MATRIX # - Austin ISD

MATRIX # - Austin ISD MATRIX # - Austin ISD
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Course: Grade 5 Social StudiesAustin ISD Curriculum Road Map1 st 9 WeeksConcept (Big Idea): ExplorationEnduring Understanding: La competencia, el esparcimiento de ideas religiosas, y lanecesidad de gloria individual fueron algunas razones para la exploración y losasentamientos europeos del Hemisferio Occidental, en los siglos 16 y 17.Concept Pacing: 10 daysEssential Questions:1. ¿Cuáles fueron algunas razones para la exploración y losasentamientos europeos del Hemisferio Occidental, en lossiglos 16 y 17?2. ¿Cuáles fueron los efectos de la exploración y losasentamientos europeos sobre la tierra y los nativosamericanos en el Hemisferio Occidental?3. ¿Cuáles fueron los diferentes puntos de vista entre losnativos americanos y los exploradores europeos?Unit 5: European ExplorationUnit Pacing: 10 daysUnit Vocabulary:Arc 1 arqueólogos, colonia, colonizadores, artefacto, Pasaje del Noroeste, Las Indias Orientales, Colonización Europea, St. Augustine, libertad de culto,ganancia económica, William Bradford, John WiseUnit Resources: See Learning Plan for more resources. Harcourt Horizons, United States History; Social Studies Alive! America’s PastArc 1: European Exploration and SettlementResources: See Learning Plan for more resources. Harcourt Horizons, United States HistoryArc Pacing: 10 days7TEKS Knowledge & Skill TEKS Student Expectation Students Will Know… Students will be able to….5.1 History. The studentunderstands the causes andeffects of Europeancolonization in the UnitedStates beginning in 1565, thefounding of St. Augustine.5.6 Geography. The studentuses geographic tools tocollect, analyze, and interpretdata.5.7 Geography. The studentunderstands the concept ofregions in the United States.5.10 Economics. The student5.1A explain when, where, and why groups ofpeople explored, colonized, and settled in theUnited States, including the search for religiousfreedom and economic gain5.6A apply geographic tools, including grid systems,legends, symbols, scales, and compass roses, toconstruct and interpret maps5.6B translate geographic data into a variety offormats such as raw data to graphs and maps5.7A describe a variety of regions in the UnitedStates such as political, population, and economicregions that result from patterns of human activity5.7B describe a variety of regions in the UnitedStates such as landform, climate, and vegetationregions that result from physical characteristicssuch as the Great Plains, Rocky Mountains, andCoastal Plains5.10A explain the economic patterns of early• Key terms:arqueólogos, colonia,colonizadores,artefacto, Pasaje delNoroeste, Las IndiasOrientales,Colonización Europea,St. Augustine, libertadde culto, gananciaeconómica, WilliamBradford, John Wise• The motivations forEuropean explorationin the Americas• The different points ofview of the AmericanIndians and theEuropean explorersand settlers.• How the AmericanIndian and European• Use new vocabularyrelated to Europeancolonization in journalentries (ELPS 5B-Writing).• Create a graphicorganizer showing theways the AmericanIndians and theEuropeans adapted tothe physical environmentof the Americas.• Engage in historicalinquiry through theinterpretation of primarysource materials relatedto European exploration.• Create maps related tothe American Indiancultures and Europeanexploration andunderstands the basicEuropean colonistsReadiness Standards and Supporting Standards are not designated for Grade 5 level.© Austin Independent School District Grade 5 Social Studies Page 14 of 16

Course: Grade 5 Social StudiesAustin ISD Curriculum Road Map1 st 9 WeeksTEKS Knowledge & Skill TEKS Student Expectation Students Will Know… Students will be able to….economic patterns of earlysocieties in the United States.5.11 Economics. The studentunderstands the development,characteristics, and benefitsof the free enterprise system inthe United States.5.24 Social Studies Skills. Thestudent applies critical-thinkingskills to organize and useinformation acquired from avariety of valid sources,including electronic technology.5.10B identify major industries of colonial America settlers adapted to thephysical environment5.11A describe the development of the freeof the Americas.enterprise system in colonial America and theUnited States5.24A differentiate between, locate, and use validprimary and secondary sources such as computersoftware; interviews; biographies; oral, print, andvisual material; documents; and artifacts to acquireinformation about the United States5.24B analyze information by sequencing,categorizing, identifying cause-and-effectrelationships, comparing, contrasting, finding themain idea, summarizing, making generalizationsand predictions, and drawing inferences andconclusions5.24C organize and interpret information in outlines,reports, databases, and visuals including graphs,charts, timelines, and maps5.24E identify the historical context of an eventsettlement.• Show comprehension oftext by writing aninformed response, tiedto text evidence, on aDBQ question aboutEuropean exploration inthe Americas (ELPS 4K-Reading).Performance Tasks• Students will create a chart of artifacts based on three categories“Motives for Exploration”, “New Technology that HelpedExploration”, and “New Products from the Americas”.• Students will analyze primary sources and demonstratecomprehension by writing a response to a document based questionon the motivations for European Exploration of the Americas (ELPS4K- Reading).• Students will fill out a cause and effect graphic organizer on whyEuropean explorers began their expeditions to explore the world.• Differentiated (enrichment): Students will write an entry in anexploration log as an European explorer, providing 8-10 facts aboutthe explorer and the lands he discovered (ELPS 5B- Writing).• Differentiated (intervention): Students will write an entry in anStudent Work Products/Assessment EvidenceOther Evidence (i.e. unit tests, open ended exams, quiz, essay, studentwork samples, observations, etc.)• ISN reflections on European exploration in Texas and the WesternHemisphere and the beginnings of settlements• Student work samples• Teacher observations• Formal and informal assessmentsexploration log as an European explorer, providing 3-5 facts aboutReadiness Standards and Supporting Standards are not designated for Grade 5 level.© Austin Independent School District Grade 5 Social Studies Page 15 of 16

Course: Grade 5 Social Studies<strong>Austin</strong> <strong>ISD</strong> Curriculum Road Map1 st 9 WeeksTEKS Knowledge & Skill TEKS Student Expectation Students Will Know… Students will be able to….economic patterns of earlysocieties in the United States.5.11 Economics. The studentunderstands the development,characteristics, and benefitsof the free enterprise system inthe United States.5.24 Social Studies Skills. Thestudent applies critical-thinkingskills to organize and useinformation acquired from avariety of valid sources,including electronic technology.5.10B identify major industries of colonial America settlers adapted to thephysical environment5.11A describe the development of the freeof the Americas.enterprise system in colonial America and theUnited States5.24A differentiate between, locate, and use validprimary and secondary sources such as computersoftware; interviews; biographies; oral, print, andvisual material; documents; and artifacts to acquireinformation about the United States5.24B analyze information by sequencing,categorizing, identifying cause-and-effectrelationships, comparing, contrasting, finding themain idea, summarizing, making generalizationsand predictions, and drawing inferences andconclusions5.24C organize and interpret information in outlines,reports, databases, and visuals including graphs,charts, timelines, and maps5.24E identify the historical context of an eventsettlement.• Show comprehension oftext by writing aninformed response, tiedto text evidence, on aDBQ question aboutEuropean exploration inthe Americas (ELPS 4K-Reading).Performance Tasks• Students will create a chart of artifacts based on three categories“Motives for Exploration”, “New Technology that HelpedExploration”, and “New Products from the Americas”.• Students will analyze primary sources and demonstratecomprehension by writing a response to a document based questionon the motivations for European Exploration of the Americas (ELPS4K- Reading).• Students will fill out a cause and effect graphic organizer on whyEuropean explorers began their expeditions to explore the world.• Differentiated (enrichment): Students will write an entry in anexploration log as an European explorer, providing 8-10 facts aboutthe explorer and the lands he discovered (ELPS 5B- Writing).• Differentiated (intervention): Students will write an entry in anStudent Work Products/Assessment EvidenceOther Evidence (i.e. unit tests, open ended exams, quiz, essay, studentwork samples, observations, etc.)• ISN reflections on European exploration in Texas and the WesternHemisphere and the beginnings of settlements• Student work samples• Teacher observations• Formal and informal assessmentsexploration log as an European explorer, providing 3-5 facts aboutReadiness Standards and Supporting Standards are not designated for Grade 5 level.© <strong>Austin</strong> Independent School District Grade 5 Social Studies Page 15 of 16

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