November 15, 2012 - WestchesterGuardian.com

November 15, 2012 - WestchesterGuardian.com

November 15, 2012 - WestchesterGuardian.com

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Page 20 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN THURSDAY, november <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>OP EDSectionTHE HEZITORIALHypocrisy Continues to Reign Supreme in YonkersBy HEZI ARISLast week, it wasrevealed thatLawrence A. Porcari,Jr., Esq., employed bythe City of YonkersLaw Department as an AssociateCorporation Counsel, on June18, <strong>2012</strong>, had addressed the Hon.Collen McMahon, United StatesDistrict Judge, Southern Districtof New York on behalf of formerYonkers City Councilwoman SandyAnnabi with regard to a court casealleging her dropping oppositionto the Ridge Hill DevelopmentProject allegedly seduced by giftsshe received from former GOPChair Zehy Jereis. Mr Porcariaddressed Judge McMahon on officialCity of Yonkers, Department ofLaw stationery. When Yonkersiteslearned of Mr Porcari using officialstationery they were not only aghast,but they demanded he be fired.Yonkers Tribune / The <strong>WestchesterGuardian</strong> learned Mr. Porcari wasindeed suspended for 30 dayswithout pay. The outcry was of suchintensity that Mr Porcari is made tosuffer a public rebuke in a mannermany people will infer and surmiseis a balanced response to his lack ofetiquette.Before the facts are outand weary of the ConEd crisis,Yonkersites have been deflected andconsumed by the “audacity” [editorialsarcasm] of Mr Porcari’s fauxpas. Where is Miss Manners whenyou need her?At issue is the stationery MrPorcari used. No effort or concernwhether the government has proventheir case against the two defendants.The bigger issue is whetherthe government proved their case.In fact it was Judge McMahon whowas first to question the veracityof the government’s case during abreak in which the Jury was sequesteredand incapable of hearing herdemanding the government provetheir case.Perhaps Mr Porcari, amongothers who questioned the process,found it fitting and proper toaddress the court on behalf of MsAnnabi. In fact, this reporter wroteto Judge McMahon on behalf ofeach of the defendants. The prosecutionbrought up many issues thatwere later to be unproven. The prosecution’sfacts disintegrated undercross-examination. I attended thecourt trial and had hoped JudgeMcMahon would overturn the juryverdict because the government“proof ” was wanting and inconclusive.In Yonkers, issues of proofand truth are too easily maligned byarm-twisting politicians who lust toexact their toll on those they can.Mayor Mike Spano willed it and soit has <strong>com</strong>e to pass that Mr Porcariwill lose approximately $10,000 forhis “misdeed”.Should one care to follow thelogic imposed against Mr. Porcari,one would need to delve into whyMr Porcari cannot solicit theempathy of the court using governmentstationery when it is knownthat Mayor Mike Spano beseechedthe court to be <strong>com</strong>passionate intheir ruling over his brother, formerSenator Nick Spano, which waslikewise written on official governmentstationery. Does not Amerikasubscribe to what is good for thegoose is good for the gander? WereAmerica so righteous in its conduct,behavior condoned in Yonkerswould not be so easily appeased.While ConEd struggled torestore electricity to all Yonkersites,a gasoline shortage revealed itself.Gasoline stations did not havepower by which to pump fuel. Linesof as long as 6 hours formed towait one’s turn to get fuel for electricgenerators and to fill gas tanks.Tempers flared. Yonkers MayorMike Spano declared a 10-gallonmaximum allowance of fuel perfill up. That brilliant effort reducedthe length of stay at gas stationsthat had electrical power to pumpfuel and had fuel to pump fromthe 6-hour wait to 3-hours withina day’s time and eventually down to1-hour as of Friday, <strong>November</strong> 9,<strong>2012</strong>. But the goose did not sufferlike the gander.It seems that Yonkers PoliceDepartment personnel werepermitted to fill their gas tank to thebrim at the taxpayer’s expense; sodid their wives and girlfriends. The“Gasboy” operation was respectivelyconducted at the First and ThirdPrecincts. G_d Bless America!When will we stand for nothingless than transparency, truth, facts,clarity, and ethical conduct? Instead,we pontificate while espousing themullarkey knowing that Annabiand Jereis are the latest to be sacrificedfor the public interest so thatthe “ra ra ra, sis boom bah” teamscan maintain their T count fillingtheir gas tank on the taxpayer’sdollar. Bruce Ratner, the Miliofamily, Capelli Enterprises, JoeCotter’s operation, even the YonkersChamber of Commerce, among somany others will remain to fleeceYonkers for many days forward.Yonkers has be<strong>com</strong>e a nightmare.What are we going to doabout it?Canning Mayor Mike Spano amonth’s salary would be an appropriatestart.OP-EDIt Took an Election to Find Diogenes Honest ManBy BOB K. BOGENWhat an election!What a confirmationof democracy? Andthis, all in the face offears, that our electionshave been converted into auctions,with all results / offices given to thehighest bidder.Surely this is the time for the“End Zone dance”. After 50 yearsof celebrating touchdowns in footballwith simply “spiking” downthe ball in the End Zone and thedozens of variations of dances andmimes, the army of people havebeaten the Royalist / Republicanmoneyed storm troopers! This washuge! It will be remembered foras long as democracy exists. Bigsurprise: Justice rules.Even locally, against ourdark fears, money and vicious lieshave not always won. Againstexpectations that redistricting,gerrymandering, and big moneywould insure Nan Hayworth’sreelection, she has instead lost toSean Maloney.The fears that democracy andits elections were doomed by theformerly Supreme Court CitizensUnited pronouncement promotingunlimited and secret, electioncontributions in hundreds ofmillions of dollars for tens of thousandsof campaign video ads andother actions to mislead voters didnot determine the election results.You will probably agree thatthe election has been an extremely,absolutely serious concern for ourcourts [certainly including ourformerly Supreme Court, fourJustices may retire and be replacedby the president], as well as weakeningthe Tea “Bagger” Partystrangle-hold policy in our current,totally non-functioning Congress,etc., plus widespread suppression ofvoters and elections, run as auctions[with highest bidders winning],corrupting the possibility of representativedemocracy.Thank God for Todd Akin andRichard Murdock! At last we couldput down our Diogenes lantern[no, not my Hurricane Sandy oillantern] when we have been lookingfor an honest Republican man, oreven two!The furious tornado of Romneyand his “men”, one after another,attacking and distancing themselvesfrom these “truth telling”Republican candidates was bothhilarious and revealing. These twospilled the beans on the Republicanpositions in Romney’s and Ryan’searlier speeches, and in the approvedspecifics of the Republican PartyPlatform.Even more dramatically, thepublic was not conned by therevelation of the Romney “47%”monarchist private video and thegrowth around the world of the“99%” movement that finally blewthe whistle on the Republican /monarchist class warfare they havebeen winning over the 99.9% ofthe nation, particularly in recentdecades.Continued on page 21

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