MATRIX # - Austin ISD

MATRIX # - Austin ISD MATRIX # - Austin ISD
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Course: Grade 5 Social StudiesAustin ISD Curriculum Road Map1 st 9 WeeksEstablished GoalsTEKS Knowledge & Skillsettlement and thegeographic factors thatinfluence where peoplelive.5.24 Social Studies Skills.The student appliescritical-thinking skills toorganize and useinformation acquired froma variety ofvalid sources, includingelectronic technology.Established GoalsTEKS Student Expectation5.8B explain the geographicfactors that influence patterns ofsettlement and the distribution ofpopulation in the United States,past and present5.24A differentiate between,locate, and use valid primaryand secondary sources such ascomputer software; interviews;biographies; oral, print, andvisual material; documents; andartifacts to acquire informationabout the United StatesStudents Will Know…Students will be able to….5.24C organize and interpretinformation in outlines, reports,databases, and visuals includinggraphs, charts, timelines, andmapsStudent Work Products/Assessment EvidencePerformance TasksOther Evidence (i.e. unit tests, open ended exams, quiz, essay, studentwork samples, observations, etc.)• Students will illustrate a dictionary of key terms related to AmericanIndian cultures.• Interactive Student Notebook reflections on Hispanic culture and NativeAmericans• Students use academic vocabulary specifically related to American • Map quizIndian cultures and regions during class discussions (ELPS 3D- • Student work samplesSpeaking).• Teacher observations• Students will draw a graphic organizer showing the characteristics ofAmerican Indian cultural regions while reading selected pages fromthe textbook or other print sources (ELPS 4F- Reading).• Formal and informal assessments• Differentiated (enrichment): Students will create an illustrateddialogue or short story about a trade encounter between two NativeAmericans from different cultural groups (ELPS 5F- Writing).• Differentiated (intervention): Students will create a short dialogueor short story about a trade encounter between two NativeAmericans from different cultural groups with illustrated picture drawnto support to the dialogue (ELPS 5F- Writing).Readiness Standards and Supporting Standards are not designated for Grade 5 level.© Austin Independent School District Grade 5 Social Studies Page 12 of 16

Course: Grade 5 Social StudiesAustin ISD Curriculum Road Map1 st 9 WeeksLearning PlanLesson/Activity/Module Name Teacher Resource Student Resource Technology (Media, website, etc.) OtherLesson: Hispanic Heritage “Dream”Note: Integrating language arts andsocial studies with reading andwritingPortfolio: Hispanic HeritageLesson: Native American CulturalRegionsPortfolio: Native American CulturesLesson: Native American LandsPortfolio: Native American Lands• Harcourt Horizons, UnitedStates History, CultureMatters, p.10• Harcourt Horizons, UnitedStates History TE, TheFirst Americans, pp. 54-98• Harcourt Horizons, UnitedStates History ActivityBook, The FirstAmericans, p. 15Lesson in Portfolio• HarcourtHorizons, UnitedStates History,Culture Matters,p.10• HarcourtHorizons, UnitedStates History,The FirstAmericans,pp. 54-98• HarcourtHorizons, UnitedStates HistoryActivity Book, TheFirst Americans,p. 15RESOURCES FOR HISPANICHERITAGE MONTH:• Hispanic America USA provides acatalog listing of resourcesavailable on Hispanic-Latinocontributions with a focus ongovernment and military service.• Gilder Lehrman’s Resources onMexican-American history areoutstanding and include severalprimary source documents relatedto the topic.• Mexican Ancestry an especiallyworthwhile website for thoseinterested in tracing Mexican-American ancestry. Standards and Supporting Standards are not designated for Grade 5 level.© Austin Independent School District Grade 5 Social Studies Page 13 of 16

Course: Grade 5 Social Studies<strong>Austin</strong> <strong>ISD</strong> Curriculum Road Map1 st 9 WeeksLearning PlanLesson/Activity/Module Name Teacher Resource Student Resource Technology (Media, website, etc.) OtherLesson: Hispanic Heritage “Dream”Note: Integrating language arts andsocial studies with reading andwritingPortfolio: Hispanic HeritageLesson: Native American CulturalRegionsPortfolio: Native American CulturesLesson: Native American LandsPortfolio: Native American Lands• Harcourt Horizons, UnitedStates History, CultureMatters, p.10• Harcourt Horizons, UnitedStates History TE, TheFirst Americans, pp. 54-98• Harcourt Horizons, UnitedStates History ActivityBook, The FirstAmericans, p. 15Lesson in Portfolio• HarcourtHorizons, UnitedStates History,Culture Matters,p.10• HarcourtHorizons, UnitedStates History,The FirstAmericans,pp. 54-98• HarcourtHorizons, UnitedStates HistoryActivity Book, TheFirst Americans,p. 15RESOURCES FOR HISPANICHERITAGE MONTH:• Hispanic America USA provides acatalog listing of resourcesavailable on Hispanic-Latinocontributions with a focus ongovernment and military service.• Gilder Lehrman’s Resources onMexican-American history areoutstanding and include severalprimary source documents relatedto the topic.• Mexican Ancestry an especiallyworthwhile website for thoseinterested in tracing Mexican-American ancestry. Standards and Supporting Standards are not designated for Grade 5 level.© <strong>Austin</strong> Independent School District Grade 5 Social Studies Page 13 of 16

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