuqaBarracks, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:–AFM Avviż Nru. 33/11. Servizzi ta’ Spiżjar – Forzi Armatita’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta 8 ta’ Novembru 2011,fl-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi, Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, LuqaBarracks, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-AFM Avviż Nru. 34/11. Provvista ta’ ‘meals ready to eat’- Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti u kull tagħrif ieħor jistgħu jinkisbumill-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi, Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, LuqaBarracks, Ħal Luqa, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn is-7.00a.m. u l-4.00 p.m.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011ARMED FORCES OF MALTAThe Commander, Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>, notifies that:–Sealed tenders will be received by the Finance Office,Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>, Luqa Barracks, Ħal Luqa, up to10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 3rd November, 2011, for:–AFM Advt. No. 33/11.Services of a Pharmacist – ArmedForces of <strong>Malta</strong>.Sealed tenders will be received by the Finance Office,Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>, Luqa Barracks, Luqa, up to10.00 a.m. on Tuesday 8th November 2011, for:-AFM Advt. No.34/11. Supply of ‘meals ready to eat’ -Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>.Tender forms and further information may be obtainedfrom the Finance Office, Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>, LuqaBarracks, Ħal Luqa, during any working day between 7.00a.m and 4.00 p.m.18th October, 2011

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,779AWTORITà TAD-DJARIċ-Chief Executive Officer, Awtorità tad-Djar, jgħarrafilli:-Offerti ssiġillati għall-Avviżi li ġejjin għandhomjintefgħu fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti <strong>tal</strong>-Awtorità tad-Djar, 22,Triq Pietro Floriani, Floriana sal-10.00 a.m. <strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħait-28 ta’ Ottubru, 2011.Avviż Nru. 212/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.5, taħt Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-ligi.Offerti taħt €12,900.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 213/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.6, taħt Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €13,800.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 214/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.7, taħt Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €15,300.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 215/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.12, taħt Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €15,000.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 216/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ GaraxxNru. 13, taħt Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida.Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €24,400.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 217/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.15, taħt Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €22,700.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.HOUSING AUTHORITYThe Chief Executive Officer, Housing Authority notifiesthat: -Sealed tenders in respect of the following adverts haveto be deposited in the tender box at the Housing Authority,22, Triq Pietro Floriani, Floriana by 10.00 a.m. on Friday,28th October, 2011 for:-Advt. No. 212/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 5,underlying Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Thistransfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum as perconditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €12,900.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 213/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 6,underlying Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Thistransfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum as perconditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €13,800.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 214/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 7,underlying Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Thistransfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum as perconditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €15,300.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 215/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 12,underlying Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Thistransfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum as perconditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €15,000.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 216/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 13,underlying Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Thistransfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum as perconditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €24,400.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 217/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 15,underlying Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Thistransfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum as perconditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €22,700.00 will not be considered.

11,780 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Avviż Nru. 218/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.16, taħt Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €22,600.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 219/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.18, taħt Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €18,600.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 220/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.19, taħt Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Danit-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fissenaskont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument annessimmarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont illigi.Offerti taħt €17,900.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 221/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.21, taħt Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €17,300.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 222/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.23, taħt Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Danit-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fissenaskont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument annessimmarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont illiġi.Offerti taħt €15,400.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 223/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 2,taħt Binja Tal-Ħarriġiet, L-Imqabba, Triq il-Barrieri. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €11,400.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 224/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 6,taħt Binja Tal-Ħarriġiet, L-Imqabba, Triq il-Barrieri. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €10,700.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Advt. No. 218/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 16,underlying Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Thistransfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum as perconditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €22,600.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 219/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 18,underlying Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Thistransfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum as perconditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €18,600.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 220/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 19,underlying Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Thistransfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum as perconditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €17,900.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 221/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 21,underlying Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Thistransfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum as perconditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €17,300.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 222/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 23,underlying Binja <strong>tal</strong>-Wejter, Birkirkara, Triq L-Imsida. Thistransfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum as perconditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €15,400.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 223/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 2,underlying Binja Tal-Ħarriġiet, Mqabba, Triq il-Barrieri.This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum asper conditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €11,400.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 224/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 6,underlying Binja Tal-Ħarriġiet, Mqabba, Triq il-Barrieri.This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum asper conditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €10,700.00 will not be considered.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,781Avviż Nru. 225/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 8,taħt Binja Tal-Ħarriġiet, L-Imqabba, Triq il-Barrieri. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €10,700.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 226/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.21, taħt Binja Tal-Ħarriġiet, L-Imqabba, Triq il-Barrieri.Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fissenaskont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument annessimmarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont illiġi.Offerti taħt €10,700.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 227/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.23, taħt Binja Tal-Ħarriġiet, L-Imqabba, Triq il-Barrieri.Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fissenaskont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument annessimmarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont illiġi.Offerti taħt €10,400.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 228/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.24, taħt Binja Tal-Ħarriġiet, L-Imqabba, Triq il-Barrieri.Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fissenaskont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument annessimmarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont illiġi.Offerti taħt €10,400.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 229/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.27, taħt Binja Tal-Ħarriġiet, L-Imqabba, Triq il-Barrieri.Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fissenaskont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument annessimmarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont illigi.Offerti taħt €14,800.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 230/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.11, Il-Mosta, Triq Ir-Refuġjati, (Tal-Blata l-Għolja). Offertitaħt €13,100.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 231/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 7,taħt Binja Tal-Ħarriġiet, L-Imqabba, Triq il-Barrieri. Dan ittrasferimenthuwa soġġett għall-kera ta’ €2.33 fis-sena skontil-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokument anness immarkatittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-servitujiet a favur<strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrapposti skont il-liġi.Offerti taħt €10,100.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 232/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ car space Nru.26, taħt Binja Msieraħ, L-Imtarfa, Triq L-Imtarfa. Offertitaħt €9,000.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Advt. No. 225/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 8,underlying Binja Tal-Ħarriġiet, Mqabba, Triq il-Barrieri.This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum asper conditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €10,700.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 226/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 21,underlying Binja Tal-Ħarriġiet, Mqabba, Triq il-Barrieri.This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum asper conditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €10,700.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 227/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 23,underlying Binja Tal-Ħarriġiet, Mqabba, Triq il-Barrieri.This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum asper conditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €10,400.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 228/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 24,underlying Binja Tal-Ħarriġiet, Mqabba, Triq il-Barrieri.This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum asper conditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €10,400.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 229/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 27,underlying Binja Tal-Ħarriġiet, Mqabba, Triq il-Barrieri.This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum asper conditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €14,800.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 230/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 11,Mosta, Triq Ir-Refugjati (Tal-Blata l-Gholja). Offers below€13,100.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 231/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 7,underlying Binja Tal-Ħarriġiet, Mqabba, Triq il-Barrieri.This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 per annum asper conditions laid down with the attached tender document,which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to all servitudesfor overlying maisonettes/flats as provided by law. Offersbelow €10,100.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 232/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of car space No. 26,underlying Binja Msieraħ, Mtarfa, Triq L-Imtarfa. Offersbelow €9,000.00 will not be considered.

11,782 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Avviż Nru. 233/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ car space Nru.4, taħt Binja Msieraħ, L-Imtarfa, Triq L-Imtarfa. Offerti taħt€9,000.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 238/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.12, Level 1, taħt Floriana, Proġett tad-Djar <strong>tal</strong>-Argotti, Triql-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għallkerata’ €2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlinf’dokument anness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwasoġġett għas-servitujiet a favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettessovrapposti skont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €11,181.00 ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 239/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.13, Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triql-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għallkerata’ €2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlinf’dokument anness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwasoġġett għas-servitujiet a favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettessovrapposti skont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €11,181.00 ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 240/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.14, Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triql-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għallkerata’ €2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlinf’dokument anness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwasoġġett għas-servitujiet a favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettessovrapposti skont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €11,181.00 ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 241/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.15, Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triql-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għallkerata’ €2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlinf’dokument anness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwasoġġett għas-servitujiet a favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettessovrapposti skont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €11,181.00 ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 242/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.16, Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triql-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għallkerata’ €2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlinf’dokument anness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwasoġġett għas-servitujiet a favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettessovrapposti skont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €11,181.00 ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 243/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.17, Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għas-Advt. No. 233/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of car space No. 4,underlying Binja Msieraħ, Mtarfa, Triq L-Imtarfa. Offersbelow €9,000.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 238/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 12,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €11,181.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 239/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 13,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €11,181.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 240/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 14,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €11,181.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 241/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 15,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €11,181.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 242/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 16,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33per annum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €11,181.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 243/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 17,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject to

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,783servitujiet a favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €32,100.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 244/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.18, Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triql-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għallkerata’ €2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlinf’dokument anness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwasoġġett għas-servitujiet a favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettessovrapposti skont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €16,100.00 ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 245/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.19, Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €23,100.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 246/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.20, Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €20,500.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 247/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.22, Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €15,200.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 248/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.23, Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €14,200.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 249/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.24, Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €20,700.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 250/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 2,Level 2, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,all servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below € 32,100.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 244/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 18,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €16,100.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 245/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 19,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below € 23,100.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 246/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 20,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33per annum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below € 20,500.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 247/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 22,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33per annum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €15,200.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 248/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 23,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €14,200.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 249/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 24,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €20,700.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 250/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 2, Level2 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,

11,784 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €24,000.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 251/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 5,Level 2, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €15,300.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 252/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru. 6,Level 2, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €14,900.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 253/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.7, Level 2, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triql-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għallkerata’ €2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlinf’dokument anness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwasoġġett għas-servitujiet a favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettessovrapposti skont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €16,100.00 ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 254/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.10, Level 2, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €22,200.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Avviż Nru. 255/2011. Bejgħ <strong>tal</strong>e quale ta’ Garaxx Nru.21, Level 1, taħt Floriana, Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. Dan it-trasferiment huwa soġġett għall-kera ta’€2.33 fis-sena skont il-kundizzjonijiet imniżżlin f’dokumentanness immarkat ittra ‘A’. Dan il-bejgħ huwa soġġett għasservitujieta favur <strong>tal</strong>-appartamenti/maisonettes sovrappostiskont il-liġi. Offerti taħt €11,181.00 ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu mill-Awtorità tad-Djar, 22, Triq Pietro Floriani, Floriana, matul il-ħinijiet <strong>tal</strong>uffiċċju.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €24,000.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 251/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 5, Level2 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €15,300.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 252/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 6, Level2 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €14,900.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 253/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 7, Level2 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun,Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33 perannum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €16,100.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 254/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 10,Level 2 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33per annum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €22,200.00 will not be considered.Advt. No. 255/2011. Sale <strong>tal</strong>e quale of Garage No. 21,Level 1 underlying Floriana Argotti Housing Project, Triq l-Iljun, Floriana. This transfer is subject to the rent of €2.33per annum as per conditions laid down with the attached tenderdocument, which is marked with letter ‘A’. Sale is subject toall servitudes for overlying maisonettes/flats as provided bylaw. Offers below €11,181.00 will not be considered.Tender forms may be obtained from the HousingAuthority 22, Triq Pietro Floriani, Floriana, during officehours.18th October, 2011

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,785WASTESERV MALTA LTDIċ-Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, jgħarrafilli:–Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-21 ta’ Ottubru, 2011,jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Kwot. Nru. WSMQ/067/2011. Provvista u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjonita’ heavy duty seamless safety flooring għall-Workshop għall-Elettriku fit-Thermal Treatment Facility, Il-Marsa.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-28 ta’ Ottubru, 2011,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/92/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għallprovvistau konsenja ta’ Tagħmir Protettiv Personali għas-Saħħa u s-Sigurtà fuq il-Post tax-Xogħol.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Avviż Nru. WSM/95/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-ġarrta’ municipal solid waste minn Għawdex għal <strong>Malta</strong>.Avviż Nru. WSM/96/2011. Kiri (inkluż it-tħaddim umanutenzjoni) ta’ Grid Connected Landfill Gas PoweredElectrical Generation Unit fl-Engineered Landfill taż-Żwejra.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-1 ta’ Novembru, 2011,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/91/2011. Provvista u konsenja sa’ (8) tmiensecond hand ISO 40 Foot High Cube Reefer Containers għat-Thermal Treatment Facility <strong>tal</strong>-Marsa.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Avviż Nru. WSM/94/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-provvistau konsenja ta’ xogħol ta’ kanen galvanizzati u fittings anċillari fil-Kumpless <strong>tal</strong>-Magħtab, ġestita mill-WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd.WASTESERV MALTA LTDThe Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, notifiesthat:–Sealed quotations will be received at the offices of theChief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre,Triq Latmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Friday,21st October, 2011 for:-Quot. No. WSMQ/067/2011. Supply and ins<strong>tal</strong>lation ofheavy duty seamless safety flooring for Electrical Workshopat the Thermal Treatment Facility, Marsa.Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Friday,28th October, 2011 for:-Advt. No. WSM/92/2011. Period contract for the provisionand delivery of Occupational Health and Safety PersonalProtective Equipment.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.Advt No. WSM/95/2011. Period contract for the transportof municipal solid waste from Gozo to <strong>Malta</strong>.Advt. No. WSM/96/2011. Leasing (including operationand maintenance) of a Grid Connected Landfill Gas PoweredElectrical Generation Unit at the Żwejra EngineeredLandfill.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Tuesday,1st November, 2011 for:-Advt. No. WSM/91/2011. Supply and delivery of up to (8)eight second hand ISO 40 Foot High Cube Reefer Containersfor the Marsa Thermal Treatment Facility.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.Advt. No. WSM/94/2011. Period contract for the supplyand delivery of galvanised pipework and ancillary fittings atthe Magħtab Complex, managed by WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd.

11,786 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, l-4 ta’ Novembru,2011, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/98/2011. Provvista u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’switchboard u cables fit-Thermal Treatment Facility <strong>tal</strong>-Marsa.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-11 ta’ Novembru,2011, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/97/2011. Xiri ta’ self dumping hoppersġodda.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu flimkien ma’ aktartagħrif meħtieġ mill-uffiċċju msemmi f’kull ġurnata taxxogħolbejn id-9.00 a.m. u t-3.00 p.m.Is-sottomissjoni <strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjonijiet hija mingħajr ħlas.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb minn fuq il-website: (www.wasteservmalta.com) jew wieħed jista’ jikkuntattja (contracts@wasteservmalta.com) jew fuq in-numru tat-telefon 2385 8239.Huwa fl-interess ta’ min japplika li jiċċekkja l-website <strong>tal</strong>-WasteServ għal aġġornamenti minn żmien għal żmien.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Friday, 4thNovember, 2011 for:-Advt. No. WSM/98/2011. Supply and ins<strong>tal</strong>lation ofswitchboard and cables at the Marsa Thermal TreatmentFacility.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Friday,11th November, 2011 for:-Advt. No. WSM/97/2011. Purchase of new self dumpinghoppers.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.Tender forms may be obtained together with any furtherinformation required from the mentioned office on anyworking day between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.Submission of quotations is free of charge. Furtherinformation can be obtained from the website: (www.wasteservmalta.com) or (contracts@wasteservmalta.com)or on telephone number 2385 8239. It is in the bidders’interest to periodically check the WasteServ website forany updates.18th October, 2011WASTESERV MALTA LTDIċ-Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, jgħarrafilli:–Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, il-25 ta’ Ottubru, 2011,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/89/2011. Offerta għal xogħlijiet għallformazzjonita’ abutments u rip rap fil-Marsaskala FamilyPark.WASTESERV MALTA LTDThe Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, notifiesthat:–Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Tuesday,25th October, 2011 for:-Advt. No. WSM/89/2011. Works tender for the formationof abutments and rip rap at the Marsaskala Family Park.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,787Avviż Nru. WSM/90/2011. Provvista, konsenja u twaħħilta’ għamara u siġġijiet <strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju, seats tat-teatru, aperturi<strong>tal</strong>-aluminju, poġġamani <strong>tal</strong>-azzar u information panels għaċ-Ċentru <strong>tal</strong>-Viżitaturi f’Marsaskala.Dawn l-offerti huma parzjalment iffinanzjati mill-UnjoniEwropea taħt il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali(2007-20113) - L-Ewropa Tinvesti f’Żoni Rurali.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu flimkien ma’ aktartagħrif meħtieġ mill-uffiċċju msemmi f’kull ġurnata taxxogħolbejn id-9.00 a.m. u t-3.00 p.m.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Advt. No. WSM/90/2011. Supply, delivery and fixing ofoffice furniture and chairs, theatre seats, aluminium apertures,steel handrails and information panels for the MarsaskalaVisitor’s Centre.These tenders are part-financed by the European Unionunder the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development(2007-2013) - Europe Investing in Rural Areas.Tender forms may be obtained together with any furtherinformation required from the mentioned office on anyworking day between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.18th October, 2011Programm <strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp Rurali għal <strong>Malta</strong> 2007 – 2013Assi 3 – Titjib <strong>tal</strong>-Kwalità <strong>tal</strong>-Ħajja fiż-Żoni RuraliOfferta parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni EwropeaRata ta’ Ko-finanzjament: 75% Unjoni Ewropea, 25% <strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Miżura 323 Konservazzjoni u Titjib <strong>tal</strong>-Patrimonju RuraliIl-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali:L-Ewropa tinvesti f’Żoni RuraliRural Development Programme for <strong>Malta</strong> 2007 – 2013Axis 3 – Improving the Quality of Life in Rural AreasTender part-financed by the European UnionCo-financing Rate: 75% European Union, 25% Government of <strong>Malta</strong>Measure 323 Conservation and Upgrading of the Rural heritageThe European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development:Europe Investing in Rural AreasWASTESERV MALTA LTDIċ-Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, jgħarrafilli:–Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-28 ta’ Ottubru, 2011,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/93/2011. Provvista, konsenja,ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni u kummissjonar ta’ platform stair lift għaċ-Ċentru <strong>tal</strong>-Viżitaturi ta’ Marsaskala.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropeataħt il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali (2007-20113) - L-Ewropa Tinvesti f’Żoni Rurali.WASTESERV MALTA LTDThe Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, notifiesthat:–Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Friday,28th October, 2011 for:-Advt. No. WSM/93/2011. Supply, delivery, ins<strong>tal</strong>lationand commissioning of a platform stair lift for the MarsaskalaVisitors’ Centre.A fee of €50.00 will be charged for every copy of tenderdocument.This tender is part-financed by the European Union underthe European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (2007-2013) - Europe Investing in Rural Areas.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,789<strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks LimitedIċ-Chairman <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks Ltd, jgħarrafilli:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, it-3 ta’ Novembru2011, fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti fl-uffiċċji <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> IndustrialParks Ltd, UB8 Qasam Industrijali ta’ San Ġwann, SanĠwann SGN3000, se jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. MIP/TQF/MRA/D16/11. Manutenzjoni urranġar <strong>tal</strong>-Fabbrika MRA058A fil-Qasam Industrijali <strong>tal</strong>-Marsa.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €75 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerta u tagħrif ieħor jistgħu jinkisbu milluffiċċju<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejnid-9.00 a.m. u nofsinhar u s-1.00 p.m. u l-4.00 p.m.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011<strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks LtdIċ-Chairman, <strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks Ltd, jgħarraf illi:Sal-10.00 a.m. (Ħin Lokali) ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-28ta’ Ottubru, 2011, fl-uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> Industrial ParksLtd, UB8, Qasam Industrijali ta’ San Ġwann jintlaqgħuespressjonijiet ta’ interess għal:-ME/EOI/CON/E15/11. Espressjonijiet ta’ interess għalservizzi fil-qasam <strong>tal</strong>-kostruzzjoniIt-termini ta’ riferenza jistgħu jinkisbu mis-sit elettroniku<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise, (www.maltaenterprise.com) jew mill-Procurement Section <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise billi tintbagħatemail fuq: (tenders@maltaenterprise.com).L-applikazzjonijiet kollha jiġu trattati b’mod kunfidenzjali.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Heritage <strong>Malta</strong>Iċ-Chief Executive Officer <strong>tal</strong>-Heritage <strong>Malta</strong> jgħarrafilli:-Sal-10.00 a.m. <strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħa, l-4 ta’ Novembru, 2011,fil-“Heritage <strong>Malta</strong>”, Bini <strong>tal</strong>-ex-Sptar Navali, Triq il-Missjoni Taljana, Bighi, Il-Kalkara, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. HM.22.19.2011. Studji ġeoloġiċi u idroloġiċifil-Banjijiet Rumani f’Għajn Tuffieħa, l-Imġarr u l-madwar,u l-Katakombi f’Ta’ Bistra, żoni B u C, Il-Mosta.<strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks LimitedThe Chairman, <strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks Limited notifiesthat:-Sealed tenders are to be deposited in the tender box atthe offices of <strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks Ltd, UB8 San ĠwannIndustrial Estate, San Ġwann SGN3000 by not later than10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 3rd November 2011 for:-Advt. No. MIP/TQF/MRA/D16/11. Refurbishing ofFactory MRA058A at Marsa Industrial Estate.A fee of €75 will be charged for each tender document.Forms of tender and further information may be obtainedfrom the offices of <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise on any working dayfrom 9.00 a.m. to noon and 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.18th October, 2011<strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks LtdThe Chairman, <strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks Ltd, notifies that:-Expressions of Interest will be received at the officesof the <strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks Ltd, UB8, San ĠwannIndustrial Estate, San Ġwann SGN3000 up to 10.00am(<strong>Malta</strong> Time) on Friday 28th October, 2011 for:-ME/EOI/CON/E15/11. Expressions of interest forservices in the construction industry.Terms of reference may be obtained by referring tothe <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise website: (www.maltaenterprise.com)or from the Procurement Section of <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise bysending an email to: (tenders@maltaenterprise.com).All applications will be treated in strict confidence.18th October, 2011Heritage <strong>Malta</strong>The Chief Executive Officer, Heritage <strong>Malta</strong> notifiesthat:Sealed tenders will be received at Heritage <strong>Malta</strong>, ex-Naval Hospi<strong>tal</strong>, Triq il-Missjoni Taljana, Bighi, Kalkara,by not later than 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 4th November,2011, for:-Advt. No. HM.22.19.2011. Geological and hydrologicalStudies in the area of the Għajn Tuffieħa Baths, in Mġarr andTa’ Bistra Catacombs, areas B and C in Mosta.

11,790 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-UnjoniEwropea taħt il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-IżviluppRurali (2007-2013) – L-Ewropa tinvesti f’Żoni Rurali b’ratata’ ko-finanzjament ta’ 75% (Fondi mill-UE).Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerta u kull tagħrif ieħor jistgħu jinkisbumill-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Proġett EAFRD Heritage <strong>Malta</strong>, fuq:suzannah.depasquale@gov.mtdavid.cardona@gov.mt,jewjeremy.azzopardi@gov.mtIt-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011This Tender is part-financed by the European Unionunder the European Agricultural Fund for Rural development(2007-2013) – Europe investing in Rural areas, with a cofinancingrate of 75% (EU Funds).Forms of tender and other information may be obtainedfrom the EAFRD Project office Heritage <strong>Malta</strong>, on:suzannah.depasquale@gov.mtdavid.cardona@gov.mtorjeremy.azzopardi@gov.mt18th October, 2011Programm <strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp Rurali għal <strong>Malta</strong> 2007 – 2013Assi 3 – Titjib <strong>tal</strong>-Kwalità <strong>tal</strong>-Ħajja fiż-Żoni RuraliOfferta parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni EwropeaRata ta’ Ko-finanzjament: 75% Unjoni Ewropea, 25% <strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>L-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali:L-Ewropa tinvesti f’Żoni RuraliRural Development Programme for <strong>Malta</strong> 2007 – 2013Axis 3 – Improving the Quality of Life in Rural AreasTender part-financed by the European UnionCo-financing Rate: 75% European Union, 25% Government of <strong>Malta</strong>The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development:Europe Investing in Rural AreasHERITAGE MALTAIċ-Chief Executive Officer ta’ Heritage <strong>Malta</strong> jgħarrafilli:-Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-21 ta’ Ottubru2011 f’Heritage <strong>Malta</strong>, Bini <strong>tal</strong>-ex-Sptar Navali, Triq il-Marina, Bighi, Il-Kalkara, jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijietmagħluqin għal:-Kwot. Nru. HM.23.08.2011. Provvista u konsenja ta’CCTV cameras.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjoni u kull tagħrif ieħor jistgħujinkisbu billi wieħed jibgħat email lil:ruben.abela@gov.mtanastasia.anastasi@gov.mtu noel.zammit@gov.mtGħandhom jintniżżlu t-tlieti indirizz <strong>tal</strong>-email.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Heritage <strong>Malta</strong>The Chief Executive Officer, Heritage <strong>Malta</strong>, notifiesthat:-Sealed quotations will be received at Heritage <strong>Malta</strong>,ex Royal Naval Hospi<strong>tal</strong>, Triq il-Marina, Bighi, Kalkaraup to noon on Friday, 21st October 2011 for:-Quot. No. HM.23.08.2011. Supply and delivery of CCTVcameras.The quotation forms or/and other information may beobtained by sending a request to ALL of the following e-mail addresses:ruben.abela@gov.mtanastasia.anastasi@gov.mtand noel.zammit@gov.mtAll three email addrsses are to be included.18th October, 2011

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,791HERITAGE MALTAIċ-Chief Executive Officer ta’ Heritage <strong>Malta</strong> jgħarrafilli:-Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-28 ta’ Ottubru2011 f’Heritage <strong>Malta</strong>, Bini <strong>tal</strong>-ex-Sptar Navali, Triqil-Marina, Bighi, Kalkara, jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijietmagħluqin għal:-Kwot. Nru. HM.23.07.2011. Provvista, konsenja uins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’ sistema ta’ monitoraġġ bis-CCTV f’Heritage<strong>Malta</strong>, Uffiċċju Prinċipali, Bighi, Il-Kalkara.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjonijiet u kull tagħrif ieħor jistgħujinkisbu billi wieħed jibgħat email lil:ruben.abela@gov.mtanastasia.anastasi@gov.mtu noel.zammit@gov.mtGħandhom jintniżżlu t-tliet indirizzi <strong>tal</strong>-email.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011L-AĠENZIJA TAT-TEKNOLOĠIJATAL-INFORMATIKA TA’ MALTAIl-Kap Eżekuttiv <strong>tal</strong>-MITA jgħarraf illi:-MITA tistieden offerenti interessati biex jissottomettu l-offerti tagħhom għall-provvediment ta’ Branding, ContentCreation and Auxiliary Services.Laqgħa ma’ dawk interessati se ssir fis-17 ta’ Ottubru2011 f’nofsinhar (Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew) il-MITA, GattardHouse, Triq Nazzjonali, il-Blata l-Bajda.Offerti magħluqin għall-provvediment ta’ Branding,Content Creation and Auxiliary Services jintlaqgħu sanofsinhar (Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew) tat-Tlieta 1 ta’ Novembru2011 fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti li tinsab f’Gattard House, TriqNazzjonali, il-Blata l-Bajda.Kopja elettronika tad-dokument tista’ titniżżel minn fuqis-sit <strong>tal</strong>-MITA: (http://www.mita.gov.mt/tenders).Kopja stampata <strong>tal</strong>-istess dokument tista’ tinkisebpermezz ta’ <strong>tal</strong>ba b’email mibgħuta lil: (Q09511.mita@gov.mt) għal-ħlas ta’ €35.Aktar det<strong>tal</strong>ji jistgħu jinkisbu mid-dipartiment Sourcingand Vendor Management permezz tat-telefon: 2123 4710,jew b’email lil: (svmd.mita@gov.mt).It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Heritage <strong>Malta</strong>The Chief Executive Officer, Heritage <strong>Malta</strong> notifiesthat:-Sealed quotations will be received at Heritage <strong>Malta</strong>,ex Royal Naval Hospi<strong>tal</strong>, Triq il-Marina, Bighi, Kalkaraby not later than noon on Friday, 28th October 2011for:-Quot. No. HM.23.07.2011. Supply, delivery andins<strong>tal</strong>lation of a CCTV monitoring system at Heritage <strong>Malta</strong>Head Office, Bighi, Kalkara.The quotation forms and other information may be obtainedby sending a request to ALL of the following email addresses:ruben.abela@gov.mtanastasia.anastasi@gov.mtand noel.zammit@gov.mtAll three email addrsses are to be included.18th October, 2011MALTA INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY AGENCYThe Chief Executive Officer of MITA notifies that:-MITA invites interested bidders to submit their proposalsfor the Provision of Branding, Content Creation andAuxiliary Services.A Briefing/Clarification meeting is scheduled for 17thOctober 2011 at 12.00 p.m. (Central European Time) andwill be held at the premises of MITA, Gattard House TriqNazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda.Sealed tenders for the Provision of Branding, ContentCreation and Auxiliary Services will be received in thetender box at Gattard House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda,up till noon (CET) of Tuesday, 1st November 2011.An electronic copy of the document can be downloadedfree of charge from MITA website on: (http://www.mita.gov.mt/tenders).A hard copy of the same document may be obtained by anemail request to: (Q09511.mita@gov.mt) for a fee of €35.For further information, contact the Sourcing and VendorManagement Department on telephone number: 2123 4710or email: (svmd.mita@gov.mt).18th October, 2011

11,792 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818MINISTERU GĦALL-INFRASTRUTTURA,TRASPORT U KOMUNIKAZZJONIId-Direttur, Servizzi Korporattivi, Ministeru għall-Infrastruttura, Trasport u Komunikazzjoni, jgħarraf illi:‐Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, l-10 ta’ Novembru, 2011,fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti li tinsab fil-Ministeru għall-Infrastruttura,Trasport u Komunikazzjoni, f’168, Triq id-Dejqa, Il-BeltValletta, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:‐Avviż Nru. MITC 359/2011. Organizzazzjoni ta’konferenzi stampa fil-Ministeru għall-Infrastruttura, Trasportu Komunikazzjoni u n-National Information Advisory SocietyCouncil (Nisco).Kopja tad-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta tista’ titniżżel millwebsite:(www.mitc.gov.mt).Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011MINISTERU GĦALL-INFRASTRUTTURA,TRASPORT U KOMUNIKAZZJONIId-Direttur, Servizzi Korporattivi, Ministeru għall-Infrastruttura, Trasport u Komunikazzjoni, jgħarraf illi:‐Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, it-3 ta’ Novembru, 2011,fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti li tinsab fil-Ministeru għall-Infrastruttura,Trasport u Komunikazzjoni, f’168, Triq id-Dejqa, Il-BeltValletta, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:‐Avviż Nru. MITC 347/2011. Manutenzjoni u supportcontract – provvediment ta’ 8 SmartNet servicesKopja tad-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta tista’ titniżżel millwebsite:(www.mitc.gov.mt).Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011KUNSILL MALTI GĦALL-ISPORTIl-Kunsill Malti għall-Isport jgħarraf illi sa nofsinharta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, is-26 ta’ Ottubru, 2011, jintlaqgħukwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:-Kwot. Nru. KMS/QUO/0023/2011. Vehicle wrapping.Kwotazzjonijiet għandhom jintefgħu fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offertifl-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Accounts <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill Malti għall-Isport,Kumpless Sportiv Kottonera, Vjal Kottoner, Bormla BML9020. Id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjoni jistgħu jitniżżlu wkollmill-website <strong>tal</strong>-KMS (www.sportmalta.org.mt).It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011MINISTRY FOR INSTRASTRUCTURE,TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONSThe Director, Corporate Services, Ministry for Infrastructure,Transport and Communications, notifies that:‐Sealed tenders will be received in the tender boxlocated at the Ministry for Insfrastructure, Transport andCommunications, 168, Triq id-Dejqa, Valletta, up to 10.00a.m. of Thursday, 10th November 2011, for:‐Advt. No. MITC 359/2011. Setting up of pressconferences for the Ministry for Insfrastructure, Transportand Communications and the National Information AdvisorySociety Council (Nisco).A copy of the tender documents can be downloaded fromthe website: (www.mitc.gov.mt).Late applications will not be considered.18th October, 2011MINISTRY FOR INSTRASTRUCTURE,TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONSThe Director, Corporate Services, Ministry for Infrastructure,Transport and Communications, notifies that:‐Sealed tenders will be received in the tender boxlocated at the Ministry for Insfrastructure, Transport andCommunications, 168, Triq id-Dejqa, Valletta, up to 10.00a.m. of Thursday, 3rd November 2011, for:‐Advt. No. MITC 347/2011. Maintenance and supportcontract – purchase of 8 SmartNet servicesA copy of the tender documents can be downloaded fromthe website: (www.mitc.gov.mt).Late applications will not be considered.18th October, 2011KUNSILL MALTI GĦALL-ISPORTThe Kunsill Malti għall-Isport notifies that sealedquotations will be received up to noon on Wednesday,26th October, 2011, for:-Quot. No. KMS/QUO/0023/2011. Vehicle wrapping.Quotations are to be deposited in the Tender Box at theAccounts Office of the Kunsill Malti għall-Isport, CottoneraSports Complex, Cottoner Avenue, Cospicua BML 9020.Quotation documents can also be downloaded from KMSwebsite on (www.sportmalta.org.mt).18th October, 2011

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,793UFFIĊĊJU TAL-PRIM MINISTRUSejħa għall-OffertiIs-Segretarju Permanenti, għal-Informazzjoni, Turiżmu ul-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli, fl-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Prim Ministru jgħarrafilli jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fil-Berġa <strong>tal</strong>-I<strong>tal</strong>ja, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta, sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, 25ta’ Ottubru 2011, għal:“Studju dwar l-ispejjeż marbutin mal-implimentazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-Politika Nazzjonali għall-Ambjent”L-offerta tista’ titniżżel mill-website: (www.tsdu.gov.mt/environment-nep).Il-<strong>Gvern</strong> iżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta parti minn jew l-offerta sħiħa, ta’ wħud minn jew <strong>tal</strong>-offerti kollha li jaslulu,inkluż/i dak/dawk l-aktar vantaġġuża/i.Proposti li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkiseb billi wieħed jibgħat emailfuq: (envpolicy.opm@gov.mt).It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011DIRETTORAT GĦAS-SERVIZZI KORPORATTIVIUFFIĊĊJU TAL-PRIM MINISTRUOPM Quot Nru. 09/2011. Sejħa għall-Kwotazzjonijietgħall-manutenzjoni ta’ 17-il vettura <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-PrimMinistru.Is-sejħa għall-offerti ġiet ippubblikata fl-4 ta’ Ottubru2011.Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Direttorat għas-ServizziKorporattivi) jgħarraf għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illid-data u l-ħin biex jintbagħtu l-offerti għall-avviż imsemmiqed jiġu mtawla sal-10.00 a.m. <strong>tal</strong>-ĠIMGĦA, il-21 ta’Ottubru, 2011.Avviż Nru. OPM/DCS/05/2011. Provvediment ta’trasport/ġarr ta’ għamara, oġġetti oħra u oġġetti maħżuna,Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Prim Ministru, Berġa ta’ Kastilja.Is-sejħa għall-offerti ġiet ippubblikata fil-11 ta’ Ottubru2011.Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Direttorat għas-Servizzi Korporattivi)jgħarraf għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi d-data u l-ħin biexjintbagħtu l-offerti għall-avviż imsemmi qed jiġu mtawla sal-11.00 a.m. <strong>tal</strong>-ĠIMGĦA, il-21 ta’ Ottubru, 2011.Id-dokumenti jistgħu jinkisbu billi tintbagħat <strong>tal</strong>bapermezz <strong>tal</strong>-posta elettronika fuq: (dcs.opm@gov.mt).It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTERCall for ApplicationsThe Permanent Secretary, Information, Tourism andSustainable Development, Office of the Prime Ministernotifies that sealed submissions will be received at Auberged’I<strong>tal</strong>ie, Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta, until noon on Tuesday,the 25th of October 2011, for:“Costing study related to the implementation of theNational Environment Policy”Terms of reference regarding the tender may bedownloaded from: (www.tsdu.gov.mt/environment-nep).The Government reserves the right to refuse in part or infull any or all of the applications submitted, including themost advantageous.Late submissions will not be considered.Further information may be obtained via email bysending a request to: (envpolicy.opm@gov.mt).18th October, 2011DIRECTORATE FOR CORPORATE SERVICES,OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTERQuot. No. Call for Quotations OPM 09/2011. Call forQuotations for the maintenance of 17 office vehicles at theOffice of the Prime Minister.The tender was published on the 4th October 2011.The Director General (Corporate Services Directorate)notifies for general information that the date and time for thepresentation of offers for the above mentioned advertisementis being extended up to 10.00 a.m. on FRIDAY, 21st October,2011.Advt. No. OPM/DCS/05/2011. Provision of carriage/transportation of furniture items, goods and stores, Office ofthe Prime Minister, Auberge de CastilleThe tender was published on the 11th October 2011.The Director General (Corporate Services Directorate)notifies for general information that the date and time for thepresentation of offers for the above mentioned advert is beingextended up to 11.00 a.m. on FRIDAY, 21st October, 2011.Documents can be obtained by sending an e-mail requestto the following e-mail address: (dcs.opm@gov.mt).18th October, 2011

11,794 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818L-Isptar għar-RiJabilitazzjoniKarin GrechL-Isptar għar-Rijabilitazzjoni Karin Grech jgħarraf illi:-Sa mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, il-31 ta’ Ottubru 2011, fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Amministrazzjoni Livell 5, Sptar KarinGrech, jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:-Kwot. Nru. RKGH Q48/2011. Provvista ta’ wastemanagement pedal bins.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjoni u aktar tagħrif jistgħu jinkisbumit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Amminstrazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Isptar Karin Grech,5 Sular, Gwardamanġa mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa bejn it-8.30a.m. u nofsinhar.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Servizzi ta’ Procurement<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> (Taqsima tas-Saħħa)Id-Direttur tas-Servizzi ta’ Procurement <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>(Taqsima tas-Saħħa), Gwardamanġa, jgħarraf illi:-Sad-9.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, il-25 ta’ Ottubru,2011, fil-Kaxxa l-Ħadra fir-reception area tas-ServizziFarmaċewtiċi <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>, Gwardamanġa, L-Imsida, <strong>Malta</strong>,jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:-Kwot. PFI Nru. 1671. Lignocaine Hydrochloride 1% withAdrenaline 1 in 200,000 injectionsKwot. PFI Nru. 1672. Braided silk iswed G1Kwot. PFI Nru. 1673. Ingwent Hydrocortisone ButyrateKwot. PFI Nru. 1674. Likwidu Malathoin 0.5%Kwot. PFI Nru. 1675. Bupivacaine 0.5% & Adrenaline 1in 200,000 injectionsKwot. PFI Nru. 1676. Cinacalcet 30mg tabletsKwot. PFI Nru. 1677. Tobramycin 40mg/ml injectionsKwot. PFI Nru. 1678. Neostigmine 2.5mg injectionsKwot. PFI Nru. 1679. Zuclopenthixol Acetate 100mg oilyinjectionKwot. PFI Nru. 1680. Aztreonam 1g injectionsKwot. PFI Nru. 1681. Aztreonam 2g injectionsKwot. PFI Nru. 1682. Chlorpromazine 100mg tabletsKwot. PFI Nru. 1683. Gluten free flavoured biscuitsKwot. PFI Nru. 1684. Imipramine 25mg tabletsKwot. PFI Nru. 1685. Ballons atlas ( bard ) 16/18 lengthKwot. PFI Nru. 1686. Ingwent Miconazole Nitrate 2%Kwot. PFI Nru. 1687. Low protein pasta penneKwot. PFI Nru. 1688. Lignocaine Hydrochloride 2%injectionsKwot. PFI Nru. 1689. Consumables for Cobe autologoustransfusion kitsKwot. PFI Nru. 1690. Ambu A-scopeThe Rehabilitation Hospi<strong>tal</strong>Karin GrechThe Rehabilitation Hospi<strong>tal</strong> Karin Grech notifies that:-Sealed quotations will be received by not later thannoon on Monday, 31st October 2011 and submitted in thetender box at the Administration Department, Level 5,Karin Grech Hospi<strong>tal</strong>, for:-Quot. No. RKGH Q48/2011. Supply of waste managementpedal bins.Quotation forms and further information may be obtainedfrom the Administration Section, Karin Grech Hospi<strong>tal</strong>, 5thFloor, Gwardamanġa, from Monday to Friday, between 8.30a.m. and noon.18th October, 2011Government HealthProcurement ServicesThe Director, Government Health Procurement Services,Gwardamanġa, notifies that:-Sealed quotations are to be dropped in the Green Boxat the reception area of the Government PharmaceuticalServices, Gwardamanġa, Msida, <strong>Malta</strong>, by 9.00 a.m. onTuesday, 25th October, 2011, for:-Quot. PFI No. 1671. Lignocaine Hydrochloride 1% withAdrenaline 1 in 200,000 injectionsQuot. PFI No. 1672. Black braided silk G1Quot. PFI No. 1673. Hydrocortisone Butyrate creamQuot. PFI No. 1674. Malathoin 0.5% liquidQuot. PFI No. 1675. Bupivacaine 0.5% & Adrenaline 1in 200,000 injectionsQuot. PFI No. 1676. Cinacalcet 30mg tabletsQuot. PFI No. 1677. Tobramycin 40mg/ml injectionsQuot. PFI No. 1678. Neostigmine 2.5mg injectionsQuot. PFI No. 1679. Zuclopenthixol Acetate 100mg oilyinjectionQuot. PFI No. 1680. Aztreonam 1g injectionsQuot. PFI No. 1681. Aztreonam 2g injectionsQuot. PFI No. 1682. Chlorpromazine 100mg tabletsQuot. PFI No. 1683. Gluten free flavoured biscuitsQuot. PFI No. 1684. Imipramine 25mg tabletsQuot. PFI No. 1685. Ballons atlas ( bard ) 16/18 lengthQuot. PFI No. 1686. Miconazole Nitrate 2% creamQuot. PFI No. 1687. Low protein pasta penneQuot. PFI No. 1688. Lignocaine Hydrochloride 2%injectionsQuot. PFI No. 1689. Consumables for Cobe autologoustransfusion kitsQuot. PFI No. 1690. Ambu A-scope

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,795Kwot. PFI Nru. 1691. Lignocaine injector kitKwot. PFI Nru. 1692. Silver Sulphadiazine x 50gKwot. PFI Nru. 1693. Azacitidine 100mg injectionsKwot. PFI Nru. 1694. Microcatheters for PDA closuredetechable coils (Flipper)Kwot. PFI Nru. 1695. Rheumatology podiatry instrumentsKwot. PFI Nru. 1696. 18FR Sheath (30CM).Kwot. PFI Nru. 1697. LVI- IS1 adaptorKwot. PFI Nru. 1698. Alcohol Ethyl 96%Kwot. PFI Nru. 1699. Fluphenazine 100mg injectionsKwot. PFI Nru. 1700. Senna 7.5mg tabletsKwot. PFI Nru. 1701. Simvastatin 10mg tablets/capsulesKwot. PFI Nru. 1702. Chlorambucil 2mg tabletsKwot. PFI Nru. 1703. Medroxyprogesterone acetate 100mgtabletsKwot. PFI Nru. 1704. Tracheostomy tubes, qies 7.5,8.0,9.0u 10.0Kwot. PFI Nru. 1704A. Domiciliary medical oxygenIl-PFIs imsemmija hawn fuq jistgħu jinkisbu minn fuq(http://www.sahha.gov.mt/pages.aspx?page=240).Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mis-Servizzi Farmaċewtiċi<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. unofsinhar.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Servizzi FarmaĊewtiĊi <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>Id-Direttur, Servizzi Farmaċewtiċi <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>,Gwardamanġa, jgħarraf illi:‐Sad-9.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, is-7 ta’ Novembru,2011, fil-Kaxxa l-Bajda fir-reception area tas-ServizziFarmaċewtiċi <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>, Gwardamanġa, l-Imsida, <strong>Malta</strong>,jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:-Kwot. Nru. GG. 544. Plasticware 3.Kwot. Nru. GG. 545. Mycology media.Kwot.Nru. GG. 546. Renal abs for immunohistochemistry.Kwot.Nru. GG. 547. Cardiac quality assurance programme.Il-kwotazzjonijiet kollha msemmija hawn fuq jistgħu jinkisbuminn fuq (http://www.sahha.gov.mt/pages.aspx?page=241).Aktar tagħrif dwar il-kwantitajiet u kundizzjonijiet ta’ dawnil-kwotazzjonijiet jistgħu jinkisbu mis-Servizzi Farmaċewtiċi<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>, Gwardamanġa, bejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Quot. PFI No. 1691. Lignocaine injector kitQuot. PFI No. 1692. Silver Sulphadiazine x 50gQuot. PFI No. 1693. Azacitidine 100mg injectionsQuot. PFI No. 1694. Microcatheters for PDA closuredetechable coils (Flipper)Quot. PFI No. 1695. Rheumatology podiatry instrumentsQuot. PFI No. 1696. 18FR Sheath (30CM).Quot. PFI No. 1697. LVI- IS1 adaptorQuot. PFI No. 1698. Alcohol Ethyl 96%Quot. PFI No. 1699. Fluphenazine 100mg injectionsQuot. PFI No. 1700. Senna 7.5mg tabletsQuot. PFI No. 1701. Simvastatin 10mg tablets/capsulesQuot. PFI No. 1702. Chlorambucil 2mg tabletsQuot. PFI No. 1703. Medroxyprogesterone acetate 100mgtabletsQuot. PFI No. 1704. Tracheostomy tubes, qies 7.5,8.0,9.0u 10.0Quot. PFI No. 1704A. Domiciliary medical oxygenAll the above PFIs can be downloaded from (http://www.sahha.gov.mt/pages.aspx?page=240).Further information may be obtained from the GovernmentPharmaceutical Services on any working day between 8.30a.m. and noon.18th October, 2011Government Pharmaceutical ServicesThe Director, Government Health Procurement Services,Gwardamanġa, notifies that:-Sealed quotations are to be dropped in the White Boxat the reception area of the Government PharmaceuticalServices, Gwardamanġa, Msida, <strong>Malta</strong>, up to 9.00 a.m.on Monday, 7th November, 2011, for:-Quot. No. GG. 544. Plasticware 3.Quot. No. GG. 545. Mycology media.Quot. No. GG. 546.Renal abs for immunohistochemistry.Quot. No. GG. 547. Cardiac quality assurance programme.All quotations listed above can be downloaded from (http://www.sahha.gov.mt/pages.aspx?page=241).Further information regarding the quantities and conditionsof these quotations may be obtained from the GovernmentPharmaceutical Services, Gwardamanġa, between 8.00 a.m.and noon.18th October, 2011

11,796 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818DIVIŻJONI tas-SAĦĦAId-Direttur Ġenerali (Servizzi tas-Saħħa) jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, is-17 ta’ Novembru,2011, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 60/11. Żraben ta’ sigurtà bojod għallinfermiera,qwiebel u nursing aides.Formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerta u aktar tagħrif dwar il-kundizzjonijiet ta’din l-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Diviżjoni tas-Saħħa, Taqsima<strong>tal</strong>-Procurement, Uffiċċju 2, General Stores Building, Pjazza SanLuqa, Gwardamanġa, mit-8.00 a.m. sas-2.00 p.m.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011MINISTERU TAL-AFFARIJIET BARRANINSejħa għall-OffertiEBF10/03 - External Borders Fund (EBF) 2008 – 2013Il-Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>-Affarijiet Barranin qed jistieden lil dawkinteressati biex jissottomettu offerti għall-provvediment ta’materjal għall-kampanja ta’ informazzjoni.Il-proposti għandhom ikunu bil-lingwa Ingliża u għandhomjintefgħu fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti tad-Dipartiment mhux aktar tardminn nofsinhar <strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħa, il-11 ta’ Novembru, 2011.Id-dokument/i għandhom jiġu sottomessi jew bil-postareġistrata/courier jew jitwasslu bl-idejn lil:Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>-Affarijiet Barranin,Uffiċċju tad-DFM, 172, Triq Melita, Il-Belt Valletta.Proposti li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Id-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jista’ jitniżżel minn: (www.mfa.gov.mt/tenders) jew jinġabar mill-Uffiċċju tad-DFM flindirizzimsemmi hawn fuq jew mitlub permezz ta’ emailfuq: (dfm.mfa@gov.mt).L-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011HEALTH DIVISIONThe Director General (Health Care Services) notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received up to 10.00 a.m. onThursday, 17th November, 2011, for:-Advt. No. 60/11. White safety shoes for nurses, midwivesand nursing aides.Tender forms and further information regarding the conditionsof this tender may be obtained from the Health Division,Procurement Unit, Office 2, General Stores Building, Pjazza SanLuqa, Gwardamanġa, from 8.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.18th October, 2011MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRSCall for TendersEBF10/03 - External Borders Fund (EBF) 2008 – 2013The Ministry of Foreign Affairs invites interested partiesto submit tenders for the provision of information campaignmaterial.Submissions are to be in the English language anddeposited in the Department’s tender box by not later thannoon on Friday, 11th November, 2011.The document/s must be submitted either by registeredmail/courier service or delivered by hand to:Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Office of the CIO, 172, Triq Melita, Valletta.Late submissions will not be accepted.The tender document may be downloaded from: (www.mfa.gov.mt/tenders) or collected from the CIO’s office atthe above mentioned address or requested by email at: (cio.mfa@gov.mt).18th October, 2011Programm Ġenerali ta’ Solidarjetà u Tmexxija ta’ Migration Flows 2007 – 2013Offerta parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni EwropeaFond ta’ Fruntieri Esterni (FFE)Rata ta’ Ko-finanzjament: 75% Unjoni Ewropea, 25% Fondi NazzjonaliGeneral Programme Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows 2007 – 2013Tender is part-financed from the European UnionExternal Borders Fund (EBF)Co-financing rate: 75% EU Funds: 25% National Funds

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,797MINISTERU TAL-AFFARIJIET BARRANINSejħa għall-OffertiEBF10/03 - External Borders Fund (EBF) 2008 – 2013Il-Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>-Affarijiet Barranin qed jistieden lil dawkinteressati biex jissottomettu offerti għall-provvediment ta’taħriġ speċjalizzat lil front line officers f’ħiliet ta’ interviewsu profiling meta joħorġu dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-ivvjaġġar.Il-proposti għandhom ikunu bil-lingwa Ingliżfa u għandhomjintefgħu fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti tad-Dipartiment mhux aktar tardminn nofsinhar <strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħa, il-11 ta’ Novembru, 2011.Id-dokument/i għandhom jiġu sottomessi jew bil-postareġistrata/courier jew jitwasslu bl-idejn lil:Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>-Affarijiet Barranin,Uffiċċju tad-DFM, 172, Triq Melita, Il-Belt Valletta.Proposti li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Id-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jista’ jitniżżel minn: www.mfa.gov.mt/tenders jew jinġabar mill-Uffiċċju tad-DFM flindirizzimsemmi hawn fuq jew mitlub permezz ta’ emailfuq: (dfm.mfa@gov.mt).L-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRSCall for TendersEBF10/03 - External Borders fund (EBF) 2008 – 2013The Ministry of Foreign Affairs invites interested partiesto submit tenders for the provision of specialised training tofront line officers in interviewing skills and profiling whenissuing travel documents.Submissions are to be in the English language anddeposited in the Department’s tender box by not later thannoon on Friday, 11th November, 2011.The document/s must be submitted either by registeredmail/courier service OR delivered by hand to:Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Office of the CIO, 172, Triq Melita, Valletta.Late submissions will not be accepted.The tender document may be downloaded from www.mfa.gov.mt/tenders or collected from the CIO’s office at theabove mentioned address or requested by email at (cio.mfa@gov.mt).18th October, 2011Programm Ġenerali ta’ Solidarjetà u Tmexxija ta’ Migration Flows 2007 – 2013Offerta parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni EwropeaFond ta’ Fruntieri Esterni (FFE)Rata ta’ Ko-finanzjament: 75% Unjoni Ewropea, 25% Fondi NazzjonaliGeneral Programme Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows 2007 – 2013Tender is part-financed from the European UnionExternal Borders Fund (EBF)Co-financing rate: 75% EU Funds: 25% National FundsMINISTERU GĦAL GĦAWDEXId-Direttur <strong>tal</strong>-Customer Services, Ministeru għalGħawdex jgħarraf illi offerti magħluqin jintlaqgħu fil-Ministeru għal Għawdex, Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Accounts, Ir-RabatGħawdex sal-10.00 a.m. it-Tlieta 25 ta’Ottubru 2011.Avviż Numru D. Cust. S. Q48/2011. Provvista ta’ rameltip A u xogħol bil-paver fil-korsa taż-żwiemel f’Ta’ Xhajma/Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Customer Services, Ministeru għal Għawdex.L-offerti ghandhom isiru fuq il-formoli preskritti liflimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet jistgħu jinkisbu mit-Taqsima<strong>tal</strong>-Accounts, Ministeru għal Għawdex, Ir-Rabat Għawdex,f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol waqt il-ħin <strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Ministry for GozoThe Director, Customer Services, Ministry for Gozo, notifiesthat sealed quotations will be received at the Ministry for Gozo– Accounts Section, Department Corporate Services, Victoriaby not later than 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday 25th October 2011.Advt. No. D. Cust. S.Q48/2011. Supply of sand typeA and Paver Services for Ta’ Xhajma Racetrack Gozo/Department Customer Services, Ministry for Gozo.Quotations should be drawn on the prescribed formswhich together with the relative conditions can be obtainedfrom the Accounts Section, Dept Corp Services, Ministry forGozo, Victoria Gozo during office hours.18th October, 2011

11,798 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818MINISTERU GĦAL GĦAWDEXId-Direttur, Proġetti u Żvilupp, Ministeru għal Għawdex,jgħarraf illi:–Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-21 ta’ Ottubru,2011 fil-Ministeru għal Għawdex, Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Accounts,Dipartiment tas-Servizzi Korporattivi, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:–Avviż Nru. QWB 70/2011. Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-elettriku umekkaniċi fil-Farm Sperimen<strong>tal</strong>i tax-Xewkija kif mitlub mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Proġetti u Żvilupp, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ta’ din l-offerta ġiet estiża minn nharit-Tlieta, it-18 ta’ Ottubru 2011.L-offerti għandhom isiru fuq il-formoli preskritti li,flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet relattivi, jistgħu jinkisbu mill-Ministeru għal Għawdex, Fergħa <strong>tal</strong>-Agrikoltura, PjazzaSan Franġisk, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħolmid-8.45 a.m. sa 11.45 a.m.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011MINISTRY FOR GOZOThe Director, Projects and Development, Ministry forGozo, notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received at the Ministry for Gozo,Accounts Section, Department of Corporate Services, bynot later than 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 21st October, 2011,for:-Advt. No. QWB 70/2011. Electrical and mechanicalservices at the Xewkija Experimen<strong>tal</strong> Farm as directed by theDepartment of Projects and Development, Victoria, Gozo.A fee of €50.00 is to be paid for every copy of tenderdocument.The closing date of this tender has been extended fromTuesday, 18th October 2011.Tenders should be drawn out on the prescribed formswhich, together with the relative conditions, can be obtainedfrom the Ministry for Gozo, Agriculture Department, StFrancis Square, Victoria, Gozo, on any working day from8.45 a.m. till 11.45 a.m.18th October, 2011MINISTERU GĦAL GĦAWDEXIl-Ministeru għal Għawdex jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-1 ta’ Novembru2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Accounts, Dipartiment tas-ServizziKorporattivi, Ministeru għal Għawdex, Ir-Rabat,Għawdex, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:–Avviż Nru. 21/2011. Provvista u tħawwil ta’ siġar uarbuxelli fil-Ġonna ta’ Villa Rundle, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex.Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-UnjoniEwropea taħt il-Fond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali(2007-2013) – Ninvestu fil- Futur Tiegħek.L-offerti għandhom isiru fuq il-formoli preskritti li,flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet relattivi u dokumenti oħrajistgħu jinkisbu mit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Accounts, Dipartimenttas-Servizzi Korporattivi, Ministeru għal Għawdex, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol waqt il-ħinijiet<strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju jew wieħed jista’ jniżżel dan id-dokumentmill-link ipprovduta: (http://www.gozo.gov.mt/pages.aspx?page=1346).It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011MINISTRY FOR GOZOThe Ministry for Gozo notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received in the tender box atthe Accounts Section, Department of Corporate Services,Ministry for Gozo, Victoria, Gozo, by not later than 10.00a.m on Tuesday, 1st November 2011, for:-Advt. No. 21/2011. Supply and planting of trees andshrubs at Villa Rundle Gardens, Victoria, Gozo.This tender is part financed by the European Union underthe European Regional Development Fund (2007-2013) –Investing in Your FutureTenders should be provided on the prescribed formswhich together with relative conditions and documentscan be obtained from the Accounts Section, Departmentof Corporate Services, Ministry for Gozo, Victoria, Gozoon any working day during office hours or downloadedfrom the following link: (http://www.gozo.gov.mt/pages.aspx?page=1346).18th October, 2011

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,799DIRETTORAT GĦAS-SERVIZZI KORPORATTIVIId-Direttur, Servizzi Korporattivi, jgħarraf illi:Sal-11.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-1 ta’ Novembru,2011 jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:Kwot. Nru. PSQ10/11. Xiri ta’ German CD-ROMgħas-Settur Sekondarju għas-Sena Skolastika 2011-2012.L-offerti għandhom isiru fuq il-formola preskritta li,flimkien mal-kundizzonijiet relattivi u dokumenti oħrajinkisbu fuq applikazzjoni mit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Akkwist, Kamra144 tad-Direttorat għas-Servizzi Korporattivi, f’kull ġurnatatax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u l-11.30 a.m.Il-kwotazzjonijiet għandhom ikunu magħluqaf’envlop indirizzat minn qabel u jintefgħa fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Kwotazzjonijiet, li tinsab fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Akkwisti, Kamra144), Direttorat għas-Servizzi Korporattivi, Floriana.It-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Akkwist u l-Amministrazzjoni tad-Direttorat għas-Servizzi Korporattivi tgħarraf li minhu interessat jista’ jattendi u jara l-ftuħ u skedar <strong>tal</strong>kwotazzjonijietfid-data u l-ħin stipulati.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011MALTA-EU STEERINGAND ACTION COMMITTEE (MEUSAC)Sejħa għal Bini u Tqegħid ta’4 Strutturi InformattiviBaġit: €47,000 inkluża l-VATIl-MEUSAC jilqa’ offerti għal erba’ (4) Strutturita’esibizzjoni fil-forma ta’ “Stilla”, li jridu jinbnew skont l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet li se jipprovdi l-MEUSAC. L-għanijietprinċipali ta’ dawn l-erba’ (4) strutturi huma li jservu bħalabillbords li se jintużaw wkoll bħala Wi-Fi hub.Il-kuntrattur li jintgħażel se jkollu r-responsabbiltà lijimmanifattura, jgħaqqad, iżarma u jwassal dawn l-istrutturifit-tnax (12) il-lokalità magħżula, kif wkoll, li jagħti garanzijali ssir il-manutenzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-internet u kull tip ta’ faċilità li jafikun hemm bżonn tul iż-żmien li fih se jseħħ il-proġett. Ilkuntratturgħandu d-dmir li jwassal dawn l-istrutturi sal-postmagħżul mill-Awtorità Kuntrattwali fl-aħħar <strong>tal</strong>-proġett.Dan il-proġett huwa wieħed mill-operazzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Pjan Konġunt ta’ Komunikazzjoni għall-2011 li qed jiġiimplimentat mill-MEUSAC b’finanzjament <strong>tal</strong>-KummissjoniEwropea – DG Komunikazzjoni. Dawk interessati għandhomDIRECTORATE FOR CORPORATE SERVICESThe Director Corporate Services notifies that:Sealed quotations will be received up to 11.00 a.m. onTuesday, 1st November, 2011 for:Quot. No. PSQ10/11. Quotation for purchase of GermanCD-ROM for the Secondary Sector for Scholastic Year2011-2012.Offers should be made on the prescribed form which,together with the relative conditions and other documents,are obtained on application from the Procurement Section,Room 144 of the Directorate for Corporate Services, on anyworking day between 8.30 a.m. and 11.30 a.m.Quotations should be enclosed in the ready-addressedenvelope and deposited in the Quotation Box, located at theProcurement Section (Rm 144), Directorate for CorporateServices, Floriana.The Procurement and Administration Branch of theDirectorate for Corporate Services notifies that interestedparties may attend and witness the opening and schedulingof tenders/quotations on the appointed date and time.18th October, 2011MALTA-EU STEERINGAND ACTION COMMITTEE (MEUSAC)Call for the Construction and Supply of4 Exhibition Display StructuresBudget: €47,000 including VATMEUSAC is issuing a call for tender for 4 (four) “StarShaped” Exhibition Display Structures built according to thespecifications provided. The main aim of these 4 ins<strong>tal</strong>lationsis to serve as billboards that are also meant to function as aWi-Fi hub.The selected bidder will be responsible for themanufacturing, assembling, dissembling and transportationof these ins<strong>tal</strong>lations to the 12 chosen locations togetherwith the necessary upkeep, maintenance and supply of theinternet connections and facilities required for the durationof the project. to the selected bidder will also be expectedto transport these ins<strong>tal</strong>lations to the location chosen by theContracting Authority for the final exhibit or storage.This project is financed by the European Commission– DG Communication and is one of the operations of theJoint Communication Plan 2011 implemented by MEUSAC.Interested bidders are to submit a proposal clearly marked

11,800 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818jibagħtu l-proposta tagħhom immarkata b’mod ċar “Sejħagħal Bini u Tqegħid ta’ 4 strutturi informattivi”.Il-proposti għandhom jintefgħu fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti litinsab fl-uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-MEUSAC, 280, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Valletta, VLT 1112, sa mhux aktar tard mill-10.00 a.m. (ĦinĊentrali Ewropew) <strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħa, l-4 ta’ Novembru 2011.L-offerti jistgħu jitniżżlu mis-sit elettroniku: (www.meusac.gov.mt).Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011“Call for the Construction and Supply of 4 informationsupply structures.”Proposals are to be deposited in the tender box locatedat MEUSAC offices, 280, Triq ir-Repubblika, Valletta, VLT1112, by not later than 10.00 a.m. (Central European Time)of Friday, 4th November 2011.The tender dossier can be downloaded from: (www.meusac.gov.mt).Late submissions will not be considered.18th October, 2011TRANSPORT MALTATransport <strong>Malta</strong> tgħarraf illi:Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, it-8 ta’ Novembru,2011, fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti (Reception – Livell 1),jintlaqgħu proposti magħluqin kompluti bid-dokumentimeħtieġa kollha liċ-Chairman, Transport <strong>Malta</strong>, <strong>Malta</strong>Transport Centre, Il-Marsa, għal:Talba għal Proposti Nru. TM 004_RFP/2011. Ġestjoni uoperat tan-naħa ta’ barra ta’ Xatt il-Faħam.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-proposta.Min hu interessat għandu jiġbor kopja tad-dokument mit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Akkwisti - Livell 4, Transport <strong>Malta</strong>, Ċentru tat-Trasport, Il-Marsa.Transport <strong>Malta</strong> hija l-Awtorità għat-Trasport f’<strong>Malta</strong>mwaqqfa b’Att XV <strong>tal</strong>-2009.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011KORPORAZZJONI TAX-XOGĦOL U T-TAĦRIĠIl-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u Taħriġ qed tilqa’ offertissiġillati għal:Avviż.Nru. ETC/A/04B/11. Provvista u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’taraġ ta’ emerġenza f’każ ta’ ħruq fl-uffiċini <strong>tal</strong>-ETC f’ĦalFar.Kopji tad-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinġabru mid-Diviżjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzji <strong>tal</strong>-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u t-Taħriġ f’Ħal Far mit-8.00 a.m. sa nofsinhar bi ħlas ta’ €25kull wieħed. Wieħed jista’ jara kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>offertafuq il-websajt <strong>tal</strong>-ETC (www.etc.gov.mt). Din ilkopjama tistax tintuza biex titfa’ l-offerta.TRANSPORT MALTATransport <strong>Malta</strong> notifies that:Sealed proposals, complete with all requireddocuments, are to be submitted by not later than 10.00a.m. on Tuesday, 8th November, 2011, at The Chairman,The Tender Box (Reception - Level 1), Transport <strong>Malta</strong>,<strong>Malta</strong> Transport Centre, Marsa MRS 1917, for:Request for Proposals No. TM 004_RFP/2011. Managementand operation of Coal Wharf Outer.A fee of €50 is to be paid for every copy of proposaldocument.Interested parties are invited to collect a copy of thedocument from the Procurement Unit - Level 4 of Transport<strong>Malta</strong>, <strong>Malta</strong> Transport Centre, Marsa.Transport <strong>Malta</strong> is the Authority for Transport in <strong>Malta</strong> setup by Act XV of 2009.18th October, 2011EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CORPORATIONThe Employment and Training Corporation notifies thatsealed tenders will be received for:Advt. No. ETC/A/04B/11. Provision and ins<strong>tal</strong>lation ofemergency fire escape stairs at the ETC offices at Ħal Far.Copies of the tender documents may be obtained fromthe Finance Division of the Employment and TrainingCorporation in Ħal Far from 8.00 a.m. to noon against a feeof €25 for each document. One can view a copy of the tenderdocument on the ETC website (www.etc.gov.mt). This copycannot be used to submit a tender.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,801Offerti, kompluti bid-dokumenti neċessarji kollha,għandhom ikunu mitfugħa fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti fl-UffiċċjuPrinċipali <strong>tal</strong>-ETC f’Ħal Far sa mhux aktar tard mill-10.00a.m. tat-Tlieta 8 ta’ Novembru 2011.It-titoli u l-kodiċi ta<strong>tal</strong>-offerta kif imsemmija hawn fuqgħandhom jinkitbu fuq l-envelop issiġillat. Dawn għandhomikunu indirizzati lil:L-Uffiċjal Kap EżekuttivUffiċċju PrinċipaliĦal Far BBĠ 3000It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011KORPORAZZJONI TAX-XOGĦOL U T-TAĦRIĠIl-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u Taħriġ qed tilqa’kwotazzjonijiet issiġillati għal:Kwot. Nru. ETC/A/Q/04/11. Provvista ta’ sinjali ta’ ħruġf’każ ta’ emerġenza.Kopji tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjonijiet jistgħu jinġabrumid-Diviżjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzji <strong>tal</strong>-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol ut-Taħriġ f’Ħal Far mit-8.00 a.m. sa nofsinhar, mingħajr ħlas.Dawn jistgħu jitniżżlu wkoll mill-websajt <strong>tal</strong>-ETC (www.etc.gov.mt) (taħt il-paġna ‘Tenders u Kwotazzjonijiet’ fittaqsima‘Riżorsi’).Kwotazzjonijiet, kompluti bid-dokumenti neċessarjikollha, għandhom ikunu mitfugħa fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali <strong>tal</strong>-ETC f’Ħal Far sa mhux aktar tardmill-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta 25 ta’ Ottubru 2011.It-titolu u l-kodiċi <strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjoni kif imsemmija hawnfuq għandhom jinkitbu fuq l-envelop issiġillat. Dawngħandhom ikunu indirizzati lil:L-Uffiċjal Kap EżekuttivUffiċċju PrinċipaliĦal Far BBĠ 3000It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011KORPORAZZJONI TAX-XOGĦOL U T-TAĦRIĠIl-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u Taħriġ qed tilqa’ offertissiġillati għal:Avviż Nru. ETC/A/23/11. Kostruzzjoni u tlestija <strong>tal</strong>estenzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-arkivji ġewwa l-ETC f’Ħal Far.Kopji tad-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinġabru mid-Diviżjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzji <strong>tal</strong>-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u t-Taħriġ f’Ħal Far mit-8.00 a.m. sa nofsinhar bi ħlas ta’ €50Tenders complete with all required documents, are to besubmitted at the tender box at the ETC Head Office in ĦalFar by not later than 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday 8th November2011.The tenders titles and codes as stated above should bestated on the sealed envelope. These are to be addressed to:The Chief Executive OfficerHead OfficeĦal Far BBĠ 300018th October, 2011EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CORPORATIONThe Employment and Training Corporation notifies thatsealed quotations will be received for the following:Quot. No. ETC/A/Q/04/11. Supply of emergency exitsigns.Copies of the quotation document may be obtainedfrom the Finance Division of the Employment and TrainingCorporation in Ħal Far from 8.00 a.m. to noon, free of charge.These can also be downloaded from the ETC website www.etc.gov.mt (under the page ‘Tenders and Quotations’ in the‘Resources’ section).Quotations, complete with all required documents, are tobe submitted at the tender box at the ETC Head Office in ĦalFar by not later than 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday 25th October2011.The quotation title and code as stated above should bestated on the sealed envelope. These are to be addressed to:The Chief Executive OfficerHead OfficeĦal Far BBĠ 300018th October, 2011EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CORPORATIONThe Employment and Training Corporation notifies thatsealed tenders will be received for:Advt. No. ETC/A/23/11. Construction and finishing ofan extension to the archives store at ETC Ħal Far.Copies of the tender documents may be obtained fromthe Finance Division of the Employment and TrainingCorporation in Ħal Far from 8.00 a.m. to noon against a fee

11,802 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818kull wieħed. Wieħed jista’ jara kopja <strong>tal</strong>-offerta <strong>tal</strong>-offertafuqil-websajt <strong>tal</strong>-ETC (www.etc.gov.mt). Din il-kopja ma tistaxtintuza biex titfa’ l-offerta.Se ssir laqgħa għall-kjarifiki dwar din l-offerta nhar it-Tnejn24 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 fl-10.00 a.m. ġewwa l-ETC f’Ħal Far.Offerti, kompluti bid-dokumenti neċessarji kollha,għandhom ikunu mitfugħa fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti fl-UffiċċjuPrinċipali <strong>tal</strong>-ETC f’Ħal Far sa mhux aktar tard mill-10.00a.m. tat-Tlieta 8 ta’ Novembru 2011.It-titoli u l-kodiċi <strong>tal</strong>-offerti kif imsemmija hawn fuqgħandhom jinkitbu fuq l-envelop issiġillat. Dawn għandhomikunu indirizzati lil:L-Uffiċjal Kap EżekuttivUffiċċju PrinċipaliĦal Far BBĠ 3000It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011of €50 for each document. One can view a copy of the tenderdocument on the ETC website (www.etc.gov.mt). This copycannot be used to submit a tender.A clarification meeting about this tender will be held onMonday 24th October, 2011 at 10.00 a.m. at the ETC Ħal Far.Tenders, complete with all required documents, are to besubmitted at the tender box at the ETC Head Office in ĦalFar by not later than 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday 8th November2011.The tenders titles and codes as stated above should bestated on the sealed envelope. These are to be addressed to:The Chief Executive OfficerHead OfficeĦal Far BBĠ 300018th October, 2011Ir-Rettur jgħarraf illi:-L-UNIVERSITÀ TA’ MALTASal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, it-2 ta’ Novembru,2011, jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:-Kwot. Nru. 091/04/11. Provvista u konsenja ta’ diversisustanzi kimiċi u consumables għad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Bijoloġija fl-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Il-kwotazzjonijiet għandhom isiru biss fuq il-formolapreskritta, li flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet relattivi u dokumentioħra jistgħu jitniżżlu mis-sit: (www.um.edu.mt/procurement).Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi matul il-ftuħ u l-għoti <strong>tal</strong>kwotazzjonijietnhar l-Erbgħa, it-2 ta’ Novembru, 2011,fl-10.15 a.m. f’Kamra 301, Bini <strong>tal</strong>-Amministrazzjoni, l-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011The Rector notifies that:-UNIVERSITY OF MALTASealed quotations will be received up to 10.00 a.m. onWednesday, 2nd November, 2011, for:-Quot. No. 091/04/11. Supply and delivery of variouschemicals and consumables for the Department of Biologyat the University of <strong>Malta</strong>.Quotations should be made only on the prescribed form, whichtogether with the relative conditions and other documents may bedownloaded from the site: (www.um.edu.mt/procurement).The public may attend during the opening and schedulingof the quotations on Wednesday, 2nd November, 2011 at10.15 a.m. in Room 301, Administration Block, Universityof <strong>Malta</strong>.18th October, 2011KUNSILL LOKALI NADURIl-Kunsill Lokali Nadur jgħarraf illi:-Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, l-4 ta’ Novembru2011, fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti fil-Kunsill Lokali Nadur, Triqit-Tramuntana, Nadur NDR 1222, jintlaqghu offertimagħluqin għal:-Kwot. Nru. 12/2011 Kiri ta’ tinda ta’ kejl 15m x 40mgħas-suq <strong>tal</strong>-Milied ġewwa n-Nadur.Nadur Local CouncilThe Nadur Local Council notifies that:-Sealed quotations will be received in the tender boxat the Nadur Local Council, Triq it-Tramuntana, NadurNDR 1222, up to noon on Friday, 4th November 2011,for:-Quot. No. 12/2011. Hire of tent measuring 15m x 40mfor Nadur Christmas market.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,803Kwot. Nru. 13/2011. Kiri ta’ sistema PA għas-suq <strong>tal</strong>-Milied ġewwa n-Nadur.Kwot. Nru. 14/2011. Kiri ta’ sistema ta’ dawl għas-suq<strong>tal</strong>-Milied ġewwa n-Nadur.Kwot. Nru. 15/2011. Dekorazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Milied tat-TriqDiċembru 13 u/ jew parti minn Triq il-Knisja u Pjazza SanPietru u San Pawl.Sejħa għall-applikazzjoni 01/2011 - Stands kummerċjali<strong>tal</strong>-Milied matul is-suq <strong>tal</strong>-Milied 2 - 4 ta’ Diċembru 2011taħt it-tinda. Ħlas ta’ kull stand: €100.Sejħa għall-applikazzjoni 02/2011 - Artiġġjanat maħdumbl-idejn matul is-suq <strong>tal</strong>-Milied 2 - 4 ta’ Diċembru 2011 taħtit-tinda. Ħlas ta’ kull stand: €50.Aktar informazzjoni tinkiseb mill-uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-kunsill.Il-Kunsill iżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta l-kwotazzjonijiet u l-applikazzjonijiet, anke l-aktar waħda vantaġġuża.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011KUNSILL LOKALI IL-GŻIRAIl-Kunsill Lokali Il-Gżira jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. (Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew) ta’ nharil-Ġimgħa, l-4 ta’ Novembru 2011, kwotazzjonijietmagħluqin għandhom jinġiebu personalment u jiġudepożitati fl-Uffiċċju Amministrattiv <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill, għal:-Kwot. Nru. GLC12/2011. Tiżjin ta’ dwal għall-Milied kifjidher hawn taħt:Ix-Xatt – Il-Gżira – Centre Strip (minn Manoel IslandBridge sal-Waterfront Hotel) Tiżjin tip festoon u 8 stilel, liemadekorazzjonijiet iridu jiġu muntati fuq l-arbli <strong>tal</strong>-festa. Danix-xogħol se jsir mill-Kunsill u se jintuża l-meter <strong>tal</strong>-elettriku<strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill.Triq Manoel de Vilhena (mix-Xatt sa Triq D’Argens) FairyLights b’intervalli ta’ dawl dekorattiv differenti.Pjazza Memè Scicluna – tmien (8) dekorazzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Milied differenti biex jiġu armati madwar ir-roundabout, biswitit-toroq li jwasslu t-traffiku għall-Pjazza. Dekorazzjonijietgħall-Gazebo u s-Siġra <strong>tal</strong>-Milied. Il-kwotazzjoni ta’ din il-Pjazza trid tinkludi l-ħlas ta’ meter temporanju <strong>tal</strong>-EnemaltaMisraħ Turu Colombo – Fairy Lights (static and flickeringand high concentration biswit it-toroq li jwasslu għat-traffiku)Il-kwotazzjoni għal dan il-Misraħ trid tinkludi l-kera ta’ metertemporanju <strong>tal</strong>-Enemalta.Quot. No. 13/2011 Hire of PA System for NadurChristmas marketQuot. No. 14/2011. Hire of light system for NadurChristmas market.Quot. No. 15/2011. Christmas Street Decorations of TriqDiċembru 13 and/or part of Triq il-Knisja and Pjazza SanPietru u San Pawl.Call for application 01/2011 - Christmas commercialStands during Christmas Market 2 - 4th December 2011under the tent Fee per stand: €100.Call for Application 02/2011 - Hand Made Crafts Standsduring Christmas Market 2-4 December 2011 under the tent.Fee per stand: €50.Further details can be obtained from the council office.The Council reserves the right to refuse all quotations andapplications, even the most advantageous.18th October, 2011GŻIRA LOCAL COUNCILThe Gżira Local Council notifies that:-Sealed quotations are to be hand delivered anddeposited at the Council’s Administrative Offices bynot later than Friday, 4th November 2011 at 10.00 a.m.(Central European Time) for:-Quot. No. GLC 12/2011. Christmas Light Decorations asper following:-The Strand Gżira Centre Strip (from Manoel Island Bridgeto Waterfront Hotel) Decoration type festoon and 8 lightingstars. The decorations are to be mounted on festa flag poles,organised by the Council and to use Council’s Electricitymeter.Triq Manoel de Vilhena (from The Strand to Rue D’Argens)Fairy Lights with lighting decorations at intervals.Pjazza Memè Scicluna Eight (8) different Christmasdecorations to be mounted around the roundabout, facingthe streets that feed traffic to the square. Decorations for theGazebo and the Christmas Tree. The quotation for PjazzaMeme Scicluna is to include the charge for a temporaryEnemalta meter.Misraħ Turu Colombo Fairy lights (static and flickeringand high concentration facing streets that feed traffic). Thequotation for this square has to include the charge for atemporary Enemalta meter.

11,804 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Ċentru ta’Attivitajiet Il-Gżira – Triq San Albert il-partita’ fuq – Żewġ (2) Dekorazzjonijiet bid-dawl li l-provvistagħalihom tista’ tittieħed miċ-Ċentru.N.B. Il-Kunsill jgħarraf li min jirbaħ din il-kwotazzjonijrid:Jarma u jżarma Presepju fil-Ġnien Kunsill <strong>tal</strong>-Ewropa,Il-Gżira;Jipprovdi trasport mill-maħżen u lura; uJixgħel il-Presepju. L-elettriku jista’ jittieħed mill-Ġnien.Kwot. Nru. GLC 13/2011. Provvista u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’ 25Riċipjent <strong>tal</strong>-Iskart biex jitqiegħed tul ix-Xatt Il-Gżira (mannaħa<strong>tal</strong>-baħar) skont l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet segwenti:Irid ikun jesa’ 80 litru;Irid ikollu ashtray għas-sigaretti;Irid ikollu mekkaniżmu sabiex ikun faċli biex jitbat<strong>tal</strong>;Il-borża jrid ikollha sistema li tissakkar;Ir-reċipjent <strong>tal</strong>-iskart irid ikun weather proof;Ka<strong>tal</strong>gu li jinkludi l-istruzzjonijiet u l-ispeċifikazzjonijietmeħtieġa;Irid jinkludi ritratti <strong>tal</strong>-prodott.Il-kwotazzjonijiet iridu jinkludu 18% VAT uJinkludu l-ispiża to<strong>tal</strong>i biex ix-xogħol ikun finalizzat;Jiġi speċifikat meta jibda x-xogħol;Jiġi speċifikat iż-żmien biex ix-xogħol jitlesta;Jiġi inkluż x-xogħol kollu neċessarju li jwassal għall-prezzfinali.Il-kwotazzjonijiet jinfetħu fil-pubbliku immedjatamentwara l-ħin <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq.Il-Kunsill Lokali Il Gżira jżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kullofferta, ukoll l-aktar waħda vantaġġuża. Kwotazzjonijiet lijaslu tard jew li ma jkunux skont l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet mitluba,ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011KUNSILL LOKALI IL-ĦamrunIl-Kunsill Lokali Il-Ħamrun jgħarraf illi:Sa nofsinhar <strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħa, it-18 ta’ Novembru, 2011,fl-Uffiċċju Amministrattiv <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:Avviż. Nru. KLH/TDR/05/2011. Tindif u manutenzjonita’ latrini pubbliċi.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €75.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Gżira Activities Centre – Upper Triq San Albert - Two (2)Light Decorations, supply can be taken from the centre.N.B. The Council informs that the winning bidder willhave to:Mount and dismantle a Christmas Crib at Council ofEurope Gardens, Gżira;transport to and from warehouse; andlight said Crib. Electricity to be taken from garden’s ownsupply.Quot. No. GLC 13/2011. Supply and ins<strong>tal</strong>lation of 25litter bins to be placed along the Gżira Promenade with thefollowing specifications:Must have a capacity of 80L;Must have a cigarette/ashtray;Must have a mechanism to allow easy emptying of liner;Liner must have a locking system;Bin is to be weather proof;Include Full product literature and specifications;Include drawings and illustrations.All quotations are to be inclusive of 18% VAT and includethe following:Include all the costs pertaining to the works to be carriedout;Must specify when the works can start;Must specify the duration of works up to full jobcompletion;Any other ancillary works needed to make the bid a finalprice.Quotations will be opened in public immediately after theabove mentioned closing time.The Gżira Local Council reserves the right to refuse anyoffer including the most advantageous. Late submissions orquotations not meeting the specifications will be discarded.18th October, 2011Ħamrun LOCAL COUNCILThe Ħamrun Local Council notifies that:Sealed tenders will be received at the Council’sAdministrative Office up to noon on Friday, 18th November,2011, for:Advt. No. KLH/TDR/05/2011. Cleaning and maintenanceof public conveniences.A fee of €75.00 has to be paid for every tenderdocument.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,805Avviż. Nru. KLH/Q/02/10. Provvista, konsenja, uins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’ grid-connected photovoltaic system andsolar water heater.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Kopja tad-dokumenti jinġabru mill-uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-KunsillLokali Il-Ħamrun, fi Triq id-Duka ta’ Edinburgh, Il-Ħamrunfil-ħinijiet <strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju mal-ħlas rispettiv.L-offerti mitfugħa jinfetħu minnufih wara d-data <strong>tal</strong>għeluq.Il-Kunsill iżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull kwotazzjoni, ankel-aktar waħda vantaġġuża.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011KUNSILL LOKALI IR-RABAT (MALTA)Il-Kunsill Lokali Ir-Rabat <strong>Malta</strong> jgħarraf illi sal-10.00a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa 16 ta’ Novembru, 2011 jilqa’ offertimagħluqa għal:-Avviż Nru. RLC/T/103/2011. Xogħol ta’ manutenzjonifuq is-sinjali tat-toroq u t-tabelli tat-traffiku.Id-dokumenti jistgħu jinġabru mill-uffiċini <strong>tal</strong>-KunsillLokali Ir-Rabat, bi ħlas ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument.Il-Kunsill iżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kwalunkwe offerta,anke l-aktar waħda vantaġġuża.Aktar informazzjoni tinkiseb mingħand is-SegretarjuEżekuttiv <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill fuq in-numru: 2145 5000.It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Advt. No. KLH/TDR/06/2011. Supply, delivery andinstasllation of a grid-connected photovoltaic system andsolar water heater.A fee of €50.00 has to be paid for every tenderdocument.A copy of the tender document may be obtained from theĦamrun Local Council offices, Triq id-Duka ta’ Edinburgh,Ħamrun during office hours against their respective fees.Tenders cast will be opened immediately after the closingtime on the day stipulated.The Council reserves the right to refuse any tender eventhe most advantageous.18th October, 2011RABAT (MALTA) LOCAL COUNCILThe Rabat Local Council notifies that sealed tenders willbe received at the Council’s Administrative offices up to10.00 a.m. on Wednesday 16th November, 2011 for:-Advt. No. RLC/T/103/2011. Maintenance of roadmarkings and traffic signs.Tender documents may be collected from theadministrative office in Rabat, a fee of €50.00 has to be paidfor each document.The Council reserves the right to refuse all tenders, eventhe most advantageous.Further details may be obtained from the ExecutiveSecretary on the Local Council’s number: 2145 5000.18th October, 2011AvviŻi <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti – Court Notices1707B’digriet mogħti fis-27 ta’ Settembru 2011, mil-Qorti ta’l-Appell, fl-atti taċ-Ċitazzjoni numru 1655/01 JA, fl-ismijietJoseph Bonnici vs Mark Zammit et, ġiet ordnata s-segwentipubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront ta’ JosephBonnici, a tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kap. 12.Permezz ta’ rikors ippreżentat fil-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Appell Ċitazz.Numru 1655/01 JA, Joseph Bonnici vs Mark u Anna Terezakonjugi Zammit, fil-11 ta’ Lulju 2011, ir-rikorrenti Mark(K.I. 169562M u Anna Tereza konjugi Zammit, karta <strong>tal</strong>identità12001L, esponew bir-rispett;By means of a decree given on the 27th September2011, by the Court of Appeal, in the records of the Writ ofSummons number 1655/01 JA, in the names Joseph Bonnicivs Mark Zammit et, the following publication was orderedfor the purpose of service of Joseph Bonnici, in terms ofArticle 187(3) of Cap. 12.By means of an application, filed, in the Court of Appeal,Writ of Summons Number 1655/01 JA, Joseph Bonnici vsMark and Anna Tereza spouses Zammit, on the 11th July2011, the applicants Mark (I.D. 169562M and Anna Terezaspouses Zammit, identity card 12001L pleaded with respect;

11,806 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Illi dan huwa rikors ta’ ritrattazzjoni, fejn qed tin<strong>tal</strong>abritrattazzjoni, mogħtija minn din l-Onorabbli Qorti, fid-29ta’ Jannar 2010, fil-kawża fl-ismijiet premessi;Illi s-sentenza li dwarha qed tin<strong>tal</strong>ab ir-ritrattazzjoni,iddeċidiet billi laqgħet l-appell <strong>tal</strong>-attur irrevokat dik il-partitas-sentenza <strong>tal</strong>-5 ta’ Novembru 2007, fejn ordnat li ttella’ħajt diviżorju fin-nofs <strong>tal</strong>-partijiet komuni u ddikjarat li l-partijiet komuni għall-fondi proprjetà <strong>tal</strong>-kontendenti humadawk deskritti det<strong>tal</strong>jatament aktar ’il fuq fl-istess sentenzau ċaħdet l-appell <strong>tal</strong>-attur, in kwantu jirrigwarda s-servitùreklamati. Spejjeż <strong>tal</strong>-appell jiġu sopportati kwantu għal terz(1/3) mill-attur appellant u żewg terzi (2/3) mill-konvenutiappellati. Dawk <strong>tal</strong>-ewwel istanza jibqa’ kif deċiżi.Illi l-fattur ewlieni li wassal għal din id-deċiżjoni kienli l-Onorabbli Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Appell, straħet fuq dak li sejħet ilpjantaoriġinali Dok AFV2, imhejjija mill-Perit inkarigatmill-izvilupp <strong>tal</strong>-blokk kif ukoll <strong>tal</strong>-blokki l-oħra adjaċentiu kontigwi. Kienet fuq il-bażi ta’ dik il-pjanta u tar-rapport<strong>tal</strong>-espert peri<strong>tal</strong>i mibni ukoll fuq dik il-pjanta, li l-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Appell, ikkonkludiet fuq x’kienu l-partijiet komuni bejn ilkontendenti.Illi l-esponenti jixtiequ jittrattaw dik is-sentenza, billi dikis-sentenza hija effett ta’ żball u xhieda għarrieqa u falza ugħalhekk l-esponenti huma aggravata b’ il fuq imsemmijasentenza.Illi wara dik is-sentenza, l-esponenti kumbinazzjonisabu riċentement pjanta oriġinali <strong>tal</strong>-fondi in kwistjoni litiddifferixxi sostanzjalment minn dik esibita AFV2, u litinsab iffirmata mill-Perit Muscat Fenech, li hu Perit differitmill-Perit Anthony Fenech Vella, li ntqal li kien il-Peritinkarigat....omissis...Illi għalhekk il-bażi tar-ritrattazzjoni kif joħorġu mill-Kodiċi ta’ Procedura Ċivili huma l-Artikolu 811 stante li x-xhieda li ngħatat mill-atturi in kwantu tirriferi għall-pjantaAFV2, bħala l-pjanta oriġinali hija qarrieqa u falza billi l-pjanta oriġinali hija dik li sabu riċentement r-ritrattantandiu li qed jesibixxu illum ma’ din ir-ritrattazzjoni; l-artikolu811 k u dan billi huma sabu dokumenti konklussivi ta’ liemama kinux għak-konoxxenza qabel li jippruvaw b’mod finaliu konklusivi li s-sentenza fuq imsemmija kienet żbaljata; ugħat-tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 811 a, billi s-sentenza kienet l-effettta’ qerq perpetrat mill-attur u preċiżament konsistenti flesebizzjonita’ pjanta li ma kinitx tirrifletti l-istat oriġinali<strong>tal</strong>-affarijiet li nbnew....omissis...Illi għalhekk huwa evidenti li s-sentenza fuq imsemmijakienet effett ta’ żball u qerq li manifestament ġie perpetratgħad-dannu <strong>tal</strong>-konvenuti, kif jirriżulta mid-dokumenti RI uThat is is an application for a new trial, whereby a newtrial is being demanded from this Honourable Court, of the29th January 2010, in the cause in the names premised;That the judgement from which a new trial is beingdemanded, decided, by upholding the appeal of the plaintiff,revoked that part of the judgement of the 5th November 2007,whereby it ordered that a dividing wall be erected in the middleof the comon parts and declared that the common parts to thepremises of the contending parties are those described in detailfurther up in the same judgement and rejected the appeal of theplaintiff, in so far as it relates to the servitudes claimed. Costs ofthe appeal are to be borne as to one-third (1/3) by the plaintiffappellant and two thirds (2/3) by the respondent defendants.Those of the First Instance are to remain as decided.That the main factor which brought about this decisionwas that the Honourable Court of Appeal, relied on whatit termed the original plan Doc AFV2, drawn out by theArchitect in charge of the development of the block, as wellas the other adjacent and contiguous blocks. It was on thebasis of that plan and the report of the expert referee basedalso on that plan, that the Court of Appeal, concluded , whatwere the common parts between the parties.That the applicants, wish to discuss that judgement , asthat judgement is the effect of a mistake and deceitful andfalse testimony and thus the applicants are aggrieved by theabove mentioned judgement.That following that judgement, the applicants, by chance,recently found an original plan of the premises in question,which substantially differs from that exhibited AFV2, andwhich is signed by Architect Muscat Fenech, who is adifferent Architect from Architect Anthony Fenech Vella,who was the Architect in charge....omissis...That thus the basis of a new trial as they result from theCode of Civil Procedure are article 811 j since the evidencegiven by the plaintiffs in so far as it refers to the plan AFV2,as the original plan is deceitful and false as the original planis that which the applicants found recently and which theyare exhibiting today with this new trial, article 811 k and thisas they found conclusive documents of which they were notaware before, which proof in a final and conclusive mannerthat the judgement above mentioned was mistaken, and interms of article 811 a, as the judgement was the effect ofdeceit carried out by the plaintiff and precisly consisting ofthe exhibition of a plan which did not reflect the originalstate of the works erected....omissis...That thus it is evident that the above judgement was theeffect of a mistake and deceit which was evidently carried outto the detriment of the defendants, as results from documents

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,807R2 u għalhekk jeħtieġ li dik is-sentenza tiġi ritratta biex issirġustizzja bejn il-partijiet.Għaldaqstant l-esponenti filwaqt li jesebixxu d-dokumentiRI u R2 ma’ dan ir-rikors jitolbu bir-rispett filwaqt li jagħtul-garanzija u malliverji meħtiega skont il-liġi, għall-din irritrattazzjonijitolbu bir-rispett, li dina l-Onorabli Qortijogħġoba;1. Tħassar u tirrevoka u tirrexindi s-sentenza mogħtijaminn dina l-Onorabbli Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Appell, fil-kawża fl-ismijietpremessi b’ċitazz. Numru 1665/2001 tad-29 ta’ Jannar 2010,billi effetta mill-qerq u żbalji hawn fuq imsemmija u billitirrizulta evidentement inġusta in vista tad-dokumenti ġoddamisjuba mir-ritrattanti u dan għat-tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 811(a)(j) u (k) u2. tordna r-ritrattazzjoni u smiegħ mill-gdid <strong>tal</strong>-appellfuq imsemmi biex din il-kawża tiġi deċiża skont il-liġi.Bl-ispejjeż, kollha kontra l-istess attur ritrattat.Ritrattant: 56, St. Andrews’ Court, Triq il-Brankutli,Qawra, limiti ta’ San Pawl il-Baħar.Ritrattat: Villa Nestin, Triq il-Falkun, Kappara, SanĠwann.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri (Appelli Civili Superjuri)(Ritrattazzjoni) illum 6 ta’ Ottubru 2011.Avv. Frank Portelli,LL.D.Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliR1 and R2 and thus it is necessary that there be a new trial sothat justice between the parties is done.Thus the applicants whilst exhibiting documents RIand R2 with this application are demanding with respectthat whilst giving the guarantee and suretyship necessaryaccording to law for this new trial, pray with respect that thisHonurable Court;1. Cancel, revoke and rescind the judgement given bythis Honourable Court of Appeal, in the cause in the namespremised by writ of summons Number 1665/2001 of the 29thJanuary 2010, as it is effected by the deceit and mistakesabove mentioned and as it evidently results unjust in view ofthe new documents found by the applicants and this in termsof Article 811(a) (j) and (k) and2. order the new trial and hearing anew of the appeal abovementioned so that this cause be decided according to law.With all costs, against the respondent plaintiff.Applicants: 56, St. Andrew’s Court, Triq il-Brankutli,Qawra, limits of Saint Paul’s Bay.Respondent: Villa Nestin, Triq il-Falkun, Kappara, SanĠwann.Registry of the Superior Courts, (Civil Appeals, SuperiorJurisdiction) (New Trial) today 6th October 2011.Adv. Frank Portelli,LL.D.For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals1708B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar tat-22 ta’ Ġunju2011, ġiet ordnata l-publikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-estratt li jidher hawntaħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu 187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili (Kap. 12).Victoria Galea (K.I. 415172M) ta’ Flat 2, St Francis,Triq in-Naġġar, Mosta, ippreżentat Talba fit-13 ta’ April2011, fejn <strong>tal</strong>ab lit-Tribunal sabiex jikkundanna lil RaymondGalea (K.I. 204566M) ta’ Flt 1, Flats Indipendenza, Triqit-Turisti, Buġibba, sabiex iħallas lill-attriċi s-somma ta’€1,419.05 liema ammont huwa dovut lill-attriċi.Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet legali.Il-kawża (Avviż Nru 322/11YMS) hija differita għat-18ta’ Ottubru 2011 fin-12.30 p.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>) illum 11 ta’ Ottubru2011.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal of 22nd June2011, the publication of the following extract was orderedfor the purpose of service in terms of Article 187(3) of theCode of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).Victor Galea (I.D. 415172M) of Flt 2, St Francis, Triqin-Naġġar, Mosta, filed a Claim on the 13th April 2011whereby she asked the Tribunal to condemn Raymond Galea(I.D. 204566M) of Flt 1, Flats Indipendenza, Triq it-Turisti,Bugibba, to pay the plaintiff the sum of €1,419.05 whichamount is due to the plaintiff.With costs and legal interests.The case (Claim Number 322/11YMS) is put off on the18th October 2011 at 12.30 p.m.Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>) today 11thOctober 2011.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

11,808 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,8181709Ikun jaf kulħadd, illi b’digriet tat-23 ta’ Settembru, 2011,mogħti mill-Prim’Awla <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili, dina l-Qorti ordnatil-pubblikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-estratt li jidher hawn taħt biex iservi ta’notifiki skond l-Artikolu 187 (5) <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi <strong>tal</strong>-Proċedura uOrganizzazzjoni Ċivili (Kap. 12).B’rikors ippreżentat fil-Qorti Ċivili, Prim’Awla fid-29 ta’Ottubru, 2010, mill-Cerfar Limited (C10781) qed jin<strong>tal</strong>ab ilbejgħbl-irkant ta’:1. Garage li jinsab fil-basement level b’aċċess għalih minndrive-in komuni li tiżbokka fuq Triq iċ-Ċrieki, Marsaskala,internament innumerata 14, formanti parti minn blokk ta’sitt appartamenti u garaxxijiet bla numru magħrufa bl-isem‘Hope Flats’ fl-istess triq imsemmija.2. Penthouse, mingħajr numru internament immarkata Afir-raba’ sular, formanti parti minn blokk ta’ sitt appartamentiu garaxxijiet mingħajr numru iżda magħrufa bl-isem ‘HopeFlats’, fi Triq iċ-Ċrieki, Marsaskala.L-imsemmi fond hi proprjetà ta’ Penza Concrete ServicesLimited (C8282).Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum 6 ta’ Ottubru, 2011.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Registratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunalIt is hereby notified that by a decree given on the 23rdSeptember, 2011 by the Civil Court First Hall, the Courtordered that the extract hereunder mentioned be publishedfor the purpose of service according to Article 187(5) of theCode of Organization and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).By the application filed in the Civil Court First Hall onthe 29th October, 2010 by Cerfar Limited (C10781), is beingasked that the Court orders the Sale by Auction of the:1. Garage found on the basement level which canbe accessed from a common drive-in in Triq iċ-Ċrieki,Marsaskala, internally numbered 14, forming part of a blockof flats consisting of six apartments and unnumbered garagesknown as ‘Hope Flats’ on the same street.2. Penthouse, unnumbered internally marked with theletter A, found on the fourth floor in a block of flats consistingof six apartments and unnumbered garages known as ‘HopeFlats, in Triq iċ-Ċrieki, Marsaskala.The said tenement is the property of Penza ConcreteServices Limited (C8282).Registry of the Superior Courts, this 6th October, 2011.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals1710B’digriet mogħti mill-Prim’Awla <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili fil-5 ta’ Ottubru 2011, fl-atti <strong>tal</strong>-ittra uffiċjali numru 2439/11,Avviż Nru. 441/02 MM, fl-ismijiet SMS Insurance AgencyLimited noe et vs Mark Micallef et, ġiet ordnata s-segwentipubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront <strong>tal</strong>-intimatMark Micallef, a tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kap 12.Fil-Prim’Awla <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti ĊiviliIllum 19 ta’ Lulju 2011.Lil (1) Mark Micallef,Block 2, Ent F. Flat 1,Triq is-Salvatur,Kalkara.(2) Christopher Aquilina,Ray,Robert Mifsud Bonnici Street,Lija.By means of a decree given by the First Hall Civil Court,on the 5th October 2011, in the records of the judicial letternumber 2439/11, Notice No. 441/02 MM, in the names SMSInsurance Agency Limited noe et vs Mark Micallef et, thefollowing publication was ordered for the purpose of serviceof the respondent Mark Micallef, in terms of Article 187(3)of Cap. 12.In the First Hall Civil CourtToday 19th July 2011.To (1) Mark Micallef,Block 2, Ent F. Flat 1,Triq is-Salvatur,Kalkara.(2) Christopher Aquilina,Ray,Robert Mifsud Bonnici Street,Lija.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,809(3) Elmo Insurance Limited,Abate Rigord Street,Ta’ Xbiex.(4) MiddleSea Insurance plcIl-Fosos,Furjana.Permezz <strong>tal</strong>-preżenti, SMS Insurance Agency Ltd (C 5645)bħala aġenzija għan-nom u in rappreżentanza tas-soċjetà esteraQBE 1886 (Lloyds) ta’ Villa Venezia, Ta’ Xbiex, Terrace, Ta’Xbiex, MSD 11 u l-assigurat tagħha Chris Gaffarena, bħalaproprjetarju ta’ vettura Y 482BPL, li jagħmlu riferenza għallinċidentstradali tat-22 ta’ Settembru 2009, fiż-Żurrieq, bejnil-vettura misjuqa minn Chris Gaffarena stess u l-vetturaAAP 717 misjuqa minn Mark Micallef u l-vettura GBC 346misjuqa minn Christopher Aquilina, u jinterpellawkom sabiexfi żmien ġimgħa taddivjenu jew minn minkom tersqu għallikwidazzjoniu eventwali ħlas tad-danni, sofferti mill-mittentibħala konsegwenza <strong>tal</strong>-istess inċident, għal liema inċidentintom jew minn minkom taħtu.Fin-nuqqas da parti tagħkom jew minn minkom serjittieħdu proċeduri ġudizzjarji kontra tagħkom, bi spejjeżulterjuri għalikom, mingħajr ebda avviż ieħor.Bl-ispejjeż.Din l-intima hija meħtiega sabiex tiġi interrota l-preskrizzjoni ai termini <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 2128 <strong>tal</strong>-Kap. 16 <strong>tal</strong>-Liġijiet ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum 7 ta’ Ottubru 2011.Avv. Frank Portelli, LL.D.Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali(3) Elmo Insurance Limited,Abate Rigord Street,Ta’ Xbiex.(4) Middlesea Insurance plcIl-Fosos,Furjana.By the present, SMS Insurance Agency Ltd (C 5645)as agency in the name and in representation of the foreigncompany QBE 1886 (Lloyds) of Villa Venezia, Ta’ Xbiex,Terrace, Ta’ Xbiex, MSD 11 and her insured Chris Gaffarena,as owner of the vehicle Y 482 BPL, refer to the street accidentof the 22nd September 2009, in Żurrieq, between the vehicledriven by Chris Gaffarena himself and the vehicle AAP717 driven by Mark Micallef and the vehicle GBC 346driven by Christopher Aquilina, and call upon you so thatwithin one week you or either of you come forward to theliquidation and eventual payment of damages, suffered bythe interpellants, as a consequence of the same accident, forwhich accident, you or are either of you, are to blame.In default on the part of any one of you, judicialproceedings, shall be taken against you, with further expensesfor you, without any other notice.With costs.This calling is necessary in order to interrupt prescriptionin terms of Article 2128 of Cap. 16 of the Laws of <strong>Malta</strong>.Registry of the Superior Courts, today 7th October2011.Adv. Frank Portelli, LL.D.For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals1711IKUN JAF KULĦADD illi b’sentenza mogħtija mill-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>) bħala Qorti ta’ ĠudikaturaKriminali fis-26 ta’ Settembru, 2011 (Maġistrat Dott ClaireL. Stafrace Zammit) kumpilazzjoni numru 92/2011 fil-kawżafl-ismijiet;Il-Pulizija(Spettur Ian J. Abdilla)KontraMARVIC (MARIO-VICTOR) SLADDEN, 42 sena, binJoseph u Spiridiona xebba Grech, imwieled Attard fit-8 ta’Settembru, 1969 u residenti 113, ‘Calvin-Dean’, Triq il-Fortizza Tal-Grazzja, Xgħajra u detentur <strong>tal</strong>-karta <strong>tal</strong>-identitànumru 367869 (M);IT IS BEING NOTIFIED that by a judgement givenby the Court of Magistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>) as a Court of CriminalJudicature on the 26th September, 2011 (Magistrate ClaireL. Stafrace Zammit) Compilation number 92/2011 in thecase;The Police(Inspector Ian J. Abdilla)VsMARVIC (MARIO-VICTOR) SLADDEN, 42 years, sonof Joseph and Spiridiona neé Grech, born in Attard on the8th of September, 1969 and residing at 113, ‘Calvin-Dean’,Triq il-Fortizza Tal-Grazzja, Xgħajra and holder of IdentityCard number 367869(M);

11,810 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818ORDNAT l-interdizzjoni ġenerali perpetwa fil-konfront<strong>tal</strong>-imsemmi Marvic (Mario - Victor) Sladden ai termini<strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 119 <strong>tal</strong>-Kap. 9 <strong>tal</strong>-Liġijiet ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, u kif ukollinterdizzjoni milli jservi bħala xhud, ħlief quddiem il-Qrati<strong>tal</strong>-Ġustizzja, u bħala perit f’kull każ li jkun.Din il-pubblikazzjoni qed issir skont l-Artikolu 10(7) <strong>tal</strong>-Kap. 9 <strong>tal</strong>-Liġijiet ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Illum, 7 ta’ Ottubru, 2011.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Kriminali (<strong>Malta</strong>)Dr Elizabeth Quintano LLDAssistent ReġistraturQrati u Tribunali Kriminali (<strong>Malta</strong>)ORDERED the perpetual general interdiction against thesaid Marvic (Mario - Victor) Sladden according to Section119 of Cap. 9 of the Laws of <strong>Malta</strong> and also the interdictionto serve as a witness, except before a Court of Law or fromacting as referee in any case whatsoever.This is being published according to section 10(7) ofCap. 9 of the Laws of <strong>Malta</strong>.Today, 7th October, 2011Registry of the Courts of Criminal Judicature (<strong>Malta</strong>)Dr Elizabeth Quintano LLDAssistant RegistrarCriminal Courts and Criminal Tribunals (<strong>Malta</strong>)1712B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar, tat-22 ta’Settembru 2011, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-estratt lijidher hawn taħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skond l-Artikolu187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili(Kap. 12).Avv Emmanuel Mallia (K.I. 95152M) u Avv Alex PericiCalascione (K.I. 589762M) għan-nom u in rappreżentanza<strong>tal</strong>-istudju legali Emmanuel Mallia & Associates ta’ 61, FirstFloor, Msida Court, Msida Seafront, Msida, ippreżentawTalba, fit-18 ta’ Awwissu 2011, fejn <strong>tal</strong>bu lit-Tribunal sabiexjikkundanna lil Charlot Caruana ta’ Bin Karm, Flats/4, TriqFra Gian Mari, Żurrieq, sabiex tħallas lis-soċjetà attriċi s-somma ta’ €1303.83 liema ammont huwa dovut lis-soċjetàattriċi.Bl-ispejjeż.Il-kawża (Avviż Nru 672/11KPS) hija differita għas-26ta’ Ottubru 2011 fin-12.30 p.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>) illum 10 ta’Ottubru 2011.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal of 22ndSeptember 2011, the publication of the following extract wasordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article 187(3)of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap 12).Doctor of Laws Dr Emmanuel Mallia (I.D. 95152M) andDoctor of Laws Dr Alex Perici Calascione (I.D. 589762M)for and on behalf of the legal firm Emmanuel Mallia &Associates of 61, First Floor, Msida Court, Msida Seafront,Msida, filed a Claim on the 18th August 2011 wherebythey asked the Tribunal to condemn Charlot Caruana ofBin Karm, Flats/4, Triq Fra Gian Mari, Żurrieq, to pay theplaintiff company the sum of €1303.83 which amount is dueto the plaintiff company.With costs.The case (Claim Number 672/11KPS) is put off on the26th October 2011 at 12.30 p.m.Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>) today 10thOctober 2011.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals1713Bandu għall-KuraturiRepubblika ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Lill-Marixxall <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati.B’digriet mogħti minn din il-Qorti fit-2 ta’ Novembru2010, fuq <strong>tal</strong>ba <strong>tal</strong>-Bank of Valletta p.l.c. ġie ordnat biexjintgħażlu Kuraturi Dputati sabiex jirrapreżentaw l-ereditàBann for CuratorsRepublic of <strong>Malta</strong>To The Marshall of the Court.By means of a decree by this Court, on the 2nd November2010, following a request of Bank of Valletta p.l.c. it wasordered that Deputy Curators be chosen to represent the

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,811ġjaċenti <strong>tal</strong>-mejjet Carmel Camilleri, fl-atti <strong>tal</strong>-Ittra Uffiċjalinumru 4281/10, fl-ismijiet Bank of Valletta p.l.c. vs KuraturiDeputati u fl-atti l-oħra relattivi u sussegwenti.Permezz ta’ ittra uffiċjali, ippreżentata, fil-Prim’Awla <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili, fis-27 ta’ Ottubru 2010, lill-Kuraturi Deputati,sabiex jirrapprezentaw, l-eredità ġjaċenti <strong>tal</strong>-mejjet CarmelCamilleri (K.I. 361666M), is-soċjetà Bank of Valletta p.l.c.filwaqt illi tirreferikom għall-kuntratt datat 18 ta’ April 1995,in atti Nutar Dottor Pierre Attard u għall-iskrittura privatadata 18 ta’ April 1995, fejn il-mejjet Carmel Camilleri,iggarantixxa flimkien u ‘in solidum’ ma’ Pyramid HotelsLimited, għaf-favur <strong>tal</strong>-Bank of Valletta p.l.c. sal-valur ta’mitejn u tmienja u ħamsin elf, ħames mija u sittin Ewro(€258,560.00) tinterpellakom sabiex fi żmien jumejn tħallsus-somma ta’ mitejn u tmienja u ħamsin elf, ħames mija usittin Ewro (€258,560.00) bilanċ minn somma akbar għaddebitufil-‘Loan Account’ ta’ Pyramid Hotels Limited, mal-Bank of Valletta p.l.c. liema faċilità bankarja kienet ġietoriġinarjament konċessa mis-soċjetà Valletta InvestmentBank Limited, flimkien mal-imgħaxijiet ulterjuri, mill-1 ta’Ottubru 1998, sad-data <strong>tal</strong>-effettiv pagament.Din l-interpellanza qed issir mingħajr preġudizzjugħall-proceduri oħra ntavolati kontra l-eredità ġjaċenti <strong>tal</strong>mejjetCarmel Camilleri, mis-soċjetà mittenti għall-bilanċioħra dovuti mill-istess eredità ġjaċenti <strong>tal</strong>-mejjet CarmelCamilleri.Is-soċjetà mittenti tavżakom ili jekk tonqsu hija se jkunkostretta tipproċedi kontra tagħkom skont il-liġi.Soċjetà mittenti: Bank of Valletta p.l.c. (C 2833)1/5, Misraħ San Ġorġ, Valletta, VLT 1190.Intimati: Kuraturi Deputati,Qrati Superjuri,Valletta.Int għaldaqstant ordnat li twaħħal kopja uffiċjali ta’ danil-bandu fid-daħla ta’ din il-Qorti Superjuri u sejjaħ b’danlil kull min jrid jidhol bħala kuratur biex jidher fi żmien sittijiem f’dan ir-Reġistru u jagħmel b’nota d-dikjarazzjoni illihuwa jidħol għal dan.Int ordnat ukoll li tgħarraf lil kull wieħed illi jekk majagħmilx din id-dikjarazzjoni fiż-żmien fuq mogħti, din il-Qorti tgħaddi biex tagħżel Kuraturi <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju.U wara li tkun għamilt dana, jew jekk tiltaqa’ ma’ xixkiel fl-eżekuzzjoni ta’ dan il-bandu, inti għandek tgħarrafminnufih lil din il-Qorti.vacant inheritance of the deceased Carmel Camilleri, in therecords of the Judicial Letter number 4281/10, in the namesBank of Valletta p.l.c. vs Deputy Curators and in the relativeand subsequent acts.By means of a judicial letter, filed, in the First Hall CivilCourt, on the 27th October 2010, against Deputy Curators,to represent the vacant inheritance of the deceased CarmelCamilleri (I.D. 361666M) the company Bank of Vallettap.l.c. whilst referring to the contract dated 18th April 1995,in the records of Notary Dr Pierre Attard and the privatewriting dated 18th April 1995, whereby the deceasedCarmel Camilleri, guaranteed together and ‘in solidum’ withPyramid Hotels Limited, in favour of the Bank of Vallettap.l.c. up to the value of two hundred fifty eight thousand,five hundred sixty Ewro (€258,560.00) calls upon you sothat within two days you pay the sum of two hundred fiftyeight thousand five hundred and sixty Ewro (€258,560.00)balance of a larger sum for the debt in the ‘Loan Account’of Pyramid Hotels Limited, with the Bank of Vallettap.l.c. which Banking facility was orginally granted by thecompany Valletta Investment Bank Limited, together withfurther interest, from the 1st October 1998, till the date ofeffective payment.This calling is being made without prejudice, for otherproceedings filed against the vacant inheritance of thedeceased Carmel Camilleri, by the interpellant companyfor other balances due by the same vacant inheritance of thedeceased Carmel Camilleri.The interpellant company warns you that if you fail theyshall be constrained to proceed against you according tolaw.Interpellant company: Bank of Valletta p.l.c. (C 2833)1/5, Misraħ San Ġorġ, Valletta, VLT 1190.Respondents: Deputy Curators,Superior Courts,Valletta.You are therefore ordered to affix an official copy of thisbann at the entrance of this Superior Court and to summonwhosoever wishes to act as curator to appear before thisRegistry within six days and by means of a minute to submita declaration that he wishes so to act.You are also ordered to inform each one that if he failsto make this declaration within the stipulated time, the Courtwill proceed to the selection of Curators of Office.And after so acting or if you ahould encounter anydifficulty in the execution of this bann, you are to informforthwith this Court.

11,812 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Mogħti mill-Qorti Ċivili Prim’Awla hawn fuq imsemmijabix-xhieda <strong>tal</strong>-Onor. Imħallef Lino Farrugia Sacco, LL.D.Duttur <strong>tal</strong>-Liġi.Illum 2 ta’ Novembru 2010.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum 10 ta’Ottubru 2011.Avv. Frank Portelli, LL.D.Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliGiven by the Civil Court First Hall,above mentioned,with the witness of the Hon. Mr Justice Lino Farrugia Sacco,LL.D., Doctor of Laws.Today 2nd November 2010.Registry of the Superior Courts, today 10th October2011.Adv. Frank Portelli, LL.D.For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals1714B’digriet mogħti fit-22 ta’ Lulju 2011, mill-Prim’Awla<strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili, fl-atti <strong>tal</strong>-Mandat ta’ Żgumbrament numru379/2010, fl-ismijiet Bank of Valletta p.l.c. (C 2833) vs JosefGrech (K.I. 267081M), ġiet ordnat is-segwenti pubblikazzjonibiex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront <strong>tal</strong>-intimat, a tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kap. 12.Permezz ta’ Rikors, ippreżentat, fil-Prim’Awla <strong>tal</strong>-QortiĊivili,fl-ismijiet (Rikorrent) Bank of Valletta p.l.c. (C 2833)vs (Intimat) Josef Grech (K.I. 267081(M) fil-11 ta’ Marzu2010, is-soċjeta’ Bank of Valletta p.l.c. esponiet bil-qima:Illi dina l-Onorabbli Qorti jogħgobha tordna l-ħruġta’ mandat ta’ żgumbrament kontra l-intimat mill-fondinfraskritt in esekuzzjoni tas-sentenza infraskritta u billi l-intimat naqas li jagħmel dan sal-lum.Fond: Il-fond uffiċjalment immarkat bin-numru mijau disgħa u ħamsin (159) (ġa 165) f’Palm Street, Paola,sovrastanti proprjetà ta’ terzi, inkluża l-arja tiegħu kif soggettgħaċ-cens annwu u perpetwu ta’ Ewro u sitta u disgħincenteznmu (€1.96).Sentenza : Sentenza mogħtija mill-Onorabbli Prim’Awla<strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili, fl-20 ta’ Jannar 2010, fl-ismijiet ‘Bank ofValletta p.l.c. vs Josef Grech Ċitazzjoni numru 431/2009JA.Iff. Avv. Dott. Dominic A. Cassar.Iff. PL J. Dingli.Illum 11 ta’ Marzu 2010, ippreżentat minn PL J. Dinglibla dok.Rikorrenti: Bank of Valletta p.l.c. (C 2833)1/5, Palace Square, Valletta.Intimat: Josef Grech, K.I. 267081M.Affissjoni: 20A, Sqaq <strong>tal</strong>-Baġġi, Żejtun.By means of a decree given on the 22nd July 2011, bythe First Hall Civil Court, in the records of the Warrant ofEviction number 379/2010, in the names Bank of Vallettap.l.c. ( C 2833) vs Josef Grech (I.D. 267081M) the followingpublication was ordered for the purpose of service of therespondent, in terms of Article 187(3) of Cap. 12.By means of an Application, filed, in the First Hall CivilCourt, in the names (Applicant) Bank of Valletta p.l.c. (C2833) vs (Respondent) Josef Grech (I.D. 267081M) onthe 11th March 2010, the company Bank of Valletta p.l.c.respectfully pleaded:That this Honourable Court issue a warrant of evictionagainst the respondent from the under mentioned premisesin execution of the under mentioned judgement and whereasthe respondent failed to do this till this day.Premises: The premises offcially marked with numberone hundred fifty nine (159) (previously (165) in PalmStreet, Paola, overlying property of third parties, includingits airspace as subject to the annual and perpetual groundrentof one Euro and ninety six cents (€1.96)Judgement: Judgement given by the Honourable FirstHall Civil Court, on the 20th January 2010, in the names‘Bank of Valletta p.l.c. vs Josef Grech, Writ of Summonsnumber 431/2009 JA.Sgd. Adv. Dott. Dominic A. Cassar.Sgd. PL J. Dingli.Today 11th March 2010, filed by PL J. Dingli, without adocument.Applicant: Bank of Valletta p.l.c. (C2833)1/5, Palace Square, Valletta.Respondent: Josef Grech, I.D. 267081M.Posting: 20 A, Sqaq <strong>tal</strong>-Baġġi, Żejtun.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,813Mandat ta’ ŻgumbramentRepubblika ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Lill-Marixxall <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati.Mogħti mill-Qorti hawn fuq imsemmija bix-xhieda <strong>tal</strong>-Onor. Imħallef Joseph R. Micallef, LL.D., Duttur <strong>tal</strong>-Liġi.Illum 12 ta’ Marzu 2010.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum 11 ta’ Ottubru 2011.Avv. Frank Portelli,LL.D.Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliWarrant of Eviction.Republic of <strong>Malta</strong>.To the Court MarshallGiven by the Court above mentioned with the witness ofthe Onor. Mr Justice Joseph R. Micallef, LL.D., Doctor ofLaws.Today 12th March 2010.Registry of the Superior Courts, today 11th October 2011.Adv. Frank Portelli,LL.D.For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals1715B’digriet mogħti mill-QORTI ĊIVILI, PRIM’AWLA fis-7 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 fuq rikors ta’ GRAINGERCHRISTOPHER ġie ffissat il-jum <strong>tal</strong>-Erbgħa, 16 ta’Novembru, 2011 f’nofsinhar għall-BEJGĦ BL-IRKANT,li għandu jsir f’FALCON AVIATION ENGINEERING,SECURITY GATE ONE, QASAM INDUSTRIJALI, LUQA<strong>tal</strong>-oġġetti hawn taħt deskritti maqbudin mingħand EFLYCOMPANY LIMITED.Parts ta’ ajruplan.N.B. L-imsemmija oġġetti jinbiegħu bħalma ġew deskrittifl-atti tas-subbasta numru: 30/11.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum it-Tlieta, 11 ta’Ottubru, 2011.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy decree given by the CIVIL COURT, FIRST HALLon the 7th October, 2011 on the application of GRAINGERCHRISTOPHER, Wednesday, 16 November, 2011 at noon,has been fixed for the SALE BY AUCTION, to be held atFALCON AVIATION ENGINEERING, SECURITY GATEONE, QASAM INDUSTRIJALI, LUQA of the followingitems seized from the property of EFLY COMPANYLIMITED.Parts of an aeroplaneN.B. The said objects will be sold as described in the actsof the file number: 30/11.Registry of the Superior Courts, this Tuesday, 11 October,2011.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals1716Billi Avukat Robert Abela bħala mandatarju ta’ NikolayKolev Raychev (K.I. 38521A) ippreżenta rikors ġuramentat(Nru. 229/11 NC) fejn <strong>tal</strong>ab il-KORREZZJONI TAL-ATTTAT-TWELID numru 3451/2010, fir-Reġistru Pubbliku.Kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess u jrid jopponi dikit-<strong>tal</strong>ba, b’dan l-avviż huwa msejjaħ sabiex ifisser il-fehmatiegħu, b’nota li għandha tiġi ppreżentata fir-Reġistru ta’dawn il-Qrati fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata mill-ħruġ ta’ danl-avviż fil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.Dawk illi, fiż-żmien fuq imsemmi, ikunu ppreżentawdik in-nota, għandhom jiġu notifikati b’kopja tar-rikorsġuramentat hawn fuq imsemmi bil-ġurnata li tiġi mogħtijagħas-smigħ <strong>tal</strong>-kawża.Whereas Dr Robert Abela as mandatory of Nikolay KolevRaychev (I.D. 38521A) filed an application under oath (No.229/11 NC) demanding CORRECTION in the ACT OFBIRTH number 3451/2010, in the Public Registry.Whosoever may have an interest therein, and wishesto oppose that demand, is hereby called upon to do so, bymeans of a note to be filed in the Registry of these Courts,within fifteen days from the day of the publication of thispresent notice in the Government Gazette.Those who, within the aforesaid time, shall have filedsuch note, shall be notified by the service of a copy of the saidapplication under oath, of the day which will be appointedfor the hearing of the case.

11,814 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818B’ordni <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti,Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Superjuri,Illum 11 ta’ Ottubru 2011Bruno ZahraGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy order of the Court,Registry of the Superior Court,Today 11th October 2011Bruno ZahraFor Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals1717Billi Graziella Abela (K.I. 62980M) ippreżentat rikorsġuramentat (Nru. 261/11 NC) fejn <strong>tal</strong>abet il-KORREZZJONITAL-ATT TAT-TWELID, li jġib in-numru 3258/2009, fir-Reġistru Pubbliku.Kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess u jrid jopponi dikit-<strong>tal</strong>ba, b’dan l-avviż huwa msejjaħ sabiex ifisser il-fehmatiegħu, b’nota li għandha tiġi ppreżentata fir-Reġistru ta’dawn il-Qrati fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata mill-ħruġ ta’ danl-avviż fil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.Dawk illi, fiż-żmien fuq imsemmi, ikunu ppreżentawdik in-nota, għandhom jiġu notifikati b’kopja tar-rikorsġuramentat hawn fuq imsemmi bil-ġurnata li tiġi mogħtijagħas-smigħ <strong>tal</strong>-kawża.B’ordni <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti,Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Superjuri,Illum 11 t’ Ottubru 2011Whereas Graziella Abela (I.D. 62980M) filed an applicationunder oath (No. 261/11 NC) demanding CORRECTION inthe ACT OF BIRTH, with number 3258/2009, in the PublicRegistry.Whosoever may have an interest therein, and wishesto oppose that demand, is hereby called upon to do so, bymeans of a note to be filed in the Registry of these Courts,within fifteen days from the day of the publication of thispresent notice in the Government Gazette.Those who, within the aforesaid time, shall have filedsuch note, shall be notified by the service of a copy of the saidapplication under oath, of the day which will be appointedfor the hearing of the case.By order of the Court,Registry of the Superior Court,Today 11th October 2011Bruno ZahraGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali1718Bruno ZahraFor Registrar, Civil Courts and TribunalsBilli r-rikorrenti Etienne Piscopo (K.I. 572990M)ippreżenta rikors ġuramentat (Nru. 297/11 AL) fejn <strong>tal</strong>ab il-KORREZZJONI TAL-ATT TAT-TWELID <strong>tal</strong>-minuri JakePiscopo bin-numru 272/11 fir-Reġistru Pubbliku.Kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess u jrid jopponi dikit-<strong>tal</strong>ba, b’dan l-avviż huwa msejjaħ sabiex ifisser il-fehmatiegħu, b’nota li għandha tiġi ppreżentata fir-Reġistru ta’dawn il-Qrati fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata mill-ħruġ ta’ danl-avviż fil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.Dawk illi, fiż-żmien fuq imsemmi, ikunu ppreżentawdik in-nota, għandhom jiġu notifikati b’kopja tar-rikorsġuramentat hawn fuq imsemmi bil-ġurnata li tiġi mogħtijagħas-smigħ <strong>tal</strong>-kawża.B’ordni <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti,Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Superjuri,Illum 11 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Rita MangionGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliWhereas the plaintiff Etienne Piscopo (ID 572990M)filed an application under oath (No. 297/11 AL) demandingCORRECTIONS the ACT OF BIRTH of the minor JakePiscopo number 272/11 in the Public Registry.Whosoever may have an interest therein, and wishesto oppose that demand, is hereby called upon to do so, bymeans of a note to be filed in the Registry of these Courts,within fifteen days from the day of the publication of thispresent notice in the Government Gazette.Those who, within the aforesaid time, shall have filedsuch note, shall be notified by the service of a copy of the saidapplication under oath, of the day which will be appointedfor the hearing of the case.By order of the Court,Registry of the Superior Court,This 11th October, 2011Rita MangionFor Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,8151719B’digriet mogħti fit-22 ta’ Settembru 2011, mill-Prim’Awla<strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili, fl-atti <strong>tal</strong>-Mandat ta’ Sekwestru numru620/2011, fl-ismijiet Bank of Valletta p.l.c. vs Dr JosephSchembri noe, ġiet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biexisservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront <strong>tal</strong>-intimat Dr Joseph Schembrinoe, a tenur a tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kap. 12.Permezz ta’ Rikors ta’ ippreżentat, fil-Prim’Awla <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili, (Sekwestrant) Bank of Valletta p.l.c. (C 2833)vs (Sekwestrat) (Dr Joseph Schembri, nominat b’digriet<strong>tal</strong>-24 ta’ Ottubru 1996, bhala Kuratur Deputat sabiexjirrappreżenta lill-assenti Guerrino Giuseppe Barbirato, filkummerċ,iben Marcello u Clarina sive Clarissa neé Rizzetto,imwieled Meolo, Venezia, I<strong>tal</strong>y u residenti Milan, l-I<strong>tal</strong>ja,fis-6 ta’ Mejju 2011, ir-rikorrenti soċjetà Bank of Vallettap.l.c. <strong>tal</strong>bet lil din l-Onorabbli Qorti, tordna l-ħruġ ta’mandatta’ sekwestru f’idejn is-sekwestratarju jew sekwestratarji,kif jissemma hawn isfel, kontra s-sekwestrat għall-kredituinfraskritt u għall-ispejjeż ta’ din il-proċedura, in kawtela<strong>tal</strong>-kreditu hawn taħt indikat.Kreditu: Sorti-Mija u ħamsa u ħamsin elf, tmienmija u tlieta u ħamsin Ewro u tlieta u sebgħin ċenteżmu(€155,853.73).Imgħax - Ulterjuri mill-1 ta’ April 1996 sal-jum <strong>tal</strong>pagamenteffettiv.Spejjeż - Riservati.Kawżali: Bilanċ għad-debitu fl-‘Overdraft Account’ tassoċjetàArredo Casa Limited, mal-Bank of Valletta p.l.c.kif aħjar jirriżulta miċ-Ċitazzjoni numru 1835/98 JRM, -Differita għal 31 ta’ Mejju 2011, fl-ismijiet ‘Bank of Vallettap.l.c. vs 1. Arredo Casa Limited u 2. Dr Joseph Schembrinomine’.Sekwestratrju: Perit Joseph Grech, K.I. numru530850(M).Iff. Avukat: Avv. Dott. Dominic A. Cassar.Iff. PL Joanna Dingli.Illum 6 ta’ Mejju 2001.Ikkonfermat bil-ġurament quddiemi, wara li qrajtlu l-kontenut u fil-preżenza ta’ Romuald Attard K.I. 644756Mbhala xhud <strong>tal</strong>-identità u ippreżentat minn Bank of Vallettaplc C 2833), PL Joanna Dingli.Sekwestranti: Bank of Valletta p.l.c.1/5, Misraħ San Ġorġ, Valletta, VLT 1190.By means of a decree given on the 22nd September 2011,by the First Hall Civil Court, in the records of the GarnisheeOrder number 620/2011, in the names Bank of Valletta p.l.c.vs Dr Joseph Schembri noe, the following publication wasordered for the purpose of service of the respondent Dr JosephSchembri noe, in terms of Article 187(3) of Chapter 12.By means of an Application, filed, in the First HallCivil Court (Creditor) Bank of Valletta p.l.c. (C 2833) vs(Debtor) Dr Joseph Schembri, appointed by decree of the 24th October 1996, as Deputy Curator to represent the absentGuerrino Giuseppe Barbirato, in business, son of Marcelloand Clarina sive Clarissa neé Rizzetto, born in Meolo,Venezia, I<strong>tal</strong>y, and residing in Milan, I<strong>tal</strong>y, on the 6th May2011, the applicant company Bank of Valletta p.l.c. asked thisHonourable Court, to order the issuing of a garnishee orderon the garnishee or garnishees as hereinafter mentioned,against the debtor for the debt hereinafter mentioned and forthe costs of this procedure, as precaution against the debthereinafter indicated.Credit: Capi<strong>tal</strong>-One hundred fifty five thousand,eight hundred fifty three Ewro and seventy three cents(€155,853.73)Interest - Further from the 1st April 1996, till the day ofeffective payment.Costs-Reserved.Title: Balance of debt in the ‘Overdraft Account’ of thecompany Arredo Casa Limited, with the Bank of Vallettap.l.c. as better results from the Writ of Summons number1835/98 JRM, - put off to the 31st May 2011, in the names‘Bank of Valletta p.l.c. vs Arredo Casa Limited and 2. DrJoseph Schembri nomine’.Garnishee: Architect Joseph Grech I.D. number530850(M).Sgd. Adv. Dr. Dominic A. Cassar.Sgd. PL Joanna Dingli.Today 6th May 2011.Confirmed before me under oath, after I read its contentsand in the presence of Romuald Attard I.D. 644756M aswitness of identity and filed by Bank of Valletta plc (C 2833),PL Joanna Dingli.Creditors: Bank of Valletta p.l.c.1/5, Misraħ San Ġorġ, Valletta, VLT 1190.

11,816 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Sekwestrat: Dr Joseph Schembri nomine,Kamra <strong>tal</strong>-Avukati,Qrati Superjuri, Valletta.Sekwestratarju: Perit Joseph Grech,16A, Sqaq Bisazza, Sliema.Debtor: Dr Joseph Schembri nomine,Chamber of Advocates,Superior Courts, Valletta.Garnishee: Architect Joseph Grech,16 A, Sqaq Bisazza, Sliema.Mandat ta’ SekwestruRepubblika ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Lill-Marixxall <strong>tal</strong>-QratiMogħti mill-Qorti Ċivili Prim’Awla hawn fuq imsemmijabix-xhieda <strong>tal</strong>-Onor. Imħallef Joseph Zammit Mckeon,Duttur <strong>tal</strong>-Liġi.Illum 6 ta’ Mejju 2011.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum 11 ta’ Ottubru 2011.Avv. Frank Portelli, LL.D.Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliGarnishee OrderRepublic of <strong>Malta</strong>To the Marshal of the CourtsGiven by the Civil Court First Hall above mentioned withthe witness of the Hon. Mr. Justice. Joseph Zammit Mckeon,Doctor of Laws.Today 6th May 2011.Registry of the Superior Courts, today 11th October2011.Adv. Frank Portelli, LL.D.For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals1720Billi r-rikorrenti Anton Grech (K.I. 543078M)ippreżenta rikors ġuramentat (Nru. 295/11 AL) fejn <strong>tal</strong>abil-KORREZZJONI TAL-ATT TAT-TWELID <strong>tal</strong>-minuriEricson Farrugia u Alaizah Farrugia bin-numri 1428/04 u3056/08 rispettivament fir-Reġistru Pubbliku.Kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess u jrid jopponi dikit-<strong>tal</strong>ba, b’dan l-avviż huwa msejjaħ sabiex ifisser il-fehmatiegħu, b’nota li għandha tiġi ppreżentata fir-Reġistru ta’dawn il-Qrati fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata mill-ħruġ ta’ danl-avviż fil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.Dawk illi, fiż-żmien fuq imsemmi, ikunu ppreżentawdik in-nota, għandhom jiġu notifikati b’kopja tar-rikorsġuramentat hawn fuq imsemmi bil-ġurnata li tiġi mogħtijagħas-smigħ <strong>tal</strong>-kawża.B’ordni <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti,Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Superjuri,Illum 11 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Rita MangionGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliWhereas the plaintiff Anton Grech (I.D. 543078M)filed an application under oath (No. 295/11 AL) demandingCORRECTIONS the ACT OF BIRTH of the minors EricsonFarrugia u Alaizah Farrugia numbers 1428/04 and 3056/08respectively in the Public Registry.Whosoever may have an interest therein, and wishesto oppose that demand, is hereby called upon to do so, bymeans of a note to be filed in the Registry of these Courts,within fifteen days from the day of the publication of thispresent notice in the Government Gazette.Those who, within the aforesaid time, shall have filedsuch note, shall be notified by the service of a copy of the saidapplication under oath, of the day which will be appointedfor the hearing of the case.By order of the Court,Registry of the Superior Court,This 11th October, 2011Rita MangionFor Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,8171721Ikun jaf kullħadd illi b’digriet moghti fl-10 ta’ Ottubru,2011 mill-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (Għawdex), ĠurisdizzjoniSuperjuri, Sezzjoni Ġenerali, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-estratt li jidher hawn taht sabiex iservi ta’ notifika għallfini<strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kap.12 <strong>tal</strong>-Liġijiet ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> udan fir-rigward ta’ Geffrey Platts u Jackie Mercieca.Mandat ta’ InibizzjoniQorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (Għawdex)Ġurisdizzjoni Superjuri,Sezzjoni ĠeneraliIllum 11 ta’ Ottubru, 2011Mandat ta’ Inibizzjoni Nru: 46/2011.Fl-ismijiet :Prof. Edwin GrechBlock C/6, Lighthouse Court, Triq l-Onici, Żebbuġ,GħawdexvsLighthouse Court AssociationBlock B, Triq l-Oniċi, Żebbuġ, Għawdex, ZBB 1400IKTAR INTIMATI U NOTIFIKAGeoffrey Platts f’ismu personali u anki qua Chairman <strong>tal</strong>-Management Committee ta’ Lighthouse Court AssociationBlock C/3, Triq l-Onici, Żebbuġ, GħawdexJackie Mercieca f’isimha personali u anki quaSegretarja <strong>tal</strong>-Management Committee ta’ Lighthouse CourtAssociationBlock B, Triq l-Oniċi, Żebbuġ, Għawdex, ZBB 1400Notifika: Nutar Justin Fenech118, Triq il-Qasam, Swieqi, <strong>Malta</strong>Rikors <strong>tal</strong>-Professur Edwin GrechJingħad bil-qima u jiġi kkonfermat bil-ġurament:Illi l-esponenti ghandu interess li jitharsu l-jeddijiet <strong>tal</strong>esponenti:It is hereby notified that by virtue of a decree deliveredon the 10th October 2011 the Court of Magistrates (Gozo),Superior Jurisdiction, General Section ordered the publicationof the following notice for the purposes of service in terms ofsection 187(3) of Cap. 12 of the Laws of <strong>Malta</strong> with regardto Jeffrey Platts and Jackie Mercieca.Warrant of Prohibitory InjunctionIn the Courts of Magistrates (Gozo)Superior JurisdictionGeneral SectionThis 11th October, 2011Warrant of Prohibitory Injuction No: 46/2011.In the names:Prof. Edwin GrechBlock C/6, Lighthouse Court, Triq l-Onici, Żebbuġ,GħawdexvsLighthouse Court AssociationBlock B, Triq l-Onici, Żebbuġ, Għawdex, ZBB 1400MORE RESPONDENTS AND NOTICEGeoffrey Platts in his name as well as Chairman of theManagement Committee of Lighthouse Court AssociationBlock C/3, Triq l-Onici,, Żebbuġ, GħawdexJackie Mercieca in her personal name as well as Secretaryof the Management Committee of the Lighthouse CourtAssociationBlock B, Triq l-Onici, Zebbug, Għawdex, ZBB 1400Notice: Notary Justin Fenech118, Triq il-Qasam, Swieqi, <strong>Malta</strong>Application of Prof. Edwin GrechRespectfully confirms on oath:That the applicant has an interest that his rights besecured:

11,818 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818Illi L-esponenti sabiex jikkawtela d-drittijiet tiegħu jixtieqiżomm l-intimati milli ħaddnu, jagħmlu, jamministraw u/jew isejħu kwalunkwe tip ta’ laqgħa (kemm jekk ta’ naturaĠenerali, Straordinarja jew ta’ natura oħra) <strong>tal</strong>-LighthouseCourt Assocation, ta’ Triq l-Oniċi, Żebbuġ, Għawdex, udan peress li kif jafu l-intimati, ir-rikorrenti ġà ikkontes<strong>tal</strong>-kompożizzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-allegat Management Committeepreżenti ta’ din l-Assoċjazzjoni, liema kontestazzjoni saretfi proċeduri pendenti fi ħdan iċ-Ċentru Malti <strong>tal</strong>-Arbitraġġa tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar il-Kondominii, fi procċeduri fl-ismijiet“Prof. Edwin Grech vs Geoffrey Platts et” (Arbitraġġ numruC2726/2011). Dan l-arbitraġġ jinsab gia’ appuntat quddieml-Arbitru Robert Mangion ghall-24 ta’ Ottubru 2011.L-arbitraġġ imsemmi sar peress li l-ManagementCommittee li jista’ jsejjaħ laqghat fil-preżent huwaindebitament kompost wara li sehhew il-fatti segwenti:Illi nhar it-tlieta u għoxrin (23) ta’ Ottubru tas-senaelfejn u għaxra (2010) nżammet laqgha generali annwali ta’din l-assocazzjoni. Illi f’din il-laqgha, deher Kevin Grechbħala mandatarju tar-rikorrenti, ikkontesta l-elezzjoni biexikun membru fuq il-Management Committee għan-nom tarrikorrentiu l-kondomini preżenti taw ukoll il-votazzjonitagħhom fir-rigward tiegħu u huwa ġie effettivamentelett. Illi madanakollu, fil-minuti ta’ din il-laqgħa ġeneraliannwali, fil-parti relattiva għall-elezzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-‘managementcommittee’, ġie mniżżel b’mod erronju u inkorrett illi KevinGrech kien qed jikkontesta din l-elezzjoni f’ismu proprju uli waqt il-laqgħa qam diżgwid dwar il-validità ommeno <strong>tal</strong>kontestazzjonita’ Kevin Grech f’din l-elezzjoni – fatti li maġew qatt diskussi waqt il-laqgħa. Sussegwentement, f’Jannar2011, intbagħat email lir-rikorrenti b’aġġornament <strong>tal</strong>-minutita’ din il-laqgha, fejn gie spjegat li l-kontestazzjoni ta’ KevinGrech sabiex jinħatar bħala membru <strong>tal</strong>-‘managementcommittee’ ma kienx validu, u dan appuntu għaliex ġieallegat li huwa kkontesta l-istess b’ismu proprju. Illi r-rikorrenti <strong>tal</strong>ab sabiex dawn il-minuti jiġu emendati kif ukollbiex huwa jiġi aċċettat bħala membru fuq il-ManagementCommittee, ladarba huwa kkontesta għall-istess fil-laqgħaġenerali fuq imsemmija, meta ġie rappreżentat minn ibnuKevin Grech. Madanakollu, <strong>tal</strong>i minuti ma ġewx emendatif’dan ir-rigward u fis-7 ta’ April 2011, l-intimat Plattsikkonferma illi dawn il-minuti kienu finali u ma kinux sejiġu emendati. Għalhekk ir-rikorrenti baqa’ mċaħħad middritttiegħu li jkun membru <strong>tal</strong>-Management Committee <strong>tal</strong>-Lighthouse Court Association.Din it-<strong>tal</strong>ba qiegħda ssir in vista <strong>tal</strong>-fatt li minkejja lil-intimati jafu ben tajjeb dwar il-proċeduri <strong>tal</strong>-arbitraġġpendenti, l-intimati ġia sejħu laqgħa Ġenerali Annwali ta’ dinl-Assoċjazzjoni u l-esponenti ma jridx li sseħħ din il-laqgħafuq sejħa da parti ta’ Management Committee indebitamentkompost u qabel jiġi determinat l-arbitraġġ imsemmi.That the applicant, in order to secure his rights, desires torestrain respondents from holding, performing, administeringor/and call any kind of meeting (whether of a General orExtraordinary nature, or some other kind of nature) of TheLighthouse Court Assocation, of Triq l-Onici, Zebbug,Ghawdex, and this is being asked since, as respondents are wellaware, applicant has already contested the composition of thealleged present Management Committee of this Association,which contestation was made in procedures pending withinthe <strong>Malta</strong> Arbitration Centre, in the names “Prof. Edwin Grechvs Geoffrey Platts et” (Arbitration number C2726/2011). Thisarbitration is already appointed before Arbiter Dr. RobertMangion for the 24th October 2011.The arbitration proceedings were commenced since theManagement Committee which can at present call meetings iswrongly composed, as a consequence of the following facts:That applicant is one of the condomini of the association“Lighthouse Court Association”. That on the twenty-third(23rd) of October of the year two thousand and ten (2010),an annual general meeting was held in respect of thisassociation. That at the said meeting, Kevin Grech appearedin the name of applicant, and contested the election formember of the Management Committee, in the name ofapplicant. The condomini voted in this respect and he waseffectively elected. That however, in the minutes of theannual general meeting, in the part relative to the electionof the management committee, it was erroneously indicatedthat Kevin Grech contested the election in his own name andthat during the meeting, a disagreement arose regarding thevalidity or otherwise of the contestation of Kevin Grech uponthe election – facts which were never discussed at the saidmeeting. Subsequently, in January 2011, an email was sentto applicant with an update of the minutes of the meeting,wherein it was stated that the contestation on Kevin Grech’spart to sit as a member of the Management Committee wasnot valid, and this was in fact made because it was alleged thathe had contested the election in his own name. That applicantasked for the minutes to be corrected as well as for him tobe accepted as a member on the Management Committee,since he had contested for the same in the general meetingabove-mentioned, as represented by his son Kevin Grech.However, such minutes were not amended in this sense andon the 7th April 2011, respondent Platts confirmed that theminutes were final and would not be amended. Therefore,applicant was refused from his right to be a member if theManagement Committee <strong>tal</strong>-Lighthouse Court Association.This request is being made in view of the fact that despiterespondents being well aware of the pending arbitrationproceedings, they have already called an Annual GeneralMeeting of the Association, and applicant does not want thesaid meeting to take place before the arbitration proceedingsare determined, since it was called by a wrongly composedManagement Committee.

It-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,819Għaldaqstant, l-esponenti jitlob bir-rispett illi l-intimatijinżammu milli jagħmlu xi ħaġa bħal dik imsemmija f’danir-rikors provviżorjament sakemm jingħata digriet finali fuqdan ir-rikors.Illi kif gia’ ingħad, il-pretensjoni tar-rikorrenti dwar ilkompożizzjoniindebita <strong>tal</strong>-allegat Management Committeepreżenti gia ġiet dedotta fil-proċeduri <strong>tal</strong>-Arbitraġġ pendentifuq imsemmija, u dan il-mandat qed jin<strong>tal</strong>ab in sostenn ta’l-istess proceduri <strong>tal</strong>-Arbitraġġ a tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 38 <strong>tal</strong>-Kap. 387 <strong>tal</strong>-Liġijiet ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Francis AttardDeputat Reġistratur, Qrati u Tribunali (Għawdex)Therefore, applicant humbly requests that respondentsbe restrained from <strong>doi</strong>ng what is requested in this warrant,with provisional effect until a final decree is given on thisapplication.As has already been said, applicant’s pretension regardingthe wrong composition of the present alleged ManagementCommittee has already been advanced in the pendingarbitration proceedings above-mentioned, and this warrant isbeing requested to sustain the same arbitration proceedingsin virtue of Article 38 of Cap. 387 of the Laws of <strong>Malta</strong>.Francis AttardDeputy Registrar, Gozo Courts and Tribunals1722B’digriet mogħti fil-5 ta’ Ottubru 2011, fl-atti tarrikorsnumru 714/2011 ippreżentat minn Joseph Busuttilwara l-atti tar-rikors numru 550/2011, il-Qorti (Sezzjonita’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja), ordnat il-publikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>inventarju<strong>tal</strong>-assi <strong>tal</strong>-mejta Olga Maria Busuttil, armlaminn Giovanni Busuttil, bint il-mejtin Philip Pace u MariaPace neé Borg, imwielda Valletta u mietet <strong>tal</strong>-Qroqq limiti<strong>tal</strong>-Imsida fit-2 ta’ Frar 2011 ta’ 80 sena u li kellha karta <strong>tal</strong>idenititàbin-numru 0788932(M).Din il-publikazzjoni kellha ssir fis-26 ta’ Awwissu 2011għal nhar l-Erbgħa 2 ta’ Novembru 2011 fis-6.30 p.m. fluffiċċjubin-numru 34, Triq Santa Theresa Cospicua b’att ta’Nutar Dottor Rosella Sciberras.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili (Sezzjoni ta’ ĠurisdizzjoniVolontarja)Illum 12 ta’ Ottubru 2011Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy means of a decree given on the 5th October 2011, inthe records of the Application number 714/2011 following anapplication of Joseph Busuttil in the act number 550/2011,the Civil Court (Voluntary Jurisdiction Section) ordered thepublication of the inventory of the assets of the deceasedOlga Maria Busuttil, widow of Giovanni Busuttil, daughterof the late Philip Pace and Maria Pace neé Borg, born inValletta and died in <strong>tal</strong>-Qroqq, limits of Imsida, on the 2ndFebruary 2011 aged 80 and who had identity card number0788932(M).This publication which was going to be held on 26thAugust 2011 was postponed to Wednesday 2nd November2011 at half past six in the evening (6.30p.m.) at number34, Triq Santa Theresa, Cospicua, by a deed of Notary DrRosella Sciberras.Registry of the Civil Court (Voluntary JurisdictionSection)Today 12th October 2011Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrat Civil Court and Tribunals1723B’dan l-Avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat fil-Qorti Civili Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja fil-5 ta’Ottubru 2011, Rikors Numru 700/2011, minn Chris MarioJerone Clifton u Maria Viviana Clifton, fejn <strong>tal</strong>bu li tiġiddikjarata miftuħa favur tagħhom fi kwota ta’ nofs (1/2)indiviż kull wieħed u waħda minnhom is-SUĊĊESSJONIta’ missierhom Charles Jack Clifton, legalment separat minnma’ martu Theresa Clifton, iben il-mejtin Charles GrechClifton u Antonia neé Cassar, imwieled il-Marsa, kienBy means of an application filed in Civili Court ofVoluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 5th October 2011,Application number 700/2011 by Chris Mario Jerone Cliftonand Maria Viviana Clifton, whereby they prayed that it bedeclared open in their favour in the quota of one half (1/2)undivided share each one of them the SUCCESSION of theirfather Charles Jack Clifton, legally separated from his wifeMaria Theresa Clifton, son of the late Charles Jack Cliftonand Antonia neé Cassar born in Marsa, resided in Mosta and

11,820 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,818residenti l-Mosta u miet <strong>tal</strong>-Qroqq limiti <strong>tal</strong>-Imsida fis-26 ta’Marzu 2011 ta’ 61 sena u li kellu karta <strong>tal</strong>-identità bin-numru773949(M) u li miet bla testment.Kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess huwa msejjaħ biexb’nota jagħmel l-oppożizzjoni tiegħu a tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu537 (1) et seq <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u ProċeduraĊivili (Kap. 12).Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili Sezzjoni ta’ ĠurisdizzjoniVolontarja.Illum 12 ta’ Ottubru 2011.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u Tribunalidied in Tal-Qroqq limits of Imsida on the 26the March 2011aged 61, holding idenitity card number 773949(M) who diedintestate.Thus whoever considers that he has an interest is calledso that by means of a note he enters his opposition accordingto Article 537(1) et seq of the Code of Organization andCivil Procedure (Cap. 12).Registry of the Civil Court Voluntary JurisdictionSection.Today 12th October 2011.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar Civil Court and Tribunals1724B’digriet mogħti mill-QORTI ĊIVILI, PRIM’AWLA fit-8 ta’ Awwissu, 2011 fuq rikors ta’ BRITTANIA FINANCIALSERVICES LTD ġie ffissat il-jum tat-Tlieta, 1 ta’ Novembru,2011 fl-10.30 a.m. għall-BEJGĦ BL-IRKANT, li għandujsir f’FIL-KURITURI TAL-QRATI TAL-ĠUSTIZZJA,TRIQ IR-REPUBBLIKA, VALLETTA <strong>tal</strong>-fond hawn taħtdeskritt.1. Fond bl-isem “St. Joseph”, bin-numru disgħa u ħamsin(59), inkluż l-arja tagħha u l-garage sottostanti, fi Triq it-TorriGauci, Naxxar, libera u franka, stmata li tiswa €337,759.142. Porzjon diviża ta’ art immarkata bħala plot numrutnax (12) formanti parti minn għalqa fil-limiti taż-Żurrieq,magħrufa bħala “Ta’ Sant Agatha”, sive “Ta’ Sant Ghati”, <strong>tal</strong>kejlta’ madwar mija sitta u tmenin metru kwadru (186.2m 2 ),libera u franka stmata li tiswa €197,996.74L-imsemmi fond huwa proprjetà ta’ DEBATTISTAEMANUEL ET.N.B. L-imsemmi fond jinbiegħ bħalma ġie deskritt fl-attitas-subbasta numru 50/09.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri, illum it-Tnejn, 26 ta’Settembru, 2011.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Civili u TribunaliBy decree given by the CIVIL COURT, FIRST HALLon 8th August, 2011 on the application of BRITTANIAFINANCIAL SERVICES LTD, Tuesday, 1st November,2011 at 10.30 a.m. has been fixed for the SALE BYAUCTION, to be held in the corridors of theselaw of courts REPUBLIC STREET, VALLETTA ofthe following property.1. Property named “St. Joseph”, numbered fifty nine(59), including the airspace and the underlying garage, inTriq it-Torri Gauci, Naxxar, free and unencumbered, valuedat €337,759.142. Portion of land marked as plot number twelve (12),forming part of a field in the limits of Żurrieq, known as“Ta’ Sant Agatha”, previously known as “Ta Sant Ghati”,measuring approximately one hundred and eighty six pointtwo meters squared (186.2m 2 ), free and unencumbered,valued at €197,996.74The said tenement is the property of DEBATTISTAEMANUEL ET.N.B. The said tenement will be sold as described in theacts of the file number 50/09.Registry of the Superior Courts, this Monday, 26thSeptember, 2011.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Informazzjoni (<strong>doi</strong>.gov.mt) — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information (<strong>doi</strong>.gov.mt) — VallettaMitbugħ fl-Istamperija <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> fuq karta riċiklata— Printed at the Government Printing Press on recycled paper

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