Good Wife script.fdr - A TV Calling

Good Wife script.fdr - A TV Calling

Good Wife script.fdr - A TV Calling

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THE GOOD WIFEbyRobert King & Michelle KingJanuary 29, 2009

TEASERA VIDEO IMAGE of......a packed press conference. A lower-third chyron trumpets“Chicago D.A. Resigns” as the grim D.A. approaches a podium,his wife beside him. He clears his throat, reads:DAVID FOLLICK<strong>Good</strong> morning. An hour ago, Iresigned as States Attorney of CookCounty. I did this with a heavyheart and a deep commitment to fightthese scurrilous charges. At thesame time, I need time to atone formy private failings with my wife,Alicia, and our two children.Oh, one of those press conferences. Scandal. In the key ofElliott Spitzer. DAVID FOLLICK (40) is a back-slapping BillClinton: smart, funny, calculatedly seductive, and now at theend of his career. But he’s not our hero. Our hero is......his wife, ALICIA (late-30s) standing beside him. Pretty.Proper. She’s always been the good girl-- the good girl whobecame the good wife, then the good mom: devoted, strugglingnot to outshine her husband. We move in on her as we hear...DAVID FOLLICK (CONT’D)I want to be clear. I have neverabused my office. I have nevertraded lighter sentences for eitherfinancial or sexual favors.Ugh. We suddenly enter the video, and we’re there with...Alicia as she looks out at the excited reporters, the phalanxof cameras all clicking, boring in on her.DAVID FOLLICK (CONT’D)But I do admit to a failure ofjudgment in my private dealings withthese women.Dying inside, Alicia tries to keep a neutral expression on herface as we see what she sees: the edge of the podium... thecrisp paper David reads from... his black coat... his sleeve.DAVID FOLLICK (CONT’D)The money used in these transactionswas mine, and mine alone. No publicfunds were ever utilized.There’s a piece of lint on his sleeve. A half inch long.Alicia just stares at it. The whole world tied up in that lint.

2.DAVID FOLLICK (CONT’D)Alicia and I ask that the pressplease respect our privacy. Give ustime to heal. With the love of Godand the forgiveness of...Etc. Alicia only half-listening now. Sound dull, distant.Her hand reaches slowly, unconsciously, toward the lint when----David clasps her fingers. Oh, he’s done. He guides heroffstage away from the reporters’ shouted questions, into...EXT. GREEN ROOM - COOK COUNTY COURTHOUSE MEDIA ROOM - DAY...a backstage green room where two political ops sweep up:POLITICAL OPSWe need to do the Tribune first--Channel Four wants a sit down. We--But Alicia still eyes the lint on David’s sleeve. David lookstoward her, sees how strangely removed she is.DAVID FOLLICKAre you alright?Alicia looks up at him, and......SLAP! She slaps him so hard David falls to one knee,looks up at her stunned. But Alicia, very controlled, veryproper, straightens her blouse, reaches for her purse, calmlyand coolly exits into... BLACK. And a title appears...“Six months later.”INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - 27TH FLOOR - LAW FIRM - DAYAlicia waits, alone, in the 27th floor conference room of amid-level Chicago law firm. Opening a new chapter in herlife. She wears a new suit, new shoes, new looser hairstyle:more career woman than political wife. She looks down at......a new leather binder where she’s written a one word heading:GoalsOkay, goals. What goals? She stares at it. Glances up at aclock: 9:45. Where is everyone? She goes to the door:ALICIAHi, sorry, this is my first day.Isn’t the staff meeting at 9:30?An overbusy SECRETARY nods, clicking away at a computer.

3.SECRETARYYou’re in the wrong conferenceroom. It’s up one floor.Alicia stares at her, and-- shit!--INT. EMERGENCY STAIRWELL - TRIBUNE BUILDING - DAY--BAM-- she slams into the stairwell, races up the stairs twoat a time, accidentally drops the leather binder-- it rattlesdown a half-dozen flights. Screw it. Alicia bursts into--INT. RECEPTION - 28TH FLOOR - TRIBUNE BUILDING - DAY--the firm’s reception. “Stern, Lockhart & Garvin.”ALICIAWhich way to the conference room?TWO RECEPTIONISTS point through double doors. Alicia bangsthrough them as the receptionists trade a look:RECEPTIONIST #1Is that her?(the other nods)Her hair’s different.INT. WORKSTATION ROW - 28TH FLOOR - DAYAlicia races past workstations, offices. Everything designedin Greene & Greene colors in an attempt to warm up a coldskyscraper build-out. Alicia slows as she sees......the glass-walled conference room. Packed with 45 seatedand standing associates, partners, paralegals! Shit, shit,shit. She’s late! She slips in...INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - 28TH FLOOR - LAW FIRM - DAY...the back, unnoticed behind a screen of standing juniorassociates, all tall, young. Late 20s seems to be the age dujour here. One notices her, smiles to himself. CARY (27).Her competition. A bright and shiny Harvard grad. Looks likea male model. At the front, a firm Partner wraps up:WILL--Anyway, Schering-Plough fired theirlast firm for this very reason. So,until further notice, your personallives have been canceled.Chuckles from the room. WILL GARVIN (38). Handsome. Aguy’s guy. One of the “Top 50 Chicago Bachelors.” Makes itall look easy-- life, law, sex. Another partner takes over:

4.DAWNAThis is a complicated, multijurisdictionalclass action. Sowe’ll need some of you to help outwith the lower-profile client-workto free up our top litigators.DAWNA LOCKHART (56). A tough, smart feminist. Dresses likea million bucks. The top litigator at the firm, and in town.WILLAnd by “lower profile,” Dawna ofcourse means “crucially important.”(the room laughs)Ed, you’ll take witness prep onHighway redistribution. Don, you’reon the Brighton criminal. AndAlicia, you’ll take the pro bono.Alicia looks up. What? What pro bono? It’s on a squeegeeboard at the front-- “pro bono”-- but she missed the discussion.WILL (CONT’D)Everyone else, your task is to showSchering-Plough our A-game. Okay?Let’s do this.And that’s it-- the associates all start out, gabbing, asAlicia sees Will slip out the other door. Chasing...INT. WORKSTATION ROW - 28TH FLOOR - DAYWill.ALICIAWill turns, smiles. A warmer smile than usual. Some kind ofhistory between them or is he always this nice?WILLAlicia. Sorry, I didn’t introduceyou in there, but everything’smoving fast with this class action.The two walk and talk-- everything on the run at this firm:ALICIAI just wanted to say thanks for theopportunity, Will. It’s a reallife saver.WILLHey, no, thanks for coming onboard. Hope you’re alright withthis pro bono. How’d it sound?

5.Alicia stares at him. Ummmm.ALICIAInteresting.WILL<strong>Good</strong>. Don’t be nervous. Youworried about the “bad facts?”The... ?ALICIA“The Bitch is Back” plays. Oh, damn, Alicia’s cellphone.She digs it out of her purse, snaps it off, as Will laughs:WILLWho gets “The Bitch is Back”?ALICIAMy mother-in-law.(Will laughs)My daughter programmed it.WILLWhat’s your ringtone?ALICIAMy--? I don’t think I want to know.My kids aren’t too happy with megetting my mother-in-law to help outat home. So these bad facts...?WILLRight, I have to go into a meeting,but--(sees Dawna down the hall)Hey, Dawna, are you briefing Alicia?(Dawna nods)<strong>Good</strong>, you’re in good hands. Sowe’ll have dinner, catch up.And Will’s gone. A whiplashed Alicia jogs to catch up withDawna now. Moving fast:DAWNASo Will speaks highly of you. Hesays you graduated top of your classat Georgetown. When was this?ALICIAFifteen years ago.DAWNAUh-huh. And you spent two years at...?

6.ALICIACrozier, Abrams & Abbott.DAWNARight. <strong>Good</strong> firm. Why’d you leave?ALICIAI... Well, I had kids. Myhusband’s career.Dawna nods. Alicia eyes her, not sure if there’s a tone.There doesn’t seem to be. Passing her assistant:DAWNABrian, can you get Mrs. Follick thefiles?INT. DAWNA’S CORNER OFFICE - 28TH FLOOR - LAW FIRM - DAYAnd they enter Dawna’s large corner office. A Jack RussellTerrier trots up. Dawna pets it as she slips on a headset.DAWNAI want you to think of me as amentor, Alicia. It’s the closest wehave to an old boy’s network in thistown: women helping women. Okay?Okay.ALICIADAWNAWhen I was starting out, I got onegreat piece of advice: “Men can belazy. Women can’t.” And I thinkthat goes double for you. Not onlyare you coming back to the workplacefairly late, but you have some veryprominent baggage with this scandal.She nods to a photo of herself with Hillary Clinton...DAWNA (CONT’D)But, hey, if she can do it, so can you.Dawna smiles. Alicia smiles back as-- thump-- Brian drops aFILE BOX beside her.DAWNA (CONT’D)Thanks, Brian. Like many law firmswe donate 5% of billable hours topro bono work so the indigent haveoptions other than the publicdefenders office.(MORE)

7.DAWNA (CONT’D)Sadly I’m long past my acceptablebillable hours on this one; so Ineed to hand off the retrial.Alicia takes notes, finds a mugshot taped to the top of thebox. Not what she expected. A sweet woman in her late 20s.DAWNA (CONT’D)Jennifer Combs. 29 years old. Aworking mom. Taught second grade.Accused of killing her ex-husbandin a faked carjacking. Prosecutionthought it was a slam-dunk 30 tolife, but the jury came back lastweek deadlocked.Alicia keeps trying to take notes, but the terrier sniffs andnuzzles at her lap.DAWNA (CONT’D)Six jurors voted to convict; six not.I’m not even sure why the D.A. isretrying, except he wants-- Justice!Alicia looks up. What?! Oh, the dog’s name.DAWNA (CONT’D)--he wants to prove himself. Sonothing fancy. Stick to mystrategy from the first trial. Itworked for reasonable doubt and adeadlocked jury. Okay?Alicia nods, but Dawna sees Brian outside talking with CORMAC(58), the third partner, bullet-headed, says very little, butwhen he does, he’s the voice of God.DAWNA (CONT’D)Okay, we’ll have to cut this short.Our investigator can get you up tospeed for the bail hearing at 3.(yelling out)Cormac, I’m ready.ALICIAThe bail hearing-- it’s today?DAWNAYes, we could delay, but that wouldleave Jennifer incarcerated foranother month. Don’t worry, you’llbe fine. The D.A.’s not going toargue against a recognizance release.

8.INT. WORKSTATION ROW - 28TH FLOOR - DAYAnd-- bang-- Alicia’s out the office door, standing there withthe file box. The assistant Brian offers a lint roller. Oh.Her skirt covered with dog hair.Thanks.ALICIAAlicia starts to brush it off when she notices Brian’scomputer: a “You Tube” video paused there. The infamous DavidFollick press conference. Brian quickly clicks it off.Embarrassed.BRIANSorry. I like your hair this way.INT. EMERGENCY STAIRWELL - TRIBUNE BUILDING - DAYAlicia pushes into the stairwell. Needs a moment to herself.Drop her office face. Looks down toward her fumbled leatherbinder. “Goals” still written there. She starts down towardit. When...CARYHey, need some help?Cary. Peering down the stairwell.INT. WORKSTATION ROW - 27TH FLOOR - DAYCary carries the file box toward their neighboring offices:CARYI know we’re the two new associates,and we should be at each other’sthroats, but I just want to say...I’m in awe of what you’re doing.Alicia studies him. Is this guy for real? Calculated?CARY (CONT'D)Raising a family, then jumpingright back into this. My mom’sthinking of doing the same thing.ALICIA(stares at him)...Great.SONIAI’m almost done, Cary. Latte onyour desk. Hi, Mrs. Follick.

9.Hi.ALICIASONIA (24), their shared assistant, rushing past, rolling aFILING CABINET into Cary’s office. An overbusy MichelleWilliams-like college grad.CARYIt looks like we share anassistant. So tell me when I’mhogging her, okay? And let thebest associate win.(starts into his office)ALICIAExcuse me?Cary turns back, sees her confusion.CARYLet the-- Oh. Nothing. I--Nothing.And he enters his office. Alicia frowns: what the fuck wasthat? She pushes her door open and finds...INT. ALICIA’S OFFICE - DAY...a woman sitting in her chair, flipping through a file. Sexy.Casual clothes. Alicia pauses, checks the name on her door.KALINDADon’t worry, it’s yours.(standing)Kalinda Sharma. The in-house.ALICIAOh, right, the investigator. Dawnasaid you’d take me through the probono. Alicia Follick.Alicia offers a hand. KALINDA SHARMA (25) barely shakes it. AnEast Indian stunner. Bollywood Erin Brokovich. No-nonsense,independent, a cool temperament, nonchalantly bisexual.KALINDAYou’re David Follick’s wife?ALICIAThat’s right.KALINDAI worked with him at the D.A.’soffice. He fired me.

10.Oh. Alicia stares at her.This is getting old.ALICIALook, I’ll give you his address ifyou want to complain; but I have abail hearing at three, so can we dothis?Tougher than she intended. Kalinda stares at Alicia, gets up,goes to her, and... takes the file box. And......CUT TO LATER: She slaps a crime photo on the desk. A carbeside Lake Michigan splattered with blood.KALINDAIt started a year ago. A carjacking.That’s what the cops thought atfirst. Part of that series ofcarjackings in Wilmette last year.Thieves would target upscale cars...Kalinda lays out three separate crime scenes: BMWs, Lexusus.KALINDA (CONT’D)...fix a clip to the fuel line,follow the driver a half mile untilhe ran out of gas, murder theoccupants, then take his car.Kalinda hands Alicia grisly photos of victims shot in theface, gauging her response. Not what she expected. Aliciamore fascinated than appalled.KALINDA (CONT’D)At first it looked like this newestcarjacking was just another in theseries. The only problem: the carwasn’t upscale. An old 2001 Honda.Also, there was no clip attached tothe fuel line. And, last, thepassenger was only shot in the arm.(an injured Jennifer)Jennifer Combs. She said her exhusbandstruggled with thecarjacker-- that’s why she was onlyshot in the arm, and her ex-husbandwas killed.Alicia notices something in her file:ALICIAShe taught at Francis Parker.(Kalinda looks over at her)It’s a good school.

11.Kalinda just stares at her. Okay. Continues:KALINDAThe cops began to think it wasactually a murder disguised as abotched carjacking: Jennifer killedher ex-husband, then shot herselfin the arm.Alicia studies Jennifer’s mugshot. She looks like Alicia atthe press conference: overwhelmed, vaguely etherized.EXT. COOK COUNTY COURTHOUSE - DAYALICIAThe weapon?Alicia and Kalinda cross toward the criminal courthouse:KALINDANever recovered. The copstheorized she threw it into LakeMichigan. They dragged the lake,never found it. Gunpowder residuewas inconclusive.INT. ELEVATOR - COOK COUNTY COURTHOUSE - DAYALICIAAnd her motive?The two whispering at the back of a courthouse elevator:KALINDAShe was in a custody battle withher ex-husband. He remarried andwanted custody of their 3-year-old.MIA’s “You’re <strong>Good</strong>” starts to play. Oh, damn. Anotherringtone. Alicia reaches into her purse.ALICIASorry, my daughter.INT. HALLWAY - PUBLIC SCHOOL - CHICAGO - DAYHer daughter, GRACE (13), between classes, moving in a streamof kids almost all talking on their cells. Mildly plump,caught at that age between gawky and pretty.GRACEHey, mom. I want to ask you aquestion, but I don’t want you tofreak out, okay?

12.INTERCUT with...INT. THIRD FLOOR HALL - COOK COUNTY COURTHOUSE - DAYUh-oh.ALICIAAlicia now in a courthouse metal detector line with Kalinda.GRACEForget it, I’ll ask Zach.ALICIANo, no, what?GRACESome girl said dad slept with ahooker my age, and I just--What?!ALICIAGRACEThey were playing that tape incomputer lab: dad with what’s hername, Tina...?Alicia closes her eyes: fuck. As a guard gestures:COURT GUARDMa’am, you’ll have to turn that off.GRACEAnd some girl said her dad was acop, and he said one of the hookerswas my age.ALICIA(steps out of line to talk)First of all... they were all overtwenty. And, second: isn’t there ateacher--? Why are they playingthat in computer lab?!GRACEIt was the bleeped version. Don’tworry, Mom. It’s not like I don’tknow this stuff. Look, I’ve gotHistory. I’ll see you tonight.And-- click-- that’s it. Alicia shakes her head-- hates whenGrace plays it blase. She sees Kalinda impatient to continue.She rejoins her, moving through the metal detector:

13.KALINDADawna’s defense was simple. Thecops never looked for a carjacker.They immediately suspected Jennifer,and ignored everything else. Itworked. The jury deadlocked.Alicia nods as Kalinda pushes into Courtroom #402, looks backat Alicia pausing at the door, intimidated. Staring in. Nojudge yet. Bailiff and lawyers chatting. Play before curtain.What?KALINDA (CONT’D)ALICIALast time I was in court wasthirteen years ago.KALINDA(dry)Wow. I was twelve.ALICIA(looks at her)Is that supposed to boost myconfidence?And Alicia enters, starts up...INT. COURTROOM 402 - COOK CRIMINAL COURTHOUSE - DAY...the aisle. It feels weird, opening the gallery gate,crossing to the defense table, setting her documents on it.A prosecutor looks over, looks again. MATAN BRODY (29),African-American, cocky, likes the power if not the paycheck ofan A.D.A. He shoots a whisper to the other A.D.A.:MATANThat’s David Follick’s wife.What?! SANDRA PAI (27), a tough Asian lawyer, looks over.Matan stands, crosses to Alicia, air thick with schadenfreude:MATAN (CONT’D)Alicia! My god! How are youdoing? Matan, remember? From theD.A. Christmas party?ALICIAOh, yes, right. Hi.MATANYou’re at “Stern, Lockhart & Garvin”?

14.ALICIAYeah. First day.MATANWow, wow. Wow! Oh, this is SandraPai. She’s new-- I mean, sinceDavid. How’s he doing, by the way?ALICIADavid? Fine.MATANSay hello for me, will you? Hegave me my first job, you know?Look at all this.(her documents; chuckling)You’re gonna bury us. I don’t knowhow you do it, Alicia. I’d behuddled up in a ball somewhere.Alicia nods, used to these passive-aggressive compliments, as--KLANG-- a security vestibule opens, the accused led out.MATAN (CONT’D)Well, back to work. <strong>Good</strong> luck.And Matan and Sandra slip back to their table. Sit. Starestraight ahead, and allow themselves... grins.SANDRA PAIShooting fish in a barrel?Turtles.MATANMeanwhile, JENNIFER COMBS, is led to the defense table.Alicia stands, startled. She’s lost a third of her weight.Almost nothing left of the 2nd grade school teacher.JENNIFER COMBSWhere’s Dawna?ALICIAI-- Dawna asked if I would stepin, Jennifer. I’m Alicia Follick,one of the other lawyers at thefirm.JENNIFER COMBSStep in?! For how long?ALICIAFor the retrial.

15.JENNIFER COMBS(gasps)Oh my god.Alicia tries to reassure her, but everything’s moving too fast:BAILIFFAll rise. The Criminal Court of CookCounty is now in session. Thehonorable Judge Colin Bogira presiding.JUDGE BOGIRA (62) enters. Not the happiest man in the world.Ex-Marine. Losing his hair. His bench covered with paperclips nervously twisted into various shapes.JUDGE BOGIRABe seated. Okay, let’s hear it.The prosecutors look over at Alicia. Oh. She stands. Um...ALICIAI... Your honor...She sorts through her documents. Matan, seeing an opportunity,jumps to his feet (Chicago trials a contact sport):MATANYour honor, just to refresh yourmemory, the accused, Ms. Combs, wasdeemed a flight risk due to anearlier custody hearing--ALICIAYour honor, I just--MATAN--where she threatened to run offwith her daughter.JUDGE BOGIRAYes, and yet just last week, a jurydeadlocked on these charges 6 to 6,Mr. Brody. I know our new D.A. wantsto look tough, but why are youfighting this?MATANThe People are prepared to retrythis case right now, your honor. IfMrs. Follick is so intent on gettingher client out, why doesn’t sheagree to a speedy trial?The judge looks up at the name. Grins. As if a dirty word:

16.JUDGE BOGIRAMrs. Follick?ALICIA(sighs: here we go)Yes, your honor.JUDGE BOGIRAThe wife of our “esteemed” ex-D.A.Your husband and I never quite saweye to eye, ma’am. In fact, I thinkhe got exactly what he deserved.Alicia winces. So does Jennifer sitting beside her.ALICIAYour honor, as you can see, I--JUDGE BOGIRAMrs. Follick. Don’t talk.(Alicia doesn’t)--but if the prosecution thinksthis will in some way prejudice meagainst your client, he is sorelymistaken. Nice try, Matan.(Matan shrugs: worth a try)Ms. Combs is granted pre-trialrelease with electronic monitoring.She’s restricted to her home,attorney’s offices, and transit inbetween. Given that this is arerun, I’ll set a trial date fornext week. Are we all happy? <strong>Good</strong>.Bang-- he quickly hits his gavel, and that’s it. Alicia juststands there, not sure what hit her. A stunned Jenniferstands, shakes her hand:JENNIFER COMBSThank you.ALICIA(doesn’t know what to say)I... sure.END OF TEASER

17.ACT ONEINT. CONFERENCE ROOM - LAW FIRM - (NEXT DAY) - DAYAn electronic monitor. It blinks away on Jennifer’s ankle asKalinda and Alicia take notes, listening:JENNIFER COMBSWe had a nice time. Michael talkedabout missing his daughter, and aboutthe life we had together. He wantedto drive along the lake, but we got aflat. He was getting out to fix itwhen I saw... a red pick-up truck.(pained)Do we need to do this again?KALINDAMrs. Combs, we’re looking forinconsistencies in your testimony.So yes.Jennifer swallows. Alicia eyes her, sees how hard this is.JENNIFER COMBS (O.S.)The driver came up to Michael’swindow. He was wearing a ski mask,and I... I didn’t see the gun untilMichael grabbed it. There was thisshot, and I saw... Michael’s face...(pauses, unbearable)ALICIADo you want to pause for a minute?Kalinda shoots an irritated look toward Alicia.JENNIFER COMBSNo. Just if there were some water.INT. WORKSTATION ROW - 27TH FLOOR - DAYAlicia leans out the conference room door:ALICIASonia, can you get us some water?Sonia, at her workstation, covers her headset, whispers:SONIAI’m taking notes on Cary’s call.How long?ALICIA

18.SONIA5 minutes. But then I’ve got his depo.Alicia frowns, shoots a look toward Cary in his office.ALICIAOkay, tell me when you’re done. AndI need some filing cabinets in myoffice.INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - 27TH FLOOR - LAW FIRM - DAYAlicia returns to the conference room with bottled water,finds Kalinda mid-questioning: more confrontational.KALINDABut that’s the problem. You say thered pick-up truck came from here--(a crime scene map)But there’s a Walmart surveillancecamera here. And the prosecutionplayed it to make you look like a liar.JENNIFER COMBSI’m not lying.KALINDAThen you’re mistaken, or something,because the tape doesn’t show atruck. And that’s why we’re facinga retrial now, and not an acquittal.ALICIA(clears her throat, warmer)What Kalinda is saying is-- couldn’tyou have been mistaken? Couldn’tthe car have come from... here?Another part of the map. Jennifer stares at it, and a tearrolls down her cheek. Kalinda rolls her eyes, backs away:too much estrogen for her, as Alicia approaches, seesJennifer has a small worn photo. LILLY (3).ALICIA (CONT’D)Is that your daughter?(Jennifer nods, shows her)She’s beautiful.JENNIFER COMBSThey won’t let me see her. My inlaws--they have custody, and I--(chokes up)In one day. Everything.(MORE)

19.JENNIFER COMBS (CONT'D)My job, my life, my daughter.Everything gone. What am I goingto do?Jennifer cries. Alicia eyes her sympathetically.ALICIAYou’re going to take it one day ata time, Jennifer. We got youhousing. Go there, take a shower,take a nap, don’t turn on the <strong>TV</strong>.Do you like reading?(Jennifer nods)I’ll get you some books. Fiction isbest. You won’t feel like puttingon nice clothes or make-up, butforce yourself to. Not for court,for you. The superficial thingsmatter more than anything right now.Jennifer wipes her eyes, nods, as Kalinda studies Alicia: forthe first time authoritative. Something she lived.ALICIA (CONT’D)Meanwhile, I’ll petition the courtfor visitation rights. Okay?JENNIFER COMBSIf they could even send somepictures. The worst thing in prisonwas not having photos of her.Alicia nods. Takes a second to consider this.JENNIFER COMBS (CONT’D)Do you think I have a chance?ALICIAI think the jury deadlocked 6 to 6.I think Dawna’s strategy-- arguingthat the police were so quick tofocus on you, they never pursued thereal carjackers-- is a good one.And I think we have the advantage ofinterviewing the first jurors to seehow to improve our case. So, yes, Ithink we have a very good chance.JENNIFER COMBSThank you. It’s hard.I know.ALICIA

20.JENNIFER COMBSDoes it ever get easier?No.ALICIA(considers it)Jennifer smiles. Likes her brutal honesty.ALICIA (CONT’D)But you do get better at it.INT. WORKSTATION ROW - 27TH FLOOR - DAYAlicia sees Kalinda staring at her as they exit the room.What?ALICIAKALINDANothing. You go interview thejurors; I’ll try to figure out howa surveillance camera can lie--Alicia?LAUREN YOSTAlicia turns, sees a woman approaching. LAUREN YOST (35), afit, pretty, and elegant Highland Park mom.Lauren?ALICIALAUREN YOSTLook at you. I love your hair.Phil and I are here doing someestate planning. What about you?ALICIAI work here.LAUREN YOSTYou’re kidding! That’s great.You know, Jeanie asks all the timeabout your Gracie: “When are wegonna’ get together again?” And Ikeep saying “We’ve got to call.”ALICIAThat would be great.LAUREN YOSTSo let’s do it. Okay? It’s beentoo long.

21.And Lauren starts off. Alicia turns, sees Kalinda smiling.KALINDALet me guess. “Too long” meansright after your husband’s pressconference?Alicia nods. Kalinda chuckles knowingly:KALINDA (CONT’D)My job would be a hell of a lot harderif people weren’t so predictable.INT/EXT - DEPAUL UNIVERSITY - DAYA lecture hall, class over, students rushing out. Aliciaquestions DR. DOWNING (55), a dignified grey-bearded prof.DR. DOWNINGThat’s right. I was the jury foreman.ALICIAAnd you don’t mind answering a fewquestions, Professor? It helps usrefine our case for the retrial.DR. DOWNINGNo, certainly. But I don’t thinkyou’ll need much refining. Yourcase was very strong, very logical.<strong>Good</strong>. Alicia, taking notes, follows him into the hall...DR. DOWNING (CONT’D)In fact, I’m not even sure why theother side went to trial. I votedfor conviction right from the start.ALICIA<strong>Good</strong>, I just--(looks up)You mean, acquittal.DR. DOWNINGNo. Conviction.ALICIA(pauses, hesitates)But, I’m with the defense.Dr. Downing suddenly stops. Stares at her.Oh.DR. DOWNING

22.And he continues off. Alicia frowns: shit. And--INT. CHICAGO MUSEUM OF ART - DAY--Alicia, more nervous now, interviews a MUSEUM CURATOR (34),intelligent, pretty, backing up from a large canvas being hung.ALICIAYou were a “guilty” vote?CURATORYes. I mean, it was pretty obviousshe did it. Sorry.(to the workers)To the left more.ALICIASo can you tell me how many votedfor conviction right from the start?Eleven.What?CURATORALICIACURATOREleven. There was just one holdout.Juror #9. We argued with herfor three whole days.INT. CHICAGO LIBRARY - DAYALICIABut the judge polled the jury, andyou deadlocked six to six.Alicia now interviewing a wispy MALE LIBRARIAN, pushing booksthrough the stacks, whispering:LIBRARIANYes, well, the judge was only goingto declare us deadlocked if weevenly split, so some of us agreedto change our votes to “not guilty”just to get out of there.(Alicia stares at him: uh-oh)If it weren’t for Juror #9, wewould’ve convicted. She didn’tconvince us, she exhausted us.EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING - DAYA worried Alicia talks with Kalinda on her cell:

23.Alicia nods and...ALICIAI’m checking her out now. She’sthe only reason Jennifer isn’tfacing 30 to life.KALINDA (O.S.)Get her details: age, employment,college level. We can gear juryselection to her type.INT. MRS. DURETSKY’S APARTMENT - DAYCats. Everywhere. In a small apartment. Alicia stares atthem as she calls into the kitchen:ALICIANo tea for me, Mrs. Duretsky. Sothe other jurors said you were theonly hold out? Is that correct?MRS. DURETSKY (65) enters. In a mumu. Doesn’t inspire a lotof confidence, pouring milk into various plates.MRS. DURETSKYYes. They all thought they were somuch smarter than me. But my votecounted just as much as theirs.ALICIAUh-huh. Can you tell me exactly whatin the defense’s case convinced you?MRS. DURETSKYWell... the whole thing really. Itend to look at people and sizethem up pretty quickly. That lady--I liked her.ALICIAThe defendant: Jennifer?MRS. DURETSKYNo, no, the lawyer. She never puton airs. I liked that.Alicia studies her-- a twinge of “uh-oh.”ALICIAThe defense lawyer argued the policenever pursued the actual carjacker--was that the reason you voted “notguilty?”

24.What?MRS. DURETSKYALICIAShe presented evidence the policenever pursued a carjacker. Wasthat what made you hold out?MRS. DURETSKYOh, I don’t know about that. Ijust tend to get a feeling.(lifts a cat)Don’t I, Mrs. Pringles?Alicia stares at her. Oh fuckin’ shit.INT. ALICIA’S MERCEDES - NIGHTAlicia. She sits depressed in her dusty Mercedes, staringstraight ahead. Parked in the building’s antiseptic andbright underground garage. She takes out......Jennifer’s mugshot, looks at it. Damn. When... “Bitch isBack” plays. She sighs. Her mother-in-law. Answering...ALICIAHello? What’s wrong, Jackie?Alicia listens, but she hears laughter, looks up, sees......Will and a sexy 26-year-old PARALEGAL laughing intimately,heading home, stopping right in front of her windshield. Um,Alicia slumps down in her seat, trying not to be seen. Notsure why she cares, but she does. Quieter...INTERCUT with...ALICIA (CONT’D)Look, Jackie, she’s at a new school.She’s left all her old friends. Ijust need you to go easier on Grace.INT. KITCHEN - ALICIA’S APARTMENT - DAY...JACKIE FOLLICK (65), her mother-in-law. A blue bloodunstoppable force of nature. An Ike-era widow. Alwayselegant, always domineering. Unpacking packing boxes...JACKIEAll I said was: I could help hershop for pants that would make herlook slimmer, that’s all.Alicia closes her eyes. Dammit.

25.ALICIAGrace is at a perfectly healthyweight right now, and I don’t wanther to have any body image issues.JACKIEShe’ll only have “body imageissues” if she keeps gainingweight.Alicia silently screams “Fuck you” at her phone when...Alicia?WILLOops. A smiling Will peering toward her. Hey. Alicia wavesweakly. Will motions for the Paralegal to go on ahead,starts up to her window...ALICIALook, I have to go, Jackie. Let’stalk about this when I get home.And she hangs up as Will arrives...WILLHey. So I heard the bail hearingwent well. Congratulations.Thanks.ALICIAWILLYeah. You heading home?ALICIAI am.(something on her mind)Will, can I ask you a question?WILLSure. It’s my real hair.Alicia smiles. Two old friends.ALICIAYou know the new associate Cary?WILLThe one in the Brioni?(Alicia shoots him a look)What? I’m observant.

26.ALICIAYes, the one in the Brioni. Hesaid “Let the best associate win.”What’s he mean by that?Will frowns, shrugs:WILLWhat he means is something Ithought we weren’t making public.What?ALICIAWILLWe only have one associate positionopen. We agreed to hire twoapplicants, and in six monthsdecide which one to retain.ALICIASo it’s a contest? Me or Cary?WILLIt was that or a cage match.(smiles)I’m just glad your pro bono’s goingwell.ALICIA(forces a smile)Me too.EXT. TAMMS MINIMUM SECURITY UNIT - (NEXT DAY) - DAYA prison. Trees. Grass. More Club Fed than Folsom.INT. VISITORS SECURITY VESTIBULE - DAYAlicia waits. We’re not sure why she’s here: a prison waitingarea. She looks down at the leather binder in her lap. Theone word there: “Goals.” She clicks her pen, writes under itone word... “Survive.” Nods. Sounds about right.GUARDVisiting hours are almost over.She looks up. A GUARD waiting.INT. VISITING AREA - TAMMA MINIMUM SECURITY - DUSKHe escorts her toward the cafeteria-like visiting area.Families with loved ones. Only one prisoner not beingvisited. He sees her and...

27....smiles. David. Oh, that’s why she’s here. We recognizehim from the press conference. He looks good, wearing hisuniform like a three-piece suit. Still handsome, impressive.DAVID FOLLICKThey said a visitor, but I thought Mom.ALICIAI’ve been busy.DAVID FOLLICKIt’s good to see you.He reaches out, awkwardly hugs her. She nods, stiff.ALICIAI need you to sign some things.Oh. David nods, moderately disappointed. Business. They sit.ALICIA (CONT’D)We didn’t get everything we wantedon the house. It’s a bad time tosell.DAVID FOLLICK(sees the number: ouch)I see that.ALICIAMost of it will go to court costs.We’ll pay for rent out of my salary,and the kids will have to stay inpublic school.DAVID FOLLICKHow are they? Mom says she’shelping out around the house.Alicia digs into her purse as David signs:ALICIAThey’re good. Grace is fightingyour mother over clothes. And Zachis using you to make friends atschool-- I’m not sure if that’s asign of health or something worse.DAVID FOLLICKHe’s “using me?”ALICIA“Funny or Die” has a skit aboutyou. I guess it’s cool. Here.

28.Alicia slides some photos across to David. He looks at them.Grace and Zach. Touched:Thanks.DAVID FOLLICKHe reaches a hand across, covers hers. She pulls away.DAVID FOLLICK (CONT’D)I know it’s been hard, Alicia. Youhave to believe me, I’m innocent.(She looks up: are youfucking kidding me?)--of the abuse of office charges.ALICIA(getting quieter)You think I give a good goddamnabout that, David? There’s a tapeof you sucking the toes of a 20-year-old hooker playing in Grace’scomputer lab, and you think I careabout the small print in youremployment contract!DAVID FOLLICKI was set up, Alicia! The D.A. setme up--!ALICIAOh, stop it, David! Just--!No. Look, I’m not here to fight.She collects the papers. Starts to stand. David, notwanting her to go.DAVID FOLLICKMom said you’re on your first case.Congratulations. The Combs case,right? Who’s the judge?ALICIAColin Bogira.DAVID FOLLICKYou’re kidding. He hates me.I know.ALICIADAVID FOLLICKWear something revealing. He has athing for the ladies. That blackdress I got you in Houston, wear that.

29.Alicia looks at him, shakes her head, chuckles. He’s amazing.An intercom blares: “Visiting hours have now concluded.”DAVID FOLLICK (CONT’D)(delaying her)You know there was something weirdabout that case: the Combs case.There was a rumor going around thatsomething got buried: “pitted.”Alicia pauses. Can’t help it.What?ALICIADavid takes a moment to think as families pass, leaving.DAVID FOLLICKI don’t know. Something important.Evidence or testimony.Alicia considers it, sees a guard approach.ALICIAI should go.DAVID FOLLICKThanks for playing the bread-winnerfor a while, Alicia. I know you’renot really built for this stuff.Alicia looks up at him. He didn’t even mean it as an insult--which makes it worse.DAVID FOLLICK (CONT’D)It won’t last forever. Ryan thinksif this appeal goes well, I shouldbe out in a year. Then things cango back to normal.Alicia stares at him. Sees the guard waiting.ALICIAYou know what, David? It took me adecade to realize it. But I ambuilt for this stuff. And we’renever going back to normal.And, with that, Alicia falls in beside the guard, startingaway. With each step, we see it on Alicia’s face. A growingdetermination.END OF ACT ONE

30.ACT TWOEXT. WESTERFIELD DRIVE - CHICAGO - (DAYS LATER) - DAYAlicia. A new side to her. Passion. Arguing with Kalinda:ALICIALook, the cops focused on Jennifereven before they did a chemicalanalysis of the trace evidence; sowhat if they only did an analysisof what fit their theory?Kalinda snaps photos of the crime scene: a windsweptindustrial road beside Lake Michigan.KALINDAAnd what if they didn’t? What if--(Alicia holds up a paper)Okay, what’s that?ALICIAPage one of the crime lab summary.I was digging through thediscovery. Look at the top corner.Kalinda leans in, sees a Xeroxed slanted line.KALINDALooks like a staple.ALICIAIt is a staple.KALINDAAnd that’s odd because?ALICIAThere was no page two.(Kalinda looks at her)Why did they need a staple if therewas no page two?KALINDA(takes a second)You think they kept page two out ofthe discovery because there wassomething incriminating?ALICIAI think either they did, or itwould be helpful in court to implythey did.

31.Kalinda eyes Alicia. A new Alicia. Liking this version.ALICIA (CONT’D)Look, Jennifer’s innocent, but ifwe can get her off on a processquestion, that’s still justice.KALINDASo just so I’m clear: we’re a dayaway from trial and you’re thinkingof dropping the old strategy?ALICIADawna barely convinced a cat ladyto acquit. So, yes.KALINDA(takes the lab report)Okay. I’ll check into it.Alicia nods: good. They turn to the Walmart parking lot.KALINDA (CONT’D)So a pick-up truck is crossing a welllit,empty parking lot and for somereason Jennifer’s disorientated, andthinks it’s coming not from thatdirection, but that direction.They compare the views. Nothing alike.ALICIAI don’t believe it.KALINDAMe neither. So how is a truckmissed by that surveillance camera?A camera on the side of the Walmart. Alicia shrugs:ALICIAMismarked surveillance tape?Kalinda looks at her, considers it. Interesting. Shecrosses to her car, takes off her jacket, drops it inside,unbuttons the two top buttons of her blouse. Preparing.ALICIA (CONT’D)What are you doing?KALINDAWorking. These are better thansubpoenas.

32.Alicia smiles.INT. WALMART SALES FLOOR - DAYThe security guard. MITCHELL (40). Tall, skinny, readsSOLDIER OF FORTUNE for the articles. He looks at Kalinda andher breasts, trying not to look at Kalinda and her breasts:KALINDAWe just need to see how thesurveillance system works, and we’llbe out of your hair in five minutes.Alicia glances at Kalinda. She’s good. Turning it on.MITCHELLFive minutes?She nods. Okay, Mitchell starts up his office stairs, wavesfor them to follow. Alicia looks over at Kalinda impressed:ALICIAWhy did my husband fire you?KALINDAHe accused me of working two jobs.Were you?Oh yeah.ALICIAKALINDAAlicia smiles. And they follow him.INT. SECURITY OFFICE - WALMART STORE - DAYA surveillance image of the nighttime parking lot. It plays onMitchell’s computer in his office overlooking the sales floor.MITCHELLSee, the computer automaticallyrecords the surveillance, and marksthe date and time.KALINDAThis is the night of the murder?MITCHELLYes. But even if the computer didmismark it, I make an hourly sweeparound the lot, and I didn’t seeany pick-up. Look, that’s me-- at11:03-- just before the murder--

33.The surveillance image: Mitchell crossing the nighttime lot.Kalinda and Alicia frown. A dead end.KALINDACan we get copies of these?MITCHELLSure. Lanie! I need some disks!LANIE (45), a slightly hefty secretary in the outer office.She rolls her eyes, irritated:Alright.LANIEAlicia notices this. Notices Lanie’s desk. Framed kidphotos, a “Curves” gym bag, a dozen crushed Diet Cokes in thetrash. Alicia looks toward Kalinda, getting nowhere withMitchell. Alicia starts out.INT. SECURITY BREAK ROOM - DAYKa-lump-- she buys a Diet Coke from a vending machine; dropsin more quarters-- ka-lump-- buys another.INT. SECRETARIAL WORKSTATION - SECURITY OFFICES - DAYALICIAHi. Your machine gave me an extraDiet Coke. Want one?Lanie glances up at Alicia leaning in her door:LANIEAren’t you one of the lawyers?ALICIAI’m just helping out. If you want.The Coke. Lanie shrugs-- sure-- takes it. They pop thetops, drink. Alicia nods toward her photos:ALICIA (CONT’D)Look at all those kids. Wow,they’re gorgeous.LANIEThanks. Two kids. Two grandkids.ALICIAI have two teenagers. Tell me itgets easier.

34.LANIEI’d be lying.They laugh. Mitchell, hearing their laughter, slams hisoffice door. Alicia and Lanie trade a joking look.ALICIAIs he always that charming?LANIEHe’s fine. Just a lazy mall cop.They laugh. Lanie leans in, gossips:LANIE (CONT’D)When school’s out, and all the highschool girls come over here, mallcop’s the first one down on thefloor, showing off his gun. But,night shift, he can’t get his fatass out of his chair. I’m thefirst one in in the morning, andI’m always waking him up.ALICIA(studies her)Really...?EXT. ALICIA’S APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHTA downtown apartment building. Middle class nice. Doorman.Surrounded by a sea of traffic, sirens. On the 7th floor...INT. LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM - ALICIA’S APARTMENT - NIGHT...Alicia studies the video of the WalMart parking lot on hercomputer, sipping red wine.Her 3 bedroom apartment. It’s a bit crowded, but pretty.Everything doing double duty: Alicia’s desk in the corner ofthe dining room. A few packing boxes still unpacked. Behindher, Jackie enters, in pearls and apron, sets the table:JACKIEDo you really have to work?ALICIAAnother ten minutes.(calls into the next room)Zach! I need your laptop!

35.JACKIEWhen David’s father was on theIllinois court, he never brought asingle case home. Not once.ALICIAHe was a judge, Jackie; I’m ajunior associate. Zach!ZACHMom, I just raised my wanted level.ZACH (14) enters, upset at interrupting “Grand Theft Auto.”A shy AV-kid trying to seem tougher than he is.ALICIAI’m proud of you, dear. I justneed to play two computer disksside by side. Can you set up yourlaptop next to my desktop?Zach shrugs, starts to set them up as Alicia sees Jackieslipping back into the kitchen.ALICIA (CONT’D)How’s your sister? Any more fightswith grandma?Zach shrugs: noncommittal, but noncommittal-yes. Okay, Aliciagets up, kisses him on the head, starts into the hall.INT. GRACE’S BEDROOM - NIGHTAlicia peers into Grace’s room. Posters of Obama everywhere.ALICIAHow’re you doing?GRACEI want her dead.ALICIA(smiles)Me too; but not yet. Help me out.Which one for court tomorrow?She holds up a black slinky dress. Clearly David’s choice.GRACEAre you serving cocktails in court?Alicia smiles. Holds up a conservative blue pantsuit.

36.GRACE (CONT’D)Better. Why can’t Zach and I watchourselves?ALICIAShe’s only here a couple hours aday, Grace.GRACEA couple of very damaging hours.Alicia smiles, kisses Grace on the forehead:ALICIAYou will survive.INT. KITCHEN - ALICIA’S APARTMENT - NIGHTA boiling pot of water. Pasta. Jackie cooking. A good cook.Across the island from her, Alicia chops carrots.JACKIEI talked to David. He said youdropped by.I did.ALICIAJACKIEI’m glad. He’s hurting in there.He’s very brave, but he’s hurting.Alicia is silent, chopping. Jackie looks toward her.JACKIE (CONT’D)He needs you to forgive him,Alicia. I know it’s hard but heneeds it.ALICIAHe doesn’t need that, Jackie. Heneeds me to go back to who I was.And I won’t do that.JACKIEWhat are you saying?Alicia sets down her knife, looks at her.ALICIAI spent fifteen years not askinghim a single question.(MORE)

37.ALICIA (CONT'D)Doing his laundry, cleaning hishouse, accepting his reasons forstaying overnight in the city.Because I loved him. Because I...admired him. Because I didn’t wantto end up like my parents: divorcedand bitter. And he--The door opens. It’s Grace. She looks between the two.ALICIA (CONT’D)We’ll be done in a second.Grace shrugs-- something being discussed. She grabs a pieceof bread, exits. Alicia lowers her voice:ALICIA (CONT’D)And he took everything I did, everyminute of our marriage, and he...(still hurts)...ripped it open for those cameras.JACKIEDavid didn’t want that.ALICIAHe wanted a prop, Jackie. Hedidn’t want a wife. I looked athim at that press conference, and Irealized... I don’t know this man.JACKIEIt takes time, Alicia. Give ittime.ALICIANo, Jackie. I woke up, and I’m notgoing back to sleep. If I everhave to go through something likethat again, I want it to be becauseof something I did. I’m not goingto live or die by someone else’smistakes.Jackie looks at her, wants to say something, but Zach calls:ZACH (O.S.)Mom, I got it running.INT. LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM - ALICIA’S APARTMENT - NIGHTTwo identical views of the parking lot. Playing on side-bysidelaptop and desktop screens. Alicia and Zach watch.

38.ZACHWhat is it?ALICIAVideo from the night of the murder.ZACHCool, like “Faces of Death.”Alicia glances over, sees Zach studying grisly autopsyphotos. She reaches over, slaps the file closed. Zachshrugs, nods toward the screens.ZACH (CONT’D)What are you looking for?ALICIAI’m not-- [sure]But something catches Alicia’s eye. On the laptop.ALICIA (CONT’D)Zach. Can you freeze it? There.He clicks a key. Alicia leans in toward the frozen image,studying a small plastic shopping bag blowing across the lot.Suddenly excited.ZACHWhat? What is it?Proof.Of what?ALICIAZACHALICIAMall cop wasn’t there.EXT. COOK COUNTY COURTHOUSE - (THE NEXT DAY) - DAYA sunny day. Leaves falling from the trees. And...INT. HALLWAY - COOK COUNTY COURTHOUSE - DAY...Kalinda rushes toward court, passing a herd of lawyers:LAWYERHow’s Mrs. D.A. doing?Kalinda offers a shrug as she pushes into...

39.INT. COURTROOM 402 - COOK CRIMINAL COURTHOUSE - DAY...court. Bogira on the bench. Jury seated. A dozen courtwatchers. Kalinda joins them in the gallery, eyes Alicia andJennifer at the defense table.MATANAnd you were married to the victimfor how long, Mrs. Combs?The first witness on the stand. CINDY COMBS (30). Plainlydressed.Pretty, but not botoxed.CINDYTwo years. Until...Her voice cracks. Matan gently sets a Kleenex box in frontof her as Alicia checks the jury. They seem moved. Not acat lady in sight. Damn.MATANHow did you hear of his murder, ifyou don’t mind me asking?CINDYI was visiting my family in Miami,and the police phoned. It was-- Istill can’t believe it.MATANIn her opening statement, thedefense alleged that your husbandwas intending to reunite with theaccused-- that in fact that’s whythey were going to dinner the nightof the murder. Is that true?CINDYNo. She told him she wanted totalk over the custody situation.Michael was worried about Jennifer.He thought she was... obsessed--ALICIAObjection, your honor.JUDGE BOGIRAOn what grounds?ALICIA(hesitates a second)“Hearsay?”

40.JUDGE BOGIRANice try, Mrs. Follick. I’ll allow.Alicia frowns. Smooths her collar. Maybe the blueconservative pantsuit was a mistake. She sits, seesJennifer’s worried expression. Nods comfortingly to her.CINDYMichael agreed to have dinner withJennifer because he was afraid ofwhat she might do if he didn’t.MATANThank you, Mrs. Combs. Your witness.Alicia stands, bumps her knee-- oww-- backs away from thetable, covering for it. Nervous:ALICIANow, Mrs. Combs, you stated thatMichael wasn’t consideringreuniting with Jennifer, and yet--MATANObjection.JUDGE BOGIRASustained.Alicia pauses. Isn’t sure what she did wrong.ALICIAIn your testimony, Mrs. Combs, youclaim that Michael thought myclient was dangerous, but isn’t it--MATANObjection.JUDGE BOGIRASustained. Keep trying, Mrs.Follick. You’ll hit on it.ALICIAI-- Mrs. Combs. Isn’t it trueyour husband changed his mind aboutfighting my client for custody oftheir daughter?Yes.CINDY

41.ALICIAWouldn’t that suggest yourhusband’s attitude had softened--?MATANObjection.JUDGE BOGIRASustained.Alicia starts to ask more, decides against it:ALICIAThank you.An uncertain Alicia sits, offers a smile to a nervous Jenniferworrying this isn’t going well. Matan and Sandra, meanwhile,try to swallow their grins. A bailiff hands a note to Alicia.She opens it, reads: “Calm down.” Alicia turns to thegallery, nods to Kalinda. And...INT. COURTROOM 402 - ONE HOUR LATER - DAYA police detective. BRIGGS (45). Dudley-Do-Right upstanding.SANDRA PAIAnd why was this carjacking not likethe other three, Detective Briggs?DETECTIVE BRIGGSWell, there was no clip on the fuelline to force the car over.SANDRA PAIThis was a detail kept from the press?DETECTIVE BRIGGSWell, we didn’t intentionally keepit out, but someone imitating thecarjackings wouldn’t know to do it.SANDRA PAIInstead, the victim pulled the carover because he had a flat?DETECTIVE BRIGGSYes, ma’am. A nail had been driveninto the rear passenger wheel.SANDRA PAII see. Now why is this something acarjacker would never do, detective?

42.DETECTIVE BRIGGSWell, it sort of defeats the wholepurpose. I mean, how do you steala car with a flat?Alicia shoots a look toward the jury, all intently makingnotes on their pads: obviously a good point. Damn. Jenniferleans toward Alicia, whispers:JENNIFER COMBSIt’s not going well, is it?ALICIA(whispers back)It’s early.SANDRA PAIYour witness.Alicia stands. Takes a moment. Calms herself.ALICIADetective Briggs, what is “the pit”?Matan and Pai look immediately up from taking notes: huh?DETECTIVE BRIGGSExcuse me?ALICIAIn police circles, what is “the pit”?MATANObjection, your honor?JUDGE BOGIRAOn what grounds?MATANOn the grounds that... relevance.JUDGE BOGIRAWell, let us see how relevant thisbecomes, shall we? Detective.Kalinda, in the galley, leans forward, nods-- good-- asBriggs clears his throat, not happy with this:DETECTIVE BRIGGSThe pit? The pit is police slangfor evidence that is thoughtirrelevant to a crime scene.

43.ALICIAAnd when an officer is referring to“dropping something in the pit” or“pitting it” he refers to what?DETECTIVE BRIGGSExcluding it from the crime scenenarrative. But this is only thecase with irrelevant details. Wenever exclude pertinent evidence.ALICIAWas anything from the Combs crimescene pitted?MATANYour honor, objection!INT. JUDGE BOGIRA’S CHAMBERS - DAYIn chambers. A wall of words. Matan and Pai yelling. AsBogira studies the xeroxed staple on the lab report.JUDGE BOGIRAOkay, okay. So, Mrs. Follick, noneof this was in the first trial. Isit your intention to pursue a newdefense?ALICIAYes, your honor.Bogira eyes Alicia, steelier than he thought as Matan explodes:MATANCounsel is trying to mislead the jurywith a claim of police corruption--!JUDGE BOGIRAOh, shut up, Matan. Is she right?That’s the question. Did you burysomething?MATANI-- We all know what’s going onhere. David Follick was a corruptD.A. If evidence was buried, heburied it; and now she’s benefitingfrom his knowledge!JUDGE BOGIRAWhich still leaves you with apossible second page missing here!(MORE)

44.JUDGE BOGIRA (CONT'D)I’ll give you until Monday toproduce it, along with any evidenceit references, then I’ll rule onadmissability. And you, Mrs.Follick, I’m not sure if you’rebeing fed this stuff or you’re doingit on your own, but I’m not going toallow a fishing expedition in mycourt. Understand?ALICIAI do, your honor.JUDGE BOGIRAYou seem to be learning quick, Mrs.Follick, congratulations. Butyou’ll find there’s only one rule intrial work. Don’t waste the judge’stime. Are you wasting my time?ALICIANever, your honor.END OF ACT TWO

45.ACT THREEINT. DAWNA’S CORNER OFFICE - 28TH FLOOR - LAW FIRM - DAYTense. Alicia stands before the partners: Dawna, Will, and aSolomonic Cormac. Door closed.DAWNAThe directive was simple: follow thestrategy of the first trial. Insteadyou’re pushing for trace evidencethat might not even help your case.Alicia tries to stay strong, certain:ALICIAI interviewed the first jury and theyvoted 11 to one to convict, so I--DAWNAExcuse me, that’s not true. It wasevenly split.ALICIANo. Half the jurors switched votesonly when they couldn’t get a“troubled” juror to deliberate.(Will looks up: really?)So it was my judgement to changestrategies.Dawna. She studies Alicia. Angrily. A personal slap.DAWNAWas it your judgment not to update us?INT. WORKSTATION ROW - 28TH FLOOR - DAYAlicia finds herself out the door. Looks at her hand. Hatesthat it’s shaking. When...Alicia!ALICIAAlicia sighs. An approaching Lauren Yost.LAUREN YOSTWe’ve gotta stop meeting like this.(laughs)ALICIAHey, Lauren.Alicia starts off, but Lauren follows...

46.LAUREN YOSTWe’re just finishing up the estatedocuments today. But you know whoI ran into downtown? Deena Hart.I told her I saw you, and she saidshe was going to give you a call sothe three of us could have lunch.ALICIALauren, I don’t mean to be rude,but... Deena isn’t going to call,and we’re not going to have lunch.And that’s fine. Really, it is.Lauren stares at her. The honesty of this pretty blinding.ALICIA (CONT’D)Everybody’s moved on. It’s not agood or bad thing. It’s just whathappens. It’s great to see you. Ihave to get back to work.And Alicia continues off. Lauren watches her go: thesmallest edge of guilt there. While...INT. DAWNA’S CORNER OFFICE - 28TH FLOOR - LAW FIRM - DAY...the partners deliberate...DAWNAShe’s a junior associate whodoesn’t think she’s a juniorassociate. Her husband was theD.A., she lived in Highland Park.It’s not just trying to teach anold dog new tricks. It’s trying toteach an entitled dog new tricks.WILLOh, come on, Dawna. She’s tryingto win a case. You mentor thesewomen until they start competingwith you.DAWNAWhat?! Excuse me?!CORMACOkay, okay. What are yourrecommendations?DAWNAI think we should reprimand Alicia,and put Cary in as first chair.

47.Cormac turns to Will: You? Will considers it.And...WILLYou know one thing we haven’ttalked about? What if there issomething in this missing traceevidence?INT. CRIME LAB - DAYKALINDAJust a peek, Danny. Come on.It’s Kalinda smiling flirtatiously with DANNY (32), a nervousWallace Shawn type, outside the crime lab. Kalinda dressedto accentuate everything that needs to be accentuated.DANNYNo. How’d you even get in here?KALINDAI still have friends in the D.A.’soffice. Come on, I know the judgeordered you to look through the rawCombs evidence. What’d you find?Danny stares at her, and...INT. DANNY’S WORKSTATION - CRIME LAB - DAYDANNYHairs. Brown. A half inch long.Danny whispers nervously as Kalinda peers through a microscope.KALINDAPubic hairs?DANNYNo. Not curled. Don’t touch that.KALINDAAnd you checked their residences?DANNYThere were no matching hairs in theaccused or victim’s house. Now youhave to go. Please.KALINDAWhere were these found?

48.Danny sighs, checks a report:DANNYOn the deceased. His left coat arm.KALINDA(incredulous)And the cops think this isimmaterial to the case?! They’refound on the arm used by a driver tostruggle with a carjacker, and--?DANNYThese didn’t come from any carjacker.KALINDAHow do you know?DANNYThey’re not human.Kalinda. She stares at him. What?INT. ALICIA’S OFFICE - DAYJennifer. She hungrily flips through new photos of Lilly, nowa year older. She laughs at her in a witch costume.JENNIFER COMBSThank you. Thank you.Alicia, still distracted, nods, smiles. Standing in her officenow stacked high with files and exhibits. Still no filingcabinets. A phone rings out at the secretarial workstation.JENNIFER COMBS (CONT’D)That’s her. Isn’t it?ALICIASonia, can you send it in?But the phone still rings. Alicia leans out her door, finds...INT. WORKSTATION ROW - 27TH FLOOR - DAY...Sonia gone-- in the conference room across the hall,taking notes on Cary’s deposition. Shit. Alicia answers it:ALICIAAlicia Follick’s office. Hold on.Alicia frowns at the buttons on the phone. Not sure whichone to push. There. No. Another.

49.ALICIA (CONT’D)Pick it up, Jennifer.INT. ALICIA’S OFFICE - DAYAnd a nervous Jennifer takes a deep breath, picks up.Hello.Mommy?JENNIFER COMBSLILLY COMBS (O.S.)Jennifer breaks down, crying. Hearing her daughter’s voice.JENNIFER COMBSBaby, it’s me.Alicia at the door finds her eyes wet too. Can’t help it.LILLY COMBS (O.S.)Where are you, mommy? I miss youso much.JENNIFER COMBSI know, I miss you too. I just-- Ihope I can see you. I want to seeyou.LILLY COMBS (O.S.)I want to see you too.Alicia wipes a tear from her cheek, slowly...INT. WORKSTATION ROW - 27TH FLOOR - DAY...steps out, quietly closing the door. She sees Soniarolling a FILING CABINET toward her.ALICIAOh, good. I’m overflowing in here.SONIAActually, Mrs. Follick... ah...She wheels it into Cary’s tidy office. Oh, come on!Alicia’s frustration bubbles over:ALICIAWe need to talk, Sonia.SONIAI know. I just-- I have to getback to the deposition.

50.ALICIANo, stop. You’re both ourassistants. You’re not justworking for Cary.SONIAI know, Mrs. Follick, but I needthis job, and Cary...(trying to be polite)...he’s definitely going to behere. I’m sorry.And she rushes off. Alicia just stands there, when...KALINDAIt’s not human.Alicia turns to find Kalinda approaching. What?KALINDA (CONT’D)The trace evidence. It’s hair froman Italian greyhound. NeitherJennifer or Michael had pets. Andhere’s something else. There’s achemical on the hair. Alco ectolin.A lotion for muscle and joint pain.ALICIA(peering at her notes)That’s the chemical number?KALINDANo, his cell. I agreed to drinks.Alicia looks up, smiles. Starting to love Kalinda.ALICIASo we’re looking for a greyhoundowningsenior citizen?KALINDA“We”? I hear you’re being bumpedto second chair.Alicia stares at Kalinda. A surprise. She looks around.Sees the Assistant Brian nearby. They lower their voices:When?ALICIAKALINDATomorrow. Cary’s beingtransitioned in. They go back tothe first strategy.

51.Alicia takes a second. Considers it.ALICIAThen that leaves today.Kalinda nods. A moment between them.KALINDASo go kill him.INT. COURTROOM 402 - COOK CRIMINAL COURTHOUSE - DAYThe Walmart surveillance. It plays on a courtroom monitor.MATANThis is at 11:03, the night of themurder, Mr. Mitchell. And that’syou crossing the lot, correct?The Walmart security guard, looking crisp, professional.MITCHELLYes, sir, that is correct. It’spart of my job to make a circuit ofthe lot every hour on the hour.Alicia (wearing the black dress now-- whatever it takes)checks how Jennifer is doing. She looks down at the photosof Lilly in her hand, still glowing.MATANAnd you saw no mysterious pick-uptruck? No evil carjackers racingpast you? Nothing the defendantclaims she saw? Correct?MITCHELLThat’s correct.Will enters the gallery, sits behind Kalinda. Whispers:WILLHow’s it going?KALINDACan’t tell yet. If we undercut him,we’re halfway home. But we stillhave to throw together a defense.Will nods, sees a man at the back of the court. Leaningagainst the wall watching. Will whispers:WILLWhat’s the D.A. doing here?

52.The new D.A. GREG CHILDS (45). A Chicago Gavin Newsome.Dignified, tall, humorless, and handsomely greying.KALINDAWhat do you think? They’re worriedshe’s working for her husband.Interesting. Will turns back to Alicia now standing for crossexamination.A bailiff wheels two monitors next to the first.ALICIAThank you. Now, Mr. Mitchell, wehave three images here. The middleone is the night of the murder. Theleft is the surveillance from thenight before the murder. And theright is the surveillance from thenight after the murder. Correct?Can you see the dates on all three?MITCHELLYes, I can. That’s correct.ALICIA<strong>Good</strong>. And, as you said before, hereyou are-- let me roll these forward abit-- here you are crossing the lotat 11:03 on the night of the murder?And here you are...But Alicia pauses, sees Greg Childs. Eyeing her. A long second.JUDGE BOGIRAMrs. Follick?Alicia nods, continues. More intent, biting into it:ALICIAAnd here you are, Mr. Mitchell,doing the same the night before andthe night after the murder. Makinga circuit of the parking lot. Itmust get old?MITCHELLNo, ma’am. My job may not pay asmuch as yours, but I love it.Matan and Sandra watch Alicia. Where is she going with this?ALICIAOkay, now let’s fast-forward theimage another forty-five minutes,shall we? There. What do you see?

53.Nothing.MITCHELLALICIANo, there. Do you need to move closer?MITCHELLOh. It looks like a shopping bag.ALICIAActually it is. A plastic shoppingbag. It was windy that night. Andit blew across the lot at 11:48.MATANYour honor, objection, what doesthis have to do with anything?JUDGE BOGIRABeats me. But I’m interested.Aren’t you, Mr. Brody? Overruled.ALICIANow let me fast-forward these othertwo monitors-- the night before themurder and the night after-- to thesame time code.She does so, and-- click-- she freeze-frames all three. Andthere it is-- the same plastic bag blowing across the lot.ALICIA (CONT’D)What do you see?MITCHELL(appalled)I-- I don’t know.ALICIAI think you do know, sir. Either youhave a plastic bag that blows acrossyour lot every night at 11:48 orthese are copies of the same tape.Matan and Sandra close their eyes: oh shit. As Judge Bogirasuppresses an appreciative snort, and the jury allimmediately turn to make a note on their pads.Will’s grin widens as Alicia clicks “play” on the threemonitors. And the exact same bag blows across the lot.MITCHELLI didn’t-- It’s not what it lookslike!

54.ALICIAI understand, sir. It’s not thatyou willfully misled the police?MITCHELLNo, right-- correct.ALICIAIt’s just that it’s cold out atnight? And sometimes you don’tmake the circuit of the lot?Yes.MITCHELLALICIASo, on nights you don’t go out, youdon’t record the actualsurveillance image; you just setyour computer to duplicate thenight before in case the managerchecks it, is that correct?I-- Yes.MITCHELLWill grins, looks back, sees D.A. Childs exiting unhappily.ALICIASo just to be clear: there is norecording of the night of themurder, and you were never in aposition to see or not see a pickuptruck with carjackers?(Mitchell nods, destroyed)Was that a yes, sir?MITCHELLI’m sorry. Yes.Jennifer takes a deep breath. The truth.ALICIANo further questions.Matan and Sandra just stare straight ahead, destroyed. AsAlicia turns toward her seat, looks for Greg Childs. He’sgone. Alicia nods-- good-- then she sees Will, smiling.She offers a quick smile back, sits. Pats an appreciativeJennifer’s hand. Better than therapy.END OF ACT THREE

55.INT. ALICIA’S OFFICE - NIGHTACT FOURWill and Alicia. Late night bull session. Alicia’s officeis an ever-growing chaos of files. Still no filing cabinets.WILLSo, you’ve got no rebuttal witnesses?ALICIAJust Jennifer.WILLAnd you’re wondering whetherdemolishing the key prosecutionwitness didn’t just save your assas first chair-- congratulations,by the way--(Alicia smiles, nods)--but was enough for reasonable doubt?Alicia nods. A second of silence as they think.WILL (CONT’D)You know what I don’t like?ALICIAThe nail in the tire?WILLYeah. And the old Honda. It justdoesn’t feel like a carjacking. Itfeels like a murder made to look likea carjacking. Is that a couch?A couch standing on its end in a corner.ALICIAYeah, maintenance brought it by.Go for it.Will lowers the couch. Jumps on it. Looks around.WILLYou need a maid in here.But Alicia pauses, a new thought nudging her.ALICIAOkay, what if it wasn’t a carjacking?WILLThen you lose.

56.ALICIANo, no, what if we don’t argueagainst their case. We agree it wasa murder made to look like acarjacking-- but Jennifer justwasn’t the one who did it?WILLSounds like you’re reinventing thewheel.ALICIA(getting excited)No, all they’ve proven is it wasn’ta carjacking, not that Jennifer wasthe shooter. I need to offer upanother suspect. Who are Michael’senemies? Who would want him dead?Alicia finds a number, dials, sees Sonia pausing at the door:SONIAHi. I just wanted to say:congratulations, Mrs. Follick. Iheard you did well in court.ALICIA...Thank you.Sonia starts to say more when Cary calls: “Sonia!” Shesmiles, embarrassed, starts off. Will shoots a look towardAlicia-- what was that about? She shakes her head-- nothing.ALICIA (CONT’D)(into the phone)Yeah, hey, Kalinda. What do weknow about the victim’s enemies?No, it just seems like we need topoint to a suspect.Will gets up, whispers:WILLSounds like a late night. Let’s dodinner tomorrow.Alicia nods, regretfully. Watches Will leave. He looks goodfrom this angle. Sexy. He turns the corner. Gone.ALICIANo, look, let’s talk to the wife--Cindy-- ask if he had any moneytroubles?(MORE)

57.ALICIA (CONT'D)No, the thing is: we don’t need awodunit, just a coulda-dunit.EXT. COOK COUNTY COURTHOUSE - DAYMorning. Bright and beautiful.INT. HALLWAY - COOK COUNTY COURTHOUSE - DAYKalinda and Alicia exit a courthouse elevator, hurriedly walkand talk their way through documents as they head toward court:KALINDAThat’s from the TRW; and that’s thefamily history.ALICIAWhere are the credit card receipts?KALINDAHere. But they’re going to objectthe whole way. You’ll need to juststring together some implications--GREG CHILDSMrs. Follick, do you have a moment?They both stop, see a stone-faced D.A. Childs in their path.I-- sure.ALICIAAlicia nods to a reluctant Kalinda: go ahead. Kalinda knitsher brow: you sure? Alicia nods. Kalinda continues off.GREG CHILDSI don’t think we’ve ever met. I’mGreg Childs.ALICIAWe’ve met.Alicia not smiling, not offering a hand. Okay, nopleasantries. Childs looks around: no one within ear-shot.Time for the adults to talk.GREG CHILDSYou know he’s using you, don’t you?David blames me for his downfall.He thinks I set him up. He’s usingyou to get to me.ALICIAHow do you figure?

58.GREG CHILDSMrs. Follick, please. He told youabout the missing trace evidence.He told you about “the pit.”(Alicia smiles)Don’t make yourself collateraldamage here. For your own sake.ALICIAMr. Childs. The day you leaked thatsex tape to the press, and forced meto shield my kids from every cablenews station playing it in 24-hourrotation-- that was the day I becamecollateral damage. You think youhave to worry about my husband, Mr.Childs? You’ve obviously never madea woman angry before.(smiles politely)But good luck in court.And Alicia starts away confidently. Childs watches her go.INT. COURTROOM 402 - COOK CRIMINAL COURTHOUSE - DAYCindy Combs back on the stand. Still pale, a pained woman.Alicia approaches, smiling, wind at her back from the Childstalk. Plop-- she slaps the Kleenex box in front of her.ALICIAMrs. Combs. Did you and the deceasedsign a pre-nuptial agreement?CINDYA--? Yes. For tax purposes.ALICIAJust so I’m clear: if the deceasedwere to divorce you-- let’s say inorder to reunite with his first wife--MATANObjection.JUDGE BOGIRASustained.ALICIAIf he were to divorce you, youwould be cut off from his premaritalsavings, is that correct?MATANObjection. Relevance.

59.JUDGE BOGIRASustained. Move it along, Mrs.Follick.ALICIAMrs. Combs, as you testifiedearlier, you were in Miami at thetime of the shooting, visitingfamily. So the police neversuspected or questioned you?CINDYOf the murder? No, of course not.ALICIAWhat about your brother?Matan jumps to his feet:MATANObjection, your honor! Come on!This whole line of questioning is asmoke screen!JUDGE BOGIRAMr. Brody, why don’t we wait for awhiff of smoke before we call it ascreen, please. I’ll allow.ALICIAThe police never questioned yourbrother, isn’t that correct, Mrs.Combs?Cindy frowns. This is not going to a good place. DetectiveBriggs, meanwhile, in the gallery, watches, curious.CINDYThere was no reason to question him.ALICIABecause he lives in Miami?CINDYBecause Danny had nothing to dowith this!Alicia shoots a look toward the jury: Cindy’s new abrasivetone not going over well. Jennifer, meanwhile, watchesconfused: where’s Alicia going with this?ALICIAMrs. Combs, the judge has admittedinto evidence the buried--(MORE)

60.ALICIA (CONT'D)(sees Matan jumping up)--strike that-- the “previouslyunreleased” trace evidence. He hasalso admitted into evidence thecrime lab’s finding that thesegreyhound hairs were covered with achemical compound called alcoectolin.” Have you heard of this?CINDYThe chemical? No.ALICIAWell, neither had I. It turns out,it is a lotion. A lotion used atdog racing tracks to ease--MATANObjection. Not in evidence.JUDGE BOGIRASustained. You might want to staystanding, Mr. Brody. I have a feelingwe’re nearing your smoke screen.Detective Briggs leans forward in his seat listening as...Alicia gives herself a second, slows it down, makes the wordscount:ALICIAMrs. Combs, isn’t it a fact that, ayear ago, at the time of the murder,your brother worked at a dog track--?MATANOBJECTION!JUDGE BOGIRASustained.But Alicia eyes the jury, all intently taking notes.ALICIANo more questions, your honor.And she returns to her table, sits. Jennifer leans towardher, whispers...JENNIFER COMBSAre you saying Cindy had Michaelkilled?ALICIANo. I’m implying it.

61.Jennifer studies Alicia as, behind them in the gallery,Detective Briggs gets up, starts out of court.INT. ALICIA’S OFFICE - DAYAlicia and Kalinda sit in her office, feet up. Still a mess.Still no filing cabinets. Quiet.ALICIASo if they come back today?KALINDAIt’s “guilty.” Guilty verdictscome fast. “Not guilty” verdictscome slow.ALICIASo I’ll be optimistic, and take a nap.They both sit back, relax, feet up on the desk. Kalinda seesAlicia’s laptop: the screen saver playing old family vacationphotos. One of David, smiling, swim-suited. A happier time.KALINDAYou know what I don’t get.(Alicia looks over at her)Why you stood by him. I would’vestuck a knife in his heart.Alicia. She studies her. It’s sort of not rude from Kalinda.ALICIAI always thought I would too. WhenI heard about those other scandals,those other wives, I thought-- howcan you allow yourself to be usedthat way? And then it happened.And I was...(looks for the right word)...unprepared.The two women look at each other. A moment. When Soniaknocks at the open door.SONIASorry to bother you, Mrs. Follick.KALINDA(winces: damn)The jury’s in?SONIANo, Judge Bogira wants to see youin his chambers.

62.Alicia and Kalinda trade a look. What?INT. JUDGE BOGIRA’S CHAMBERS - DAYThe silent chambers. Alicia stands in front of Bogira’sdesk, waiting. He’s not there. She shoots a look towardMatan sitting quietly in the corner. Something weird here.A second. And Judge Bogira enters. Takes off his robes.JUDGE BOGIRAWell, Mrs. Follick.(how to start)Chicago Homicide has decided toreopen its investigation into themurder of Michael Combs.Alicia’s eyes widen. What?JUDGE BOGIRA (CONT’D)Detective Briggs, doing an admirableamount of due diligence, confirmed thatCindy Comb’s brother, Danny, not onlyhad access to his employer’s pick-uptruck on the night of the murder, butthe dog hairs admitted into evidencematched those found at his workplace.The D.A., in his radiant wisdom, hasdecided to withdraw the charges againstyour client and pursue a case againstCindy Combs. Isn’t that right, Mr.Brody? All I need is a yes or no.MATAN(not happy)Yes.JUDGE BOGIRA<strong>Good</strong>. Then in ten minutes I’mdismissing the jury. Anyobjections? <strong>Good</strong>. We’re done here.Alicia can’t believe it. She stares at them. And turns,walks from the room.INT. HALLWAY - COOK COUNTY COURTHOUSE - DAYJennifer is pale, crying. She can’t believe it either. Shewalks slowly to Alicia and holds her, collapses against her.Both in tears.JENNIFER COMBSThank you.

63.Alicia just shakes her head, hugs her back, wipes the tearsfrom her face when... a voice comes from behind them...Mommy.LILLY COMBSA small happy voice. Jennifer closes her eyes overwhelmed asshe turns to see a little girl approaching. Lilly. Sweet.In Sunday best. She runs. And Jennifer bends down and picksher up. Crying. And......Alicia watches, moved.INT. WORKSTATION ROW - 27TH FLOOR - NIGHTThe office is dark. Just sparkling skyscraper lightsoutside. The sound of a floor buffer somewhere. Aliciawalks toward her office, high heels off, talking on her cell:ALICIANo, it just went a little late,Jackie. That’s all.JACKIE (O.S.)I made a pot roast, and I wantedto know if you’re coming home fordinner.Alicia laughs. Jackie looks up, confused.JACKIE (O.S.) (CONT’D)What? What did I say?ALICIANothing. That’s just the call Ialways used to make to David.JACKIE (O.S.)Well, I don’t understand your humor.Alicia smiles, opens her door, finds her office...INT. ALICIA’S OFFICE - NIGHT...perfect. Files all packed away into three new filingcabinets. Couch. Arm chair. Pictures on the wall. Aliciacrosses to her desk.JACKIE (O.S.)Are you there?ALICIAI’m here. See you in about an hour.(stops her from hanging up)(MORE)

64.ALICIA (CONT'D)Hey, Jackie. I don’t think I’vereally said this up til now, butthanks for stepping up.JACKIE (O.S.)Of course I would. Why wouldn’t I?Alicia smiles: Jackie at her most defensive when complimented.JACKIE (CONT'D)See you at nine.And Jackie hangs up. Alicia sits. A new chair too. Nice.Oh.WILLIt’s Will. At her door. Leaving a bottle of champagne.WILL (CONT’D)Sorry, I didn’t know you-- Just anoffice token. You did great.ALICIAThanks. I did, didn’t I?Will laughs. Alicia takes the champagne, looks at the labelas Will stands in the door. Neither knowing what to say.WILLOh, one more thing. As your boss.Yes, sir.ALICIAWILLYou’ve been made my second chair inthe civil case. See you tomorrowat 9:30. Staff meeting.Be there.ALICIAWill smiles, pauses there a second. Then slips away.Alicia, alone, grins. She puts her feet up on her desk. Andglances toward her laptop, playing screen saver photos.Dissolving to a photo of......David. And Alicia’s smile slips away as she stares at him.END OF ACT FOUR

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