geothermal power plant projects in central america - Orkustofnun

geothermal power plant projects in central america - Orkustofnun geothermal power plant projects in central america - Orkustofnun


Introducing , = , and , = , into Equations 19 and 20, then solving thesystem for , Equation 25 becomes = , , , , ( ) , , –( , , )(26)The amount of air for the cooling tower can be used to estimate the necessary power for drive fans andconsequently estimate their cost.4.1.2 Double flashFIGURE 15: Double-flash cycle schematicFigure 15 shows a simplified flow diagram of a double-flash geothermal power plant. This process iscalled a second flashing process because it includes a secondary pressure step, which utilizes the wasteheat in the geothermal brine from the high-pressure (HP) separator. Saturated steam extracted from thesecond low-pressure (LP) separator is mixed with other wet steam from the high-pressure turbine toobtain greater steam quality. The extra steam gained passes through a low-pressure turbine, andadditional power is produced from the generator coupled with the second turbine. Thermodynamicequations presented in Section 4.1.1 for the single-flash process are valid for modeling a double-flashcycle. Figure 16 shows the thermodynamic T-s diagram of the process.Low-pressure separatorThe brine from the high-pressure separator is at station 3, and is throttled down to a lower pressurelevel at station 4. Assuming an isenthalpic process givesh =h (27)After second flashing the resulting saturated steam at station 5 is mixed with exhaust steam fromstation 6. The mixing takes places while conserving energy, and can be written as19

Figure 16: T-s diagram for double flash( + ) h = h + h (28)Low-pressure turbineThe single steam flow at station 7 is led to the low-pressure turbine. The power output of the lowpressurepart of the turbine can be calculated as =( + ) ( h − h ) (29)The total electricity generated is equal to the work output of the turbine multiplied by the generatorefficiency, as shown in Equation 9. Calculations for the HP turbine, cooling tower, gas extractionsystem, condenser and pumps are done in a similar procedure as for the single-flash process describedin Section Organic Rankine cycleIn an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) unit the heat of the geothermal water is transferred to a secondaryworking fluid, usually an organic fluid that has a low boiling point and high vapor pressure whencompared to water at a given temperature. The cooled geothermal water is then returned to the groundto recharge the reservoir (Franco and Villani, 2009).BoilerAccording to Valdimarsson (2011b), the geothermal fluid (frequently liquid water) enters the well atthe source inlet temperature at station 9 (Figure 17) and, if the pressure is kept sufficiently high, anynon-condensable gases will be released from the liquid; therefore, a gas extraction system is notrequired. The geothermal fluid is then cooled down in the boiler and heater, and sent to re-injection atstation 11.The reason for separating the fluid in the heat exchanger and the brine into two parts is a potentialminimum temperature difference within the heat exchanger. This minimum (or pinch point) is locatedat point 4 where the working fluid starts to boil (Pálsson, 2010). Assuming that point 4 is theminimum, this gives = + (30)20

Figure 16: T-s diagram for double flash( + ) h = h + h (28)Low-pressure turb<strong>in</strong>eThe s<strong>in</strong>gle steam flow at station 7 is led to the low-pressure turb<strong>in</strong>e. The <strong>power</strong> output of the lowpressurepart of the turb<strong>in</strong>e can be calculated as =( + ) ( h − h ) (29)The total electricity generated is equal to the work output of the turb<strong>in</strong>e multiplied by the generatorefficiency, as shown <strong>in</strong> Equation 9. Calculations for the HP turb<strong>in</strong>e, cool<strong>in</strong>g tower, gas extractionsystem, condenser and pumps are done <strong>in</strong> a similar procedure as for the s<strong>in</strong>gle-flash process described<strong>in</strong> Section Organic Rank<strong>in</strong>e cycleIn an organic Rank<strong>in</strong>e cycle (ORC) unit the heat of the <strong>geothermal</strong> water is transferred to a secondarywork<strong>in</strong>g fluid, usually an organic fluid that has a low boil<strong>in</strong>g po<strong>in</strong>t and high vapor pressure whencompared to water at a given temperature. The cooled <strong>geothermal</strong> water is then returned to the groundto recharge the reservoir (Franco and Villani, 2009).BoilerAccord<strong>in</strong>g to Valdimarsson (2011b), the <strong>geothermal</strong> fluid (frequently liquid water) enters the well atthe source <strong>in</strong>let temperature at station 9 (Figure 17) and, if the pressure is kept sufficiently high, anynon-condensable gases will be released from the liquid; therefore, a gas extraction system is notrequired. The <strong>geothermal</strong> fluid is then cooled down <strong>in</strong> the boiler and heater, and sent to re-<strong>in</strong>jection atstation 11.The reason for separat<strong>in</strong>g the fluid <strong>in</strong> the heat exchanger and the br<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong>to two parts is a potentialm<strong>in</strong>imum temperature difference with<strong>in</strong> the heat exchanger. This m<strong>in</strong>imum (or p<strong>in</strong>ch po<strong>in</strong>t) is locatedat po<strong>in</strong>t 4 where the work<strong>in</strong>g fluid starts to boil (Pálsson, 2010). Assum<strong>in</strong>g that po<strong>in</strong>t 4 is them<strong>in</strong>imum, this gives = + (30)20

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