Rules and Regulations - The Welsh Pony & Cob Society of Australia ...

Rules and Regulations - The Welsh Pony & Cob Society of Australia ...

Rules and Regulations - The Welsh Pony & Cob Society of Australia ...

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D. In the case <strong>of</strong> colts or stallions this must be done before Certificates <strong>of</strong> Service can be issued<strong>and</strong>, in the case <strong>of</strong> stallions <strong>and</strong> mares or fillies, before registration or entry <strong>of</strong> progeny can beconsidered.E. In order for the lessee to register a pony the following regulations apply:i. <strong>The</strong> lease must be recorded as per above Regulation.ii. <strong>The</strong> breeder or owner must sign the application <strong>and</strong> be Financial Members as per <strong>Regulations</strong>.3.22. JOINT OWNERSHIP OF A PONY.For the <strong>Society</strong> to recognise ownership <strong>of</strong> ponies in two or more membership names:A. All parties:-i. Must be Financial Members in their own right.ii. Enter into a written agreement nominating a signatory/signatories to regulate <strong>and</strong> operate thisJoint Ownership/Co-ownership registration. Copy must be forwarded to the <strong>Society</strong>’s Office. If nowritten agreement is provided, ALL signatories will be required to operate this Joint Ownership/Coownershipregistration.B. Ownership is to be stated as either:i. Joint Ownership.If persons are joint owners then their share in the animal ceases entirely on their death so thatultimately the surviving owner/s owns/own the animal outright.ii. Co-ownership.If persons are Co-owners then each Co-owner is able to separately deal with their share <strong>and</strong> thatshare is not lost on the death <strong>of</strong> the Co-owner but forms part <strong>of</strong> the Co-owners estate to be dealtwith according to his or her will.C. Applications will not be accepted unless accompanied by the appropriate fee/s.D. A transfer fee is paid for each pony attached to this Joint Ownership/Co-ownership registration.E. Joint or Co-Ownership registered mares may be bred from. <strong>The</strong> following applies:i. All parties must be FULL Financial Members in their own right.ii. When registering progeny from the Joint or Co-ownership, a separate Prefix <strong>and</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> may beapplied for. Or the individually registered Prefix <strong>and</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> either <strong>of</strong> the Joint/Co-owners may beused.iii. All parties must sign the Application for Registration form. (This will indicate agreementbetween the parties that the progeny is to be registered as bred <strong>and</strong> owned by the breeder towhom the Prefix <strong>and</strong> Br<strong>and</strong> appearing on the Application form belongs to).iv. <strong>The</strong> appropriate registration <strong>and</strong> transfer fees accompany the Application for Registration <strong>of</strong>progeny.23. SYNDICATES.Any animal registered in the AWSB may be syndicated. <strong>The</strong> following applies:A. <strong>The</strong> Syndicate must be a fully paid up Financial Member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Welsh</strong> <strong>Pony</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Cob</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Australia</strong> Inc.B. Names <strong>and</strong> addresses for all parties to the Syndicate <strong>and</strong> name <strong>of</strong> the Syndicate Managermust be forwarded to the Secretary <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Society</strong>, together with a copy <strong>of</strong> the legal agreementbetween the parties.C. <strong>The</strong> Syndicate Manager is the nominee for the Syndicate.D. <strong>The</strong> Syndicate Manager <strong>and</strong> the nominated Stud Manager are required to jointly signCertificates <strong>of</strong> Service for every mare served by the syndicated animal.E. <strong>The</strong> Syndicate Manager must inform the Secretary <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Society</strong> annually <strong>of</strong> the name <strong>and</strong>address <strong>of</strong> the Stud Manager.F. Where a pony, registered in the AWSB is syndicated, notification <strong>of</strong> transferring ownership tothe syndicate is required as per Regulation 20.24. APPENDIX FOUNDATION STOCK:<strong>The</strong> following regulations apply for the entry <strong>of</strong> animals in the Foundation Stock Appendix <strong>of</strong> theStud Book:A. Section A:i. Applications will be considered for an FS1 or an FS2 filly by a registered Section A stallion <strong>and</strong>out <strong>of</strong> an FS or an FS1 mare. <strong>The</strong> mare’s height must not exceed 12.0hh, <strong>and</strong> must be entered inthe Appendix in Section A or in an approved Stud Book in <strong>Australia</strong>.ii. <strong>The</strong> filly whose entry is applied for must be approved by a <strong>Society</strong> Inspector as true to type <strong>and</strong>not exceed 12.0hh.B. Section B:i. Applications will be considered for an FS1 or an FS2 filly, by a registered Section A or SectionB stallion <strong>and</strong> out <strong>of</strong> an FS or an FS1 mare. <strong>The</strong> mare’s height must not exceed 13.2hh <strong>and</strong> mustbe entered in the Appendix in Section A or Section B or in an approved Stud Book in <strong>Australia</strong>.ii. <strong>The</strong> filly whose entry is applied for must be approved by a <strong>Society</strong> Inspector as true to type <strong>and</strong>must be 12.0hh <strong>and</strong> not exceed 13.2hh.C. Section C:i. Applications will be considered for:(a) an FS mare or filly born before to 01/08/1996 by a registered Section C or D stallion <strong>and</strong>6

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