Sponsorship Brochure

Sponsorship Brochure

Sponsorship Brochure

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ENERGIZING ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONSA&WMA’S 100thANNUAL CONFERENCE& EXHIBITIONJune 26-29, 2007 • Exhibition: June 26-28David L. Lawrence Convention Center • Pittsburgh, PAS P O N S O R S H I P O P P O RT U N I T I E ST H E P R E M I E R E N V I R O N M E N TA L E D U C A T I O N , N E T W O R K I N G , A N D S O L U T I O N S E V E N T !

Increase your organization’s visibility and prestigewith an A&WMA sponsorship pack a g e<strong>Sponsorship</strong> at A & W M A’s Annual Conference & Exhibition provides an excellent opportunity to tie your corporate imageto one of the world’s premier environmental organizat i o n s . A&WMA conferences bring together industry, r e g u l at o r s ,and the technical community—all at a single locat i o n .A d v a n tages of sponsorship:• S h owcase your organization at the industry ’s top conference and trade show.• Enhance your organizat i o n ’s position in the environmental industry.• Achieve higher industry awareness with executives, r e g u l at o r s , and the technical community.<strong>Sponsorship</strong> LevelsPlatinum Circle• C o m p a ny Name/Logo in all pre-event mailings—deadlines permitting.• S i g n age with company logo at event where ap p l i c a b l e .• O n - s t age and On-screen recognition where ap p l i c a b l e .• Recognition as a Platinum Sponsor on the Sponsor Tow e r.• Four Complimentary Full Conference Registrat i o n s .• F u l l - Page 4-Color Ad in A & W M A’s E M M ag a z i n e (except June issue).• Website link on A & W M A’s Annual Conference Page through Conference.• Recognition in Conference Program and E M M ag a z i n e.• Recognition in CD ROM of Meeting Proceedings.• Customized Sponsor Plaque.A & WMA’s 2006 sponsors:Shell – Conference Sponsor3M – Platinum Level SponsorChevron – Platinum Level SponsorConocoPhillips – Platinum Level SponsorE n t e r gy – Platinum Level SponsorI n t e r n ational Truck & Engine – Platinum Level SponsorArcadis – Gold Level SponsorValero – Gold Level SponsorAllied Waste – Silver Level SponsorENSR International – Silver Level SponsorL i s k ow & Lewis – Silver Level SponsorM a r athon Ashland – Silver Level SponsorPerillon Software – Silver Level SponsorRTP Environmental A s s o c i ates – Silver Level SponsorIntel Corporation – Bronze Level SponsorLFR Inc. – Bronze Level SponsorOther SponsorsAll sponsors are listed on the A&WMA Web site:w w w. aw m a . o r g / A C E 2 0 0 6For more information, contact:H a r ry F. K l o d ow s k i , J r.D i r e c t o r, A&WMA's Education Council andP r i n c i p a l , L aw Offices of Harry F. K l o d owskiP h o n e : +1-724-940-4000 Fa x : + 1 - 7 2 4 - 9 4 0 - 4 0 4 8E - m a i l : h a r ry @ k l o d ow s k i l aw. c o mLouise Wa l l a c hD i r e c t o r, Sales & Programs at A & W M AP h o n e : + 1 - 4 1 2 - 2 3 2 - 3 4 4 4 , e x t . 3126Fa x : + 1 - 4 1 2 - 2 3 2 - 3 4 5 0E - m a i l : lw a l l a c h @ awma.orgGrand ReceptionGain recognition for your company at the Grand Reception.The Reception is a great place for visibility with all at t e n d e e sp a r t i c i p ating and networking in the same room. S p o n s o r s h i pi n cludes the Platinum Circle benefits. Additional benefitsi n clude your company logo highlighted on the napkins andon the audio-visual.Special Plenary SessionPlace your company ’s name among the best air and wastem a n agement personnel in the world by sponsoring oneof the Special Plenary Sessions. The sessions are amongthe most popular events attended at the Conference.<strong>Sponsorship</strong> includes the Gold Circle benefits.Internet Access Computer StationsW h at attendee doesn’t need to check e-mail or the internetwhile away at the Conference? A&WMA will continue tosupply internet stations in the Exhibit Hall for all attendeesto use. Sponsor the station and we will put your companylogo on the homepage along with a link to your Web site.This sponsorship falls under the Platinum Circl e .Attendee Tote BagsA&WMA attendees are always looking for bags to hold them aterials they collect at the Conference. Sponsoring theattendee bags is a guaranteed way of getting your companyname into the hands of each at t e n d e e . <strong>Sponsorship</strong> incl u d e sthe Silver Circle benefits.Attendee Lanyards for Name BadgesL a nyards are a great way to get your company name noticed.Attendees prefer to wear lanyards to display their badgeinstead of the hassle of the pins and clips on their cl o t h i n g .<strong>Sponsorship</strong> includes the Silver Circle benefits.Gold Circle• S i g n age with company logo at event where ap p l i c a b l e .• O n - s t age and On-screen recognition where ap p l i c a b l e .• Recognition as a Gold Sponsor on the Sponsor Tow e r.• Three Complimentary Full Conference Registrat i o n s .• H a l f - Page 4-Color Ad in A & W M A’s E M M ag a z i n e (except June issue).• Recognition in Conference Program and E M M ag a z i n e.• Recognition in CD ROM of Meeting Proceedings.• Customized Sponsor Plaque.Silver Circle• S i g n age with company logo at event where ap p l i c a b l e .• Recognition as a Silver Sponsor on the Sponsor Tow e r.• Two Complimentary Full Conference Registrat i o n s .• Q u a r t e r- Page 4-Color Ad in A & W M A’s E M M ag a z i n e (except June issue).• Recognition in Conference Program and E M M ag a z i n e.• Recognition in CD ROM of Meeting Proceedings.• Customized Sponsor Plaque.Bronze Circle• S i g n age at event where ap p l i c a b l e .• Recognition as a Bronze Sponsor on the Sponsor Tow e r.• One Complimentary Full Conference Registrat i o n .• Recognition in Conference Program and E M M ag a z i n e.• Recognition in CD ROM of Meeting Proceedings.• Customized Sponsor Plaque.

<strong>Sponsorship</strong> options exist for all budgets,i n cluding customized packag e s .Partial sponsorships are also av a i l a b l e .<strong>Sponsorship</strong> Pa ck a g e sReception and Awards EventsGrand Reception $ 25 , 000 ** P l at i n u m 4 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Full Pag e Ye s Ye sSpecial Plenary Session $ 15 , 000 G o l d 3 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Half Pag e Ye s Ye sNetworking Reception in Exhibit Hall $ 10 , 000 G o l d 3 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Half Pag e Ye s Ye sHonors and Awards Ceremony $ 15 , 000 G o l d 3 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Half Pag e Ye s Ye sHonors and Awards Luncheon $ 20 , 000 P l at i n u m 4 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Full Pag e Ye s Ye sS e rvice and A m e n i t i e sAttendee Lanyards for Name Badges $ 6 , 000 * S i l v e r 2 Ye s Ye s Ye s Q t r. Pag e Ye s Ye sAttendee Tote Bag s $ 8 , 000 * S i l v e r 2 Ye s Ye s Ye s Q t r. Pag e Ye s Ye sPress Room $ 3 , 500 * B r o n z e 1 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye sExhibition Show c a r d $ 8 , 000 S i l v e r 2 Ye s Ye s Ye s Q t r. Pag e Ye s Ye sCD-ROM of Proceedings A b s t r a c t s $ 8 , 000 ** S i l v e r 2 Ye s Ye s Ye s Q t r. Pag e Ye s Ye sInternet Access Computer Stat i o n s $ 15 , 000 * P l at i n u m 4 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Full Pag e Ye s Ye sCoffee Breaks (Includes Napkins with Sponsor Name) $ 5 , 000 *** S i l v e r 2 Ye s Ye s Ye s Q t r. Pag e Ye s Ye sWo m e n ’s Professional Development Centennial Luncheon $ 5 , 000 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye sExhibit Giveaway Program $ 6 , 000 * S i l v e r 2 Ye s Ye s Ye s Q t r. Pag e Ye s Ye sSocial ProgramSocial Program Breakfast $1,000 ea. Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye sSocial Program To u r $2,000 ea. Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye sSocial Program Gift Bag s $ 1 , 000 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye sTechnical ProgramHighlighted Symposia $ 15 , 000 P l at i n u m 4 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Full Pag e Ye s Ye sTechnical Program Sessions $700 ea. Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye sTechnical Program–Special Plenary Pa n e l s $ 5 , 000 S i l v e r 2 Ye s Ye s Ye s Q t r. Pag e Ye s Ye sTechnical Program Presenter Breakfasts $3,000 ea.† B r o n z e 1 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye sTechnical Tour Shuttle Bus $2,000 ea. Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye sEnvironmental Te c h n o l o gy and Business Center $ 5 , 000 S i l v e r 2 Ye s Ye s Ye s Q t r. Pag e Ye s Ye sStudent ProgramStudent Reception $ 3 , 500 * B r o n z e 1 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye sStudent Awards Ceremony $ 2 , 000 * Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye sStudent Social $ 3 , 500 B r o n z e 1 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye sStudent Poster Session $ 3 , 000 B r o n z e 1 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye sStudent Poster Breakfast $ 2 , 000 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye sStudent Technical To u r $ 2 , 000 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye sPublic OutreachEnvironmentally Friendly Program $ 2 , 000 Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye sOutreach Program $ 5 , 000 S i l v e r 2 Ye s Ye s Ye s Q t r. Pag e Ye s Ye sCentennial Related ActivitiesCentennial Scholarship$12,500 for a $10,000 scholarshipCentennial Lapel Pins $6,000Commemorative Slide Show $4,000Past Presidents Wall of Fame $4,000Student Essay $2,000Centennial Sponsor $2,000Additional Centennial <strong>Sponsorship</strong> OpportunityHere’s your opportunity to sponsor a new book, commemorating A&WMA’sCentennial celebration in 2007. The book will spotlight the close relationshipbetween A&WMA’s work and the growth of the environmental movement andprofile the personalities who led the Association throughout its 100 years ofenvironmental stewardship.For more information onCentennial sponsorships, contact:Paul M. King, QEPDirector EHS, Duquesne UniversityPhone: +1-412-396-4895 Fax: +1-412-396-5363kingp@duq.edu* e x clusive **limit of 2 ***exclusive per break †exclusive per breakfast

One Gateway Center, 3rd Floor420 Fort Duquesne BoulevardP i t t s b u r g h , PA 15222-1435P h o n e : 412-232-3444 • Fa x : 4 1 2 - 2 3 2 - 3 4 5 0w w w. aw m a . o r gPrinted on Recycled Paper

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