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46 Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Gymn. 2004, vol. 34, no. 2H1 During a rhythmised respiratory frequency of 12cycles/min. frequency stabilisation appears in all examinedsubjects connected with respiration frequency(respiratory bound vagus activity) in the region of0.2 Hz. During spontaneous respiration this respiratorybound frequency will depend on individual respiratoryfrequency.H2 During so-called full yoga respiration characterisedby higher air volume and lower respiration frequencyof less than 9 cycles/min. (interval T6), we found anincrease in the total spectral power in ms 2 in comparisonwith spontaneous respiration.H3 By the influence of a decrease of average respirationfrequency of less than 9 cycles/min. during intensifiedrespiration in the measured interval T6, there occursa frequency shift of respiratory bound vagus activityfrom the high frequency zone HF during spontaneousrespiration (interval T5) to the zone of frequency componentLF during intensified respiration as comparedwith a spontaneous respiration frequency of more than9 cycles/min. (interval T5).H4 Increase in a total spectral power in ms 2 at intervalsT6, T8 with intensified respiration is directly related toan increase in vagus activity.H5 During tachypnoe in the respiratory technique ofkapalabhaty (respiratory frequency approximately 120cycles/min.) there occurs a shift of respiratory boundvagus activity above the upper frequency level of 0.4 Hzdetermined to be the upper frequency zone in the diagnosticsystem Vario pulse TF4. The dominant frequencyin the zone of HF will not be bound to respiration underthese conditions.METHODResearch methodThe experiment was conducted under laboratoryconditions with goal-directed manipulation of independentvariables (position, respiratory pattern). Allparticipants in the experiment were selected by drawfrom a group of students of Faculty of Physical Culture,Palacký University. The room temperature was 20°C; themeasurements were always conducted in the morninghours. The first stage of the experiment measured theresting reactivity of heart rate variability in supine-standing-supinepositions at the rhytimized breathing frequencyof 12 cycles/min. and then in the supine position atspontaneous respiration frequency. The second stagemeasurements were monitored in subsequent intervalswith the subjects in sitting position performing spontaneousrespiration, respectively applying the breathingtechnique of spontaneous respiration.Subjects18 men and women; aged 20–25 years, = 22.1years, BMI = 23.4 healthy individuals not on medication,non-smokers, 24 hours prior to the examinationthere had to be an absence of elevated physical load aswell as of alcohol use.Used instrumentationChanges in the actual functional state of the autonomousnervous system under the influence of respiratorytechniques were assessed by the method of short-termspectral analysis of heart rate variability using the telemetricsystem of Vario TF4. Each examined intervalrecorded a section of 300 beats, respectively 5 minutesof recording.The diagnostic system of Vario TF4 allows for thethorough scanning of an EKG signal registering seriesof successive R-R intervals and, with the use of a softwaresystem, allows for the carrying out of the methodof Fourier’s fast transformation of subsequent spectralanalysis in the region of 0.02–0.4 Hz which is regardedas the frequency zone corresponding to ANS activity.The result of SAHRV and respectively of monitoredR-R intervals is graphic and numerical analysis at thefrequency level of 0.02–0.4 Hz. In this frequency zonethere are three partial frequency components analysedby the software system, which are related to the activityof partial ANS subsystems.• Very Low Frequency – VLF within the range of0.02–0.05 Hz. This frequency component is notstrictly identified and is usually related to thethermoregulative sympathetic activity of vesselsand also to the level of circulating katecholaminsand to fluctuations in the renin-angiotensinsystem. Regarding the fact that there are very slowfrequencies ranging from 0.6–3.0 rhythms/min., theinterpretation of functional changes in this zone bymeans of the short-term analysis of pulse frequencyvariability is rather difficult.• Low Frequency – LF within the range of 0.05–0.150 Hz.This frequency component is related to slow fluctuationsin arterial pressure and is infl uenced by thebarorefl ective sympathetic activity of vessels (theso-called Mayer’s pressure wave) with a frequencydomain in this frequency range. According to Malik(1998) the frequency component LF is also infl u-enced by parasympathetic activity.• High Frequency – HF within the range of 0.151–0.4 Hz.According to Malik (1998) this component is influencedentirely by efferent vagus activity. Duringrhythmised respiratory frequency of 10 or more

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