
Renunciation Renunciation
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ALWAYS CONTACT DAVIES SOLICITORS AND SEEK LEGAL ADVICE BEFOREUSING THIS FORMIN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICEFAMILY DIVISIONTHE DISTRICT PROBATE REGISTRY AT IPSWICHIn the Estate of * deceased* of * deceased died on the day of 20 having made and dulyexecuted her/his last Will and testament dated {with Codicil/s thereto dated{respectively} and } and thereof appointed the undersignedto be sole/an executor {and {a} residuary legatee and devisee (in trust) {jointly with}}I, the saidofdeclare that I have not intermeddled and will not hereafter intermeddle in the estate of the saiddeceased with intent to defraud creditors and I do hereby renounce all my right and title toProbate and execution of the said Will {with Codicil(s)} {and to Letters of Administration(with the said Will {and Codicils} annexed) of the estate of the said deceased}SIGNED as a Deed by the said ))on )in the presence of: )Davies Solicitors30 Woollards LaneGreat ShelfordCambridge CB22 5LZ

ALWAYS CONTACT DAVIES SOLICITORS AND SEEK LEGAL ADVICE BEFOREUSING THIS FORMIN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICEFAMILY DIVISIONTHE DISTRICT PROBATE REGISTRY AT IPSWICHIn the Estate of * deceased* of * deceased died on the day of 20 having made and dulyexecuted her/his last Will and testament dated {with Codicil/s thereto dated{respectively} and } and thereof appointed the undersignedto be sole/an executor {and {a} residuary legatee and devisee (in trust) {jointly with}}I, the saidofdeclare that I have not intermeddled and will not hereafter intermeddle in the estate of the saiddeceased with intent to defraud creditors and I do hereby renounce all my right and title toProbate and execution of the said Will {with Codicil(s)} {and to Letters of Administration(with the said Will {and Codicils} annexed) of the estate of the said deceased}SIGNED as a Deed by the said ))on )in the presence of: )Davies Solicitors30 Woollards LaneGreat ShelfordCambridge CB22 5LZ

DATED 20RENUNCIATIONin the Estate of*Davies Solicitors30 Woollards LaneGreat ShelfordCambridge CB22 5LZ

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