50 Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Gymn. 2004, vol. 34, no. 2TABLE 2Changes in selected functional parameters of SAHRV at intervals with spontaneous respiratory frequency during lying(interval T4) and sitting (interval T5)T4 spont. resp. T5 spont resp. Stat. sigParameter x – S x – S T4 : T5Spect. pow. VLF 969.42 1101.77 684.65 400.04Spect. pow. LF 1788.6 1685.13 1717.78 1660.45Spect. pow. HF 4705.7 4976.35 2561.35 2212.73 *Rel. sp. pow VLF 15.11 11.27 16.55 12.37Rel. sp. pow LF 24.08 19.18 34.16 25.38Rel. sp. pow HF 60.81 19.57 49.29 23.29Freq. VLF 24.17 8.32 24.29 8.17Freq. LF 111.46 28.73 101.37 32.86Freq. HF 241.15 73.7 223.07 82.85Rat. LF/HF 0.38 0.36 0.67 0.16R-R interval 1.1 0.17 0.99 0.15 **CCV LF 3.42 1.81 3.84 2.12CCV HF 5.73 2.96 4.75 2.09Total spect. pow. 7463.5 6592.97 4963.78 3106.21 *Resp. freq./min. 11.8 3.8 11.4 3.ICounted Fr. resp. 14.49 4.41 13.57 4.9Fig. 2Changes in dominant frequencies at frequency component zones of VLF, LF and HF during sitting with full yogarespiration (interval T6), with alternate respiration (interval T8), during kapalabhaty (interval T10); intervals T5, T7,T9 during spontaneous respiratory frequency300250mHz200150100Freq.VLFFreq. Frekq. LFFreq. Frekv. HF500T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10In all the following positions of sitting during spontaneousrespiration (positions T5, T7, T9) we foundsimilar disproportions between the observed respiratoryfrequency and the respiratory frequency calculated fromthe relation RvFr. (mHz) = Fr. R (min –1 ) × 0,0167 (Hz),(RvFr. – respiratory bound frequency regarded as vagusactivity in the frequency zone HF or LF, Fr.R – averagevalue of respiratory frequency) (TABLES 2–5, Fig. 2).The position of sitting with full yoga breathing (intervalT6) was characterised by a distinct slowdown of respiratoryrhythm of less than 9 cycles/min. and a simultaneousenhancement of respiratory volume. Calculated respiratoryfrequency in these positions assumed just the relationshipto dominant activity only, in the zone of frequency componentLF. In the literature, the dominant frequency in thiszone is related to baroreceptor activity. In our researchthere is just a frequency shift of frequency bound to respirationfrom the HF zone into the frequency zone of LFdepending on the respiration frequency. The dominantfrequency bound to respiration that we regard as vagus

Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Gymn. 2004, vol. 34, no. 2 51Fig. 3Changes in the total spectral power and partial spectral powers of frequency components VLF, LF, HF during lyingwith rhythmised respiratory frequency 12 cycles/min., during standing (interval T2), during lying (interval T3), duringlying with spontaneous respiratory frequency (interval T4)800070006000500040003000200010000ms 2T2 T3 T4Spect.pow.VLFSpect.pow.LFSpect.pow.HFTotalspect.pow.Fig. 4Changes in the relative spectral powers of frequency components VLF, LF, HF during lying with rhythmised respiratoryfrequency 12 cycles/min., during standing (interval T2), during lying (interval T3), during lying with spontaneousrespiratory frequency (interval T4)100%80604020Rel.sp.powVLFRel.sp.pow LFRel.sp.pow HF0T2 T3 T4activity, respectively frequency shifts, during change ofrespiration frequency, thus influences the actual activityand functional parameters in the zones evaluated bythe software system Vario TF4, Vario Cardio and thefollowing version as frequency components LF and HF.The border between frequency zone LF and HF is 0.15Hz. During the respiratory frequency of 9 cycles/minwe find respiratory bound vagus activity on the borderof both frequency components.At interval T10 (rapid diaphragmal respiration – socalledtechnique of kapalabhaty, average frequency ofrespiration 107 cycles/min.) the frequency componentANS bound to the respiration frequency moved abovethe spectral field 0.4, respectively 0.5 Hz was registeredby the diagnostic system Vario TF4. During average respirationof 107 cycles/min. this frequency bound on respirationfrequency probably was situated in the zone 1.79Hz (TABLE 5). Residual dominant and other subdominantfrequencies in zone HF under these conditions donot have a direct bearing on the respiratory bound vagusactivity. Under the given conditions it is probably possibleto regard frequency activity and its modulation inthis zone as parasympathetic activity originating fromsources other than vagus activity bound to respiration.2. Changes in other observed functional SAHRV parametersdepending on the respiration techniqueWe regard as a demonstration of the enhancement ofthe total functional activity of the autonomous nervoussystem to be, among others, the enhancement of totalspectral power in ms 2 during each observed position.We compared mutually:

Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Gymn. 2004, vol. 34, no. 2 51Fig. 3Changes in the total spectral power and partial spectral powers of frequency components VLF, LF, HF during lyingwith rhythmised respiratory frequency 12 cycles/min., during standing (interval T2), during lying (interval T3), duringlying with spontaneous respiratory frequency (interval T4)800070006000500040003000200010000ms 2T2 T3 T4Spect.pow.VLFSpect.pow.LFSpect.pow.HFTotalspect.pow.Fig. 4Changes in the relative spectral powers of frequency components VLF, LF, HF during lying with rhythmised respiratoryfrequency 12 cycles/min., during standing (interval T2), during lying (interval T3), during lying with spontaneousrespiratory frequency (interval T4)100%80604020Rel.sp.powVLFRel.sp.pow LFRel.sp.pow HF0T2 T3 T4activity, respectively frequency shifts, during change ofrespiration frequency, thus influences the actual activityand functional parameters in the zones evaluated bythe software system Vario TF4, Vario Cardio and thefollowing version as frequency components LF and HF.The border between frequency zone LF and HF is 0.15Hz. During the respiratory frequency of 9 cycles/minwe find respiratory bound vagus activity on the borderof both frequency components.At interval T10 (rapid diaphragmal respiration – socalledtechnique of kapalabhaty, average frequency ofrespiration 107 cycles/min.) the frequency componentANS bound to the respiration frequency moved abovethe spectral field 0.4, respectively 0.5 Hz was registeredby the diagnostic system Vario TF4. During average respirationof 107 cycles/min. this frequency bound on respirationfrequency probably was situated in the zone 1.79Hz (TABLE 5). Residual dominant and other subdominantfrequencies in zone HF under these conditions donot have a direct bearing on the respiratory bound vagusactivity. Under the given conditions it is probably possibleto regard frequency activity and its modulation inthis zone as parasympathetic activity originating fromsources other than vagus activity bound to respiration.2. Changes in other observed functional SAHRV parametersdepending on the respiration techniqueWe regard as a demonstration of the enhancement ofthe total functional activity of the autonomous nervoussystem to be, among others, the enhancement of totalspectral power in ms 2 during each observed position.We compared mutually:

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