52 Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Gymn. 2004, vol. 34, no. 2TABLE 3Changes in selected functional parameters of SAHRV at intervals during sitting with spontaneous respiration (intervalT5) and full yoga respiration (interval T6)T5 spont. resp. T6 full yoga breathing Stat. sigParameter x – S x – S T5 : T6Spect. pow. VLF 684.65 400.04 426.93 267.33 *Spect. pow. LF 1717.7 1660.45 10494.2 7862.34 **Spect. pow. HF 2561.3 2212.73 1794.68 1822.89Rel. sp. pow VLF 16.55 12.37 5.84 6.63 **Rel. sp. pow LF 34.16 25.38 76.03 22.28 **Rel. sp. pow HF 49.29 23.29 18.13 20.48 **Freq. VLF 24.29 8.17 25.2 9.27Freq. LF 101.37 32.86 98.57 26.95Freq. HF 223.07 82.85 199.73 60.51Rat. LF/HF 0.67 0.16 5.84 4.21 **R-R interval 0.99 0.15 0.94 0.14 **CCV LF 3.84 2.12 9.93 4.22CCV HF 4.75 2.09 4.08 1.1Total spect. pow. 4963.7 3106.21 12715.8 8288.26 **Resp. freq./min. 11.4 3.1 6.4 1.8Counted Fr. resp. 13.57 4.9 11.98 3.64Fig. 5Changes in the total spectral power and partial spectral powers of frequency components VLF, LF, HF during sittingwith full yoga respiration (interval T6), during alternate respiration (interval T8), during kapalabhaty (interval T10);intervals T5, T7, T9 with spontaneous respiratory frequency (ms 2 )14000120001000080006000400020000ms 2T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10Spect.pow.VLFSpect.pow.LFSpect.pow.HFTotalspect.pow.2.1 Rhythmised and spontaneous respiration (TABLE 1,Fig. 3, and 4)During comparison of intervals while lying (T3rhythmised respiration 12 cycles/min., T4 spontaneousrespiration) we did not fi nd any significantchanges in the total spectral power. Concurrently,there occurred an enhancement of spectral powerin the frequency components VLF and LF, and a reductionin the spectral power of the HF component.Similar changes were observed in the case of relativespectral powers. There an enhancement in LF/HFratio and decrease of CCVHF parameter occurred.The mentioned changes are related to a highervariability of individual respiratory frequency inthe examined sample during spontaneous respiration(TABLE 1).2.2 Position change from lying to sitting during spontaneousrespiration (TABLE 2)During a position change from lying (interval T4) tositting (interval T5), we found a significant reductionin total spectral power (sitting as a demonstration ofpartial orthostasis). Concurrently, a significant reductionin the spectral power of the frequency componentHF, a reduction in the relative spectral power HF,

Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Gymn. 2004, vol. 34, no. 2 53TABLE 4Changes in selected functional parameters of SAHRV at intervals during sitting with spontaneous respiration (intervalT7) and alternate respiration (interval T8)T7 spont. resp.T8 anuloma-vilomabreathing Stat.signParameter x – S x – S T7 : T8Spect. pow. VLF 1352.3 1236.36 477.28 253.19 **Spect. pow. LF 2340.7 2356.73 4333.62 4995.73 **Spect. pow. HF 2343.4 2164.54 3769.78 4106.91Rel. sp. pow VLF 23.95 14.63 8.53 7.01 **Rel. sp. pow LF 36.63 24.21 48.75 27.83 **Rel. sp. pow HF 39.42 21.99 42.72 28.95 **Freq. VLF 25.84 8.63 25.51 8.99Freq. LF 102.99 27.07 115.59 26.35Freq. HF 195.12 37.83 188.01 32.07Rat. LF/HF 2.92 5.41 1.15 0.89R-R interval 0.97 0.15 0.98 0.15CCV LF 4.61 2.43 6.02 3.42CCV HF 4.62 2.28 5.64 3.22Total spect. pow. 6036.1 3352.88 8580.68 5892.08Resp. freq./min. 10.74 2.91 7.62 1.74Counted Fr. resp. 11.75 2.23 11.26 1.92Fig. 6Changes in the relative spectral powers of frequency components VLF, LF, HF%80706050403020100T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10Rel.sp.pow VLFRel.sp.pow LFRel.sp.pow HFan enhancement of the ratio in the spectral powersLF/HF, a reduction in the CCVHF parameter,and a shortening of the R-R interval, occurred. Thementioned changes characterise a sitting when comparedto a lying position as a position with a partialorthostatic load under the influence of the activityof the trunk postural muscles.2.3 Full yoga breathing and spontaneous respirationduring sitting (TABLE 3, Fig. 5, 6)During full yoga breathing (interval T6) a significantenhancement in the total spectral power, comparedwith spontaneous respiratory frequency, occurred,which is very probably related to the intensity ofthe respiratory volume. In the following positionsduring spontaneous respiration, the total spectralpower again signifi cantly declined. A frequencyshift of respiratory bound vagus activity from theHF zone into the LF zone happens as a result ofa decrease in respiratory frequency (x – = 6.4) andsimultaneously the spectral power of this frequencycomponent increases influenced by the enhancementof respiratory volume. A frequency shift of respiratorybound vagus activity owing to a change in respiratoryfrequency has a linear character; changes in ampli-

Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Gymn. 2004, vol. 34, no. 2 53TABLE 4Changes in selected functional parameters of SAHRV at intervals during sitting with spontaneous respiration (intervalT7) and alternate respiration (interval T8)T7 spont. resp.T8 anuloma-vilomabreathing Stat.signParameter x – S x – S T7 : T8Spect. pow. VLF 1352.3 1236.36 477.28 253.19 **Spect. pow. LF 2340.7 2356.73 4333.62 4995.73 **Spect. pow. HF 2343.4 2164.54 3769.78 4106.91Rel. sp. pow VLF 23.95 14.63 8.53 7.01 **Rel. sp. pow LF 36.63 24.21 48.75 27.83 **Rel. sp. pow HF 39.42 21.99 42.72 28.95 **Freq. VLF 25.84 8.63 25.51 8.99Freq. LF 102.99 27.07 115.59 26.35Freq. HF 195.12 37.83 188.01 32.07Rat. LF/HF 2.92 5.41 1.15 0.89R-R interval 0.97 0.15 0.98 0.15CCV LF 4.61 2.43 6.02 3.42CCV HF 4.62 2.28 5.64 3.22Total spect. pow. 6036.1 3352.88 8580.68 5892.08Resp. freq./min. 10.74 2.91 7.62 1.74Counted Fr. resp. 11.75 2.23 11.26 1.92Fig. 6Changes in the relative spectral powers of frequency components VLF, LF, HF%80706050403020100T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10Rel.sp.pow VLFRel.sp.pow LFRel.sp.pow HFan enhancement of the ratio in the spectral powersLF/HF, a reduction in the CCVHF parameter,and a shortening of the R-R interval, occurred. Thementioned changes characterise a sitting when comparedto a lying position as a position with a partialorthostatic load under the influence of the activityof the trunk postural muscles.2.3 Full yoga breathing and spontaneous respirationduring sitting (TABLE 3, Fig. 5, 6)During full yoga breathing (interval T6) a significantenhancement in the total spectral power, comparedwith spontaneous respiratory frequency, occurred,which is very probably related to the intensity ofthe respiratory volume. In the following positionsduring spontaneous respiration, the total spectralpower again signifi cantly declined. A frequencyshift of respiratory bound vagus activity from theHF zone into the LF zone happens as a result ofa decrease in respiratory frequency (x – = 6.4) andsimultaneously the spectral power of this frequencycomponent increases influenced by the enhancementof respiratory volume. A frequency shift of respiratorybound vagus activity owing to a change in respiratoryfrequency has a linear character; changes in ampli-

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