HERE - Victorian Amateur Football Association

HERE - Victorian Amateur Football Association HERE - Victorian Amateur Football Association

David Lowe (De La Salle)Woodrow Medal Winner

Matthew Fieldsend (De La Salle)Woodrow Medal Winner

VGOODBYE AND THANKS.This weekend marks the end of my final season on theVAFA Board. The Ammos have been a big part of my lifeover the past 25 years or so, as a player, then a coachand finally as a board member. Along the road, I’veplayed with and against some of the finest ever to graceour competition, mentored some of them too, andworked with many talented people who are committed tobuilding the VAFA and promoting the ideals it represents.The <strong>Victorian</strong> <strong>Amateur</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Association</strong> is the bestadministered and presented football competition outsidethe AFL. It is not an easy matter to please seventy-threeclubs, which have different ambitions, cultures,strengths and weaknesses, but I’ve found that the thingsthat bind us are greater than our differences.On Monday night, we presented MHSOB’s veteranruckman Roger McIntyre with the C Section Medal, wepaid tribute to Peter Brabender, who has played 407games with Old Paradians and not one in the Reserves.I made mention too of Andrew Ramsden, the classy OldTrinity warhorse, who has been the mainstay not only ofhis club, but of <strong>Victorian</strong> teams as well. These threerepresent a thousand more who have continued to playVAFA football with their mates when they could haveplayed elsewhere for cash. Playing for the love of theirgame is a tradition rooted in another time but one thathas survived because it has great merit. A century ago,our <strong>Association</strong>’s second President L A Adamsonespoused views that are still commonplace in the VAFA:that the team was bigger than the individual, the gamebigger than the player, and as Kipling had observed, thattriumph and disaster are impostors to be treated in thesame fashion.Today, it is commonplace around our grounds to seeplayers having a drink with those same men that half anhour before they were so desperate to beat. We seethose same opponents band together, not as a collectionof individuals, but as a team, to represent the Big V.Many of you would know that I will be taking up a Boardposition with AFL Victoria, which I am hoping will enableme to continue to fly the flag for the VAFA. With oureleven-thousand registered players and clubs spreadacross metro Melbourne and beyond, the ammos are afootball force.We seem to have expanded every year. We began ourTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009EditorialU18s just this season and thatcompetition looks likedoubling in size. We continueour push west, with PointCook coming in next season.We are taking teams overseasand we are attracting big nameplayers from other leagueswho want to catch some of ourAmmos fever.I believe the VAFA is wellNick BourkePRESIDENTplaced, and perhaps best placed, to meet the challengesfacing grassroots football. Our ban on drinking duringgames has been treated with mirth in some quarters, butthere is no doubt that it has a positive effect on both thesize and behaviour of our crowds. There is no doubt thatsome would prefer to go elsewhere, but the number ofwomen and children seen all season at VAFA grounds isstrong indication that our people prefer family-friendlyfootball.In recent years, we have seen less family-friendly onMelbourne’s streets. Unfortunately, a few of our playershave been unwitting victims in serious assaults. With somany players under our banner, we are obviously notimmune from these increasing episodes of senselessand violence. I encourage our clubs to do all they can toeducate our young folk of the dangers they face whenothers have moments of madness. As Edmund Burkeobserved, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is forgood men to do nothing”.It has been an honour to serve the VAFA and I amconfident that our <strong>Association</strong> will continue to receivestrong and passionate guidance from the board and fromour staff at headquarters. Our clubs are the real strengthof our <strong>Association</strong> and I salute the efforts of all thosewho in my time have given their time to ensure theirteams perform as best they can. Adamson believedamateur sport prepared a man for war: I believe itdelivers far greater bounty than that and that of all therewards that can be gained from our great game, moneyruns ten lengths last.So, this weekend, we hand it over to Xavs and De La; toOld Melburnians and Old Trinity; to Albert Park and toLatrobe University to finish off this special year. Goodluck to them. And thanks to all.THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLERTHE JOURNAL OF THE VICTORIAN AMATEUR FOOTBALL ASSOCIATIONSeptember 19th, 2009 Price: $3.00 Vol. 09 No. 221

PRELIM REVIEW:De La Salle rebounded from their second-semi final horrors todefeat University Blues by seventeen points in an intriguingcontest. The weather gods were kinder than they had been onSaturday, with temperature, sunshine and wind friendlier thanthey had been. The skies dribbled a bit early, but the threat ofmajor precipitation disappeared by the time the curtain-raiserbegan.Blues had beaten De La twice in the home-and-away andlooked to be on the way to a hat-trick in the first quarter whenthey skipped away to an early lead. George DeCrespignypicked up where he left off last Sunday and posted three earlygoals. Only the run of Sam Williams kept De La afloat earlyand he had a hand in both their first quarter goals afterslashing runs down the clubhouse side.The Varsity would have been happy with the first stanzasurplus, to wit, twenty-three points and De La’s overuse of theball in the second did nothing to strip the Blues of confidence,though were some signs that the mercurial Ben Mannix mightbe on song. Uni hit the sheds ten points to the good and De Lahad the job ahead of them in the third, facing the wind.The premiership quarter, so dubbed, saw each team with adifferent objective. Blues needed to ram home their advantageand De La needed to keep its opponent on a leash, ensuringthat the margin did not blow out. As it transpired, De La playedwith the reckless abandon that saw them win fifteen ofeighteen in the home and away. Blues scored three majors, butthe La Sallians, fired by Woodrow Medallist Matt Fieldsendand the aforementioned Mannix managed five. They were tiedas they hit the huddles one last time, thought here were indeedmurmurings among the crowd of another extra-timeexperience.The final term saw De La pull away. Leigh Harrison was adynamic target up forward and De La searched deep at allcosts. For the first fifteen, at any rate, the game seemed overwith De La’s mosquito fleet in full cry. Then a lull, and finally aBlues reply to pull it within two goals. But Harrison slotted hisfifth to put out the lights.Michael Davidson (DLS) and Matt Torney (UB) were perhapsbest for their respective outfits, but it was a day when manyplayers flashed in and out of the game. Sam Pickett and AaronShields were vital in the win. De La deserved it in the end,while the Varsity’s effectiveness faded as the sun came out andthe shadows lengthened.SEASON SKINNY:It was again an extraordinary year in A Section. Few anticipatedDe La’s resurrection, nor the relative ease with which Xavs cuta swathe through the competition. Last year’s grand finalists StBede’s Mentone Tigers and Collegians slipped to fourth andA SECTIONby Michael Fitzgeraldfifth, while predicted bolters OldIvanhoe crashed and burned.Promotees Marcellin and OldEssendon came, saw and didn’tconquer, though the formersurvives for another crack. OldBrighton and Old Scotch, preseasonfavourites on the back of summer recruiting hauls,suffered huge casualties and didn’t really fire a shot. Uni Bluesbegan slowly, got themselves to the mid-table and then intothe four and stayed there, falling short at the penultimatehurdle.For the first time, we had two players from the one club tie forthe Woodrow Medal. Matt Fieldsend and David Lowe from DeLa Salle shared the honour. Matt Handley, the Xavs’ big blondbombshell, rebounded from an injury-ridden ’08 to top thegoals list from CHF. His teammate Nick Wynne enjoyed astellar season in Xavs’ back half and won the Rising Star. Itmust be said that none of these would have performed as wellif not for the magnificent work of their teammates and the welldesignedteam structures in which they played.We had three umpires, we had a semi-final that went toovertime and another that was a massive blowout. And allseason long, week after week, we witnessed young mendedicated to their task, performing outstanding athletic featsthat did our game and our competition proud. As one wholoves watching <strong>Amateur</strong> football, I thank them all for theirendeavours and congratulate them on their achievements.SCRIBE’S THANKS:To Pete O’Brien of St Bede’s/Mentone, who provided me withtimely weekly briefings on the Tigers’ fortunes.TEAM OF THE YEAR:Picking twenty-two was a tough task and there are some gunswho don’t get a run here. I’ve tried to pick them in position andall clubs get a guernsey. It’s my team, not an official VAFA lineup,so apologies to the well-worthy whom I have overlooked.B: Paul Wintle (SBM), Andy Bowen (XAV), James Tyquin (SBM)HB: Matt Fieldsend (DLS), Dan Cooper (ESS), Luke Jarvis (DLS)C: Andrew Scott (COL), Tim Clarke (XAV), Ben McConnell (BLU)HF: Cam MacLaren (MAR), Matt Handley (OX), BenPhibbs (SBM)F: Josh Agius (XAV), Andrew Lowcock © (BLU), MichaelDuggan (DLS)Foll: Hayden Heta (IVA), David Lowe (DLS), Charlie Tallent(SCO)Int: Cameron Purss (XAV), Matt Gadsden (BRI), AndrewBaxter (COL), Mark Paterson (BLU)Coach: Co-coaches see to be the trend, so I’ll plump forSimon Lethlean (XAV) and Dave Madigan (DLS), thoughthe fans are truly yearning for a return of the hotgospeller so we can hear them at the huddles. Where isAlan Killigrews when you need him?THE DECIDER:Old Xaverians will start a short-priced favourite to taketheir eleventh A Section flag and their tenth in fifteenseasons, though a repeat of their last-start dominanceappears unlikely. De La is too good a team to be put to thesword as it was a fortnight ago, and I’m expecting acontest more in the vein of that which we saw in Round10.If they roll the dice and Luck is a Lady today, then thesilverware could be headed to East Malvern and a seventhA Section pennant destined for their clubhouse ceiling.However, there are factors that count against thatoccurring today.Xavs have been the stronger team all year, albeit at times,not by a great margin. Xavs’ two grand final losses overthe past-decade-and-a-half – to Bernies in 2002 and OldHaileybury in 2006 - came at the hands of teams thatwere clearly superior to them. It might be argued too thatthey have also won Grand Finals in years where theyhaven’t been the cream of crop, that is, until the Spring.Then there’s the extra week’s rest. Sometimes, this is noadvantage at all, but if the game is tight as the lightbegins to fade, those fresher legs do make a difference.And what of injuries? We’ll have to wait and see whichplayers line up for the anthem, but the Red and Blackslook to have a full complement from which to choose,whereas De La might struggle to get a couple of itsplayers to the line.De La Salle is again on the rise, but today they’ll pitch atbase camp while the Xaverians go again to the summit.Don’t expect the climb to be easy.LAST ROUND’S RESULTS – AA SECTIONDE LA SALLE 2.6 7.8 12.8 16.9 (105)UNIVERSITY BLUES 6.2 9.4 12.8 13.10 (88)DE LA SALLE: Goals: L. Harrison 5, B. Mannix 3, S. Pickett 3, M.Duggan, M. Fieldsend, D. Lowe, J. Phillips, D. Hale. Best: M.Davidson, S. Pickett, L. Harrison, J. Moloney, B. Mannix, A.Shields UNI BLUES: Goals: G. Decrespigny 3, A. Lowcock 2, S.Chadwick 2, J. Mugavin 2, D. Heinz, B. McConnell, D. Paton, M.Lewis. Best: M. Torney, D. Heinz, M. Lewis, B. McConnell, M.Paterson, J. MugavinA SECTION RESERVEUNIVERSITY BLUES 1.4 7.7 8.7 11.9 (75)OLD BRIGHTON 3.1 4.3 7.9 10.11 (71)UNI BLUES: Goals: T. Girdwood 3, P. Smith 2, M. Steinbach 2, D.Brady, L. Quin, N. Hardie Grant, T. Fitzgerald. Best: P. Smith, D.Brady, T. Stainforth, S. Balodis, S. Roache, B. Mugavin OLDBRIGHTON: Goals: J. Gerstman 3, A. Bristow 2, M. Dewar 2, J.Davis 2, L. Nash. Best: A. Bristow, J. Davis, P. Phelan, D. Anthony,J. Edge, M. Dewar.A SECTION RESERVEGRAND FINALOLD XAVERIANS VUNI BLUESCoach: Dave LandriganAssistant: David Walsh2 C Santalucia .......................3 J Pasceri .............................4 J A McDonnell.....................5 D Rush................................6 A Oswald.............................20 D Higgins ............................22 D Ryan................................25 R Carey...............................27 L Ginnivan...........................28 J P McDonnell.....................33 A (John) Ryan.....................35 D Noonan............................38 P Ryan ................................39 J Douglas............................42 N Corcoran .........................43 T Woodruff ..........................44 H Murphy ............................45 J Glen .................................46 S Skidmore (C) ...................47 T Agius................................48 H Davies .............................49 P Armstrong ........................50 F Paterson ..........................54 J Morton..............................56 Z Haupt ...............................57 M Skidmore.........................60 L Knight...............................61 R Lynch...............................62 M Romanin .........................63 T O'Meara...........................GMAJOR SPONSORSBCoach: Damien Guengerich1 M Maltman................................4 S Gilbertson..............................5 Q Gleeson ................................13 T Girdwood...............................16 A Austin.....................................18 B Mugavin ................................22 B Millard....................................24 T Muhlebach.............................25 A Solly.......................................26 S Gove .....................................29 J Vickers-Willis .........................30 D Brady ....................................35 A Lyon.......................................36 I Orr38 D Carmody ...............................40 P Smith.....................................41 T Stainforth...............................42 A Suvoltos (C) ..........................44 J Wood .....................................46 H Rankin...................................47 C Pyke......................................48 T Pryde.....................................49 S Balodis ..................................51 C Tate .......................................55 T Fitzgerald...............................57 J Heinz......................................58 J Kiteley....................................60 M Steinbach ............................61 H Spring ...................................63 B Laidlaw..................................67 N Hardie-Grant.........................70 L Quin .......................................74 J Bailey.....................................77 O Lade......................................78 T Calvert...................................88 P Pavli ......................................98 M Young ...................................Sunday at 11.20am Sportscover Arena1/4 TIME 1/2 TIME 3/4 TIME FINALGB2 V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009VTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20093

SHARP SHOOTERS 2009Congratulations to all of this season’s leadingsharp shootersA SECTIONMatthew Handley Old Xaverians 54B SECTIONAndrew Ramsden Old Trinity 66C SECTIONAndrew Slevison Caulfield Gram 91D1 SECTIONLeigh Brennan Rupertswood 68D2 SECTIONCorey Bannister Therry Penola 97D3 SECTIONBen Spencer St Francis Xavier 61D4 SECTIONAttila Yaman Swinburne Uni 115U19 PREMIER SECTIONStephen Muller De La Salle 68U19 SOUTH 1 SECTIONLachlan Bennett Old Melburnians 62U19 SOUTH 2 SECTIONBen Morrison Bentleigh 76U19 NORTH 1 SECTIONSamuel Killworth Old Camberwell 74U19 NORTH 2 SECTIONPeter Jones Emmaus St Leos 51UNDER 18 SECTIONRodney Jetta Oakleigh 53Incorrect Scores –Preliminary Finals 5/9/2009LATE SCORES: First offence ($5); second offence ($25);third offence ($50); fourth offence ($100);each subsequent offence ($100).U19 S 2: Old MentoniansRESULTS OF TRIBUNALSeptember 15, 2009Paul Kruger, Old Melburnians (Reserves). Striking, 4 matches.*Craig Le Clerc, Peninsula. Insulting language, 2 matches.*Accepted Prescribed PenaltyResults of Investigations – September 15, 2009Werribee and Fitzroy charged with a minor melee which allegedly occurredin their senior match played on Saturday September 5 at St. Bernards.Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty of $150 (second offence for aminor melee over the last two year period).4 V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20095

Club Warehouse Rising Star2009 WinnerNick Wynne(Old Xaverians)Nick has had a fine season with Old Xaverians and has impressed all with his skills and hissangfroid. Lining up at centre-half-back, the 195cm youngster has showed a clean pair ofhands and a clean pair of heels to more experienced opponents all season long.Nick is an alumnus of Xavier College. He began his football there in the Year 9 Cs,but his talent was soon recognised. He finished at Barkers Road as captain of the First XVIIIin 2007, playing as a forward.He played with Hampton Rovers last year (where he also played all his junior club football)before crossing to the Xavs for a taste of A Section.Wynne’s determination, ability and flexibility will make him a valuable player for many years.A.F.C.AV.A.F.A.“Your Coaches’ <strong>Association</strong>”2009 Coach of the Year DinnerFellow Coach, You are invited to attend this event to celebrate the end of a seasonwith your peers and recognise the fine performances of your peers.Friday October 2nd - 7pmPower House FC - Albert Park2 Course Meal & Drinks at Bar PricesTickets: Free for VAFA Coaches ($20 others)Dress: Smart casualPlease RSVP to Harry Harisiou or Jeremy Bourke byFriday September 25th( or 0409029305)( or 9537 6705)Coaches recognised on the night will include all Premiership Coaches, Coach of the Month winnersand the announcement of the U19 and Senior VAFA Coaches of the Year.6 V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009VTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20097

Well that was the season that was.REVIEW 2009For all its evenness and upsets B section 2009 told arather consistent story. In fact if you look at the ladderafter round 1 it didn’t real change a whole lot at Round18.OM started with a 100 point drubbing of Camberwell whonever really recovered. OM went from strengthen tostrengthen.SKOB enjoyed a come from behind win against Careywho again never really recovered. SKOB went fromstrengthen to strengthen until SeptemberWhile the Snowdogs started the season in a flurry.Trinity cooked an OH side including Robert Harvey inwhat would prove to be a crucial win.And the suburban clubs added diversity to thecompetition and contributed the match of the year withtheir relegation spectacular.Uni Blacks flattered to deceive but may end up with somesilverware if the ressies can get the job done on Saturday.PRELIM REVIEWIn the A grade promotion match. The highly fancied Tskicking with a gail at their back and bounced out to amatch winning margin at the first break and really neverlet the match slip.Giving their forwards a chance with plenty of forwardentries the B section team of the year full forward Ramboand his trusty side kick Cultrera did all the damage.SKOB was unable to respond in an efficient manner andmore importantly allowed a couple of goals against thewind.5 goal lead to the Ts at the long break.SKOB needed a very tight third to give them a chance inB SECTIONby William McCannthe last with the wind andthey came out fighting. OTswere missing their shots forgoals and with each contestthe SKOB faithful began tobelieve that we could holdthe fort and even pinch one against the wind.As we ticked into extra time the situation was gettingtighter but OT finally registered their first major and themargin was out past 40points. Whether it was constantpressure, exhaustion from desperate defending allquarter or just a lapse in concentration but after beingextraordinary all quarter St Kevin’s defence let their guarddown and OT grabbed another couple of goals in the lastcouple of minutes including one after siren.Good teams don't go down without a fight and SKOBpledged to come out swinging in the last and when theygoaled in the first couple of minutes there was a sniff ofsomething. Alas it was far too little to late and the Tsmade the most of its forward pressing opponents.Trinity to A Grade!!!!!For the winners BI was simply outstanding, while he maylook at little like the wild man of Borneo he is simply oneof the best <strong>Amateur</strong>s going. In fact I don’t think its toooutlandish a statement to say outside of the fullyprofessional leagues (AFL, VFL etc) there would be fewbetter.The umpires obviously agree given they awarded theyoung Trinidadian the league B & F. Well deserved.While the St Kevin’s will be disappointed to be bounced instraight sets and even more disappointed to have chairedoff Ben Garvey and Shut Down Sheehy. Few men givemore to their football clubs than they receive but betweenthese two giants who have taken St Kevin’s from D graderight through to an A Grade GF it may well be so.B SECTION TEAM OF THE YEAR 2009B: Van Kempon Freezer BishopHB: Baldwin Voss GardinerC: Jolley Greene SemmellHF: Healy Martinov DowdF: Cultrera Ramsden GiansiracusaFoll: Lynch Simpson IezziGRAND FINAL PREVIEWThis is the grand final that yours truly predicted at the startof the year; also predicted 3 of the 4 finalists and 1 of therelegated teams for what its worth.At that time I said I fancied the Trinity outfit that are wellsuited to the expanses of EP. Ill stick with this and goTrinity to win with Jessop BOG.OM have compiled one hell of a year and will no doubt goin favourites with the bookies.Look out for the Horne vs. Cultrera, Green vs. Iezzi,Beaumonts vs. the Rest clashes.In the reserves you can’t go past a team that is 19-0. Ifancy the 2006 B reserve premiers will like their chancesthough, boosted by the seniors being out of action.In my final column of the year I would like to thank MickCom from Blacks, Steve Aarons from Ormond, theHampton football club & Allan Burrows from Trinity for alltheir assistance during the year. I wish there were morelike you!!!!!Brendan Iezzi (Old Trinity)LAST ROUND’S RESULTS – BB SECTIONST KEVINS 0.0 5.1 6.7 6.7 (43)OLD TRINITY 7.5 9.7 12.14 16.18 (114)ST KEVINS: Goals: S. Bishop 3, B. Garvey, A. Lynch, M. Murphy.Best: P. Edgar, A. Keely, L. Williams, P. Aughton, D. Sheehy, B.Garvey. OLD TRINITY: Goals: A. Ramsden 6, A. Cultrera 4, T.Eckersley 2, T. Chivers 2, K. Butler, T. Walsh. Best: T. Healy, A.Ramsden, A. Cultrera, M. Jessop, T. Eckersley, T. Chivers.B SECTION RESERVEST KEVINS 2.1 3.4 4.7 4.7 (31)UNIVERSITY BLACKS 0.2 7.3 7.4 12.12 (84)ST KEVINS: Goals: D. Gibbs, J. O'Keefe, H. McPherson, N.McArdle. Best: S. Ryan, J. O'Keefe, N. McArdle, J. Koutoumas, D.Makohon, L. McDonald. UNI BLACKS: Goals: T. Napier 6, M.Battista, E. Hardy, A. Jesse, A. Torney, D. Fitzpatrick, T. O'Halloran.Best: M. Battista, T. Napier, M. Thompson, A. Torney, C. Watts, J.Fuller.B SECTION RESERVEGRAND FINALOLD MELBURNIANS VUNI BLACKSCoaches: M Carty1 T Cudlipp........................3 R Matthews....................4 B Dixon ..........................7 P Kennon .......................8 E Mitchell .......................9 T Mclardy .......................9 C Righetti .......................11 W Kiel ............................12 S Gailbraith ....................18 W Ray ............................20 B Mckie ..........................22 A Waddell.......................23 J Mitchell........................25 T Beaumont ...................27 T Oman..........................30 N Russell .......................38 A Littlechild.....................39 D Osmond......................40 H Obrien ........................41 A Ferguson ....................41 M Collister......................43 P Kruger.........................48 C Jenkins (C) .................56 W Panton .......................74 D O'Loughlin ..................82 A Ray .............................GBCoach: Chris BarrettAsst Coaches: Ben Walch& Alex Werner1 D. Fitzpatrick..................5 E. Hardy.........................6 E. Scantleton .................7 N. DuBois ......................12 A. Torney........................13 A. Drysdale ....................15 T. Schaefer ....................16 J. McVilly........................18 D. Thwaites....................19 M. Dornauf.....................20 J. Forte ..........................23 D. Costello .....................28 D. Johns ........................29 K. Prestidge ...................30 A. Jesse.........................31 T. Napier ........................33 J. Fuller..........................36 M. Hall ...........................37 T. O'Halloran ..................40 N. Martin ........................41 L. Vallance .....................42 T. Legoe.........................43 M. Thompson.................44 H. Guthrie ......................46 M. Battista......................50 J. Heeley........................51 N. O'Brien ......................52 C. Watts .........................BENDIGO PRIVATEBANKING SERVICESThe Clyde HotelSaturday at 11.20am Sportscover Arena1/4 TIME 1/2 TIME 3/4 TIME FINALGB8 V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20099

Grand Final ReviewKicking with a gale force wind in the first quarterthat could be measured in the 8 to 9 goal advantageregion, MHSOB took full use of the ‘19th Man’, up55 points at quarter time with stars Taylor andMcIntyre dominant early. Oakleigh couldn’t swingthe blowtorch on in the second term, MatthewHamilton-Ho kicking two opportunistic goals in thestiff breeze as the Unicorns held their ascendencyinto the main break.The Krushers sizzled out of the blocks in the thirdstanza, a run of goals into the wind giving life to thegame as the MHSOB lead was diminished to justfour goals. With the match in the balance, UnicornMatthew White filled the billing of match-winner.Swung forward, he fizzed through some crucialgoals as MHSOB eased out to a ten goal plus leadby orange time. In the end, the last quarter was adull affair as both teams went through their paces,MHSOB securing premiership glory by 43 points.Roger McIntyre (MHSOB)C SECTIONby Johnny AitkenB&FChampioning his team toa C Section flag, giantMHSOB ruckman RogerMcIntyre (pictured)capped off a remarkableyear by winning the league best and fairest. Bulleen-Templestowe midfielder Paul Florance polled twobest on ground performances in the last two roundsto just miss on 21 votes, McIntyre securing best onground honours in Round 16 against Monash Bluesto end his tally at 22 votes.Goalkicking LeaderThe year begun with the two relegated teams fromB Section in Caulfield and Beaumaris havingfantastic spearheads in Andrew Slevison and ScottGower respectively. As the season progressed,Slevison started to clear away from his rivalspearheads, a bag of 11 against the hapless Bullantsin Round 4 the biggest goal haul of the year by anyplayer. In the end, Slevison fell just two shy of acentury, stranded on 98 goals after his belovedFields dropped out of the final series in straight sets.Find Grand Final Action photosand posters ROUND’S RESULTS – CC SECTIONMHSOB 8.7 10.8 18.12 18.18 (126)OAKLEIGH 0.2 3.11 7.13 11.17 (83)MHSOB: Goals: M. White 3, R. McIntyre 3, A. Cassell 2, M.Hamilton Ho 2, H. Taylor 2, E. Thompson 2, R. Limbrick, J.Tran, G. Grigoriou, D. Hamilton ho. Best: H. Taylor, R. McIntyre,J. Tran, G. Grigoriou, M. White, M. Hamilton HoOAKLEIGH: Goals: T. Bromley 2, T. Edwards 2, A. Kitts 2, G.Bennett, S. Briggs, D. Cleary, M. Harold, J. Rutter. Best: C.Hogan, K. Hogan, M. Harold, J. Derks Revere, D. Britt, D. LucasC SECTION RESERVEMAZENOD 2.6 4.7 9.12 9.14 (68)OAKLEIGH 1.1 2.1 5.2 8.6 (54)MAZENOD: Goals: C. Raine 3, S. Morgan 3, N. Klavins, D.Nisbet, C. Smith. Best: D. Grant, R. Kaye, S. Morgan, D. Nisbet,J. Cuberes, T. BaileyOAKLEIGH: Goals: A. Pound Gow 2, J. Pickett 2, D. Costigan,C. Meyers, M. Tunik, S. Borland. Best: J. Fitzgerald, J. Tolley,C. Meyers, S. Borland, J. Chapple, J. Pickett.10 V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009VTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009VAFA IN THE MEDIA9-11am:The VAFA Footy ShowSUNDAYSATURDAY1.45 pm: Exclusive Live Broadcast.Saturday 19 September: B Section Grand Final:Old Melburnians v Old TrintiySunday 20 September: A Section Grand Final:Old Xaverians v De La Salle6.30 pm: Local sports Round-UpTHURSDAY3.30pm: John Kelly’s live interview with VAFA CEO Michael Sholly,including a review and preview of VAFA matches.9:30 - 10:30am: VAFA SUNDAYSUNDAYSUNDAY7.00-9.00pm: North West <strong>Amateur</strong> Footy Report including special clubfeatures in all sections:Old Essendon (A), University Blacks, St Kevins, St Bernards (B),Rupertswood, North Old Boys/St Pats, Fitzroy (D1),Therry Penola, Old Paradians (D2), West Brunswick (D3),LaTrobe Uni, North Brunswick (D4)Leader Community Newspapers produces 30 mastheads weeklyacross Melbourne, covering all the VAFA.From match reports to feature stories, reporters Paul Amy,Brad Beitzel, Megan Hurstwaite and Michael Gleeson have yourVAFA news covered.All VAFA Match results in The Age & Herald Sun each Sunday11

VAFA news, viewsand gossip.A big night was had by all at Etihad Stadium Mondaynight, as we finally saw which players got the nod fromthe umpires. Jake Gotch might have won De La’s bestand Fairest, but his teammates David Lowe and MattFieldsend got the Woodrow votes, and tied to win themedal. Both have had stellar seasons and the victorywas a popular one in the room. The elation didn’t lasttoo long as the De La contingent headed for the exits,obviously with Sunday on their minds.One visitor wandered in looking for the Liston TrophyDavid Lowe and Matthew Fieldsend A SectionB&F Winners.night, which was also being held at Etihad. Afterwatching proceedings for a while, he decided he wantedto stay at the VAFA function. “This is heaps better thanthe VFL put on,” he was heard saying to staff.Melbourne High’s big Roger McIntyre collected themedal in C Section and arrived with his arm in a sling,courtesy a last minute Grand final injury. Such an injurycan discomfit one, particularly while sleeping, not thatthe state ruckman had seen a bed since Saturday’spremiership victory.Peter Brabender received an award for his achievementof 400 senior games with Old Paradians. He’s undecidedabout going on, though the lure of becoming a fourdecade player is there. Plugger said that playing 400was an achievement, playing 400 with a great club wasan honour.Down at De La, the last of the Three Amigos, MickDuggan notches up his 200th game in this week’s GF -FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME...with Ben Corin and Jeff Morel having hit this milestonerecently. The man whose body always seems to betrying to catch those rapid-fire legs just loves a run andreally loves a goal. Even more than that, he just loves tohigh five the 'Duggo Cheersquad' after another rakingleft foot six pointer and then aeroplane off to Ben Corinfor a big man-hug. Duggan won the Goal of the Yearaward for his running, bouncing, ball-burster in Round9.Woodrow Medallist Matt Fieldsend plays his 100th inthe GF, which will come as a surprise to many aroundthe place who think he’s been a newcomer at De La. Ashe said Monday night, “I’ve been hanging around sinceI was sixteen or seventeen!”Andrew Lowcock of Uni Blues won the Mark of the Yearaward for his screamer against Old Scotch in Round 18.Judges say it was it marginally better than the hanger hetook against Marcellin earlier in the year.Trinity’s Brendan Iezzi won the G T Moore Medal in BSection. The Jet, who plays in his first GF on Saturday,has of late discarded the long sleeves, cut his hair andput his headband away, pleasing football traditionalistsand evidently the umpires too.Monash Blues won the Umpires’ <strong>Association</strong> QualityAssurance Award, awarded to the club that provides thebest facilities to the men in white.A few thousand kilometres away, Ross Young, Uni Blues2004 premiership player, won the Sandover Medal. Notsure what this will do to John Kanis’ attempts to lurehim back under the spires in 2010. Perhaps it’s timethey started building bronze statues outside the Pavvy.Matt Collins of Hawthorn collected the medal in D3.Those who saw Matt on stage can now tell those whohave never seen him play that he is tall, very tall.Peninsula’s Stefan Barbour saluted in D2 and claimedthat his his ‘08 season was better than this year’s.Whitefriars champ Brendan Stafford cleaned up in D1,while Albert Park’s Stuart Maunder saluted in D4.Congrats to our GF Umps this weekend, particularly tothe trio who whistle the A Section game. Tim Sutcliffe,Russell Davidson and Shane Mackintosh have earnedtheir appointment for the big event.In the absence of Johnny Aitken, Fraser Cameron madea return to the stage to read the votes for C Sectionand showed his grand knowledge of the compettion.He was taken aback to see one of his weddingphotographs used in the introductory video, but if hepersists in putting these pics on Facebook, he’s fairgame.Shock at HQ when a gentleman arrived in the VAFAoffices on Tuesday and introduced himself as MaxMcCraw. The staff, apparently a bit hard of hearing,thought they were finally meeting’sMonday scribe. “Max McCraw, not Max McGraw,”said the man to a disappointed crew.Over 200 followed the Medal count progress, while over 600 followed last weekend’sfinals updates live on the web and on Twitter.Finally, good luck to all our Grand Finalists and see younext season, God willing.VAFA GRAND FINAL SELECTIONSTIPSTER A SECTION B SECTION D4 SECTIONBoardNick Bourke Old Xavs (35) Old Melb (25) Albert Park (6)Bruno Conti Old Xavs (58) Old Melb (38) Albert Park (7)Anthony Amad De La (15) Old Trinity (20) La Trobe Uni (26)Ross Booth Old Xavs (35) Old Melb (15) La Trobe Uni (5)Tom Brain Old Xavs (42) Old Melb (18) Albert Park (10)Davina Connors-Calhaem* Old Xavs (24) Old Melb (19) Albert Park (14)Ken Criswick Old Xavs (23) Old Melb (35) La Trobe Uni (8)Richard Evans De La (4) Old Trinity (3) La Trobe Uni (12)Michael Hazell* Old Xavs (14) Old Melb (21) Albert Park (21)Bruce Ivey* De La (7) Old Trinity (16) La Trobe (14)Bruce McTaggart Old Xavs (27) Old Melb (33 ) La Trobe Uni (16)Tim Merrett Old Xavs (25) Old Melb (17) Albert Park (5)David Scott Old Xavs (17) Old Melb (24 ) La Trobe Uni (8)Rick Sykes De La (1) Old Melb (28) Albert Park (10)George Voyage Old Xavs (28) Old Melb (17) La Trobe Uni (9)StaffMichael Sholly Old Xavs (28) Old Trinity (11) La Trobe Uni (2)Sue Anderson Old Xavs (10) Old Trinity (15) Albert Park (5)Jeremy Bourke De La (10) Old Melb (24) La Trobe Uni (23)Michael Fitzgerald Old Xavs (16) Old Trinity (3) Albert Park (4)Brian Goodman Old Xavs (23) Old Melb (29) Albert Park (11)Joe Morsello De La (32) Old Melb (27) La Trobe Uni (1)Jessica Ware De La (17) Old Trinity (27) La Trobe Uni (9)Web ColumnistsJonathan Horn De La (2) Old Trinity (33) La Trobe Uni (10)Max McGraw Old Xavs (43) Old Melb (21) La Trobe Uni (29)*tips generated by computer12 V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200913

Rupertswood took out the D1 flag in trademark style,downing the gallant Roys by 25 points in freakishweather at St Bernards, putting paid to the club’shitherto grand final hoodoo. Coach of the Year,Gavin Kerr guided his men to victory in a compellingdisplay of football smarts; the two-toned feet ofManton Medallist, Matt McPhee ran endlessly in theheat and bluster as Rupo used the switch to greateffect.Despite protracted celebrations over the weekend,Monday night’s Best and Fairest function at EtihadStadium was well attended; Whitefriar’s BrendanStafford a standout winner of the L. S. PepperMedal. With JJ Liston and All-Australian functionsrunning concurrently, Docklands was brimming withthe nation’s finest footballers, but still, I was gobsmackedwhen Aaron Sandilands hip-andshoulderedme fair and square for the last cab in therank (well okay, he fresh-aired me).And so we bid farewell to 2009, waving Prahran andBrendan Stafford (Whitefriars)D1 SECTIONby Di LangtonESL off to D2 for a bit ofR&R; Rupo and Fitzroy tomake their stamp on Cgrade. Next year wetraverse the bay asWilliamstown andPeninsula rejoin the fray; while the Bullants and theAshes will hope to consolidate on D1 turf. I thinkWerribee and the Friars might have something to sayabout that. And lookout for NOBSP.Have a happy and safe off-season, see you in 2010.Phone: (03) 9721 4700Fax: (03) 9721 4711LAST ROUND’S RESULTS – D1D1 SECTIONRUPERTSWOOD 4.9 7.10 10.17 12.18 (90)FITZROY 0.1 4.6 6.8 9.11 (65)RUPERTSWOOD: Goals: G. Phillips 3, L. Brennan 2, J. Pretty 2,T. West 2, J. Phillips, L. Spinner, D. Murphy. Best: M. McPhee,J. Plummer, D. McDonald, G. Phillips, L. Brennan, L. SpinnerFITZROY: Goals: M. Zika 2, R. Borland 2, D. Clark 2, M.MacKay, J. Taylor, O. Stoltz. Best: D. Clark, B. Atherton, C.Meighen, M. MacKay, M. Biggs, J. O'ReillyD1 SECTION RESERVENORTH OLD BOYS/ST PATS 0.0 2.2 3.3 8.8 (56)WHITEFRIARS 3.5 3.6 6.14 6.14 (50)NOBSP: Goals: M. Barker 4, D. Moloney, J. Weidner, J.Minenko, R. Allitt. Best: B. O'Halloran, J. Hunter, N. Evans, C.Le Maitre, M. Barker, D. MoloneyWHITEFRIARS: Goals: N. Crowe 2, C. McDonald 2, E. Abdallah,A. Baggoley. Best: D. Robson Long, C. McDonald, D.Arthurson, P. Celotti, L. Kaldor, B. Wilson.Find selected VAFAaction images of NightsCongratulations to our two award winners whopicked up big gongs at the VAFA Presentation Nightlast Monday. Shane Mackintosh was named Umpireof the Year and Jarryd Barry was named MostPromising Young Umpire. Well done boys – a greatyear for both of you.Last weekFinally it all comes down to this - the A, B and D4grade Grand Final weekend. All the hard work thatplayers, umpires, club officials and volunteers havedone this year will be showcased and celebratedover a cold one on Sunday night.Preparing earlyYoung Danny Lawlor was promoted to B grade justin the last few weeks of the home and away season,to say he was excited was an understatement.Getting dressed up on the Friday before the game hissister’s boyfriend asked him where he was going alldressed up, Danny’s answer was “B Grade”, Dannyyour answer should have been “just out tonight” butobviously the step up to the big leagues was at thefore front of your mind.Davidson againThis time it’s the Elder Davidson, Russell who hashad his share of motherly love at a game. Mrs.Davidson took offence at a game where Russ wasgetting advice from fellow spectators andcommenced a verbal stouch to prove her point. Tocomfort Russ in his time of need, after the gameMrs. Davidson produced hot chocolate and fairyUMPIRES CORNERby Steve McCarthy & Leah Gallagherbread at the after match forhim.Development SquadHave we seen the start of the Development squad forpoker on a Thursday night? Two young guns (underage)wereseen on Thursday night practicing theirskills with the cards, playing with chips and ofcourse the good old fashioned sledging of eachother. These two boys looking up to the big tablejust wishing and hoping that one day their time willcome and when it does they will still get more Acesthan AD.One for CamWith milestones been and gone Cam Davidsonwishes to acknowledge his really, really good 78thgame last week.Web siteIn the off-season keep up to date with all thingshappening at the umpires website. Log onto YouWe could not have written all this stuff throughoutthe year if it wasn’t for the support of a couple ofpeople. Thank you to two of our better supporters inCheryl and Susan. And a big special thank you toJess Ware at the VAFA for her patience as well.Monash Blues: VAFAUA Quality Assurance AwardRESPECT THE UMPIRE – RESPECT THE GAME!!14 V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009VTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200915

D2 SECTIONby Caillin O’ShannessyCongratulations to Williamstown CYMS on a sterlingeffort last Sunday which saw them win back to backpremierships, an enormous feat. It was a bit of anupset, as Peninsula Old Boys had been a consistentlybetter side throughout the season, and had beatenWilliamstown just two weeks before. But the CY’swere desperate and hungry and seemed to havesome unfinished business, which they certainly tookcare of down at Central Reserve last weekend.Williamstown started with the wind and really hit theground running, taking full advantage of the breeze.Peninsula also were looking sharp, and it was a veryhard fought contest that remained in the balance forthe first three quarters. At three quarter time,Peninsula was down by just two goals and the gamewas theirs for the taking as they had the wind behindthem. But as we all know, the wind will not do it foryou, and inaccuracy by the Pirates combined with aninspired three goals from Williamstown saw theunderdogs snatch victory and their secondpremiership in as manyyears. Ben Gray atoned forhis uncharacteristicallyquiet day when these twosides met in thepreliminary final by takingthe man of the match award in style. ShaunMcGuiness and Tim Wheeler were also good forWilliamstown on a day when you hate single anyoneout from a good team effort. Peninsula certainly didnot disgrace themselves, especially John Rombotiswho bagged five goals and had a day out on thebiggest of all stages. Robert Stainforth also steppedup and Stefan Barbour capped off a really goodseason with a spirited performance in the GrandFinal.Both these teams will be looking forward to thechallenges of next season, and no doubt will shakeup D1 league. Peninsula are a good side capable ofplaying finals again, while Williamstown will strive tomake history with back to back to back premierships.D2 welcome Prahran and Emmaus St Leos into thecompetition, as well as Bentleigh and St Mary’s whowill no doubt shake things up.Further congratulations must go to the Williamstownreserves side, who also defeated Peninsula Reservesto win the premiership.It has been a fantastic season in D2 and 2010 isintriguing and promises more drama and excitement.Stefan Barbour (Peninsula)LAST ROUND’S RESULTS – D2D2 SECTIONPENINSULA 2.2 6.5 9.10 9.18 (72)WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 6.4 8.5 12.5 15.9 (99)PENINSULA: Goals: J. Rombotis 5, M. Jackson 2, T. Coghlan,T. Scarpella. Best: J. Rombotis, R. Stainforth, S. Barbour, N.Fisher, T. Coghlan, C. CoyleWILLIAMSTOWN: Goals: W. Cooper 3, B. Gray 2, C. Elliott 2, T.Wheeler, M. Cini, J. Wong, F. Adamson, B. Lethborg, J. Tranter,J. Reid, C. Richards. Best: B. Gray, S. McGuinness, T. Wheeler,J. Wong, J. Tranter, W. CooperD2 SECTION RESERVEWILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 4.0 6.1 9.1 10.2 (62)PENINSULA 1.3 3.7 3.9 5.11 (41)WILLIAMSTOWN: Not providedPENINSULA: Not provided16 V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009Brendan Iezzi (Old Trinity)GT Moore Medal Winner

OLD MELBURNIANSCoach: M LovejoyAssistants: Erwin Leyden,Mick Carty, Russell GreeneB SECTION GRAND FINALSaturday at 2.15pm Sportscover ArenaOLD TRINITYCoach: Brett ChandlerAssistants: Gerard Sholly,Adam Andrews2 T Horne ..................................................................3 T Paule...................................................................4 N Morrison..............................................................5 J Freezer ................................................................7 H Turner (C) ...........................................................10 A Prowse ................................................................12 C Wilmoth...............................................................13 C Gardner ..............................................................14 E Wilson .................................................................15 S Greene (VC) .......................................................16 Ja Beaumont (VC)..................................................17 T Seccull.................................................................21 S Beaumont ...........................................................22 J Ray ......................................................................24 M Davis ..................................................................28 Je Beaumont ..........................................................30 J Miller ...................................................................34 W Harvey ...............................................................38 A Marangon............................................................42 G Lappin.................................................................43 M Hawkins..............................................................46 L Haralambous .......................................................51 M Kennon...............................................................67 S Playfair................................................................73 T Davis ...................................................................GB1 M Cole ..............................................................2 K Buttler............................................................3 A Bourke...........................................................4 B Walsh (C) ......................................................5 J Wise...............................................................6 H Banfield.........................................................7 B Iezzi (VC) ......................................................8 T Walsh ............................................................9 A Hore-Lacy......................................................10 J Osborn...........................................................12 A Cultrera .........................................................13 T Eckersley.......................................................14 R Troon.............................................................16 J Walsh.............................................................17 L Clarke ............................................................18 J Healy (VC).....................................................19 N Howell ...........................................................20 L Pacconi..........................................................21 T Howell ...........................................................22 T Chivers ..........................................................23 A Ramsden.......................................................24 N Hunt ..............................................................25 M Jessop ..........................................................28 J Gillies.............................................................29 T Healy .............................................................30 J Gibson ...........................................................31 C McCasker......................................................32 S Krakouer .......................................................33 J Aitken.............................................................34 J Kenna ............................................................39 J Burgess .........................................................44 J Hunt ...............................................................45 R Humann ........................................................47 B Wissenfeldt ...................................................GBTEAM1st 2nd 3rd 4th SirenOLD MELBOLD TRINITY

OLD XAVERIANSCoach: Simon LethleanAssistants: Andrew Brushfield,Andrew Gowers, Lex VasdekisA SECTION GRAND FINALSunday at 2.15pm Sportscover ArenaDE LA SALLECoach: David MadiganAsst: Mark Parker,Tony Morwood,Rob Bonnici1 N Bye................................................................2 C Santalucia .....................................................4 J A McDonnell...................................................6 A Oswald...........................................................7 N Serafini..........................................................8 T Fleming (C)....................................................9 D Lynch.............................................................10 A (James) Ryan ................................................11 L Howard ..........................................................12 A Bowen............................................................13 T Ruyg ..............................................................14 J Agius ..............................................................15 C Smith.............................................................16 B Rogerson.......................................................17 C Larkins...........................................................18 M Darvell...........................................................19 T Dynon ............................................................23 S Johnston .......................................................24 C Purss.............................................................26 N Wynne...........................................................29 M Handley.........................................................30 T Clarke ............................................................31 M Ball (VC) .......................................................32 O Gidley............................................................34 R Colbert...........................................................36 D Sapuppo........................................................37 N Dimattina.......................................................39 J Douglas..........................................................41 E Prowse ..........................................................43 T Woodruff ........................................................46 S Skidmore .......................................................53 J Mercuri...........................................................GB1 Ni Roberts....................................................2 J Oakley.......................................................3 B Corin ........................................................4 Na Roberts...................................................5 M Duggan ....................................................8 M Davidson..................................................9 J Moloney ....................................................10 D Lowe (C) ..................................................11 W Fenton .....................................................12 M Fieldsend .................................................13 J Gotch ........................................................14 J Phillips.......................................................15 D Hale..........................................................16 S Pickett.......................................................17 S Williams....................................................20 A Shields (VC) .............................................21 D Close........................................................22 J Vickers ......................................................24 J Morel........................................................26 S Nethersole................................................27 J Crowe........................................................29 L Harrison ....................................................30 B Mannix......................................................34 L Semmel.....................................................39 B Oakley ......................................................41 A Gileno .......................................................46 L Jarvis ........................................................52 T Moloney ....................................................54 M Nankervis.................................................61 C Kelliher .....................................................GBMAJOR SPONSORSTEAM1st 2nd 3rd 4th SirenOLD XAVDE LA SALLESPONSORMt Erica Hotel

LA TROBE UNIVERSITYCoach: Dean SheldrickAsst: Danny Edmunds,David Huffer,Andrew SutherlandD4 SECTION GRAND FINALSaturday at 2.15pm Trevor Barker OvalALBERT PARKCoach: Nathan Dallas1 D Conheady..........................................................2 J Mclean ...............................................................3 S Staunton............................................................5 S Adamthwaite......................................................6 J Conheady ..........................................................7 D Mcmaster ..........................................................8 B Van Ooi .............................................................9 M Steele ...............................................................13 T Ludeman ...........................................................14 S Patten................................................................17 A Ross ..................................................................18 G Bence................................................................22 D Farrell................................................................23 L Mcfadzean .........................................................24 S Skelton ..............................................................25 L Coffey ................................................................26 P Mccormack........................................................29 X Shiels ................................................................36 G Ganino ..............................................................42 B Vagg ..................................................................43 D Sheldrick ...........................................................83 A Knight ................................................................GB3 R. Baker...............................................................4 S. Allan ................................................................5 N. Dallas ..............................................................7 S. Venables .........................................................9 M. Hyams ............................................................12 Z. Roberts............................................................13 B. Payne ..............................................................14 S. Maunder ..........................................................17 S. Bennett............................................................18 G. Ellul .................................................................23 A. Snowden .........................................................24 O. Winchester......................................................26 B. Little.................................................................27 W. McIndoe..........................................................29 T. Shannon ..........................................................31 J. Holz..................................................................37 T. King..................................................................39 J. Hannett ............................................................42 J. Kane ................................................................48 T. Tiller .................................................................49 D. Cato ................................................................51 M. Brown .............................................................54 T. Wilson ..............................................................57 J. Sutton ..............................................................60 L. Brown ..............................................................61 R. Hayes..............................................................67 S. Hayes ..............................................................80 A. McGill ..............................................................97 J. Lampard...........................................................99 B. Murnane ..........................................................GBTEAM1st 2nd 3rd 4th SirenLA TROBEALBERT PARK

D3 SECTIONby Stephen ClarkeRoger McIntyre (MHSOB)LS Zachariah Medal WinnerOur competition closed on what was one of the mostbizarre days of weather Melbourne has witnessed in earlySeptember. Gale force winds and hot temperatures werethe order of the day and Scammell became brutal.Bentleigh were blessed with the extended rest and wouldhave liked to know that St Mary’s Salesian were backing upafter hard games in both weeks of the finals. Howevergiven the conditions the side that converted best herewould have the final laughs and pre game it was very tensein both camps.Bentleigh started with a win of the toss and kicked with agood 5 goal breeze that would continually change directionand make field kicking dreadfully difficult. Their return offour goals in the opening stanza would prove outstanding.Both Luke Forrest and James Roberston were able to getfive goals between them and it just shows the beauty of theside. Along with Chris Sharp the trio scored well over 120goals for the season. Muliple options. No wonder LexMunro is confident each week as these experience playerscan deliver and contribute to a winning score so often.The underdogs did mount their first challenge in thesecond quarter through the Hills in Marc and Darren. Bothplayers lead this side with the heart and ability to scoregoals from contests. A nine point half time lead was asensational result for them in such conditions. They tooktheir chances this quarter and remained very physical withtheir fancied opponent. It has to be noted that Bentleighcan not be given space and on such a ground if you do thatyou encourage them to run and handball more and more.The ‘one on one’ defence is the only real option and to forceas many stoppages as possible toward the boundary.The third term was fiery and really honest football.Bentleigh were able to get the ball forward too often andhad many scoring shots. A return of three goals tenbehinds showed their dominance. The lead seemedslender, only eleven points with SMS to come home withthe breeze. But of course, coach Munro possibly wantedthe scenario. Knowing his side were full of legs andconfidence he challenged their ranking and asked them toremain composed and business like. A four goal last termin such a breeze was unthinkable but they did it and raisedthe cup accordingly. Daniel Wills had a great Grand Finaland final month of the season amassing countlesspossessions and enjoying the ultimate success winning aflag and best on ground.Both sides should prosper in Section D2 where they havebeen before. Our section welcomes Yarra Valley and OldIvanhoe next year from that grade which should beinteresting given Yarra Valley have endured a really toughfew seasons and not had many wins at all in high grades.VTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009Albert Park, Latrobe and Kewadd to a classic collective nextseason from D4 at the expenseof Monash Gryphons. Latrobeonly went south for one season and have improved andshould do with another summer under their belts. The‘Rats are a high scoring side whilst Kew have someexperience mixed with exciting youth.Our first ever twelve team competition in 2010 will be abeauty and we wish all participants a great summer andpreparation.Matt Collins (Hawthorn)LAST ROUND’S RESULTS – D3D3 SECTIONBENTLEIGH 4.9 6.10 9.20 13.23 (101)ST MARY'S SALESIAN 2.1 7.13 8.15 10.18 (78)BENTLEIGH: Goals: L. Forrest 3, J. Robertson 2, B. Aiken 2, A.Banks, C. Fidler, L. Morrison, L. Tangas, P. Magnifico, C.Feddersen. Best: L. Forrest, D. Wills, L. Holmesby, C.Feddersen, M. Ferris, L. TangasST MARY'S SAL: Goals: M. Hill 3, D. Hill 2, B. Gatehouse, S.Stevens, A. Dwyer, M. Purcell, R. Stevens. Best: J. Fisher, C.Rose, A. Bonnici, D. Hill, L. Kelly, A. DwyerD3 SECTION RESERVEBENTLEIGH 2.2 9.5 10.6 12.8 (80)POWER HOUSE 2.2 2.3 8.5 8.7 (55)BENTLEIGH: Goals: K. Rodwell 5, B. Hunt 2, A. West 2, R.Fishlock, S. Francis, T. Dale. Best: R. Fishlock, A. Ferris, S.Francis, B. Padgham, K. Rodwell, A. WestPOWER HOUSE: Goals: M. Bull 2, M. Leahy 2, M. Verberne, D.Maloney, J. Riley, M. Spiliotalopoulos. Best: W. Elliott, D.Maloney, R. MacUmber, J. McCarthy, M. Treeby, M.Spiliotalopoulos.17

5 YEARS AGO – 2004Uni Blues met St Bernards in the A Section Grand Final,starting favourites but expecting plenty of opposition from avery determined St Bernards line-up. Both the Blues and StBernards had won two A Section premierships to date but theBlues had many more opportunities having been runners-up inthe top section on no fewer than eight occasions. St Bernardshad run second in A Section four times. The game opened at afurious pace but Blues had the advantage at the first break with5.1 to 3.3. In the second quarter the Blues smaller players ranriot and their forwards were also decidedly dangerous while StBernards' normal strengths were not as obvious; 8.3 to 0.2 forthe term really decided the game. St Bernards reduced theBlues lead minutely in the third term before the Blues coastedto their third A Grade pennant, 18.13 to 7.13. Best layers –Hayter, Clark (5), Torney (4), J K Brooke, Penny, Paterson(Blues) and Clarke, Keunen, B Jordan, N Mitchell (3),McIntyre, Blunt (St Bernards). The premiership line-up asselected –B: T McKinnon J Hayter C RoydhouseHB: C Penny L North J BrookeC: M Torney M Paterson J ScamblerHF: H Nailon G DeCrespigny R YoungF: E Clarke A Lowcock T WilcoxR: T Muhlebach M Kordick Q Gleeson (Capt)I/C: P Steele, A Solly, D Guengerich, L FishleyCoach: John KanisEd Clark (Uni Blues) won the Jock Nelson Medal for his Beston Ground performance.In B Section St Kevins confirmed their status as the mostconsistent team in their grade with a comfortable 16.8 to 12.7victory over Collegians. A five goal opening quarter bySKOBS was the main difference as Collegians only scored onemajor in the first term. Best players – Simpson, Mulgrew (5),Crohan, Perrett, Rombotis, L Mahoney (SKOBS) andHarrison, Weekes, Jorgenson (3), B Holst, C Holst,Davidson (Collegians). T Simpson won the Ian CordnerMedal for his best on ground performance in the Grand final.Quentin Gleeson of University Blues won the J N WoodrowMedal for the A Section Best and Fairest. David Biggs of OldEssendon took the G T Moore Medal for B Section. JamesGerstman of Old Scotch was the leading A Section goalscorer (64) and M A Luxon of Old Ivanhoe won the B Sectionaward with 50 goals.10 YEARS AGO – 1999The VAFA Section Best and Fairest winners were A Section. . . Retrospectiveby Geoff Reilley– David Waters (Marcellin);B Section – AndrewRamsden (Old Trinity); CSection – Steven Buckle (StLeos Emmaus); D Section –Adam Anderson (MonashBlues); E Blue Section –Stephen Koppens (St Johns); E White Section – AdamCannane (West Brunswick) and F Section Terence Fulton(Brunswick).Old Xaverians established a VAFA record of five A Sectionsenior premierships in five years when they defeated OldMelburnians 22.14 to 13.17 in the Grand Final. Only the greatUniversity Blacks teams of the thirties and forties could layclaim to more successive A Section flags (six) but they hadbeen punctuated by the war years of 1940 to 1945 when therewas no competition. The previous record of four successivepremiership years in A Section had been held by Old Scotch1931 -1934 and Ormond 1987 to 1990.The Xavs had gained the ascendancy by half time with a fourgoal lead but then blew OM’s out of the water with eight goalsto two in the third quarter. OM’s salvaged some pride in thefinal quarter with eight goals but Xavs also scored six majorsfor a comprehensive victory. Best players – Bourke (8),Bowen, Cranage, Wood, Stoney, Blood (OX) and Eabry,Kennedy, Lovett, Topakas (4), Holme, S Theodore (OM’s).The Xavs lined-up as follows –B: S Lethlean D Stoney D LandriganHB: R Coughlan C Kelly J HawkinsC: J Bowen B Cranage A DillonHF: T Woodruff A Jones D RennexF: T Fleming M Bourke D RichardsonR: M Blood (C) S Wood R DillonI/C: B Coughlan B Hilbert S TuckerCoach: Tim O’ShaughnessyMatt Bourke won the Jock Nelson Medal for his Best onGround performance.Old Trinity recorded their fifth B Section premiership since1974 with a convincing 13.9 to 7.12 win over MHSOB andtheir opening quarter of 6.4 to 0.2 clearly did the damage. Bestplayers – R Phillips, S Kennedy, D Burrows, Sutcliffe,Stickland (6), Balaszy (OT) and Cassell, Skinner, Bamert,McIntyre, Woodley (5), McCully (MHSOB).In the delayed D Section Grand Final, due to the Jewish NewYear, AJAX defeated Bulleen Templestowe 22.19 to 17.14 ina highly entertaining game. (Apologies to AJAX for incorrectlyprinting the prelim final result as a grand final in last week’srecord – GR). The AJAX premiership line-up was as follows –B: M Dudakov Y Rapaport A KrongoldHB: C Cohen A Kalinski M WeislerC: B Duzenman M Halphen (C) J WrobelHF: A Freund B Davis D MarksF: M Rajch A Rosen B GoldbergRuck: L Levin D Gelbart J SegalCoach: Rick Marks20 YEARS AGO – 1989It was a very typical, windy day at Elsternwick Park for the ASection Grand Final between Ormond and Collegians withOrmond aiming to win their third successive A SectionPremiership. Collegians had first use of the strong wind butcould only manage 2.4 to Ormond’s 1.1 with the Ormonddefence handling the conditions superbly, aided by theirstrong running on-ballers. Ormond with 7.3 to Collegians’ 1.1in the second term all but secured the game with Connell,Brown, Clarkson and Gilmore stand outs for the Monds.With Pollock, Hoyle, Galbraith and Wallace working hard,Collegians made slightly better use of the wind in the thirdterm with 3.4 to 0.3 but it seemed an impossible task withOrmond 11 points up and with the wind at their backs in thefinal quarter. Collegians managed 3 goals in the final term butit was all Ormond with 9.5 who deservedly won the flag 17.11to 9.11 in a power display. Best players – McCooke, BConnell (3), Clarkson, Brown, Gilmore, P McDonald(Ormond) and Pollock, Hoyle, Wallace, J Schmidt, Ingleton(3), Galbraith (Collegians). It was a great day for theOrmond Club as their Reserves also powered to a 7.18 to 3.19victory over Collegians. The Ormond senior line-up was asfollows –B: A Best T Hille M BrownHB: M Gilmore M McDonald D McDonaldC: J Clarkson Kingston RussellHF: N Cox S Taylor TobinF: S McCooke P Schuhkraft B ConnellRuck: P McDonald A Jobling P CoxI/C: S Grace P ForsythCoach: Mike McArthur-AllenIn the B Section Grand Final, De La Salle had little difficultyovercoming Therry CCOB’s challenge and won comfortably22.17 to 10.10. De La took the early advantage with the windbut Therry trailed by only 3 points at half time. The secondhalf saw De La really take over as their running playersswarmed from defence to create numerous opportunities fortheir goal scorers. Best players – Knuppel, Ronchi, Lowe,Mullins, Mannix, Dwyer (DLS) and Bosanko (5),Biddlestone, Quinn, Matton, Castaldi, Reddick (Therry).This was De La Salle’s second B Section flag.30 YEARS AGO - 1979De La Salle won their second A Section premiership after aslow start against University Blues. De La took the lead byhalf time and did not relinquish the advantage with a finalscore of 17.15 to 12.10. Best players – M Green, Donegan,Nugent, Ruffolo (5), Callery (4), Dunn (De La Salle) andCarey, Kaufman, Holt, Bedford, Karvelis (5), Trumble(Uni Blues).After a blistering start in B Section with a quarter timeadvantage of 7.5, AJAX faced Marcellin’s fight back butretained a 7 point lead at half time. AJAX forged ahead againin the third term and held on to win 13.14 to 11.20. Bestplayers – Kalmus (3), Bromberg, Schulberg, Zemski, MRitterman, H Ritterman (AJAX) and P Gartner, Butler, PDillon, Dennig, Aloisio, Cooper (Marcellin).40 YEARS AGO – 1969In the A Section Grand final, Ormond gained an earlyadvantage with a five goal to three lead at quarter time. Itbecame a torrid affair, not totally devoid of incidents, andCoburg had taken the lead by 5 points at half time. Ormondtook advantage of the breeze again in the third term to set upa solid buffer going into the last quarter but Coburg weredetermined in their quest for their first A Section flag andstepped up in the last term to win the L A Adamson Cup 13.17to 12.12.In B Section, it was a very close checking and tight gamethroughout between Ivanhoe and De La Salle. De La wereahead by a solitary point at half time, relinquished the lead inthe third term and could not make up the difference withIvanhoe victorious 13.15 to 10.12.Norm Beattie of Coburg won the J N Woodrow Trophy forthe Fairest and Best player in A Section. D J Mullin (Kew)and T Brown (Old Geelong Grammarians) won the trophiesin B and C Section respectively.50 YEARS AGO – 1959For the second successive season, Old Scotch and Collegiansfought out the A Section Grand Final at Olympic Park (thethird Grand Final running at Olympic Park). It was anotherexcellent contest between these strong rivals and the first halfwas evenly contested with Old Scotch 1 point ahead at themain interval. Collegians were devastating in the third termand although Old Scotch fought back gamely, they wereunable to bridge the gap with Collegians winning their thirdsuccessive A Section premiership 14.12 to 11.8. A recentdiscussion with one of the main combatants, Manson Russel,Captain of Old Scotch in 1959, resulted in Mansongraciously confirming that the better team won on the day.Manson hastened to add that he did not think this was thecase the previous season!Commonwealth Bank were defeated by Old Melburniansin the B Section Grand Final 11.8 to 8.9 with both teamsearning the right to elevation to A Section for the ensuingseason.Max Rush was the leading A Section goal kicker with 60goals and K L O’Brien won the award for Coburg in BSection.18 V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009VTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200919

What an awesome year we have seen in D4 this season.We have witnessed a century of goals to Attila Yaman,the rise of Richmond Central, the improvement at NorthBrunswick with a star uncovered, the continuingdevelopment of South Mornington, and of course, ourtop three sides promoted. Last night at Etihad Stadiumoutstanding Albert Park onballer/forward StuartMaunder was crowned as the premier player in thecompetition. With 52 goals from only 14 matches, heagain showed his importance to the Falcons with threegoals on the weekend, and he and his side will belooking forward to adding one more piece of silverworkto their mantle on Saturday.Last Sunday began well with an enthralling curtain raiserbetween Kew and North Brunswick. Brad Robertsongave the green and gold an early edge, providing someclass around goal, until Tim Ellis started to find thefootball and gave the spark for Kew to dominate thesecond quarter. In the third Dave Pizzari started toassert presence on the contest, and North graduallyedged back and hit the lead until a last minute goal fromChris Robinson shifted the momentum back to theBears. In the last Kew continued this momentum withfour unanswered goals, surging into the decider, theirfifth in recent years.Despite creating a day’s less rest for the winner Iimagine both sides would have preferred the slightlymuggy, cool conditions on Sunday to the blustery heatof Saturday. The Falcons hit their straps early, kickingthe first three goals into a slight breeze, and despite aKew rally, maintaining that lead into the first break. TomKing and Brendan Murnane were looking dangerous,and Stephen Bennett was winning a large proportion ofthe contested ball. In the second they stretched this leadby two goals, and at half time, with a five goal lead, werewell poised to move into the grand final. In the thirdhowever Stephen Duke, and Heath McDermott lifted theBears, who were missing key ruckman Greg Bell, andmanaged to edge back into the contest, however thewind picked up, blowing across the ground, makingconversion far more difficult and the Bears could onlyedge one goal closer. In the last Albert Park, managed toregain their five goal buffer and march into the GrandTODAY’S D4 SECTION MATCHESGrand Final (Team Lists Centre Spread)La Trobe Uni v Albert ParkSaturday at 2.15pm Trevor Barker OvalD4 SECTIONby Duncan PalmerFinal. Ten goals to the King/Maunder combinationwould have set a little bit oftrepidation in the watchingUniversity cohort,. Commiserationsto Kew, but Iimagine despite the disappointment, they would be verypleased to be returning to D3.Finals PreviewsReserve Grand FinalLaTrobe University V KewDespite a stellar season, with a clear advantage over therest of the competition LaTrobe University possibly havethe unexpected position of underdogs as they meet ared-hot Kew combination that had a big win over thestudents last time they met. Tim Ellis is in great form forthe Bears, and their height will trouble the smaller unioutfit. If James Hoseason and Chris Robinson can getenough of the football the game will be there for Kew’staking. LaTrobe, like their seniors, run the ball well, andwith good weather predicted for Saturday, the ilk of theclassy Justin Lania and leading goal-kicker Adam Gillwill lead LaTrobe’s charge. In a nailbiter, I will back thefresher legs of the Students to favour them in the heatof finals football and give them a 9 point win.Senior Grand FinalLatrobe University v Albert ParkThat one day in September, the ultimate football goal,the Grand Final, the Flag; on Saturday at Sandringhameither LaTrobe Uni or Albert Park will carry away thepremiership cup. All meetings this year have been closebetween the two sides, with LaTrobe holding a slightadvantage. In the two games the students have wonagainst the Falcons, it has been one dazzling quarter,that has enabled them to take the points. Both sideshave fantastic onballers and power forwards. AlbertPark are certainly slightly taller, but LaTrobe may havethe edge in pace. The match-up of competition best andfairest winner Stuart Maunder and the hard tacklingJoseph Conheady looks to be a pivotal one, as Latrobewill need to restrict Maunder’s damaging forwardTODAY’S D4 RESERVE MATCHESGrand FinalLa Trobe Uni v KewSaturday at 11.30am Trevor Barker Ovalforays. Elsewhere, Stuart Patten and Lachlan Brownwill battle it out, and with Patten so crucial to the uni’sscoring ability, Brown will need to be at the top of hisgame. Leigh Coffey and Geremie Ganino will test theFalcon’s for pace, however will also need to be at theirbest defensively as Albert Park are renowned for theircreativity from the back half. Murnane, Allan and Kingwill cause plenty of defensive headaches for theStudents, but on the often windswept Trevor BarkerOval, their marking ability may be negated somewhat. Ihave been unsure all season on the better side betweenthese two, and the either side will be a deserved winner.I think the momentum gained by the Falcons last weekwill help them seize their first flag by 3 points withNathan Dallas dobbing one from the dead pocket in thedying seconds.Stuart Maunder (Albert Park)LAST ROUND’S RESULTS – D4D4 SECTIONALBERT PARK 6.2 10.2 11.8 14.13 (97)KEW 3.3 5.3 7.4 9.4 (58)ALBERT PARK: Goals: B. Murnane 6, T. King 4, S. Maunder 3, S.Allan. Best: T. King, B. Murnane, L. Brown, S. Bennett, S. Hayes,T. WilsonKEW: Goals: H. McDermott 2, C. Horne 2, B. Cullen, J. Fultheim,B. Roberts, S. Duke, J. Koschitzke. Best: H. McDermott, S. Duke,A. Hawking, S. Ryan, P. Rees, J. FultheimD4 SECTION RESERVENORTH BRUNSWICK 3.2 4.4 8.10 8.14 (62)KEW 2.2 6.6 9.10 12.14 (86)NTH BRUNSWICK: Goals: B. Robertson 4, J. Dimarco 2, D.Briffa, A. Makarucha. Best: J. Boudoloh, A. Cooper, D. Allan, J.Dimarco, D. Pizzari, N. Alsop.KEW: Not provided.D4 SECTION RESERVEGRAND FINALLA TROBE UNI VKEWCoach: Theo StaiosTeam Manager: Ben Grant4. Tim Mullholland ...................15. Joshua Micallef ...................21. Joseph Brooks ....................28. Justin Lania.........................31. Adam Gill.............................32. Jason Mercuri......................33. Patrick Barry........................34. Matthew Vella......................35. Nathan Johns......................37. Kyle Taylor...........................38. Jacob Mildren......................39. Ming Yang ...........................40. Alex Mann ...........................41. Gus Walsgott.......................44. Reuben Dare.......................46. Ben Westaway ....................47. Craig Body ..........................50. John McGuiness .................51. Michael Correnti..................54. Adam Hughes .....................55. Timothy Henderson.............56. Kristan Jeffrey .....................63. Simon Marchitto ..................70. John Dumaresq...................78. Cameron Dodd....................88. Brett Tonkin .........................89. Ali Samie.............................Coach: Corey Wilson2 Wilson. C ......................9 Robinson. C..................13 Makris. A.......................17 Hoseason. J..................26 Symes. S ......................31 Abbott. D.......................37 Kelly. A..........................38 Orr. L.............................39 Donaldson. P ................41 Naughton. M .................42 Norman. S ....................43 Chivers. M (RC)............44 Crimmins. G..................48 Ross. M ........................49 Dessent. J.....................50 King. L ..........................51 Ellis. T...........................52 Berry. D.........................55 Youssef. A.....................56 O'Connor. J...................57 Wilson. L.......................60 McFadries. J .................61 Glenn. M .......................65 Martin. L........................66 McGrane. B ..................69 Ziemer. J.......................70 Frith. T ..........................Cannon Toyota473 Lower Heidelberg Rd, HeidelbergSaturday at 11.30am at Trevor Barker Oval1/4 TIME 1/2 TIME 3/4 TIME FINAL20 V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200921GBHarp of Erin Hotel636 High St, KewGB

Building or Renovating?Building ContractsAre you negotiating a contract?Are your plans and specifications finalised?Is construction due to start?Building DisputesAre payments overdue?Has construction come to a halt?Is Court the next step?Rigby Cooke LawyersBuilding law specialistsStraightforward adviceCost effectiveJoey’s JargonThe wind and some partly un - seasonal warmth greetedthe Krushers and the Snow dogs on the last day of theU18 season for 09 with the bookies having the Krushersa firming favourite, and given their outstanding seasonthey were the side to beat. This proved to be the casewith the Oakleigh Krushers Under 18 doing what theirSeniors and Reserves could not and win the inauguralUnder 18 premiership by 44 points against a StBernards side who was certainly not disgraced andshould be proud of their fantastic season. At the end ofthe day the Krushers deserved their premiership,dropping only one match to the once highly fanciedNorthern Bullants.The Snow dogs began well as they have doneconsistently of late and for the most part took it up tothe Oaks but the Krushers put the foot down in the laststanza with Valentini showing his worth culminating inthe league Best and Fairest last Monday night. TsoucalasUnder 18sby Joe Morsellocontinued his good seasonwith the goal sneak dobbing 5goals in a top finalsperformance in windyconditions. For St Bernards the “Team of the Year”Sullivan lads finished where they left off a few monthsago trying their best for their club.LAST ROUND’S RESULTS – U18OAKLEIGH 2.0 5.3 7.5 12.13 (85)ST BERNARDS 2.2 3.3 4.5 6.5 (41)OAKLEIGH: Goals: P. Tsoucalas 5, R. Jetta 3, A.Matthieson 2, T. Costigan, L. Morin. Best: A. Valentini,G. Irons, B. Hogan, J. Pappon, D. Tunik, A. MatthiesonST BERNARDS: Goals: J. Pignataro 2, S. Jones 2, J.White, B. Cooper. Best: S. Caven, T. Sullivan, K. Farrell,B. Cooper, N. Schultz, L. Sullivan.Contact:Andrew Whitelaw PartnerBuilding and Construction Team03 9321 13, 469 La Trobe Street,Melbourne VIC MENTONIANSʼFOOTBALL CLUBVAFA D1 Section 2010Invite Applications for the following positions:SENIOR COACHRESERVES COACHU19 COACHApplications should be emailed to theOMFC <strong>Football</strong> Management Committee 0414 806 338Applications close onFriday October 2nd 2009.Old Paradians AFCRequire an Under18’s Coach for Season2010Applicants will need to have a passion forcoaching and mentoring young men with theview to developing players into Seniorfootballers in the years to come.Coaching accreditation to at least Level One isrequired and remuneration is negotiable withthe right candidate.As this will be the Old Paradians AFC inauguralUnder 18 team, this is a great opportunity forthe successful applicant to be part of a new erain the history of the football club.Applicants are invited to forward theirapplications to:Paul GregorUnder 18 CoordinatorOld Paradians AFCEmail: 0417 131 016Applications close 9th October 200922 V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009VTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200923

Under 19 PremierGrand Final ReviewI was having an argument with a mate the other day about theband Kiss. With both of us being children of the 70’s we grewup swapping Kiss cards when footy cards were out of seasonand using our cricket bats to stage Kiss concerts for ourparents when it wasn’t cricket season. Aside from him beinga scumbag Collingwood supporter we pretty much agreed onall things from Ace being the greatest guitar player on Earthto CHIPS being the best television show ever. The argumentthough stems from the fact that he thinks Unmasked wastheir best album where I say it has to be Dynasty.What does this have to do with the U19 Premier footy? Wellafter winning 4 of the last 6 Premier flags you may say De LaSalle (Blues) have become the De La Salle Dynasty, and as Itake a glance at sections further up the tree it looks to behaving an effect on a world formerly ruled by a Black and RedDynasty but we’ll leave that for Fitzy.If you were at Central Reserves last Saturday before OldXavarians and De La ran out you would have been thinkingthat the showcase game would be played at the end beingfavoured by the 6-7 goal gale and when I saw Stephen Mullerstrolling toward the Southern goal square I thought I’d takethe opportunity and set up in the forward pocket and enjoythe goal scoring show. It didn’t happen the way I and I’m surefans of the Blue and Gold thought it would. While the windwas making life very tough for the Claret and Stout to headforward De La couldn’t work out how to direct their forwardthrusts through the big sticks and when Xavs kicked their firstmajor while De La were only 3 behinds eye brows wereraised. Running the ball into the wind has always been theticket if you are to score against it and Xavs were doing it well,starting back deep in defence Buckley would give off toMoylan who would in turn spot up Grigg or Woods and Xavswould be away and while De La had plenty of opportunities tokill the contest early kicking 2 goals 7, Old Xav’s score of 2goals 3 handed the Black and Red the psychological edge atthe first break knowing it was their turn to use the wind next.De La coach Jon Edgar had reminded his charges that it wastheir turn to run the ball into the wind and that this is whatthey do best. When the players took position to start thesecond quarter many punters thought that the De La coachwas worried and may have lost the plot. Why else would heput the comps leading goal kicker at full back against anotherone of the comps power forwards in Dan Noonan. The planworked a treat as once again the side kicking with the windseemed to have more trouble pinpointing passes inside theforward zone while shots on goal regularly sailed wide. WithBonnadio dominating the airspace around the ground and atground level Ed Clinch, Shane Griffin and Jordan PollardU19 SECTIONSby Ross Mitchell (U19 Premier), Damien Ractliffe (U19 North 1 & 2),Justin Waldron (U19 South 1 & 2)getting busy De La were able to finda reliable avenue to goal in ZacDickinson and went to the sheds athalf time maintaining their slim lead.The mercury wasn’t the only thingheating up in the third quarter as DeLa, again with the wind now setabout extending their lead. Withpasses now hitting their intendedtargets the De La mids began to findforwards at will and the lead headedout to 34 points by the end of theterm.In his last address to his side for theyear Dino Dippierdomenico remindedhis charges that they now couldenjoy the benefit of the breeze and to attack, attack, attack! Apumped Xavs headed out to see Muller again at the end wherehe had in the previous quarter kicked 3 goals now cast in therole as full back and the space in front of Noonan againguarded by Tyson Hunt back from injury after missing thePrelim against Uni Blues. The Black and Red machine weredesperate and peppered the forward arc but time and againClose, Carroll and Collins were able to spoil, handball aroundtheir opponents and clear the ball from danger with onlyenough time to reset and go at it again and when the goalsstarted coming for Xavs it was too little too late as De La Salleran out winners by 40 points. Congratulations to Shane Griffin#6 for De La who was judged best a field by the umpires whoby the way were superb.Thanks to all the coaches who helped me put together myarticles this year and with another little one to arrive in the offseason and a footy club to run I’ll have to make this my last.Cheers, hope to see you at the VAFA footy!Under 19 North 1 and 2DAMO’S BALLGrand Final Review - North 1Winning the minor premiership doesn’t always guarantee theultimate success, but Old Camberwell capped off a greatseason with a massive win in the big one. A strong fast brandof football was played after quarter time, and the challengersOld Essendon had no answers, as the Wellers ran out victorsby 86 points. Sam Killworth took out the goal kickinghonours, finishing with 7 majors and a best on groundperformance, whilst opposition sharp shooter Lain Genovesifinished with 3. Ravanello was competitive all day for theBombers, but the Wellers were too good on the day,convincing premiers as they move to Premier league for2010.Ross MitchellDamien RactliffeJustin WaldronGrand Final Review - North 2With everything on the line, Therry took the underdog statuswith pleasure, pushing out to a small lead at quarter time. Anexperienced Old Geelong team bounced back in the second,and played a brand of footy we’ve seen all year from the minorpremiers, as they snatched back the lead before the mainbreak. A tough fighting third quarter had the Lions withinstriking distance, but a dominant display from best a fieldCallum Wood secured the Cats for the North 2 premiership.Mark Valenti was superb all day for the maroon, blue and gold,along with Brenton Egglestone and Hayden Farrelly. OldGeelong now move up to North 1 in 2010 to challenge for theultimate once more.2010 PreviewCheers for an awesome year. Old Camberwell and Old Geelongwere definitely deserving winners which will see them up agrade for 2010. We would expect Old Essendon and Therry tobe pushing for there respecting premierships once more,along with all the other teams in 2010.Under 19 South 1 and 2South 1Review Grand Final: Old Melburnians vs. Old BrightonWell it was inevitable this one as the Old Melburnians cappedtheir terrific season off with the ultimate reward as they ran outPremiership winners by 34 points in a tight encounter beforea last quarter blow out by the flag favourites.I tipped the difference to be L.Bennett and the lad didn’t let medown as he jagged 6 of the very best in what was a memorableday for the 22 blokes that were involved. S. Dunell, P. May, H.Webb, A. Carter and J. Macciolli were among the teams bestbut it really was a huge team performance across the board.Well done to a well deserving Old Melburnian outfit as they arethe title winners of the 2009 South 1 Premiership, may thebeers go down sweetly lads you have earnt it.South 2Review Grand Final: Hampton Rovers vs. Old MentoniansWell I got this one wrong and rightfully so as I congratulateThe Hampton Rovers for becoming the South 2 Premiers inseason 2009. The Rovers deservingly ran out 31 point victorsin what was a tough fierce battle with immense intensity wherenot one player took a backward step.As I expected it was down to which forwards on which sidewould fire and it was the Hampton forwards led by N. Fallonwho jagged 6, J. Goss who snagged 4 and M. Innes who snuckin 3 of the very best. A terrific spread of goal kickers.Solid games from E. Turner, B. Culvenor and N. Hoban helpedthe Rovers on their marry way but in reality I could havenamed the entire Hampton outfit as each Rover attacked theball ferociously and never once shirked the issue of puttingtheir heads over the ball.Congratulations to the Hampton Rovers, the 2009 South 2Premiers. Enjoy the Brew ski’s boys you have more then earntthem.LAST ROUND’S RESULTS – UNDER 19U19 PREMIEROLD XAVERIANS 2.2 4.3 6.4 9.4 (58)DE LA SALLE 2.7 4.10 10.14 14.14 (98)OLD XAVERIANS: Goals: R. Johnson 4, D. Noonan 2, S. Cross,J. Stean, J. Davies. Best: J. Moylan, S. Cross, E. Lachal, C.Sanfilippo, J. Hodgman, J. DaviesDE LA SALLE: Goals: Z. Dickinson 4, S. Muller 4, T. Parker, S.Griffin, A. Bonaddio, M. De Luca, A. Kneebone, E. Espinosa.Best: S. Griffin, S. Muller, Z. Dickinson, T. Hunt, B. Close, A.BonaddioU19 SOUTH 1OLD MELBURNIANS 6.7 8.2 13.7 17.11 (113)OLD BRIGHTON 1.2 7.3 10.6 12.7 (79)OLD MELB: Goals: L. Bennett 6, A. Carter 2, A. Armstrong, M.Marangon, C. Wischer, T. Healey, S. Quennell, P. May, H. Jupp,W. Hatfield, T. Hywood. Best: S. Dunell, L. Bennett, P. May, H.Webb, A. Carter, J. MacciolliOLD BRIGHTON: Goals: W. Pickering 6, J. Pickering 2, J. Davis2, P. Healey, C. Reilly. Best: W. Pickering, J. Pickering, T. Mariani,J. Davis, S. Walker, P. HealeyU19 NORTH 1OLD CAMBERWELL 3.8 9.13 12.15 19.19 (133)OLD ESSENDON 2.1 3.4 6.8 6.11 (47)OLD CAMBERWELL: Goals: S. Killworth 7, D. Mitchell 2, P.Bennett 2, N. Latsas 2, S. Romanin, R. Deev, S. Bennett, C. Bell,S. Riley, H. Brown. Best: B. Hart, C. Bell, S. Killworth, S. Harris,D. Mitchell, S. BennettOLD ESSENDON: Goals: L. Genovesi 3, T. Wilson 2, D. Gioutsos.Best: M. Ravanello, R. Troost, B. McCann, D. Gioutsos, T.Wilson, S. DrysdaleU19 NORTH 2OLD GEELONG BLACKS 3.1 8.3 10.5 15.9 (99)THERRY PENOLA 4.1 5.3 7.8 9.9 (63)OGS/BLACKS: Goals: C. Wood 4, S. Nieward 2, A. Price 2, W.Dungey, M. Moffatt, B. Skelton, R. Officer, D. Andrew, J. Foster.Best: C. Wood, D. Andrew, S. Kent, N. O'Hare, J. Forster, J.MerrinTHERRY PENOLA: Goals: L. Milanovic 2, R. Forbes, D. Valentino,A. Dimaio, W. Dean, H. Farrelly, L. McNamara, J. Cannatelli.Best: M. Valenti, B. Egglestone, H. Farrelly, D. Leroy, W. Forde, L.MilanovicU19 SOUTH 2HAMPTON ROVERS 1.4 7.5 15.7 19.11 (125)OLD MENTONIANS 4.2 9.3 9.4 15.4 (94)HAMPTON ROVERS: Goals: N. Fallon 6, J. Goss 4, M. Innes 3, E.Turner 3, Z. Lewis, T. Youl, B. Culvenor. Best: E. Turner, B.Culvenor, N. Hoban, N. Fallon, R. Johnston, J. LovigOLD MENTONIANS: Goals: M. Campbell 5, J. Kay 4, D. Hull 2, J.Lumsden, W. Bardoel, D. Brown, S. Johnson. Best: J. Kay, M.Campbell, S. Johnson, M. Myers Snyders, N. Boyd, D. Brown.VAFA: PO Box 359,Elsternwick, 3185.Ph: 9537 6777 Fax: 9531 V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200925

WHITEFRIARS OLD COLLEGIANSFOOTBALL CLUB INC.(<strong>Victorian</strong> <strong>Amateur</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Association</strong>)Applications are invited for the positions of Coach andAssistant Coaches for the following teams for the 2010 season;SeniorsReservesThird XVIIIUnder 19Remuneration negotiable.Applications in writing should be forwarded by email to;John CroughSecretaryWhitefriars OCFCjohncrough@hotmail.comMobile; 0425 827 910Applications close; Friday 25 September 2009.VTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200927

Old Haileyburians AFC invite applications for thefollowing positions:-Senior CoachReserves CoachUnder Nineteens CoachOHAFC Seniors play in B Grade while the U/19sare in VAFA South 1 Division.Expressions of interest, including CV,should be directed toClub Secretary Andrew Hicks (0407220952) to be received beforeSeptember 28thOLD IVANHOE GRAMMARIANSFOOTBALL CLUBEst.1964 Affiliated V.A.F.A.Invites applications for the following coachingpositions for season 2010SENIOR COACH • RESERVESU/19 • U/18CLUB 18O.I.G.F.C. is a successful club which has played in'A' & 'B' GRADE for the past 13 years.This is an exciting opportunity to develop a strongbase of talented young footballersand skilled senior playersRemuneration negotiableAPPLICATIONS TO BE SUBMITTED INWRITING BY. WEDNESDAY 30thSEPTEMBER 2009 TOThe SecretaryO.I.G.F.C.P.O.BOX 2077EAST IVANHOE 3079Or email tooldivanhoe.fc@gmail.comPOWERHOUSEAMATEUR FOOTBALL CLUBFounded 1947. Premiers 1959 – 1971 – 1973 – 2000 - 2006.Positions Available Power House AFCVAFA D3Senior Coach required –playing or non playingSeason 2010Remuneration negotiablePlease send all application in writing to; orCraig RichardsonLevel 4, 150 Albert RoadSouth Melbourne VIC 3205Southern Saints <strong>Football</strong> ClubThe Ammos Masters club in the South!If you love your footy but are getting too old to keep up with theyoung blokes, then this is the game for you. Superules, now calledMasters Australian <strong>Football</strong>, is Australian Rules <strong>Football</strong> for thoseplayers over 35 years of age who enjoy their footy and want to keepplaying in a competitive environment. Based in Bentleigh we trainonce a week and Games are played every second Sunday with astrong family focus on match days.Come to a successful Div. 1 club and join players from VAFA clubsincluding MHSOB, OMs, SKOBS, DeLa, Xavs, OBs, and manymore for serious footy with a little less commitment, a few lessbruises and a lot more fun.New members welcome:contact Tony Phillips M: 0423 829 363 AFC(Based at the magnificentKevin Bartlett Reserve)Applications are invited for the followingpositions for 2010.ASSISTANT SENIOR COACH(14 wins in 2009, including Elimination Final)RESERVES COACH(10 wins in 2009)U18/U19 COACH & ASSISTANTS(A team is needed to launch an inaugural thirds’ side for the club)Enquiries to Ron Nicholson: 0416 133655Applications by email to: OLD COLLEGIANSFOOTBALL CLUBVAFA ‘A’ Section 2010Invite applications for the followingpositions:SENIOR COACHSENIOR ASSISTANT COACHRESERVES COACHU19 COACHCLUB18 COACHApplications should be emailed toThe Secretary, MOCFC 0402 474 748Applications close onTuesday 22 September 2009BANYULE AMATEUR FOOTBALL CLUBAPPLICATION FOR COACHESSEASON 2010Under 19, Senior and Reserve coachesrequested.Playing and non playing encouraged to apply.The sucessful applicants need to be enthusiasticleaders who have excellent communication skills.Level 1 coaching accreditation preferred.Excellent facilities and supportive environment.Competitive renumeration.Applications close 10th Oct 2009.Applications in writing to:The SecretaryP O Box 7005Banyule Vic 3084ORMOND AMATEURFOOTBALL CLUB2010 COACHING POSITIONSApplications are invited for thefollowing coaching positions:SENIORS • RESERVESUNDER 19’S • CLUB 18EXCELLENT REMUNERATIONPLEASE SEND APPLICATION TO:The Secretary, Ormond AFCPO Box 114 Ormond Vic 3204 or emailoafc@bigpond.comApplications close Monday 28 September 200928 V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200929

VAFA LADDERS 2009Premierships (Seniors) : 1972, 1978, 1982, 1993, 2001, 2007Premierships (U/19’s) : 1992, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2006Applications are invited for the positions of Coach andAssistant Coaches (Playing & Non-Playing) for the 2010 seasonfor:SENIORS(Vacancy created by Senior Coach accepting AFL Coaching Position)RESERVESand for aDIRECTOR OF FOOTBALL OPERATIONSAttractive positions with a recognised Community Club that has agreat junior program (U18s and U19s) underpinning the clubPosition Descriptions will be made available to applicants prior tointerviewRemuneration negotiableApplications in writing should be sent to;Email: Liz Cramer (Secretary) Attention Liz Cramer, OCGFC, 9 Balwyn Road, Balwyn,Vic 3103For further information please contact Phil Cramer: 0418 317 Close: Friday 25 September 2009Mazenod Old Collegians <strong>Football</strong> Club(<strong>Victorian</strong> <strong>Amateur</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Association</strong>)Applications are invited for the positions of Coachand Assistant Coaches for the following teamsfor the 2010 season;Under 19Remuneration negotiable.Applications in writing should be forwardedby email to;Wayne FrancisPresidentMazenod OCFCmazenodfc@gmail.comMobile: 0411 252 845Applications close;Wednesday 23rd September 2009D4 SECTION P W L D For Agst Pts PCALBERT PARK 18 17 1 0 2388 1069 68 223.39LA TROBE UNI 18 16 2 0 2197 929 64 236.49KEW 18 13 5 0 1956 1324 52 147.73RICHMOND 18 13 5 0 1682 1258 52 133.7STH MORNINGTON 18 11 7 0 1969 1852 44 106.32MT LILYDALE 18 10 8 0 1901 1373 40 138.46SWINBURNE UNI 18 8 10 0 1784 1678 32 106.32ELEY PARK 18 8 10 0 1581 1813 32 87.2NTH BRUNSWICK 18 6 12 0 1395 1819 24 76.69MANNINGHAM 18 3 15 0 1324 2073 12 63.87BOX HILL NTH 18 3 15 0 1375 2339 12 58.79CHADSTONE 18 0 18 0 687 2712 0 25.33D4 RESERVE P W L D For Agst Pts PCLA TROBE UNI 18 16 2 0 2403 632 64 380.22NTH BRUNSWICK 18 14 4 0 1776 782 56 227.11KEW 18 14 4 0 2002 908 56 220.48ALBERT PARK 18 12 6 0 1608 989 48 162.59MT LILYDALE 18 12 6 0 1565 988 48 158.4STH MORNINGTON 18 11 7 0 1349 1331 44 101.35RICHMOND 18 10 8 0 1379 1322 40 104.31ELEY PARK 18 7 11 0 1193 1509 28 79.06SWINBURNE UNI 18 4 14 0 779 1745 16 44.64MANNINGHAM COBRAS 18 3 15 0 788 1818 12 43.34CHADSTONE 18 3 15 0 873 2279 12 38.31BOX HILL NTH 18 2 16 0 799 2230 8 35.83U19 PREMIER P W L D For Agst Pts PCDE LA SALLE (BLUES) 18 17 1 0 2140 883 68 242.36OLD XAVERIANS 18 16 2 0 1459 941 64 155.05OLD SCOTCH 18 12 6 0 1728 1359 48 127.15UNI BLUES 18 10 8 0 1479 1276 40 115.91BEAUMARIS 18 9 9 0 1230 1181 36 104.15ST BEDES/MT 18 8 10 0 1201 1475 32 81.42UNI BLACKS 18 6 12 0 1195 1431 24 83.51RUPERTSWOOD 18 5 13 0 1326 1743 20 76.08MARCELLIN 18 5 13 0 1092 1840 20 59.35OLD TRINITY 18 2 16 0 1088 1809 8 60.14U19 NORTH (1) P W L D For Agst Pts PCOLD CAMBERWELL 18 16 1 0 2331 837 68 278.49OLD ESSENDON 18 13 4 0 1729 1005 56 172.04FITZROY 18 11 6 0 2278 1043 48 218.41OLD CAREY 18 11 6 0 1464 1246 48 117.5ST BERNARDS 18 10 7 0 1512 1277 44 118.4MANNINGHAM SHARKS 18 5 12 0 1146 1691 24 67.77BULLEEN TEMP 18 5 12 0 1036 1788 24 57.94BANYULE/VIEWBANK 18 1 16 0 868 2383 8 36.42U19 SOUTH (1) P W L D For Agst Pts PCOLD MELBURNIANS 18 14 3 0 1851 768 60 241.02OLD BRIGHTON 18 12 5 0 1676 965 52 173.68DE LA SALLE (GOLDS) 18 12 5 0 1520 1047 52 145.18ST KEVINS 18 11 6 0 1602 820 48 195.37ORMOND 18 11 6 0 1805 1071 48 168.53CAULFIELD GRAM 18 9 8 0 1453 1235 40 117.65COLLEGIANS 18 8 9 0 1261 1185 36 106.41OLD HAILEYBURY 18 3 14 0 912 1896 16 48.1MAZENOD 18 1 16 0 557 2872 8 19.39U19 NORTH (2) P W L D For Agst Pts PCOLD GEELONG BLACKS 18 15 2 0 2044 671 64 304.62THERRY PENOLA 18 13 4 0 1780 1010 56 176.24OLD WESTBOURNE 18 12 5 0 1575 1009 52 156.1IVANHOE 18 12 5 0 1451 1270 52 114.25EMMAUS ST LEOS 18 11 6 0 1493 1122 48 133.07OLD XAVS 18 8 9 0 1270 1219 36 104.18LA TROBE UNI 18 4 13 0 1203 1782 20 67.51FITZROY 18 4 13 0 1024 1558 20 65.73AQUINAS 18 2 15 0 647 2243 12 28.85RUPERTSWOOD 18 0 17 0 551 2248 4 24.51U19 SOUTH (2) P W L D For Agst Pts PCHAMPTON ROVERS 18 16 2 0 1818 1020 64 178.24AJAX 18 15 3 0 1827 1001 60 182.52BENTLEIGH 18 14 4 0 1917 1061 56 180.68OLD MENTONIANS 18 11 7 0 1569 1243 44 126.23MONASH BLUES 18 9 9 0 1433 1231 36 116.41PARKDALE 18 8 10 0 1518 1335 32 113.71PENINSULA 18 7 11 0 1293 1530 28 84.51PRAHRAN 18 5 13 0 1293 1755 20 73.68BEAUMARIS 18 4 14 0 1127 1799 16 62.65MHSOB 18 1 17 0 718 2538 4 28.29UNDER 18 P W L D For Agst Pts PCOAKLEIGH 18 17 1 0 1706 790 68 215.95NORTHERN BULLANTS 18 15 3 0 1723 701 60 245.79UHS-VU/FLEMINGTON 18 10 8 0 960 1255 40 76.49ST BERNARDS 18 10 8 0 835 1116 40 74.82ST BEDES/MT 18 9 9 0 1036 978 36 105.93OLD CAMBERWELL 18 4 14 0 1014 1128 16 89.89ST MARY'S SALESIAN 18 4 14 0 792 1539 16 51.46THERRY PENOLA 18 3 15 0 822 1416 12 58.05CLUB XVIII (1) P W L D For Agst Pts PCOLD XAVS (2) 15 13 2 0 1194 752 52 158.78COLLEGIANS 15 12 3 0 1504 706 48 213.03OLD XAVS (1) 15 12 3 0 1387 765 48 181.31UNI BLUES 15 10 5 0 1134 800 40 141.75DE LA SALLE 15 8 6 1 1183 964 34 122.72OLD MELBURNIANS 15 8 7 0 1132 1180 32 95.93PRAHRAN 15 5 10 0 1077 1254 20 85.89ST BERNARDS 15 4 11 0 826 1438 16 57.44OLD SCOTCH 15 2 12 1 790 1421 10 55.59ST KEVINS 15 0 15 0 601 1629 0 36.89CLUB XVIII (2) P W L D For Agst Pts PCUNIVERSITY BLACKS 15 12 3 0 1355 726 48 186.64MARCELLIN OC 15 12 3 0 1511 909 48 166.23MONASH BLUES 15 11 4 0 1180 943 44 125.13OLD BRIGHTON 15 10 5 0 1295 829 40 156.21OLD CAMBERWELL 15 7 8 0 1071 1167 28 91.77MAZENOD OC 15 7 8 0 941 1303 28 72.22WHITEFRIARS OC 15 4 11 0 986 1230 16 80.16OLD TRINITY 15 4 11 0 868 1308 16 66.36FITZROY 15 4 11 0 823 1317 16 62.49NOBS/ST PATS 15 4 11 0 673 1190 16 56.55CLUB XVIII (NORTH) P W L D For Agst Pts PCOLD IVANHOE 15 13 2 0 1476 633 52 233.18OLD ESSENDON 15 13 2 0 1340 584 52 229.45BANYULE AFC 15 11 4 0 1365 829 44 164.66OLD CAREY 15 11 4 0 1340 966 44 138.72WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 15 10 5 0 1305 1013 40 128.83BULLEEN TEMP AFC 15 9 6 0 1021 981 36 104.08WHITEFRIARS 15 6 9 0 907 1152 24 78.73THERRY PENOLA 15 5 10 0 891 1127 20 79.06KEW 15 5 10 0 808 1144 20 70.63OLD WESTBOURNE 15 3 12 0 579 1372 12 42.2NOBS/ST PATS 15 2 13 0 838 1299 8 64.51WERRIBEE 15 2 13 0 648 1418 8 45.7CLUB XVIII (SOUTH) P W L D For Agst Pts PCOLD MELBURNIANS 15 14 1 0 1747 461 56 378.96ORMOND 15 11 4 0 1282 758 44 169.13CAULFIELD GRAM 15 10 5 0 1439 950 40 151.47OLD SCOTCH 15 10 5 0 1156 938 40 123.24ST BEDES/MT 15 8 7 0 930 1052 32 88.4ST MARY'S SALESIAN 15 7 8 0 922 1339 28 68.86OLD GEELONG 15 6 9 0 1140 1056 24 107.95OAKLEIGH 15 6 9 0 998 1120 24 89.11HAMPTON ROVERS 15 3 12 0 616 1614 12 38.17STH MELBOURNE DIST 15 0 15 0 610 1618 0 37.7ROUND 15 LADDERS ROUND 15 LADDERS ROUND 15 LADDERS ROUND 15 LADDERS30 V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009VTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200931

VAFA LADDERS 2009A SECTION P W L D For Agst Pts PCOLD XAVERIANS 18 15 3 0 2037 1173 60 173.66DE LA SALLE 18 15 3 0 1991 1257 60 158.39ST BEDES/MT 18 14 4 0 1939 1337 56 145.03UNI BLUES 18 11 7 0 1648 1397 44 117.97COLLEGIANS 18 11 7 0 1643 1470 44 111.77OLD SCOTCH 18 7 11 0 1610 1702 28 94.59OLD BRIGHTON 18 6 12 0 1399 1731 24 80.82MARCELLIN 18 5 13 0 1294 1947 20 66.46OLD IVANHOE 18 3 15 0 1393 1827 12 76.25OLD ESSENDON 18 3 15 0 1109 2222 12 49.91A RESERVE P W L D For Agst Pts PCUNI BLUES 18 15 3 0 1884 875 60 215.31OLD XAVERIANS 18 15 3 0 1847 898 60 205.68OLD BRIGHTON 18 13 5 0 1545 964 52 160.27OLD SCOTCH 18 10 8 0 1414 1331 40 106.24ST BEDES/MT 18 10 8 0 1268 1240 40 102.26DE LA SALLE 18 8 10 0 1292 1196 32 108.03COLLEGIANS 18 7 11 0 1072 1202 28 89.18OLD IVANHOE 18 7 11 0 1127 1425 28 79.09MARCELLIN 18 3 15 0 737 1863 12 39.56OLD ESSENDON 18 2 16 0 798 1990 8 40.1B SECTION P W L D For Agst Pts PCOLD MELBURNIANS 18 13 5 0 1978 1541 52 128.36ST KEVINS 18 13 5 0 1713 1489 52 115.04ST BERNARDS 18 11 6 1 1848 1542 46 119.84OLD TRINITY 18 10 8 0 1792 1601 40 111.93UNI BLACKS 18 10 8 0 1732 1590 40 108.93OLD HAILEYBURY 18 10 8 0 1762 1633 40 107.9OLD CAREY 18 6 11 1 1448 1612 26 89.83HAMPTON ROVERS 18 6 12 0 1498 1749 24 85.65ORMOND 18 5 13 0 1449 1820 20 79.62OLD CAMBERWELL 18 5 13 0 1365 2008 20 67.98B RESERVE P W L D For Agst Pts PCOLD MELBURNIANS 18 18 0 0 2024 704 72 287.5ST KEVINS 18 15 3 0 1757 922 60 190.56UNI BLACKS 18 12 6 0 1624 939 48 172.95ST BERNARDS 18 12 6 0 1408 1200 48 117.33OLD TRINITY 18 11 7 0 1478 976 44 151.43ORMOND 18 8 9 1 1289 1311 34 98.32OLD CAREY 18 4 14 0 874 1968 16 44.41HAMPTON ROVERS 18 3 14 1 812 1871 14 43.4OLD CAMBERWELL 18 3 15 0 1077 1696 12 63.5OLD HAILEYBURY 18 3 15 0 898 1654 12 54.29C SECTION P W L D For Agst Pts PCCAULFIELD GRAM 18 16 1 1 2289 1341 66 170.69MHSOB 18 13 5 0 2005 1432 52 140.01OAKLEIGH 18 12 6 0 1933 1412 48 136.9BEAUMARIS 18 12 6 0 1662 1390 48 119.57MAZENOD 18 10 8 0 1694 1466 40 115.55AJAX 18 9 9 0 1534 1635 36 93.82PARKDALE 18 6 12 0 1610 1867 24 86.23OLD GEELONG 18 5 13 0 1501 2088 20 71.89BULLEEN TEMP 18 3 14 1 1213 2068 14 58.66MONASH BLUES 18 3 15 0 1259 2001 12 62.92C RESERVE P W L D For Agst Pts PCOAKLEIGH 18 16 1 1 1681 974 66 172.59MAZENOD 18 16 2 0 1994 738 64 270.19BEAUMARIS 18 12 5 1 1423 1085 50 131.15CAULFIELD GRAM 18 12 6 0 1682 889 48 189.2OLD GEELONG 18 8 10 0 1314 1474 32 89.15MHSOB 18 6 12 0 1039 1350 24 76.96AJAX 18 6 12 0 941 1420 24 66.27PARKDALE 18 5 13 0 1126 1664 20 67.67BULLEEN TEMP 18 4 14 0 933 1677 16 55.64MONASH BLUES 18 4 14 0 777 1639 16 47.41D1 SECTION P W L D For Agst Pts PCRUPERTSWOOD 18 17 1 0 2121 1257 68 168.74WERRIBEE 18 14 4 0 2039 1339 56 152.28WHITEFRIARS 18 12 6 0 1715 1374 48 124.82FITZROY 18 11 7 0 1641 1305 44 125.75NOBSP 18 9 9 0 1865 1802 36 103.5OLD MENTONIANS 18 9 9 0 1601 1647 36 97.21STH MELB DIST 18 5 13 0 1419 1844 20 76.95AQUINAS 18 5 13 0 1383 1839 20 75.2PRAHRAN 18 5 13 0 1274 1759 20 72.43EMMAUS ST LEOS 18 3 15 0 1240 2132 12 58.16D1 RESERVE P W L D For Agst Pts PCWHITEFRIARS 18 15 3 0 1866 757 60 246.5NOBSP 18 15 3 0 1691 840 60 201.31RUPERTSWOOD 18 15 3 0 1864 979 60 190.4OLD MENTONIANS 18 11 7 0 1561 1333 44 117.1WERRIBEE 18 10 8 0 1779 1241 40 143.35FITZROY 18 10 8 0 1457 1124 40 129.63EMMAUS ST LEOS 18 6 12 0 884 1675 24 52.78STH MELB DIST 18 5 13 0 1053 1646 20 63.97AQUINAS 18 2 16 0 750 1749 8 42.88PRAHRAN 18 1 17 0 667 2228 4 29.94D2 SECTION P W L D For Agst Pts PCPENINSULA 18 16 2 0 2300 1132 64 203.18WILLIAMSTOWN 18 13 4 1 2175 1342 54 162.07THERRY PENOLA 18 12 6 0 1715 1377 48 124.55BANYULE 18 12 6 0 1478 1487 48 99.39OLD WESTBOURNE 18 10 8 0 1518 1521 40 99.8OLD PARADIANS 18 9 8 1 1743 1492 38 116.82GLEN EIRA 18 6 12 0 1541 1908 24 80.77ELTHAM 18 6 12 0 1401 1897 24 73.85IVANHOE 18 3 15 0 1310 2114 12 61.97YARRA VALLEY 18 2 16 0 1181 2092 8 56.45D2 RESERVE P W L D For Agst Pts PCWILLIAMSTOWN 18 15 3 0 1993 892 60 223.43THERRY PENOLA 18 14 4 0 1787 870 56 205.4PENINSULA 18 13 5 0 1639 1070 52 153.18BANYULE 18 13 5 0 1553 1206 52 128.77OLD WESTBOURNE 18 12 6 0 1564 922 48 169.63OLD PARADIANS 18 10 8 0 1458 1100 40 132.55YARRA VALLEY 18 7 11 0 1311 1276 28 102.74ELTHAM 18 4 14 0 992 1660 16 59.76IVANHOE 18 2 16 0 863 2055 8 42GLEN EIRA 18 0 18 0 497 2606 0 19.07D3 SECTION P W L D For Agst Pts PCBENTLEIGH 18 16 2 0 2195 1391 64 157.8ST FRANCIS XAVIER 18 13 5 0 1957 1518 52 128.92ST MARY'S SAL 18 12 6 0 1867 1404 48 132.98ELSTERNWICK 18 8 10 0 1710 1761 32 97.1ST JOHNS 18 8 10 0 1547 1663 32 93.02WEST BRUNSWICK 18 8 10 0 1549 1742 32 88.92UHS-VU 18 7 11 0 1302 1512 28 86.11HAWTHORN 18 6 12 0 1566 1868 24 83.83POWER HOUSE 18 6 12 0 1385 1738 24 79.69MONASH GRYPH 18 6 12 0 1393 1874 24 74.33D3 RESERVE P W L D For Agst Pts PCBENTLEIGH 18 16 2 0 1953 900 64 217ST MARY'S SAL 18 15 3 0 1667 1021 60 163.27POWER HOUSE 18 14 4 0 1377 975 56 141.23WEST BRUNSWICK 18 10 8 0 1405 1116 40 125.9UHS-VU 18 9 8 1 1415 1145 38 123.58HAWTHORN 18 8 9 1 1278 1626 34 78.6ST FRANCIS XAVIER 18 6 12 0 1286 1572 24 81.81MONASH GRYPH 18 5 12 1 1113 1739 22 64ST JOHNS 18 3 15 0 1067 1780 12 59.94ELSTERNWICK 18 2 15 1 1032 1719 10 60.0332 V THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2009



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