Gape & Margaret - Botswana Construction WP No. 4 - tips

Gape & Margaret - Botswana Construction WP No. 4 - tips

Gape & Margaret - Botswana Construction WP No. 4 - tips

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standards such as those on concrete and masonry units, concrete paving blocks andburnt clay masonry units. Effective industry wide quality system can be achieved bymatching development of standards with quality assurance.3.9 Other IssuesTechnological development, particularly with regard to construction work for buildingfirms is low. According to some respondents, computerization was limited to pricingand estimation, programming and accounts. Low technological development couldbe due to inadequate research and development facilities and programs and poorlinkage between research and practice. Technology transfer to local firms could beachieved through joint ventures. Efforts should be made towards actualizing thepotential in joint ventures. A survey conducted in the construction industry in 2000established that most of the respondents (70%) indicated that joint ventures were apreferred strategy to partnering because it ensures collaboration between firms on along term basis.18

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