MATRIX # - Austin ISD

MATRIX # - Austin ISD MATRIX # - Austin ISD
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Course: Grade 5 Social StudiesAustin ISD Curriculum Road Map1 st 9 WeeksPerformance Tasksgroup/partner (ELPS 3G-Speaking).• Students create a commemorative stamp about the Preamble, theDeclaration of Independence, or the U.S. Constitution.• Students will engage in an experiential exercise to illustrate thechange in voting laws throughout U.S. History.• Students listen to situations that involve individual rights in thepresent-day and discuss how the Bill of Rights applies to thosesituations (ELPS 2I-Listening).Student Work Products/Assessment EvidenceOther Evidence (i.e. unit tests, open ended exams, quiz, essay, studentwork samples, observations, etc.)Learning PlanLesson/Activity/Module Name Teacher Resource Student Resource Technology (Media, website, etc.) OtherLesson: Puzzled? Lesson PlanDays: 16-20• Harcourt Horizons,United States History,• Harcourt Horizons,United StatesPortfolio: 1 st 20 Days 5 th Gradeo Shhh, We AreHistory,Lesson: Apply the Bill of RightsLesson PlanDays: 16-20Writing theConstitution,pp. 342-343;o Shhh, We AreWriting theConstitution,Portfolio: U.S. GovernmentPortfolio: 1 st 20 Days 5 th GradeLesson: The Road to Citizenship: ALesson: History of Voting RightsLesson PlansDays: 16-20Portfolio: 1 st 20 Days 5 th GradeoooThe ConfederationPeriod, pp. 352-357;The ThreeBranches ofGovernment,p. 358;The Bill of Rights,pp. 370-372ooopp. 342-343;TheConfederationPeriod, pp.352-357;The ThreeBranches ofGovernment,p. 358;The Bill ofRights, pp.370-372Readiness Standards and Supporting Standards are not designated for Grade 5 level.© Austin Independent School District Grade 5 Social Studies Page 10 of 16

Course: Grade 5 Social StudiesAustin ISD Curriculum Road Map1 st 9 WeeksConcept (Big Idea): AdaptationsEnduring Understanding: Debido a factores ambientales Los nativos norteamericanostuvieron que adaptarse al ambiente físico. Esto resulto en el desarrollo de diferentesgrupos culturales.Concept Pacing: 8 DaysEssential Questions:1. ¿Cómo afectan el clima y la geografía al modo de vivir de lapoblación pasada y presente?2. ¿Cómo es que los diversos ambientes dieron lugar a unadiversidad cultural entre grupos de nativos norteamericanos?3. ¿Cómo hacen adaptaciones los grupos culturales, basadosen su ambiente físico?7Unit 4: AdaptationsUnit Pacing: 8 daysUnit Vocabulary:Arc 1 artefacto, migración, arqueólogo, origen, civilización, cultura, adaptación, medio ambiente, indios americanos, Hopi, Inuit, nómadaUnit Resources: See Learning Plan for more resources. Harcourt Horizons, United States History; Social Studies Alive! America’s PastArc 1: Hispanic Heritage and American Indian CulturesArc Pacing: 8 daysResources: See Learning Plan for more resources.Harcourt Horizons, United States History; Social Studies Alive! America’s PastEstablished GoalsTEKS Knowledge & Skill5.6 Geography. Thestudent uses geographictools to collect, analyze,and interpret data5.7 Geography. Thestudent understands theconcept of regions in theUnited States.5.8 Geography. Thestudent understands thelocation and patterns ofEstablished GoalsTEKS Student Expectation5.6A apply geographic tools toconstruct and interpret maps5.7A describe a variety ofregions in the United Statessuch as political, population, andeconomic regions that resultfrom patterns of human activity5.7B describe a variety ofregions in the United Statessuch as landform, climate, andvegetation regions that resultfrom physical characteristicssuch as the Great Plains, RockyMountains, and Coastal Plains5.7D locate on a map importantphysical features such as theRocky Mountains, MississippiRiver, and Great Plains5.8A identify and describe thetypes of settlement and patternsof land use in the United StatesStudents Will Know…• Key terms: artefacto,migración, arqueólogo,origen, civilización, cultura,adaptación, medio ambiente,indios americanos, Hopi,Inuit, nómada• Major Native Americancultural regions.• How environmental factorspromoted cultural diversityamong American Indiangroups.• How to describe culturaladaptations made byselected American Indiangroups.Students will be able to….• Explain the characteristics of differentNative American cultural groups andregions using academic vocabulary duringclass discussions (ELPS 3D- Speaking).• Illustrate a dictionary about vocabularyrelated to American Indian cultures.• Use accessible language to learn newlanguage by illustrating a dictionary.• Identify and locate key regions of the UnitedStates.• Use visual and contextual supports to readtext by drawing a graphic organizer (ELPS4F- Reading).• Engage in historical inquiry through theinterpretation of primary source materials.• Write an illustrated dialogue or short storyabout American Indian cultures (ELPS 5F-Writing).Readiness Standards and Supporting Standards are not designated for Grade 5 level.© Austin Independent School District Grade 5 Social Studies Page 11 of 16

Course: Grade 5 Social Studies<strong>Austin</strong> <strong>ISD</strong> Curriculum Road Map1 st 9 WeeksConcept (Big Idea): AdaptationsEnduring Understanding: Debido a factores ambientales Los nativos norteamericanostuvieron que adaptarse al ambiente físico. Esto resulto en el desarrollo de diferentesgrupos culturales.Concept Pacing: 8 DaysEssential Questions:1. ¿Cómo afectan el clima y la geografía al modo de vivir de lapoblación pasada y presente?2. ¿Cómo es que los diversos ambientes dieron lugar a unadiversidad cultural entre grupos de nativos norteamericanos?3. ¿Cómo hacen adaptaciones los grupos culturales, basadosen su ambiente físico?7Unit 4: AdaptationsUnit Pacing: 8 daysUnit Vocabulary:Arc 1 artefacto, migración, arqueólogo, origen, civilización, cultura, adaptación, medio ambiente, indios americanos, Hopi, Inuit, nómadaUnit Resources: See Learning Plan for more resources. Harcourt Horizons, United States History; Social Studies Alive! America’s PastArc 1: Hispanic Heritage and American Indian CulturesArc Pacing: 8 daysResources: See Learning Plan for more resources.Harcourt Horizons, United States History; Social Studies Alive! America’s PastEstablished GoalsTEKS Knowledge & Skill5.6 Geography. Thestudent uses geographictools to collect, analyze,and interpret data5.7 Geography. Thestudent understands theconcept of regions in theUnited States.5.8 Geography. Thestudent understands thelocation and patterns ofEstablished GoalsTEKS Student Expectation5.6A apply geographic tools toconstruct and interpret maps5.7A describe a variety ofregions in the United Statessuch as political, population, andeconomic regions that resultfrom patterns of human activity5.7B describe a variety ofregions in the United Statessuch as landform, climate, andvegetation regions that resultfrom physical characteristicssuch as the Great Plains, RockyMountains, and Coastal Plains5.7D locate on a map importantphysical features such as theRocky Mountains, MississippiRiver, and Great Plains5.8A identify and describe thetypes of settlement and patternsof land use in the United StatesStudents Will Know…• Key terms: artefacto,migración, arqueólogo,origen, civilización, cultura,adaptación, medio ambiente,indios americanos, Hopi,Inuit, nómada• Major Native Americancultural regions.• How environmental factorspromoted cultural diversityamong American Indiangroups.• How to describe culturaladaptations made byselected American Indiangroups.Students will be able to….• Explain the characteristics of differentNative American cultural groups andregions using academic vocabulary duringclass discussions (ELPS 3D- Speaking).• Illustrate a dictionary about vocabularyrelated to American Indian cultures.• Use accessible language to learn newlanguage by illustrating a dictionary.• Identify and locate key regions of the UnitedStates.• Use visual and contextual supports to readtext by drawing a graphic organizer (ELPS4F- Reading).• Engage in historical inquiry through theinterpretation of primary source materials.• Write an illustrated dialogue or short storyabout American Indian cultures (ELPS 5F-Writing).Readiness Standards and Supporting Standards are not designated for Grade 5 level.© <strong>Austin</strong> Independent School District Grade 5 Social Studies Page 11 of 16

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